Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Stepping into the portal felt like bathing in pure light. For a second, nothing happened. And then suddenly, he felt a gentle tingling, followed by a tugging sensation. It felt like being tugged into two. Before he even had the chance to cry out, the tugging stopped. He took a step forward, and found himself out of the portal. He wasn't even sure if he was in the secret library anymore, or somewhere else, because the light was blinding and he could barely see anything other than sparkles even after being out of the light. And the next thing he knew, something bumped into him from behind, sending him, for the second time in a row, stumbling forward onto the floor, once again managing to catch himself on his hands and knees, wincing once again as pain shot through his palms, probably from the cuts from earlier.

When the blinding light finally cleared, he opened his eyes and stared around him. He found himself staring at a whole mass of bodies on the floor. That was the first thing he saw. The second thing he saw was that he was no longer in the library. He was now in a small room that seemed to be made of wood, and surrounded by bodies. The third thing he saw was a young woman with scarlet hair, wearing gauntlets that seemed to be made of fire.

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Magnolia: Outskirts - Abandoned House

Just as she had expected something came through the portal. A blonde haired man came stumbling from the oval of light, falling to his hands and knees among the bodies of the thugs she had just beaten up. She held her attack, finding the man's entrance a little haphazard for a combatant. Even so she couldn't be sure what this man was and so she raised her right arm, pointing at the man with her flame-covered hand. "You have five seconds to tell me who you are before I cook you alive." As if to make her point perfectly clear she wreathed her entire body in fire as she held her glare on the man. She was almost certain this man was at least related to these thugs in some way and she wasn't about to let him threaten her paycheck that was waiting for her.

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Lloyd carefully got to his feet, wincing slightly as he pulled an arrow from his quiver and notched it to his bow, all in the space of three seconds. "I'd like to see you try that," he said, in a firm tone, as his hands glowed blue, and the tip of his arrow glowed blue as well. He had no idea who this woman was; perhaps she was the client. Either way, it was probably best that he introduce himself. "I'm Lloyd," he said finally, holding his bow steady, aimed in her direction. "From Lamia Scale. And your name?"

He cast a critical eye on her. She seemed to be a mage as well, based on the fire that was sprouting from her gauntlet. Her abilities seemed something to do with fire, and he figured that he's let her have the first strike and play defensive for now, if only to gauge her abilities before he landed one of his own. But still though, he had to know what she was doing there, at the entrance to the portal that led to the mansion. "Are you the client?" he asked finally.

Magnolia: Outskirts - Abandoned House

"Lamia scale..." She repeated the name quietly to herself. That was one of the larger official guilds out there. Even if he was from Lamia Scale there's no guarantee that he wasn't an enemy, he did have his bow trained on her after all. All the same she figured she should play it safe. "Tanari, independent mage." She let her gaze drift from the man's face to the arrow he had notched in his bow. By the looks of it he was a holder-type mage, that would give her a significant advantage if she could get rid of that bow. The speed at which he went from the ground to a combat-ready stance worried her, though. She could tell from his actions, demeanor, and magic that he was no pushover.

She lowered her arm to her side, spreading her feet apart as she took a more combat-ready stance. If this man wanted a go at her she'd make sure to show him a good time. The thought of getting the first hit in and subduing him crossed her mind, however she was put that idea on hold as the man asked her if she was a client. A client? What kind of mage meets a client through some magic portal that leads to an abandoned house? She softly shook her head, never taking her gaze off the man. "Nope, just a mage doing a job. What about you? You with them?" To make it perfectly clear who 'them' was she gave a nod towards the bodies strewn about the floor.

"this is why i work alone" Clair sighed following the two through the portal.The transportation was really something it was what Clair had imagined being compressed was like.This magic was like her requip magic in theory , but clearly on a much greater level there had to be a lacrima involved somewhere along the line. After exiting the portal Clair struggled to keep her balance but ultimately kept on her feet. The portal left her blinded for some time and so the first thing she noticed was the stench of burnt flesh. Clair was still quite disorientated when her vision returned but the second thing she noticed was a mage conjuring flames to engulf there body but it seemed the Lamia Scale master had this covered.

