Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Jaymes McGarrett - Inside Mansion/Library @HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots

When a people around him decided to go into the portal, Jaymes felt like it was a huge mistake and chose to remain behind. He didn't like being left behind but his instincts told him not to go, so he didn't. When after a short amount of time the people came back and told them that they had been transported to Magnolia, he snorted at the irony of it. When Misaki said that they had emerged in a house full of bodies, and that a guildless mage had been sent there to eradicate the occupants, Jaymes grimaced. But before he could say anything else, another person that he did not know emerged from the portal, he mentally got ready for trouble. Then yet another person emerged, this time Alfie. "...Alfie? What? Why did you come out of the portal...??" Jaymes said flabbergasted.


Dakota was resting in the forest, having managed to kill a small animal and cook it through starting a fire. He was about to eat it when he heard thunderous roar from above. This roar was so powerful that it caused the air to vibrate the and leaves in the tree canopy above him to shake and fall from the tree limbs. That was the roar of a dragon, no doubt, and a very powerful one at that. Quickly, Dakota grabbed his canteen and emptied it on the small fire, putting it out, and then grabbed his pack and dashed off through the trees, putting his pack on his back and eating as he went. He didn't want to be found by the dragon, and knew that moving was the best option. From above, an enormous shadow moved over the forest, covering it in darkness. Pausing for a moment, Dakota looked up, lucky to see a break in the tree canopy. Above him floated a dragon, high up. Because it was in front of the sun, Dakota couldn't see much about it, but it looked like it was black. A black dragon...could it be? The black dragon of the apocalypse? Dakota didn't stick around, he began to run again. There was a sudden flash of light, and a very strange sensation, then before he could stop, Dakota slammed into a wall, breaking the drywall in a shape of his body. Dakota fell backwards, totally dazed yet still holding the steaming meat he had cooked on a stick in his right hand.
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Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Mansion

"Naomi bit someone in Lamia Scale. He was with a girl who was shorter than me and his name was Paris and the girl was named Ferra!" Mentioning the two and she turned around expecting them to still be there but seemed that they hand wandered off to somewhere. "Nomi thinks they're here for dragons too!" Upon Sera mentioning Cinla being both guildless and here to slay on dragons, Naomi didn't hesitate to smile up at her before pulling out her, basically, endless supply of buns and offering it to her like a sign of her friendship. Looking back up at Sera when she made the comment about the client not being around, Naomi quickly came up with the conclusion that they might be out getting food. "Maybe they realized that they need to buy food?" Suggesting her thoughts to the two of them with a rather cluelessly innocent smile.


@Leo Radomir
@Defective Kitten @Leo Radomir @Arvis90 @Mr Swiftshots

Sera: ??? Mansion Downstsairs, Inside

Sera shrugged in response to Clair, "I dunno. I haven't seen her. I hope she's alright, though I'm sure she's fine." She told her. She shook her head at Cinla, "They aren't there. Apparently everyone is crowded upstairs in the library over some kinda portal thing so, yea. I guess they didn't find him though." She replied. Sighing she wished they'd find him soon, if not she was liable to just leave altogether.

Sera giggled at Naomi when she answered who she bit. "
You said you were sorry, I hope. We gotta work with these people after all, I'm pretty sure everyone here is here for the job." She told her. She shrugged when she mentioned they might of forgotten to buy food. "I..don't think going out to buy food would cause a house to accumulate this much dust. Plus, I'm sure they had maid staff so that doesn't explain where they went." She replied on the question of where they went to.

