Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clover Town: Mansion - Dining Room

The sound of shattering ice drew her attention from the ceiling back towards the half-naked man. Noticing he was no longer covered in dough it didn't take long to piece together what he had done. "I was in Malnia all day the day before yesterday on a job and I never saw anything other than people clearing out rubble and generally helping out." After she finished saying this a thought occurred to her. It was an investigation, so while the culprits weren't in the town there may very well be clues as to who and where they are. She didn't exactly look around for that sort of thing after all. The mention of the portal cut her thoughts short as she offered a shrug. "Only strange thing about the portal was that it connected to some random abandoned house in Magnolia. I didn't notice any strange magic from it though." This was the problem with taking so long to even start a job, it left too much time to think. She had learned long ago that overthinking things generally didn't help a situation. It was best to take a job, go do the job, and get paid for it. She couldn't help but think that once they were actually out in the field none of these questions would even come up again.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556

Lucian: Clover Mansion- Lucian's Bedroom > Dining Room

After Dakota left Lucian remained in his bedroom for a little while longer, reading over his scrolls and such as well as giving everyone time to wake up and head downstairs. Glancing at the clock he noticed the time, 7 AM, breakfast would be served in approximately one hour. Plenty of time for everyone to get to the table, and if they didn't..well. He guessed they'd be going on the mission hungry today, unless they brought their own food. Deciding he should probably get their fairly earlier than most of the guests he stood and walked out of his room, promptly locking the door behind him. He made quick note of the two in the foyer but paid little attention to them. He could care less if they wanted to talk to each other or not. "Good Morning." He greeted the four present before promptly sitting down. "I trust you all slept well?" He asked.


@Mr Swiftshots

Ice Dragon Ivalice. Malnia.

Ivalice moved forward and sniffed Rowden and inspected the guild mark carefully for any attempt or chance at it being a fake. Once satisfied the dragon nodded to himself. "Good. I'll alert you when I see them coming, for now it's best you stay out of sight. It shouldn't be much longer." He replied before once more flapping his mighty wings and ascending to the sky and out of sight from those not directly searching the skies. He knew it wouldn't be much longer at this point..not at all.


@Those tagged for Lucian

Sera: Clover Mansion Bedroom > Dining Room

Sera woke up with a groan, probably much later than everyone else. After a quick shower and a change of clothes she walked out of her room, almost immediately noticing the note on the door. Of course she was hungry, and she wouldn't exactly pass up free food nor blood, she just hoped she hadn't missed breakfast. Though, she assumed Lucian would of woken them all up or teleported them to Malnia if she had, and if that was the case she would of woken up to a bed of grass. Upon walking into the dining room she noticed several people there, and it seemed Lucian had just arrived as well. Guess she didn't miss breakfast. "Mornin' Jaymes, Mornin' everyone else. Mornin' jackass chain guy." She greeted them, narrowing her sight on Dakota before sitting down, preferably as far away from him as possible.
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-=(John Star - Mansion Entry to Kitchen)=-

John looked at Brundyn, their frame was upside down from some strange sort of shoes. "Well, I'm hungry too. Do you need some help before we head off though?" John smirked at abnormal sight.

"I could meet you in the kitchen, I'm pretty hungry and I want to go check out what's happening." John's wings flapped in slight impatience, maybe he should just walk away.

Clover: Mansion- Lucian's Office

"That would be an excellent idea, a few traps would give us some time... Should things get ugly. Hopefully they don't, though." Masaki stopped looking through Lucian's stuff for a moment to quickly glance up at Grace, and send her a smile. "So you use some kind of explosion magic? That's pretty cool. No doubt useful, as well." Pausing for a moment, Masaki continued, "Just out of curiosity... How skilled are you with it?" He continued to rummage through Lucian's stuff, there were some scrolls about all sorts of different magics, but most of them weren't all that interesting. Except one, which was a scroll about teleportation magic. "Ah, well that's something worth taking." He said quietly with a smile. The mage quickly placed the scroll on the desk for the moment as he continued looking for anything else of use. It wasn't long before he found something else as well. "Hey Grace... Come look at this." Enthusiastically, Masaki picked up what seemed to be some kind of journal. Opening it's contents, it became apparent that this was a a log of quite a lot of research on dragons in general. Flicking through the pages, he soon saw that as it got towards the back pages had been ripped out. "Interesting..." He said, placing the journal on the desk next to the scroll "Although they don't exactly prove anything, These findings are very useful.." He chuckled excitedly, yet that excitement quickly turned to seriousness. "Have you found anything on your end?" He spoke, with intrigue in his tone. And as he did so his stomach rumbled. "Damn... The sooner we're done here the better." He chuckled as he spoke, quite loudly it seemed.

