Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

(Well, it's Fairy Tail. I'm pretty sure they're used to mass destruction. A guild hall roof is nothing compared to having their entire guild hall destroyed.)

After nodding towards two other mages who had showed up... one who was probably the forenamed Masaki, Lloyd looked over to where the Sabertooth mage was was pointing, and this time he could not resist a snort. "Seems that we've already found them. I suppose they would appear soon enough." Swarm soon enough, more like. Fairy Tail were pretty well known for their eccentricities and destruction and he wasn't quite sure whether he wanted to be there to see the entire mansion be smashed to smithereens in the wake of a Fairy Tail investigation. Speaking of investigations though, despite hearing from Sabertooth about the state of the mansion, he still wanted to go in and investigate. He wasn't sure how many of them were trained in tracking like he was, and he wondered if some stuff had been missed. And perhaps there might be some clues in the mansion as to where the client might have chosen to go voluntarily.

"I would say we continue exploring," he said finally. "I myself am particularly interested in looking through the mansion as well. Perhaps there might be some clues as to the client's whereabouts. By the way, is your Guild Master present too?"

@Kayzo @Aeri Rosevier @AnarchyReins @ScarlettRose16
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Malnia: Town Outskirts

One uneventful trip later and she found herself hopping out the back of the carriage. She held her arms high over her head and let out a soft moan as she stretched her muscles out. She quickly followed this up with bending at the waist and reaching for her toes before standing straight and offering a few hops. Content that she had recovered from her boring journey she began to look around the ruins of the small town. The brick frames of buildings were mostly still in tact with rubble strewn throughout the streets. Buildings here and there has bits and pieces torn out of them but for the most part it appeared as if the primary cause of damage had been fire. There were people moving too and fro, some of them sporting what appeared to be bandages while others seemed to be offering aid. She imagined that by now the majority of the populace had already evacuated the ruins of the town and at this point only those seeking to help and the newly discovered would be left around.

Realizing that every second she spent observing the damage was one more second she wasn't getting paid she decided to get on with it. She pulled out the flyer and carefully scrutinized it, trying to ensure she focused her search in the correct area. Using the flyer as her guide she eventually found the house that had belonged to the old man... or at least what was left of it. Like most of the other structures in the city it had been burned to a crisp and only the most flame-resistant materials still stood. She almost let out her fourth sigh of the day before holding herself back, knowing that excessive sighing would hurt her reputation as not only a woman, but as a mage as well. Even without her sigh her sunken shoulders and solemn look were all it took to tell everyone around that she was far from excited about her upcoming task.

Having offered enough hesitation she finally stepped past the door-frame and begun her search. According to the old man and his flyer the heirloom should be a rather simple gold locket necklace that had been kept in the man's bedroom. Even if it had survived the fiery onslaught it would still be buried under the rubble and that was what was going to give her a hard time. After a brief search she found where the man's bedroom had been as she peered up into what would have been the second floor. Now it was nothing but open sky and brick walls. Turning her gaze to her feet she gave the rubble a cursory examination, hoping that she might get lucky and find it just laying there.

Unfortunately for her luck was not on her side and the locket was nowhere to be seen. Much to her chagrin it appeared she would have to do this the hard way. With no other options she got down on her hands and knees and begun to rummage through the rubble in search of the old man's blasted locket. The one thought in her mind was that she had to find herself a guild soon so she could say goodbye to these horrid jobs and do something more fitting for someone such as she.
Sera:Fairy Tail HQ-Clover

Sera just...stared as the guy ran out, and slowly stood up. "
Excuse me a minute.." She told them before seemingly calmly walking outside. Looking around she eventually caught sight of the intruder/home wrecker as he was running away. Running or rather sprinting after him she leapt into the air and with a massive flap of her wings careened towards him. "Hey jackass! You don't just wreck our guild hall and leave!" She shouted only a few feet behind him.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @Aeri Rosevier @ScarlettRose16 @ anyone I missed
Clair was sat back at the bar when the guild surfaced , she was enjoying her cake when the roof fell in along with the sign. Clair wasn't bothered by the fact as it was quite a normal thing at fairy tale. Clair listened to the conversation between the guild members and the man whom had damaged the guild but the conversation was then cut short when the man went running.

