Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

When Sera shouts out to Jaymes, considering his antics, he just smiles and winks. She was the one that broke the railing on the second story, getting the guildmaster upset in the first place. Then people all started to chatter about when they were gonna leave and how they were gonna split the money. When Cece said they were gonna split it 50/50, Jaymes thought of all the food he could buy with that money. What he was not prepared for however was the guild suddenly sinking into the ground thanks to Cece's magic. Immediately, Jaymes collapsed, his face turning green and his stomach heaving. "I feel sick."

Ryan Terrance

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Naomi bringing up the dragon meat buns only made Ryan more hungry. God dang, that would probably taste very good. Then again, he has no idea what dragon tastes like, so for all he knew, it could taste like crap. He didn't let that thought ruin his slight food fantasy though. Hearing that they will be leaving immediately only made Ryan more enthusiastic on the inside. He listened in further on what master Cece was saying, and heard her tell Clair to get a certain book. What Clair did instead was pretty freaking hilarious. He mentally applauded the girl for the little trick she just pulled. Yeah, maybe this wasn't the best time to do it, but it was still hilarious either way. In fact, he was close to outright laughing at what happened, but managed to hold it in. This was also when Ryan noticed the rumbling, and that they were now underground. "So, underground travel... I like this."
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"First we pick the roses and then we barge into the hous" she mutters to herself as she watches Beau walk around the house. "That is very odd. We could try tomorrow it is like 10:30 pm so it is kind of late" she suggests while looking around. She ruins her fingers over a table near the entry way. Dust come up. "Either this person doesn't like to clean or they haven't been here in a while" she brushes the dust off of her fingers. 'This is extremely weird" she thought to herself.

@Bunny @LeSoraAmari
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Mifune opened up his eyes and looked down. Strange... He thought to himself. I feel some ground vibrations from afar... He smirked as a thought came to his head. Could it be... A ground dragon of some type? He decided to track the vibrations, and clenched his fist. Imma punch it with my full power as it rears its snout.. He looked around, and waited for it to appear.
@Arvis90 @NekoChanBo @Mr Swiftshots

Sera: Mobile FairyTail HQ

Sera grinned as Cece told Clair to get a book for her, knowing full well which book it was, and that it was meant to be a punishment. Her grin turned into a momentary laugh as Clair dropped the book on Cece's head VIA portal, but soon ceased and Sera grew fully silent realizing she had just laughed at her.

Her attention soon thankfully changed to the fact HQ was..sinking. Well, when Cece said they were leaving soon, she sure as hell meant it. "
A mobile Guild Hall...nice." she mumbled to herself. She soon turned to Jaymes as he doubled over and actually turned green, sick. Grinning she stood up from her stool and walked over to him and placed a foot on his back, leaning down to be level with his face. "Oh how the mighty Dragon Slayer hath fallen. To a moving house, no less." She told him mockingly, a devious grin on her face.
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Alfie rolled his eyes and smiled at the book drop on Cece, but now his attention was turned to Sera mocking poor Jaymes. "Oh, Sera, don't be like that! Everyone has weaknesses, and his just happens to be motion-sickness!" He walked over to the Dragon Slayer and kneeled down to meet his level. The A-Class then scratched Jaymes' chin affectionately as he continued, "Besides. When he isn't coming close to hurling, he destroys his opponents without breaking a sweat! Isn't that right, Jaymes?"
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"Yeah, we can totally do this! But we should bring some S class wizards along just in case. I really don't want to embarrass our guild..." Grace said, stretching her arms and grinning. "But could you imagine how fun this would be? We would be traveling to places we have never been before, and fighting big spooky beast! And then coming back with fame and fortune!"

