Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

"Right..." Lloyd stuck his hands into his pockets and gave her a rather doubtful look. Perhaps it was the eager way in which she grabbed at the flyer, the way she stuffed the flyer into her pocket, and her reaction towards the reward. He had no doubt that she was eager to be involved, and if there was going to be any information shared, there was a high chance that she wasn't sharing it. Yet, he couldn't quite force it out of her. She wasn't a member of his guild, and anyway, he did not think he had the right to force information out of his own guild members like that. He'd let her keep the flyer anyway, he had already memorised the information on it.

"That would indeed be the portal that would lead to the mansion," he said, choosing to give her the information, because, well, with all the three major guilds competing for the money, he was quite sure she'd have a difficult time. "You would be in major competition for the full sum though," he added, with a chuckle. "Fairy Tail, Sabertooth and Lamia Scale are all in competition for the reward as well." He only hoped that when the time came, the three guilds would manage to work together rather than against each other, especially if dragons were going to be involved.

It was just then that a thought occurred to him. It was quite possible that it wasn't the Sabertooth mage that had set off the portal. Perhaps it could have been him and Grace too, as they were wandering all over the room. Perhaps stepping on different areas activated portals that led to different cities. Though why would such a thing be in existence in the first place... either the client was a highly intelligence person, or had highly intelligent connections. That was a sobering though.

He would probably have to go back soon though. Once Clair got back from wherever she was, they would make their way back through the portal.

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
Cinla watched the reactions from events and couldn't help but smile just a little as it amused her and said"Sisterly love how sweet i got to admit i wonder what it would be like to have a little sister, for as long i can remember i've done everything on my own". Cinla also notice a guy saying something to himself and the fact he seems a bit on edge, cinla didn't pay him much heed right now she's more interested in sera and this girl called naomi.

@Mitchs98 and co
Clair arrived back at the house and entered. The girl from before had some sort of demonic smile on her face which to be honest was quite scary and not what you'd expect to return to.Clair continued on by the girl and stood beside the portal , on return she'd have to report everything to master Cece and then act on further from her orders.This job was a complete mess but then again that's what made it interesting."hey Lloyd are you guys done here or are we sticking around for a little longer?"

"Uh..." With no surefire direction to go, Paris was stuck trying to lead Ferra to meet up with the rest of the guilds and people on the mission. He finally found the room but he noticed something off. "Where's Lamia Scale?" It seemed everyone in the room was either from Fairy Tail or Sabertooth. He couldn't find anyone from Lamia Scale there.

@Mitchs98 @anyone else in the room
Lloyd shook his head. "I believe we're done here," he said to Clair. "If you're done with what you need to do we can head back right now." Right now, what he really wanted to do was take a look at the portal again, and see if by stepping in different places, one could activate portals to other parts of Fiore. And of course, he needed to meet up with the rest of his Guild and decide what to do next concerning this mission. Without the client, there wasn't much they could do to progress. Perhaps they'd find the client through the portal in another place. That was the only option he could think of right now.

He turned to Grace to let her know they were going back to the mansion, but instead noticed her crossed arms and silent demeanor. Grace was being uncharacteristically silent, and that unnerved him. He wondered if he was being too protective of her. She had been quite upset earlier when she didn't get to explode stuff, and when he had insisted on going through the portal first. He would need to talk to her later. It was so difficult trying to strike a balance between protecting and letting people develop. This Guild Master stuff was hard work, and in all honestly he hadn't even mastered teamwork 101 yet.

"Erm... Grace," he said finally, fully aware of how hesitant his voice sounded. "If there's nothing else you need to do here, we'll be heading back to the mansion. When you're ready, you can go right through. I'll be following shortly."

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots @Colt556
Grace let out a little, slightly disappointed sigh and nodded to Lloyd. Now I get to go through first, when we know where we are going? "Thanks Lloyd. I guess I'm ready." She said, turning around and walking through the portal. (Sorry for the short post.)

Clair smiled after listening to the conversation between the Lamia Scale members , they had always been a kind guild and often helped Fairy Tale with this and that.The new Guild master was much like the old one in his way of acting but he seemed unsure of himself a shame for such a skilled wizard."thanks for letting me accompany you Lloyd , i appreciate it". Clair continued on through the portal after Grace.
@Kayzo @Sinister Clown @ everyone else