Clair had finished half her cake at this point she had been gone for months and was looking forward to this cake for what seemed like ages.As the man disappeared into the distance a piece of debis fell from the hole in the roof and smashed her plate and cake.Clair stood up a dark aura began radiating from her the aura spread quickly through the entire town , the guild fell to silence.(npc's)
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"Sera! Oh, dammit. Sagitta Luminis: Involvent!" Alfie cast yet another spell. An arrow flew, but rather than acting like a normal arrow made of light should, it worked like a harpoon. It wrapped itself around the vampire and began reeling her back. "Sera, just let him go!"

He looked back and gulped, looking at the winged lady behind him. He stopped and decided to face this problem head on. "Okay! You seem like a betting people...how about a wager?" He looked at her. "A one on one spar with me? Winner pays for the damages. You can choose whoever you want!" In hindsight this was not the smartest idea to make, but he still had a bit of booze in his brain, so this realization would be what some alcoholics call a 'moment of clarity'.

(Ooc should be Called meme city)
Clair turned to the door and slowly began to make her way towards the man and sera. Any guild member in her way practically ran out of her way as they seemed to value there life.Clair stood before the man with a devilish smirk on her face "how can the loser pay if he dies?". Clair had no intention of letting this man live he broke the guild roof , sign and worst of all her cake !
Masaki shook his head at the man, who by the looks of things was the guildmaster of Lama Scale. "No, our guildmaster isn't here. I'm not even sure if he intends on coming if I'm honest. I haven't spoke to him since yesterday and he's probably allocating jobs to other guild members." Masaki stopped to think, It would've been nice for the master to show up, perhaps he could bring his Sabertooth pride with him. Although, that would probably scare the other guilds a bit. Masaki turned to look in the nearby distance, the Fairy Tail guild hall had made it's way to Clover, and judging by the mud and dirt all over it they had traveled underground. He let out a smal chuckle as he said, "Well, at least they're creative.. Now let's just hope they don't destroy the town." Upon saying that, Masaki could hear the yells of a woman in the distance who was apparently chasing someone. "Well that can't be good.." Masaki chuckled, and with the movement of his hands a pillar of crystals formed from below his feet and raised him up to the roof. Sitting on the roof, he looked down at the town and watched the scene unfold. Some very angry woman approached the two. Masaki watched with a slight grin on his face. His peaceful personality wanted him to go and break it up, but he knew that wasn't the best idea.

Sera: Streets of Clover

Sera cursed in confusion and slight pain as the rope arrow wrapped around her and caused her to crash to the ground rather abruptly. "
But c'mon Alfie! This guy didn't even tell us his name!" She shouted, gripping the cobblestone. Then the guy challenged them to a bet, pfft. Before she could opt for herself to fight him, however, Clair came out of the guild and up to them. A grin crept its way up her face, "Alright then, I choose Clair." She replied as she was slowly dragged away by the arrow. "C'mon Alfie stop with the arrow, I won't hurt him, I promise." She added.

@Mr Swiftshots @gogojojo331 @Salt Lord
The petals of the giant rose in the corner of the room started to shift, as Beau emerged. He stood upright, stretching his arms and legs and yawning. Upon opening his eyes he heard the announcement that Fairy Tail had arrived. He looked around. It seemed Lamia Scale arrived, but they didn't look strong, so it wasn't really a problem. He'd rather have Lamia Scale here, as Fairy Tail was both more obnoxious and more... As he hated to admit it, more powerful than Lamia Scale. After sleeping on a flower so long, he started to smell of roses. He hopped off the rose, waving to the Lamia Scale members, and finding the rest of the Sabertooth members.

"Ah, Haru, Sasuke! How nice of you to join us." He smiled at the two.

