Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clover - Mansion - First Floor

Cinla sighed and said gently" Granted damage like is very hard to deal with but to judge all based on your experiences is wrong this is the kind of world we come from it's not nice by any means but when it comes down to it sometimes a mercy killing like that is the kindest thing one can do for a girl like her", you now have a chance to start a fresh a chance which isn't offered to all i know because i'm the last one of my kind and that's why i've made it my goal to move forward no matter what". It was awkward to see a grown man cry like this so cinla pulled out a spare hanky and gave a look to say you can keep it but please stop crying you might make you self sick.

@Mitchs98 etc
Masaki Yamada-Clover- Clients Mansion: Upstairs, Secret Library~

Masaki stood there quietly as the others spoke. He could hear ruckus coming from downstairs as well, and judging from the magic that was in the air, something was going on. But apparently, it seemed to be all under control as he could feel the magic that exuded Clair as she tried to resolve the matter, or at least prevent a massive punch up from occuring. Looking around the old library, everything was dark and dull, nothing of any interest was there. Or at least, nothing was worth acknowledgement. Except for the portal. It practically lit up the room in a purple light. In truth, Masaki thought it to be quite pretty and certainly very unusual. There were questions that were still spiralling around in the red heads mind. Just what on earth was this doing here?

Masaki dismissed all of these questions however, and began to focus on the other things at hand. The job itself. If he recalled correctly, dragons were involved. Even with that in mind, Masaki didn't want to fight the creatures. If they truly are involved that is. But, the pain and suffering they had caused on that poor town was unforgivable and for that, Masaki would fight. He would also fight for Sabertooth, but in all honesty, the reward wasn't a big deal to him. Sure, it was a big, juicy reward, but he believed that this needed to be resolved no matter what, no matter the reward he would've probably still gone on the job. The boy crossed his arms as he stood against the old desk. For once, Masaki was actually eager to get out on the field and fight. Having his uniquely strange magic as well, he wanted to show it off. After all, crystals are a beautiful thing, even if they are deadly.

"So... What happens next?" He says to the group in the library, the light of the portal still illuminating the place.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @ScarlettRose16 @Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown @Bunny

"I honestly still think we should send a group, not necessarily to the town but to maybe scout the area, see if we can find anything someone else missed. I'm not doubting anybodies abilities that were there before is but it could lead us somewhere." She says not giving up on the idea of checking out another place. She honestly thought there was nothing else they could really find here. Her heightened senses heard a know on the front door but she ignored it.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown @Bunny @LeSoraAmari
Sage , having found a flyer for a job , went to a mansion. He walked at a normal pace while staying alert until he arrived. He walked up to the house and into the open door only to see people in the room. " It seems I'm not the only one who accepted the job. " he said as walked up to the nearest person , Winter

@Leo Radomir @Arvis90 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots

Sera: Clover Mansion, Inside Downstairs

Sera listened as he explained his story, tensing visibly as he compared her to a demon, but making no moves to do anything. She couldn't blame him for the wa he reacted, not at all, but still. "
It's not like I chose this exsistance, you know? I was forced to live like this, but you know what? I learned magic and how to control myself. I admit, in the past, I killed people to live. But that's the past. Don't lump me with everyone else just because of what I am. If that was the case, I'd call you scum for simply being associated with being a human." She replied, sadness evident in her voice.

You can lower the gun Naomi." She told her, sighing. "Also..if you'd bother looking for more than enough time to chain me, you'd notice my guild mark." She told him, pointing to her cheek. "Fairy Tail. A light guild." She added.

"Huh yeah" she says with a small laugh. "What guild are you from? Or are you just solo?" She asks him waiting for somebody to say if her idea was decent or not. She wasn't typically this friendly with people but she did have to work with other people so she might as well make the most of it.

Sage smiled at her. " I'm a solo , what about you? " he asked with a curious expression on his face. He was actually in a slightly bad mood because of a guy who harassed him but he want to make a good first impression so he plastered the smile on his face.


She moves her black hair out of the way and her Sabertooth mark was visible. "I'm from Sabertooth" she says. "What magic do you use?" She asks. Winter thinks ' I mean we are going to be working together so might as well ask'

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Sage nodded and began listing it off with his fingers. " Water magic , Ice magic , Godly spirit magic , requip and Strength magic. " he said simply as he looked off into space remembering all the magic he could use. " What about you? " he asked as he looked back at Winter.


She raises her eye brows at him. "Wow, well I am an Ice Devil Slayer, and I can't do ice-make. I can also freeze about anything" she says. She looks around at the library. There was still some dark magic she was sensing but it wasn't in the library or the portal. It was weird.

