Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sage shrugged , he himself had no idea. " Do you want to spar. " he asked with a raised eyebrow and a questioning look. He had no other ideas and sparing always made him tired.


Clover Mansion


"Sure but I don't think we should do it here" she says looking around. People were either sleeping or roaming the mansion. She knew if they spared here the mansion might cease to exist. "Where should we go?" She asks trying to think of some place where they wouldn't wreck everything.

Kelica - Upstairs Bedroom - Clover Mansion

Kelica stopped waving when the angel didn't respond, she assumed he must have been sleeping or meditating. Either way she took a huge yawn, her arm stretching high into the sky as she did. She kept the window open, the cool night breeze and smell of the trees nearby put her at eaze. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled one boot off, hearing it make a loud thud, followed a moment later by the other. She wiggled out of her thights but kept her shirt on, tucking herself in under the sheets and cuddling up to the pillow.

Her eyes slowly drifting closed as her necklace made a soft green glow near her face. "mmm dragons...wonder... what they yawn talk about..people ..other dragons..mmmnyehh...grumble mumble...snore..." Then she was fast asleep.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs> Outside Bedroom
Ferra nodded, "Oh. I see. I'd be sad if I missed dinner too." She replied seriously. If food was involved it was the one thing she didn't want to miss, EVER. She laughed once more at the little girls excitement, she certainly was odd but then again Ferra couldn't exactly be viewed as normal herself. "Well at-least you got to meet me huh? There's lot's more humans here too, but they're asleep right now." She told her, yawning. "I probably should be too." She mumbled, looking at the stairs. "Tell you what, you can share my room and tommorrow I'll introduce you to everyone, sound fun?" She asked her, already heading up the stairs and stopping in front of her door.

- Going to Ferra's room -> Sleeping

"Corra really wanted to watch..." She whimpered. She really wasn't interested in eating, she wanted to watch them eat; it was weird, but that was something she never saw a human do. What did they eat?

"Yeah yeah! Corra happy she met Ferra-human--!" And then she let out a huge yawn. She didn't realize how tired she was... She stretched a little and rubbed her eyes. Well, she did emerge from the ocean and walk quite the distance.

She gasped when Ferra offered to introduce her to the rest of the humans.

"Yaayyy... Corra... Ha..." She literally knocked out within three seconds.
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]

Lucian: Clover Mansion Lucian's Bedroom

Lucian was probably the first one awake, and with good reason. He had preperations to make, after all. Most of which involved drawing a big ass rune in the middle of the Foyer, it was much easier to teleport people somewhere if at-least one area had a rune, after all. He also put notes on every single room that had an occupant in it that breakfast would be served before they left. After that was done he crept back into his room and locked the door, he had one more thing to do. Grabbing a communication lacrima he sent out a message to Rowden detailing the following: "Get to Malnia, the brats bought the bait so far. If you show the dragons your mark they won't eat you, forget and well..I'll find someone else to do my work. They'll arrive in a few hours. Be ready."

After that he unlocked his door, should anyone have any further questions, and simply relaxed in his studies of dragons until everyone awoke.



She had seen Sage fall asleep and she just stayed awake for the night. She walked a little further. She decided to walk back to the mansion when he woke up. "You coming?" she asks as he sits up.

Sage looked at her and nodded before getting up then stretching and following Winter. " So did you sleep well last night. " He asked with a raised eyebrow as he walked next to her.




"I didn't" she says simply as they keep walking and the mansion comes into view. "How did you sleep?" she asks trying to make conversation. The air had a chill to it but it didn't bother her because she is an ice wizard.

Clover Mansion - A Bedroom

Lloyd was accustomed to waking up early, so he was one of the first to arise. It was as if an internal clock in his body had simply woke up his consciousness and so he opened his eyes and sat up. What he saw however, confounded him because for the life of him he simply could not remember where he was. He sat up in bed blinking around him at what seemed like an extremely ornate bedroom. He had his own sleep clothes on, but this certainly was not his apartment. He did not have the money to afford such an ornate bedroom, even as a Guild Master. He saw his travel-worn haversack in the corner, and that made him feel somewhat better. It was then, though, that he spotted a note on the bedside table next to him. He reached for the note, missing it twice before finally grasping it. Apparently, his body took a longer time to wake up than his mind did.

With the note, he remembered everything that happened the day before. He was in Lucien Gray's mansion, on a mission to find out the cause of the carnage in Malnia. He had come with a few of his Guild members, and met mages either independent or from other guilds. On the recalling of Lucien Gray's name, his earlier paranoia resurfaced as well, and a knot of unease formed in his stomach. On the bright side though, he was hungry. He had barely eaten anything the night before, and apparently the food had not been tampered with, so he should probably eat something before heading off to Malnia.

