Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@HuorSpinks @Chara Angel of Death

Ferra: Clover Mansion Upstairs Bedroom> Downstairs

"Good night Lloyd, sleep well!" She called out as she shut his door, not really caring if she woke anyone up or not. She was just about to go into her own room and goto sleep when she heard a loud crash downstairs. Looking from her bed and down the hall she sighed, curiousity getting the better of her she slowly crept past Lloyd's door before walking down the stairs and to where she hoped the crash came from. Eventually she came across a little girl around her age lying in glass and crying, the obvious cause of the crash. Walking over she knelt down beside her, "Hey, are you alright?" She asked her glancing her over for any injuries.

- Talking with a human -excitement-

Corra sat there crying for a considerable amount of time, though having no injuries. It seemed more like the fall spooked her than being harmed. She began to sniffle and rub her eyes, her tears rolling off her soft white cloak.

Until she heard a female's voice.

She sniffled gently, looking up to see the source of the voice, and she instantly stopped crying.

Her blue eyes suddenly lit up and a smile grew on her face.

"Humaaann!" She cried out, jumping up and wrapping her arms around the girls neck and shoulders for an awkward hug, "Corra met a human again!"

Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs

"I guess you are." Ferra replied, slightly shocked, giggling soon after nonetheless. "I'm Ferra. I take it you're Corra. Did you come here for the dragon mission like everyone else? There was a front door ya kno'?" She told her teasingly, a cheeky grin on her face. Ferra looked at the girl, upon further inspection she looked much younger than she was and far shorter. She couldn't of been more than 10! Then again, she was decently strong at her age so she couldn't say much. And the fact that she was excited for the sole fact Ferra was a human rose suspicions that she was older than she looked. Standing she picked the girl up with her arms still wrapped around her. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked her, brushing glass out of Corra's hair.

- Being picked up by Ferra

Corra blinked as the girl properly introduced herself, tilting her head and gently releasing her grip on her.

"Ferra-human?" She questioned, though went back to smiling and hugging her, "Corra is Corra!" She called out excitedly. Though she was taken aback once more with the mention of a... Mission?

"Drag-in Mish-on?" She asked, "Is that human foods for humans?"

She had absolutely no idea what... THAT, was. Well she didn't know a lot of things about the surface world! It wasn't her fault!

- @Mitchs98
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Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs

Ferra arched a brow at Corra, it became increasingly apparent the girl she was currently holding was either not human or wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. She shook her head grinning at her, "No, no. Nothing like food. Well, I suppose if we get to kill a dragon it could lead to food...but no. The owner of the mansion we're in has a job out to hunt down dragons, or whatever's been breaking stuff lately." She explained. "Though, I'm guessing that's not the reason you're here." She added.
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tale / Fourth Wizard Saint

Clover Mansion : dinning room / bedroom

Clair continued eating her Cakes long after most had left , it was getting rather late and most had turned in for bed.Clair sat back in her chair and smiled to herself this bunch were rather lively and unpredictable much like Fairy Tale.In fact Clair was rather surprised to find that a member of Lamia Scale was at fault for starting the first and hopefully the last fight of the night , normally this role was reserved for a member of Fairy Tale.

After a few moments Clair decided it would be best to finish up her food , she took a slice of her final cake on a saucer and made her way upstairs where she found a vacant room.Once settled in the room she requiped into her bed clothes and took a seat by the window.Clair sat and gazed out at the stars , her eyes glowing a dim yellow as she did so.

Clair Sat watching the stars for what must have been an hour before finally falling asleep at the window.

Corra frowned and nodded when she stated that the reason she was here wasn't for the mission.

"Corra wanted to watch dinner..." She said with a crying look, "But Corra came too late... Corra sad."

She began sniffling, but soon stopped when she looked back up at her, she began smiling and hugging her once more.

"But Corra got to see a human up close again today, and that makes Corra happy!" She giggled. She did come from the waves and wander through town, even out of town... Every time she left the ocean, she became farther and farther from it.
Chara Angel of Death] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
Corra frowned and nodded when she stated that the reason she was here wasn't for the mission.

"Corra wanted to watch dinner..." She said with a crying look, "But Corra came too late... Corra sad."

She began sniffling, but soon stopped when she looked back up at her, she began smiling and hugging her once more.

"But Corra got to see a human up close again today, and that makes Corra happy!" She giggled. She did come from the waves and wander through town, even out of town... Every time she left the ocean, she became farther and farther from it.
Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs> Outside Bedroom

Ferra nodded, "Oh. I see. I'd be sad if I missed dinner too." She replied seriously. If food was involved it was the one thing she didn't want to miss, EVER. She laughed once more at the little girls excitement, she certainly was odd but then again Ferra couldn't exactly be viewed as normal herself. "Well at-least you got to meet me huh? There's lot's more humans here too, but they're asleep right now." She told her, yawning. "I probably should be too." She mumbled, looking at the stairs. "Tell you what, you can share my room and tommorrow I'll introduce you to everyone, sound fun?" She asked her, already heading up the stairs and stopping in front of her door.