Lloyd blinked in confusion as he gazed at the bodies littered around, even as he kept his bow steady and trained on her. If she was strong enough knock all these people out, obviously she was a proficient fighter. He did not even know who they were, or what they were even doing here. Or whether she was going to turn on him next. And as long as she was in a combat ready pose, he wasn't going to let down his guard. Though now he realised after what she said, that she wasn't the client. She was just a normal mage, though a guildless one at that. "Good to meet you, Tanari," he said finally, giving a polite nod of the head. "In all honestly I don't even know where we are. All I know was that I just entered this portal from a client's mansion and wound up here. And they're with me," he added quickly, glancing over to where Grace and Clair were just as he noticed them behind him. "So where are we then? You probably have a better idea of this place than we do." He glanced down at all the bodies. "Was this your assignment then?"

@Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots
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Magnolia: Outskirts - Abandoned House

She took another step back as two more individuals came through the portal. She was confidant in her skills but she could tell they were stronger than her previous opponents, and a three-on-one fight isn't exactly what she wanted right now. Her eyes darted from one to the other before settling back on the Lloyd character. "Mansion, eh? Must be a pretty high paying job." She stole another glance at the two women that accompanied him, sizing up their potential strength. The kid didn't seem that strong but the older girl seemed like she could hold her own in a fight. Two troublesome combatants and a tag-along it seemed like. She fixated her gaze back onto the man as posed his question. "Magnolia, you're in Magnolia. The outskirts to be specific." She followed his glance down at the bodies still strewn about the floor and flashed him the same toothy grin she gave the thugs. "Yeah, they were." Despite her grin she took another slow step backwards. She made sure to retain her posture, keeping her footing so that she could move on a moment's notice.


Clair finally came to her senses as the girl and Lloyde spoke to one another. The room was littered with body's which apparently the girl had a part in , interesting most definitely.Clair didn't want to interrupt the conversation as the girl looked ready to hit and run.Clair steadied herself and stood up straight placing her left hand lightly on the handle of her katana ,which was still holstered.If the girl did bolt Clair had every intention of chasing after her. @HuorSpinks @Colt556
Grace had stepped through the portal a little too fast, and stumbled out the other side. She nearly fell down but managed to stay on her face and not embarrass herself. "Look at that Lloyd, nothing dangero-" her words were cut off at the sight of the bodies, and the girl standing menacingly in front of her. She managed to hold in a squeak of surprise and took a step back beside Lloyd, deciding to let him do the talking.
"Magnolia?" Lloyd repeated, rather stupidly, as a shocked expression crossed his face. This was even more confusing. Why would a portal in a secret library lead to Magnolia of all places? He couldn't help thinking that if Fairy Tail had known about this portal, they wouldn't even have needed to bring their entire Guildhall with them. Though it was quite possible that the portal on this end would have to be activated as well, something the Fairy Tail Guild probably wasn't aware of.

Lloyd could not help noticing that the moment Grace and Clair came forward to stand by his side, Tanari seemed a tad less confident, as she seemed to be backing away. That was the last thing Lloyd wanted, to have Tanari flee before he could ask his questions. And at the same time, keeping his bow notched probably made things far more tense than they should have been. He did not want to threaten her, and showing that he came in peace probably would contribute far more to having his questions answered.

He relaxed his posture, and removed the arrow from his bow, though he kept bow and arrow in hand. He was a trained marksman and archer after all, and he knew without a doubt that if she should chose to attack him when he appeared vulnerable, it would take him less than a second to fire an arrow. In addition, he also had Grace and Clair at his back, and he was sure that they would react if she attempted anything. The numbers were on their side if it did come to unhappy blows.

"I do not mean you any harm," he said finally. "I am just a tad confused, and I cannot help but think that you have something to do with the mission we are on, as the portal we found in our client's mansion lead directly towards you."

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

"Then its settled!" Naomi stated happily, "Onward!" Cheering whilst marching forward, a meat bun hanging from her mouth as she treaded forward without a single care in the world. Little did she know that she was walking in the complete opposite direction of the obviously placed mansion.


@Bunny @Defective Kitten

Ferra: Streets of Clover

That's true Paris. They might've stubbed their toe you know." She told him teasing him before laughing. She picked up her pace slightly once Naomi agreed to go. After a minute or so she looked back. Annnd..Naomi was going to wrong way. "Naomi wait! You're going the wrong way!" She called out to her, running to catch up to her and turning her in the actual direction of the mansion. "You might not be in our guild but be careful, wandering around randomly is dangerous."
Paris rolled his eyes at Ferra's remark. When Ferra recognized that Naomi was going the wrong way by mistake, Paris rambled on acting as if Ferra was there, when she really wasn't.

"You know, I think the guild should value me more. How many people in our guild can heal? Hm... Actually I don't know but I can! I can use Sky Magic to boot! Maybe I can study medicine and become a doctor too!" Paris realized Ferra was missing and looked back. "Where are you guys going?"

