Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Masaki was sat on the edge of the mansion roof as he observed the scene in the town with all of his concentration. Masaki chuckled when he saw more people came out of the guild to partake in the fight, or to spectate it. He sighed and sat there silently. "I can feel that woman's aura from here... She's mad, I wonder what that guy did to annoy her so much..." He spoke quietly to himself. He was quite curious as to see what would unfold, and strategically, this was a good idea to see what the mages of Fairy Tail were capable of. With that, Masaki stood up on the roof and brushed himself off and kept his eye on the scene before him. Unfortunately, Masaki was clearly visible, but he was confident that the Fairies wouldn't notice him, that they'd be too busy watching that fight, or duel, or whatever it is. He was too focused on the fight at hand that he didn't react to the Lamia girl eating his crystal pillar, which now slowly began to dissipate with a click of Masaki's fingers. And it was in that instant, that the girl walloped the guy in the face.
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"Mansion is deserted though," Lloyd pointed out, pointing with his thumb in the general direction behind him. "And based on how much dust is around this place, it seems as if it's been deserted for a few days too. For some strange reason." Here, he frowned. He was confused. If he was the client he would be sure to meet up with any mages if he needed their help that badly in order to offer one billion jewels as a reward. "There hasn't been any signs of any forcible removal too. Plus, with how big this mansion is, there were probably staff to maintain the place, and they too have disappeared." This was truly weird.

But with that strange wall in front of him, it seemed that this place still had some discoveries in store for them. "Stand back," he told Grace as he stepped back five steps himself, pulling out an arrow from his quiver. A very faint red glow emanated from his hands as he notched the arrow, and the arrow tip grew brighter and brighter, turning a yellowish red. "Fire strike," he whispered, releasing the arrow.

The arrow whizzed in the direction of the wall and with a great explosion, the wall fell apart, showering the two with dust. Lloyd coughed, waving his free hand in front of his face to clear away the dust. Sure enough though, there was a gaping space where the wall once stood. When the dust settled, he stepped forward, peering cautiously into the space. It was devoid of people, and also extremely dusty, but from floor to ceiling on all three sides of the room, were bookshelves completely full of books. And in the center of the room stood a desk, completely covered in scrolls. Still didn't put his desk to shame though.

"I guess you have a point." Grace admitted, running her hand along a nearby rail and collecting a good amount of dust on her fingers. That's so gross. She thought, wiping it on her jacket and looking back up to Lloyd. "Well I would leave if there were dragon attacks in the area, so maybe the owner did too?" She did find it very strange that the people abandoned such a beautiful place, but found it reasonable too.

When Lloyd told her to step back, Grace did exactly what he said, taking about 5 steps back and watching him.
Is he going to blow something up? Why not get me to do it! But before she could complain, the wall shattered, causing dust and debris to drift around the room. She began coughing, turning her back to the dust and trying to get a breath of fresh air. "Lloyd, I could've done that! I specialize in explosions!"

"Sorry about that," Lloyd gave Grace a rather sheepish grin as his free hand went back to scratch the side of his head. "I'll let you do the exploding next time." Hopefully that was apology enough for covering them both in dust. Or at least, he hoped. "But look at that though," he added, stepping back and gesturing at what seemed to be a secret library. "It's another library, but one hidden behind a wall for some reason. What kind of information would it be to necessitate storage in a secret room, rather than the main library a few stories down."

A sudden frown appeared on his face. "Wait, I sense magic. Coming from this room."

