Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Crocus: Sabertooth HQ

Sat at one of the tables was a young brown-haired man chowing down on some sort of meal. Upon the arrival and subsequent shouting of one of his guildmates he looked up from his food towards the man. He couldn't help but wonder why they didn't have some sort of messaging system to tell people what was going on. Then it dawned on him that that's probably why they kept him around. With a sigh he placed his fork down and hopped up from his seat, walking over to the man. "Master's not here, he's out doing.. something." He scratched the back of his head as he briefly thought about where, exactly, their master was and what he was doing. Oh well, time will tell. "As for everyone else, they went to Clover for some big job. Seems some rich guy is offering a billion Jewel to the guild that can uncover who's responsible behind the recent village attacks." As he spoke he looked around the room, it was pretty barren. Mostly just lower ranked members and those not interested in some wild goose chase. With a small shrug her turned his attention back to the man in front of him. "You may as well go and join them, not exactly much going on here after all."

@Embaga Elder
Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star)=-

John hated to admit it but; he almost cried when Ferra sliced his chest. Cutting through the shirt and the skin. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as another tendril attempted to throw Ferra at the table, his hands shakily rose in a weak attempt to shove Ferra.

John's chest hurt, like,
a lot. His mind had trouble focusing, one moment he thought; 'Dodge' the next 'Wait- what? All I know is ow.'

John flapped his wings angrily, he lifted himself up through the force of his wings pushing air towards the ground.
Ferra: Clover Mansion Downstairs Hallway

Ferra yelped in confusion as she was suddenly flung into one of the tables, the glass sword shattering in the process, her normal arm replacing it when it did. When he flapped his wings to take to the air it scattered debris into Ferras' hair. Shaking hit off and standing, slightly dazed, she simply grinned. "Thanks for making it easier to eat this." She told him cheekily, devouring the chunks of table and glass from the vase. She had a few cuts and scrapes on her but she was realtively un-harmed. Taking aim with her gun hand she opened fire on him with wooden bullets once more, this time aiming for his wings.
Alfie: Fairy Tail; Mansion: Dining Room

Even through all the clamoring and chatting of the others, or the fight going on downstairs, none of it kept Alfie away from his beloved and well-earned meal. He had already teared through three dishes and was now finishing his fourth. However, even food wasn't enough to keep the pink-clad mage awake, and soon, he found himself ready to crash. "Well, Mr. Gray, the others look like they have their suspicions, but I'm about ready for some rest... would you mind me staying the night here?" Yes, he had noticed that more than a few people had been glaring at the client during that whole time, and one even summoned a familiar for self defense--but they were turning down a once-in-a-lifetime offer. Evil or not, this man was still rich, and although Alfie felt a little guilt for using him, well... he was rich.
As Black sat down waiting for the guild master he smelt a familiar scent approaching. The scent came from his guild mate Crocus. As Crocus approached he spoke about the master. Well what about everyone else? He asked calmly as he looked around at the somewhat empty guild, waiting for Crocus, who soons tell him that most of the guild members are at some Mansion for a job that had a huge reward. Yeeeaaahhh you're right I might as well go. Well see you when I see you Crocus. He gave salute goodbye with his index and middle finger then falls into a black and purple portal.


Black: Clover Mansion-Meeting Room

As other wizards chatted amongst themselves in the meeting room of the clover mansion, a black and purple portal opens up having black step out of it. As he steps out he looks around and simply says Yo.

@Mitchs98 plus anyone else in the meeting room.
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@Embaga Elder[/URL]

Lucian chuckled to himself and nodded, a faint smile on his face. "Of course you may. You'll find several spare rooms upstairs. Take your pick." He replied. Shortly after a man stepped out of a portal. Lucian nodded towards him in greeting, "Please, take a seat. As I've told the others you'll all be heading to Malnia in the morning. Reporting any findings to me, detain or destroy the cause if you find it. Detain if human and destroy if dragon respectively." He told him.
Clover Mansion - Meeting/Dining Hall

Well, things escalated quickly. One minute, there was teasing banter regarding Lloyd's age, the next... he was not even sure what had happened. Apparently, the winged guy next to Ferra had insulted him (him being Lloyd), and Ferra had been furious at the insult towards her Guild and Guild Master and was now challenging the guy to a fight. A small part of Lloyd felt pleased it was for his sake that Ferra was pissed off while an equally small part felt guilty of even thinking that in the first place. Anyway though, there was a fight brewing somewhere in the mansion and since one of his guild mates was involved perhaps he had better step in. They might destroy the mansion at any rate, and he did not want the damages to come out of Lamia Scale's pocket. He thought only Fairy Tail had to deal with such worries, but apparently not.

