Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Lucian: Clover Mansion Foyer

Lucian glanced up at John, making note that he was the first to arrive, when he asked a question. "Quite simple really. It's basically a pre-drawn variant of the magic I used to teleport you all to the dining room. It's simply less taxing on my old body." He explained with a light chuckle. "Don't worry, everything will work basically the same." He added.



Ferra: Clover Mansion Foyer

After a quick shower and a change of clothes into a t-shirt and a pair of jeans she wouldn't care about getting messed up Ferra slung her bad of food over her shoulder and walked out of her room and to the foyer. Almost immediately she noticed John followed by Lucian. She offered Lucian a brief wave before focusing on John.

He'd apologized, and the fight was fun, so she really didn't have anything against him. Plus she maay have overreacted. Walking up to him she sighed, "Look. I'm sorry about last night, alright? I'm not mad at you anymore or anything, and the fight was fun." She told him, pausing before continuing. "I don't want us to be going out and fighting dragons avoiding each other, it'll end up getting us both hurt."

Sighing once more she offered him a meat bun from her pack, which in Ferra's world was more or less the ultimate apology. "
Friends? Or at the very least not enemies?" She asked.
Clover Town: Mansion - Foyer

Soon enough she made her way down the stairs, a sheet acting as a make-shift sack slung over her shoulder. She had already dressed prior to breakfast so she had spent the time just waiting about in the room she had selected. For such a high-paying mission this was certainly rather dull, but then a nice vacation didn't hurt. She gave a quick glance around to see who else had gathered. Same as earlier she was one of the first ones to arrive. She couldn't help but think official mages would be a bit more punctual. With a shrug she stepped into the magic rune, brushing the the butler uniform back into place. She half expected the old guy to say something about her blatantly stealing the outfit, but then given how much free reign he had given the mages it didn't really surprise her that much that he remained silent. A uniform such as this probably wasn't even worth the oxygen he'd use to speak up about it in his mind. After a few moments of silence she turned her attention towards the old man and spoke up. "Any idea how long this is gonna take? I still have a job to turn in back at Magnolia. Unlike the others I stumbled into this whole mess woefully unprepared."

Colt556 said:
Clover Town: Mansion - Foyer

Soon enough she made her way down the stairs, a sheet acting as a make-shift sack slung over her shoulder. She had already dressed prior to breakfast so she had spent the time just waiting about in the room she had selected. For such a high-paying mission this was certainly rather dull, but then a nice vacation didn't hurt. She gave a quick glance around to see who else had gathered. Same as earlier she was one of the first ones to arrive. She couldn't help but think official mages would be a bit more punctual. With a shrug she stepped into the magic rune, brushing the the butler uniform back into place. She half expected the old guy to say something about her blatantly stealing the outfit, but then given how much free reign he had given the mages it didn't really surprise her that much that he remained silent. A uniform such as this probably wasn't even worth the oxygen he'd use to speak up about it in his mind. After a few moments of silence she turned her attention towards the old man and spoke up. "Any idea how long this is gonna take? I still have a job to turn in back at Magnolia. Unlike the others I stumbled into this whole mess woefully unprepared."

Lucian: Mansion Foyer

Slowly but surely more mages started showing up, Lucian figured it'd only be a matter of time before everyone arrived. Of course, he had noticed the fact that Tanari more or less stole the outfit she was wearing, but it wasn't really even worth mentioning. Sure, the outfit probably wasn't as cheap as she thought it was after all he made sure everything was of satisfactory quality, but it was far from anything to make a fuss about. Checking his watch he sighed, it wasn't as if time was of the essence, Lucian just preferred to be as punctual as possible, call it a personality quirk.

He shook his head at Tanari's question, "It all depends on how long everyone insists on taking getting ready. It shouldn't take more than a few hours to look around Malnia at the worst. You'll be able to return in plenty of time." He replied. "Especially if it's as you said. I would take your word for it but multiple eyes are generally better than one pair for a task such as this."


@Colt556 @Goldencurls

Sera: Clover Mansion Foyer

After breakfast Sera had opted to take a nap, after all she'd woken up far earlier than she usually did, and unfortunately she overslept. Glancing at the clock it read 10:30. Whoops. Quickly snatching up her scythe and placing it on her back she ran down the stairs, expecting everyone to be assembled, but they actually weren't. Noticing the rune on the floor she was wary of it at first, but considering none of the people on it were actively dying she assumed it was safe and walked on it. "Well..At-least I'm not late." She thought out loud, looking at the meager group of three mages assembled.