He smiled, and stretched a bit. "You know..." He smiled. "I know what you're thinking right now: what is this guys deal? He's handsome and all, but he's not attacking me with some long rage attack!" He said her possible 'thoughts' with a mocking tone. "But I'm not doing that, cause it's the same reason I ON ACCIDENT punched a hole in your roof." He smiled and in a second he was in front of her. "Cause I don't need to." He then attempted to deliver a knockout punch to her gut.
@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16 @ everyone else outside

Ferra: ??? Mansion Outside

Ferra had eaten most of the bottom of one of the pillars by the time they started disspating. And of course, she had no clue they were as she was too busy eating them, which almost caused her to bite her tongue when she went to eat the last section. She blinked and looked around confused as the crystal began to dissapear. "
Wah? But..how?" She whined, clearly confused. Then she noticed a guy on the roof in roughly the same spot as where the pillars used to be, one of the Sabertooth guys she recognized. Oh well..at-least she had some crystal for later if it was needed. That'd be useful. Probably. "Watcha' doin' up there?" She called up to him whilst rummaging around in her bag to see what she wanted to eat since her crystal was gone. Well, technically his crystal, but he wasn't eating it so ya kno'...


@Salt Lord @Mr Swiftshots @Defective Kitten @gogojojo331 @SpookySableye

Sera: Streets of Clover

Sera simply gave Naomi a thumbs up at her rather creative starter pistol. "
Good thinking Alfie!" She called out to him as a net arrow of sorts was fired to act as a barrier. Seeing as they were in the streets that'd probably be a very good idea. She winced and laughed with Clair decked the guy, she thought for sure she'd sent enough power into that punch to knock him out or at-least try to, but it was clear that wasn't the case.

She wondered what exactly had prompted Clair to fight him seeing as she was normally relatively calm, and then it hit her. The one time Ryan had pulled a prank on her involving her cake and he got his ass kicked. Yeaaa. This guy must've done something cake related.
Cya at your funeral bud.. Sera thought to herself with a wide grin on her face. "Oooh..that guys fast." She commented outloud to no one in particular when the guy dashed up to Clair. But this guy was clearly underestimating Clair, Sera honestly felt bad for him.
gogojojo331 said:
He smiled, and stretched a bit. "You know..." He smiled. "I know what you're thinking right now: what is this guys deal? He's handsome and all, but he's not attacking me with some long rage attack!" He said her possible 'thoughts' with a mocking tone. "But I'm not doing that, cause it's the same reason I ON ACCIDENT punched a hole in your roof." He smiled and in a second he was in front of her. "Cause I don't need to." He then attempted to deliver a knockout punch to her gut.
Clair dropped any facial expression she may of had when the guy started making assumptions about what she may have been thinking "listen i don't care about you accidentally messing up the guild hall nor do i care about what kind of attack you use ..." As the man appeared in front of her she smiled and appeared where he previously was in her 'flight armour' wielding two short swords. "all i care about is the fact , you sir ruined my cake!" Clair raised s short sword and pointed it straight at him ready for his next attack.

( Flight Armor )
Grace decided to forgive Lloyd for now, but one more slip up and he would be on the receiving end of the magic. She rubbed her eyes and walked over to the guild master, peering inside the wall. "That is pretty strange. What would they be hiding in this library?" She asked, mainly to herself, glancing up at Lloyd. "If there's magic in here, then there's something important in here for sure." She said, taking a few steps into the hidden library. There was a small suspicion that there was some sort of trap or bomb in here, but shrugged it off and looked around.

She heard the gun shot near the Fairy Tail guild hall. She shakes her head thinking we are supposed to be on a mission not sparing in the town square. She almost wanted to go down to see what exactly was going on and she turned around to see Masaki high up. "Hey Masaki, want to go see what trouble the Fairy Tail guild is causing?" She calls out to him knowing he has always wanted to meet them and the Lamia Scale guild probably had a handle on things and they wouldn't be gone long. They could also ask around to see if they can find something out.

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He smiled. "I've always wanted to learn that!" He dodged the oncoming strike and countered with a one-two combo to her face. He then rushed forward to give her a couple of suplexes. Best way to end this in his opinion. Just disturb the head equilibrium. "Sorry about the cake!" He smiled. "Must have been tasty!"