@Mitchs98 @Bunny
Masaki looked around the main hall. It was huge. Although, the place looked like it needed a good clean in most areas. There were signs of recent activity though so that was a good sign, Masaki thought. "Well.. I guess we wait... There's no point in going back to the inn right now. Besides, we could just set up temporary canp in this.... Nice, homely place.." What lies was he spouting, the house looked awful from the inside. "We should probay invest the client with some dusters because this place needs em'" Said Masaki as he wiped his finger across a cabinet. Turning to face both Winter and Beau, Masaki said, "If any of the other guilds end up joining us. Try not to make a scene. I know you won't but I've just had some very worrying thoughts.. I don't want some Sabertooth vs Fairy Tail vs Lamia Scale brawl in the middle of Clover." With that, Masaki burst into a fit of laughter, the thought actually made him quite excited, and slightly want that to happen. Nonetheless, Masaki formed a chair like construct out of crystals and sat on it, playing the waiting game. @Bunny @ScarlettRose16
Magnolia: Near Fairy Tail HQ

She was making her way down the street when the whole area began to shake as the sounds of an avalanche echoed throughout the streets. She quickly searched around for the source of the commotion, wondering if perhaps someone or something was attacking the city. Her questions were soon answered as her gaze fell upon a large and elaborate building in the distance. Within moments it sunk below the the roofs of nearby structures, disappearing from view. Curious as to what was going on she picked up her pace, rushing down the few streets until she reached her destination. What she found left her more puzzled than anything else. There was a perfectly clean square hole between the buildings that lined the street. It was as if someone took the entire building and just sunk it straight down. She peered over the edge, looking into the pit she couldn't see anything but darkness.

More and more people were gathering around the hole, apparently just as curious as she was. She spared them only a brief glance before turning her attention back to the hole. Seeing a small stone near her feet she gently kicked it forward, listening carefully to see if it ever hit anything. After several long moments of silence she gave up on the prospect of hearing anything back, the hole was obviously too deep for that to work. As more people gathered the murmurs among them grew louder. She began to pick up bits and pieces of what those around her were saying and the one consistent name was 'Fairy Tail'. Everything began to fall into place as she worked out that the guild's headquarters must have occupied this space and, through some means, was removed via this hole. Nobody around seemed too terribly surprised or shocked so this must be something within the M.O. of the guild. She offered a small shrug and made her way back towards her destination, briefly wondering what kind of rigid requirements you'd have to pass in order to get accepted into such a famous guild.

She couldn't dwell on her thought long as she finally reached the building she sought. Pushing her way through the doors she stepped inside the nicely furnished lobby, her gaze immediately falling onto an older gentleman behind the counter. "Excuse me, I was told you could get me to Malnia." Her entrance coupled with her speaking up drew the attention of the older man. He gave a simple nod and thumbed towards a plaque on the wall that listed prices for carriage rides. Clearly he was a man of few words. She walked over to the plaque and skimmed it over, trying to figure out how much it would cost her for a round trip. She couldn't help but grimace at the cost as she realized that once everything was said and done this job would barely cover two extra nights at the inn and that was only if she didn't spend it on anything else.

As was par for the course since coming to this town she didn't seem to have a choice in the matter. If she wanted to complete this job she'd need a ride after all. With a heavy heart she made her way over to the counter and pulled out some money. "I'll need a round trip to Malnia and back, please." The man simply gave her a small nod and took the money, placing it safely into a register behind the counter. Once he had finished he grabbed his hat and motioned for her to follow. Surprised that he was just going to drop everything and take her right then and there she quickly rushed after him, hoping that she could find this blasted heirloom quickly and finish this job before any other expenses popped up.

"I promise nothing" she says with a grin. She simply sits against the wall. "It's technically not polite to stay in a house when your not invited" She says as she think of something cool. Sheholder her hand out infront of her and creates a rose exactly like the once she saw outside. Something she always loved about her magic was that she had creative freedom. Anything she could imagine, she could create.

@Bunny @LeSoraAmari
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Sabertooth, Living Quarters


Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke had been in a deep slumber in the current events and news of a large reward given to the guild who found the source of the current destruction occurring in the world. Seeming to levitate in the air slightly above his bed before some random large noise and distrupted him and caused him to fall mid air on the ground head first. "OUCH!!!" he exclaimed to himself rubbing his head like crazy. Curling up in a small ball he mumbled to himself quietly "That really hurt..". Silence filled the room, leaving Sasuke blinking a few times he wondered where everyone had raced off to. The room being completely empty he levitated himself enough to get back on his because doing so normally was simply too much effort for a someone such as himself. Slouching down he was still obviously tired. Floating off to the main hall of the Guild he hoped to find someone to fill him in on what the day's agenda was. Hoping that something would need his attention. He grew tired of doing nothing but trying to find people to spar with him every day, he felt like exploring outside. He has yet to still see a lot of the world and was eager to find out. Especially now that Sasuke didn't have to worry about Zeref anymore, his mind was truly at ease with the way things were going and he was content with his rather lonely life. Looking around the guild hall and asking numerous people the same question each of them mentioned something about Dragons but no one seemed to busy with their own daily agenda's to clarify things to Sasuke,

