Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke smiled, his arms were folded as he spoke to the woman who held the name 'Clair Fernandes'. Flipping himself the right way he swiftly landed gently back onto the ground and bowed his head down slightly "It's very nice to meet you." he mused for a moment after going through pleasantries and introduced himself as well after Clair took the guess he was also a Wizard Saint "Oh you're a sharp one aren't you? Yes, my name is Sasuke Haishen the Djinn Wizard Saint..Apparently we each have numbers but I'm not sure what mine is." he extended his hand out, at that moment he noticed that they were the same height.

@Mr Swiftshots

She takes a few steps back willingly though she knew if anything came her way she could just turn invisible and it wouldn't hurt her. She awkardly takes her hand back and crosses her arms. She gives Chris a smile before she looks back at the fight.

Magnolia: Shopping District

With her prize finally obtained she wanted nothing more than to get back to Magnolia, take a nice hot shower and then go to bed. She could give the old man his locket tomorrow. Hell, based on the time the old geezer would probably be asleep by the time she got back anyways. After a long day of crawling through the burnt out remains of a house, every step she took felt that much more exhausting. The trip back to the carriage seemed to go on forever until finally, at long last, she had reached it. She climbed inside the back and fell heavily onto one of the seats, leaning forward as she rested her arms on her knees and let out a long, tired sigh. One ride back to the city, a short walk back to her apartment and she'd finally be able to relax. As the carriage began it's trek back to Magnolia she leaned back in her seat, lifting up the locket by the chain so that it dangled in front of her face.

She couldn't help but wonder if she could get more than a mere 10,000 Jewel if she simply sold the bloody thing. It was, after all, a finely made piece that appeared to be solid gold. It really did seem like the type of thing that could fetch a decent amount. She let out another tired sigh as she let her hand flop lifelessly to her side. It was obvious that such an idea wasn't an option. No self-respecting wizard would betray their employer like that after all. Even if she knew it wasn't an option she couldn't help but spare a glance at the locket now resting on the seat beside her. After a few moments of staring rather intently at the locket she let out a frustrated groan and jammed it into her pocket. "Whatever, at least it'll cover a few days of rent." She'll just have to make sure she finds another job tomorrow, hopefully one that pays a bit better.

One rather uneventful trip later and she found herself back in Magnolia. As she hopped down out of the carriage she couldn't help but stretch her tired muscles, a small moan slipping past her lips before quickly being followed by a heavy exhale. Long carriage rides always made her restless and stiff and this one was no exception. She slipped her hands into her pockets and made her way back towards the shoddy inn near the shopping district. The sun had already fallen below the horizon and there were relatively few people milling about on the streets as she walked. Other than some men in a small boat calling out to her as she walked past one of the rivers it was a fairly quiet walk back to her inn.

As she entered the inn she was genuinely surprised to see the stocky woman still at the counter. She figured the woman would have at least gone home by now. At the same time the stocky woman behind the counter looked up upon hearing someone enter. As the woman eyed her up and down she heard the unmistakable sound of the woman clicking her tongue in a another typical 'tch' before hopping off her stool and waddling off into the back. Too exhausted to even care at this point she simply trudged her way up the stairs and into her room.

The moment the door shut behind her she quickly began shedding her clothes as she made her way for the bathroom. Once in the shower, the warm water flowing over her body and ridding her of the soot and grime collected through her hard work she couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. Nothing beat a hot shower, absolutely nothing. Well.. maybe fighting did, but even then the two were neck and neck. After a lengthy shower she stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her form. She padded softly towards her bed and unceremoniously fell face-first onto the mattress. She didn't even care at this point, she'll settle herself properly later... maybe... And so with her long day behind her she drifted off into sleep atop her covers.
The man standing before Clair was number three and he didn't even know it! Clair was number four which meant she was currently outclassed by someone in the room she was itching to test his strength but then again it would probably result in the destruction of the town and its surroundings. A shame really it was but unfortunately she would have to resist the urge to fight him. "nice to meet you i'm number four you're number three , just in case you wanted to know"

@Sinister Clown

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke placed a finger to his lip with an expression of awe on his face for a few moments. "So that means there are two other's stronger than me?" he blinked a few times, he could hardly fathom the power those two must have had. Maybe they were also a powerful race, he could hardly think a human could come to such power at this time but at the same time he has been wrong before. He was eager to test Clair's strength but he figured it probably wasn't the best time, besides she was most likely being cautious of showing off her strengths. Scratching the back of his head for a moment he let out a short sigh "That's...Interesting." pausing for a moment he took a look at the orb which Clair's attention was focused on earlier "What is that supposed to be?"