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Seeing that her newly added pistol did in fact work, she was quite happy that she was about to buy it for 25000 jewels(did ya know that 100 jewels is equivalent to USD$1?). Watching the fight intently, Naomi gave a cheerful smile when Clair gave the guy a nice big ol' punch straight to the face, clapping lightly. "Yah! Go Clair!" Cheering on her fellow guide member as she easily dodged the man's attack. "Nomi(something she calls herself like a nickname of sorts) would be angry too if someone took her mean buns! They'd get a good round to the bum!" She stated but sounded too innocent to seem serious of her threat, especially eating away at whatever was left of the meat bun bag like it was popcorn and they were at a cinema watching a movie.


@Mr Swiftshots

The two were fighting and it was quite clearly a serious matter, the man had yet to reveal his magic but it was clear that the girl used requip. Masaki let out a sigh as he heard the cheering of other Fairy Tail members, who were encouraging their guild mate, no doubt. Masaki was about to sit down again when he heard a girl talking to him, by the looks of things, she was the one who ate his crystal pillar. He smiled at the girl and responded to her question. "Can't you hear it? There is some kind of fight going on outside the Fairy Tail guild hall, in the city. I've come up here to get a better view." He paused before continuing, "You can join me if you like.. But if you do, please don't eat any more of my crystals.." He said, as he scratched his head and chuckled slightly. He then turned to Winter who also began to speak to him, "You want to go over there?" Masaki began to think, it was most certainly an enticing thought, us it would be fun. "Sure, I'll go with you.. Although I think it isn't a wise idea, we should probably stay here and wait for the client.." He then continued watching the fight unfold. "Actually, I'm ready when you are." He said to Winter, a smile on his face.

@Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16 @Anyone at the Mansion
Clair spun on her hand kicking out to make space between the two she then smiled spinning her right hand sword."you sure pack a punch but that won't be enough to take me down" Clair dashed at the man taking multiple slashes st his body before appearing a few feet behind him "and for your information yes , yes it was tasty !"

"Well Lamia Scale is here so if anything they will see the client and unless Beau, Sasuke, or Haru wants to come with us they will be here too. Also we can ask around to see if anybody knows anything in town" she says as she continues to look up at him. She smiles when he agrees knowing he wouldn't be able to resist. "Let's go" she says she turns to start walking. She could still hear the crashing and they were a couple miles from where they were. She hears Masaki come down from the roof and catch up to her. She stops for a second and calls out to Ferra, "If anything happens just holler, I'll hear you." Perks of being a devil slayer was she had enhanced hearing. She turns to continue walking.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98

Cece Tutin

Guild Master- Outside the roofless Fairy Tail Guild hall- Cece Is Not Amused!​

Cece simply sat there all she knew was that they came above ground and loud bang was heard and then the wind started blowing more in the room being blind Cece had no clue what happened since if she did oh boy. That was when he heard Sera and heard the few words "Please explain why you punched our roof?" punched out roof...more wind entering the room...oh god the roof was off wasn't it that was when it dawned on Cece what had happened and by god she was annoyed. Cece simply stood still for a good few minutes before she even made the slightest action she headed over to the guild hall and exited the guild.

At this point in time the fighting between the strange man who Cece guessed punched the roof and Clair began and it seemed like it might last awhile. Cece was not going to let this guy off no matter what. "So wheres the guy who thought it was smart to you know...BREAK FAIRY TAILS ROOF I mean really which type of imbecile punches a roof that comes out of the group what did you think it was a giant worm coming to eat you heck I bet even if it was it would spit you back out again after being like Oh god I just ate stupid." Cece said as she slowly walked closer and closer towards the only person their she didn't know. "Oh and another thing I don't care what type of bet you made with Sera since well ITS OFF." Cece said if she was to get any closer she would have been cut by Clair's attack. "Oh and Clair please stop for just a second." Cece said finally quieting down a little. She got in the middle of the two before she prodded the man. "Now you have three choices number you have three choices Number one you pay off the damage cost right here right now, number two I rip you apart limb by limb until I feel satisfied that the damage has been paid in full or last but not least." Cece said before she let out a devilish smirk as she mentioned the last part. "You pay the debt off by joining Fairy Tail." Cece said before smirking once again. "I personally like the second one not only is it fun but it lets me blow off some steam."


