Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clover Town: Mansion - Upstairs Bedroom

"Mm... no Mr. Stevens I can't.." She let out a small moan as she rolled over onto her back, a stupid grin plastered on her face with a bit of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth. "Delicious..." A small giggle slipped past her lips as she once again squirmed around in her bed, tossing the covers every which way until they were a tangled mess that barely covered her body. In one of her bouts of squirming she ended up rolling a bit too far and went careening off the side of the bed. With a surprisingly loud thud she was forced awake, a groan of pain accompanying her as she opened her eyes. Once again an unfamiliar ceiling was situated above her as she lay on the floor. With a sigh she sat up, lazily looking around the room to try and figure out where she was. She let out a large yawn while searching her surroundings, finally remembering that she had stayed the night at some swanky mansion.

She raised her arms high above her head, stretching out her sleepy muscles with a contented sigh slipping past her lips. Other than the rather abrupt awakening, this had been one of the best nights sleep she had had in a long time. As expected of overly expensive beds. It was just a shame her dream was cut short. It had been years since she had last eaten at Mr. Stevens' Cafe and the idea of him giving her a free sundae was just downright magical. For a brief moment she wondered why she would dream about home, especially now of all times. It quickly dawned on her that the meal last night probably triggered some memories which influenced her dreams. Figuring she had sat on the floor long enough she hopped to her feet and and begun her morning routine. Prior to going to sleep last night she had cobbled together an outfit she liked using the spare butler uniforms in the closet. The excitement of trying it on caused her to quicken her pace as she got ready for the day.

A while later she came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body with another encasing her hair. Like so many other luxuries, it had been a long time since she got to wear a new outfit and she was eager to get on with it. Throwing her towels to the floor she quickly got dressed, making sure everything fit properly and lined up the way she wanted. Once she had finished she made her way over to the mirror and gave herself a look-over to make sure it was everything she had hoped. A wide smile crossed her lips as she stared approvingly at her reflection. To top it off she gave a small twirl, the tail of the coat fluttering about slightly as it followed in her wake.

Pleased with how it looked she decided the last touch would be to give herself a proper hairstyle. Her usual style simply wouldn't do with the respectable look she had going on. After spending more time than she would have liked experimenting she finally opted for a simple ponytail. She gave herself another quick look-over to make sure her new hairstyle went well with the butler uniform. Another grinned crept over her features as she tilted her head from side to side. The ponytail went surprisingly well with the overall outfit, it gave her a sort of formality. Content with her appearance she made her way to the door, noticing a note she took it off and read over it. "Let's see..." She skimmed through the note's contents, focusing on the word 'breakfast'. "Breakfast, huh? This place is more like a hotel than a mansion..." She gave a small shrug and tossed the paper over her shoulder, making her way out of the room.

Clover Town: Mansion - Dining Room

She made her way back towards the dining room they had been at last night. If they were going to eat it would probably be there. As she entered the room she took notice of only one other person. One of the other mages fast asleep in one of the chairs. He was truly unsightly, drool leaking out of his mouth and snoring loud enough to be mistaken for an earthquake. The man wasn't even properly dressed. With a small 'hmph' she made her way to a seat at the opposite end of the table from the fellow. She was thankful she was a composed and regal sleeper, unable to even comprehend how someone could be like that even in their sleep. Sitting down she thought back to the note, it had said there would be breakfast but never said when. How long was she suppose to wait? Should she go explore to bide the time? Not sure what to do she remained seated, figuring she'd at least wait a little while before making a decision.


Mansion Courtyard

"I don't need to tell Lloyd right now, it would only waste time." Grace said, opening one eyes and peering at Masaki, grinning. She found it funny that they went from at each others throats to friends in less than a day. But she didn't mind that at all. Masaki was actually very enjoyable to be around. Hopefully he feels the same about me, and doesn't think I'm some annoying girl. She thought, turning her body slightly to face him. "But let's go quickly, ok? I don't want Lucian to catch us snooping around."

