Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Magnolia(?) ~ Fairy Tail Guide Hall (Technically)

Once the guide began taking off in whatever direction, the stool in which she sat on began spinning faster in circles, "Wheeeeee~!" She yelped with more enthusiasm than the beginning but tightly clasped onto the stool and, of corse, her meat buns. Naomi continued to spin even when they stopped moving, her spinning gradually slowed down but barely. "Naomi doesn't like spin spin!!" Squealing as her head couldn't process all the colors and quick rotation, causing her to become rather dizzy and queasy.


Sasuke Haishen

Starting on his journey east, paying close attention to the roads he still seemed to follow the usual route to get where he wanted, however he did so by flying. Sasuke was a lot faster flying than he was running, and although he often grew tired after a while since it's practically the same to him (As in flying to him is like walking or running, so he does get tired after a long duration). But he kept pushing through until coming to sight of a town. Making the assumption it had to be Clover he levitated himself slowly back down until gently landing on the ground. Puffing for a few moments he placed both hands on his stomach as he took in a deep breath "Jeez, that took at least half an hour.." he thought to himself, he was wrong it was a little less but having just woken up Sasuke is often lazy and not as energetic as normal. (Normally he can keep up flight for an hour max until being completely passed out, since he's bad with keeping up time he usually judges how long something takes by how tired he is by the end of it) Walking around the place, it was hard to pick our who the guy might be offering the reward. Until he stumbled by a local notice board. Taking a quick glance, at first all their seemed to be were a few useless bounties on people Sasuke didn't find 'worth' his time. "Nope, nope..Nope!" he said to himself as he looked through until reaching what he wanted "Bingo!" ripping it off the wall he took a good look at the details. Finding where the man lived by the piece of paper he gave himself a small pat on the back "Wow, I'm good at this investigating stuff..Well! Off I go!" he said in a gleeful tone as he marched his way to the man's house. Approaching the group of mages outside, Sasuke noticed a few faces among them and began running towards them as he waved his right arm around hysterically "I made it!" shaking his head for a moment, he tried playing it cool despite his actual excitement (Sasuke isn't use to going out much so he always enjoys it when he is) "I mean, of course I made it? You really think you'd get to do something like this without me being apart of it? Pft." he said as he quickly glanced off into the far distance, placing his hands by his hips.



@I'm not sure who else in Sabertooth is there right now so forgive me if I forgot someone.
(we are inside and @Bunny and @LeSoraAmari are in the main entrance and I'm the only one technically outside because I needed some air)


She looks up to see Sasuke. She is sitting on the bottom step of the few steps that led up to the house. "Hey" she says with a small wave. She smiles "You seem very excited" she says with humor in her voice. She watches as you walk closer towards her. "I'm guessing you heard about the job. Am I wrong?" She asks.

@Sinister Clown
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There was a slight smile on Lloyd's face as he nodded to each of the "Investigation Team" as he had dubbed them (in his head, of course; no doubt his guild members would be better at coming up with a more creative name) as they showed up. "All ready? When then, shall we?" And with that, they started making their way to the train station.

The journey was not very remarkable. While the other guild members talked among themselves, Lloyd busied himself with his map and the copy of the flyer that he had brought along. Back when he was in his early twenties, he had decided that he was going to map out every inch of Fiore and so far, he had been about seventy-five percent successful. And then the S-class trials had come up and then his promotion to guild master, which forced him to put his project on hold for the time being. Perhaps he'd be able to take it up again soon, if he had the time to. He had taken his trials late. Marcus, seventeen and already a S-class mage. Sometimes, he wondered if he'd be able to keep up. He did not have the raw power that characterized the Fairy Tale mages and most times he had to rely on skill and cunning to win battles.

Fortunately, the area that they were going to had already been included in his maps, though he had only visited the area once. He wondered if there were any changes to the general area since he had last been there. And once again, he couldn't help but be curious about just who the client was.

When they got off the train, Lloyd lead the team to a tall hill where he knew he would get a good view of the surrounding area. Sure enough, as he had expected, the client lived in a huge mansion. He or she had to be that rich, after all, in order to be able to afford such a huge reward. And sure enough, as he had also expected, the area was teeming with mages from various guilds. In fact, the entire Guild Hall of Fairy Tail seemed to be there; he recognized the banner. Trust Fairy Tale to make that big an entrance. Really? Their entire guild hall?