(@Anyone which is in the Sabertooth guild hall...If no one is right now well my next post will be some NPC telling me what's what and where to go
xD )
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Beau sighed. It seemed like they would be meeting other guilds after all. A large rose grew from the floor. The rose opened slightly, just enough so that Beau sat in it. He sat back, relaxing in his red rose.
@Kayzo @AnarchyReins (mentioned)

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra nodded excitedly, she would be smiling, but her mouth was currently full of yet another cookie. As soon as she swallowed she was smiling, "
Yeah! It'll be so awesome! Ooh I bet Marcus will go with us if we asked him!" She replied excitedly, absolutely beaming at the prospect of exploring more of Earth Realm. "Ooh! Also, either of you want a cookie?" She asked suddenly out of no where, as if she had meant to ask it prior, whilst holding out her bag of cookies.


Magnolia(?) ~ Fairy Tail Guide Hall (Technically)

"Take off!" Naomi had to shout cheerfully when Cece began moving the entire guide hall downwards. "Take.. down..?" Correcting herself questionably once she'd realized that they were going down rather than.. off?(Ok where was I going with this?) As the guide began to shake and rumble, she quickly lifted her legs up and her placed her feet to sit on the cushion of the stood which began to turn slowly with a squeak due to the movement. "Wheeee.." Naomi spoke rather dulled as she continued to rotate on the stool slowly. Clenched around her body between her legs and her chest was the brown paper bag full of her meat buns, which of corse she had one hang outside her mouth as it swung back and forth with rotation of the stool.​



Crocus: Sabertooth HQ

As the black haired boy floated up to him he looked up from his meal that he was enjoying. "What's this about Dragons?" A simple question to be asked, he figured Sasuke was probably sleeping or fighting or something and didn't get the memo. Wouldn't be the first time this has happened. Figuring he should be kind and respectful to someone so much higher ranked than he was he put down his fork and turned his full attention to the boy. "Apparently some rich guy is offering a billion Jewel to the guild that can figure out this dragon situation." A simple explanation for a simple question, however he quickly figured that if Sasuke didn't know about this then he probably also doesn't know what this dragon situation was to begin with and quickly went to explain that. "Ah, right, you probably don't know but basically dragons have been raiding villages all across Fiore. It seems to be a pretty big deal, even Master's off somewhere because of it. That job for the billion Jewel is only available to S-ranks, which is why people like me are still around here. Most of our S and A rank guys are off trying to complete the job before the other guilds get to it. I believe Beauregarde, Masaki and Winter said something about going to Clovis for the job." This time he offered a not-so-simple explanation, hoping he had covered everything Sasuke might want to know. A flash of worry crossed his face as he wondered if maybe he blabbered on a bit too much in his attempt to explain things to his comrade.

@Sinister Clown
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After a while, nobody has come back. She gets up and walks past the guys saying, "I'll be on the balcony then." She walks up the staircase and goes out to the balcony, leaning against the railing, feeling the wind brush through her hair. The crickets were chirping and the view was of beautiful rolling hills and mountains in the background it was serene. This calmed her and she didn't know why she was getting panicked but she was. There was a terrible feeling in her gut that she couldn't make disappear. She decides to go to the front to see if there was anything interesting going on. She decides to just sit on the bottom step of a small concrete staircase that leads to the house.

@Bunny @LeSoraAmari
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Lamia Scale Guild Hall

Marcus walked into the guild hall after finishing his latest job.

When he looked around he saw Ferra and blushed, but he walked

over to her and her friends. He then continued to say, "So what are you guys doing right now?" Marcus asked as he went over and grabbed a cookie.​
"Ah yes, I'd love a cookie." Paris took a cookie from Ferra and sat down. He saw Marcus coming over and realized he might be interested in doing the dragon mission since he's S class. "Are you going on the dragon mission?" Paris asked him.