With a sneaky glance at the client he got up from his seat and left the dining hall. It was easy to find Ferra; the sounds of combat hit him like a wave the moment he left the dining hall. He simply had to follow where the sounds were coming from. As he walked, he wondered about the winged guy. He could literally feel the waves of anger emanating from him, and in a small way, it reminded him of himself when he first stepped off the boat, onto Fiore soil. :He had been so focused on vengeance then.

Clover Mansion - Downstairs Hallway

Soon, he reached the fight scene. He stopped and surveyed it without intervening at first. It seemed that Ferra was holding her own quite well against the winged guy, which pleased him. On the other hand, it seemed that Ferra had the edge powerwise; there was a high possibility that she would win this. He winced at the damaged table and shattered glass... he did not even want to think of how much that would cost.

@Mitchs98 @Goldencurls
Clover Town: Mansion - Meeting Room

With her questions answered she made her way out of the dining room. She didn't have any money since she hadn't gotten paid for that thug job yet, so she had little choice but to take up the man's offer and stay the night at the mansion. Just like with her meal it had been far too long since she stayed in a place this nice so she wasn't about to turn down the offer. She made her way out into the hallway and looked down either end. Turns out, the old man didn't tell her where these rooms were suppose to be. With a shrug she began exploring the mansion. A house is a house so the rooms shouldn't be that hard to find.

As she walked she made sure to open every single door she came across. Most of them led to rooms she didn't care about, such as a study or a closet or a kitchen or something. After opening a tenth door and finding nothing she cared for it dawned on her. The rooms would be upstairs, rooms are always on the second floor. So rather than seeking out doors she went in search of stairs to take her to the second floor. The mansion wasn't that big so it didn't take her long to find a staircase up to the second floor.

As she expected, the doors up there all led to swanky looking bedrooms. The bedrooms here put her room back at the inn to shame. Hell, the closets put her room to shame. She made her way to one of the ends of the hallway, looking to grab herself a corner room as far away from others as she could. Finding a room in a location she liked she opened the door and made her way inside. The room was identical to the others she had seen with the exception that it had two windows rather than one. Corner privilege at it's finest. It was at that moment that she realized she didn't have a change of clothes. She didn't exactly plan on spending the night after all.

Out of curiosity she went digging around in the closet to see if there were any spare clothes she could use. It seemed like this room might have belonged to one of the butlers as it had an assortment of male clothing as well as butler outfits. Her eyes glimmered in excitement as she spent the remainder of her night toying around with the clothes in an attempt to see if she could cobble up an outfit superior to a base butler uniform.
Alfie: Fairy Tail; Mansion: Dining Room > Downstairs Hallway

"Tha-than you." You could hear it in his speech that Alfie was about to fall down and snore, but he at least wanted to make it to his room beforehand. Unfortunately, on his way, a sudden sound of glass breaking jolted him back to half-awake, and even more unfortunately, he went downstairs to check out the commotion. Sure enough, it was the sound of combat, and the combatants were both hazards. If Alfie had actually been awake, he would have done the right thing and left it alone. But no.

"Sagida Lumis: Involven..." A very weak and dim arrow tangled the angel and the eater in even weaker, glowing knots. "Geep down tha noiz..." Slowly, Alfie attempted to make his way back upstairs, but stumbled and fell right back down like a drunk... Welp.

Clover Mansion - Downstairs Hallway

It was almost humorous seeing the pink haired Fairy Tail mage from earlier try to intervene in the fight like a drunken man. The pink haired mage had collapsed before he could do anything, Though it did make Lloyd aware that it was getting quite late, and they had better get some rest before as they would probably have a very long day on the morrow. Plus, he had yet to eat too, and he thought he had better grab a quick snack from his store of food before he collapsed from hunger. Not that he actually was hungry; but he knew he would have to eat sometime soon otherwise he would not have his full strength.