He slowly stumbled out of bed (it wasn't his fault; that bed was twice the size of what he was used to) and changed into a comfortable shirt, jacket and pants. He laced up his travel-worn boots and stuffed his night clothes back into his haversack. His clothes were slightly rumpled, but whatever, he was a Guild Master, not a model, and anyway, the jacket hid most of the creases. That done, he slung his haversack over his shoulders and left the room. There was probably enough time for a quick walk outside, as he barely saw any of the other mages, so he headed out of the mansion.

Clover Mansion - Courtyard

Apparently, he was not the only early riser. He saw two people in the courtyard, the Sabertooth mage named Winter and another mage he did not recognize. He did not approach them however, it was still too early in the day for decent conversation. Instead, he headed off in the other direction, methodically waking in a random direction, allowing the natural world to wake him up.
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Sage raised a eyebrow , not even noticing the cold. " I spelt well , why didn't you sleep. " he asked with a raised eyebrow wondering why the girl stayed up all night. As they walked the cool morning wind blew causing Sage to sigh in content and a smile to come to his face

Clover: Mansion Bedroom

Slowly, Masaki began to wake up. Sitting up on the bed, he quickly stretching out his arms and let out a deep breath. The mansion was still quiet, so he assumed that either everyone was still asleep or they were just in the process of waking up. Masaki scratched his head for a moment as he then stood up and got ready for the day ahead. After that was done, he opened the doors to the balcony and went outside. The air was crisp and fresh, and it felt... Right. But Masaki still couldn't help but be succumbed to his suspicions with the whole situation again. "There's just something that isn't right... Something..." He muttered, quietly to himself. Masaki couldn't exactly go around throwing accusations all over the place because he didn't have any evidence of any kind. But he was pretty damn sure that this Lucian was not as he seemed. However, Masaki decided to keep up with the calm, oblivious act. Eventually, Masaki headed towards the bedroom door and opened it, only to be greeted by a note on the other side. Reading it's contents, the red headed boy smiled ever so slightly and then closed the door to the bedroom and headed down the hall. Slipping his hands in his pockets, he began to talking quietly to himself. "I'd say this would be a good time to explore... While everyones asleep. Perhaps there is a library or something here. Or maybe even a training ground, that would be fun..." He chuckled slightly

Clover: Mansion Courtyard

Eventually, Masaki's journey through the courtyard had taken him to the courtyard. After finding a book of interest in the library, Masaki thought it would be a good idea to start the day with a nice, quiet reading session. Finding a bench, Masaki sat down and began to read. His earlier paranoia still bothering him.




"I guess I just couldn't" she says with a shrug. She could never sleep at new places, and she didn't feel comfortable with this whole situation. She just kept walking and they got to the mansion and walked in. It seemed like only a few people were awake.

Sage saw the blonde man and blushed slightly while squirming , he was trying his best not to. He walked into the mansion quickly and nodded at Winter , having finally calm down. " I see. " He said in understanding.

Brundyn Sengullery - mansion - Library.

Brundyn notices that people are finally starting to wake up. Having spent the whole night stuck in the library with there speed reading glasses on. at least half of the library books are in stack all over the floor. Closing another book they let go of the book and the gloves they have on start glowing. The book floats out of there hand onto the top of one of the stack, another book floats down into there hand. They open the book and start reading again. "This library sure has an interesting selection of boos. Man only if they had more on crafting." @anyone
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Grace wasn't normally a morning person, but today she found herself waking up pretty early. She wasn't used to waking up in a different bed and she really didn't like the feeling. It was strange, but she couldn't exactly describe it. Letting out a groan of annoyance, the short girl willed herself out of bed and got herself ready for the day. Her hair didn't take too long to do and neither did changing her clothes. This was one thin she loved about herself, her ability to get ready quickly. If wizards were ranked on their skill to get ready, she'd be an S+ Mage.

Once Grace was finally done getting ready, she left her room and began to wander around. She didn't exactly know who to find first, if anyone was even awake. She could find Lloyd and figure out the game plan for the day, or Ferra to grab a snack with. She could also find Masaki and just chill with him. Her search didn't take long as she saw the Savertooth Mage Masaki walking down the hallway. She was a little surprised that someone else had managed to wake up this early, so she die coded to follow him. Her little stealth trip led her to a courtyard, where Masaki was sitting on a bench. Grace took a seat beside him and leaned her head back,, letting out a cute little yawn. "Good morning."