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Sage eyes widen. " Whoa cool , would you like to spar some time. " he asked as he smiled at Winter. He noticed same thing as Winter but acted like he didn't even though he was glancing ever so often


"That would be awesome but it would have to be no where near my guild hall, strict master" she says thinking it would be fun to spar him but also difficult. "I seriously think we are wasting our time here, have you seen anything unusual when you were on your way here?" She asks thinking there would have to be some way to get information.

John lazily strolled towards the mansion, his mind rolling over the sight of flyer. 'Am I even going the right way-'

John's thoughts were interrupted when he saw the mansion, his wings did a quick flap in anticipation of what was to come.

John sped up his pace as he made his way towards the mansion, John broke into a sprint and ran up to the door. John rest his hand on the door's knob, he took a deep breath before opening it up. His head was held high and he was grinning like a mad man, 'I can do this. Easy peasy.'
Sage nodded. " Ok we can spar at my place. " he said before shook his head. " No I didn't. " he said with a disappointed look on his face. " But I do sense something like black magic around here. " he said as he looked around again

John was pretty much gaping at the sight of the interior of the mansion, he was positively buzzing with energy.

John lightly pulled at the loose parts of his toga, he looked around, unsure of what to do next.


John started shuffling awkwardly and sort of moving towards the edges of the room.
Clair Fernandes

Mansion first story

Clair stood to the side when the man came out from behind her and listened carefully to the groups conversation.The man seemed to have gone through quite a lot and had scars to prove it , while this was by no means an excuse for his behavior it helped the group understand why he was so hostile.Clair couldn't help but feel uneasy when he began crying as it wasn't something she was familiar with seeing , Clair had never seen a male member of Fairytale cry nor did she plan to.Clair was happy to hear Sera telling Naomi to put down her weapon it took a lot to shrug off that kind of abuse.Clair stood quietly and continued to listen with a faint smile on her face.



@Leo Radomir

@Defective Kitten
John began to pick things up and examine them before putting them down in different places, he ran his fingers along the surfaces of everything. He tapped his fingertips along the way, each object making a small noise in his wake.

His eyes weren't exactly focused on a single object, but perhaps groups of things together.
Clover Mansion - Outside

Lloyd looked a bit embarrassed as he bent to return Grace's hug. He still wasn't used to physical contact yet, such as hugs. Slaps on the back, or hi-fives, were fine but hugs seemed a little more... intimate. Either way, he rarely got hugged and it felt nice. Even if he was not quite sure how to react to them other than return them.

He stood back up again and regarded Grace, with a more serious expression on his face. "I really appreciate you telling me this though. There's still a lot I need to learn about leadership, I think. Thank you, for being honest and brave enough. And I'd plead for some patience as this old man sorts some stuff out," he added with a self depreciating laugh. He was only 37 years old, but sometimes, and especially with this Guild Master position, he felt like an old man. He had been so used to travelling out on his own, doing missions, mapping stuff... and sometimes he still wondered why the old Guild Master had named him the successor. Surely there were more... leadership oriented guild members. But still, the position had been handed down to him, and he would have to make the best of it. And if he had the support of his guild, and if they were honest about how they felt with the way they were doing things, that would be even better.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and gazed out at the scenery. He liked nature; forests, rivers, rolling plains, and they had always calmed him. Behind him, things were happening at the mansion. He heard the sounds of some fighting and shouting, weapons being drawn, but things seemed to have withdrawn for now. More adventurers were showing up, probably drawn by the reward as well, swerving past him and Grace to make it to grand doors without much of a greeting. But he was content to stay quiet out here. It was quiet and peaceful, and it was a tiring day.

John's mind started to wander, 'Should I be communicating? Does everyone already know eachother?' Doubts started to cloud up John's mind, 'Maybe this was a bad idea, I was fine before... Yeah I was. Maybe?' John ran a hand through his hair.

John sighed and sat down on the floor, he propped himself up with a hand, his wavy black hair covered his face. John let out a soft exhale, his emerald like eyes watched the strands in front of his face quiver.
"Well, thanks for listening." Grace said to Lloyd, staring out at the beautiful scenery. It was nice to see something so wonderful after such a conversation. However, no matter how nice the scenery was, there was no doubt that Grace would grow bored of it in a few minutes. "And hey, don't worry too much about how well you are doing as a leader. In my eyes, and I'm sure in everyone else's too, you're doing a perfect job. You're optimistic, open, and an all around great guy." It seemed that for once the hot headed girl was truly calm. "And just between you and me, I like you over the previous guild master. Don't get me wrong, I like the old guy too, even though I didn't know him for long, but you defiantly beat him."