Dakota Zandrakus - Clover Mansion - Mr. Gray's Room

That didn't make much sense to Dakota. He knew the other people had been brought here for some job, as Mr. Gray had explicitly stated himself last night at dinner. However, the man seemed to dodge around the question. "That did not answer my question. I did not know of the job to begin with, nor do I plan on participating in your...assignment. That wasn't what I meant though." Dakota states, keeping his eyes on Mr. Gray. "I was in the Tandaric Forest, a dragon had attacked me and I managed to escape, though when I was running through the trees, there was a blast of light and suddenly, I was here." Dakota paused. "It doesn't make sense on how I got here. There is something very suspicious going on, and I believe you know more than you are letting on." Dakota thumped a wall he was by gently to emphasize his point. "So, lets try my question again. Why did you bring me here?" @Mitchs98


Jaymes McGarrett - Mansion - Dinning Room

Jaymes was having a fantastic dream when the sound of a chair moving backwards roused him. Sitting up straight, Jaymes looked over to see a young woman he didn't know sitting at the opposite side of the table. She looked miffed. Wiping away the drool that had seeped out of his mouth, Jaymes looked around, no one else was here yet. "Waiting for breakfast too huh? After the dinner last night, can't wait to see what else they got!" Jaymes said enthusiastically, completely comfortable in his lack of decor concerning proper dining attire, it was lucky that he had been awake enough to put on the little clothing he had at the moment, members of Fairy Tail could attest that he often went around naked when first waking up. @Colt556
Clover Town: Mansion - Dining Room

Her internal debate was disrupted as the man suddenly woke up. As if adapting to her outfit she remained rather composed. Had they net seen her yesterday they might have mistaken her for one of of Lucian's servants. She held her gaze on the man as he spoke, apparently rather excited over what their breakfast might contain. At this point she gave another look around the room before speaking up. "That aside, do you know where the other mages are? Or when we're suppose to eat?" She turned her attention back on the man, pretty certain she already knew his answer. Small talk was never exactly one of her strong points so even if she knew the answer it didn't hurt to ask. At the very least it gave them something to talk about, even if only very briefly. While they spoke she idly brought her ponytail over her shoulder before gently twirling the tip between her fingers. She had always had the habit of toying with her hair when in a social situation she found awkward and this proved to be no exception.

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- Waking up

Corra remained asleep on the side of the bed, breathing softly in her sleep as she was all curled up in a ball, being warmed by her cloak alone, which smelled of fresh sea water. She didn't wake up at all when she felt the sheets move around. Though, what DID usher a reation was the smell of something good, really good! Her nose kept wiggling to the delightful smell...

And then she straight up popped awake, launching towards the hand with the meat buns, and snatching one. She began chewing on it, the whole thing in her mouth. She rolled across the floor, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Cowwa tinks ish dewwishos!" She said with her cheeks stuffed full with the bun as she chewed.

- @Mitchs98
Clover: Mansion Courtyard

Masaki looked away towards the mansion as Grace spoke, he smiled in response. "We'll tell Lloyd after then.. If we find anything, of course." He then paused for a moment, taking in a breath of fresh air before continuing, "I think the best places to look would be either his office, or his bedroom.. I'd say his office is the best bet though.." Masaki sighed as he began to think. Surely a man of his wealth and status was bound to have an office. Truth is, even if he did, they didn't know where it is... The mansion isn't exactly small. Turning back to look at Grace he spoke again, "Let's go... We'll stay together at all costs, and let's just hope things don't turn sour..." With that, and with a slightly serious look on his face, he began to head towards the mansion. At a steady pace, so that Grace could catch up to him. "I'd quite like to speak to this Lucian myself, actually..." He said, quietly to himself as he continued in towards the mansion steadily. He wondered if they could be seen from the windows too, but that level of detail wasn't that important... At least not right now.