Alfie: Fairy Tail; Clover Mansion: Staircase > Courtyard

After being stepped on by almost everyone in the mansion, Alfie finally jolted up. The carpet was worth it, was his first thought before following a few of the others out to the mansion's great courtyard. He didn't recognize anyone there save the Lamia Scale Master, but he didn't seem interested in interacting with anyone. Realizing that he wouldn't be speaking to anyone he really knew, Alfie decided to brush up on his magical skill. His bow appeared in his hand and he shot a green arrow, and unlike his normal pink ones, this spell moved in different directions at his command. "I don't know why I take more time describing my spells than anything else, either," he blurted out, seemingly to himself...
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Jaymes McGarrett - Mansion - Bedroom/Dinning Room

Jaymes yawned stretching and feeling the satisfying pops in his back as his body loosened up. He was sore from his improvised training the night before. He remembered Clair had come out to watch him, and had even complimented him on improving since they had first met. That had meant something to Jaymes, he knew Clair wasn't one to just bandy about with the compliments. But it didn't dare overestimate his abilities. Living and training with a dragon for years had taught Jaymes just how powerful they creatures were, the weakest could overpower most S-Class wizards without a large amount of effort. That thought worried him, if they were indeed facing dragons, there could be a high chance of someone dying if they underestimated their opponent.

Getting out of bed, Jaymes threw on some boxers and sweats, then still bare chested, he lumbered out of his temporary room, eyes still slightly foggy and wandered down the stairs and into the dinning room, where he promptly sat down and waited the breakfast to arrive. His head rested on the table and before long, he was asleep again, snoring like a wood-chipper.


Dakota Zandrakus - Clover Mansion - Room/Mr. Gray's Room

Dakota had been up for a while, and when he deemed it a decent hour, he left the room he had stayed in the night before. He wandered down the hall to Mr. Gray's room and knocked, when no response came, he gently opened the door and peeked through the crack, looking for Mr. Gray. Not seeing their host, he looked behind him to make sure that no one was watching, then silently slid into the room, closing the door behind him. Silent like a ninja, Dakota wandered around the expansive and ludicrously decorated room. He got lost in the grandoure of the room though and didn't notice the library, until he locked eyes with Mr. Gray himself.

"Forgive the intrusion Mr. Gray. But I had some questions that I couldn't ask last night." Dakota paused for a moment. "Primarily, why did you bring me here?" Dakota had assumed it was Lucian that had brought him here, as he had said he brought everyone here somehow.

@Kayzo @TheMADQ @djinnamon please include your locations. I have no idea where you at a glance and its easy to type something incorrectly. Thought we had brought this up a couple times?? (mad, you new here so just fyi)
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Clover: Mansion Courtyard

Masaki sat on the bench quietly, surrounding by the lovely flora that had been grown by the mansions gardeners, no doubt. Flicking through the book titled, 'History of Dragons' Masaki would chuckle ever so slightly whenever he found something quite funny. To him, at least. After at least three minutes of peace, and Masaki was already halfway through the book, Grace appeared and sat on the bench next to him. Her appearance made Masaki feel at ease. Closing the book, Masaki turned to look at Grace and responded to her with a nod and a smile. "Good morning... How was the night for you, good sleep?" He asked, in a kind and calm tone. It was less sincere than the tone he had at the meeting last night by a considerable amount. "I myself slept fine, but my suspicions have playing with my mind... And I need to find answers.." Masaki looked at Grace with a smile again before sitting back and getting comfortable, a look of bother on his face.

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-=(John Star - Forest to Mansion Entry)=-

John woke up in a tree, that didn't faze him; what did was the state he woke up in. He looked around, a mansion could be seen above the canopy of the trees.

John started to recall yesterday;
'Dragons, yummy food, Mr. Lucian Gray, setting the table on fire... Ferra.'

John looked down, dried blood was smeared with ash on his chest, he knees felt like lead and his hair? Well, dunked in ash.

John hopped down from the branch he had taken nest in; momentarily forgetting that his legs indeed
did feel like lead. John got a mouthful of dirt, but also a note left from Mr. Gray.

John stuffed the note in his pocket, he wobbly stood up; his body was feeling like jello. He'd read the note later.

John shakily walked to the mansion, he opened the door and stumbled inside; his eyes scanning the area for the nearest restroom.

Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Forest to Mansion Entry)=-

John woke up in a tree, that didn't faze him; what did was the state he woke up in. He looked around, a mansion could be seen above the canopy of the trees.

John started to recall yesterday;
'Dragons, yummy food, Mr. Lucian Gray, setting the table on fire... Ferra.'

John looked down, dried blood was smeared with ash on his chest, he knees felt like lead and his hair? Well, dunked in ash.

John hopped down from the branch he had taken nest in; momentarily forgetting that his legs indeed
did feel like lead. John got a mouthful of dirt, but also a note left from Mr. Gray.

John stuffed the note in his pocket, he wobbly stood up; his body was feeling like jello. He'd read the note later.

John shakily walked to the mansion, he opened the door and stumbled inside; his eyes scanning the area for the nearest restroom.

