Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra hadn't noticed Marcus walk up, she only noticed when a hand moved in front of her to take a cookie. She listened as he and Paris spoke with a wide grin on her face, "
Awesome! Marcus is in!" She shouted happily, then looked down and noticed her bag of cookies were empty. Shrugging, she simply ate the plastic bag, oh well. Soon after Lloyd came around, wasn't in his office apparently, and had already knew about the job. Well that made things easier. Ferra soon turned to face Lloyd and chimed in with Grace, "Yeah! Can we go Master Lloyd? It'll be awesome! And Marcus said he'd go with us!" She told him, practically jumping up and down with excitement.
Lamia Scale HQ

"Well," Lloyd motioned towards the flyer that Grace was holding. "I'm not sure about dragons; I hardly believe that myself. But apparently someone rich enough is offering a billion jewels to the guild who is able to investigate and stop the destruction from reoccurring. With that much at stake, I daresay many guilds would be interested in this. Including some dark guilds." Here, he frowned. He was quite sure that Fairy Tail and Sabertooth would be interested in this, seeing that they were the top guilds, and if Lamia Scale could somehow be involved, it would build their reputation up. If this was big enough to involve something that caused so much widespread destruction, the three guilds would probably have to work together, along with any other guilds that showed up.

In all honestly, he was a little excited. Already a week into his career as a guild master and already was happening that was potentially big enough to force all the Guilds to work together. "I was actually thinking about sending a team representing Lamia Scale to investigate the events. I would need at least three people." He nodded at Grace. "Most certainly, you can go. Who else wants to?" He asked, turning towards Ferra, Paris and Marcus.
Marcus just laughed as Grace tried to shove the paper into his face. "Now, now, Grace. We don't want to get to excited now do we." Marcus says as he pats Grace's head and smile. "Though that is a big number, and I kind of have to pay my rent." Marcus says as he stretches a little.
"YES! WE'RE GETTING 1 BILLION JEWELS." Paris coughed and looked around. "I mean. That's great!" Paris was beaming at the thought of getting paid 1 billion jewels from a mission.

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke nodded constantly at the man as if he understood everything he said. He could tell the guy knew who he was by the look in his eye when answering Sasuke's question and felt as if he had high expectations himself. Although he hardly got a word the man said he took snips from what the man said, placing them together to get a good gist of what's going on. A word that seemed to ring in his head was the money offered. Placing his hand up to his chin glaring off for a moment in thought he suddenly come to a conclusion "A billion you say? Well it's settled." planting his fist in his palm "I'm going to this Colvis place and joining the other's, if there is anyone getting a billion dollars I want in on the cut." he said as his eyes dullened and he made a pointing hand gesture. Bowing his head down he looked up with a slightly risen eyebrow "Hey, so what's your name? I'm Sasuke, the Djinn" he said with a warm smile on his face, extending out his hand "And no, I can't grant you wishes..." he said as if expecting the question to pop up. That myth really got on his nerves. Sasuke dropped down from being inches above the ground for a moment as Sasuke introduced himself.

Lamia Scale HQ

Lloyd nodded. "All right then, I suppose it's settled. You'd all be going to investigate the source of the destruction. Bear in mind though, that I don't think it's just Lamia Scale that would be interested. With that much jewels, I daresay you'd end up having to work with Fairy Tail and Sabertooth. In fact..." Here, he paused, in indecision. Would the other guild leaders show up as well? If so, perhaps he had better go along as well. "I think I might tag along as well. Seeing that it's something major enough to involve the other guilds too." It would be good for the reputation of Lamia Scale, to be sure, and one billion jewels was still a lot as a reward, even after distributing it among the guilds. "I'm particularly curious to know exactly who is rich enough to offer so much as a reward."
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(Sorry for the short post.)

Grace giggled again as Marcus patted her head. She turned her head to face Lloyd, and gave him a quick nod. "The more the merrier as they say!" She said, folding up the paper and stuffing it in her coat. "When do you suppose we will leave? Right now?"

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @AnarchyReins
@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @AnarchyReins

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra got even more excited, if that was even possible, when Lloyd said they could go. "
Awesome!" She shouted followed up by a fistpump. Even better was when Lloyd said he'd be going with them. At that she squealed in excitement, "Even better! Ooh! Lemme go get my bag before we go!" She told them, quickly swapping subjects between going and food. She ran past Lloyd, down the stairs, and directly to the kitchen. Grabbing her bag of food that was a good half a foot taller than her she walked to the main area. "I'm ready when you are guys!" She shouted up to them, bouncing up and down excitedly.


