Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

???: Clover Mansion, Inside Downstairs.

(Note. What I will be doing will be a one time thing for story progression only. It might happen in the future, but only for story progression.)

After some time the portal in the library shrank in on itself and dissapeared with an audible and quite loud 'POP' sound. Everyone inside or outside, or even on the streets of Clover that was meant to be there were all similtaneously transported and healed of all injury to a rather large dining room that was converted into a meeting room. Everyone would find themselves seated with a name card depicting their rank as well as their guild. It would be quite clear something suspicious was going on, or perhaps the client had simply done extensive research on everyone to be sure they would be suitable for the job. If that were the case, how did the guildless members get a flyer? Random chance or dumb luck?

Regardless, if one would look to the head of the table they would find a sharply dressed old man with a scruffy beard with his legs crossed and a grin plastered across his face. He specifically glanced over to Clair and casually winked at her, as if knowing she would recognize him to a degree. Clearing his throat he spoke, "Apologies for the sudden interruption but you were all taking a bit to long for comfort. Time is of the essence, as you know, there have been rumored dragon attacks that are coming increasingly closer to the major cities."

Pausing momentarily he looked around at the group assembled before him. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lucian Gray, owner of this fine home. You'll have to excuse the mess I sent the staff home several days ago for their safety and there's no way I could clean everything myself." He continued before growing silent, waiting for questions or quite possibly accusations.

@ everyone


Sera: Clover Mansion, Inside: Meeting Room.

One minute Sera was talking to a jackass of a man that was extremely prejudice towards her, rightfully so but still, and the next she was transported to a dining room..thing with a detailed name card in front of her and the supposed owner of the mansion. She was quite skeptical at the whole thing, but then again a portal was in his room so it was quite possible. And the excuse of why the house was dirty made partial sense...at-least to her. But the fact of 'Why the hell didn't you greet us to now?' still lingered. However, Sera kept her mouth shut, at-least for now. She did however notice the not-so-subtle wink he gave Clair, which only rose suspicion further.


Ferra: Clover Mansion. Inside: Meeting Room

Ferra had agreed, although not exactly verbally seeing as her mouth was full of food, that they should head out and look or ask around Clover. But then she was transported along with the rest to some kinda meeting room. Shrugging she looked around before finally resting her gaze on Lucian when he began speaking. Lo and behold they'd found the client! Or rather, he found them. Or something. Anywho, he was there, and exsisted.

Alfie: Fairy Tail; Mansion: Meeting Room

Alfie went from staring in awe at the abundance of books to replying to Jaymes to... this. It seemed like something had teleported him to a great dining room with little cards showing the names and ranks of everyone he had seen today... and then some. What kind of magic does that...?

"Apologies for the sudden interruption," Alfie's thoughts were cut off by an old man at the end of the table, "but you were all taking a bit too long for comfort." The A-Class sat politely; listening to what Mr. Gray had to say, ignoring the wink he gave to Clair, nodding between each of his pauses, and when the old man had finished explaining why everything was how it was, Alfie raised a hand. "Excuse me, Mr. Gray... this question might seem a little off topic, but... black tea or white?"

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Grace frowned slightly as the new arrival from fairy tail came up, ruining the nice moment between her and Lloyd. She didn't say much to the girl, who identified herself as Kelica, as she was a little mad and didn't find her all that interesting. "Thanks for talking with me Lloyd, but I'm going to head back inside." She said, waving goodbye before walking back into the mansion. Upon entering she noticed a new fellow, one that wasn't part of he original group. Maybe the client finally showed up? Grace walked over to Misaki and stood next to him. She wasn't too angry at him anymore and was now more passive with him. "What's going on?" She asked quietly, looking up at him.

Clover Mansion - Meeting Room

This was quite possibly one of the most confusing days Lloyd had ever lived through. One minute he was talking to Grace and Kelica, the next he found himself seated in an ornate chair in a large meeting room filled with most of the people he had seen and interacted with that day, and others that he had yet to meet their acquaintance. Just what kind of magic was this? The client, Lloyd figured, must be some great mage or something, if he was able to develop a portal leading to Magnolia, as well as do this kind of magic. But finally, they were face to face with the client. Though Lloyd would appreciate not having his name and rank displayed in front of everyone, thank you very much. It made things... more awkward for him.

