Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

"Sure." Said Chris as he got up as well. The moment he saw the girl stumble he instantly tried to help her, but luckily she seemed to regain her balance. Chris stepped a bit closer to the girl as he held out an arm,"Hey, do you need any help? If I have to, I'll carry you." Chris had mixed concern and joking into the statement. However, Chris was more than happy to carry the girl if need be. Chris backed off a little and waited for her response in case she needed anything. And besides, he had no idea where they were headed.


"Nope that's fine" she smiles. "Let's go" she starts walking towards the entrance of the Fairy Tail guild hall. She heared his foot steps behind her. She walked out and they had to walk a little ways to see where the fight was.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @Bunny @Aeri Rosevier @LeSoraAmari

Lloyd glanced down at his hands, and saw that they were crisscrossed with streaks of blood. That explained the ache, he had probably attempted to stop his fall on some hard rubble. Gingerly, he pressed his hands against his dark pants to get rid of some of the blood. He would need bandages later, and possibly healing. Much to his relief though, Grace and the other girl were safe; he heard Grace's voice asking him what that strange oval was, and the other girl was still upright and in the library. There were other voices though, asking if he was all right and clamoring to know just what that strange oval glow was. The magic he sensed was still extremely strong, and mainly concentrated around that strange oval glow.

"I'm fine, thanks," he finally said, letting out a breath, turning to see who else was in the room with him. The Sabertooth mage he had been talking to earlier outside the house, and another mage, also from Sabertooth. The explosion had attracted quite a few people, it seemed. "As for that... well..." here, he trailed off, a frown on his face. He had never seen anything like it in his travels before, but the interesting thing was that it was as large as a human; perhaps it was meant for humans to pass through to who knew where. "Perhaps this was our client's escape route," he mused aloud.

More footsteps, and another sabertooth mage joined them. This one he was familiar with; earlier introduced as Masaki. Lloyd frowned at what Masaki said. "That does make sense; a portal. I was just thinking that this might be responsible for our client's disappearance. Possibly voluntary. Rather risky though, going near that thing. It might just suck us in. Perhaps we should use an object as an experiment, to see how it might react."
Chris followed closely behind and stopped once they arrived. Chris looked around in anticipation for the fight and boy was he amazed. There was the guildmaster, fighting with someone else. Chris quickly looked at the girl,"Don't you think we should help her?" The fight was really intense but Chris couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps the guildmaster may need to do something, but what? The fight seemed to be picking up in pace which only proved Chris' suspicion.
Grace turned her head as more and more people started to join them. They all looked like they were from Sabertooth, but some could be from fairy tail. One of the people she recognized, the man who she told to shut up. Hopefully he isn't made at me... She thought, looking into his eyes for a moment before turning back to Lloyd. It seemed as if everyone was trying to figure out what the oval is, speculating that it was a portal or an escape route. "Hey Lloyd, I can blow it up! Shoot a little missile into it!" She suggested, whipping out her hand and conjuring a purple flame in her palm. "Can I?"

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari
@Bunny @Defective Kitten

Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra simply stared when Naomi engulfed Paris' hand. "
If you wanted a sweet bun..you coulda asked." She told her blankly, still amused by the fact Naomi almost ate Paris' hand along with the bun. At risk of her own health she grabbed another one out of her bag and held it out for her, "You uh..want another one? Just don't eat my hand." She asked her.
Jaymes arrived in the bedroom soon after Winter, only to see multiple people gathered there and a strange light shining through what looked like the closet. Jaymes didn't know what to make of the glowing, floating oval, but when someone said it might be a portal or something of the sort, followed by a young girl saying that she could blow it up, Jaymes decided to speak then. "You don't even know what thing is do you? Trying to blow it up could get everyone here killed." Was Jaymes' flat response.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks
Grace turned her head to face whoever questioned her motives. It was a tough looking dude who looked like he belonged in fairy tale. He was fairly tall too, but then again, everyone was to Grace. She gave him a long cold glare, her hands clenching up into fist. He does have a point, I might kill everyone here... But I can't admit it. "Why don't you just shut up?" She retorted, extinguishing the flame in her hand.