Turning to Tanari she decided to do this thing called conversation, after all they'd be working together for the time being so why not get to know someone? "
You're Tanari, right? The chick that came out of the portal?" She asked her, which was more of a statement really. "Names' Sera. Pleasure to be workin' with ya." She added soon after without waiting for a response, extending a hand for her to shake.
-=(John Star - Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John nodded at Mr. Lucian Gray, trying to understand his position. 'How much energy would sending everyone somewhere actually take?' John froze when he heard a familiar voice, his grin faltered. He spun on his heels, face-to-face with '. . . Ferret-a . . .'

John blinked when she apologized, now he felt bad for mentally insulting her. John glanced down at her hands; a bun of some sort was in her hands. He looked back up at Ferra, he gently took the food. "I accept your apology, I'm really sorry too. I
may have been a bit childish." John chuckled halfheartedly.

"Friends." John smiled warmly, he pulled the knapsack off his shoulder and slipped the meat bun carefully inside. He swung it back on his shoulder, he examined the bag to make sure nothing would happen; nothing did.

"So, how do you think the day will lay out so far?"


Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John nodded at Mr. Lucian Gray, trying to understand his position. 'How much energy would sending everyone somewhere actually take?' John froze when he heard a familiar voice, his grin faltered. He spun on his heels, face-to-face with '. . . Ferret-a . . .'

John blinked when she apologized, now he felt bad for mentally insulting her. John glanced down at her hands; a bun of some sort was in her hands. He looked back up at Ferra, he gently took the food. "I accept your apology, I'm really sorry too. I
may have been a bit childish." John chuckled halfheartedly.

"Friends." John smiled warmly, he pulled the knapsack off his shoulder and slipped the meat bun carefully inside. He swung it back on his shoulder, he examined the bag to make sure nothing would happen; nothing did.

"So, how do you think the day will lay out so far?"


Ferra: Clover Mansion Foyer

Ferra smiled happily when he took the meat bun from her, though she'd kick his butt if he took it without accepting her apology. Ferra giggled at what he said next, "Awesome! And I may of overreacted a bit too, so I guess that makes us even." She told him half jokingly. She was honestly glad he accepted her apology, after all it would be bad to make an enemy over something so silly especially after he'd already taken what he said back.

She shrugged at his question. "
I dunno. I hope everyone hurries up, I wanna kill a dragon and see what it tastes like..I bet it tastes good..I just hope there's enough stuff to eat for me to fight." She replied. "What about you, think there's actually dragons?" She asked.
Clover Town: Mansion - Foyer

The idea that they would find anything of worth seemed far-fetched to her. While she hadn't personally investigated that thoroughly there were plenty of people around. By now the military or council were probably involved as well. But hey, the old guy wanted to take them all on a field trip and offered a four star hotel treatment in exchange, she couldn't complain. She looked over upon hearing her name called, spotting the white haired Fairy Tail mage approaching her while introducing herself. She put on a charming smile and gripped the woman's hand, giving it a firm shake in response. "Seems you already know my name, but yeah that's me. The 'chick from the portal'." She released the other woman's hand and gave a quick look around, taking note of various late-comers before turning her attention back to the Fairy Tail wizard. "I hope so too. Although, if what I saw the other day is any indication we wont be working together for long."

Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Clover Mansion Foyer
Ferra smiled happily when he took the meat bun from her, though she'd kick his butt if he took it without accepting her apology. Ferra giggled at what he said next, "Awesome! And I may of overreacted a bit too, so I guess that makes us even." She told him half jokingly. She was honestly glad he accepted her apology, after all it would be bad to make an enemy over something so silly especially after he'd already taken what he said back.

She shrugged at his question. "
I dunno. I hope everyone hurries up, I wanna kill a dragon and see what it tastes like..I bet it tastes good..I just hope there's enough stuff to eat for me to fight." She replied. "What about you, think there's actually dragons?" She asked.
-=(John Star - Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John raised an eyebrow, "Wait, wait. Eat a dragon? You want to kill one, then you want to taste it? Jeez, you're pretty hardcore. I hope that dragon isn't raw when you attempt to eat it." John snorted, most would be embarrassed by a laughing snort, but John doesn't seem to have shame; does he?

