Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clover Mansion - Meeting/Dining Hall

Lloyd did not want to admit it, but he was extremely grateful for Ferra's intervention. Being stared at in the face was extremely unnerving. He probably would have spoken up himself, and not too nicely, if it wasn't for Ferra teasing Tanari about her reaction to him being Lamia Scale's Guild Master. That was precisely why he was reluctant to make his position known. People started treating him differently, and the reactions were downright embarrassing. Did Mr Gray really have to put up namecards for everyone detailing their personal information?

He could not resist giving a snort of laughter that quickly and intentionally turned into a cough, at Tanari's backpedaling. He almost wasn't sure whether he wanted to know what she had originally meant to say. "That was a nice statement to make," he said, with a bit of a cheeky grin. "I'm not that young though. Good to know that I can still pass off as relatively young." Fairy Tail's Guild Master was far younger than him and was already a Guild Master at her age. That was probably enough to knock him off any high horse he was on previously.

He just happened to glance to the edge of the table and saw something really strange; a dark, purple, substance was flickering like a flame. He watched it for a bit, before turning back to Ferra and Tanari. Today was truly a day of strange magic. He still felt tense and on edge, but with some humorous banter, he was starting to feel somewhat better.

@Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Goldencurls

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Clover ~ Meeting Room

Having been told to put her weapon away, she couldn't fight it and did what she was told. The gun disintegrated into the air, returning back to her 'storage' which could be retrieved whenever she pleased. It didn't take long before more confusion took place and they were now eating food of all sorts. Of corse if there was food, Naomi wouldn't question it. On her plate was buns and sweets and all of which were good. Taking two quick glances around her to see what everyone else were eating, her plate was by far one of the most stacked and compacted as well. "This is a dream." Mumbling to herself, as her eyes almost started 'practicing how to be a fountain'. Making no time to waste, Naomi was stuffing her face with food in both hands, a giant turkey leg and a meat bun as large as a human head. "Whoever did this, I love you!" She managed to say before starting to eat what was a pumpkin pie. Seeing Sera's "wine", Naomi looked over to her with a whipped cream covered face, "Is your wine good?" Asking her with an innocent grin.

Lucian: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

@HuorSpinks @Goldencurls

Ferra: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Ferra giggled at Tanari's reply, "He's right, he's old. Maybe even older than Mr. Gray." She commented, teasing Lloyd and grinning innocently at him. She wondered if Tanari would buy it, and what his reaction to her comment would be. Before she could say anything further she smelled something burning, sniffing she turned to look at John. Mr. Gray addressed him soon after. "Yea! Tables are meant to be eaten raw, not barbequed!" She shouted at him, staring sadly at the burning table.
-=(John Star)=-

John mumbled something like; 'Sorry, looks better this way though...' John began hastily patting at the table, the wood slightly chipping off as he put out the small flame.

John smiled sideways at Ferra, "You're telling me I'm the
only one who likes extra crispy tables?" John had ash covering his hands, his hair was still a mess. Subconsciously John ran a hand through his hair; ash was spread into his scalp, his black hair was now flecked with grey specks.

John flinched and looked at his hands, the ash was now smeared all over them. John sighed, suddenly food didn't seem so appetizing.

John now didn't really care about making a good first impression, John leaned forward on the table, his elbows rubbing in the burned edge of the table. His wings flapped, he inwardly sighed in relief as the dark starry appendages stretched.

Clover: Mansion Meeting Room


Masaki smiled at Grace as she spoke, he was glad that she was fine with everything that had gone on. Even though he was apologising for something that wasn't even that big a deal anyway. As the girl extended her hand and uttered the words "we cool?", Masaki firmly shook her hand and nodded. "Yeah, we're cool.." He sent a smile her way and then focused on the situation at hand.