Lloyd took to studying the client. His name, apparently was Lucian Grey. It sounded familiar, and he had to rack his brain to figure out where he had heard that name before. Ah, yes, the top ten richest people in Fiore. He could not remember the exact position though, but that did explain the reward as well as the extremely fine house. The man was well-dressed as well, with a scuffy beard, and he seemed to have a personal history with Clair, from the way he winked at her. A pink haired mage, whose namecard displayed the name Alfie Roderick from Fairy Tail asked something about tea, and Lloyd shot him an incredulous glance. Was that really the time?

"So... dragons," he said finally. "How sure are you that it is dragons we're dealing with here?" Lloyd could not help remaining a little skeptical. Based on what he saw in the secret library, this guy seemed to be some sort of dragon expert. If it was dragons, this guy would probably have a better idea of just what they were dealing with.
Clover: Mansion - Meeting Room

As she was about to hop into the portal the thing suddenly shrunk into itself before winking out of existence with a pop loud enough to cause her to cover her ears. Immediately afterwards she found herself seated at a large, overly fancy dining table with a name-card set before her. Her name was on that card causing her to cock an eyebrow before looking around. "Teleportation magic..?" It seemed to be the case, not much else could explain her sudden change in location after all. Her gaze rested on the gentleman at the end of the table, figuring that must be this illusive client of theirs. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as the man mentioned dragons. "Dragons don't exi-" She cut herself off, if she remembered correctly the job was to investigate the attacks. If this guy thought it was because of dragons that was on him. All she had to do was find the actual cause of the attacks, report it back to him, and go home filthy rich.

She leaned back in her chair, bringing her hands up behind her head and interlocking her fingers to provide a sort of cradle as she looked up at the ceiling. Like every part of this bloody mansion it was overly detailed. Must be nice having so much money to waste on pointless things, then again she'd do the same if she had that much money. After a few seconds of letting some other mages belt out questions she decided to throw one of her own into the pile. "So, Mr. Gray, what exactly do you want us to do? I have another job pending and I'd rather not waste time." She retained her nonchalant posture, only willing to turn her head to look at the man as she spoke. She had already spent more time than she'd have liked just standing around, the sooner they could get out there and start working towards the reward the better off they'd all be.



@Salt Lord
Clover: Mansion Secret Library

After standing around in the library for a few minutes silently thinking to himself, Grace came over to him and asked the not so simple question of "What's going on". Masaki looked down at the shorter girl, and he scratched his head. "I don't actually know... Nothing of importance has happened yet, but I feel like that is about to change.." He said, a slight sigh escaped his lips. "Also, I apologise for how I acted earlier, and understand if it offended you in some way. I just didn't like the thought of people going through a portal without knowing what awaited them. I probably acted as I did because those people were my allies" He chuckled slightly, "But in short, let's just say I was being stupid." He chuckled again. What was he saying? He had only met this girl once and he acted as if she was a guild mate. Or someone she had known for a very long time. But still, they were allies and so he would be concerned for her safety. And for everyone elses as well, it was only natural for Masaki to be as concerned as he was.


Clover: Mansion Meeting Room

The recent events that had occurred were... Strange, to say the least. Just moments ago he was stood in the library next to the portal but then all so suddenly, the portal exuded a loud pop as it shrank. Almost instantly, Masaki and many others appeared in a large room, apparently a meeting room. Masaki was sat amongst the other Sabertooth members in a labeled spot, his rank included on his label. There were many others present that he hadn't yet met, obviously from the other guilds that had gathered at the mansion. But there were a lot of people present, that you couldn't deny. It was also a nice sight as well, the room was very pretty.

They were all greeted by a very smartly dressed man, an old man, who you could tell was rich by first glance. He introduced himself as Lucien Grey, and Masaki knew that this was the client they were all looking for. Letting out a quiet sigh, he sat up straight in his chair and took in his surroundings. A boy by the name of Alfie mentioned something about tea, to which Masaki wanted to reply to, but deemed it not the time or place to do so. Although, Masaki could really do with some tea right now. He chuckled at the thought. Apparently, he was from Fairy Tail as well. The S-Class mage sat quietly as Lloyd, Lamia Scales Master spoke. Questions were on his mind too it seemed. And by what he asked, Masaki wouldn't be surprised if that was the question on everyone's mind. Just how sure was he that dragons were involved? Heck, how sure was he that dragons were back altogether? After all, they have been gone for a very, very long time. A smile ever present on his face, Masaki thought that he'd sit back and wait for the right chance to speak, for now, he'd listen to Lucian answer the flurry of questions that were thrown his way.