"I hope dragons are real, that would stop me from being disappointed. But, if it's just some mage doing- who knows what- I suppose that'll be fine, I mean, just less work. Am I right? Heh... I just don't want to be draggin'/dragon this conversation along." John giggled like the child he is.

John looked over at the others; only two others so far.
'I agree with Ferret- No more of that. She's my friend now- everyone should hurry up before we run out of time.'

"I wonder what a dragon looks like. 'Cause I've heard a few stories; 'big lizard with wings.' I hope there's more to it than that."

Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer

Two hours to get ready. That was more than enough time. Lloyd had already been ready the moment he stepped out of his room for breakfast. He had already been pretty antsy by the time breakfast had rolled around, breakfast had taken roughly two hours, and now there was another two hours to wait until they were ready to go to Malnia. Lloyd almost groaned aloud. There was not much else to do in the mansion anyway, there was only so much reading and exploring he could do, not to mention he was still spending two more hours under Mr Gray, who could have used all that time to gather even more information about him.

He supposed he could have looked for his Guild Members but he ended up loosing track of them when Mr Gray told them to get ready during the two hours. He would probably get to see them soon enough when they were gathering to be teleported to Malnia anyway. In the end, for those two hours, he ended up leaving the mansion and heading out to walk to the hills outside. He was more comfortable with nature anyway, and being outside soothed his nerves and allowed him to gather his thoughts together. Plus, he did not want to spend more time in Mr Gray's building, under his watchful eye.

He showed up at the meeting point half an hour early, and the first thing he saw was Ferra and the winged guy. He immediately tensed and took a few quick steps forward, but realised that that they weren't fighting. In fact... they were actually having a conversation without screaming, and they seemed to be actually quite comfortable with each other. He could not help feeling some pride for his Guild members. No wonder Lamia Scale had the reputation for being really nice people; the members seemed to work so well with other people, even from rival guilds. It also did not miss his attention that Grace had gotten along very well with Masaki during dinner the other day, as well as during breakfast.

"Hello," he said cheerfully, giving them a wave. "Glad to see you're both getting along so well." He only hoped that he did not set off the other guy unintentionally by his mere presence.

@Mitchs98 @Goldencurls @Everyone in the foyer
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Brundyn Sengullery - Mansion - Foyer

After Brundyn had finished eating they didn't need to get ready. Taking a moment to sniff the air they cringe. "Man I smell horrible. " Using there 'Apprentice's Cheating Gloves' they cleaned themself up. So after taking another sniff and a sigh of relief. "Ahhh, much better. " looking up they saw the ground. "Well crap, what am I going to do about this?" Shrugging Brundyn telepots themself tk the meeting place. "Well I got time." Even though they were still stuck upside down it didn't stop them. They 'sit down' in the air and teleport in a new item they have been working on, also being levitated in the air. Brundyn requips on a well-made leather vest thst bears numerous shiny metal buttons, which stud a number of bulging pockets. They pull out seemingly every kind of tool one could need out of the vest. They spend much of the two hours working on it. It was a small metal ball that could fit in your hands, it seemed to have intricate inner workings.

@anyone in the foyer
Dining Room

Grace's breakfast was shorter than she hoped, but it was still delicious and still filled her up. She wished she could've stayed and chatted with the others for a little longer, but she didn't have time. Seeing that she was still in her pajamas, the short Mage still had to change and do all the other necessities of her daily morning routine. "I'll see you all later!" She said as she left, waving goodbye and walking towards her room.


Grace took up the entire two hours getting ready for the day. She changed her clothes, took a bath, did her hair, things like that. But finally it was time for them to leave. She rushed down to the foyer, very short on time. Her bag was slung over her shoulder as she didn't know how long they would be gone. The first thing Grace did as she reached the foyer was sought out Lloyd. He wasn't hard to find as he was a pretty stand out guy.
"Lloyd, Masaki and I need to talk to you, very quickly."

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
Jaymes - Mansion - Dinning Room/Meeting Area

Jaymes didn't talk much, but when the food came, Jaymes ate like a starved animal, though not without some dignity. When Mr. Gray informed them that it was about time to get ready and leave for the mission at least, Jaymes left his place at the table, exiting the mansion and heading to the guild hall, where his room was. Before going to his room, he went to the showers and scrubbed up, and then headed to his room a considerable ways down the hall, a few of the lower ranks guild woman ogled him as he walked down the hall in a towel only, but he paid no mind to them, ignoring their attempts to conversate as his mind was far away. In his room, he dressed, and then put on finely made armor made from a strange yet beautiful blue steel. The armor was heavy, but it would protect him better than just regular clothing. Hurrying back to the mansion, Jaymes saw that there were many already there waiting. "Awesome! Lets go hunt some dragons!" The Ice Dragon Slayer said, giving everyone a thumbs up and a cheesy grin.


