Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Masaki stopped moving and looked at Grace, sighing as he did so. "Well then, be my guest. If you want to go through then that's fine. But we don't know what's on the other side. It could be like walking into a trap." He sighed again and stared at the portal before adding. "Would you rather me not care? We have to work on this job together, be it from the same guild or not. It makes no difference. We are allies, And I don't like the thought of allies getting hurt." After he said that he put his hands in his pockets and stood next to the portal, going back to watching it. Masaki was quite annoyed, and that much was evident yet extremely out of character for him.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks
Grace crossed her arms defiantly and stared Masaki down. She found it a little sweet that the boy did somewhat care for her, despite them only having rude conversations, but he was still from a rival guild. "Thank you for your concerns, but I think I can handle myself." She retorted, tilting her head over towards Winter. "Besides, whatever your name is, that girl stuck her hand through and I just fine! I think I will be too!"

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
She smiles. "I'm Winter" she says looking at how excited the girl was getting. "And you are?" She asks curiously figuring that she might as well know her allies names. "And Masaki why don't you go with her?" She teases knowing he probably wouldn't want to go through the portal.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
"Ah Winter. That's a nice name." Grace said, smiling back. She had only talked with this girl once and she already found her more enjoyable than Misaki. "My name is Grace, from Lamia Scale." However, her bright smile almost immediately turned into a frown when Winter suggested Misaki go with her. That's the complete opposite of what she wanted! Maybe this Winter fellow isn't so good... She thought, glancing over at Misaki. "I think I can do this by myself..."

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
She looks over at Grace not meaning to offend her in anyway at all. "Grace I know you are perfectly capable I was just joking" she says trying to explain herself so Grace doesn't have a bad impression of her.

Masaki sighed yet again, his arms still in his pockets and a calm, unnerved look on his face. "I'm not going with her." He said bluntly, but still retained that kind tone. However, it had a certain sharpness to it that hadn't been seen in Masaki for a very, very long time. "I'm going to stay here and do the smart thing. I'll try and figure out how recently this thing was used, and how long it has been here... But that will take time." He took his hands out of his pockets and looked over to Grace and then quickly to Winter, but then looked back at the portal. "Hopefully I'm wrong and that everything will be fine... But, whoever goes through it should be prepared for what's on the other side. Anything could happen." He said, with a slight sigh as he walked away from the portal and over to the others.

@Kayzo @Everyone else there
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@Sinister Clown[/URL]

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke stood his ground and remained silent with a monotoned expression on his face as she started going into a rant, in his mind he thought of guilds as whole different species, each acting a certain way. Figuring this was how Fairy Tail acted, no wonder everyone said they were number one...They just make the most noise. Staring up at Clair for a moment after she finished her rant, after a few moments he started bursting into laughter.

"You're funny! Well I have been wrong before so we'll see won't we? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings it was just a question" he said with a slight sigh of worry that she was going to boot him in the face, rubbing the back of his head "I don't get out much.."

@Mr Swiftshots

(Sorry for late reply)
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Grace blushed in embarrassment as Winter explained that she was was only teasing her. "I-I knew that!" She said, sounding flustered. She turned away from Winter and towards Misaki, her arms still crossed across her chest. "And don't worry Misaki, I can handle anything! I was born for this kinda thing, but I guess you're too scared to go in." It sounded like Grace was challenging the mage even though she didn't want him going with her. She makes no sense some time.

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
Clair turned away from the guy to watch the group toy with the portal , they had sent a few things through now yet were scared to send someone through.This was ridiculous just jump ! Clair thought to herself she was still in a bad mood from the way Sasuke had spoken to her.After a while Sasuke burst out laughing which in turn caused her to turn back to him "didn't mean to hurt my feelings...." Clair muttered to herself , she needed to get away from this guy because if she didn't she'd end up hitting him. she turned back to the group and smiled "i'll go with her"

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
Lloyd suddenly addressed the group from his position near the portal, where he had been watching the going ons. He had been intrigued when the Winter, the Sabertooth mage had stuck her hand into the oval glow, and retracted it without any harm done to her. "Masaki, I think I might be able to help with that." Lloyd had grown up in a hunting and gathering tribe in the west after all, tracking stuff had been ingrained in him since he was very young. Tracking magic too, had been something he had to learn as well, as some of the creatures he had to hunt for food left magic signatures, which he had to use his own magic abilities to pick up. He had to use his abilities to read magic signatures, much like the reading of footprints or disturbances in the scenery or environment, or even signs of struggle. The bulk of missions he had taken in the past had been missions that required the use of tracking and map-reading, which allowed him to hone his skills those areas, in addition to his magic abilities. "And, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jaymes, and Winter," he added, extending his own hand to grasp Jayme's with a strong handshake. "I'm Lloyd, from Lamia Scale."