If this had occurred in the day, or outside, Lloyd would probably have let the fight go on to it's logical conclusion, but someone had to play the Responsible Guild Leader, and apparently, it had to be him to assume the role. He had told Grace that he would not step in the way of his Guild members development but sometimes... he could not quite be sure. They would all be going to Malnia as a team anyway, so there was a high possibility for rematch.

"Erm... Ferra?" he said finally, letting his voice ring out in the hallway.. "It's getting late and we need to rest up for tomorrow. How about postponing this match until another time. Preferably in the day, and in the outdoors too."

@Mitchs98 @Goldencurls
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Jaymes - Clover - Mansion/Dining Room - Outside

When the meals came out, Jaymes was happy to see his favorite foods presented to him, and he ate quickly, listening to others talk and bicker between themselves, often joining in here and there. Deep down though, something was bothering him, he didn't like the vagueness that Mr. Gray presented as the details for the job. But most people seemed to either hide their misgivings well or didn't have any. Once he had consumed several helpings of food, Jaymes chose to to leave the dining room, and exited the mansion just before the fight broke out between Ferra and John. "Well, guess tomorrow we get to see some action then. Might as well get some training in before tomorrow." Jaymes said, and cupped his hands by his left hip. "Ice Make: Demon Shadow." Jaymes called out, and cast his power outward. A demon made of ice formed before him, and so Jaymes began to practice his ice make magic. He didn't want to go all out, nor reveal much of his power to the outsiders that weren't a part of his guild, should they come out to see what he was doing.
-=(John Star)=-

John struggled in the loose knot, he collapsed to the floor when it snapped. "W- why don't we just take it outside and end it? I'm stronger under the stars, that might even it out for you." John said like a sickening joke.

John shook his head, time to be the bigger Angel. "I'm sorry, I take it back. I didn't mean anything by what I said, I should think before I open my mouth, huh?" John joked half heartedly.

"I'm- I'm uh, sorry for injuring you. I should've let it go, I have to admit, I was
pretty immature." John sighed, he feebly stood up. His eyesight swam, whatever anger he was feeling before melted into pure exhaustion, maybe the fight would pick up later but to much commotion had happened for him to care.

John stood there for a bit, panting, "I have to admit, you're stronger than I thought. Not sure if I respect or fear that though, I'm going to go somewhere else for now." John stumbled towards an exit.

John headed out for a clearing in the woods, for he preferred to sleep outside, where only nature had the right to bother him; 'Please don't rain.' Rung throughout his head, blood still oozed down his chest, but he'd have to deal with that later. Sleep now. Clean up later.

@Salt Lord
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Clover: Mansion Meeting Room

Masaki continued to play with the crystal that he had created in his hand. And of course, he had noticed the girl behind him trying to scare him. As she lept behind him and quite loudly spoke the word, "Boo", Masaki chuckled slightly as the attempt to scare him had failed. Turning his head around, he noticed that it was in fact Momoki who had tried to scare him. For reasons unknown of course, but Masaki thought it quite silly seeing as they are in quite the peculiar situation. Nonetheless, he acted calm and retained the same same demeanour he has had since their time in the meeting room. Looking at Momoki, he chuckled slightly, the two had known each other for quite a while. And, she was a member of Fairy Tail. Smiling at the girl, he said, "Momoki... It's good to see you." He sent her a happy nod and retained his composure even as he uttered the next part of his conversation. "But now is not the time... I don't like this one bit, so I'm trying to take mental note of everything." He looked at her once more before turning back to face Lucian. The man most certainly did look welcoming, but Masaki just wasn't buying it. The S-Class mage sat on his chair and made the crystal vanish as he turned to Grace. "Does this whole situation not make you feel uneasy?" He whispered into her ear. And as he waited for a response he sat back up straight again and acted calmly. After all, acting calm was something he was known for amongst Sabertooth. If only he had a book... Then the picture would have been perfect. It was then that Masaki took note of the fight going on downstairs, to which he sighed at and chuckled slightly.