The road to Clover was uneventful, however when they got there, things started to get spicy. Apparently Fairy Tail had travelled, with its whole guild hall, to Clover. Paris strolled past it, and it seemed a few Fairy Tail members were quarreling in the streets. It's just like them to do that. He entered the client's house which was empty... A big rose in the corner, and a few people standing around. 'Sabertooth' He figured.
"Who said anything about death?" He looked at her and smiled. "We are going to do this tournament style!" He pointed to the vampire. "She will count to 10 when we are knocked down. If she reaches 10 before one of us gets up, that person loses! Or if one of us gives up!" He cracked his knuckles. "Got that?"
Alfie couldn't say no to Sera's request. Although he didn't fully trust her, he knew... well, hoped that Cece would keep both Sera and Clair from killing the poor man. "Oh, you're telling me to let you go, knowing I can't say otherwise... you're low." With the wave of his hand, Alfie dismissed the spell, allowing Sera to move independently again. "But please don't hurt him too bad! And remember that there's always the chance he's stronger! The both of you have the tendency to underestimate your enemies! And be careful!"


She turns around in her seat to watch this. That guy picked a fight with the wrong person she thinks to herself as she listens, interested what was going to come of this. She hears what Alfie says and she can't say he's wrong.


She turns to see Beau emerge out of the house. She has her arms crossed infront of her. She starts hearing crashing in the distance and thought of Fairy Tail. They are going to destroy the whole town she thinks. She turns to her team mates. "What do you guys think we should do?"

@Bunny @LeSoraAmari @Aeri Rosevier
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Claire nodded her head in agreement to his conditions , ten seconds and your out seems fair enough."you've got yourself a deal , if the loser also has to pay for the damages to the town". Clair smiled extending her hand out to seal the deal.Hopefully the guy would put up a good fight , it had been a while since she had one.

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Once coming to a complete stop, Naomi's head still spun in circles as she got off the stool, wobbling as she tried to regain her composure. After 5 minutes of struggles to get her world back to normal and not spinning, the first thing she heard was shouting from outside about damages. "More damages?" Speaking dreadfully as she held onto her head for stability. Taking a peek outside of the hall, there was a man plus Sera and Clair in which she guessed that they would be sparring? For what? Who even was the man? He's gonna die... Poor man.. Rest in peace.. or pieces.. Wait did he do the damages?? Walking outside to where they all were, she looked at both sides before asking "Can Naomi start match?" A smile on her face as she spoke with her innocent tone that matched her innocent lil figure as well.


@Mr Swiftshots


@Salt Lord

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"I see," Lloyd replied, in answer to Masaki's statement. He would have said more, but the next thing he knew, he heard some shouting. He spun towards the shouting (missing a wave in his direction from another mage), only to see people emerging from the Fairy Tail guild hall. "So it begins," he sighed to himself. Trust Fairy Tail to start some form of commotion. Well, he was not going to be a part of it. No sense in involving Lamia Scale in Fairy Tail's destructive tenancies.

He thanked the Sabertooth mages for their time and information (if they could even hear him in the commotion) and stepped through the doors of the mansion. The first thing he noticed was that it was dusty. It looked abandoned; it had obviously been deserted for a few days already, as the Sabertooth mages had mentioned. He walked further inward, listening to the echoes of his footfalls as he walked. Obviously the client was rich. Extremely rich. Furniture looked extremely luxurious, and expensive, even if everything was covered in a fine sheet of dust. This entire mansion probably cost two billion jewels if he had to make a rough estimate. That rich.