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair turned her attention back to the orb and the people surrounding it and sighed "it's either a bomb or a portal , these guys are setting up defenses and such" Clair looked back at the guy and smiled thinking to herself "so sabertooth , they sent a saint in for the reward huh". Clair looked at the guy with interest clear in her eye's "what kind of magic do you use?" @Sinister Clown

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke nodded at Clair's explanation, and he begun to understand what was going on. Looking up to the orb curiously once Clair started speaking to him again. This time asking about his magic, he suddenly felt interested in talking more and replied "Well, I guess I use elements..I can also use my soul if I want to as well..But I hardly ever do that." musing at the last part he shook his head off as if he were thinking about it. "Why do you ask? And what is yours hmm?" he asked leaning his head in slightly closer, blinking at the woman a few times.

@Mr Swiftshots
"That would be great," Lloyd nodded at the newcomer who had offered the ice barrier. "And that too," he added, turning to the Sabertooth mage. "As long as it's a tiny piece of ice, yet large enough for us to see it go in. Something slightly smaller than that, I think," he said, bending slightly to inspect the mage's ice cube.

"All right then," he turned towards the other mages gathered. "I need everyone out of the library. And, I've just realised that I don't know any of your names," he added in a sheepish tone. "After we clear out of the library, the moment I give the signal, you send the ice cube into the oval light. And the moment she sends the ice cube, I need you to immediately form the barrier. Anybody else had anything to add?"

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari

@everyone else at secret library
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"Sounds good to me" she says shrinking the ice cube a little bit. She watches as people clear out the library. She looks over to Jaymes, "Ready?" She asks. She is ready to put the ice cube in the oval light.

@HuorSpinks @anyone else that's there
`Clair listened carefully to Sasuke's words he used elemental magic and soul magic? what even is soul magic ? Clair was now thoroughly interested in what he was saying and so forgot about everyone else evacuating the room "i use requip magic and the only reason i asked was to get information on you if i'm to move up in ranking i'll need to beat you" @Sinister Clown

Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke glared at Clair for a moment, he wasn't very careful with what he had to say and after Clair explained herself it started making more sense. "You?" he asked the woman, blinking a few times he contemplated on the idea "Well I don't know, but I'm up for a test any time." he said with a wide smile. Like always he underestimated other's but he couldn't help it. He knew very well that human's always exceeded his expectations but he was always someone that needed to see to believe. "I hear Fairy tail are the 'big shots' now..Is that true?" he asked curiously, Sasuke wasn't one to really keep up with any conflicts between the guilds or who was on top of the other. So he felt it would be interesting to hear it from the main source itself.

@Mr Swiftshots
Jaymes nodded when the dude that seemed to know what was going on, told the rest of the people not directly involved in what was about to happen to clear out of the library. He felt like maybe one of the Saints, either Clair or the creepy guy, would do better at protecting them but neither seemed very interested in helping much. Shrugging, Jaymes got in a stance and cupped his hands near his right hip, blue light accompanied by white mist appeared in his palms, the magic to be released at a second's notice. "Sure, go ahead, I'm ready." Jaymes said, indicating for Winter to cast the ice into the light.

Clair began to get mad when Sasuke spoke of her fighting him , there was no need for him to be so cocky he was number three so what ! Sasuke then asked if it was true that fairy tale were number one which really irritated her , typical Sabertooth "what do you mean now ! Fairytales been number one for years !" Clair glared at the guy , just who does he think he is. Maybe she was taking this in the wrong way ? No not possible he was from Sabertooth.

@Sinister Clown
She nods as she quickly shoots the ice cube into the oval light and the ice sheild goes up infront of her and Jaymes. She waits for something to happen.