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Clair Fernandes ; Fairytale / fourth wizard saint

Mansion garden / dinning room

Clair sat up when she heard her stomach rumble , she had quickly glanced over the note that was left on her door earlier and was glad for it now.Clair quickly made her way back into the mansion and to the dinning room.Clair wasn't surprised to find a few wizards already present but she was surprised to see Sera , normally she took her time getting up , being a vampire and all."good morning everyone" Clair chimed taking her seat from the previous night.

Rodwen Kiernan ; Grimoriè Heart


Rodwen nodded and put back on her cloak , the plan was progressing nicely and exactly as Lucian had said it would.Clair moved slowly through the town inspecting the aftermath.corpses lay scattered around the town some burnt to a crisp others ripped to shreds , the stench of death was very strong even though the attack took place days ago.Clair made her way over to the church on the edge of the town , it was severely damaged but not near as much as the rest of the town , it was missing the majority of its roof and the bell tower was almost completely destroyed.The bell from the bell tower was lodged in the western wall and the pews were smashed to pieces.

Clair stood on the alter and began reading the texts that had been left out.
Grace closed the cabinet and walked over to where they came in, muttering a few words before a circle of purple and white flames circled the door. Anyone who stepped in the circle would detonate an explosion, and that should give them enough time to escape. "Alright, I placed a trap on the door. Let me leave first, so you don't set it off." She warned while walking back to her investigation spot. When asked about her skill level, a small blush appeared on her face. She didn't like talking about her skill level mainly because most people she met were S-class wizards and that meant she was two grades below them. "M-my skill level? I am a, uh, S-class." She said with a bit of hesitance in her voice. Grace made sure not to look his way or her cover would surely be blown. "And no, I haven't found anything good."

When Masaki mentioned that he had found something, and that her blush was confirmed gone, she walked over to the guy, glancing down at the journal. She didn't find the journal all that interesting, but the torn pages were definitely something to note. "Interesting... Maybe he had some pictures he didn't want anyone seeing."


Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Clover ~ Mansion

Awakened from her food coma after recalling the massive dinner that she ate the previous night before, it was already quite late when she awoke in a bedroom with a note stuck to her door. "Breakfast.. in dining hall.." Just as her felt sickly full, her stomach managed to growl in hungry causing her to forget about the food coma and just simply about the food! Rushing out of the room, still in her sleep clothes, she made her way to the dinning hall to feast! "Good morning!" Naomi chirped as she walked into the room and briskly took her seat.

@ Whoever I guess
Clover: Mansion- Lucian's Office

Smiling, Masaki looked over at Grace as she set out the explosive trap by the door. Standing by the desk, Masaki then watched and listened to the girl as she spoke of her rank. The tone in her voice suggested otherwise, so from this Masaki knew that the girl was lying. But he payed no mind. "Well then... 'S-Class Grace from Lamia Scale.' We'll have to spar with each other one day, maybe when this is all over... It's been a while since I've sparred with anyone to be honest, I usually keep to myself back at the guild" He said with a slight grin and a chuckle. At the mentioning of Grace not finding anything else of value, he looked at the girl and began to speak. "That scroll over there talks about teleportation magic, which is clearly one of the types he can use. Or at least, knows how to use. But the journal is definitely the better find." Looking around, he sighed at the state the two had left the place in. "Ah well.. It's only a little mess, besides, I'm sure he wouldn't mind people going through his things." He scratched his head and then continued. "With that being said, I think we're done here... We should probably go down for that breakfast we were initially meant to go to. Wouldn't want to set out on an emoty stomach now, would we?" He chuckled to himself as he picked up the scroll and journal, handing the journal over to Grace and stuffing the scroll into his pocket. "Well, we can show these to Lloyd later... Although he may not he interested. Anyway! We should get moving, on your lead." He said to Grace, smiling at her kindly as he did so. Masaki never thought that he would get along with Grace, after all, they didn't start off at the best of terms. He stood patiently as he waited for Grace to lead the way. "Oh, that's another thing actually." He paused for a moment, and looked at Grace dead in the eye. "Just where are we going to put these?"