Ferra: ???? Mansion Inside, Upstairs

Ferra shrugged, taking note of the creepy floating guy. "I dunno." She replied before noticing the portal thingy in the room. "Maybe that has something to do with it?" She asked, pointing to the portal. And sure enough a minute or two later Grace emerged from it, to which Ferra immediately dropped her bag of clothes and food befofe running up diving and hugging her, causing the two to tumble across the floor a bit. "Sneak attack!" She told her, giggling before standing up. She then noticed the annoyed look on Graces' face, "What's wrong Grace?" She asked her, frowning slightly.
After being sat in the middle of the room for a good few minutes, he noticed that mages began to pour in one by one. He noticed the girl called Ferra, as they had spoke earlier when the issue with Fairy Tails Saint and the strange man occurred, but she was with another girl whom he did not know. Sasuke was in the room as well. Eventually, Grace and Clair came back through the portal, to which Masaki stood up but kept his guard high, discreetly of course. Masaki smiled to the other mages in the room before turning his full attention back to Grace and Clair, "So... What did you find, by the looks of things no ody was hurt... So that's good." He said with a smile.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Bunny @Sinister Clown @Mr Swiftshots @anyone else in the portal room
Paris was surprised and excited at the sight of the other half of his guild appear from the portal. He turned to Grace.

"Ooh, a mercenary? Cool. Are they coming through the portal?" He watched the portal to see if the mercenary who beat a bunch of mages was coming.

Beau was bored. Everyone in the room seemed to be concerned about where everyone was and what was happening with the portal. He was more mainly concerned with the whereabouts of the client, and what they were hiding inside this gigantic mansion. Although he had to admit, he was intrigued by the portal. He'd never seen magic like it before.


Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Magnolia?? ~ Mansion

Having completely forgotten to watch Master Cece's fight for she'd gotten side tracked by the smell of buns, Naomi looked up at Sera with wide eyes and a somewhat innocent smile, still clinging on. "Dunno, Naomi smelled buns and ran. Bit someone from Lamia Scale too!" Speaking rather proudly of her "achievements" of the past hour or so. "Why's Sera and everybody in this mansion?" Asking as she finally stood on her two feet, although still clung onto her senpai Sera as she looked around at the interior.. It was rather lacking something for Naomi's taste.. Lacking.. FOOD!

Grace gasped loudly when Ferra suddenly came out of nowhere and gave her a big hug. She stumbled back a few feet and landed at Misaki's feet. She gently wrapped her arms around Ferra and sighed when she asked what was wrong. "No Ferra, nothing's wrong." She said, not trying to hide her disappointment. She then tilted her head back and looked up at Misaki. "There was some girl on the other side. It was lame, and a waste of time." @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Clover: Mansion - Library

Major competition eh? Against the likes of Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale and Sabertooth she likely didn't stand a chance of getting even a single Jewel. Nevertheless the prospect of even getting a fraction of the payout was too much to ignore. She heard some footsteps behind her and gave a quick glance over her shoulder, eyeing up the redhead that returned. It seemed like their business was done and they were preparing to head back. She kept silent as the man seemed to try and placate the younger of the two girls who had done little beyond stand there and sulk. She couldn't help but grin at the man trying his best to deal with the girl. It seemed as if he wasn't use to having responsibility over others, especially not children.

As the two girls went through the portal she finally made her move, taking a few quick strides towards the portal herself. As she neared the man she placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a somewhat sympathetic look. "Probably shoulda left the young one back home." She gave the man's shoulder a couple gentle pats before walking past him and standing directly in front of the portal. She had seen the others come and go so she knew it was safe, but even so it was still strange magic she had never seen before. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to keep her composure. After just a moment she opened her eyes and gave a little hop into the portal, not wanting to draw this out anymore than it needed to be.

She immediately regretted opening her eyes as she screwed them shut once again as blinding light surrounded and embraced her. This was only made worse by the sensation of being ripped in two. As if she had been strung up between two horses that were going in opposite directions she was sure her limbs would tear off. She was not given the chance for regret, as quickly as the pain had begun it had ended and she found herself exiting the portal. The momentum of her little hop was carried over a little too well and she began to stumble forward as she exited. She quickly spread her arms and leaned back, hopping a few steps on one leg before finally regaining her balance and coming to a stop. With a sigh of relief she was finally able to open her eyes and get a good look at her surroundings. The first and most obvious thing she took note of was all the different people, mages presumably. Guess they were here for this job too. Lloyd wasn't kidding about the competition being tough. Even so she held up her hand and gave a slight flick of her wrist in the form of a wave. "Heya."





@Sinister Clown

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@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari @ everyone else

Ferra: ??? Mansion Inside, Library Upstairs

Ferra frowned at Graces' reply, despite the hug it was clear something was wrong, or in this case a lack thereof. "
Oh. I see. Well, it'll be alright. We'll get to fight dragons and stuff soon so you can explode them all you want and stuff." She told her happily before offering her hand to her to help her to her feet. Of course, she at-least hoped they'd be able to fight soon. She wanted to eat a dragon, after all.

Soon after the merc woman that'd been explained came through the portal and greeted them. Ferra turned towards them and replied with a simple, albeit chipper, "
Hai!" before returning her attention back to Grace.

