Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Masaki nodded to Winter and then put his attention back onto the Fairy Tail group. Putting his hand out forward, he could sense the magical residue coming from around the group. Evidently, this was a barrier, most probably to keep the rest of the town safe. "Smart thinking.." Masaki said as he continued to watch the group. As the fighting died down, a conversation erupted between the guild master and the strange man. Listen to what was being said, it seemed that the two would end up fighting. Masaki sighed again as he knew that things were likely to get ugly pretty quickly. Not only that, but that man was quite clearly stupid. This made Masaki laugh slightly. Sat in the alley, Masaki lifted his hand and began to form an orb of crystal. From shard to shard the orb was forged. But unfortunately, the orb shattered loudly and emitted a purple glow, all because he lost concentration. Masaki sighed, "Well there's no point in hiding now.." He said, as he got out of the alleyway and stood outside of the barrier, now in plain sight.
"Try my entire homeland. Every living thing on it." He got up and smiled, looking at her. "Hmm. With the authority you seem to carry... I'd say you were the guild master." He smiled. "Fun tip: I never learned any type of formal magic.

I'm just pure strength and speed." He smiled. "I also am a little buzzed." He struck his stance. "I'll try not to disappoint...missy."
"They're probably fighting over something stupid, nevertheless it could be entertaining to watch." Paris admitted, strolling over to Ferra's location. He took a bite out of the meat bun. It was delicious, and his stomach grumbled no more. "D'you wanna gom wath?" He asked Ferra through his full mouth of meat bun.


She saw one of the members use ice-make magic. Oh so he is an ice wizard she thought to herself. When she started out she used ice-make before she knew she was an ice devil slayer. She moved a little more in sight. She quietly said ice-make chair. She sat down on it and continued watching she figured she would watch for a little bit then say something.

@Arvis90 @LeSoraAmari

Ferra: ??? Mansion Inside

Ferra grinned eagerly, "
Of course I do! I was wondering when you'd ask." She declared excitedly, immediately jolting upright from where she was sitting. "C'mon lets go!" She told him excitedly before quickly walking out of the mansion and stopping to make sure he was going to follow her. She figured Grace, Lloyd, and the Sabertooth nerds could handle anything or shout if they found something worthwhile, plus she wanted to watch the fight after all. So most logic and reason went straight out of the window.

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Naomi backed up like Sera suggested once Cece came out to stop the fight, And it was just getting good too, darn. She couldn't help but let out a little snicker when the guy decided to end his life when he chose the second choice, getting tortured by the one and only Guidemaster Cece. He must've been more than just drunk, he must've had a death wish. "Rest in Peace." Naomi's small voice uttered as she watched what was enviably be the end to that man's life. As Sera spoke about placing a bet on the man, she couldn't help but spark her interest. "Ok! A bag full of meat buns says he'll scream mercy after 5 minutes then." Looking up towards Sera with a sly smile.


@Mr Swiftshots


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Jaymes McGarrett - Outside Fairytail Guild Hall

Jaymes winced at the exchange between the man and Master Cece. Everything the dude said just seemed to rile her up more and more. He didn't know what do, since at this rate, if the master fought, there was no promises the dude would survive. When Cece said he was a push over, he blurted out "Hey! I was learning, thankyouverymuch!!". Followed by the sound of shattering ice as Jaymes slammed a fist down on his ice-made chair. That was when he felt a familiar sensation, a pulse of magic power that resonated with his own ice magic. Looking around, he saw several people close to the guild, with others approaching from another direction. He could see a woman sitting in a chair much like his own, made from ice. "Hey you guys, we got company!" Jaymes said, jumping up from his chair to indicate the other guild wizards.
@Arvis90 @LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16 @Defective Kitten

