Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris marched his way into Fairy Tail HQ and somehow managed to get past part of the bar without getting caught up in the usual bar fight that happened between two or more patrons. He eventually found a nice seat next to a girl. She had some simple brown hair and Chris was sure that the girl had no problem with him sitting next to her. Chris turned around after hearing the sound of breaking glass and watched as two drunken patrons had once again gotten into it. Chris shook his head as he turned around to the girl,"Man, some people. I've only gotten into one drunken brawl before...didn't end well for the other guy but let's not go into details. Name's Chris, who are you?" Chris was listening attentively to what the girl may have to say, but would twist his head around to watch to two idiots go at it. One would dropkick the other while the one that got kicked grabbed a chair and smashed it over the other moron. The real question was, where was the guild leader at? It was hard to watch the brawl, but Chris decided it was best not to get involved in something that may end up with him getting a few cuts and bruises. Chris eventually got tired of the constant brawl and turned back to the girl,"Any idea on when those two might stop? They'll end up destroying the entire guild at this rate."


She laughs. She takes off her headphones hearing his voice through the music. "Hey Chris I'm Willow" she says deactivating her archive magic and turning to him. "And they will stop once the hangover hits them or they pass out" she says smiling. "The fight of the century is happening somewhere near hear with the master and a guy who decided to put a hole in our roof" she says. "I decided to come in here after a while." She adds. She take a sip of her water. She didn't drink often and when she did she never got drunk.

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Lloyd managed to make it out of the secret library in time, and was currently on his hands and knees, having tripped on the rubble and managing to stop himself in time from face planting on the ground with his hands. There was a sharp ache on the palms of both his hands, but he ignored it for now, spinning around and landing butt first on the ground, in an attempt to see if Grace and the other girl had managed to get out as well; the other girl had wrenched herself from his grasp and he wasn't sure where she was now, or if she was even unharmed. But the next thing he knew, a bright light flooded the room and he had to cover his face with his right hand and turn away, the light was extremely painful on his eyes.

Finally, after what seemed like hours but was probably only five minutes, the light faded away. He had to blink a few times in order to get rid of the sparkles in his eyes, but soon they faded as well. Just as he was getting up on his hands and knees, he heard footsteps rounding the passage and into the bedroom where he was. His eyes were still blurry so he wasn't quite sure who they were, but he assumed that they were other mages from any of the three Guilds that were currently present. If they weren't, then... good luck to him.

Tentatively, he got to his feet and stumbled towards the entrance of the secret library. What he saw made him gasp. A bright oval of light, the height of a typical human, glowed in the very spot that the magic was strongest. He was not even sure what it was. But it seemed benign for now. Touching it was out of the question though. What was it? He had never come across anything like that in any of his travels.

@ScarlettRose16 @Bunny @Mr Swiftshots @Aeri Rosevier @Arvis90
Beau entered the mansion, and was slightly shocked about the turn of events that had just taken place. He looked at the glowing light.

"I-Is everything alright?" His expression became worried as he looked at the light.


She feels the ground shake beneath her but she keeps walking as fast as she can to get to the source without face planting. She eventually gets to the library and sees Lloyd. "Are you okay?" She asks then she sees what he was seeing. "What is that?" She asks him.

@HuorSpinks @Bunny @Arvis90
Grace squealed in surprise as the room began to light up. "Someone set off a trap!" She screamed, running towards the broken wall and dolphin diving out of the library. She landed on her face and skidded a few inches, scraping up her face. "Owowow!" She hissed, getting to her hands and knees and looking back. Suddenly a very bright light emitted from the library, so bright that she had to close her eyes. When the bright light faded, she slowly opened her eyes to see a strange looking oval. "What is that?" She asked Lloyd, standing up and gently wiping the dust from her scraps.

Haruko Kazumi

Haru managed to get out in time for... whatever it is they were running from. She was by the entrance of the mansion when an unexpected bright light flooded her vision. Of course, her instinct was to shield her eyes, her hand still holding tightly onto the scroll. Even if she were to open her eyes, she wouldn't see anything. It was blinding. She dared not move as well. After a few minutes, the light finally died down. She shook her head, her eyes adjusting to her surroundings once again. Turning back to the library, a few people have gathered around the entrance, somewhat a surprise for her. Apparently, nothing destructive happened, nor did that flash of light not scare these mages. Well at least, it wasn't an explosion. She'd dare another attempt to get a scroll.

Before she allowed the chi energy on her feet to disappear, She dashed off towards the small crowd, looking at an oval-shaped light and like everyone else, she was confused by it. Was it light magic? One of them had already asked that question that was probably running through everyone's mind. '
What was that thing?' She stayed alert of her surroundings.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
@ScarlettRose16 @Bunny
@Leo Radomir

Sera: ??? Mansion Inside

Sera nodded. A healer would be useful, especially if they were supposed to be fighting dragons or something as strong as one. After several moments of thought she spoke. "
Names' Sera, Fairy Tail S-Class. Nice ta' meetcha'." She told her, extending her hand to her only to be interrupted by what seemed like a mini earthquake. She passed it off as Cece getting really into her fight and silently hoped half of Clover wouldn't be destroyed. "As I was saying..I'm Sera." She repeated, once more extending her hand out to the woman once she stabled herself.



Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra was glad Paris was as equally excited as her for the fight, at first she thought he only went because she had said she did, but it was apparent she was wrong as he began cheering Cece on too. "
Yea! She has this in the bag for sure!" She chimed in. "Go Cece!" She added soon after, having overheard her name from the group across from them talking about her. She was currently following suit with Naomi and eating meat buns and sweet buns like popcorn. Eventually she offered another one to Paris silently, though she didn't tear her eyes away from the fight.
Cinla regained her balance as well then extends her hand and said" Name's cinla nice to meet your sera not sure what my class is to be honest never had more power level checked well i'm sure i'll figure it out at some point, and what was that i'm pretty sure that's not normal". 'sera's either a vampire or a demon from her looks and the energy i can feel from her not that i can talk i look 16 or so but i'm pretty old'. 'question now is what's going to happen now i'd like to get on with the mission and then join sabertooth, if that doesn't work out after half a year i'll try and come back to fairy tail and see if they will accept me'. Cinla glances around the place trying to find the source of the power, her fingers twitching as she sensed it's not a weak magic by anymeans'.
Chris chuckled at the mention of the two wearing themselves down. He only shook his head,"You're really gonna underestimate Fairy Tail like that? Those guys are probably gonna keep going until either the bar collapses, or one of them gets knocked out." Chris continued to watch, keeping a careful eye on both of the men to ensure that none of them tried to pull spells to try and take each other out. Drunken casting never ends well for both the user and those around him/her. Chris eventually turned back to the girl,"Fight of the century 'aye? I doubt that, this century has been quite eventful if you ask me." Chris was obviously joking. Chris then chose to continue,"So what can you do? I happen to be a proud takeover caster. It comes in handy every now and then, but let's not talk about my full takeovers."


"Oh no. I could never underestimate Fairy Tail" she says with a small laugh. "I have heard somethings of your take overs"she adds jokingly. "Well I can do this" she looks at her glass and it starts moving and levitates. "Then I an also do this" she turn invisible. She stays that way and says, "I can also project invisibility onto objects or people." She turns the glass invisible. She appears again and so does the glass. "I can also do Archive magic" she pulls up a thing infront of her that looks like a couple of gold colored computers. "That comes with telepathy and other stuff" she finishes. "How did you learn your take-over magic?" She asks curiously.

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@Leo Radomir

Sera: ??? Mansion Inside

Sera shook Cinlas' hand once with a firm grip before letting her hand retreat to rest at her side as it had been previously. Then she brought up the cause of what they had just witnessed. "
It was probably Master Cece going all out in her fight against a guy that trashed our guild hall." She explained. "Nothing to worry about, really. Anywho, how'd you come across the job request? One of those lucky people that found a spare flyer or something?" She asked, changing the subject.



Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra nodded in agreement, "
Yea they're pretty good. Bought them from some stand in town back home. Tried one, ended up buying lotsa them." She told him. "I have plenty if you want more." She added soon after. After a few minutes longer she continued their conversation on the food. "The meat buns are pork I think..and the sweet buns are cinnamon. Ooh, try one of the sweet ones." She told him, producing a sweet bun from her bag.
"So uh...what were some of the things that you've heard about my takeovers?" Chris asked as he bowed his head a little in what appeared to be shame. He instantly snapped out of it as he watched the display of the girl's display of her abilities. He smiled at the entire demonstration and clapped once it was over. Now it was his turn, Chris put his arm in a position like he was about to start arm wrestling match. His arm suddenly bulked up and became covered in a massive coat of thick, black fur. The muscle mass on it also increased as Chris jokingly flexed and smiled,"This one is called black bull. Arm is fit for a minotaur if I do say so myself." Chris' arm then shifted back to normal as he shook it out for a moment before smiling,"Pretty cool huh?"


She laughs he flexes. "Yeah that's awesome" she says. "Have you learned to control the full body take over yet?" She asks in general curiosity as his arm turns back to normal. She looks around the guild and it was pretty empty besides for the bar fight. She ducks as a bar stool flies over her head. She smiles and waits for a reply from Chris.

Cinla thought about what is said then replied"Some villagers i was helping said there was a big job in the city so i decided to come and check it out and let's be honest sera bills don't pay themselves from what you told me your guild sounds pretty lively i figure i'd try out sabertooth and see why that takes me".

'Well sera seems friendly enough but a little annoying but given it's fairy tail that's it rolls, she does seem very reliable though so that does count for a lot in my book', but right now i'm looking for strength and ally's with their head on right'.

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"Ooh, you have sweet rolls?" Ferra's food attracted his attention away from the fight. He took a sweet bun and took a bite. "These are soooo good." Now it seemed that he was fully focused on the meat buns and sweet rolls. He was mostly unaware of the fight unfolding in front of him.


Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra nodded as he took the sweet bun from her, "
Yea! And they're really good too!" She told him excitedly. She giggled when he told her they were good, "See? I told ya! I'll have to buy some more of these when we get back. I'll take you to the stand too." She told him.