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Lucian: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Lucian arched a brow at the first question, an odd one and extremely out of place at that. Regardless he answered it, "Out of the two, I'd prefer white tea. If I had my pick, however, I'd take Ginseng." He replied. Lloyd was the next to ask a question. "Frankly Mr. Lloyd, I'm not entirely sure. However, all my research conducted on the matter-as I'm sure you have seen in my library-points towards the cause being dragons or forbidden magic." He explained. "Either way it would be a dangerous foe to nearly completely destroy villages with ease." He added.

Lucian then nodded towards Tanari when she asked her question. "Starting tommorrow I want you all to head out to Malnia and the surrounding settlements that were destroyed and investigate thoroughly, ask the locals what happened, and report any findings to me. I will of course cover your travel expenses fully as well as provide provisions." He told her. "As for now, why don't we all rest and have a meal? You may stay here for the night, there is plenty of room for all of you." He added, waving his arms in a criss-cross manner in front, food and drink appearing in front of each respective person. Their favorite foods, to be exact.
Jaymes McGarrett - Mansion - Meeting Room

Jaymes felt slightly disoriented when one moment he was in the secret library with many others, and next moment, he was sitting at an enormous ornate table with many others. Most he recognized as members of the three guilds that had come to the take the job, but there were several others that Jaymes did not recognize. When a voice spoke out, he saw an elderly man in a crisp tuxedo/suit sitting at the head of the table. Authority radiated from the man, and a sinking suspicion made Jaymes wonder if this man was the client everyone had been searching for. Later this was confirmed by the man himself, a Mr. Lucian Gray. When he said that dragons were terrorizing towns across the continent and moving closer to large cities, it was apparent many were in shock. When a couple people said that dragons did not exist, and had been extinct for a long time, Jaymes spoke up. "I can't verify that dragons are terrorizing towns and people, but they do exist. I lived with an ice dragon for several years." Jaymes said matter of factly. When Mr. Gray said that they were to undertake investigative missions, Jaymes raised his hand. "What if we find whoever or whatever is responsible? Do we take them out or report back with whatever information we have?"


Dakota Zandrakus - Mansion - Meeting Room

Dakota found himself sitting at a large table with a couple dozen people likewise seated. He didn't understand what was going on, but the name card with his name and rank on it said someone knew of him. When others began to speak, Dakota simply listened, waiting to know why he had been brought to this place altogether.
Grace nodded to Masaki,sighing with him. "Yeah, you're fine. Besides, you shouldn't be apologizing, it should be me. I was being a bitch to you, so sorry about that." She said to him, reaching her hand up as a peaceful gesture. She wasn't too sure about being friendly with this guy, but it's better friends than enemies. "We're cool?" Grace asked, smiling up at him.


Alfie: Fairy Tail; Mansion: Meeting Room

"Out of the two, I'd prefer white tea. If I had my pick, however, I'd take Ginseng." Oh, thank you... "I see. Thank you for clearing that up." To his relief, it wasn't the Lucian Alfie was thinking of... but he couldn't get distracted. His mind moved immediately back to the task at hand. Mealtime, of course! The dragons wouldn't come until tomorrow, and after wandering around all day and getting teleported to some dining room, all the pink-haired mage could think about was food! Fruit juice paired with seaweed soup, breadsticks and countless numbers of sliced ham! That wasn't even the best part! No--that was desert! Oh, having dinner with rich people must be amazing! And not a single other person's question concerned Alfie; food being the only thing his mind could process.

-=(John Star)=-

John woke up at a table, Mr. Lucian was apparently the owner of this place, besides just being woken up John was in a pretty good mood. Looks like he wasn't here to apply for a simply simple, but a mission. John's hair was messy from having a short- but needed- slumber, his left arm had pins and needles from propping himself up with it when he slept.

John looked around at everyone, then at their place cards. Looks like he'd be playing with the pros, he looked down at his own card; a simple C Class. John listened quietly to the conversation,
'Find the cause of the forbidden magic. Most likely dragons. Most likely death.'

After the news of the offering to stay the night, and the tempting food sitting on the plate in front of him. John questioningly touched the edge of the plate,
'Oh, it was there alright.'

