Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Cece smiled as he took her bet it was completely and utterly unfair and to be honest Cece expected him to decline it out-rightly but he accepted it. The second he began moving Cece and when he announced that he was going. Cece didn't move a muscle as the man jumped Cece knew he had jumped or at least someone in the same position as where the man was jumped since the grounds vibrations changed. Cece began to estimate in her head from the time he jumped to the time he reached wherever he landed this was the first step of her fighting judging the speed of an opponent which then allowed her to estimate where the opponent will be and when. Cece decided not to take any chances from little she saw when he was fight Clair he was very fast and Cece would rather not underestimate him. Cece simply rolled forward and the ground seemed to open up for her and made a whole the exact body shape of Cece before she stood back up all covered in stone, this was Cece's final line of protection armor than can keep being fixed the second its broke with every part of her body covered from head to toe.

Well then... He thought to himself as he witnessed her shielding. This is interesting. I can still go with the plan. He took another leap off a wall, and appeared behind her. Here goes my first chance! He smiled and prepared the strike, his hands open, each one on either side of her head near her ears, and be brought them together with enough force to slam the rocks and hit her ears. He kind of felt sorry for her if this worked. She'd have a bit of trouble hearing for a day or two as well as short term balance disruption. But he was not gonna be a wimp.
Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra glanced over to Sabertooth and Fairy Tail getting along but passed it off as nothing more than them refraining from beating each other up due to having to work with them. She then focused her attention at the fight and what Paris said. "
Really? That's interesting. Never woulda thought that myself.." She replied. "I wonder how she can fight so well then.." She mumbled mostly to herself before burying her mouth into a meat bun.



Sera: Streets of Clover

Before Sera could comment about the client, Jaymes figured it a good idea to hit her with a snowball in the back of the head. She tensed from the chill of the snow mixed with rage. Slowly, she turned to Jaymes. "
Jaymes, hun. You think that's funny huh? You wanna know what's going to be fun for me?" She asked him with a wicked grin on her face, walking up to him slowly before placing an arm on his shoulder. "Me making you my next meal. After all..I haven't eaten today. I'm sure you'd do nicely." She continued, flashing a warm fanged smile at him before turning from him and laughing.

The exchange only took a minute or two, and by the time she got back she had managed to catch most of what Masaki was saying. Sera sighed and shook her head, "
Nah. Master Cece would get pissed if I made him do that, provided he won of course. But if he did..well. You can bet that I will." She told him. Then a question was posed of them going to the mansion now. While, Sera really did want to watch the rest of the fight, she was equally as curious to check out the mansion. "Yeah, sure, why not. Always wanted to see a super expensive mansion. Even if it's covered in dust." She told them and simply waited on them to leave, or stay and watch the fight. Either one was fine with her, really.

@Mr Swiftshots @ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari @Arvis90 @ anyone I missed
Cece slowed her breathing slightly it was something she often did during a fight as the sound of her breath can put her off if she never couldn't rely on her Seismic sense but for now she could. Cece simply stayed still not moving a muscle or at least not moving until she felt another leap and judging from her Seismic sense this one was heading for her. A sly smile covered her face it was hidden from everyone but her but that was just what she wanted. She waited and used the measurement that she worked out from his first leap to judge how long it would take for him to arrive at her. He was being smart about attack keeping off the ground sadly he was not being smart enough, he was moving at incredibly high speeds meaning he was shaking the ground and the ground moving means well...vibrations and that's all Cece need to be able to see.

At the speed he was moving Cece noticed that she wouldn't be able to hit him as she moved faster than her punch was a downside of being rather slow oh well she has lots of ways to counter speed. Cece ducked her head down slightly and moved her arms to cover the side of her head blocking her ears, jaw and cheeks from being hit, after making the block Cece kicked the floor and turned her leg, this would make two tiles of dirt and stone exit the ground one from the front and one from the back. If this hits it would hopefully stop his movement by trapping him and even if he did break out being hit at high speed by two stone times would not be very nice.
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"Careful," Lloyd cautioned, as he took a step forward into the room as well. "It could be a trap, as you say. Avoid that area of the room, the magic seems to be the strongest there." He pointed at the space at the north-west of the room, between the corner of the table and the wall. He was rather reluctant to throw something at the magic source though, in case it was a self-destruction mechanism and it ended up taking both Grace and himself with it. "And don't touch anything either. Just in case."