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Jaymes McGarrett - Mansion - Dinning Room

"No I don't know where everyone is. I went outside to practice some magic after dinner and didn't get to bed till late." Jaymes said, rubbing the back of his neck, soothing the sore muscles that had cramped in his weird sleeping position on the table. "As to when we are supposed to eat. I don't know. Might just have to go into the kitchen and find something to eat ourselves." Then Jaymes had a thought. "You're here for the mission? Must be pretty strong. You wanna have a little sparing match before we leave?" At that, Jaymes' stomach growled loudly, and he grimaced. "After we eat, of course." He finished sheepishly. @Colt556
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Clover - A hill near the Mansion

Lloyd sat on the grass in a relaxed position, both legs stretched straight before him, while he leaned back supported by his arms, while he gazed up at the sky. He had made his way here from the courtyard, nodding to mages as they acknowledged him in passing. This was the very hill he had stood on when he first came to Clover to seek out the client, and it gave him a great view of the surrounding countryside and the mansion. It was an extremely peaceful day, and a clear breeze wafted at the hill he was situated on. Clear blue skies greeted him. It was great weather here at Clover; neither too cold nor too hot. Just right; the way Lloyd liked it. Today was going to be a busy day. Today, they were going to Malnia to discover the source of the destruction. His tracking skills would probably come in very handy then. Most of the missions he had taken in Fiore were related to tracking anyway, especially wayward mages, or strange animals and he knew he would probably find something in Malnia. But what though? Dragons? One or many? He could probably survive and take down a dragon with his skill level and then some, but he hoped that he would not have to.

And there was still the suspicions he had with Mr Gray. He had no idea of Mr Gray's personal life and he wondered if Mr Gray knew about his personal life. That would give him an unfair advantage. He still was highly suspicious of Mr Gray's research on him and still wondered why he would go through such lengths to find out about someone, right down to their favourite dishes. It reminded him of authoritarian governments and he downright detested them. Detested was not a word strong enough. Neither was hate. But he could not afford to get personal here.

Speaking of Mr Gray, it was probably time to head back to the mansion. Breakfast might be served soon, and this time he was going to eat, whether he liked it or not. He could not afford to not eat this time round. He took a few moment more to enjoy the view of the clear blue skies and the sight of the great mansion; it was amazingly huge and he simply could not imagine living in, much less owning, such a place. He enjoyed the breeze a little more, before standing up and heading back to the mansion. He was planning to head to the dining room, to see if breakfast had arrived yet.

Mansion - Dining Room

Much to Lloyd's disappointment, breakfast had yet to arrive. What he did recognise though, was two of the mages; independent mage Tanari and Jaymes of Fairy Tail, already sitting there. With much amusement, he noticed Jaymes' rumpled appearance. "Good morning," he said, nodding pleasantly to them both as he dropped his haversack on the seat that he had taken the night before. "I take it breakfast hasn't arrived yet."
Clover Town: Mansion - Dining Room

"I see..." There wasn't much else to say in regards to his revelation on when he went to bed. The prospect of them fetching their own breakfast didn't sit right with her. The note said breakfast would be provided for them, or at least that there would be breakfast. It seems odd for their client to leave such a note if he didn't intend to provide the food as he did last night. With the man's last remark she couldn't help but shake her head. "We're going to hunt those responsible for the recent attacks. I'm not about to waste magic in a duel right before then." The rumors of Fairy Tail seemed to be true from what she could tell. Although you'd think with them being on a combat-oriented mission they'd reserve their strength for when they'd actually needed it. "Maybe another time." She flashed the man a wink before turning her attention the newcomer. Offering Lloyd a small two-finger wave she directed her attention towards him. "Not yet. The old man should have said when we'd get food on his little note."

Arvis90 said:
Dakota Zandrakus - Clover Mansion - Mr. Gray's Room
That didn't make much sense to Dakota. He knew the other people had been brought here for some job, as Mr. Gray had explicitly stated himself last night at dinner. However, the man seemed to dodge around the question. "That did not answer my question. I did not know of the job to begin with, nor do I plan on participating in your...assignment. That wasn't what I meant though." Dakota states, keeping his eyes on Mr. Gray. "I was in the Tandaric Forest, a dragon had attacked me and I managed to escape, though when I was running through the trees, there was a blast of light and suddenly, I was here." Dakota paused. "It doesn't make sense on how I got here. There is something very suspicious going on, and I believe you know more than you are letting on." Dakota thumped a wall he was by gently to emphasize his point. "So, lets try my question again. Why did you bring me here?" @Mitchs98