Sera: Streets of Clover

Sera had, of course, heard when Masaki shattered his crystal ball thing. But she was waiting first to see if Naomi would take her up on her bet. "
You're on!" He told her excitedly, grinning and chuckling lowly. Jaymes then made it clear that they, in-fact, had company in the form of other wizards. "Good job Jaymes. Maybe next time you'll find them before they're in plain sight." She told him jokingly before making her way over to the group of onlookers. She recognized Masaki, barely, and assumed the girl with him was also Sabertooth. "Lemme guess. You guys are here for the job to, eh?" She asked them. It was clear that was why they were here, but why the hell not ask?
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Well damn it she thinks to herself. She simply gets up and the chair automatically turned to snow and melted away quickly. "Well you have always wanted to meet the Fairy Tail wizards" She says to Masaki. She takes a few steps forward and they are both in plain sight. "Yup. I thought some of the guilds were coming here on a mission, not to spar." She says jokingly

@Arvis90 @LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots @Defective Kitten @SpookySableye @Salt Lord @Zuka @NekoChanBo @enyone else that's there sry if I missed you
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Clair turned to face the onlookers , most were townsfolk but some were other guild's members.Clair looked back over to the Guildhall and it was an absolute mess , the walls were covered in mud and stone , the roof had caved in the sign was demolished , it was literally falling apart."oh dear lord look at the mess we've made" Clair said silently to herself.

Clair turned back to the crowd and smiled "well if you aren't fit to win a sparring match your hardly fit to fight a dragon are you?" @ScarlettRose16
Masaki stood there not really knowing what to do, he was just stood there and it was quite awkward to say the least. The man that was identified as Jaymes spoke out, and notified everyone of his and Winters presence. The girl that was there threw sone kind of insult his way which was clearly meant as a joke. As The girl approached him and Winter he sent a nod her way, accompanied with a smile. "Yes, we are here for the mission. The people from Lamia Scale are here too." He scratched his head and looked up at the guild, it was certainly muddier up close, he wondered how long it would take to clean that all off. And there appeared to be a hole in the roof too. Masaki chuckled slightly and then continued, addressing the whole lot, "My names Masaki Yamada, it's a pleasure to meet you all." The red headed boy nodded with a smile on his face, he was glad that he got to introduce himself and show the proper manners. "I was curious as to what was happening as I could hear the yelling from all the way over there.." He said, pointing towards the clients house. He then looked over at Winter and smiled, and then waited for other people to speak. He stood with his hands in his pockets and began to rock back and forth.

@ScarlettRose16 @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots @NekoChanBo @Arvis90 @SpookySableye @Defective Kitten @gogojojo331

(i think I tagged everyone lmao sorry if I haven't)
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I'm Winter Chanel." She says introducing herself. She hears what one of the people are sparring says "Good point" she replies taking a few more steps forward. "But the person you are sparring, you look like you want to kill him and I sense no magic power coming from him, what did he do?" She asks suddenly realizing who she is, She was Clair, one of the 10 wizard saints. Cool she thought. She looks up at the roof and sees a giant hole. She chuckles. "Never mind" she says

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots @NekoChanBo @Arvis90 @SpookySableye @Defective Kitten @gogojojo331 @Salt Lord
Paris followed Ferra to the fight. It seemed to be between two people. He spotted many others, and the little girl who was the master of Fairy Tail. Cece, he remembered her name.

"Oh, interesting." He watched.

Clair looked over towards the hole which she assumed was what winter Winter was looking at ,and laughed somewhat "no , no i wanted to kill him because he destroyed my slice of cake with his little stunt . The roof gets smashed all the time" Clair reached out her hand to the girl to shake "Clair , Clair Fernandes". @ScarlettRose16
@ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari @Arvis90 @Mr Swiftshots @SpookySableye @gogojojo331

Sera: Streets of Clover

Sera laughed at what Winter said, though her attention was moreso focused on Masaki seeing as he was what had originally brought her attention to them. Lamia Scale was here too? Interesting. That'd make all three of the more known guilds in Fiore. "
Sera Waters, nice ta' meetcha'. And the yelling, or well most of it initially, was my fault. Sorry about that." She told him before turning to stare at the guild hall like the rest. "That guy there punched the roof for some dumb reason when we popped out of the ground. No clue who he is. Didn't even have the decency to introduce himself and formally apologize before dashing out of the building." She explained. "And it wasn't a sparring match originally. First it was an ass kicking until Alfie stopped me, then a duel between him and Clair, and it finally seems to of devolved back into an ass kicking now that Master Cece is pissed." She continued.