Cautiously, he approached the desk; with his hands behind his back to refrain from touching, he bent over slightly to look at the scrolls on the desk. Much to his surprise, the scrolls on the desk were maps. They did not seem to be hand-crafted maps like his were, but dotted over half the maps were crosses. He recognized some of the crosses as areas that had recently been destroyed by the strange attacks. Obviously, someone was keeping track of the attacks.

This done, he wandered over to the nearest bookshelf, to take a look at the books. All of the books were on dragons; he saw titles depicting the identification and habits of dragons, though he still refused to touch any of the books. "Weird," he said aloud. "Whoever owned this room must be some kind of expert on dragons or something. But why store something so mundane in a hidden room?" Unless whoever owned this room had more knowledge about the attacks than anybody else. Or had some responsibility for the attacks.

@Kayzo @Bunny
Jaymes McGarrett

Jaymes just snorted at Sera's words. He wasn't afraid of her. Focusing back on Winter, Jaymes raised an eyebrow. "Devil Slayer? I didn't think those still existed. Then again, as far as I know, demons have been extinct since Zeref was killed a hundred years ago." Jaymes said, intrigued to say the least. When Winter made the ice emblem of Fairytail, and gave it to Jaymes, he took it and smiled. "Than..." Jaymes said, distracted by the incoming snowball. With a flick of his wrist he diverted the snowball into the face of Ryan. "Shoot man, sorry. Totally unintentional! Don't kill me!" Jaymes said, backing up. When he heard the dude that was with Winter, Masaki was his name Jaymes thought, mention going to the mansion, Jaymes raced over to his side. "Sounds good."

@Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Defective Kitten #anyoneIforgot #notgoodattagging
"I heard that blind and deaf people have their other senses upped... So maybe hers are like super magnified." Paris liked to think of himself as a scholar.

Haruko Kazumi

Mansion's Secret Library

Haru just sat on one of the dusty chairs, watching the two guilds interact with each other. She wasn't really keen on interacting too much, especially with guilds she was suspicious of. Maybe it was Lamia Scale who took her brother years ago? Either way, the guild still has yet to be cleared from her list. She then noticed someone shoot an arrow at a wall, destroying it to reveal a library. Her eyes lit up. Finally, something that took her interest. She left the crowd and immediately went to search the area.

Like any other things in this forsaken mansion, this library was dusty, dustier even. By the looks of it, this seemed to be a secret library and just the thought of it excited her. What could be written in these scrolls and books for it to be hidden away from prying eyes? One of the scrolls she opened was so dusty you can barely even see what was written on it. She wiped it off. It was information about a dragon; it's image, abilities, size and other details were written on it. It didn't seem to have been written during this era. Only a few of the scrolls on the table seemed to have similar material as this. Well, their client sure did his or her research. The mages here for the job would sure be interested in this.

@anyone who's in the library

Sasuke Haishen

So many things happened in a flash, he was curious about what she was really capable of. He always heard about Dragon Slayers and Zeref told him much about their capabilities. However through his life-time he has yet to face one personally. He was intrigued to say the least and once Winter mentioned something about the Fairy Guild. He figured he'd be more useful there if anything goes down than sitting around the mansion doing nothing. As she started running off, he simply flew a few feet above her, seeming to just 'drag' himself across the air. He hardly showed any effort in it what so ever. Once they reached there, to begin with Sasuke decided to wait outside. Feeling that he might not get along with those in the guild so he decided to avoid the trouble all together.

Unfortunately, Sasuke is an extremely impatient person. After a few minutes of waiting outside tapping his foot once he heard the sound of magic being released (At least I think someone used magic, I honestly skimmed most of it there was a lot to read >.<). The sound caught his attention and on top of that he could have sworn he heard about another Wizard saint being present there
'Wizard Saint? I'm one of those..He must be strong." he figured, walking inside he levitated himself back in the air in a sitting position which appeared to take no effort at all. Watching as the scene unfold a little more he gently leaned his head against his palm and decide to speak, overhearing something about a spar it instantly caught his interest "So you'd spar me but not this person?"

he questioned Winter for a moment, looking back to the Wizard saint he pondered about it for a momen
t "Must be strong."

@Mr Swiftshots

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She looked to Sasuke. "I never said I wouldn't spar her" she smiles.

When the snowball hits Ryan she turns to Jaymes. "Smooth dude" she laughs. The group starts heading towards the mansion. While they are walking she turns to the other ice mage and said, "It's funny I used to spar with a guy when I was young who practice ice-make and he disappeared one day and I haven't seen him since. You remind me a lot of him" she continues walking while she talks. They turn onto the street where the mansion was and she gets a sickening feeling in her stomach like she sensed something was off like she had the other night but she ignores it thinking it was nothing. They continue walking.