@HuorSpinks @ anyone else that's there
Kelica blinked as she arrived outside the Fairytale guild hall. She looked up and down either street with a puzzled look. I mean, it looked like fairytale guild hall but it wasn't quiet in the right spot. At least compared to what others had told her, she had yet to even come here. It didn't matter, she re-adjusted her backpack on her shoulder and held her potted plant tighter in her right arm. Taking a deep breath in she strode through the front door, heading towards the bar at the back. She softly placed her potted plant on the counter. "It seems somewhat empty.. I wonder where the Guild Master and S-class are?" she wondered aloud, peering down to her wrist. "I need to become an initiate...wonder where I'll get my mark? If they'll let me that is.. " getting nervous for the first time. Since she left her fathers Guarded Forest to excel and train her magic, it never occured to her they may not even accept her. She frowned at this thought.
As the ice cube flew towards the oval light something interesting happened. Just as the cube touched the oval light it quivered, and then was sucked whole into the oval light. No trace remained of the ice cube, and the oval light remained where it was, pulsing with energy, as if nothing had happened.

Lloyd sucked in a breath. It might actually be a portal after all. The question was though, to where? And if it might have been an escape route, it was highly likely that they would find the client there, in a hiding place. The question would then be, though, why the client felt the need to hide, abandoning the entire mansion full of rich furniture. But on the other hand, if the portal did not lead to the client, then where could it lead? And just how dangerous a place would it be?

Lloyd let out a breath. "Well, that was interesting," he said finally, in a rather matter of fact tone. He turned to the mages responsible for the ice cube and the shield. "Thank you," he said. "That answered a few questions, yet raised a lot more. Perhaps you could turn off the shield now; I'd like to get a closer look at the oval glow."

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari

When the ice went into the light, Jaymes called out "Ice Make: Barrier" and through his hands forward. A glittering wall of ice formed in a second, the temperature in the room being reduced drastically, but because both Jaymes and Winter were ice wizards, the cold didn't bother them. When nothing bad seemed to happen, and the dude told him to lower the barrier, Jaymes relaxed, and the ice wall cracked then burst into ice dust kinda like snow before it disappeared completely. Remembering what the man had said, Jaymes extended a hand out to the guild leader. "My name is Jaymes. Glad I could help. Something about that..thing still doesn't sit right with me. It feels dangerous." Jaymes.


Dakota Zandrakus - Somewhere over Fiore

Dakota had been flying for a while, just enjoying the wind under his wings. He was also enjoying the sight of the mountains and immense forest below him, completely at peace. That that was when there was a strange vibration in the air. Like the pressure that accompanies thunder storms, but still different. The pressure hit his ears again, making them ache and ring, but he couldn't see anything. Concerned, he began to beat wing faster angling towards the ground some four thousand feet below him. Then was when he heard a roar above him, and looked up to behold a gigantic grey/blue dragon diving down towards him. His heart rate exploded and he too dived, trying to think of some what to escape the behemoth chasing after him. However, even though Dakota was falling towards the earth very fast, the dragon was falling faster due to weight. Looking behind him, the dragon was less than fifty feet above him, its enormous jaws opened wide to expose giant razor sharp teeth.

Thinking, Dakota slightly curled one wing inward and executed a tailspin, while flaring the other wing wide catching air and slowing him down. The maneuver sent him in a quick spiral that very barely missed hitting the dragon as it went past him. The dragon roared its rage and flared its wings, and quickly spun around. The monster opened its mouth again and white light began to gather before quickly being unleashed at Dakota in a powerful vortex of air.
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Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Somewhere??

Noami smiled brightly at their introductions, "Nomi is.." she paused, seeming lost as she scratched her cheek having to think about it, "Naomi! Nice to met you." Letting a light hearted giggle out before realizing they mentioned something about a mansion. "Mansion? Should we follows?" Asking them since what was the point of simply staying behind, plus, what if they were handing out free food!


Masaki smiled as the scene unfolded before him. The ice cube that was tossed into it had completely vanished, proving that Masaki was right in assuming that this was a portal after all. Chuckling slightly, he kept his attention focused on the oval light and stood there quietly, behind everyone else. After a few minutes of silence, Masaki finally spoke, "Well. That's beyond interesting..." Masaki paused for a moment before continuing "I think I want to go and get a closer look too. This is odd, and questions have been formed that we need to find answers to. Much like Lloyd said...". He stood there, to others, he would appear to have been in a trance, but really he was deep in thought. After a moment of intense thinking, Masaki finally spoke once more. "I think we should try and determine how recently it was used. That should answer some questions for us at least. Plus, this portal could have easily been created as some kind of diversion, who knows who used it. But... This would certainly make sense as to why there wasn't any signs of a struggle." He said, with a serious tone in his voice, yet he was evidently very curious. Just where on earth was the client? Perhaps this would give them answers.