You're in for a hell of a show, I can assure you. That aside. You guys came from the clients house didn't you? You meet him yet?" She asked him.



Ferra: Streets of Clover

Thiz ish mor den entersting." She told him, mouth full of sweet bun. "This is a fight between Fairy Tail's Guild Master and..that dude! Whoever the heck he is!" She continued, mouth obviously not full of food anymore. She hated to admit it but this was pretty damn cool to be able to witness. It'd of course been even cooler if it was Lloyd and Cece fighting, but that wasn't the point. It was always awesome to watch a Guild Master fight!

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16 @ everyone else I tagged for Sera


???: Mansion Roof

Atop the roof of the mansion shrouded by the nights shadows was a cloaked man watching the scenes below, he was there from the very beginning when Sabertooth first arrived. Watching and waiting for everyone to arrive. And soon, they would. Just as soon as their little scuffle was over with. He didn't interfere, no, not yet. He had further plans for them all, he'd have to wait for the perfect moment.. And thus in silence he continued to watch, if one was keen enough or really cared enough to pay attention to the roof one could see a slight oddity against the dark slates of the roof of the house, to the average eye it was as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
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She reaches out her hand and shakes Clair's hand. She smiles "it's nice to meet you. By chance, do you guys have any idea where the client is? A couple of people from Sabertooth and I were hear yesterday and when we got to the clients house and he wasn't there. The house also looks abandoned." She explains to Clair and Serra but she spoke loud enough so they could all hear her.

@Mr Swiftshots @Mitchs98 @anyone else that's there

Ryan Terrance

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall?

Things only got more interesting when the guild master became involved with the fight; if he were to fight against Cece, he would be screwed. During this little time slot, Ryan took some time to look around the now decimated guild hall. Well, ok, it wasn't completely destroyed, but the sparring had definitely left some damage that would need to be taken care of sometime. Then some people from Sabertooth showed up and introduced themselves. "I'm Ryan Terrance. Nice to meet you all. And no, I don't know where the client is."
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Clair withdrew her hand and looked towards the house , it was rather big as she expected, how could such a house be deserted? Clair turned back to Winter and smiled "unfortunately we have no idea where he may be , we just arrived you see". The house had peaked Clair's interest surely Cece would finish this up quickly therefore she wouldn't be needed here right? "oi short fry i'm going to head to the clients house now , try not to fall off anything when i'm gone" Clair teased the guild master knowing well her anger would be taken out on the man. "alright lets go"

@ScarlettRose16 @NekoChanBo
Jaymes McGarrett

While Sera was busy talking to the people, Jaymes decided for a moment of fun and discreetly formed a snowball in his hand and chucked it. The snowball struck Sera in the back of the head and exploded, showering her with snow and making her hair completely disarrayed. Chortling, Jaymes came over to the group, and looked at the three that were in front of him. "Mor'ranr lifa unin hjarta onr." (May peace live in your heart, now dead language from his village) Jaymes said to those assembled there. "My name is Jaymes McGarrett." He said, focusing more acutely on the Ice Magic user. "Where did you learn Ice Make Magic?" Jaymes asked.

@Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16 @Bunny @SpookySableye @anyoneImissed
Cece did not move nor even looked (ha...ha.....ha) towards the others now even with the new people joining a big thing about Cece is that when she focuses on someone or thing with all her attention she would blank out the world almost and only have her objective in this case the man in sight. Cece began to walk slowly towards him during this fight she wasn't going to use much magic unless this person made her resort to it instead she was going to use physical strength, now looking at her she looks weak and fragile but by god she is the opposite she can crush steel like it was glass anothing thing is that her magic itself is a martial arts before a magic, the magic is learned in two steps first the martial art of the Chu family then the elemental style and how to include it. Cece's face didn't seem to change as she walked closer and close but somehow strangely her eyes seemed to be full of concentration even if she is blind.

"So you just going to stand there...I ain't attacking first after all one strike is all it would need to take you down and I said I want this to be interesting." Cece said it was meant as a taunt if he did come that would be easier for her but even if he didn't all it meant was that Cece had to go fully on the offensive something that she wasn't fully a fan of. She remembered the bet the others made and smiled. "How about we make a bet if I win you join Fairy Tail if you win I'll repair the guild sounds good?"
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Masaki listened to Sera as she spoke. All of this was caused because the man was careless and wasn't polite. Masaki sighed, "If everyone was polite it would be so much easier.." After saying that quietly to himself he smiled and continued to speak, "Well, when your master is done with him I think you should get him to either pay for, or repair the damages himself. After all, he is responsible for them and it's only fair he does so.." Masaki shrugged, and then dropped his little streak of seriousness in his tone. "Anyways, when you're all ready, Winter and I can take you all to the clients house, since that is where you need to go.. I'll warn you in advance though, it is extremely dusty..."He smiled again, looking back towards the direction of the clients house. Masaki squinted slightly. Something seemed different and a strange energy was coming from it, however, Masaki dismissed it for this moment and focused on the people before him. When Jaymes threw a snowball at Sera he chuckled slightly. And then began to form another ball out of purple crystal just for fun, making it levitate around him. After that, he watched the Guild Master, who he now remembered who's name was Cece. "Well, I think things are just about to get interesting.." He said with a smile on his face. He always liked watching his Master train, and he was curious as to what the Fairies master could do.
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She looks to Jaymes. "I guess I was just born with it and then I figured out I was an Ice Devil Slayer so I specialized in that. I havent used ice-make in a while but I guess it's like riding a bike, you never really forget how to use it" she explains. She holds out her hand and forms the Fairy Tail symbol out of ice and tosses it towards him. "I guess it's fun to use ice-make from time to time." She turns back to Clair, "okay let's go, is it just you or does anyone else want to come?" She asks. Out of no where she smiled formed a snowball and threw it Jaymes way as a joke.

@Mr Swiftshots @Arvis90 @LeSoraAmari
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He sighed and looked at her. "You know that's a sucker bet, but…ok. I'll even tell you my name if I do." He looked at her and analyzed the situation at hand. First, she was a guild leader. That meant she has to have vicious offense and defense in both magic and physical skill. Even though he was categorized as S-class, he still couldn't hold a candle to this obvious child prodigy. Best to use his energy on quick attack and evasion techniques. Secondly, it seems she has higher senses to compensate for blindness. Her feet indicate that she must use her feet against the ground in a way that bats use thier ears. He nodded. His plan was to stay on the ground as little as possible. Take big strides, bounce off trees and walls. If she was the one who moved her entire castle through the ground...he summarized it must be earth magic. Makes it more nessacary to keep moving. First attack: box her ears and distrupt her senses. Second: work the body for a while. Third: finish with the Dragon Finisher, a powerful series of hits he made for taking out the dragon. "Ok!" He smiled. "Here I go!" He made a fast lunge/jump to a nearby wall. He had to get behind her to box her ears. Frontal assault was going to be a no until he got that attack in.
Paris watched as everyone from different guilds interacted and got along. It was unlike Sabertooth to be so friendly towards Fairy Tail, but he shrugged it off. He leaned over to Ferra and whispered.

"I heard Fairy Tail's guildmaster was blind."

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