"Why am I not surprised," he said aloud, with a slight shake of his head.

Sasuke Haishen

Nodding in a way as if to confirm Winter's suspicions he quickly put his attention back onto the girl out front sitting down on one of the steps. Slowly walking up to her he squatted down and rested both of his arms over his knees. Doing this to make himself level with Winter he glared in her eyes for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something. Sasuke had heard about Winter, but had never gotten the personal pleasure to meet her until now. "You got it, I heard that the reward was really high but only A class mages and above are able to respond so I thought Sabertooth might want the extra hand." seeming to try make an excuse for himself, he seemed to take Winter's questioning as a way of saying he wasn't exactly welcome, however this never stopped Sasuke before anyway and he continued on despite his misguided thoughts. "So where are the other's? I was told the boss-man was here." it was obvious he was referring to their guild leader, placing his hand above his eyes seeming to take a quick look around. Taking a quick seat down he sat directly in front of Winter, looking up to her waiting for her explanation.


@Anyone else in the area who wants to pop in.
"Okay cool well I guess welcome to the team. Um... Masaki and Beau are inside doing, I don't even know what they are doing and the master didn't come with us as far as I know" she says. "If you haven't noticed Fairy Tail is here somewhere and I'm not sure about any other guilds but there is probably more. She looks around her surroundings as the wind blows through her hair and she watches as the bush shift and the trees sway. She turn her attention back to the guy infront of her.

@Sinister Clown
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"I have heard a lot about you, your a wizard saint. I would like to spar with you eventually, just to see if I could hold my own against someone of your power." She laughs. She realizes she has never even met him either.

@Sinister Clown

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke listened intently, and without his knowledge once Winter pointed out that other guilds had already made it. He was actually unaware of the fact the whole time, seeming to be completely oblivious to his surroundings he took another look around "Well, I did think they were dressed weirdly for normal human's." Looking back to Winter, she seemed to recognize him over their conversation and his eyes lightened up when she mentioned wanting a spar. "Oh, really!?" nodding and slamming his palms together as if doing one big clap "If you think you can handle it" he said with high confidence in himself and an uncanny smirk creeping up his face afterwards. He figured that the two already inside would be able to deal with the situation, so Sasuke made the decision to stay outside with Winter for a while until the other's came back. He'd always been fond of humans, finding them to be very interesting creature's all for one reason. They all seemed to have different mind sets, Although Sasuke did have free will. He was cursed eternally to never know the real meaning of 'freedom'. As in reality he will always be bound by something, whether it be an object which he'll be trapped in for generations or bound by his master.


(Last post for today guys.)
She smirks devilishly back at him "I could handle it" she says. She remember always sparing with an old friend of hers and they would go for hours before they finally called it even. One day he just disappeared. She hasnt spared with anybody in a long time but it sounded like fun and she did have confidence in her abilities. She was an Ice Devil Slayer and has the abilities of Ice-Make so this should be interesting. She couldn't use a couple of her major spells because she didn't want to encase him in ice or kill him so she had to think but at least they weren't sparing at this moment. "Well, I should let you know, the client isn't here and he hasn't come back here so we have no idea where he is. We might be on our own if he doesn't show up" she explains.

@Sinister Clown
Masaki had been sat on that crystal chair for what felt like hours... Days. He could hear the sounds of crickets inside that would slowly dissipate from time to time, fizzling out into the dark of the night. Masaki got up from the chair and brushed his left hand in the air as he walked over towards a window, the chair shattered and the crystals that formed it, vanished. Looking out the window, there was practically nothing in sight. Nothing that was interesting and worth taking note of to be totally honest. Street lights were on and they helped to illuminate the place, adding the necessary light so that Clover wasn't just a heap of darkness and the moon, well... It was a pretty moon. Masaki smiled to himself as he turned around to check on Beau, and smiling as Winter spoke and set off for the balcony. The building was quiet, it made Masaki want to crack open a book instantaneously but he knew that 'now was not the time'.