And with that, he stepped near the oval light too, close enough for him to touch the oval light. He extended his own hand towards it, stopping just short of actually touching the thing, and frowned in concentration. After a minute, he announced, with a mischievous smirk on his lips, "It seems that this had been used just a minute ago," and in a more serious tone, continued, "And about six days ago. Presumably about the time the client disappeared as well." He retracted his own hand and turned to Grace and Clair, who had just shown up. He knew of Clair, though they had yet to meet until now. She was a wizarding saint; a position that he was interested in obtaining as well, now that he was a Guild Master. "Grace, if both of you are going to go through the portal, I'd like to accompany you as well."

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16 @Mr Swiftshots
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"Well, I wanted to be the daring hero right now and face the dangers of the portal alone," Grace began, whipping her gaze over to Lloyd with a neutral expression. There was a bit of disappointment in her eyes, but at the same time excitement. "But I can't say no to my guild master. I guess you can tag along." She said, walking towards the the portal and dipping her hand into it and pulling it out quickly. "But can we hurry up? This mansion is boring me..."

@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots
"I'll keep an eye out here then" she says as she walks out of the room and down towards the front door. She walks out the front door to see Sasuke out there. "Hey Sasuke, We have found what looks to be a portal inside and a couple people are going through it, I just thought I would let you know" she say informing him thinking he should probably know.

@HuorSpinks @Arvis90 @Sinister Clown @anyone I missed.
Lloyd couldn't help chuckling. "Sure," he said. "There is not much else we need to do here anyway, and I'm quite interested in meeting this client. I know this is going to disappoint you, but I'd like to go in first. It could be dangerous beyond that portal, and I am more likely to survive anything that happens due to my ability level, as compared to yours." He paused. He knew this was going to disappoint Grace, but he could not help feeling that as Guild Master, it was his responsibility to keep his guild members as safe as possible, even though he knew ultimately that it was impossible to keep everyone safe, that people would die under his care due to missions going wrong. It had happened before; he had been team leader and one of his guild members had been killed in a mission gone wrong, because he had made the wrong call, and until now he was still struggling with how guilty that had made him feel. Grace would be angry at him, but that was the better alternative to having her dead because of a mistake he made.

Yet, at the same time, he knew Grace was strong. And he knew that ultimately, she would also need to develop her own abilities, and that he couldn't be shielding her from everything that came along. "I was thinking that I go in first, and then you wait five seconds before following. That would give me enough time to scout the place out for anything dangerous. Just be prepared for combat though. In case."

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots @ScarlettRose16 @Sinister Clown
Clair moved to the portal and sighed shooing Lloyd "yeh ,yeh we get it five seconds , be ready and all that good stuff .now get going we don't have all day were dealing with a dragon here" Clair meant no offense by this but the guy was being way to cautious if Cece was here they would have been long gone. "i'll protect the girl don't worry"

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke thought about his choices for a moment 'Stay here? Or go with them into the mysterious portal?' once thinking about it, he felt stupid for thinking it was even a hard choice to make at all. Deciding to go with his second option he smiled when hearing Clair was going to join in too, he could tell she was annoyed with him for a reason he wasn't sure about. It didn't stop him from having some sort of interest in what she was capable of, besides being able to check out what happens when you enter some random client's portal could have been either a valuable lesson or discovery. Either way it would be entertaining to found out "Don't count me out, I'll be following Winter like always." musing at his statement he levitated back up in the air again and began floating above Winter "Lead the way" he said with a curious expression as he glared blankly towards the mysterious portal everyone was talking about.


@Mr Swiftshots (Mentioned
Grace let out a groan of frustration at Lloyd's orders. "Oh come on Lloyd! I didn't get the shoot the portal, or the wall, and now I can't go through first? This sucks..." She muttered, letting out a sigh and turning her hands into fist. "Just go in." Her body turned to face the other girl, the one who said that she would protect Grace. This pissed her off a lot. She was being called weak in front of everyone, even that Misaki guy. "I can handle myself!" She snapped at Claire, stomping her foot on the ground and looking up into her eyes with a fiery gaze. "I don't need some stranger to protect me! I'm stronger than you! I'd take you down so fast you won't know what happened!" How could this day turn so bad so quickly?

@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots

"I volunteered to stay here. There is something here giving off a dark vibe I guess you could call it. I'm going to see if I can figure out where it's coming from.You can go if you want too" she says sensing it more out here for some reason.

@Sinister Clown
@Bunny @Defective Kitten

(i just realized I never posted..crap..sorry ;-;.)

Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra giggled at Naomi's response. She was a weird girl but not in a creepy get the hell away from me kinda way, she was interesting. Plus, she seemed to like food just as much as she did, so she was alright in her book! Nodding, Ferra stood. "
Yeah. We probably should get going, Cece and that dude will probably come along soon." She told her. "I think most of your guild is waiting there as well. Let's go." She added, adjusting the strap on her shoulder and picking up her bag of clothes and such before slowly advancing up the road to the mansion.
Clair didn't expect the girl to snap at her like that , she must have been taking her frustration out on Grace without realizing. Clair looked down at the girl and inspected her for the first time , she couldn't have been much older than fourteen how could she let herself annoy this girl! Clair brought herself down to the girls level and smiled "i'm sorry i didn't mean to annoy you , honestly. I'm sure you plenty strong"

Grace's glare never left her face, and she dug her nails into the palm of her hand. This girl was bending down to her level like she was some kid! I'm not a kid, I'm 17! She thought, taking a step closer and getting up into Clair's face. "You better stand up straight right now, or in going to beat your ass." She growled, trying to be menacing.

@Mr Swiftshots
What was this girl's problem Clair had apologized yet she had just become more enraged ! Clair did as the girl said and stood up straight keeping eye contact with her glare "what ever i did to offend you , i apologize for it but i honestly don't it calls for an ass kicking" Clair wanted to defuse this situation as quickly as possible because she didn't want to fight a little girl. she went to bring herself down to her level again but stopped half way after remembering her words. Clair stood back up slowly "sorry i forgot"

Lloyd signed. He wanted to throw his hands up in frustration, but he just barely restrained himself. He had known that Grace would be angry about it. But still though, he could not just let her go in first, especially since she hadn't reached S-Class status yet. Who knew where this place would even lead to, and who knew what dangers were in store for them. If he had let her go in first and she was harmed, or even worse, killed... he wouldn't be able to live with himself then. He was probably being overly cautious, but if he had learnt anything from his career as a mage, caution kept people alive. He knew Grace liked to jump into things, the complete opposite of him, so of course she would be furious. He would have to talk to

And now it seemed that an argument was brewing between Grace and Clair, the Wizarding Saint from Fairy Tail. In all honestly, based on the way Clair had spoken earlier, he'd thought her a little rude. Plus, with her offer to protect Grace, he could very much see Grace getting insulted about it. He didn't blame Grace either. He'd have been insulted too, back when he had been a hot-blooded teenager. And he still did not feel very much different from that teenager then. But he was a Guild Master now, and he couldn't forget that. He couldn't go around picking fights and acting like a teenager now.

"Grace," he said, finally, in a firm tone. "I'll be going into the portal now, and I'll need you to follow me in." Hopefully that would defuse the quarrel that seemed to be brewing. He turned to Clair. "Grace is hardly a little girl, and I don't think she needs that many people protecting her. You can follow us into the portal, if you wish. But let Grace fend for herself, as she is strong enough to do so I believe. And, I'll be going into the portal now."

With that, he took a deep breath, stiffened his shoulders, and stepped carefully into the portal.

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots @Colt556
"Yeah, we should get going. After all, what would they do if they got hurt without me?" Paris liked to bolster his own ego from time to time, it kept things positive. Unless someone came along and popped his ego balloon, he always felt good about himself. "I hope we get to fight some dragons." He was anticipating the mission. The chance to fight dragons was a great opportunity.

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten

Beau was situated in the corner of the room everyone was in inside the mansion. They were bickering and quarreling, but he paid it no mind. He was busy analyzing what the portal could do. How it came to be, where it led to. If it was a trap... Well never mind the Lamia Scale guildmaster already entered. He shrugged, his train of thought coming to a halt.

"I'll be doing whatever the rest of Sabertooth wants to do." He said, standing next to Winter and Sasuke now.

"It does call for an ass kicking!" Grace retorted, taking a step back and looking away. "How would you like it if someone started treating you like a little kid!? I'm sure you wouldn't like it at all." She said, stomping her foot again. She was fired up and felt like she could fight a hundred dragons. However, before she could reply once again to Clair, Lloyd had silenced her. His words made her calm down as it was nice to hear it from someone else. "Yeah, what Lloyd said." Grace muttered, storming off into portal after Lloyd, not bothering to wait the five seconds.

@HuorSpinks @Mr Swiftshots
Magnolia: Outskirts

She rolled over onto her side, giving a groan of disdain while covering her eyes with her hand. The blinding light pouring in through the window made it perfectly clear that morning had arrived. She laid like this for a minute before giving another groan and sitting up. With eyes half-closed her gaze lazily drifted around the room as she tried to recall where she was in her sleepy stupor. After a few moments she gave a sleepy 'ah' as she remembered she was staying in a new town. She dragged herself out of bed and made her way towards the bathroom, her movements slow and sluggish. As she went about her morning routine she gradually became more alert as she shook off the sleep still clinging to her. Mornings were never her best time of day and this one proved to be no exception.