@Sinister Clown @Arvis90 @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @Mitchs98 @sry if I missed someone
He smiled, as he realized his mistakes. "Got me on that one, huh?" He looked at the two tiles moving towards him, and thought fast. He decided to kick the tile in the front and the back with a quick roundhouse. "Man..." He smiled. "Dodged a bullet with that one!" Mifune then came closer to start a flurry of kicks and punches to the head and the chest area, to accurately test her reaction time. It would also impair her magic abilities, since she seemed her magic worked on movement. Maybe he could get her to trip, and then he could use that to his advantage.
Grace glanced over at the place where Lloyd had said the most magic was. She too was very tempted to throw a book into that area or even step inside herself, but she would want to keep her limbs today. I can't touch anything either? I should've cut my hair before entering. She thought, lifting up her hands and bringing her hair into one, long bunch. "Yeah, it is pretty strange that someone would be so secretive about this room. Maybe he's some weirdo who could foresee the attacks or something." She said, glancing down at the map. "And hopefully he doesn't come back, because I'm sure he won't be very happy that we blew a hole in his library."

Jaymes McGarrett

Jaymes just shrugges when Winter scolded him slightly, a mischievous smile on his face. As they start walking, Winter comes up closer to him, and speaks for a moment. "Well where did you grow up? I was born in the Northern Territory." Jaymes says simply. "My village was destroyed. I don't know why I was spared. I wandered for days after that happened and collapsed" Jaymes paused, not sure if he should continue or not. "When I woke up, I was in a cave, and a dragon had saved me." Jaymes said simply. When Winter grimaced and looked around a bit, he got a feeling something was wrong. "Something the matter?" He asked.


Sasuke Haishen

As they went along, Sasuke also continued to slowly drag by through the air. He observed his surroundings not because he was paranoid but merely cause he was interested. Winter made a comment about what he said and he smiled warmly back to her
"Well, I wouldn't mind having a go..But I guess that can wait for another time." he said looking back for a moment back to the Fairy tail guild hall, He heard that they were currently the largest and most popular guild, for obvious reasons. They were the reason this world is still so bright but at times he found them a little over rated. Looking back down to Winter and dismissing his thoughts he asked a question "Ever thought if the client was dead?". He felt it was a good point, from what Winter explained the place looked like it hadn't been used as a home for a while before they got there so it could be very likely, however he wanted to hear Winter's thoughts first.


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"Heh, I hope not too." Lloyd agreed. Perhaps it had been silly of him to explode that wall; perhaps there had been a switch or something to press to open the door to gain entrance. So much for leaving things intact. That had been rather careless of him.

Lloyd turned his head towards the door from his position near the bookshelves when he heard footsteps that belonged neither to him nor Grace. He saw another girl enter, he wasn't sure what guild she was from, but he had seen her enter the mansion earlier when he was talking to the Sabertooth mages. She was probably from Sabertooth too, she had shown some familiarity with those mages earlier. "Careful," he said immediately, pointing towards the area where the magic was strongest. "There's some strong magic there, avoid that area. And don't... touch anything," Too late; he saw her pick up one of the scrolls from the table.

On the plus point, at least nothing happened. No explosions or anything. On the other hand, whoever used this room seemed to be familiar with magic, enough to set what seemed to be a trap within the room. For all they knew he or she might have set a tracking device on the items in the room, enough to alert them if they were handled. But then again, it just occurred to him that the explosion he used to destroy the wall had probably sent off enough of a alert. He sighed and rubbed at his eyes; well, that was unnecessarily cautious of him then.

Or maybe not. Because the next thing he knew, the hum of magic grew stronger. He turned his head in alarm at where the magic was strongest and saw a pulsing sphere of light. "Get out," he hissed immediately, grabbing at Grace and the other girl and backing away into the direction of the entrance himself.
She continues talking to Sasuke. "It's crossed my mind" she says simply.

"Nope I'm fine" she smiles. "I grew up in the Northern Territory also but I don't even remember my parents or anything about them because I was basically abandoned and have been on the streets for as long as I can remember but I always wandered around and I started playing around and I figured out I could use magic." She explains. They arrive at the house and the magic power level was alarming. She picked up the pace and ran in the house. She saw Haru, Lloyd, and Grace. "What's going on?" she asks.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @anyone I missed
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Beau awoke from his little hibernation at the top of the stairs. His large flower overlooking the balcony retreated back into the floor, and he was left without anything to do. Looking around, no one was in the house anymore.