Soon after someone came crashing through the freaking wall to stop a short ways away from them. Sera simply stared in shock, eventually choosing to speak. "
Nice entrance there buddy, may try the front door next time?" She told him.
@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Arvis90 @Bunny @Salt Lord

Ferra: ??? Mansion Upstairs Library

Ferra expected the portal to lead to somewhere mor exciting than a building on the outskirts of Magnolia with bodies and a independant mage, sadly it didn't seem to have however. "
Oh. That sucks. Wish you coulda found the client. Oh well, at-least we got someone else to help us if it is dragons." She replied, slightly depressed. Which soon went away after he asked her about the fight. "It was awesome! I dunno who won, we kinda left mid-way to come check on you guys. The fight was contained by a barrier, so the town was safe. And yes, yes we did. She likes food just as much as me! Which happens to be why she bit Paris' hand." She explained.
Cinla took the bun and gently began to eat and after her mouthful is done she said"Thanks naomi i needed that and you really are the cute little sister type i chan see why sera likes you so much, but back to the question at hand even if the client isn't here is as sera stated it does seem odd but there's no maid or instructions of any kind". Cinla didn't bother to look at the guy that just crashed through the wall and took another bit out of her bun and then she remembered she a small healing spirit charm worth about the same money and after a couple of minutes pulled it out of her pocket and said" It's a fair exchange for the bun it has a day and half of energy and please remember to be careful crafting these is not easy".

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten
Dakota was sore, his head was spinning and weird noises could be heard, though his ears were buzzing from the impact. After a couple moments, he finally opened his eyes to see a ceiling above him. Groaning, he pushed himself onto his haunches dusted himself off, the drywall and timber debris littering his clothing. It was a good thing his wings had not been manifested when he landed on his back, otherwise they would surely be throbbing right now, just as most of his body was. When someone spoke, he jumped and turned his head to the right, peering behind him. He jumped, a startled sound escaping his mouth as he witnessed Sera, believing her to be a demon. "Bakudo Number 11: Heavenly Sealing Chains." Placing glowing silver chains around Sera's neck, wrists and ankles. The spell was not very powerful as he did not recite the full incantation, nor was it a high level spell. He just wanted to buy himself time to prepare for a fight. That was when he noticed two others young woman near the monster. "What are you doing? Run?!" Dakota called out, incredulous they wouldn't recognize the danger they were surely in.

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Leo Radomir
Mansion Inside, Downstairs

Cinla twitch with rage and silently whispered" akima loka nija" two medium sized spirit weapon suddenly appeared and cinla cut some of the chains off and then turned to the idiot and said" I'm a bloody spirit fairy and i don't need a knight in shining armour second of all sera is a good vampire it cheeses me off when people assume all of them are the same".

@Arvis90 @Mitchs98 ect
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After seeing that a mercenary who knocked out a bunch of people arrived, he wondered where the portal lead to. A distant country that's not even on the maps of Earthland? Maybe an underground civilization? Perhaps an multi-dimensional pocket filled with monsters and crazy animals that were very different from Earthland! Instead, it was Magnolia. He sighed, his dreams crushed once again. He winced when Ferra mentioned the girl biting his hand.

"What do we do now?" He asked.


Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Mansion

Being rather startled by the man suddenly breaking in when there was a door literally 5 feet away from him, which I mind you was open. She looked at the man rather dully but then again she did run into a few door of her own back in the day, also known as yesterday. The first thing he does when he sees Sera is wrap her up in chains like a present, and not the nice kind either, without even a good morning or hello or whats up? How rude! Of corse seeing her Senpai Sera wrapped up in chain absolutely enraged her, causing her to summon a firearm. "Equip; Magic Shotgun!" The exaggeratedly large gun plopped into her arms in which she quickly aimed it at the man who dare trap Sera, her chain quickly breaking like twigs when Cinla cut them off. Despite the large weapon looking rather impractical, especially with her stature and frame, Naomi handled the firearm as if it were but another light small hand pistol. "Mister, please do tell why you did that?" Speaking with an innocent grin as if she weren't holding a gun aimed at his face...



@Leo Radomir
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Grace kept occasionally glancing over at Lloyd. Right now it seemed that he was quite free and that now was her chance to speak with him. She walked over to her guild master with a look of annoyance and placed her hands on her hips. "Hey, Lloyd." She said quietly, looking up at the taller man. "I need to talk to you. Outside..." Without giving him a chance to respond, Grace turned around and walked out of the mansion into the open, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. She would've talked to Lloyd inside of the mansion but it was getting too stuffy for her.