Listening to what Grace had to say, he was actually quite disappointed except for the part about the girl, that was most definitely curious. "So nothing really that interesting? That's a shame.. Did this girl say who she was?" He said, a look of curiosity on his face. Masaki was cyrious at to who this stranger was, and why she was there, perhaps she was connected to the client in some way? After a few moments, a girl came out of the portal. Masaki looked at her and then looked back at Grace, "I take it this is the girl you met on the other side of that portal?" He chuckled slightly as he turned to face the girl again, "The names Masaki, and you are?" He wondered if she was a member of a guild, he knew she wasn't a member of Sabertooth so that guild was ruled out. Perhaps she was an independent mage, many questions began to form in Masaki's head.

@Kayzo @Colt556 @everyone else
Clover: Mansion - Upstairs Library

She took a few steps away from the portal, making sure that Lloyd fellow had plenty of room to come through. She took this opportunity to dust off her clothes from her recent scuffle with the thugs before turning her attention towards the boy that gave her more than a cursory 'hello'. She offered him a confidant smile with a quick nod of her head in response to his question. "Yep, that'd be me. Name's Tanari Varos." With her introduction out of the way she walked past the group of mages out into the main library. She gave a small whistle as she looked at the seemingly endless rows of books. The floors, the walls, the shelves, the ceiling, all of it screamed money. Every inch of the room was decorated in elaborate trim and expensive woodwork. She could easily see why the guy was able to offer a billion Jewel, he was clearly exceptionally wealthy.

She spun on her heel to look back at the group milling about in the secret room. "Hey uh... Misaki, I was told the client isn't here, is that right?" As she asked her question her eyes darted to an expensive looking statue set upon a pedestal on the other side of the room. There was no reason for her question, she just wanted to know where the client was. Yeah, that was it. She couldn't exactly do a job without a client after all. The expensive looking statue had absolutely nothing to do with her question whatsoever as she took a few tiny steps towards it.





@Sinister Clown

Grace let out a little sigh and took ahold of Ferra's hand. "Yeah, hopefully we do get to fight dragons soon." She said as she stood up, patting the girls head and glancing back at Misaki. Though I probably won't be allowed to even fight it. She decided that later when Lloyd wasn't busy that she'd talk to him about how she hasn't been allowed to do anything yet and how it upset her greatly. Just moments later the girl she met on the other side of the portal happened to teleport where everyone was. "Yeah, that's her." She said to Misaki, curious as to where Lloyd was. Maybe this girl killed the guild master or beat him up good! If she did, then the independent Mage would get a good beating.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98
~Clover Mansion, Upstairs~


Sasuke Haishen

Sasuke remained floating about in the air, a woman on the other side of the portal and some other mage who tagged along seemed to have some disfigurement. Seeming to go in a relaxed laid back position in the air he closed his eyes and just listened to everyone. Waiting for something interesting to happen, it seemed that even with the portal they still hadn't found a single clue to where their client might be.
'I hope I'm not wasting my time here..I'll look stupid!' he thought to himself with a look of agitation on his face.
Magnolia - Abandoned house

Should have left myself back at home with her, Lloyd thought to himself, in a rare flash of petulance, as he watched Tanari head through the portal before him. The look she gave him though, was unexpected, and made him feel somewhat better. His opinion of Clair had actually improved as well, seeing that she had thanked him for letting her accompany them through the portal, even though she did not have to; the portal was fair game for everyone. In fact, Lloyd was surprised that it was just the three of them who had entered the portal; he had been expecting more people, with how curious all the mages seemed to be about the portal.

It was time for him to return anyway, he dallied long enough. He took a final look at the room, and the bodies, and then headed into the portal himself. Once again, he was surrounded by light and felt the sensation of being ripped apart, and then the pain ceased and he stepped out of the portal, blinking against the white light. At least this time round he had managed to make a more dignified exit.

Clover Mansion - Library

He gazed around the room once he got his eyesight back, and was treated to the sight of Grace, Ferra and Paris. Tanari he did not see; he expected that she was probably off exploring somewhere. He headed towards his guild members. "Hey," he said cheerfully, giving a wave. "Where did you go? Found anything interesting?"

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Bunny
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Cinla nodded to Naomi and said"That's right right now i'm guildless and i have to agree i don't like having to wait around and i haven't eaten since this morning so i'm getting hungry again, should we check the library to see if he's in there by chance"?
@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Bunny @ everyone else upstairs, technically

Ferra: ??? Mansion Inside, Library Upstairs

Ferra grinned happily when Grace seemed to cheer up a bit. Soon after Lloyd came through the portal and asked where they went. "
Me and Paris went with Masaki and Sabertooth to watch Master Cece of Fairy Tail fight some guy. It was awesome! Then we came back here. About it. Oh, some chick from Fairy Tail tried to eat Paris' hand, I think she said she was named Naomi." She told him. "What about you? Where'd the portal lead, Grace said it was somewhere boring, but ya know." She added soon after.
Secret Library at Mansion

"Portal lead to Magnolia of all places," Lloyd answered, some amusement lacing his words. "The outskirts of Magnolia, to be exact, in an abandoned house filled with bodies. Those bodies were quite recent though, and had something to with the independent mage who had just come through the portal to here. Told me her name's Tanari and that she had been on a mission to eradicate those people, or something." He shrugged. "Did not see any reason not to believe her. Grew very interested when she heard about the reward for the mission we're on. But other than that, no client."