@Kayzo @Arvis90 @ScarlettRose16

Lloyd sighed. More people to disrupt his train of thought. Two more, this time. Seemed that their oval light was attracting quite a bit of attention. On the one hand, he really did want to find out just what that oval light was, but on the other hand, he did not want to do anything too risky that would endanger everyone present. "Sorry, Grace, a missile would be just too risky," he pointed out. "Something nonexplosive would be best. And small. I suggest though, that we all remain outside of the secret library in case anything happens. If anyone has any shielding ability, that would be good too, as an added precaution."
Clair began to inspect the outside of the house as there was already a large number of wizards inspecting the inside.The house was quite large and very detailed , from the look of things the house was also rather old which meant it was more than likely passed down to the current owner.The outside of the house was clean and well looked after ,especially the garden and rose bushes , but the inside was completely deserted and in a state much like the Guild hall's basement.

Clair considered joining the group after finishing the inspection but something caught her eye. There was a dark figure on the roof , had it been there the entire time? Was it waiting for something ? Had it been watching the entire time? Several questions began to flood Clair's mind what ever this figure was it couldn't be good.

Jaymes didn't react to the small girl telling him to shut up, he almost laughed at it. However, when the man that seemed to be in charge told her that it would indeed be a bad idea to try and blow up the light construct, she finally admitted it extinguished the purple fire floating above her hands. When the man said they would need a barrier for possible protection if they were to send something through the portal thing, Jaymes said "I can create an ice barrier, and maintain it with my magic, it should protect I." I think Jaymes mentally finished. But he still was nervous of interacting with that strange glowing magic.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @ScarlettRose16

"I can send something made of ice into the light" she suggests since no one was really proposing any ideas. She looks at the light thinking it could possibly be a portal but she honestly had no idea. She knew Jaymes could probably hold up an ice barrier. She starts to form an ice cube that was the size of a fist. She holds it up and looks at Master Lloyd, "Would this work?" She knew if something exploded the ice wouldn't melt.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Arvis90 @Bunny @LeSoraAmari @anyone else that is there


"Oh she's got it" she says to Chris. She continues watching the fight thinking that the guy was probably going have to pay. "Go Cece!" She calls cheering for her guild master.

@Isune @anyone else that's there

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

As the man retracted his hand from her mouth being smart to leave the sweet bun in her mouth, Naomi smiled pleasingly as she ate the rest of the bun. Her eyes lit up at the sight of more buns but she quickly snapped back into reality once she realized that these people weren't actually in her guide. "Oh. Naomi sorry!" Quickly apologizing with a slight bow as she realized she still had a few meat buns of her own, reaching into her brown paper bag and pulling out two for the strangers. "Would you like one? Nomi healthy." She spoke with a reassuring smile although not really sorry about biting the man but rather sorry for eating three precious bun.


"Oooh. You are forgiven." Paris gleefully took the meat bun from Naomi. Although the girl caught him by surprise by eating his sweet roll and consequently nomming on his hand as well, he would happily take a meat bun in apology. He sat down, forgetting that the fight even existed. "I wonder where everyone went? Did the client come back?" He said, looking at the lavish mansion. He couldn't see them even though the door was open. They were probably in another room though. He continued to eat the meat bun.

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten
@Bunny @Defective Kitten

Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra arched a brow at the weird girl in front of her as she referred to herself in third person, though that wasn't exactly the weirdest thing she'd ever seen by far. And in reality she wasn't really one to make a judgement on whether someone was weird or not due to the fact she literally ate furniture and rocks at times..so. Yeah. Though, all that went out of the window like a brick through a glass factory when a meat bun was offered as a form of apology.

To Ferra, nothing said 'I'm Sorry' better than something tasty she could eat. She happily took the bun from her and smiled, "
All is forgiven." She assured her before taking a bite of the bun. It wasn't as good as the ones that she'd bought, but it was still pretty damn good, and she was never one to turn down free food. Ferra shrugged when Paris asked where everyone went, "I dunno. I think they went to check out the mansion and find the client? I dunno." She replied. "Yur wif faihry tahl huh?" She asked Naomi with a mouth full of meat bun, turning her attention to her.