The silence of the town lasted for quiet a while, until a loud voice boomed through Clover. "HERES FAIRY TAIL", it echoed and traveled throughout the city, Masaki wouldn't have been surprised if their arrival had woken up all of the residents as well. Masaki sighed, "Well... At least I know I was right." He spoke to himself softly, "But my God does she have a voice on her. I'm imagining she's about 6ft tall... Yes, that should do i-" Masaki stopped speaking and scratched his head, "It most certainly can't be their Guildmaster... She's so small and nice, and... Innocent, I think. It's best not to jump to conclusions.". Oh how he was wrong. Masaki broke into a small amount of laughter. He had seen their Guildmaster around on occasion, probably only once or twice though. But she is definitely a character you remember upon first glance.

After looking out of the window for a while, Masaki acknowledged a familiar presence with Winter. "Sasuke's here?" Masaki smiled, "Alright we're sorted! THIS REWARD IS OURS!" He yelled, quite loudly. But as soon as he realised how out of character that was for him he quickly retreated to a corner and sat there. As to hide the blush of embarrassment that had covered his face.

@Any of you Saber lovelies, or anyone else heyhhyy come join the cat party
"Right," Lloyd said, in a cheerful tone, turning to his guild members. "Guess it's time to do some investigating. Client's house is down below, let's see if we can get any information from him or her, whoever they are. Be polite to the other guilds, at least. They might also have some information since they were ere before us. And Ferra, Grace and Paris, if we do get separated, stay with Marcus. I'll make sure to remain within earshot too." At least this meant that the non-S-class mages would be taken care of, while at the same time getting some valuable field experience. They were all powerful individuals, he was glad of that, and he was quite sure they'd be able to take care of themselves.

He strolled casually down the hill, in the direction of the client's house, carefully bypassing the Fairy Tail guild hall, with a slight shake of his head. Now that he was nearby though, he saw that the Guild hall bore some signs of damage. The Fairy Tail sign was lying on the floor and the guild members seemed to be in some form of disagreement with another person. Either way, it wasn't any of his business, so on he went.

Soon, he reached the doors of the client's house. The doors were open, and two people were standing in front of it, in conversation. They seemed to be Sabertooth members, judging from their guild marks. From his angle, the mansion looked even bigger than from the hill. If the doors were open, perhaps it meant" that the client was receiving mages. He approached the two Sabertooth mages. "Hey," he said, giving them a polite nod. He pointed his thumb in the direction of the mansion entrance. "Is the client inside?"

It was then that he heard a loud. "This reward is ours!" from the direction of the house. He raised an eyebrow. The issue had been solved that fast?
Haruko Kazumi

Haru turned away from the group if three. A B Class wizard would probably only be a hinder to them. Besides, the client probably wouldn't be too happy about a ' weak' mage joining. She sat at one of the chairs, waiting for her train. She looked at her ticket, another hour until it arrives back to the station. It was a rather long wait, with nothing to do but finally, the revving of its engine could be heard from a distance. Her ride had arrived. Other passengers, started boarding it and after a few minutes, it finally left.

A person, however, was left in the station.

Haruko wasn't really one to follow rules, was she? She dropped her ticket before following the posse of S-Class Wizards who seemed to have left the inn. Upon arriving at a mansion, she noticed that they had let themselves in. Another mage seemed to have joined them, and another whim she wasn't familiar with. She walked past the person she didn't know, making her way towards Masaki.

"So a group of mages trespasses a rich man's house and starts disturbing the peace by shouting. How wonderful." she states from behind him, her arms crossed across her chest.

She hears Haru's remark and just says " just look at the house it doesn't really look like someone has been here for a while. It's odd."

She sees Lamia Scale coming and she stands up. She hears Masaki yell and just smile. Why did everyone think this was so exciting again? Oh yeah the dragon part. "It looks like the Master of Lamia Scale is also here. I think this is the time when we have to start working with other guilds" She says to Sauske. She takes a few steps towards the group. "No the Client isn't here, he wasn't here yesterday either. It's really odd, if you go in the house it doesn't look like anyone has been here in a few days." She says facing the master even though she made sure the while group could hear her.