@Leo Radomir

Sera: ??? Mansion Inside

Sera nodded, seemed legit, practically everyone was talking about the job offer by now most likely. Sera grimaced when she mentioned joining Sabertooth. "
Tch, you must really think you're strong if you think you'll fit in with those tryhards. Sure, Fairy Tail is lively, but that's what makes us awesome." She told her. "Plus, we got the good looking people, myself included of course, ehehe.. But whatever floats your boat, if you think you'll fit in with Sabertooth go for it. I'm not a spokesperson or something."

Sera shrugged. If she wanted to join a guild whose master was more a slave driver than a caring master, so be it. Sera wasn't really one to care nor try to sway someone out of their opinions.

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Somehow, Naomi ended up getting distracted by the smell of another bun of which wasn't hers. A sweeter bun. A sweet bun. Following her nose and senses, she was able to trace the smell back to two people who were happily enjoying and sharing a sweet bun. One does not simply share a bun of any sort! Much like a dog, Naomi made her way over to the people and jumped up to find herself with her mouth wrapped around not only the sweet bun but also his hand as well. Yummy~ Oh how little shame the girl felt for the feeling of pleasure was so much more pleasing.



Paris was frightened by the sudden appearance of a girl who seemed to be enjoying the sweet roll he was eating... and his hand. He pulled away his, leaving the bun in her mouth.

"Uh... Um... Enjoying that?" Was all he could think to say while looking at his saliva covered hand in disgust.
Masaki followed the rest of the group but strayed behind them slightly, wanting to walk back alone. He was in a state of thought as he looked at the crowd in front of him as they walked towards the clients house. He was surprised that Fairy Tail and Sabertooth were getting along so well, usually, the two guilds are in constant competition with each other and it's safe to say that both view each others guilds very differently. Not Masaki however. He wanted the tension between the two guilds to stop and he wanted all the stupid competitions between the two to stop. Lamia Scale would never get involved so Masaki didn't have an opinion on them. Masaki's peace loving opinions usually got him in trouble with the guildmaster however, and he has had stern words given to him quite a few times for said opinions. However, he even knew that the guildmaster was a good person... Deep down, and only wanted his guild to excel. Much like any guild master out there.

"It's probably only for the mission, it wouldn't surprise me if after this we all end up butting heads with each other." He said with a slight chuckle as he walked. Eventually, Beau joined the group and acted like his usual, flirtatious self. He chuckled at the sight of him tossing a rose to Sera and sending a wink Jaymes' way. After a few minutes of walking, the group made there way back to the mansion. Where Masaki felt a strange magical energy coming from upstairs. Masaki quickly entered the mansion and hurridly swerved past the groups of mages that gathered in the hall. Making his way towards where the light was, he saw a few mages gathered there. All of each were from Lamia Scale, the guildmaster and then that rude girl who told him to shut up. As well as Haru, Winter and Beau. Masaki watched the oval light as it flickered slightly, but looked like some kind of void. "Judging by it's size I wouldn't be surprised if it was a portal of some kind. But I could easily be wrong, what do you make of it?" He said, now looking at the Lamia Guildmaster, who he had found out was called Lloyd. "I guess the only way to know what it is, is to investigate it properly, meaning we'll have to get close..."

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @Bunny @Aeri Rosevier

@Anyone in the library
Cece let out a sound of annoyance it was time she got a little more serious. Upon him getting closer and starting a combo Cece let his first punch to the chest hit, she wanted to see how strong he was and even if he was strong the punch didn't hurt Cece too much mostly due to her years of falling over and being thrown through rocks and walls. Cece detected a large magic energy coming from the mansion...the same mansion where some of her guild members went into this could be bad now she needed to end this fight. Cece opened the back of her armor and slipped out of it during the timing of one of his punches going for her, once the fist entered her now empty shell of armor she tried to crush it on his fist.

Chris sighed at the mention of full takeovers,"Well if you consider only tearing you to a few shreds controlled..." Chris decided it was best not to continue there. Chris watched as the stool flew by the girl and instantly stood up. He was infuriated as he walked over to both of the drunken fools and picked them up as if they were nothing and kicked open the door before throwing both of them out,"Take it outside guys!" He then slammed the door shut and sat back down. Chris had used no takeover, it was just his brutal strength. He eventually calmed back down and shook his head,"There, those two are outside fighting again. At least they're out of the bar."


"Huh you didn't have to do that, I'm pretty used to stuff like that happening" she smiled. "And for the take-overs, you'll figure it out" she says. "Anyways...do you want to go see if Master Cece is kicking the butt of the guy that broke the roof?" She asks. She gets up and stumbles for a second forgetting how long she had her archive magic up. She regains her balance and smiles.

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Mifune smiled as he got one hit it, but at the same time, he stopped his punch before he hit the armor on the account Of the massive energy surge. "Interesting..." He looked at her and pointed towards the mansion "Oy! Aren't you gonna go check that out? Check your members and stuff?"he looked at his hands. They were a bit bloody. Guess he finally was running on empty, what with using most of his energy to punch a building.
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