Dakota - Mansion/In Flight towards Malnia

Dakota watched as the other ate, and eventually ate some food as well, but he didn't eat much. He watched Lucian out of the corner of his eye. When breakfast was over, Mr. Gray informed the others that it was time to ready themselves for the mission. Apparently Mr. Gray was going to transport everyone to the place they were meant to do their job, or some such. Not trusting Mr. Gray, Dakota left the house without a word. Outside, the sun beat down on him pleasantly, warming his upturned face. A few white clouds dotted the sky high above, and Dakota smiled. He hated being trapped inside, even for a night. Stripping off his outer shirt, Dakota was left wearing a skin tight black undershirt with two large vertical slits in the back. He quickly stuffed the shirt into his pack, which was always on or near him. Then looking around to see if anyone was close by or watching, Dakota concentrated. Two pure white feathery wings materialized on his back, and Dakota sighed happily. He stretched his wings a few times, then looked up the sky. With a huge heave of his wings, Dakota shot skyward, the beat of his soft wings carrying him away from the mansion incredibly fast. He would be at Malnia in an hour or two if he pushed himself.
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tale / 4th Wizard Saint

Clair ate the breakfast that was provided for her it was obviously very high quality food as the taste was absolutely divine.Clair didn't have anything to do after the meal , she was dressed , didn't need to pack and had previously had a shower the night before.Clair decided she'd just sit and wait for the time to come.

Eventually the time came.Clair entered the room and gave a subtle wave towards Lucian before making her way over to him.Clair felt it would be best to thank him for his hospitality, she extended her hand out for a handshake smiling "i must say you most certainly spared no expense"

Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer

Lloyd whipped around the moment he heard Grace's voice behind him. From the tone of her voice it sounded like something very, very important."Did something happen?" he asked, sounding very concerned. He did notice though, that she mentioned Masaki, and that most likely, he too was involved in whatever Grace wanted to talk about. It was then that he remembered that they had come into breakfast one after the other, and that they had both come in late, so obviously something must have happened during that time.

Lloyd's nerves were already very jumpy to begin with (he really wanted to get out of this mansion by this time; why was everyone taking such a long time) and this only made him even more nervous. Thankfully though, he had the emotional stability to keep his jumpiness out of the notice of people, and still maintain a calm, slightly bored exterior on the outside. Though now that exterior seemed to have been busted as he was quite concerned about Grace's well-being.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo

Ferra: Clover Mansion Foyer

Ferra giggled, "Of course I wanna taste it, dragons have meat too you know? I bet it tastes good..." She replied, drooling slightly at the thought of eating a fried dragon leg. Ferra shrugged at what he said next, "Yeah..true. But I hope there's a dragon, I really wanna see one. I bet they're as big as this mansion! Like, HUGE!" She replied excitedly, spreading her arms out for emphasis. It wasn't long after that Lloyd showed up, "Yep! We're friends now, John is actually kinda funny. We were just talking about the mission. Do you think the dragons are real?" She told him. "I do, cause, I bet dragon meat tastes awesome!" She added

Soon after more people showed up, two of which she recognized. Grace, of course, and Jaymes. She waved to the both of them when they entered, "Hi Jaymes. Hi Grace!" She called out happily. Grace had then mentioned she needed to talk to Lloyd, probably nothing, but she silently listened in on the conversation nonetheless.


@Mr Swiftshots

Lucian: Clover Mansion Foyer

Lucian watched as everyone slowly trickled in and began conversing amongst themselves, good...might as well get comfortable while they can. He assumed it wouldn't be long before everyone arrived, or at-least he hoped so. You'd expect guild mages to be more punctual, but alas it seemed expectations were not met in the least. Soon after Clair walked over complimenting what he'd done for them, shaking her hand firmly he replied "It was my pleasure, Ms. Clair. I wanted to assure everyone was well rested and fed on the off chance combat was seen today, I want you to succeed after all the attacks are growing closer every day. It's only a matter of time before they reach Clover."