"I suppose they joined the Fairy Tail wizards." Beau shrugged. He could join them... It wouldn't be the worst thing to do. Keeping an open mind is an important part of gardening after all. He hummed as he trotted down the stairs and out of the house. He saw a gathering of people near what seemed like the guildmaster of Fairy Tail battling someone. His eyebrows contorted at the sheer absurdity of it. Why would the master, strongest person in Fairy Tail, be fighting a nobody? Or at least, unknown to him. He sighed as he strolled over, looking at the Fairy Tail wizards. He was charmed. He grew a rose from a seed that sat in his palm. "Ah, Fairy Tail." He threw his rose to a woman by the name of Sera, who he overheard, and winked at the boy named Jaymes, apparently an ice wizard. He began to join them as they walked back to the mansion.

"This should be interesting to watch though." He nodded, looking at the battle unfolding in front of him.

@Mitchs98 @Arvis90
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Haruko Kazumi

The guild master's warning came a little too late. She had already taken the scroll but he understood his caution. Perhaps she should have been more careful, knowing that this was a secret room. There could have been traps placed in here. It wouldn't be too hard for the owner to do so, seeing how he had lots of jewels to throw around. However, the damage was already done. Maybe he should have thought of that when he destroyed the wall earlier. Nonetheless, she decided to apologize to him for her carelessness. "Sorry, Sir Kirby."

About the strong magic he was talking about, she hadn't noticed it until he pointed it out. She rolled the scroll up again, moving away from the area he pointed at. It's true, she could feel the high level of magic... and, was it getting stronger? Lloyd's warning came and she was grabbed, moving away from the sphere of light. She shook off his hold on her, still cautious of the guild. She didn't know what would come next. Perhaps they had triggered a trap after all. She concentrated chi on her feet, ready to dash off if things go south.

Cinla watching all the people talking not really having much to say since she's guildless knowing what's what though helps a lot. After a few minutes of talking she went up to a group of them and said" I heard the job is to slay a dragon i'd like to join the job my name is cinla and i can be offensive or healer for which ever group i'm with at the time". 'I know that wasn't much but i don't what else to say in a case like this and awkward situation aren't fun to deal with'.

'question now is will they accept me and will i be able to get a decent share of the jewels rent and such doesn't pay itself. Cinla's eyes scanning over the area for a few moments then returned to the group she's trying to talk to. 'thinking back on things i haven't ever done a group mission so this is new to me i hope i don't come over as cocky'.

any one in the main room of the mansion
Clair walked along with the group as they made there way towards the mansion.A darkly dressed wizard joined the group as they walked along and it was quite obvious he was from sabertooth. Clair thought on the subject of sabertooth for a while as they walked , Sabertooth was always trying to put fairy tale down be it in the Games or through media . They were truly merciless when it came to guild rules too in fact several of there members got kicked out almost periodically.It was honestly the polar opposite of Fairy tale.

Suddenly Clair felt a large source of magic begin to form in the mansion it was just seconds after that when Winter took off , this job was already proving to be interesting. Clair continued to advance at her current pace.

Ferra: Streets of Clover

Ferra nodded, it seemed logical, and was soon infact proven as she watched Cece fight. For a blind girl she was surprisingly agile and quick to react to just about everything. "
Yea. That's actually pretty cool. Look at her fight! She's awesome!" She told him in awe. She made note of several people heading back to the mansion but simply paid no mind to it, her full attention was on her food, this fight, and half communicating with Paris.


Sera: ??? Mansion Inside

Sera laughed as the snowball hit Ryan in the head before straightening her hair back out. If there was one thing she was fairly particular about it was her hair, to a degree. She followed the rest in relative silence as they walked to the mansion, simply listening to the conversation as well as trying to figure out a way to get back at Jaymes. Though, she quirked a brow when someone who had left the mansion greeted them, tossed her a rose, and decided to join them on the way back. Though, seeing as she was a high ranked mage in Fairy Tail it wasn't exactly un-heard of. "
Thank you." She told him, flashing him a smile and summarily making a makeshift bracelet out of it around her wrist. The building had met expecations and then some, the mansion was freaking huge on the outside and incredibly dusty on the inside. She immediately noticed someone asking if they could join them as well as the prescence of a strong force of magic.