Cece Tutin

Guild master- Mobile Fairy tail Guild- Captain of the Fairy Mud pirates.

Cece sighed she was going to have to think up new ways of punishment since the book can turn against her but she had more pressing things to think about right now she had to make sure she had everything, she now knew where she was going how far away it was but now she had to pick the way she fully wanted to travel she could turn the ground around the guild hall into mud and slide it along or she could use some of her guild members to help her she decided to do it herself. "You know I should just make giant tunnels leading from the underneath of the guild hall to every location just think how much time it could save us in the long run." Cece said mostly to herself before she pulled an action that looked like her sliding in place the same second she did this the whole guild began to slide and for every foot the guild hall moved Cece punched clearing a path. The speed at which Cece could move this thing was incredible it was most-likely going twice the speed of the average trains.

It didn't take long for the Mobile guild hall to reach its destination with Cece's magic and the map now inside her head it was perfect. All of a sudden Cece stopped completely dead in her tracks. "Now they is one big problem with this way of traveling...I have no idea whats above us..." Cece said before smiling and raising her hands. "But lets find out." She added before the guild hall rapidly rose right under someone but by the time Cece picked him up it was to late for her even to try and stop.

As the Guild Hall popped out of the rocks a loud shout could be heard and it just seemed to echo "HERE'S FAIRY TAIL!"


@gogojojo331 Hey I think they might be a building under you.
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Margaret Town: Lamia Scale HQ

Lloyd was started out of his thoughts when he heard the doors of the Guild Hall slam open. He spun around, only to see Grace barreling her way up the stairs, stopping at the door that lead to his office. Her voice was loud enough for him to hear (since his office was directly above the job board) her calling for him, waving something in her hand. Well, that sounded important, so he shoved his hands into his cardigan pockets and strode up the stairs towards his office door. When he reached the landing, he paused, seeing that Ferra, Paris, and Marcus had already joined her at his door.

"What's up?" He asked finally, towards Grace. "I was at the job notice board earlier and I heard you shouting for me." His eyes moved towards the flyer that Grace was holding, and realized it was the same flier that he had posted earlier on the job notice board. "Oh, that."
I didn't know about any dragon mission, but I will go on one with you guys." Marcus says, as he grabs a drink form the bar, and comes back over. "So what is this whole mission about." I ask as I take a sip form my drink.

"GOTCHA!" He smiled and punched the..building? "What the-" He said as he jumped back after the punch, dodging and blocking the debris as the buildings top crumpled from the force of the punch. "NONONONONO!" He said to himself. He also tried to dodge and make sure the debris wouldn't kill someone. "What even..." He stopped the last piece of wall from crushing a boy. "Is that?" He looked up to see...The partially destroyed mark of the Fairy Tail guild. He could only utter two words"My bad..."
Grace took a cookie from Ferra and inhaled it, only chewing a few times before swallowing. "I'd like it if Marcus came." She said with a giggle, rocking back and forth on her heels. She really liked Marcus, but as a friend of course.

As if on que, Marcus had came over and began to ask what was going on. Just like she did to Ferra, she shoved the paper into his face. Or at least the best she could, seeing he was taller than her by a landslide.
"One billion jewels!" She said, her eagerness coming back at the mention of such a big number. Then another person joined their little group, the guild master. I'm going to get dizzy! She thought, spinning around to face Lloyd. It seems that the Guild Master had already heard about the job, which ruined the surprise. "We were thinking of going! Can we?"


She watches as the guy come through the hole in the ceiling and saves the guy and says my bad. She starts bursting out laughing and she wasn't able to stop. It just seemed like something a person from Fairy Tail would do. She finally calms down but can get the smile off of her face. She hears a couple other people laugh with her. "Good save Alfie" she says before going back into her "bubble".

@Salt Lord
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The building crumpled as it rose from the ground. Alfie rose his bow into the air and pulled back the pink, glowing string. "Sagitta Luminis: Crescant!" A pink arrow formed, and as he released the string, the arrow flew up and copied itself into ten more. The debris over the guild members was destroyed, while the cause of the destruction took care of the rest of it. "And now even more's gonna be needed if we wanna fix this..."

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