Grace- Lucians office

Grace's eyes widened a bit when Masaki mentioned sparring with him. That was something she'd no doubt lose, and she'd had to play her cards right to get out of that situation. "Yeah, I guess. I'd be you so hard!" She teased, taking the journal and staring down at the cover. It didn't have anything interesting on the front of it, just brown leather with the letters L.G enshrined on the front. Her attention was brought back at the mention of food, which she just realized that they haven't eaten breakfast, and man was she hungry. "Yeah, let's get a move on, I'm hungry too." She said, walking over to her trap and disarming it. Before she could open the door, Masaki stopped her and stared right into her eyes. She didn't exactly know if he was trying to be intimidating or something, so she just shrugged. "We can throw them in my room or something. I brought a bag along, so I could hide it in my clothes."
Kelica - Upstairs Bedroom - Clover Mansion

So Kelica liked to sleep. A lot. She was happily snoring away and rolling, squirming and kicking away under the bed sheets before she went a little to far over the side of the bed and landed with a huge crash in a pile at the side. "gahh!!" Jolting awake, she glanced out to the sun, surprising high in the sky. "oh no...I slept in..real bad.."

Jumping up from the ground and leaping out of her bedroom, getting halfway down the hallway before realising she had forgot to put her pants and shoes back on. "Arhhh!!" Spinning around and diving back into her room, wiggling herself back into her tights, then hopping around on one leg to put her boots on. Once fully dressed, she ran out of the room for the second time, clenching the note on the door as she did. She slung her belt around her hips as she jumped two stairsteps at a time down to the next floor.

Running, she glanced to the note "breakfast, dining hall, excellent!!" throwing the note over her shoulder before practically skating into the hall. She arrived in a fluster, hair in a mess, and panting. "didn't...miss the party? Please tell me there is bacon?" Taking a deep breath and straightening, haphazedly brushing her hair down with her fingers. No ponytail today, it travelled halfway down her back though. Glancing down to the plant wrapped snuggly around her wrist. "Oh hey, you're still here and survived a night with me! Good on you!"
Clover Mansion - Dining Room

Lloyd said, in a quiet tone of voice. "I'm not liking this either. Especially in regards to Mr Gray. I'm suspicious that he did all this intensive research on us, right down to our favourite foods. What else does he know about us?" It felt good to finally let other people know of his suspicions, even if they ended up laughing at him for being too paranoid. But still though, it made his hair stand not knowing anything about the other party while the other party had access to an unknown amount of information about him. It gave the other party an advantage over him and he disliked that.

Lloyd stiffened the moment Mr Gray entered the room. "Good morning," he said, nodding to him. "Yes, I did sleep well. Rooms were comfortable," he added, figuring that he might as well be polite. No sense in being distant and rude and being so obvious about it; probably would get him into more trouble than necessary. Soon, three other mages came in as well. He only recognized one of them; Clair from Fairy Tail. "Good morning," he said, nodding to them as well, as he seated himself, dropping his haversack to the floor and nudging it under his chair.. On the positive side, if Mr Gray was here, that probably meant that breakfast was to be served soon.

He smiled as Kelica made her entrance next, practically running into the room with messy hair and releasing a whole flurry of words that he almost did not catch. "Nope, right on time," he said cheerfully. "Breakfast will be served soon, I believe. And erm... your hair."
Clover Town: Mansion - Dining Room

She gave a small shrug at Lloyd's remarks. "It's not that hard to find out information on official mages." Especially ones as famous as guild masters. The only reason she gave the man any credence whatsoever is because of the very thing that makes information gathering easy. A master for one of Fiore's most prominent guilds probably has a bit more experience and intuition than she did. Even so she couldn't help but think the man was worrying a little too much. Even if the old guy was up to no good there were more than a few mages around to handle the situation. Looking up she muttered under her breath "Speak of the devil.." as Lucian walked in and bid them a good morning. She offered a two-finger wave at the man as she once again leaned back in her chair.