Lloyd moved through each of the rooms, carefully checking for signs of recent habitation struggle. Nothing. The entire place was deserted, and there were no signs of struggle. Though he did notice some extremely recent footprints. Based on what he knew, it was probably the Sabertooth mages who had done some exploring prior to his entrance so he left that alone. It was in the grandest bedroom though, that he saw something of note. On the floor, leading to a section in the wall, there was less dust covering the floor. He frowned. This pathway was used more recently than the rest of the room it seemed. Perhaps there was some sort of secret pathway or room. He moved closer to the section in the wall, located in the furthest corner of the room. He stood before the wall and inspected it, before tentatively reaching out a hand and placing it against the wall. Still nothing.
Grace looked up at Lloyd and nodded in agreement. She wanted to snoop around the mansion too, maybe help herself to a little something to eat. But there was one problem. What if the owner was still residing in the mansion, and he catches the group looking around? He'd probably think they were looting the place! "I want to look around too, but I'm afraid the owner would come back and catch us. I'm sure he won't be happy when he sees strangers roaming his home." She said, crossing her arms and following Lloyd into the mansion.

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"If I'm losing that much money, I won't disappoint!" He smiled and looked at her, striking a stance. "Ok! You get the first shot!" He looked at the the girl. "On your mark!"
@Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots @gogojojo331 @Salt Lord

Sera: Streets of Clover

Sera stood and dusted herself off, "Thank you Alfie." She told him. She then turned to the guy that decided to challenge Clair, then looked to Clair, when Alfie said he could be stronger. Sera just laughed lowly to herself at such a thing. "Try not to destroy the town you two." She told them. Soon after Naomi popped out of the hall and asked if she could start the match. "Of course you can Naomi. Me and Naomi will be the refs then." She told them, motioning for Naomi to come over to her. Sera simply grew more amused when he told Clair she could have the first shot. Welp, sucks to be that guy.



Ferra: Outside ???? Mansion

Ferra shrugged and walked back outside, making note of Grace and Lloyd exploring the inside. They could handle that, besides, it didn't look like the guy was around anyway. When she walked outside she saw some funky crystal pillars that'd seemingly sprouted out of the ground. She wasn't sure who made them, what, or why. But she was sure of one thing: She wondered if they tasted like candy. Looking around to make sure no one noticed her outright she slowly walked up to the crystal structure. Ever so slowly and...CHOMP, half of the section of crystal she was standing beside was gone. You could quite obviously see, and hear, the cause as where Ferra was standing sounded like nails grinding against glass.
Not too bad..tastes better than steel.. She thought to herself.

@ScarlettRose16 @ anyone else outside.

Ryan Terrance

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Ryan just stood there as a fight was breaking out between Clair and the douche who broke the roof of the guild hall. As much as he wanted to do something stupid to the guy, he managed to convince himself not to. After all, it was supposed to be a "one on one" fight, and didn't want to deal with Clair's wrath if he messed her up. Ryan could still remember that one time he pulled a prank on her by stealing her cake... He shuddered slightly from remembering that. It wasn't like he had to do anything much though, since Clair would most likely kick the roof-breaker's ass anyway. "Welp, I'm just going to sit here and watch as well. Have fun you two!"

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Seeing as that was a yes for her to be able to start this wonderful match of most possible death, Naomi used her magic to equip a small hand gun that seemed to suit the size for the girl and raised it up towards the sky. The innocent little small on her face didn't seem to be fazed as she was about to start the duel. "Ready?" Asking them but not really wondering if they were ready or not because she would start it either way, her little small finger rested on the trigger before pulling it and causing a white flag that read "BANG!" to come shooting out of the barrel but still created the sound of a real gun. With that, the echo of the dupe was the start of the match.


@Mr Swiftshots


@Salt Lord
"Oh, uhh... Oh! I almost forgot something. Sagitta Luminis: Obice!" Alfie shot another arrow, but this time, it was a baby blue color. The arrow speedily circled around the two contestants and formed an invisible dome that could only be seen if one were to touch it. "Enough damage has already been done. I'm not quite sure it'll hold if those two go all-out, but it should give us enough time to react and put the both of them down. Right?"

@Defective Kitten @Mitchs98
Clair watched the man carefully when he said she could have the first hit , what was he planning and just what type of magic did he use? Clair waited for the flag to raise and straight after it did she quickly punched the man clean in the face before jumping backwards to a safe distance where she summoned her katana.The punch wasn't ment to hurt him it was more to anger him.

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