@Arvis90 @Defective Kitten @Leo Radomir

Sera: ??? Mansion Inside, Downstairs

Talk to a guy, get wrapped up in chains, nice. "Hey what the hell are you doing?!" She shouted, struggling against the chains only to have them destroyed by Cinla a bit after. Sera was beyond pissed at that point, grabbing her scythe from her back she glared at the guy. Naomi seemed to have had the same idea as well, seeing as she brought out a weapon of her own. She couldn't help but smirk due to how out of place it looked in the girls hands, but she knew she was 100% serious when she aimed it at him. "Yea pal. Care to explain why you bust through a wall and then chain me up? We didn't even get past hello yet." She told him. "Please, go on. Do explain." She added soon after.
Clover Mansion - Library

Lloyd sighed. "Good question," he admitted. "Without the client there's not much we can do to progress on this mission. We'll still need to search for him or her, that would probably be what we need to do first before we attempt anything else. I was thinking that the portal might be the key to that." At this point Lloyd was not even aware that he was speaking his thoughts aloud, and that his guild members could probably hear him. "If the portal lead to Magnolia, perhaps it could lead to other places if we tried activating different places in the library. We could use that to seach for the client. It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack though, because the client could be anywhere in Fiore by this time." That one billion jewels had better be worth all that effort.

Lloyd blinked down at Grace as she interrupted his train of thought, and watched as she stalked out of the library. She seemed irritated about something, and Lloyd wondered if it was being he had been too overprotective earlier. Either way, it seemed that he would get a chance to talk to Grace about it after all. "Sorry, excuse me for a moment," he called to his other Guild members as he went off after Grace.

Clover Mansion - Outside

His steps slowed and grew a little more tentative as he approached Grace where she was standing outside the mansion. "Erm... Grace? You wanted to talk to me about something?"

Dakota - Inside Mansion/First Floor

Dakota didn't know what the heck was happening. First he had cast a binding spell to hold the demon at bay, then one of the girls summoned a sword and broke his spell, before threatening him, next the other girl requipped a strong looking magical gun, which was quite oversized in her hands, but it didn't seem to stop her from aiming it at his head. Lastly, the demon itself grabbed a wicked looking scythe from her back. "Vampire, monster, demon. They are all the same." Dakota said, he knew that was a stupid thing to say with such hostile people in front of him, even if he caused the hostility in the first place. "I have seen countless atrocities committed by things like her." Normally Dakota would never get emotional, but having witnessed the slaughters that the Demons of the Books of Zeref more than a hundred years ago with his own eyes, he couldn't consider that any of them could be anything but cold blooded killers.

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir @Defective Kitten
Grace looked up at Lloyd and nodded with a frown. "Yes, actually. You're being too protective of me!" She said, crossing her arms tightly. There was a small blush on her face as she spoke, a little embarrassed that she was having such a conversation with her guild master. But it had to be done. "I haven't been able to do anything at all so far because you won't let me! Just because I'm a B class wizard doesn't mean I can't protect myself. Besides, how am I even supposed to reach S rank if I can't do anything!? I just ask that you let me do more things to help out and stop thinking that I'm weak because of my rank..."

Mansion- Clover Town


She was still outside. She was all for finding the client but it was kind of pointless for the time being. She decides to walk inside. And she sees a couple mages pointing their weapons at a guy. "You guys look like you've got everything handled" she says giving them a thumbs up and running up the stairs. She goes back into where the bedrooms. She looked through them all and it looked like whoever the client was, decided to move out. She walks into where the library it. "Hey guys, I think we are honestly wasting our time. The client is obviously no where close. The bedroom are completely cleared out and I don't think there is really a reason for everyone to be here. Why don't we send a group to the town the job request says got attacked, maybe we could find some answers there." She suggests while walking into the room.