Oh and @gogojojo331 @Mr Swiftshots you can still fight but if you hit Cece all hell will break lose.
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@ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari @Bunny

Ferra: ??? Mansion Outside

Ferra turned to look in the direction of the fight a little ways down the street from them. Of course she heard it, but she wasn't really entirely too interested by it. Or maybe she was and the fact of figuring out what the crystal formation tasted like distracted her. She laughed nervously when he confirmed it was his crystals, "
Well. They tasted good?" She told him sheepishly. Before she could accept his offer of coming up there with him, however, Winter had offered for him and her to go see what the issue was about. She wanted to go to! But she also wasn't invited, and figured she should stay with the rest of Lamia Scale. "Alright. Will do, have fun you two!" She called out to them as they walked off.

Sighing she produced another sweet bun from her bag and walked around a bit, eventually coming across Paris. "
Watcha' think about this place? Pretty spooky huh?" She asked him inbetween bites.


@NekoChanBo @Mr Swiftshots @gogojojo331 @Defective Kitten

Sera: Streets of Clover

Kick his ass Clair!" Sera chimed in with Naomi, laughing about her comment of her meat buns. Despite Naomi being B class she was just as scary, if not scarier, as Clair when someone interferred with her meat buns. Sera wasn't sure which would of been more amusing to have witnessed. Clair fighting over cake or Naomi shooting him full of holes ovee her meat buns. Soon after Cece seemed to of processed what had happened, and she was clearly beyond pissed.

But really, who could take her seriously if you didn't know her? Sera simply grinned amusedly in silence as she told the guy off. Though, she wasn't expecting the last bit, it was an amusing sight nonetheless. She waited to see what he would answer, her arms crossed over her chest and the same amused grin on her face.
He looked around. "Ummm... That third option is not like the others..." He sighed. "And man! That was close. Those cuts almost hurt." He chuckles. "And who are you, kid? You've got a mouth on ya." He sat down. "I see you're blind, huh?" He looked at her hair and her feet. "One hit from those kickers and I'd be out..." He frowned. "And I must apologize. I guess you'd have to do the second option. You see..." He looked at her dead in the eyes so she could feel how serious he was. "I've had problems with trusting guilds." He then sat back and waited. "Anyways. Do your worst. I've had torture before, but nothing compares to losing everything you love."
Following Winter to the site of the Fairy mud hall. Masaki picked up his pace so that he could keep up with the Ice Devil Slayer. Eventually, the two get to there destination, a small alleyway next to the guild hall, and right next to where the fight was unfolding as well. At that moment, a small figure came out of the guild and joined the small group. Masaki knew her face and identified her to be the guild master. But upon her talking, he realised that dhe was the one who shouted earlier. Masaki couldn't help but drop his jaw, the girl bellowed. He chuckled once more and then turned to Winter, "Are you ready? I'll follow your lead" He said, with a kind smile and an eager tone.

Paris looked around. Her ran up the stairs, but nothing was there. Nothing was downstairs either. He walked back down the staircase. His face contorted into disgust at the dust on the staircase.

"Yea, spooky." He looked at Ferra's meat bun, then his stomach growled. He sighed, and sat down at the lowest stair step.

Beau frowned at his Sabertooth members going to check out the fight. He was disinterested, and would rather stay with Lamia Scale than quarrel with Fairy Tail. He reentered the house, looking at the Lamia Scale members once again, then going up the staircase until he came to the upstairs floor. He sighed, not knowing what he was waiting for exactly.

She looked at him smirking. She walks towards the front of the building and leans against a pillar with her arms crossed smirking at what was happening before them. "You can go further if you want but I just want to see this for a minute." She says to Masaki. No one really noticed them. She was watching the master and thought if this was happening at our guild we would be dead. Literally. She giggles slightly. The sees a wripple in the air and she figured they put up a dome. Smart she thinks to herself. A couple people from the town walk by so she thought that she could ask to see if they knew anything but they didn't nobody seemed to know anything besides people have been fleeing town because of the attacks on the villages that weren't that far away.