@HuorSpinks @Aeri Rosevier @Bunny @LeSoraAmari

(@any Lamia Scale people's I missed)
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The train ride for Grace was very uneventful. She talked with Marcus for a few and then slept the rest of the time. Pretty much what she would be doing back at the guild. She didn't have a clue how long that ride ended up being or how far away they were from home, but it must be pretty far.

"This place is huge!" She whispered to Ferra as they arrived at the Mage filled mansion. Never in her life has she seen so many guilds at one place, but the one that caught her Attention was Fairy Tale. She really didn't like that guild, seeing that they got much more recognition than Lamia Scale, and they were such show offs! She couldn't help but roll her eyes at their mass amount of people, and continued to follow Lloyd.

Next thing Grace knew was that she was in the mansion. Lloyd was speaking to some guild member, while the rest of the group stood behind him. She really didn't bother to listen to what they were saying, so she fiddled with a strand of hair. However, what she did hear was someone yell out how the reward was theirs, and that made her frown.
"Hey, shut up! You aren't going to get anything!"she yelled back, searching the crowd for whoever yelled that.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @Bunny @Mitchs98
(We are outside btw)

"That was Masaki" she says when she sees one of the mages looking around to see who yelled that out. "So we have been here all night, so what do you think we should do?" She asks the guild master. she had to work with the other guilds so she thought she would try to make the best out of this.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Bunny @LeSoraAmari (sry if I missed some lamia scale people)
Lloyd gave a slight cough to hide a chuckle at Grace's reply to what the other mage - apparently named Masaki had shouted, then cleared his throat to hide it. Seemed like guild rivalries were at play again. If he had been younger and had less of a reputation, he would have taken part in them, but now... Though to be honest he was surprised at the politeness he was receiving from the Sabertooth mages. Perhaps they had recognized him as a Guild Master? He couldn't help feeling pleasantly surprised at that, and a sense of pride. Of course, this was an assumption he was making, he couldn't be sure. But it sure would contribute a whole lot towards Guild cooperation, especially if it was going to be something major.

Lloyd frowned upon hearing what the Sabertooth mage had to say. "Huh, that is weird. One would have thought the client would have been present if he or she needed us this so badly as to set aside a billion jewels as a reward. I can't help wondering if the client disappeared of their own free will, or was removed by force. He paused, then continued. "You've been here longer than us then, were you able to explore the mansion? Did you find anything of note, like signs of a violent struggle or some sort?"

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
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Marcus just laughed as Grace yelled at the guy to shut up. To say the least of Grace getting a little mouthy made Marcus smile. So Marcus just stood there with his hands folded behind his head waiting to leave the mansion, and go do something.
Masaki was caught off guard by Haru who was stood behind him, the woman had her arms crossed whilst she spoke, keeping a cool composure. "Well... I wouldn't call this trespassing, I mean, the place is filled with dust and looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months. I'm sure this client has bigger things on their mind than a few mages coming in.." He said in response, looking at the girl with a smile on his face. Masaki shot up when he heard someone yell "Hey, shut up! You aren't getting anything!". He took a deep sigh in response and spoke quietly to himself, "How rude... Oh well, it's only fighting talk". Upon hearing what Winter and the Lamia man were talking about, Masaki went over to them and joined in on the conversation, directing it to the other mage. "We've practically searched the whole place, there aren't any signs of a struggle taking place here. If anything, I think the client left of their own accord." He paused for a moment before adding, "It wouldn't surprise me if the client turns up when more mages make their way here. Well... I can only hope so.." Masaki then stopped talking as he began to look around, in truth he was getting a bit bored, and he wanted to get in on the action. Now that was a first.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @AnarchyReins
She was thinking to herself that she was only being nice and polite because she generally was okay with Lamia Scale and they haven't given her a reason to not like the guild. "Pretty much what he said. So do we wait longer or go some would say exploring and maybe find Fairy Tail? Though I doubt it will be hard to find them." She say gesture to how there while guild hall was here.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Aeri Rosevier @AnarchyReins
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(You'd think they'd chase after me...since I wrecked thier roof and guild hall, and seemed to shrug them off lol)

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