What he said was..half true. He had planned for the attacks to slowly grow closer, but never intended on them to reach Clover. Rich as he may be, he still didn't want his mansion destroyed. "It's easy to see who the more punctual of our little group are, isn't it?" He mused, gesturing to the assembled group.
"Kinda." Grace said, tugging on his arm and pulling him away from Lucian. "Me and Masaki had a strange feeling about Lucian, so we decided to snoop around his office. We found a couple of things, so we thought we'd show them to you. We found a scroll of teleportation and his journal. I'm not sure what's in the journal, but some of the pages were ripped out. They're in my bag, so we need to wait a little before we look at it." She said all of this in a hushed tone, not wanting to draw Lucian's attention. "Later tonight come by and see me. I'll show you the stuff."

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
Clair Fernandes : Fairy tale / 4th Wizard Saint

Clair looked towards the group when Lucian gestured to them , he had a point many Wizards were absent Clair found this to be quite rude considering how kind the man had been the night before."it's quite unmannerly behavior especially if you consider the amount you've done for us".Clair released his hand and her focus shifted to John , she felt something incredibly strong yet familiar radiating from him. Clair's eyes took on a very dim yellow glow , the glow would probably go unnoticed to anybody who wasn't focused on her eyes heck Clair didn't even notice.Clair turned back to Lucian and smiled "I won't let the attacks continue , you have my word Mr. Gray"

@Mitchs98 @Goldencurls
Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer

Lloyd allowed himself to be dragged away from Lucian by Grace. What she had to say though, surprised him to the extent that he could only blink at her. What she and Masaki had just done... had been extremely dangerous. What if Lucian had caught them? What would he have done to them? Perhaps he would have simply let them off with a warning, true, there was not anything inherently wrong about Lucian it seemed (just his shady information gathering). But still, it had been incredibly dangerous, not to mention rude. On the other hand though, the notion of the diary with the ripped out pages intrigued him. This, coupled with the portal, the secret library full of dragon information and the proposed teleportation, indicated that Lucian was not as he seemed; a simple rich man wanting to be of aid. At the very least, he was a lot more powerful than he let on.

"That," he said finally, "Was incredibly dangerous, yet very helpful. I would definitely be interested in taking a look at it later." Well, he had not stopped Grace from doing anything this time, and Grace had proven her capability. This, he was very glad of, and it certainly showed in the proud grin he gave her. "You did very well, I think. It would probably reveal something about Mr Grey that he did not intend to reveal to us."

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Grace looked up at Lloyd with a proud look in her eyes. It seemed that people were finally beginning to understand her potential in the guild, and if she kept this up then she'd be an S-class in no time. "I'm glad that you appreciate what we did, but the brains behind it was all Masaki. I just tagged along. Anyways, whenever you want to check it out, come find me." She said, turning her head slightly to Ferra, who had been watching them. Grace nodded her head in greetings and looked back to Lloyd. "Anyways, when do you suppose we are leaving? I'm growing bored of this place, and I'm itching to get out..."

-=(John Star - Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John nodded at Llyod, though trying to be polite while doing so; upsetting Ferra again just wasn't worth it anymore. Maybe at one point, but not now.

Only a few people had made their way here; everyone seems fairly ready to go. Brundyn was wearing some interesting gear, though they were
still upside down. John tapped lightly on his thigh, unsure of what to do next.

John did catch a female's eye for a second,
'What was her name? Mary? Clay? Maybe it was Clay... Doesn't sound right.' John shrugged and looked away. Something about Clair seemed familiar, had they met before the mansion? Unlikely. Now that John was thinking about it, he could sense her. Now that was different.

Did this make him a subconscious stalker?
'I dunno.' Was the only response his mind could muster. John wanted to say something about being able to sense her, but that's just creepy. John quickly glanced at Clair; why did she have to catch his eye? Now he has to deal with being a creepy stalker.

John just kinda shuffled away from the unsettling female; but being the idiot he is he bumped into Mr. Lucian Gray's chair. And when I say bumped, I mean he was shuffling away like a crab and knocked the chair over with some force.

@Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots

- Freaking out to Ferra

Corra was in so much shock of how many people were gathered in one place, she could not speak. She wanted to scream with how excited she was. She has seen people walking in towns, but people in ONE house?! Amazzinnngg!

She quickly shuffled over to Ferra, panting gently.

"F-F-Ferra-human! Corra didn-didn't know there'd be so many humans in one house..!" She grabbed onto the girl's shirt and tugged gently. Her face was red, her blue eyes wide, she looked like she was going to puke.