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Clair grit her teeth when the master came out and took over the fight from her , it wasn't her cake that got destroyed it was just a roof ! Clair's armour swapped back to what it was originally and her swords vanished. "dalm it Cece i was just getting warmed up" Clair muttered to the girl.The dome surrounding the group was still up and that was fortunate."try not to kill him Cece , i want the pleasure of that"

Ferra: ??? Mansion Inside

Wonder where the owner went." Ferra mumbled, looking around at the dust covered room, half tempted to find out what hilariously expensive dust covered furniture tasted like. Probably like dust. But. Ya know. Then she heard Paris' stomach growl. "Forget to eat before you left huh?" She asked him, giggling and walking over to sit beside him. Digging around in her bag she pulled out a meat bun for him and handed it to him. She had plenty of food to last for a while, after all. And if not..she could always buy more. "I wonder what Fairy Tail was fighting over, it seemed kinda interesting." She told him, staring out of the door and down the street.


@NekoChanBo @Defective Kitten @gogojojo331 @Mr Swiftshots

Sera: Streets of Clover

Sera was glad there was a barrier thanks to Alfie, especially considering the dumb guy chose option two. Why do people make dumb decisions? He was quite clearly underestimating Cece, and he'd regret that. "
Might wanna stand back Naomi." Sera warned, her herself backing up closer to the buildings. "This should be interesting. Thousand jewels says Master Cece makes him regret his decision in the first five minutes, Naomi." She told her.
Jaymes McGarrett - In/Outside Fairy Tail Guild Hall

When the dude ran away from him and Sera, Jaymes almost followed him, but Sera beat him to it, and he knew that she would get to him faster. However, Alfie decided to intervene and stopped Sera before she could do anything really. That was Alfie for you, always the one that tried to be a voice of reason...When the dude decided to challenge the guild over the cost of damage, Jaymes smiled, it would be interesting to see him lose his smirk, especially when Clair accepted the challenge. "Kick his butt Clair!" Jaymes shouted out as the match began. Naomi and Sera were doing the referee thing, and the dude was decently gifted in fighting, but no where near the level of a Wizard Saint, since Clair wasn't even using the a hundredth of her power. "Ice Make: Throne." Jaymes said using his magic to construct a chair to sit on and enjoy the fight. However, when the master came out and gave the dude three options, to which the guy took the beating option, Jaymes looked over to Sera, Naomi, Ryan, and Willow. "Um...I think it would be good to get to a safe distance. That barrier Alfie cast may not hold." Jaymes stated. He had trained with the master many times, mostly in mastering his Ximic magic, and he knew what she was capable of when she let loose.
Cece smiled at his choice option two just the one she wanted. It seemed the man didn't know who she was and it was clear why she had only became the guild master recently and most don't think the rumors about her being the guild master is true after all she is only thirteen. "Who am I WHO AM I the never of you, you destroy my guilds Headquarters roof don't even apologize and then..AND THEN DON'T EVEN TELL US WHO YOU ARE BUT INSTEAD ASK WHO I am." Cece shook her head she was going to enjoy this. Cece cracked her fingers as she slowly walked towards him but all of a sudden she stopped upon listening to the last thing he had to say.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that a Dark Guild killed your family."
Cece said although most of the time she acts like an idiot all things considered she was smart, he distrusts guilds and then mentions he lost everything he loved putting two and two together it was obvious especially since Cece was nearly the same but after she got revenge she calmed down a lot. Cece quickly got into the stance for her magic feet over shoulder length apart her left one slightly farther back than her right one and arms mostly straight and palms pointing upwards. "At least try to make this a little interesting most the people I get to fight these days are pushovers...no offense Jaymes." Cece said she wasn't going to torture him hell no she was going to fight him and well pull him limb from limb that way.

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