He had to smile upon hearing that the Fairy Tail Master, Cece, had ended up being involved in the fight after all. And that a Fairy Tail mage had almost ate Paris' hand. Those Fairy Tail mages were a weird bunch. For a second he wondered how he would have been if he had joined Fairy Tail instead of Lamia Scale. Probably a lot less serious than he was now. "So how did it go? I daresay Cece won? And I hope the general area managed to remain intact. And I bet you and Naomi got along quite well," he added in a teasing tone.

@Kayzo @Bunny
Glacier: Outskirts of Magnolia

When Glacier woke up, he did not expect to find himself in an unfamiliar place. He half expected to wake up feeling the soft, comfy mattress below him, but no, the only thing that he was lying on was the cold hard ground. He squinted his eyes at the glaring sun that was above him. After a few groans and yawns, he slowly pushed himself up from the ground and took in his surroundings.

To his left was a rather dense forest, and to his right, it seemed like a city was only a few kilometers away. Deciding that it was safer for him to approach the city rather than the forest, Glacier began his journey towards Magnolia. He had no knowledge of the city he was heading to, nor how he ended up sleeping on the ground. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even remember anything he did before he woke up.

This was bad. If danger were to show itself, would he be able to protect himself? That one question lingered in his mind throughout his trek. After travelling for what felt like hours, he finally found a path that leads to the city's entrance. The moment he stepped on the pathway, two arms sprung upwards from the ground and grabbed Glacier's legs. Surprised, Glacier lets out a gasp as his icy cold eyes darted to the restraints. It wasn't long before he noticed that something else was being aimed at him. On instincts, he reached for his blades and removed them from their sheath. He didn't know that they existed until then. They're not light..? How was it that I didn't feel their weight on my back? Shaking his head, Glacier focused his attention on the flying projectile aimed at striking his heart. In one fluid motion, he moved his blades in front of him to block the arrow.

???: Outskirts of Magnolia

The figure who shot the arrow growled. He didn't think that his target was going to be hard to kill. How was it that a man who looked so lost know how to fight properly? Without thinking twice, the figure leaped out of his hiding spot and landed in front of the blue-haired man. Now that he had gotten a chance to get a closer look, he noticed that there was something wrong with his target's eyes. Usually, normal people would have black circles for pupils. However, the blue-haired man had a black cross for pupils. He watched as the man put down his swords, those icy cold eyes were now fixated on him.

Glacier: Outskirts of Magnolia

Glacier glowered at the man in front of him. He did not like being attacked at random just because he had money. Wait, do I even have money? Glacier shrugged that thought aside, this was no time to be questioning his amnesia. Without waiting for his opponent to make his move, he fired at the attacker with his gun blade. The shot connected, forming ice around the wound, preventing blood from flowing out. He watched as the attacker stagger back in pain and used the opportunity to cut himself free from the restraints. "Ice Phoenix's Crushing Talon." Glacier murmured out as he shot an ice bullet on the ground, using the recoil to boost himself upwards as he jumped. He then infused magic with the feet in a clawing formation. Using the momentum he had from the recoil, he stuck his leg out and brought it down on the attacker's head. The spell was simple yet effective, it paralyzed the attacker in one blow. Of course, the paralysis was only temporary, but it served its purpose; buy time for Glacier to run free to the safety of Magnolia

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Clair Fernandes : Mansion

Upon exiting the portal Clair looked around the room , master Cece was still nowhere to be found which was quite strange surely she couldn't still be fighting that guy.Clair made her way out of the library and down to the first story of the house where she spotted Sera , maybe she would know where Cece was. "hey Sera , is Cece still fighting that guy or has she finished ?" @Mitchs98
Alfie: Fairy Tail; Clover Mansion: Inside, Library

Alfie had lost interest and wandered away from the fight a while ago. He had been sent flying through the portal... just now. His flight was stopped by someone whom he didn't recognize (Lloyd), and when the pink-clad S-Class managed to stumble back up, he took a look at his "savior" and concluded that he wasn't even Fairy Tail. "Maybe diving into that portal thing wasn't the best idea. I'm so--" now he cut himself off when he got a look at what surrounded him. Shelves filled with books, books filled with shelves... this place was... a library? "Excuse me, but... why a library of all places?"

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