She brought her hand up to toy with her ponytail only to realize it had fallen behind her at some point. With a quick flick of her hand her ponytail was resting over her shoulder, affording her perfect access to it so she could once again twirl the tip around her fingers. As she did this she turned her attention back to the old guy. "So, when are we eating? I'm starving and I'd like to get this show on the road as soon as possible." With Lamia Scale's guildmaster voicing his concerns she couldn't help but give the old guy a closer look. She didn't exactly afford him much attention last night as she was mostly preoccupied with the food. No matter how much she looked she couldn't seem to see anything beyond your stereotypical rich old guy. Perhaps their dear Lloyd really was just overly suspicious.

Mitchs98 said:
Lucian: Clover Mansion- Lucian's BedroomLucian was..honestly not sure what he'd meant. He had no recollection of teleporting people to his mansion aside from right before dinner. Dakota as well as a few others were anomalies, in fact he didn't even have name cards set out for them. Ah well, the only thing that mattered was the fact more mages showed up. "I..see. When you mentioned me bringing you here I'd assumed you meant whe I teleported everyone to the dining hall. I have no clue how you got here myself if you had no clue there was even a job in the first place." He replied. "Of course, if you don't want a potential reward of a billion jewels for completing the mission, you're free to go." He added.

Ferra: Clover Mansion- Bedroom

Ferra giggled at Corra's reaction to the meat bun, her own mouth full of food. There was no doubt in her mind that she'd get along with Naomi at this point. "Glad you like it." She told her, a amused grin stretched across her face. "C'mon. I'm not sure what time it is but if you wanna meet the other humans we should get going." She told her, stuffing the rest of her meat buns down and holding the other two she had for Corra out to her whilst similtaneously slinging her bag over her shoulder.

- Walking with Ferra in the mansion

Corra then swallowed the bun of meat, her cheeks bright red from the good taste. She didn't know what they were made of, but they almost tasted as good as squid! She smiled brightly at Ferra, nodding.

"Right right, Corra will get faster!" She came off the floor, not really even going to bathe or anything. She seemed perfectly clean. Even if she smelled like the ocean, it was nice and fresh like the waves that rolled on the smooth sand.

Corra stuck her nose and mouth in the hand with the other buns, stealing yet another one and chewing it whole.
@Colt556[/URL] @Arvis90

Ferra: Clover Mansion Bedroom > Dining Hall

Alright then, come on Corra." She told her, giggling as she took another meat bun and using the rest to herd her out of the room. She noticed the note on the door and grinned excitedly. MORE FOOD! "Ooh. Breakfast!" She shouted happily, tossing the note to the ground and quickening her pace, though looking back ever so often to make sure Corra was following her.

It didn't take them long to reach the dining room. "
Good morning everyone!" She shouted happily to get everyones attention. "I'd like you to meet Corra! She came here last night, she's nice. I don't think she's from around here though, so be nice to her." She told them, pushing Corra to be in front of her. "Go meet everyone Corra, I'll be right over here." She told her, sitting at the empty chair closest to her.


@everyone tagged for Ferra

Lucian: Clover Mansion Dining Room

Around the time Tanari asked when they were going to eat the grandfather clock in the corner of the room chimed, signalling 8 o' clock. "Perfect timing. Breakfast should be served shortly." Lucian replied. And sure enough, a few minutes later kitchen crew came out with plates filled with biscuits, bacon, breakfast ham, and eggs. A plate piled high was placed at every seat at the table, even unoccupied seats in anticipation of guests arriving. Everything was fresh and of high quality, the biscuits themselves were home made by the kitchen crew. "Please, help yourselves." He told them.

Soon after drinks were brought out, once again to suit the preference of everyone there.
Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Mansion Entry to Kitchen)=-

John looked at Brundyn, their frame was upside down from some strange sort of shoes. "Well, I'm hungry too. Do you need some help before we head off though?" John smirked at abnormal sight.

"I could meet you in the kitchen, I'm pretty hungry and I want to go check out what's happening." John's wings flapped in slight impatience, maybe he should just walk away.

Brundyn Sengullery - Mansion - Mansion entry to kitchen.