@anybody that's in the library
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Clover Mansion - Outside

Lloyd sighed and scratched the top of his head, a sheepish expression on his face. "I'm sorry," he said finally. He turned away from Grace and faced forward, down the path that lead away from the mansion. There was silence, as he desperately contemplated what to say next. "I had been wondering too if I had been too overprotective..." here, he trailed off into silence again. Grace had been right, of course. All those times, in hindsight, he could have let her go through first because there had hardly been any danger before. And if there had been, he should have trusted her to be able to protect herself. Not to mention, he had been there as well, and he could have intervened if the danger had proven to be too much. He couldn't blame Grace for being frustrated; he'd have been frustrated too. He knew that Grace was strong; he just... had not been showing that he knew.

There was a fine line between allowing one to develop, and crossing the line into over-protectiveness. And he had just crossed that. Yet... if anything had happened to her or any of the Guild members, he would blame himself for it because it had been his call and he flubbed it. It had happened before. And one time it had even resulted in a death within the Guild. Lloyd had still not forgiven himself for that.

Grace was waiting for an answer and he was not even sure of what he should say. Perhaps... he should just be honest. He appreciated Grace's honesty, and she deserved his honesty in return for being courageous enough to bring this up to him.. "I admit, I do get overprotective at times. If anything happened to any of you, it would have been my fault if I had allowed it, or hadn't intervened fast enough. But you're right though; you wouldn't get a chance to become more powerful if I keep protecting you. It's a hard pill for me to swallow but..." Here, he sighed. "I'll probably end up giving advice or nagging half the time, but I won't intervene unless you really need it."

Grace listened quietly and intently as Lloyd spoke, looking up at his head. She could tell that her Guild Master was uncomfortable too and she felt bad for making him feel like this, but she had to have this conversation or the mission would be a waste of time. It's one thing to get a lot of money, but it's the experience that makes it worth it.

When Lloyd finished talking, admitting that he had been too overprotective, a small smile grew on her face. "Thank you Lloyd." She said, stepping forward and giving him a small, awkward hug. "I'm so glad that you understand. It takes a lot off my chest..."

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Clair Fernandes

Mansion first story

Clair didn't pay to much attention to the man that came flying through the wall until he cast a spell on Sera. Clearly this man was strongly against the existence of vampires presumable due to an event in his past.Clair watched as the other two wizards pulled there weapons on him , this was beginning to get out of hand.Clair stood in front of the man shielding him from the wizards and there weapons , if this turned into a fight the mansion wouldn't be left standing. "we don't need to turn to violence surely we can talk about this" Clair looked at the man over her shoulder and spoke coldly "isn't that right"



@Leo Radomir

@Defective Kitten

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Mansion

Her gun still aimed at the man, Naomi wasn't sure what to do since hurting someone in her guide was a rule for her unless it was common fight like in the guide hall. Looking up at Sera for what to do next, Naomi looked at Clair as she spoke about talking it out.. Obviously the man loved to talk with his first impression by breaking into the mansion and chaining up Sera like she was about to kill him when they first met. "Does he think Sera is a bad muffin?" Asking Clair and looking down at the man, her shotgun still pointed towards him.


@Leo Radomir


@Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes

Mansion first story

"A bad muffin....." Clair muttered looking back to Naomi , why was she comparing Sera to a muffin ? "yes , i suppose so" she replied, Clair looked to Sera and then back to the shotgun and spirit weapon. Things did not look good for this guy but again Clair couldn't let the mansion turn into a battle ground , it was the only lead the guild had on the whereabouts of the client. "listen if you really want to beat this muffin hatting guy to a pulp do it outside , otherwise i fear this mansion will be caught up in the aftermath of the battle". Clair didn't want to annoy any of her guild mates especially Sera and Naomi as she had known them for quite along time.



@Leo Radomir

@Defective Kitten
@Defective Kitten @Leo Radomir @Mr Swiftshots @Arvis90

Sera: Clover Mansion, Inside Downstairs

Sera gripped her scythe tightly as this guy compared her so commonly to other demons and the like. It wasn't as if she had chosen to be what she was, far from it. Then this guy had the nerve to talk to her as if she were nothing more than a monster. In the past, she had been, true enough. But she learned how to control herself since then. What right did he have to judge her?