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"Or someone could use the portal and see where it leads" she suggests. "If the client used it then it's probably safe" she adds looking at the portal. She knew it would probably be a stupid move for someone to use the portal but she guessed it was a way to find out answers to where this thing leads to. She watches the oval light illuminating and she seriously was more curious about this thing then she let on.

@HuorSpinks @LeSoraAmari @anyone else that's there
"I'll use it!" Grace said out loud, her eyes wide and a grin on her face. "I'm not scared of whatever is through there, and I've been no help." This could be her shining moment! Her bravery and courage would bring fame to her and her guild! Besides, she was only B-class wizard so it wouldn't be that big of a deal if she got hurt. "Let me go through!"

@HuorSpinks @Arvis90 @LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
Masaki sighed, "I don't think sending someone through would be a good idea." Addressing the whole group, "We don't even know where it leads, it could lead anywhere.." He went closer to the portal and sent a crystal shard through it, watching as it vanished. "It might not even be fit for a human to use it, and one could get ripped apart or who knows what.. I just think sending someone through is not a wise idea." He stopped talking for a moment and took a deep breath, then continued on. "We need to investigate it more before we do so, at least." After that he stopped talking, and began to walk around the oval light, observing it. "We don't even know if it was the client that used it, after all, it was in a secret room that had to be broken into by blowing up a wall. It could just happen to be here by random occurrence." He said, with a slight chuckle.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @ScarlettRose16 @Arvis90
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Grace rolled her eyes at Masaki and shook her head. "Obviously it's meant for humans, just look at the size! Perfect!" She said, taking a step towards the portal and looking it up and down. "Besides, even if I do get teleported somewhere, I can always just walk back through. I'll be perfectly fine." She knew that there were dangers of going in and all that jazz, but she really didn't care. She just really wanted to do something exciting. "Besides, you're not even in my guild. Why do you care what happens to me?"


She knew it was probably stupid but she walked closer to the oval light and simply put her hand in it and pulled it right back out and she was fine. "It doesn't seem very dangerous to me" she says as she backs up a few steps. She watches as Grace walks towards the portal. She looks around the library feeling something dark pulsing somewhere near by but she could tell it wasn't coming from the supposed portal.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Arvis90 @anybody I missed
@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @LeSoraAmari

"Well we could send an ice made construct in and have it come back out, if it does it should be at least slightly safe." Jaymes says, but then Winter approaches the portal and before he or anyone could object, she sticks her hand into the light and then brings it right back out unharmed. "Ok, well um...never mind I guess?" For some odd reason, Jaymes thinks of his guild master, and he chuckles. She would have been crazy enough to do what Winter had just done without a second though. Thinking about her, Jaymes was curious if their sparring match had finally ended or not.


Dakota Zandrakus - High over Fiore...somewhere??

Dakota stopped flapping his wings and dropped light a stone the moment he saw the dragon's breath attack. The screaming vortex of wind missed him by feet, but the raw power sent him tumbling backwards so hard ground and sky melded together. Desparately, he flared his wings, and was able to stop his momentum. Fighting to right himself, he heard the dragon's angry roar and hear its wing beats increase as it began to zoom towards him. "I don't think trying a bunch of spells would be a good idea on this thing." Dakota said as he spun around and beat wing, the dragon in hot pursuit. "Either do or die." And with that, Dakota began to chant an incantation. "In the right hand of the Thunder God rested vanity. In the left hand of the Thunder Demon rage resided. Fickle beasts of nightmares they thrive, while in the world of man they die. Bestow upon me thy might, so that I may smite my enemy. Hado 55, Raging Bolt of the Thunder Demon God!" Dakota shouted the name of the spell turning around to face the dragon head on. From his hands surged black and red lightning of considerable might, which struck the dragon in the chest. The dragon roared in pain and it turned away from Dakota, its scales around the impact scorched. However the beast was otherwise unharmed. Drained, Dakota descended to the forest below.
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