In truth, Masaki was actually quite cautious with this Lucian Grey. Just how would a client know exactly who everyone was, what their ranks were, AND what their favourite foods were? It boggled the S-Classes mind. Not only that, but he was clearly a powerful man, as shown by how he managed to teleport all these people here in an instance with ease. Just who exactly was he? The red head knew that Lucian was not who he made himself out to be. Masaki sat up straight, and kept an amazingly calm demeanour, even the magical energy that resonated throughout the mage was calming. Except for the very subtle glare that he shot towards Lucian, almost as if onserving the man by looking deep into his soul. Although the whole thing was... Weird, to say the least. Masaki was absolutely thrilled to see the wonderful black forest gâteau perfectly placed on it's plate. In fact, it was gone within second. Masaki had completely demolished the dish. After that, he sat back and relaxed a little, noticing that some other mage had used their magic to summon some eagle. Clearly, that person was being cautious too. Masaki decided to just sit there quietly for now, he didn't decide to ask any questions although it was safe to say that there were many on his mind. He chuckled slightly, and in his boredom, materialised a crystal out of no where and made it levitate above his left hand as he admired it.

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Chris Lengheart

Everything was so sudden. One minute, Chris was out on the street, but the next he was in some kind of meeting room. How'd he get here? Did someone use some kind of magic? There was only one problem with that, Chris had never seen someone use magic to teleport so many people to one place like that before. Chris noticed the fact that there was also a name-tag in front of him with his name, guild, and rank on it. There was clearly something going on here as Chris was preparing a partial takeover. Whoever managed to bring everyone here clearly had some massive magical prowess.

Ferra: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Ferra giggled at John. "Of course you are! Burned wood tastes awful, I'd eat rusty steel before I ate burned wood. That's just disgusting." She replied, downing the rest of the ramen followed by the bowl, the dish it was on, and the fork she had used soon after. Then she dragged the plate of sweet buns over too her and took a sip of her milkshake to wash the glass down, it always got stuck in her teeth. "Cool wings by the way. Do you really eat tables? Ooh! Is your magic like mine?" She told him quickly before forming a small glass Lamia Scale mark from part of the glass she'd eaten.
-=(John Star)=-

John looked over at Ferra, "I honestly think digesting wood would (hah, would wood) be easier than steel. Then again, eating either of those would probably kill you, so, you wouldn't really have to worry about a bad aftertaste." John snorted, his eyes lit up with mischievousness. "But no, I don't usually eat tables."

John raised his chin at the compliment towards his wings, he nodded in acknowledgement. "I don't think so, I'm not quite sure how you did that, but that's pretty cool. Is it a Guild mark? A few people in here have those kind of marks, right?"

John absent mindedly rubbed his tattoo; the star with wings on his left wrist kinda looked like a Guild Mark too, but it wasn't. Maybe one day in the future it could be, but John didn't dawn on that, he didn't care for those kind of things anyway. John observed the glass, he'd never seen someone do that kind of thing before, it was amazing.

Clover: Mansion - Meeting Room

Upon hearing the girl's remark she gave the Lamia Scale guildmaster another quick once-over. He may be on the young side for a guildmaster but he certainly wasn't older than their client was, that much was for certain. Finishing the last of her meal she let out a contented sigh, taking a few moments to relax and bask in the afterglow of her meal. It had been far too long since she had a decent meal of any kind let alone one packed with all her favorite foods. After a few minutes she finally slid her chair back and got to her feet. It was obvious nothing was going to happen tonight so she may as well go find a place to sleep for the night. If they were headed to Malnia tomorrow that would take them through Magnolia, she could turn in her mission along the way and then focus all her attention on the current job. She looked over at their client, a bit of curiosity welling up in her. Figuring she may as well ask one last question before taking her leave she spoke up. "You said we'd be going to Malnia tomorrow, with your obvious mastery of teleportation does that mean you'll be teleporting us there?"

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Ferra: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Ferra laughed at his comment of eating steel killing her. "Nah, nah. It might kill you or anyone else for that matter..but it'd be perfectly harmless to me." She told him, slowly rolling the glass mark over in her hand. "I call my magic Munch Magic. I eat..well..everything and anything not living and make stuff out of it, stuff like this." She explained, holding up the guild mark figurine and taking a bite of a sweet roll. "And yep, this'd be the Lamia Scale guild mark. I'm in it, Lloyd is the master." She continued, gesturing to Lloyd.