Kelica - Clover Mansion - Outside

Kelica ran as fast as she could to catch up, with a piece of paper scrumpled in her fingers. She couldn't find a single person from Fairytale left, though hearing rumours they were all gathered here by the Guild Masters request. She was wearing her tights, green shirt and brown leather boots, with a small bag strapped to the belt loosely hanging on her hip with her valuables inside. Her hair tossed up into a loose ponytail. When the mansion came into view she screeched to a halt before it, noticing two people having some sort of conversation though she didn't recognise either. She bent over panting like she'd run a mile, which to be fair, she practically did, lifting the sheet of paper in the air while her head was dangling down. "mission...hewhewhew...fairytale...hewhewhew...dragons...hewhewhew" finally taking a huge breath in and standing up tall. "Phew...Hi, are you two here for this mission? Something about dragons? To be honest I didn't read the flyer but rumours say everyone else from Fairytale is here? My name is Kelica, by the way." Having a genuine smile.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
John drifted into sleep on the floor, the chill of the floor creeping up his spine, altering his dreams. John was twitching in his sleeping, mumbling some Latin; "Quare omnes moreretur? Quid est semper mea culpa?"

John's wings were ruffled and his chest rose and fell at quick paces, dark bags just noticeable from underneath the black strands. Every now and then, his mouth twitched; revealing a small set of fangs.

His hands clenched and unclenched from their stiff positions, his shirt messily draped partially off of his left shoulder.
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Clover Mansion - Outside

Lloyd turned a bit red, while a pleased smile drifted onto his face. "Thanks, Grace," he said softly. "That... was really encouraging to hear that." He could not help smiling at the remembrance of the old master... and that Grace felt him to be better Guild Master than he was. "I remembered him quite distinctly. He tended to leave most of us alone to our own devices while running the Guild. But he was the one who reminded me to take my S-class trials because I kept running off." Here, he let out a laugh. "I wonder now if he was grooming me to take over then, because after I passed he kept sending me out with people for missions. I was so used to doing missions on my own." Time only remained to see how Lloyd took those lessons to heart.

It was then that a tiny speck appeared on the horizon. As he watched it, it soon grew bigger, and soon it was near enough for him to identify that it was a young girl with golden hair tied up in a loose ponytail. He watched as she drew near, and she paused right where they were and began speaking to them. "Pleased to meet you, Kelica," he replied cheerfully. "I'm Lloyd and this is Grace. We're both from Lamia Scale. We're indeed here for the mission. And yes, I believe most of Fairy Tail is within the mansion. Just inside the mansion you'd find a few of your guild members. "

@Kayzo @Zuka
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Kelica - Clover Mansion - Outside

Kelica smiled to Llyod and the girl beside him known as Grace. "Ah inside the mansion. Well that makes sense..." She had a very bubbly personality and was eager for anything. "Oh...Lamia Scale...I thought about joining them but changed my mind last minute. " Putting a finger to her chin to ponder "I heard they have a different Guild Master now, sounds nice enough but his room is a bit of a mess..." She reached her arms behind her head and entangled her fingers. "So I heard there were dragons afoot...I got told to come along for the mission but I'm only a C class. I'm not sure I'll even be of help, unless they are hiding an entire forest in that building.." Irony, as she didn't yet realise there was a portal inside and no doubt some crazy magic that could lead straight to a forest. She scratched the side of her head and laughed akwardly. "And I know I can talk to plants and animals but I don't think a dragon is going to listen to anything I have to say...heh.."

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
Clover Mansion - Outside

Lloyd's cheeks turned a bit pink from embarrassment. It was a good thing he did not introduce himself as the Guild Master of Lamia Scale! Now he could not help wondering if he had inevitably chased Kelica away from Lamia Scale because of the state of his office. He hoped not! This meant that he would have to get his office straightened out. Soon. Yes, after this mission ended. He would probably procrastinate, but oh well. Fortunately, there was an opportunity to change the subject, as Kelica went on to talk about the mission. "Truth be told, we aren't even sure if it's dragons in the first place. Those dragons are only rumours, and they've yet to be confirmed. Dragons are supposed to be extinct anyway." He looked quite interested when he heard about her ability to speak to animals. He had very rarely encountered such an ability; the first was from a rival tribe back in the west, while the second was someone he had the fortune to run into while on a solo mission in Fiore. This was the third. "I daresay it would come in extremely handy. It's an excellent way of gathering information, especially if you're able to communicate with birds as well. Animals see a lot of things, after all, especially birds."

@Kayzo @Zuka
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