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Grace glanced over at Masaki as he whispered into her ear. She hadn't really been thinking about it before, but now that it was brought up she did feel a little uneasy. The old dude did seem pretty nice, like a proper old man, but there was something off about him. Something in his aura felt a little dark. But maybe he was just stressed and scared over the dragons? Leaning up towards Masaki she whispered back; "Yeah, he does seem very off, and It's got me a little nervous. I think it's his beard."

Clover Mansion - Downstairs Hallway

Lloyd stood there in the wake of the winged man's leave, simply staring after him. "That was weird," he said aloud, finally, shaking his head. It was as if the winged man had two different personalities; the calm, almost cordial one, and the raging one, and he seemed to switch between the two like the flicking of a button. The only conclusion that Lloyd could come to was that something about him must have set the winged man off. Involuntarily, he recalled the way the winged man's eyes had narrowed at him, before saying that he "didn't look like a Guild Master" and that he looked inexperienced. Lloyd winced at that; the man was half right actually.

And there was still the matter of the pink-haired mage lying on the ground in what appeared to be a deep sleep. He did not seem to be injured or anything. He also did not look like he was going anywhere soon, so Lloyd decided that he had better check on Ferra first. "Ferra?" He asked, sounding rather concerned as he headed over in her direction. "Are you all right?"

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
@HuorSpinks @Salt Lord

Ferra: Cover Mansion Downstairs Hallway

Ferra had all but ignored both Lloyd and and Alfie, aside from being mad that Alfie had interferred with her fight. It was her fight, not his! Regardless of outside help she got what she wanted. "Yeah! Don't make the same mistake again!" She shouted as he fled the building, grinning triumphantly, her hand forming back to a normal fleshy hand. At that point she turned to Lloyd, the same grin on her face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Can't say the same for that table though." She told him, giggling as she walked towards him. "A few cuts and scrapes and a burn or two, but I'm fine. I kicked his butt and made him regret what he said about you." She added happily, yawning soon after. "Where'd the old dude say the beds were at? I'm tired.." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.


Lucian: Clover Mansion Meeting Room > Lucian's Bedroom

The fight hadn't gone unnoticed by Lucian in the least, the damage done minor compared to the fortune he possesed. If anything it served as a way for him to gauge the powers of two of the people there, so he welcomed it fully. Shortly after the sounds of the fight died down, obviously coming to the conclusion of a victor, Lucian rose from his seat. "I will be turning in for the night. You are all free to continue your meal and explore the mansion freely, do try to get some rest for tommorrow however." He told them, bowing slightly before making his leave. Walking to the stairs he arched a brow and side stepped the boy sleeping on the floor. He assumed one of his guild members would either help him to a bed or leave him there, either way it wasn't his concern. As soon as he entered his room he shut the door and locked it behind him, observing the mess they had made of his study. "At-least the brats weren't smart enough to figure too much out..How easy it is to fool the young." He muttered to himself, a smirk on his face as he cleaned up the debris and placed things back on the appropriate shelves before finally climbing into bed and going to sleep.


@Salt Lord

Sera: Clover Mansion Meeting Room > Bedroom

Sera glanced over as Lucian left the room and stood, stretching and yawning before downing the last of her 'wine'. "I think I'm gunna turn in too. I'd say it was a pleasure meeting you all but I'd be lying if I said all of you." She spoke, pausing to glare at the man that wrapped her in chains. "So I'll say it was a pleasure to meet the majority of you." She finished with a smirk before walking out of the room and to the stairs. Sighing as she saw an unconcious Alfie she picked him up and slung him gently over her shoulders, depositing him on the bed of the first bedroom she saw before getting to her own bedroom.

Sighing she placed her scythe beside the bed for easy acess and climbed in, quickly going to sleep soon after.
Clover: Mansion Meeting Room


Masaki listened to the girl as she spoke. "Well then, I'm glad I'm not the only one..." He said, with a sigh of relief. "Honestly... I want to look into this further, but I feel that wouldn't be a good move. At least right now." The red head slowly got up from his chair and looked over to Grace as he did so. "Well, I'm going to go to my room now, so I'll talk to you tomorrow." Masaki started to walk towards the door but turned again to speak to the girl once more. "Oh, and be careful." He sent her a kind smile before leaving the room and heading upstairs and going into one of the many rooms, the room that was designated for him. Masaki sat on the bed for a moment and began to think deeply before falling asleep.
-=(John Star)=-

John climbed up a tree, as high at the branches could hold his weight. Sure, he could fly up, but where's the fun in that? Possibly the fact that he felt dead might've helped though.