Lucian: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Lucian nodded, "Yes. It'd be the easiest and quickest form of transportation, unless of course you'd rather find transportation of your own?" He replied. "You're also free to stay here, as I've said before, if you wish." He added.
Meeting room:

Momoki was in the meeting room with everyone else.She was trying to listen to the conversations going on until she saw Masaki.She got up and went behind him.He looked like he was pretending to be off guard,but she decided to take a shot at scaring him anyway,"Boo" Momoki said loud enough for him to hear her and fast enough for it to be startling.Through all of this she still had her cards ready.There was something about this Lucian guy she didn't like.But what.

-=(John Star)=-

"Wait, so if you're eating that stuff-" John motioned to a sweet roll, "you're chewing that stuff up. If you made something from that, would it come out looking like chewed up food, or would it be restored to how it was before you ate it?" Genuine curiosity sparked in his words, his focus returned to the glass scale.

John took a moment to look at Lloyd, "No offense, but, uh, he doesn't look
that 'Master Guildery'." John made air quotes along with the refural to the title, before looking glancing at Ferra. John's emerald-like eyes narrowed at the Lamia Scale Guild Master, he must have some sort of good quality to be a leader, then again, John didn't know how Guild Masters were chosen; Lloyd might've won a raffle or something.


Ferra: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Ferra shook her head slowly with an amused grin growing on her face as she imagined lobbing food at the enemy. "Doesn't work with normal edible food, not that it'd be entirely useful if it did. I gotta chew everything I eat, including steel and such, I'd choke and die otherwise. But uh, no it wouldn't come out chewed. I can form it and stuff, think a form of Requip magic." She explained. "Like this glass mark, I made it out of the bowl I ate from the ramen. I could make just about anything I wanted, including throwing stars and a chair." She continued.

Her expression changed from happy to mad as she glared at him for more or less insulting Lloyd, "
Lloyd is a good Guild Master! I bet he could take down half this room himself if he wanted to! Not only that he's awesome! Take it back!" She shouted at him angrilly.

She looks around when she was teleported. She was disoriented and she man started speak. "I have no idea" she says to sage. She looked around and everybody was talking and then the food appeared in front of her but she remained stoic not moving a muscle to eat it. Something about this felt very off. She just sat back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. Out of the corner of her eye she was watching the guy at the head of the table. She kept her face showing no emotion.

-=(John Star)=-

John flinched at Ferra's words, "I never said he was a bad Guild Master! I just said he looked inexperienced! I'm not going to take back something I mean, and I seriously doubt that he could attack everyone and win, I mean, I can almost guarantee that 'Lloyd' isn't immortal!" John spat out loudly, small flames curling around his fingers.

"It was
my opinion, if you don't like it; I don't care, deal with it." John's words practically dripped with venom; he bared his fangs angrily at the girl. He shoved his chair back; the chair screeched loudly on the floor, making John slightly wince. He stormed off, the feathers on his dark wings ruffled like a startled parrot.

In his wake; the table was still burnt on the edges, ash smeared around the floor, chair and dish. Both object and being looked like they could've drowned in fire.


Ferra: Clover Mansion Meeting Room.

Ferra tensed visibly in anger as John spoke, it was quite clear she was even more angry than she had originally been, it was also quite clear she didn't like it at all when someone insulted her guild. She didn't even remotely flinch as he bared his fangs at her, infact if he hadn't of moved when she did she was liable to remove the fangs from his mouth. She crushed the small glass mark in her hand, the glass cutting her flesh as she did so, her hand trembling with blood dripping out of it ever so slightly.

Wordlessly she flipped his stupid burnt sandwich out of his plate, ate said plate, the silverware beside it, followed by her own plate and food, all the way down to tearing apart and eating the chair he was sitting in as she followed him out. "Stupid jerk. Making fun of Lloyd and then threatening me. I'm gunna make him regret this." She muttered angrilly to herself, wiping bits of wood off of her face.

Hey jerk! You better take what you said back! Or else!" She threatened him, glaring at him constantly.
-=(John Star)=-

John spun around on his heels, unable to leave the argument; his anger hooked onto determination. "Oh? And how are you going to do that? You might eat me?" John said, still surprisingly grinning; though not in a comforting way...