John looked at the man at the head of the table, "What if we
don't want to stay the night? Or perhaps maybe some of us feel that the job flyer may have been a bit of an underestimation? Even if I do want the job, I don't think I'm comfortable with this. I'm a C class, sir, a C class. I might just die."

Clover Mansion - Meeting Room

Lloyd frowned. Something smelt fishy, and it wasn't the salmon in front of him (that smelt delicious). How on Earthland did this guy know that his favourite dish was salmon? The research and the contacts this guy had must have been a massive network or something. This was setting off Lloyd more than he wanted to admit. The guy knew his name, rank, guild and now his favourite food. What else did he know about him? His personality? Background? The intimate details of his fighting style? That unnerved him. Why bother to find out so much about someone unless they had some form of ulterior motive. And not just him... people in his guild and rival guilds too. And people who did not even have guilds in the first place. Why go through all that work?

Perhaps it was paranoia, but with his background, he could not help but be suspicious. Back in the West, from which he had originated from, he had been under authoritarian governments who had employed these same tactics to keep their people under control. He had been sheltered from most of it due to being a tribesman rather than a city-dweller, but during the later part of his teenage years, everything had come crashing together in a civil war. And having had to live in the city after that, as a character viewed under suspicion, the tabs they had kept on him made his hair stand. It was as if they knew everything about him, what made him tick, how to get him to behave... it was a wonder that they did not make a move to stop him when he fled to Fiore.

Lloyd just wasn't hungry anymore. He tended to loose his appetite when he was under pressure or was busy, or in negative situations, and this was one of those times. Not even his favourite dish in front of him brought it back. They had used that too, back in the West. He knew he had to eat, since he had barely eaten anything ever since leaving Margaret Town, but he didn't feel like it. Instead, he ended up toying with his food, using his fork to cut the salmon flesh into small and smaller pieces. He would have to talk to this guy later, find out about how he gathered all that information. There was a possibility that he might lie about it though. He could not tell, and it only pissed him off further.

He barely listened to the conversation around him, his thoughts so heavy on his head.
Clover: Mansion - Meeting Room

Her eyes lit up and a small cry of joy slipped past her lips as food appeared in front of her. It had been so long since she anything even resembling Alfredo and yet here it was right in front of her. Without a moment's hesitation she grabbed a fork and dug in, wolfing down the sauce-covered pasta with a look of sheer bliss plastered on her face. It may not have been as good as grandma's but it was still some of the best she had ever had. After making her way through roughly half her meal she glanced over, seeing the Lamia Scale bloke from earlier toying with what appeared to be some kind of fish. She leaned over in his direction, pointing her fork at his plate. "Hey, are you going to eat that? Because if you don't want it..." She left the question open-ended, knowing it was rude to just come right out and ask. But if he was offering, that was something else entirely.

Lucian: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Lucian turned to Jaymes as he questioned what to do should they find who or what was responsible. "Subdue them and bring them to the authorities, or slay them in the case of a feral dragon. In the case of it being a person, a writ from the authorities will serve as proof. If it a dragon, its head." He told him simply before taking a bite of his own food. "As for your class, if you all work together I'm sure you'll be just fine. You're free to stay in Clover as well, I won't force you to stay in my home." He told John.


Sera: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Sera simply stared at the man with her arms crossed in disbelief as he spoke. Even better, he made food appear, her glass filled with what one would presume to be wine but actually blood instead. That fact alone made her question how much this man knew about them, but she had to admit she was hungry, and the fact that there was blueberry pie and a steak to accompany her glass of blood made her refrain from asking questions for now.


Ferra: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Ferra listened intently as Lucian spoke, nodding to his answers to their questions. However, all attention towards him quickly flew out of the window as soon as a large bowl of pork ramen, meat buns, and a milkshake appeared in front of her. She hadn't eaten much at all since she got back to the mansion so she was practically starving by now. Trying her damndest to inhale her food and listen to Lucian at the same time. Mid-bite and with noodles hanging out of her mouth she looked over at Lloyd, noticing the worried expression on his face. "
Are you okay Lloyd?" She asked him with a concerned look on her face, having the decency to swallow before speaking...this time. She giggled at Tanari's question to him, if she hadn't asked Ferra probably would have soon.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556
Cina slowly began to eat her food and drinking her wine slowly it's not her favorites but she had to admit the man does pick great ingredients, she also noticed a guy toying with his food and and shrugged 'after all if he got badly wounded in the battle because he isn't bringing his a game it's his fault'. After a few minutes cinla jokely said to sera"If i do join fairy tail in the long run will i have to put a multiple seals around my food so i can enjoy it my self when i have the munchies".