- @Mitchs98
Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer

Lloyd sent a short nod back in the winged man's direction. Things still seemed to be awkward between them, but at least there were no more arguments. Once again, Lloyd wondered if there was something about him that seemed to be putting the winged man off but it was not his business to inquire. Lloyd shrugged. Oh well, one could not please everybody as much as he wanted to. As long as they could still do their job without devolving into an argument, that was good enough for him.

He nodded at Grace, "All right, will do," he said. "Hopefully we'll be able to get a quiet moment soon without the gaze of others." He lowered his voice a little, glancing in Lucian's direction to see if he was looking this way. Fortunately, he was not. "If possible, I would also like to hear from both you and Masaki what exactly you saw in the office as well."

He too, wanted to be out of the mansion, and into the action. This was the main reason why he preferred to work on his own; at least he could go about on his own timing without waiting for others. Especially with this much people involved; there were bound to be people talking their own sweet time getting ready. A smaller group was tolerable at least, but a large crowd? He sighed, shifting from his left to his right foot, then back again, trying not to appear too impatient. "Good question," he sighed finally, in a rare show of irritation. "Just wish people would not need such a long time to get ready. One hour is already enough I think."

It was then that he saw Corra tugging on Ferra. The girl did look extremely young and he wondered what she was doing here, in the company of all these powerful mages. Was she here was the mission as well? Though looks could be deceiving, he could not help wondering what her power level was, and whether she was able to hold herself in battle. She was probably able to; she was here after all. "Made a new friend, Ferra?" he asked with a grin. "Corra, was it? I'm Lloyd, also from Lamia Scale."

@Chara Angel of Death @Kayzo @Mitchs98
Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John nodded at Llyod, though trying to be polite while doing so; upsetting Ferra again just wasn't worth it anymore. Maybe at one point, but not now.

Only a few people had made their way here; everyone seems fairly ready to go. Brundyn was wearing some interesting gear, though they were
still upside down. John tapped lightly on his thigh, unsure of what to do next.

John did catch a female's eye for a second,
'What was her name? Mary? Clay? Maybe it was Clay... Doesn't sound right.' John shrugged and looked away. Something about Clair seemed familiar, had they met before the mansion? Unlikely. Now that John was thinking about it, he could sense her. Now that was different.

Did this make him a subconscious stalker?
'I dunno.' Was the only response his mind could muster. John wanted to say something about being able to sense her, but that's just creepy. John quickly glanced at Clair; why did she have to catch his eye? Now he has to deal with being a creepy stalker.

John just kinda shuffled away from the unsettling female; but being the idiot he is he bumped into Mr. Lucian Gray's chair. And when I say bumped, I mean he was shuffling away like a crab and knocked the chair over with some force.

@Chara Angel of Death @Kayzo @Mitchs98
Ferra: Clover Mansion Foyer

Ferra hadn't noticed Corra's approach, not to say that it wasn't welcome she'd actually grown quite fond of the girl, she just hadn't noticed her until she spoke due to trying to listen to what Grace and Masaki was saying. She gently rubbed the girls head to try and calm her down, "
It's okay Corra, don't worry. None of them will hurt you and I'm sure they'll all like to meet you." She told her kindly.

She nodded when Lloyd came over, "
Mhm." She replied. She smiled as Lloyd started talking to her, "Go on Corra don't be shy, Lloyd is very nice." She assured her.
Grace looked over to Ferra, Lloyd and some other girl who she assumed was Corrn or something. She could tell that the stranger was a bit shy and scared of the others, but that wouldn't make the short girl tone it down. "And I'm Grace! The most skilled Mage in Lamia Scale, right behind Lloyd, and maybe Ferra, but still... Anyways, your name is Corrn, right?" She asked, not caring that she rudely interrupted. She also didn't care that she butchered the poor girl's name. Her hand shot out towards Corra, prompting her to shake it. "It's nice to meet you!"

@Chara Angel of Death @HuorSpinks

Alfie: Fairy Tail; Mansion: Foyer

Alfie had come out of the crowd of wizards and went into his own little spot. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to people, he just wasn't one to start conversation. His bow was ready and already had a glyph waiting at its front in expectance of being teleported to the site of the dragon attacks. He didn't even have any final questions about his task, because when he was ready to fight evil, he was ready to fight evil.

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