A least he had somewhat of a plan for tomorrow;
'Go be cool, don't die, possibly start another fight with Ferra.' Seemed like a legit plan.

John looked down at his chest, his purple shirt was torn; it was his favourite shirt. John couldn't see because he was wearing jeans, but he could almost guarantee he had bruises all over his legs.
Kelica - Dining Hall - Clover Mansion

The blond haired girl opened her eyes slowly and wearily, after she had sensed the room and everyone in it, she shook her head slowly to wake up and made a soft hmm sound. She couldn't feel anything dark from the man, and as a general she was pretty trusting so she just put it down to his connections using money and left it at that. She looked down to her plate of Steak, Salad and chips and ate it slowly, only really getting through half of it before pushing it away and wiping her mouth clean. She saw some sort of argument erupt to which she whinced and as it exited the room she took another breath outwards. She didn't do well around tension. She stood up and made a quick cutsy as if to leave and find her room, happening to walk past the room where Ferra and John were fighting and seeing the mage and Llyod step in. She would have simply wandered past except in the happenings she noticed a vase getting smashed, and the flowers being scattered against the ground. As John quickly exited the room past her, she ran straight in and dropped to her knees in a hurry, scooping up the flowers and steams which had been thrown to the way side. "Oh goodness me...you poor things...it's ok, really, Kelica is here and I'll help you.." Looking almost fearfully concerned. Her eyes drifted closed and her necklace started to glow a soft green. "Guardian Magic: Plant restoration" a soft circle surrounding her as the drooping flowers slowly started to straighten once more, but then grow, lengthen, the leaves and off shoots starting to entangle and coil around her fingers and wrist. The flower buds opening wide and turning towards her and smiling? Could plants even do that? It seemed happy regardless. Kelica slowly opened her eyes and smiled, releaved "ahh, thats better... how around you hang around me tonight hmm?" Standing up and coiling the plant to rest solely on her left wrist, like one might wear a bracelet. She glanced around the room not realising Llyod or Ferra were still there and blushing gently. "err..sorry...I just couldn't leave them there...you know?"

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98
"Yeah, you be careful too. Try not to get killed in your sleep." Grace teased, smiling back and waving goodbye. It was actually very nice to have a friend outside of Lamia Scale she treated the people within her guild more like family, so it was nice to know an outsider. She didn't have much else to do, so she decided that the best course of action would be to go to her room and fall asleep. Letting out a little yawn, the short girl went to her to, changed her clothes, and quickly fell asleep.
It'd been a long, long day. A mission that should have gone on successfully and without a hitch had somehow ended up in a cave-in that had her trapped underground for a whole week. By the time she got out, not only had she failed the mission, but she'd also managed to lose her most favoured necklace. All in all, Jette was in a relatively foul mood. It was nightfall by the time she made her way back to Sabertooth and the stars were winking from the heavens, almost as though trying to console her. She gave a soft chuckle at the thought. I really must be tired, if I'm thinking about sentient stars. With a heavy sigh, the young mage pushed open the doors to reveal the darkened common room of Sabertooth. Despite only having been away for three weeks, Jette found that she'd missed it dearly. Home.

The hour was late, and she didn't expect anyone to be awake, but it was still disappointing to arrive back to an empty hall. She heaved another sigh and shuffled dazedly to a table. The young woman set down her bag before settling herself into a comfortable bench. Her usual spot. And in the quiet gloom, she gazed up into the wooden beams of the guild and felt the quiet anger of the past few weeks dissipate.

(( Oops. Just realised that it's probably a bad time to join xD Everyone's asleep. ))
Clover Mansion - Downstairs Hallway

Lloyd grinned back in return. "I wasn't too worried," he said cheerfully. "Looked as if you could handle him at any rate. And, my honor has been avenged," he added, in a joking tone, then his tone turned somewhat serious. "Just... be careful that someone doesn't use your anger to put you in a position where you can easily be taken advantage of. I mean, I'd hate for me to be the reason that you got compromised or captured. And it has been a tiring day, we should get some rest. Let's hope there's enough rooms for us."