Clover Mansion - Meeting/Dining Room

Lloyd jerked out of his thoughts as both Tanari and Ferra directed questions at him. He blinked once, before quickly focusing his gaze on both of them. "Erm, sure," he said to Tanari, pushing his plate away from him, in her direction. He winced slightly in embarrassment at the mess on his plate though, he had not even known he was doing it, but disorder seemed to characterize his life most times. It looked like a small child had created a mess on his plate. "I haven't eaten any of it so if you still want it..." He glanced over at Ferra, noting the concerned look on her face. "I'm fine," he said, quickly pasting a smile on his face. "I'm just not very hungry for some reason." He would need to talk to his guild members later tonight, that was for sure. If they laughed at him, at least he would know that he was being unduly paranoid. But they at least needed to be warned. And he definitely could not do that here, with all these people around, and definitely not with Mr Gray in the room.

@Mitchs98 @Colt556
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Kelica - Dining Hall - Clover Mansion

Kelica was interested in Llyod as he spoke of others and their ability to speak with the animals and forest, she would have mentioned birds were great for information if they could stop talking for two seconds. However, there was a loud POP and she was voiped straight into a huge dining hall. She half expected her clothing to change into fine regalia as well. Reached up and clasping her necklace for comfort then letting go and smiling around. She saw quiet afew people from Fairytale including Sera the S-class whom she had yet to meet. And glancing around she saw Grace and Llyod almost choaking when she discovered he was Lamia Scales Guild Master..."well that's awkward... " scratching her head. She looked to the owner of the premise and heard him speak, had a nack for listening to conversations and prompting when it was time. She did raise her hand for a question though as the food appeared "Mr Gray...are you the one who created the portal and teleported us here?...what type of magic even is this? "

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98
Clover: Mansion - Meeting Room

"Ha ha! Thanks!" She quickly snatched up the fish-covered plate and with neither grace nor hesitation dumped it all onto her plate. She made sure to scrape every last piece of fish with her fork before setting the now-empty plate on the table. Focusing her attention on her original plate she began swirling around the pasta, mixing it and the fish together to create the coveted seafood alfredo. With her mission now complete she went back to digging into her meal. She took occasional pauses to take a bite of her strawberry sundae, trying to eat it before it completely melted. She wasn't in that big of a rush, though, as slightly melted sundaes were her favorite dessert. Out of curiosity she leaned back, looking over at the man's little name plate on the table. 'Lloyd Kirby... Guildmaster..' Wait, guildmaster? She took a break from eating, gently playing the fork against her lips as she thought back. He had introduced himself as a member of Lamia Scale. The nameplate lists him as guild master... With a small "Ah!" she put two and two together. Her expression quickly changed to one of gloom as she stared at the man. She almost got into a fight with a guildmaster. She counted her lucky stars as she took another, more solemn, bite of her food. A fight with a guildmaster would have ended very, very poorly for her.
-=(John Star)=-

John pursed his lips, and nodded. He was surprised that Mr. Gray granted them all this kind of freedom, places he'd been as he grew up were a lot more strict about this kind of thing.

John looked down at his plate, a simple ham sandwich sat there. Next to the plate sat a cup full of hot chocolate with cinnamon. John hesitantly curled his fingers around the cup, the warmth seeped through. John raised the beverage up to his mouth, steam rose from the cup but he didn't care, he took a sip.

The warm chocolately substance easily made its way down to his stomach, John sighed happily. Being the being of fire himself, the steam was comforting. John's unusual Galaxy-like tongue swiped his lips and fangs, he hummed happily as the liquid soothed his fears.

John's wings moved uncomfortably in the chair, for they were tucked in at an odd angle, usually he'd slouch but he wanted to aleast seem somewhat decent.

John looked over at the girl with the odd seafood alfredo and sundae, he needs
someone to keep his cover cool.

"Hi?" John said awkwardly. All those years of hardly interacting with others was sort of coming back to bite him.