After donning her outfit and fetching a piece of toast she made her way out of her room and down the stairs into the Inn's lobby. She cast a glance over at the counter and sure enough the stocky woman was back at her post. As was becoming customary at this point the woman offered her a click of her tongue and a look of disdain. It seemed what she lacked in sociability she made up for with dedication to her work. Ignoring the woman she quickly made her way out of the Inn, knowing she had to find a decent job for the day. She had enough money to last her for a little while in terms of a place to stay, but food was becoming increasingly scarce. A fact that was hit home as she finished the last of her toast and the only breakfast she would be eating that day.

The morning hours were spent searching high and low for someone who needed something done and was willing to pay for it. After a few bogus offers she finally struck a goldmine. She approached an older, well-dressed woman who was offering the job. "So I've heard you need a wizard and Fairy Tail seems to be out of town. I can help you with whatever you need." She flashed the woman a reassuring smile and did her best to appear confidant and powerful. She wasn't about to let this job slip through her fingers. This sort of work was usually reserved for guilds, but with Fairy Tail missing freelancers like her were the townsfolk only option. The woman looked her up and down, seeming to approve of what she saw as she held out a small flyer and spoke up about the job. "Yes, some foul ruffians have taken residence on the outskirts of town. Normally I would request Fairy Tail to deal with them but they seem to be out of town... If you could please go there and remove them I will be willing to pay you 200,000 Jewel." She could barely contain her excitement at the prospect, jobs like this were hard to come by for wizards like her. Especially when operating in the home town of a guild. She did her best to keep her enthusiasm in check and offered a quick nod. "You can count on me, these sorta jobs are my specialty!" To emphasize that she brought her knuckles together, her gauntlets creating a fairly loud clank as they met.

After spending a few extra minutes going over the minor details she set off in search of this little hideout. Her employer had stated it was on the outskirts to the east but the exact location was unknown. Obviously it would be unknown, if it was known it would have been taken care of already. One pleasant walk later and she was in the general area of her target. The fact that it was an abandoned building helped narrow down the possibilities but it was still a bit of a search. She went from one abandoned building to the next, searching each one for any signs of life. It was on her fourth try that she finally found her target. As she kicked in the door she was met by the surprised stares of a dozen young men all lounging about. As if to live up to the stereotype they appeared every bit the thugs they were played out to be.

She flashed them a toothy grin as her gauntlets ignited into burning hot flames. "Heya boys, I was hired to kick you out of this place. So we can either do this the easy way or the fun way, it's up to you." She had fought these types before and could pretty much guarantee what their responses would be. With almost precognitive accuracy she mouthed off the lines as they stood up and shouted at her. You'd think with how many famous female wizards there were out there that people wouldn't judge based on gender, but then again these guys already didn't seem to be the sharpest swords in the armory. With practiced grace and power she easily dispatched the group. Only one of them was even a wizard and he was so weak she couldn't even call it a fight.

With the last member of the little gang falling into a heap on the floor she extinguished the flames engulfing her gauntlets and prepared to head back and collect her money. The sudden appearance of a blinding flash of light caused her to screw her eyes shut, lifting an arm to further help shield them from the piercing rays. "What the hell?" Slipped out as she staggered a few steps back, afraid to move too much as she couldn't see where she was going. Soon enough the light died down and after a few moments of rapid blinking she looked around for the cause. Much to her surprise she found an oval shaped pool of light in the corner of the room.

Curiosity got the better of her and she took a few tentative steps towards the portal-like object. She paced around it, trying to figure out what it could possibly be. After spending a little while studying it a small ice cube came flying out of it. She couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at the almost comical occurrence, her eyes following the little cube as it bounced along the floor. She expected something a bit more... extravagant, given the object's overly fancy appearance. She knelt down and grabbed one of the thug's weapons, moving to poke it into the object. As she was about to stab the portal a hand suddenly emerged from it, causing her to let out a more feminine cry than she would have liked as she jumped back in surprise. Just as soon as the hand had appeared it vanished back into the oval.

That sealed the deal for her, this was obviously some kind of gateway to Hell and demons were trying to come through. If not that elaborate it was probably some kind of trap set by that mage she beat down. She figured it was set to open and summon something to seek revenge should they be beaten in combat. While they may have been pitifully weak they were at least talented enough to pull this off. Figuring something more exciting than an ice cube or hand might come through she took a few steps back, fire engulfing her gauntlets once more as she readied herself for round two.

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