Jaymes McGarrett - Mansion - Dinning Room

Jaymes was having a fantastic dream when the sound of a chair moving backwards roused him. Sitting up straight, Jaymes looked over to see a young woman he didn't know sitting at the opposite side of the table. She looked miffed. Wiping away the drool that had seeped out of his mouth, Jaymes looked around, no one else was here yet. "Waiting for breakfast too huh? After the dinner last night, can't wait to see what else they got!" Jaymes said enthusiastically, completely comfortable in his lack of decor concerning proper dining attire, it was lucky that he had been awake enough to put on the little clothing he had at the moment, members of Fairy Tail could attest that he often went around naked when first waking up. @Colt556
Lucian: Clover Mansion- Lucian's Bedroom

Lucian was..honestly not sure what he'd meant. He had no recollection of teleporting people to his mansion aside from right before dinner. Dakota as well as a few others were anomalies, in fact he didn't even have name cards set out for them. Ah well, the only thing that mattered was the fact more mages showed up. "I..see. When you mentioned me bringing you here I'd assumed you meant whe I teleported everyone to the dining hall. I have no clue how you got here myself if you had no clue there was even a job in the first place." He replied. "Of course, if you don't want a potential reward of a billion jewels for completing the mission, you're free to go." He added.

Ferra: Clover Mansion- Bedroom

Ferra giggled at Corra's reaction to the meat bun, her own mouth full of food. There was no doubt in her mind that she'd get along with Naomi at this point. "Glad you like it." She told her, a amused grin stretched across her face. "C'mon. I'm not sure what time it is but if you wanna meet the other humans we should get going." She told her, stuffing the rest of her meat buns down and holding the other two she had for Corra out to her whilst similtaneously slinging her bag over her shoulder.
Goldencurls said:
-=(John Star - Mansion Entry)=-

John sighed, he looked over at the person who'd approached him. "Bathroom." His vibrant green eyes narrowed, by instinct ran a hand through his grey stained, black hair, covering his hand in more ash, he looked at his hand. "Do you where I can clean up?"

"Yesterday was a bit eventful for me, I haven't had a chance to explore the place." John looked over at the table, wreckage from the fight with Ferra. "Also, do you know where Ferra is? She's with the Lamia Scale Guild Master, I want to avoid her."

Nervously John clenched and unclenched the end of his purple shirt, his mind starting to wander.
Brundyn Sengullery - Mansion - Mansion entry

"Ahhhh, its up stares and and the first door on the right." Brundyn says but then thinks really quickly. "Or was it on the left? Eh, its somewhere." They said with a chuckle scratching he back of there head. "Oh, if you are just wanting to clean up then I can help." Requipping white gloves onto there hand they wiggle there fingers at John. "prestidigitation!" Brundyn says with grate vigor as the gloves glow. At first it seemed like nothing happened, but now John was squeaky clean. "Yeah, there ya go, good as new." They then take a moment before looking around. "Well, I can tell you where Ferra is not." They say jokingly as they motion to the room around them.
-=(John Star - Mansion Entry)=-

John blinked, shocked that he was cleaned up. "Uh, thanks." John looked around, they were they only ones in the entry.

John subconsciously felt his knapsack; it still hung loosely from his shoulder. "Mind if I hang out with you?"
Grace hopped off the bench and walked beside Masaki, glancing up at the Mage. "You wanna talk to that guy? Before or after we snoop around? It'd be pretty weird if we do it before." She said, chuckling slightly and shaking her head. "We might even have to talk to him while snooping around. What do we do if he walks in on is?"

Jaymes McGarrett - Mansion - Dinning Room

Jaymes was kinda bummed when the girl said that she didn't wanna spar, but he understood her point. He was just a bit nervous for what might be happening later today, and naturally he wanted to distract himself until the time for danger and tension was upon them, not before. When the tall and handsome guildmaster came in, Jaymes perked up again, a bit more self-conscious about how he looked now. "Well maybe we have to wait till everyone is here again?" Jaymes said, and his stomach rumbled loudly again, Jaymes wrapped his arms around his abs, and groaned. "At this rate I'm gonna starve. Maybe there is some ice in the kitchen I can eat." And with that, Jaymes got up and exited the room through the door that led into the kitchen. Not a moment later there was a womans scream and the sounds of breaking china. Jaymes emerged from the room, looking totally freaked and covered in some kind of dough-like substance. "Ummm, guess they don't like people just walking in there." @HuorSpinks @Colt556