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Once Naomi had gotten stopped for going in the wrong direction, she look rather stunned for a moment before reverting to her smiley little self. "Thank you!" Turning about and continued her march as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened just a second ago. "Don't worry! Naomi makes bad people go boom boom!" Of corse saying it in the way that she did didn't make it seem at all convincing nor threatening but she didn't seem to notice.


@Bunny @Defective Kitten

Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra shrugged in response to Paris and laughed in response to Naomi. "You're welcome, and I'm sure you do." She told her. "Now then guys, mansion is this way, not that way." She told them jokingly, gesturing in front of them and then behind them. Picking up the pace a bit now that she was sure everyone was following her she wanted to reach the mansion and see if the client ever got back, she hoped they were, she wanted to kill a dragon ASAP. Mostly to see how it tasted.
Paris nodded as he rejoined Ferra and Naomi. When they finally got to the mansion, Paris was lost.

"Uh, where are they? Lloyd? Grace?" He called out to his fellow guild members who were nowhere to be seen. He looked at Ferra and Naomi. "Where do you think they went?" Paris started looking around the giant mansion for anyone.

@Defective Kitten @Mitchs98

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Mansion

Upon arriving at the mansion, Naomi was rather disappointed that they weren't serving food of any sorts, not even refreshments! What kind of abomination was this? "Perhaps they went to get foo-" Her sentence quickly cut off when she's spotted Sera, her senpai! Running at full speed towards her, Naomi jumped onto her like a koala bear and latched on. "Sera~!" She snuggled onto her as if they hadn't seen each other in a life time, "Naomi missed you~!"


Magnolia: Outskirts - Abandoned House

She studied the man's face as he mulled over what she had told him. It was clear as day that none of them had any idea what was going on. Her eyes once again darted between the trio, paying particular attention to the man and the redhead as they seemed the biggest threats and were also the ones ready to fight. She took a deep breath as she carefully and slowly took another step back over one of the unconscious bodies laying on the floor. It was at that moment that the man seemed to lower his weapon and took a more relaxed stance.

That as all well and good for him, maybe he didn't mean any harm. Then again the redhead still seemed raring to go, and the man hadn't exactly put his weapon away either. She held her posture for a few more moments before letting out a long, exaggerated, frustrated sigh. She let her arms drop to her side as the flames engulfing her seemed to die down and wisp into nothingness. In mere moments she appeared as a normal, albeit exceptionally attractive, girl without even the hint of magic that she was once using. "Whatever, fine, you're not the enemy." The tired frustration was evident in her voice, after all she just wanted to get back to town and get her money. "Well sorry to disappoint, Handsome, but I have no idea what your job is and I can pretty much guarantee I have nothing to do with it." With this she turned around and made her way for the door. "So if there's nothing else, I need to go collect my money for a job well done."



@Mr Swiftshots
"Hold on a bit," Lloyd called out, seeing that Tanari was about to leave. "Just one more question, and then we'll be done." Seeing that she had extinguished her flames, they were probably done with any combat, though he could not help feeling a little wary. Experience had taught him that people could whip our their weapons or magic in mere seconds, which was why he trained himself to do that too. Hence, he placed his arrow back into his quiver and reached his hand into his pants pocket, pulling out the flyer advertising the one billion jewels and holding it out before her. "This is the mission we're on," he told her, in a more conversational, though slightly tired (this had been a pretty eventful day) tone. "The client's home is in a great mansion near the town of Clover. Have you visited the mansion before?"

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
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Clair brought her hand off her sword and rested it at her side.This was Magnolia which meant she was right back where she had started but why Magnolia ? There had to be a specific reason as to why the portal lead here but clearly the girl before her had no idea as to why. Wait she had come here for a job , the job supposedly involved fighting off these thugs but why would anyone want a group of thugs removed from a small house such as this. "sorry i'll be back in a second there's something i want to check" Clair kept her distance from the girl as she passed not wanting to startle her any more than three people coming through a portal would. @HuorSpinks
Magnolia: Outskirts - Abandoned House

She clicked her tongue in frustration as the man asked her to wait, stating he had another question. She quickly spun on her heel to face the trio once more, placing her hands on her hips as she impatiently waited for him to ask his question. Her demeanor softened somewhat as he pulled out a flyer and stated that it was the job they were on. She leaned forward slightly and began to read the flyer, mumbling bits of it to herself as she read. It wasn't until near the end that her eyes widened and she quickly strode forward, snatching the flyer out of his hands. Holding it close to her face she again read it to make sure there was no mistake. "A billion Jewel!?" She couldn't contain herself as she read it for a third time, never before seeing so many zeroes. "I'd never have to work another day in my life!" She let out a creepy giggle as she imagined what she could do with so much money, long gone would be the days of staying in shoddy Inns and eating scraps.