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Seeing as they accepted her apology and enjoying the bun, she slowly took the sweet bun that she had offered earlier before stuffing her face with the bun as she did as well. Nodding her head with a face stuffed with buns, "Nomis fah fauriy tayel" Talking in the same context at the girl did for she also had a full mouth of bun. Swallowing the bun with a big gulp and a satisfied grin, "Your guys' guide is what?" Asking them with a cat-like grin as she munched on another bun, having to look up since almost every was taller than she was HOWEVER for once there was a girl who was shorter than she was. How cute~


Paris saw that Ferra accepted the apology as well. He then realized that he was socializing with two girls that had quite the voracious appetites, however, he didn't mind. He finished the meat bun and looked at Naomi who seemed to have been eating yet another bun.

"We're Lamia Scale mages. The rest of our guild is in the mansion." He said.

@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten
@Defective Kitten @Bunny

Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra grinned and nodded when she guessed right. She was slightly jealous that Fairy Tail had so many strong mages with them, but it wasn't like she wanted to swap guilds in the least. Much like Fairy Tail everyone in Lamia Scale was like a family to her, especially since they took her in when she was little. "
That's pretty cool." She told her. "And like Paris said we're with Lamia Scale. I'm Ferra, nice to meet you." She introduced herself, smiling warmly.

Sasuke Haishen

Following with Winter, they went back to the Mansion when a large magical power was noticed. Following about a foot above Winter as they rushed inside the clients mansion once they reached a room. It begun to shudder and the ground shook for a moment. Sasuke wasn't able to feel it since he was in the air, but by leaning forward he went up side down like a bat in mid air he crossed his arms and stared blankly at the situation. They started talking about what they could do with magic, he wasn't sure what they discovered really, but he did want to help if he could. Since he was following Winter around, he asked curiously to the group she teamed with "Do you guys need any help..?" blinking twice after asking.


@Showever else is with Winter, sorry I'm not really sure..
???: Mansion Roof

The cloaked figure watched as the majority of the mages that were supposed to show up, only a few were dragging behind. No matter, he was patient. He had waited all this time for them to come into play to begin with, he could easily wait for a little while longer. It was then when he noticed one of them looking at him, or rather possibly near him. He simply grinned, flashing a set of teeth that gleamed in light in stark contrast to his cloak of darkness and brought a finger up to his mouth, "Shh." He sounded before bringing his cloak over himself in an arc and dissapearing.

Was the figure ever there, or was it merely an illusion? Regardless, it was clear it didn't want its full prescence acknowledged quite yet. However it left behind the feeling that it would reveal itself soon when the time was right.
"Well I guess, she is the guildmaster for a reason." Chris said as he continued to watch the battle. He decided it'd be best if he took a few steps back to avoid getting hit by any on coming attacks. He also grabbed the girl by her hand to pull her over to make sure she didn't get hurt either. Despite the fact that the guildmaster was not only a 13 year old girl, and blind, she seemed to be more than capable to hold her own. Chris couldn't help but think however, what are her parents feeling right now. Their little 13 year old has run off to become a guildmaster due to her immense magical control. Hopefully, they were happy.

Clair watched the figure vanish in an instant she had a feeling that this wasn't going to be the last time the figure would appear. "i'll be waiting" Clair muttered to herself before making her way inside.Clair inspected every room as she came to it and eventually after a while came to the bedroom that everybody had gathered in.Clair looked at the orb with great interest was it a bomb or a portal ? There was only one way to find out right !

Clair was about to summon a sword when she remembered she wasn't alone , it was the voice of the floating saber tooth member that reminded her of this. "i think these people have it under control , unfortunately" Clair said while looking around the room.

@Sinister Clown

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke pouted slightly "Well that's dull.." he said with a quiet tone he started lowering himself down closer to Clair, blinking a few times as if he felt he knew he person but couldn't quite remember. Despite having met only moments earlier it took him a while to figure out who Clair was "Aren't you Fairy tail's Wizard Saint?" he asked with a curious expression painted all over his face.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair smiled at the man as he matched her height , he was still upside down though which was rather interesting in itself."yes , yes i am. The names Clair Fernandes" she said in reply to his question.The man he wore only black , floated , had a collar and was a part of sabertooth "and i take it your sabertooths"

@Sinister Clown

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