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@HuorSpinks @Colt556

Ferra: Clover Mansion Meeting Room

Ferra shrugged when Lloyd said he was alright, though it was obvious he wasn't. Something was up, though she wouldn't pry into what it was she was still concerned for her Guild Master. "If you say so Lloyd." She told him before returning to the act of eating her food. She glanced over to Tanari momentarily and noticed her expression when she looked at the card, grinning with a face full of noodles. "Shoked tu see Llowd ish a masta huh?" She asked her, giggling.
Clover: Mansion - Meeting Room

She was a bit surprised at the man randomly greeting her. She took a few moments to chew and swallow her food before offering him a simple two-finger wave with an equally simple "Yo." Before returning to her food. There truly were a lot of different people gathered here, each as uniquely strange as the next one. Despite what the flyer said there were more than a few non-S class wizards sitting at this table, herself included. She couldn't help but question why this client of theirs would hand-pick wizards that didn't even fit his own listed criteria. Then again, it's not like classes exist outside of guilds so maybe it was just that Lamia Scale viewed it as S rank? With a small shrug she turned her attention to the second person calling out to her. "He really does-" She cut herself off, about to blatantly speak her mind. Knowing that insulting a guildmaster when sitting right next to him is probably a bad idea she offered a small cough to clear her throat before trying again. "It's rare to see such a young guildmaster, I wasn't expecting it." Yeah, that was definitely a more tactful way of putting it. She silently congratulated herself for her smooth diplomatic skills as she took another bite of her sundae.


Kelica - Dining Hall - Mansion

The girl nodded her head but her eyebrows still seemed confused. I mean, he well explained how they got here, but their names, ranks, and foods? It was all a bit to swallow really, she glancing around to everyone feasting. Most people didn't even seem to question the food or drink. She was as flow going as the next, but it just didn't add up. She closed her eyes briefly and took a very big breath inwards. As she did her heart seemed to slow down, with her eyes closed it seemed every word people spoke, or sound she heard was slowed right down in her head. It was hard to describe, but Kelica was using one of her powers to simply feel out the room, the emotions, the energies. In much the same way a dog or a cat senses danger and tenses, or a herd of animals draws in, she tries to "sense" everyones presence. Most seemed calm, excited even, llyod was the only one concerned as she was. But taking another deep breath in again she focused in on the big man himself...Mr Gray. She tried to feel out his emotions, was he scared, eager, or was their some kind of predator nature about him. If she felt nothing she would eat again and converse with her breathern.

-=(John Star)=-

John sighed, his fangs sliced through the sandwich like a knife through warm butter. His eyes darted nervously from one person to another, a thought had occurred to him.

'Most of these beings are S Class, does that mean one of them could be reading thoughts?'

John felt just generally uncomfortable in front of everyone, was this natural or was he just the odd one out. John's wings attempted to flap nervously but the chair's back kept them constrained, though the chair did make a few squeaks...

'Should I even bother trying to talk to someone?'

Everyone just seemed caught up with each other, talking, eating and enjoying themselves. John's heart raced, he never really felt like this; crowded
but alone.

Thanks to his on nervousness, the edge of the table caught fire; dark purple starry fire flickered, it looked like the galaxy was melting.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tale / 4th Wizard Saint

Clover : meeting room

Clair was waiting to hear the mans response when suddenly she felt the same sensation from before , it was instantaneously afterward she was sat at a large table.The table sat all the wizards that she had just met and more , Clair's eyes were drawn to the card that sat in front of her it showed her name , guild , guild rank and wizard saint rank.It was then a rather sharply dressed man spoke from the head of the table , giving her a wink in the process.The man must have been the figure that was watching from the roof , on realizing this Clair began to smile to herself.The man then identified himself as the client and gave his name.

Several questions where then asked and answered and mission instructions were given.Clair was honestly hoping it was a real dragon , she had wanted to slay a dragon ever since she was young.Clair's eyes began to sparkle when the food arrived , what sat before her was cake , cake , cake and even more cake all finely decorated and multiply layered ! Clair's left eye began to tear up somewhat as she muttered to herself "it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in my life".

Clair quickly dug into the first cake while still listening to Lucian and those who questioned him.When he mentioned he had rooms prepared for everyone Clair couldn't help thinking about the current state of the guild hall.The poor man would more than likely be housing the majority of Fairy tale tonight.
Sage didn't like this one bit. He produce a key from his key holder that was attached to his waist and it began to glow. " Open gate of Zeus. " Sage said as a magic circle appeared in front of him and a eagle came from it quickly. It raised on his shoulder and he felt it rest on his shoulder. " Where are we. " he asked Winter, who he was sitting next to.?

@ScarlettRose16 @Mitchs98

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