She was snapped out of her daydreaming by the man explaining the client and the mansion situation. Figuring she should calm herself down she not-so-subtly stuck the flyer in her pocket before bringing a fist to her mouth and offering a small cough. "Right, well I still have no idea what any of this is about. I've never been to any mansion in Clover and I highly doubt I've ever met this client of yours. But you say it's through that portal, eh?" She leaned to the side slightly to look around the man, eyeing up the portal once more. It was then that the redhead of the group excused herself, making for the exit. She held her gaze on the woman, making sure she didn't try anything funny until she had exited the building. Turning her attention back to the man she was about to speak up, to make a suggestion, when she realized she could go for the job herself. If she could get the billion Jewel all to herself, well there wasn't much of a reason to offer her competitors any advice.


Clair exited the building and began scouting the area around the house. The place was almost completely concealed and also very old much like the interior of the mansion.The thugs had probably accidentally stumbled upon the site and thought it a good hide away , which it was.The person that had given the girl her job may be the client Clair was searching for but then again it could have also been someone who had been man handled by the thugs. The client was proving to be very hard to find.

Clair continued on along the path that lead away from the small house and again it was rather concealed. Clair came to the end of the path and looked down towards Magnolia she then began to think about everything that had happened up until now.A small house hidden away from the people , a large mansion well decorated and took after on the outside but aged and abandoned on the inside , a portal which connects these two destinations to one another and finally a dark figure on the roof of the mansion.Just what did all this mean ? Was the portal an escape route , a connection line , a means of communication ? Did the Client intend on communicating with Fairy tale through the use of this portal or did he simply mean too use it as a means of escape. Was the portal even the clients or was it a former owner's ?

With all these question and yet no answers , Clair decided it best to return to the group.She took back to the path and began walking back to them.


I totally could've gone alone! Grace thought as she watched Lloyd and the mysterious Mage talked. She wasn't going to lie, it was pretty boring on this trip and her excitement was fading. She felt like she was being treated as a child and wasn't allowed to do anything fun. "No Grace, you can't blow up the wall, the portal, you can't go through first either because there might be danger on the other side!" She was getting nothing out of the experience and she felt a little down about it. Not only that, but there were tons of rude people! However she decided for everyone's sake that she would just shut up and not complain. Besides, there was the chance at a billion gems! I just need to power through this. Grace thought and crossed her arms.
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@Bunny @Defective Kitten

Ferra: ??? Mansion Inside, Downstairs.

Ferra shrugged, other than Sera and Cinla and of course those she arrived with she saw no one downstairs. "Oh! I remember, they were exploring upstairs. We should check there!" She told them. However Naomi had elected to run and climb onto someone she assumed was her guild mate, so it seemed it would be just her and Paris on the search. "I'mma just follow you." She told him, following him around as he searched.


@Defective Kitten @Leo Radomir

Sera: ???? Mansion Inside, Downstairs

While Sera waited for a response from Cinla she elected to find a chair and sit down, finding no reason she couldn't sit down and talk to her at the same time. Before she could however she was quickly interrupted by Naomi running and diving on her, causing her to stumble a bit but not fall. She laughed softly and ruffled the girls hair. "
I missed you too Naomi, how's Master Cece's fight going?" She asked her, continuing to allow her to cling to her. She wasn't exactly that heavy, plus it'd be rude to just throw her off seeing it was evident how much she liked her.
Masaki watched as Clair, Lloyd, and Grace made their way through the portal as a trio. Deciding not to go with them, and quite stubbornly so to say the least, instead Masaki decided to wait for their return or perhaps some kind of call for help should they need it. But now, he was positive that they wouldn't need the help... At least he hoped so. Walking away from the portal and to the centre of the room, he sat down and crossed his legs. "I wonder what they have discovered..." He said to himself in a curious tone. Masaki took a deep sigh, he realised that he may have been overreacting earlier but it really wasn't his fault, he just didn't like the thought of anyone getting hurt. Masaki sat there quietly, concentrating on the room around him, more specifically the portal, in case anything would happen. If anything did happen, Masaki was ready to react in an instant.

@Anyone still in the mansion

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