"Yeah, this happens sometimes. I can just hang on and you can drag me there." Brundyn says as they grabs onto John's shirt, they are dragged through the air. "Thanks for the ride." Brundyn says assuming it was okay that he had the ride anyway. "Check what out? What's going on?" They asked curiously.
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Kelica - Dining Hall - Clover Mansion

Kelica glanced up when Llyod mentioned she wasn't too late, and she took a big loud phew... She did blush about the hair though, reaching into one of the packs on her waist and pulling out a swiss army knife-style brush. She quickly brushed it into a semi sorted pile and flicked the brush away. Almost on cue the servants brought out some plates full of food, the smell was devine. Even though she liked to sleep, breakfast was her favourite meal.

She wandered over to Llyod and sat next to him. She thought she should probably get to know the Fairytale mages more, but she figured it was still early days and could chat more to them later. She reached out for a selection of bacon, eggs, toast, mushrooms, tomatoes and anything in her grasp almost before the servants had sat it down. Lifting up her fork and knife and ready to dig in before stopping and glancing around table.

She set the knife and fork down again, resting her hands in her lap, waiting for everyone to plate up before she started eating. She didn't want to be rude afterall.

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Clover Mansion - Dining Room

"Morning, Ferra," Lloyd replied, giving a grin and a cheerful wave to her. "Just in time, I think food is about to be served." He regarded Ferra's new friend, Corra, with an interested gaze. She seemed small and young, almost childlike, and he wondered if she had been brought here for the mission as well. "And hello, Corra, nice to meet you," he added. "You're here for the mission as well?" If anything had been taught to him about the mages of Fiore, many of them had youthful appearances yet harbored a great deal of power. He noticed Kelica take a seat beside him.

As it turned out, he had been right after all. Just as Ferra and Corra made their appearances, Mr Gray announced that it was time for breakfast. Lloyd blinked at the mountain of food on the plate that had been placed before him. He was not used to eating that much, especially at one sitting. Even if he was unusually hungry. It did smell extremely good though, so he figured he would probably be able to eat at least half the plate. He was not even used to regular meals if he was completely honest. All those years of wandering around Fiore doing missions and exploring did condition his body to irregular meals so he was more used to eating light snacks on the go rather than heavy meals three times a day at a set time. But food was food, and he was hungry, so he ate.

It was, of course, extremely delicious, as expected from a rich man with the financial ability to buy the best of ingredients and employ the best of chefs. He was about halfway through his meal though, when he realised something; some of the mages were still missing, and from his Guild, Grace was nowhere to be seen. He frowned. At this rate, Grace would miss breakfast. Where on Fiore was she? He turned to Ferra. "Ferra," he called, a frown on his face. "Have you seen Grace?"
-=(John Star - Dining Room)=-

John entered the room, Brundyn still clinging onto his clothing, his green-like nature eyes scanned the room; food, and plenty of it. But, alas, there was Ferra.

John walked over to the seat furthest from the Lamia Scale female, a resentful glare was shot her way before he pulled out the chair, he sat down.

His gaze returned to upside down girl, Brundyn, "
Do you need help getting down, or..." John left the question open.


Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Dining Room)=-

John entered the room, Brundyn still clinging onto his clothing, his green-like nature eyes scanned the room; food, and plenty of it. But, alas, there was Ferra.

John walked over to the seat furthest from the Lamia Scale female, a resentful glare was shot her way before he pulled out the chair, he sat down.

His gaze returned to upside down girl, Brundyn, "
Do you need help getting down, or..." John left the question open.


Brundyn Sengullery - Mansion - Dinning Hall

Brundyn pushes away for John after he had taken his seat so that they are hovering over there own seat. Granted they are still upsidedown in the air. "Nah, I got everything ubder control." They say looking kind of worried. They close there eyes and say a sbort blessings, before they reach down and grab a handful of bacon and start eating. "Man, this is amazing."
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Kayzo said:
Grace- Lucians office
Grace's eyes widened a bit when Masaki mentioned sparring with him. That was something she'd no doubt lose, and she'd had to play her cards right to get out of that situation. "Yeah, I guess. I'd be you so hard!" She teased, taking the journal and staring down at the cover. It didn't have anything interesting on the front of it, just brown leather with the letters L.G enshrined on the front. Her attention was brought back at the mention of food, which she just realized that they haven't eaten breakfast, and man was she hungry. "Yeah, let's get a move on, I'm hungry too." She said, walking over to her trap and disarming it. Before she could open the door, Masaki stopped her and stared right into her eyes. She didn't exactly know if he was trying to be intimidating or something, so she just shrugged. "We can throw them in my room or something. I brought a bag along, so I could hide it in my clothes."
Clover: Mansion- Lucian's Office