She passed it off as a guild master or someone breaking shit they shouldn't be breaking, however.
For now she decided to break off from the group and talk to this woman, after all it wasn't everyday a guildless woman showed up asking to join a group out of the blue. "So. You think you're good enough to go on a S-Class mission with us eh kid?" She asked her with a smirk on her face.

@Bunny @Arvis90 @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @ScarlettRose16 @ anyone I missed
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Cinla turned around and said" Well it's the first time doing this kind of thing with a group and i won't make a promises i can't keep what i will say is that i'll do my best to help the team complete the mission, so what should i address you as just saying ay you women and such doesn't exactly work very well". Cinla's eyes calm and deep like they could piece a persons heart or and soul through the darkness, her energy suppressed seeing as she sees no need to show it off just because others would. 'This women clearly is strong it doesn't take a brain of britain work that out she also seems to like to test people, for now i'll play along after all there's no real harm in it', and as long as i get my fair share or the money it doesn't really matter it's not like i expect to make friend and i'm used to having to fight for my life that's why i can do what i can now'.

Paris looked around, noticing it was only him and Ferra watching the fight. He shrugged, as it didn't seem the client was going to be back soon anyway.

"Yeah, beat him up!" He cheered on Cece.

Malnia: Town Outskirts

She wiped a soot-covered sleeve across her forehead, simultaneously removing some sweat and smearing even more grime in it's place. After spending hours literally crawling through the rubble she almost appeared as if she were one of the survivors. From head to toe she was covered in soot, dirt, and small pieces of debris that clung to her clothes. She didn't realize just what a daunting task this job would be and the more she worked the more obvious it became why nobody bothered to take it. One thing was for certain, however, and that was that if anyone dared bring up a 'needle in a haystack' to her she'd make sure to give them a solid one right to the jaw.

She leaned back from her crawling position, plopping down on her butt and extending her legs forward as she continued to lean back until her arms were all that were propping her up. She let out a tired breath as she stared at the sky high above. Judging by the amount of light she had been at this nearly all day long and the very real possibility that the locket was already long-gone was beginning to creep into her mind. As much as she didn't even want to think about it she couldn't win this contest of will and her fears began to flood her mind as she took her break. If she couldn't find this blasted thing she'd have just spent a full days rent on absolutely nothing.

She clicked her tongue with a small 'tch'. "This is why I take fighting jobs." At least with a fighting job it was pretty straight forward, there was no inane nonsense like this. You just go to the destination and punch the target until it stops moving. Unfortunately for her those jobs usually found their way to guilds, not her. She let out an aggravated sigh before pushing herself forward, figuring she'd be better off continuing her search and getting her mind off the negative reality she might very well have to face. There was only one section of rubble left for her to search, if this blasted locket wasn't there then she didn't even know what she'd do.

With every stone upturned and every patch of soot swiped away she offered a little prayer that she'd catch a glimmer of gold. She was beginning to grow desperate as her search continued on. After another half hour of fruitless search she was about to call it a day, this would be one job she couldn't complete. There was just one last little section to check and then she'd go get a carriage-ride back to Magnolia. While she might not get paid at least a nice hot shower awaited her. It was at that moment that her fingers struck something hard. It didn't seem like it was just a brick or anything of the sort, it made a distinctly metallic clank upon contact with her nail. She quickly redoubled her efforts, a small glimmer of hope growing within her. Sure enough a ray of light and luck cast down from the heavens illuminated the best gift she could have received, other than a billion Jewel that is. Sitting before her, tucked away in the dirt, was the distinct gold color of the locket that she sought.

She quickly grabbed it and pulled it out and after a light dusting it was all but confirmed. "I found it.. I actually found it!" In her grasp was a small golden locket with accompanying golden chain. This was what the old man wanted, it even had the spiral trim he described. Were she the emotional sort she would have broken out into tears of relief. She had spent all bloody day long in search of this thing and finally it was within her grasp. All she had to do now was fetch her ride home, deliver the locket, and get the reward.
Jaymes McGarrett - Inside the Mansion

Jaymes didn't intentionally ignore the floating, slightly unnerving figure that accompanied them back from the fight, but something about him made his skin crawl. It could just be how he floated through the air like a spirit or something, Jaymes didn't know. When Winter suddenly burst away at a run, Jaymes wanted to follow, but a wave of Magic Power slammed into him and took his breathe away. Something felt wrong, very wrong. He couldn't put a finger on it, but it was like an instinctual memory trying to surface in his mind. Because of that, he didn't even notice the hot guy wink at him or toss Sera a rose. Next thing he knew, he was chasing after Winter through the mansion towards the library.


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