John quickly glanced down at her hand, blood drops falling to the floor; at a slow sickening pace. Whether he likes it or not, being the Angel himself, he felt a small prick of guilt and pity at her injuries. But they were easily dismissed; his anger was boiling within him like a snake, about to make a kill.


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Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs Hallway

Ferra laughed at him when he asked if she was going to eat him. "No silly, I can't eat living things. Besides, even if I could, I bet you taste like crap." She told him, grinning evilly. She shook her head slowly, her left arm forming into a extremly sharp glass sword with the metal from the silverware mixed in to give it durability and her right hand into a small metal gun. "What I will do is kick your butt for insulting Lloyd." She told him, pointing the sword at him. "Last chance. Apologize, now!" She demanded, stomping her foot on the ground like an angry child.
-=(John Star)=-

John felt his heart stop beating, his breath hitched, his eyes frozen on newly formed weapons. John was trembling in fear, but something similar to bravery bubbled to the surface, making him stand his ground.

"Over. My. Cold. Dead. Body."

(Fight me, Helen!)

A sneer plastered gruesomely on his face, his wings spread out wide; some tactic to seem intimidating. The flames curled up his arms. Dark purple light illuminated the room, sending something seemingly like death to fill the silence.


Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs Hallway

Ferra glared at him and grinned wickedly, she wouldn't kill him of course cause..that's illegal. But beat him down and make him beg for mercy? By all means. "Have it your way then bud." She told him coldly, firing small wooden bullets from the gun at his knees and legs before dashing forward, had she not been pissed off his intimidation tactic might of actually worked. But she was, and it didn't. Not at all, infact.

John had did the one thing he could possibly do other than steal her food that'd set her off, and that was insulting her Guildmaster. Now he was gunna pay for it.
-=(John Star)=-

John gasped as the wooden projectiles collided with his legs, he fell forward, a thought popped into his head; 'I'M A C CLASS! I'M GOING TO DIE!'

A deep growl emitted from his throat, he's been purposely pretending to be weaker than he is; but alas, maybe it's time for his true colors to show...

Dark purple flames erupted from his hands, John wouldn't hurt her too badly; he wasn't
that mean, but he was still furious. They formed a tendril; the tendril darted for Ferra's leg, an attempt to sweep her off her feet.

"We didn't exactly do introductions with each other, I'm John Star, and I don't think I like you." John growled out, each word almost sounding scared.

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Sabertooth Guild

A purple and black portal appeared in the center of the guild hall. Black stepped out the portal carrying a duffle bag over his left shoulder. He looked around seeing that the guild was a little empty. Yo, master where is everyone?!?! He yelled out in question hoping that his master heard him. Waiting for his master to respond he finds a seat dropping his duffle bag next to him. @Colt556
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Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs Hallway

Ferra hadn't seen the tendril, way too focused on kicking this guys ass. She was honestly surprised at the fact that she hadn't tripped mid run before the searing hot tendril knocked her to the ground, rolling as she fell she came back up standing. A painful burn on her leg where the tendril had connected. "Names' Ferra. Feelings are mutual." She replied flatly before resuming her run, now considerably closer to him than before, him tripping her actually benefitting her. Upon reaching him she slashed at his chest, nothing fatal, but it'd hurt like hell.
-=(John Star)=-

John hated to admit it but; he almost cried when Ferra sliced his chest. Cutting through the shirt and the skin. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as another tendril attempted to throw Ferra at the table, his hands shakily rose in a weak attempt to shove Ferra.

John's chest hurt, like,
a lot. His mind had trouble focusing, one moment he thought; 'Dodge' the next 'Wait- what? All I know is ow.'

John flapped his wings angrily, he lifted himself up through the force of his wings pushing air towards the ground.
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Grace smiled back and nodded. She was sctually pretty glad that the two were able to be friends now rather than rivals, as Masaki seemed like an enjoyable person to be around. However, before she could continue her conversation with the S-class wizard, the shirt girl found herself at a great table where everyone else was. Mom the plate in front of her was a meal fit for kings, and she almost immediately began to chow down, quickly making her way through the food. She could care less about this Gray guy, though he did seem sketchy.

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