It was then that he saw Kelicia, and it was with some amusement that he watched her treating a plant. He saw her notice that they were there then, and gave a smile. "It's fine. Plant's probably grateful to you for that," he said in a teasing tone. It did not occur to him to stop to help a plant, but then again he did not have that kind of powers. "We were just heading to bed. Better get some rest too, it's going to be a long day tomorrow," he added, managing to somehow hold back a yawn.

Clover Mansion - A Bedroom

It was fortunate that they managed to find four rooms, all within walking distance of each other. Lloyd headed to one empty room himself, leaving Ferra standing at the door to another empty room. "Goodnight," he said, giving her a cheerful wave. "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, he headed into the empty room. It occurred to him that he had yet to eat, so he fished in his pack for a light snack, found some crackers in his backpack (he still had his traveling backpack with him after all this time; only time he had not carried it in fact, was when he went through that portal to Magnolia), and began eating them, as he did not feel like eating anything heavier. He could manage a heavy breakfast the next day if Mr Gray would be providing more food. It was then that realized that in the excitement of the fight, he had forgotten to warn his Guild Members about his suspicions regarding Mr Gray. That would have to wait until tomorrow, he supposed; besides, they were going to be together on a mission anyway, so he could probably catch them on their own on the morrow.

After he finished eating, he took a quick shower, changed into some night clothes (a comfortable T-shirt and some shorts), practically fell into bed, and fell straight into sleep.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka
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- Lurking up onto a house --> Crashing through a window

Corra swore she smelled food earlier, though she came along a little too late; they were done eating, but the smell of food still lingered. D'aww, she wanted to see them eat! She did hear of the term "dinner", and that it happened in the evening... She thought she would get to see it, but she came too late. She wanted to cry, but the discovery of the gigantic house overshadowed that flutter of sadness! It was the biggest house she had ever seen! She'd be hyped enough to say it dwarfed a whale! Well... She was tiny compared to it. She pulled herself up to see inside; she heard very distant and muffled talking as she struggled to look inside. She pulled herself up onto the very small ledge, then trying to open the window as carefully as possible...

That is until she fell directly into the window.


She fell inside after hitting into the window quite hard as she was trying to pull it up. Glass swept out onto the floor as she landed on the floor, crying out.

"Ooouucch! Corra hurt! Corra hurt!" She then began crying. She didn't get cut by the glass, but she did get hurt by hitting the ground.

@ Anyone in the mansion lul
Cinla began to look around the library while using her energy to detect any hidden magical objects that might be near by, 'i'm lucky i'm guildless but the man seems to know far to much about the others, and that amount of magical power is very rare for a human makes me wonder did he sign a contract with a demon or being with higher power'. Cinla continued to look and picked an odd looking orb and began to channel a little of her energy to see if it was a scrying ball or something of that nature.

open to any that want to join me
Kelica - Some room downstairs - Clover Mansion

Kelica nodded and peered down to her plant friend "Ah you remind me of my friend Pertunia...I think I will call you Petal." The flower turned to face her and Kelica grinned "Glad you like it, let's go to bed..." The flower drooped. "now now, it's nightime, you know it's time to sleep. Tomorrow we get to adventure and you'll get a full blast of the suns rays...promise!" The flower straightened again then tightened around her wrist. "Good girl Petal."

Walking softly and quickly up to her bedroom, turning the door handle and about to head inside before she heard a huge CRASH and shatter of glass her eyes going wide. "what in the-" turning around and peering up and down the hallway upstairs near the bedroom and frowning slightly. "Nah, probably imagined it..." Heading into the room and looking the door behind her. She wandered over to the bed and was going to flop face first into it when she noticed a window and a strange shadow outside it.

Blinking she gingerly walked to the edge and opened the window wide to let the breeze through. She narrowed her eyes realising it was John Star from earlier, the angel that had pushed past her out the door. He was perched almost uptop a tree. Smiling she waved, "Ahh.. I like the forest as much as the next, but are sure you don't want a bedroom? The beds look awefully comfortable..." Waving to get his attention. "Besides the tree says you are blocking his view of the Moon and he doesn't much like your behind on his head." Giggling to herself.


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