The red head propped himself up onto the desk as he waited for Grace to disarm the trap. Smiling at her teasing response to the suggestion of a sparring match between the two. Chuckling, he quickly jumped down from the desk and headed towards the door. Turning to Grace, he said, "Alright, well in that case we'll drop the findings off to your room on the way to the dining hall." He smiled, beaming, he was happy that they had actually managed to find something. In truth, Masaki was very doubtful and thought that they wouldn't find anything of value. He opened the door and held it open for Grace, closing it behind them as he then began to walk to walk through the halls and down to the dining hall. Masaki became extremely calm and reserved. Although, the thought of being in the same room as Lucian did put him on edge slightly. Speaking of, the man had a very messy office to get back to. Masaki scratched his head as he laughed slightly at the thought.

Clover: Mansion- Dining Hall

Eventually, walking through the halls, he finally made it to the dining hall. A smile printed on his face, he walked in and as he headed to a free seat he began to spoke to the mages present. "I can't apologise enough for my lateness... I hope I'm not too late.." He chuckled slightly and then proceeded to sit down. "Oh, and Grace should be here shortly too."

Sitting down, Masaki straightened himself up and kept a calm demeanour and a smile on his face.

@Hai all in dining hall :3
Grace- Office

Grace took the finding from Masaki, wrapping the school around the book. "Awesome, I'll be sure to hide these well. And if you get down to the dining hall before me, make sure there's some food left over. Or else I'll use my S-class Magic to blow you up." She teased before nodding goodbye and heading to her room. She ran as fast as her short legs could go, making sure not to trip over anyone or anything. She also kept an eye out forLucian even though she assumed he was just at the dining hall. She reached her room a few short moments after, closing the door behind her and walking over to her things. Digging around, she stuffed the book under her clean underwear, thinking that no one would dare touch it, and the scroll ended up inside a spare coat. Proud of her work, she zipped the bag closed and ran back towards the dining hall. "Hello everyone! I'm here!" She said, taking an empty seat and leaning back.
-=(John Star - Dining Hall)=-

John shrugged and let Brundyn do as they wish. He then looked at the food; many breakfast options laid in front of him. Last night he didn't finish his sandwich, now he could most definitely eat. But in mind, do not say anything about the Lamia Scale Guild Master; Liam, Leo, Lionel...?

John had a sandwich on his plate, again. He picked up odd breakfast and started munching on it, his tastebuds hummed happily.

John avoided making any more eye contact with Ferra and the Lamia Scale Guild Master, though he snuck in a few glares.

When John was halfway through the sandwich, he looked at Lucian Gray, an unfiltered question easily rolled off his tongue, "How old are you?"
@Chara Angel of Death @Kayzo @HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @Salt Lord @anyone missed

2 hour timeskip yey


Lucian: Clover Mansion Foyer

After everyone at breakfast Lucian dismissed them to get ready and make whatever preperations they needed, which for some of them included changing and such. Two hours later he was in the foyer waiting on them with his arms crossed sitting in a chair across from the massive rune on the floor.
-=(John Star - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John hesitantly walked to the foyer, he looked around; scanning the area for Ferra. John decided that Ferra wasn't his favourite person. Okay, that's sugar coating it; Ferra is a terrifying demon. Not a normal magic user. That is the only acceptable answer.

John saw Mr. Lucian Gray sitting on a chair; he kind of seemed like he wanted things to get going already.

John waved to Mr. Gray, he was about to approach him when he noticed the gigantic rune on the floor. John furrowed his eyebrows momentarily,
'Oh, this is how we're all going to get transported. Should've paid more attention earlier.'

John cautiously stepped onto the rune, when nothing happened he continued over to the man. "So, Mr. Lucian, how exactly does this-" John motioned to the magical print on the floor, "work?"

'Does Mr. Gray have to say something? Like, "Bippity Boppity Boo"? Or maybe it needs like a sacrifice; would bacon do?'


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