Brundyn Sengullery - Mansion - Library > Mansion entry

They were able to finish the book pretty quickly, it was a light read, only a few hundred pages. "I guess i can call it for right now." Brundyn says as there gloves glow and the book starts to float to the top of the stack. "I think I could use some fresh air." They say standing up and taking a look at the mountain of books they had erected this past night. "I probably should clean this up...." With a short thought of how boring it would be to clean all this up. "Nah, I do it later." They walk out of the room and down to the entrance when they see John stumbling around. "Are you alright?" Brundyn asks approaching the him, ready to help the man who looked like he has had a bad time.
-=(John Star - Mansion Entry)=-

John sighed, he looked over at the person who'd approached him. "Bathroom." His vibrant green eyes narrowed, by instinct ran a hand through his grey stained, black hair, covering his hand in more ash, he looked at his hand. "Do you where I can clean up?"

"Yesterday was a bit eventful for me, I haven't had a chance to explore the place." John looked over at the table, wreckage from the fight with Ferra. "Also, do you know where Ferra is? She's with the Lamia Scale Guild Master, I want to avoid her."

Nervously John clenched and unclenched the end of his purple shirt, his mind starting to wander.
Grace: Mansion Courtyard

"I slept fine, but I was a little homesick when I woke up."
Grace said, smiling back at Masaki. She could tell that he was much more refreshed and relaxed than the previous night, and that thought made it seem easier to talk to him. Her eyes drifted from Masaki up towards the clear blue skies. It was pretty nice outside despite the brisk morning coldness. It was really relaxing, and Grace couldn't help but close her eyes. "Answers, huh? Maybe you and me can sneak around the place and try to find something about the dragons, or Mr.Gray. Wouldn't that be fun?"


Clover: Mansion Courtyard

Masaki listening contently as Grace spoke, a smile ever present on his face. The scenery around the two was peaceful, and the air was refreshing. Turning to Grace again, Masaki smiled slightly and nodded. "I think that would be a good idea... Although, it's very risky. And we'd have to do it before everyone sets off for Malnia." He said, his tone still as calm as earlier. And his composure relaxed. "You know... I was going to train, but I think that finding any information out is more important. After all, the more we know, the more prepared we'll be." Masaki got up from the bench and looked down to Grace. "I'd say the best place to look would be Lucians office. Although that may not bode well for us..." He stood there with his hands in his pockets. "Would you like to tell Lloyd, or shall we just get started and talk to him later?"

He let out a slight sigh, was this really a wise idea?

Arvis90 said:
Jaymes McGarrett - Mansion - Bedroom/Dinning Room
Jaymes yawned stretching and feeling the satisfying pops in his back as his body loosened up. He was sore from his improvised training the night before. He remembered Clair had come out to watch him, and had even complimented him on improving since they had first met. That had meant something to Jaymes, he knew Clair wasn't one to just bandy about with the compliments. But it didn't dare overestimate his abilities. Living and training with a dragon for years had taught Jaymes just how powerful they creatures were, the weakest could overpower most S-Class wizards without a large amount of effort. That thought worried him, if they were indeed facing dragons, there could be a high chance of someone dying if they underestimated their opponent.

Getting out of bed, Jaymes threw on some boxers and sweats, then still bare chested, he lumbered out of his temporary room, eyes still slightly foggy and wandered down the stairs and into the dinning room, where he promptly sat down and waited the breakfast to arrive. His head rested on the table and before long, he was asleep again, snoring like a wood-chipper.


Dakota Zandrakus - Clover Mansion - Room/Mr. Gray's Room

Dakota had been up for a while, and when he deemed it a decent hour, he left the room he had stayed in the night before. He wandered down the hall to Mr. Gray's room and knocked, when no response came, he gently opened the door and peeked through the crack, looking for Mr. Gray. Not seeing their host, he looked behind him to make sure that no one was watching, then silently slid into the room, closing the door behind him. Silent like a ninja, Dakota wandered around the expansive and ludicrously decorated room. He got lost in the grandoure of the room though and didn't notice the library, until he locked eyes with Mr. Gray himself.

"Forgive the intrusion Mr. Gray. But I had some questions that I couldn't ask last night." Dakota paused for a moment. "Primarily, why did you bring me here?" Dakota had assumed it was Lucian that had brought him here, as he had said he brought everyone here somehow.

@Kayzo @Chara Angel of Death

Ferra: Clover Mansion Bedroom

Ferra woke up and yawned before stretching. She was slightly confused at first when she woke up, even further confused as to who the kid beside her was. But she quickly remembered the previous days events, and that the kid with her was Corra. Deciding not to bother her for now she took a quick shower and changed into a t-shirt and jeans. After, she sat on the edge of her bed and dug in her bag, grabbing some meat buns out of it. Some for her and some for Corra. After, she nudged her slightly to try and wake her up, "Hey, Corra, it's morning. Are you hungry?" She asked her.

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