@Arvis90 @gogojojo331 @NekoChanBo @ everyone else

Ferra: Fairy Tail HQ, Clover

Oh please Alfie, he knows I'm kidding." She told him as she removed her foot from Jaymes' back. "Gotta admit, I didn't expect this to be how we got to Clover." She told no one in particular. A little while later they arrived, or rather, emerged followed by Cece shouting 'Fairy Tail is here!'. A grand entrance is a grand entrance, or it would have been had it not been disturbed by someone punching a damn hole in the roof!

Sera glared at the ass that decided it was a good idea to punch buildings and stomped over to him. "
Please explain why you punched our roof?" She practically growled at him.
Crocus: Sabertooth HQ

As the man rambled on he couldn't help but think Sasuke was either not listening very carefully or simply didn't fully grasp his explanation. Regardless of whether either of those were true he wasn't about to say anything. However he did speak up at one point, figuring Sasuke would end up at the entirely wrong place and that would be more than a little embarrassing for the both of them. "Ah.. um.. It's Clover, not Clovis.." Nobody wanted to look the fool and even though simple mistakes happened he knew if he didn't rectify it here he'd make his superior look bad. "I musta said Clovis by mistake, my bad. My mouth seems to say whatever it wants sometimes..." He let off a small fake laugh before offering a small cough to clear his throat and continuing once more. "Ah but yeah it's Clover, a town to the east. Apparently that's where the client is, the guy offering the job." He wanted to just go and hide after making such a slip-up, almost sending one of the guild's top mages off to some backwater village instead of the client's hometown. Nevertheless he pressed forward, doing his best to disguise his embarrassment. He was brought back from his shame, albeit slightly, by the black-haired boy introducing himself. It was at this point that he finally got to his feet reaching out to accept the boy's hand and give it a firm, if a bit frantic, shake. "Ah, right, I'm Drex. Drex Sarkin, lowly B rank." He again offered a nervous laugh at his introduction. It was widely apparent that he was not use to dealing with people of a higher rank and especially after his blunder he was having a hard time keeping his wits about him. It was due to this that he responded a bit more earnestly than would normally be required towards Sasuke's remark. "I wouldn't even think of asking you to waste your time." It was at this point that he realized he still held the boy's hand in his own and quickly let go. "Ah, sorry.. but anyways yeah, a lot of the higher ranking members are headed to Clover town... Clover..." He repeated the name quietly to ensure he got it right this time before continuing. "If you hurry you can probably still get there in time."

@Sinister Clown
Marcus just couldn't believe how easy going his guild member are. "So how will we be getting to the so called mission. " Marcus asked as he sneakily grabbed some cookies from Ferra's bag and sneakily handed some to Grace. Marcus then made the shushing symbol to Grace as he was about to eat his share of cookies.
"Would you believe I thought you were a dragon?" He raised h hands in surrender. "I felt tremors underneath the ground, so I thought why wouldn't it be some sort of earth dragon, doing a sneak attack?" A awkward silence followed thereafter and was only broken when the 'Fairy Tail' sign fell to the ground and broke. "So... no harm done?"

"Come on Sera, you can't tell me that anyone in this guild has never done something like this" she says standing up and walking a few steps towards them. She looks up to see the hole, knowing the master wouldn't be too pleased. She looks back at Sera and knows she's not very happy either. "Plus everyone is on edge with this dragon thing so people are acting more defensive than normal and we did just pop up in the middle of town" she says.

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Lamia Scale HQ

LLoyd blinked as he watched Ferra tear back down, the stairs. He then turned to Grace. "We should take an hour to prepare for this. I'd like to do some research first." That was, if he could actually find anything in his damn office. He would have said more, only that Ferra at this point returned with a huge bag. "Uh... an hour to get ready," he said, staring at the bag. "That was extremely fast."

To Marcus' question though, he took about three seconds to decide. "By train of course. I'd need to find out exactly how long it would take to get there, but by my estimation it would probably take about five stops." He was an expert cartographer after all, and map reading, landmarks and travel estimations were his forte.

He turned to face the rest of the team. "Take this time to prepare, we'll be leaving in an hour's time. Meet down at the main entrance to the guild hall. In the meantime, I'd just head to my office for a bit. Just need to look through some maps. Please bring clothing, and necessities for at least two weeks," here he stared hard at Ferra. "And not just just food, please." He then nodded to the others. "Let's get ready then. See you all in an hour," he said, giving a quick wave as he opened the door to his office.
"Ugh, get off me you evil witch." Jaymes says, grimacing as his stomach continued to lurch with the ebb end flow of the guild. When Alfie came over and stroked his chin, he didn't know what to make of that, but before he could respond, Sera took her foot away from his back and announced she was only kidding. Finally, the motions stopped and almost immediately, Jaymes felt better. Next thing he knew, there was a shattering sound and he looked up to see a dude falling through the roof, then saving someone from falling debris the moment he landed. Sera was on him in a heartbeat, and when the last of the Fairy Tail emblem fell to the ground outside and broke, Jaymes was right there with her. "I know you, you're that drunk from this morning." Jaymes said, and then "You better pay for the damages you caused." Indicating all the damage to the guild, both caused by him and the other members. Then he burst out laughing unable to contain himself. "You gotta be pretty strong to break the roof like that, fight me!" Jaymes finished. Then when Willow finished talking, Jaymes directed at her, "Hey Willow, can you find out the details of this request? Like Where the person lives, what exactly we have to do, since stopping the giant lizard doesn't really cut it."