She didn't touch her food. Something seemed very off about this whole client thing. She just got up from the table and looked to the solo mage beside her. She though maybe to say something but she didn't know what. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. "What are you going to do?" She asks curiously. He was probably going to turn in for the night or something but that was just a guess. She heard people talking, some arguing, she just looked around the mansion. She didn't like what was going on, it seemed way to suspicious.

Sage shrugged, he himself wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't hungry and he didn't trust this place enough to sleep. Sage stood up and folded his arms. " I don't know , I might go and explore the mansion. " he said as he pushed a stray lock of his bright blonde hair behind his ear.


Clover Mansion: Dining Room


"Okay do you mind if I follow you?" She asks thinking she had nothing else to do either. She looks around to see only a couple people still in there. She looks out the window and it was already dark outside. She still felt dark magic somewhere but she really couldn't figure out where.

Sage nodded and smiled at her. " Ok , lets go. " he said as he began walking out of the room. He roamed the halls looking around as the eagle stays on his shoulder silently.


Clover Mansion


She smiled back and she bagan to follow him. She looked around the mansion looking for anything that seems suspicious. She didn't really find anything. She thought she could create some type of conversation since there was just silence. "So, how did you learn your ice magic?" She ask curiously. She typically isn't this friendly with people but it was whatever. She continued walking.

Sage looked back at her. " Well my adopted mother taught me. " he said as he kept walking.

ScarlettRose16 said:

Clover Mansion


She smiled back and she bagan to follow him. She looked around the mansion looking for anything that seems suspicious. She didn't really find anything. She thought she could create some type of conversation since there was just silence. "So, how did you learn your ice magic?" She ask curiously. She typically isn't this friendly with people but it was whatever. She continued walking.


Clover Mansion


"That cool" she says nonchalantly. She keeps walking with him. 'This mansion is huge' she thinks to herself. They start going up a set of stairs. Her foot catches on a step and she face plants. 'Well here's one way to embarrass myself' she thinks. She starts laughing. She gets up. "I'm sorry, I'm a freaking clutz." She says while trying to stop laughing at herself.

Sage nodded. " Yeah , it was fun. She thought me most of my magi....Eep. " He was interrupted by Winter falling and Sage jumped and yelped in shock before turning to her and crouching next to Winter and helping her up quickly. " Are you ok. " he asked , worry evident in his tone of voice as he helped her up.


Clover Mansion


She waves him off. "I'm fine" she says leaning against the railing. She smiles. "What were you saying?" She asks thinking she was going to have a bruise but she has experienced much worst. Winter hoped she woke nobody up that was sleeping. She still saw his concern. "Seriously I'm fine" she says reassuring him.

Sage nodded hesitantly and moved on as he kept walking but glanced at Winter ever so often. " I was saying my mother taught most of my magic. " he said as walked down the stairs slowly kept his eyes peeled for plants.


Clover Mansion


She continues walking with him. She nods. "What was she like?" She asks. She never knew what is was like to really have a mother, since she grew up by herself mostly. Someone did teach her the magic she knows but that was not for very long. They finally got up the stairs and started walking down a hall. It seemed like there were 1,000 rooms to this mansion.

"She was the kindest person I have ever meet. When she first found me she instantly wanted to adopt me but my father was reluctant but well my mother is very convincing. " he said with a small smile but continued. " She is as I said kind but she has a terrible temper. She also a great cook , I never tasted a better cake than hers. " he said as he walked down the hall with a larger smile as he thought about his mother. He eventually turned to Winter. " What are your parents like. " he asked


Clover Mansion


She smiles at the way he talks about his mother. She heard him ask about her parents and her smile fades. She looks at her feet and says, "I don't remember even who...my parents are" she says her voice a little quieter but still audible. She continues looking down at her feet as they walk.

" Oh I see , I'm sorry for asking. " he said as he and placed a hand on her head comfortingly as he looked at her with a smile. He could relate to an extent , he hardly knew his mother and never bonded with his father.

djinnamon said:
" Oh I see , I'm sorry for asking. " he said as he and placed a hand on her head comfortingly as he looked at her with a smile. He could relate to an extent , he hardly knew his mother and never bonded with his father.

Clover Mansion


"It's okay" she felt a hand on her head and it was comforting, she wasnt used to someone really trying to comfort her. She smiles back at him. "It's just how my life worked out I guess" she says, a ghost of a smile on her lips. They continued walking. "Do you see anything abnormal?" She asks trying to change the subject.
Sage looked around and shook his head. " No . " He said as he kept his hand on Winter's head. He realised what he was doing and blushed bright red as he pulled his hand away.


Clover Mansion


She giggled slightly trying to hide the blush on her face as well. She continues walking with him and they eventually walk through the whole mansion and have found nothing unusual. They end up in the main entrance again. "So, what now?" She asks him. She knew she still wouldn't be able to sleep. If anything she would just go outside the mansion for a little while but for now she stayed.

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