I am NOT a thing. Sure, I had a bad past due to what I am..but who are you to judge me?" She told him through gritted teeth, barely able to contain her rage. Infact if it weren't for Clair intervening he'd probably be very injured right now. Sighing she calmed herself and put her scythe back on her back. "Fine.." She told them. "Talk and explain." She practically ordered the man, ignoring the comments of muffins and fighting outside.
Cinla's made her weapons vanish but eyes went from a warm to hurry up the soon you explain the soon you can get out of my sight, 'thinking back on things cinla was't exactly a good women either in her past her hate for demons and half demons and devils with rare exception to the rule is known in some parts of hell and those that didn't want to die or be beaten up badly wouldn't start crap with her'.

@Mitchs98 etc
Clover: Mansion - Upstairs Library

As the others talked amongst themselves she was casually meandering around the library, eyeing up the various books to pass the time. It seemed the client they were suppose to meet wasn't here and hadn't been for a while now. She couldn't help but wonder if maybe she should go back, after all 200,000 Jewel would be a great payday and if there's no client then there's no money for this job. She idly took one of the books from the shelf, flipping through it's pages for no real reason. It was at this point that a girl entered the library and suggested the client wasn't around and that they should go and check out the town that was attacked. She closed the book and slipped it back on the shelf as she walked over towards the newcomer.

"If you're referring to Malnia don't even bother. I was there yesterday and there's nothing but burnt out remains and people trying to rebuild." She offered a shrug as she spoke, finally come to a stop a few feet away from the girl. This really was a huge waste of time, wasn't it. With a sigh she turned towards the not-so-secret room. "Well, this is a waste of time. Whoever posted that job clearly is just messing with all of us. I'm going back, not gonna pass up a paycheck for this nonsense." Let the guilds waste their time on a wild goose chase, they had plenty of high paying jobs. They didn't have to worry about making ends meet. If they wanted to waste their time that's on them, but she couldn't afford to pass up a well-paying job for this.



@Sinister Clown


Dakota Zandrakus - Clover - Mansion - First Floor

When someone got in between him and the three woman, Dakota wanted to tell the woman to mind her own business. However, the woman seemed to have a calming effect on the others to a degree, so Dakota kept his mouth shut. When told to explain his reasoning for his action, Dakota restated. "Vampires are the same as demons." Dakota simply stated, his eyes locked with Sera's. "I have been alive for a long time, and in those years, I have dealt with vampires dozens of times." With that, he moved out from behind Clair and lifted his shirt. Running down his chest and abdomen were wicked scars, even though they were faded, you could tell they were claw marks that had torn his body up severely. "I got these 60 years ago when I was on a mission to destroy a vampire like you. He had pillaged the town. When I got there, I found a survivor, a young girl no older than 8, I thought that somehow she had escaped the evil. But no." Dakota paused dropping his shirt, and his voice lowered. "No, the vampire knew I was coming for him, so he left a little surprise behind. He had turned her, forced her to consume his blood and made her a monster like him. I got these scars because of that little girl," Dakota tapped the side of his head. "But the worst scars are still fresh in my mind, I remember having to destroy her." Dakota said, tears starting to stream down his face. "That is what you are your kind do, they destroy and violate even the most pure things! That is why I reacted as I did."

@Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @Defective Kitten
Mifune was flat on the ground inside the hall after being knocked through the door by the Guildmasters Magic. Getting up slowly, he reached for a bench to help himself up because every single movement hurt right now. "Geez..." He muttered to himself. "That seriously hurt..." He used the chair to lift himself up and looked around for a second. Everything was getting a bit blurry for him. He was covered in earth dust and a bit of his own blood. He limped over slowly to a long bench, and laid on it. "Fairy...tail....huh?" He looked around. "What... Have I got myself into?" He closed his eyes, and passed out from injury.

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