@gogojojo331 @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16
Grace winked at Marcus as he handed her some cookies, which she quickly engulfed. She was a very quick eater, most meals only lasting one or two minutes. It was a blessing and a curse. "One hour? Sounds good to me!" She said to Lloyd, nodding to him. "This is going to be such a good trip! I can't wait to get going!"
Marcus blushed when Grace winked at him. Marcus just played it off as her saying thanks for the cookies. "Okay one hour, that should be enough time to pack, since I am not bringing much." Marcus said as he laid on one of the benches and started to dose off.

"I'll figure it out" she says as she pulls up the computer finding it with ease. Instead of just telling everybody she put it into there minds like they were a file and it was information. She watched the surprise on people's faces, surprised but they quickly figure out what it is. The Client lived in this rich looking neighborhood probably since he could give a million jewel it was logical and the job was to investigate attacks on a couple villages that were supposedly attacked by dragons.
Grace waved goodbye and walked off, heading towards her own room. What to pack? Obviously clothes. Maybe some books? She thought, grabbing her bag and throwing it on the floor. She started throwing clothes and other items into the bag before finally finishing up. Deciding to use the extra time she hopped on the bed and began to nap.

Sasuke Haishen

"East, rich guy...Not Clovis! It's Clover!" he said as if reassuring himself where he had to go, not paying much mind to the young mage's small mistake despite what it could have caused. Sasuke wasn't one to really think about how actions could cause different results and was more of a 'go with the flow' type of person. In fact he had little idea of where he was meant to go in general, he felt that he'd need to somehow find the guy who set up the reward to know the full gist of things. Only problem was he didn't know who the hell the guy was. Nudging his head in agreement at what the young mage last had to say about being quick he responded before leaving "I should be able to catch up!" taking a small hop in the air, he began levitating again and within a matter of moments flew outside and headed off east, starting to travel towards this 'Clover' place he also kept an eye out on any other Sabertooth members on the way.


(@Sabertooth members as well, since I'm not sure where everyone is)
Lamia Scale HQ

The preparations weren't too difficult, at least for Lloyd. It had been a record, if he could say so himself. He had found all his relevant maps in fifteen minutes, and all within his desk drawers. He carefully folded his maps, stuffed them into a small pouch big enough to fit a small book, and attached it to his belt. He then bent down and picked up his bow and quiver, slinging them across his shoulder as he slipped out of his office and out of the Guild hall, nodding and waving at those that greeted him along the way. Back in his rented apartment, he packed a few T-shirts, cardigans/sweaters and comfortable pants, enough for two weeks. He then strode to his kitchen area and frowned at his food storage. It was empty, as usual. He couldn't cook, and he was usually the kind of person who bought back food from wherever he could find, if he even remembered to eat in the first place.

Oh well, he supposed he would have to see about getting some emergency rations since there was time to do so. Probably sandwiches. Those were easy to prepare and even easier to buy. He would have to buy enough for five people, for at least a week's worth of meals. Ferra, he was worried about. She had a huge appetite, eating enough for three hims probably. Knowing her though, she would probably bring her own food, so he did not have to worry about providing more food for her. Hopefully.

An hour later, he was ready. He slung his haversack across his shoulders, carefully arranging his bow and quiver, and strolled down towards the guild hall to meet with his guild members.
"Yea...." He chuckled a bit and scratched his head. "I'm not part of any guild. And about the money thing...that thing is...." He then dashed out of the hall as fast as he could. "I'llpayyoubacklater!" He shouted to them as he hauled butt over to where he heard the client might be.

(And now for some musical accompaniment)


@HuorSpinks @everyone else

(I'm going to sleep now, just assume Ferra leaves when everyone else does)

Ferra: Lami Scale HQ

Ferra was done long before Lloyd had came back, infact she even decided to get some sleep, or rather try to. When one mostly eats things that contain sugar all day on a near constant basis, you really don't sleep much. Or get tired, for that matter. As soon as he arrived she was in the main hall with a small bag of clothes and such that was dwarfed by her bag of food. "
I'm ready!" She declared happily, a big smile on her face.
(About to pass out. Sorry for the length.)

When the hour was up, Grace took her bag and made it to the guild entrance. From what she could see, Lloyd and Ferra were already there and that Marcus was coming along soon. "Greetings!" She called out, standing beside Ferra and smiling. "Are we ready to leave?"

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