Dakota Zandrakus - Mansion - Mr. Gray's Room/Mansion Entrance

"No, money like that doesn't interest me." Dakota said, his facial expression blank, "But I will stick around for a little bit." And with that, Dakota bowed respectfully and exited the room. He didn't trust what Mr. Gray had said, but then again he didn't trust anyone. That was when he heard a woman's scream, and rushed through the upper hallways, down the flights of stairs. He saw a young girl and the dude that had strange colored wings. "Was it one of you that screamed? Is everything alright?" Dakota asked. @Goldencurls @TheMADQ @Mitchs98
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-=("Dude that had Strange Coloured Wings"

xD - Mansion Entry)=-

John looked at the person who had just run into the room, "Well, I didn't feel like screaming today." John turned back to Brundyn, "How about you?" John said sarcastically.

His green gaze was unwavering as he listened carefully, people were most definitely up and at 'em. A thought crept into his head; 'The note.'

John reached into his pocket and scanned over the note, his stomach growled in agreement to the promise of food, but it also twisted at the promise of adventure.


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Clover Mansion - Dining Room

Lloyd blinked at Jaymes, a blank look on his face as he took in the sight of Jaymes covered in some whitish substance that seemed dough-like."Huh. I thought this mansion was deserted other than the client. Though now I suppose not, someone has to make all the food and I can't see the client doing it." He snickered, quickly choking and turning it into a cough. "Should have knocked first I think," he added, with what looked to be a mischievous smirk on his face. "You are not injured?"

He sure hoped that breakfast would be soon. Like Jaymes, he was getting very hungry. And then, it would be off to Malnia to take a look at the damaged site. Lloyd was looking forward to getting back into action again. As nice as the mansion was, he was starting to get a little restless. And he would probably feel a lot better if he was not under the watchful eye of Mr Gray, who was, for all he knew, watching them all interact with each other and had probably gathered more information about them while they were within the mansion. He signed. "Can't wait to get out of this place," he muttered to himself.

@Arvis90 @Colt556
Clover: Mansion Courtyard

Masaki nodded to the female mage as she spoke. "Yes." He paused for a moment before continuing, scratching his head as he did so. "That is, if we find anything of interest. I wouldn't want to question him too much, after all, who knows what could happen." He smiled at Grace and then added. "He managed to bring all of us here in an instant... That's just a demonstration of what he's capable of, I feel that he is capable of so much more... Much more.. But oh well, only time will tell." Without the serious tone, he spoke yet again, poor Grace probably felt overwhelmed by the flurry of speech that came from the boys mouth. "Anyway! Let's get a move on!" He said, enthusiastically.

Clover Mansion: Hallway

After walking for several minutes, he got into the mansion and began to look around. Eventually, he found a rather well off room seemingly like an office. "Well then, are you ready?" He said, turning behind him to see if Grace had been following him.

Alfie: Fairy Tail; Clover Mansion: Dining Room

Alfie came from under the table and took a seat next to himself. "If breakfast's as good as dinner was," he said while wrapping a white cloth around his neck, "I can't wait! And it looks like Jaymes got an early taste!" A doughy substance was splattered across the Dragon Slayer's body. Despite being able to poke fun at that, the pink-clad mage grew quite bored quite quickly, and was soon resting his head on his hand. "But what's even harder to wait for?" he was mumbling to himself as his bow appeared in his hand, "To defeat those dragons and be done with this trip." We probably wouldn't have had to stay if Lucian were here. "Right? Well... could somebody get me when breakfast is ready? I'll be in the courtyard." With that, he got up from his seat and left the room.
Brundyn smiles when they are asked if John could hange out. "Sure, I was just about to get some fresh air." They then notice Dakota rushing down the stares. "No, it wasn't me" They said looking around seeing no one else there. "I guess you are hearing things." Brundyn says shrugging slightly. "You know what I am hungry. BUT I am also very lazy, so I won't walk." There shoes change I to a pare of soft lether shoes. Soon after they appear Brundyn slowly lifts into the air. Though they flip upside down as they float in the air. "Hmmmmmm, this might be a problem. "


Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Clover Mansion BedroomFerra giggled at Corra when she more or less instantly fell asleep, "Guess that's a yes. Come on then." She mumbled to herself before moving into her room and shutting the door. Walking over to the bed she laid Corra down on the opposite side before laying down herself. "Strange kid..I bet Naomi will like her..." She mumbled, falling asleep soon after.


agical Timeskip~


@Mr Swiftshots

Lucian: Clover Mansion Lucian's Bedroom

Lucian was probably the first one awake, and with good reason. He had preperations to make, after all. Most of which involved drawing a big ass rune in the middle of the Foyer, it was much easier to teleport people somewhere if at-least one area had a rune, after all. He also put notes on every single room that had an occupant in it that breakfast would be served before they left. After that was done he crept back into his room and locked the door, he had one more thing to do. Grabbing a communication lacrima he sent out a message to Rowden detailing the following: "Get to Malnia, the brats bought the bait so far. If you show the dragons your mark they won't eat you, forget and well..I'll find someone else to do my work. They'll arrive in a few hours. Be ready."

After that he unlocked his door, should anyone have any further questions, and simply relaxed in his studies of dragons until everyone awoke.
Rodwen Kiernan.

Rodwen approached the scorched town . A dark shadow quickly engulfed the town blocking out the sun, Rodwen continued on her path ignoring this development. The beast responsible for the shadow was of course a dragon , which had just landed in the centre of the scorched town kicking up dirt and causing a large shockwave .Rodwen approached it and stood before it unfazed , she removed her cloak and showed the dragon her mark. Rodwen then Patiently waited for a reply from the dragon

CLAIR FERNANDEZ ; fairytale / 4th wizard saint

Mansion bedroom

Clair woke and wiped the sleep from her eyes , she wasn't surprised at the fact she had fallen asleep at the window. Clair found it easier to fall asleep under the stars strange considering she feared there power.She continued on requiping back into her everyday clothes before exiting the room and making her way out into the courtyard.Clair lay down the lawn watching the clouds pass by.
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Clover Town: Mansion - Dining Room

She cocked an eyebrow as the shirtless man came out of the kitchen covered in some kind of dough. She could have sworn the old guy said he sent his servants home. Then again it made sense he at least had someone prepare the meals. As if reading her mind, Lamia Scale's guildmaster said pretty much the same thing causing a small smirk to form on her lips. Her attention was briefly grabbed by the pink-clad mage emerging from under the table. As quickly as he arrived he was off to the courtyard. Clearly not as patient as the three of them. After the brief bit of commotion the room fell back into silence as she awkwardly stared at the table before her. After sitting like this for a few moments she decided to finally speak up, using the only subject they all had in common. "I have to wonder why Mr. Grey seems intent on taking us to Malnia. There's nothing there except burnt out buildings and villagers trying to salvage what they can." She let out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes again resting on the ceiling above her.

LeSoraAmari said:
Clover: Mansion Courtyard
Masaki nodded to the female mage as she spoke. "Yes." He paused for a moment before continuing, scratching his head as he did so. "That is, if we find anything of interest. I wouldn't want to question him too much, after all, who knows what could happen." He smiled at Grace and then added. "He managed to bring all of us here in an instant... That's just a demonstration of what he's capable of, I feel that he is capable of so much more... Much more.. But oh well, only time will tell." Without the serious tone, he spoke yet again, poor Grace probably felt overwhelmed by the flurry of speech that came from the boys mouth. "Anyway! Let's get a move on!" He said, enthusiastically.

Clover Mansion: Hallway

After walking for several minutes, he got into the mansion and began to look around. Eventually, he found a rather well off room seemingly like an office. "Well then, are you ready?" He said, turning behind him to see if Grace had been following him.

Grace-Mansion Courtyard-> Mansion Hallway

"You have a point. He does seem to have some powerful and sketchy magic." Grace said, just now realizing that Lucian had a great amount of power. "Be careful when you do. I don't want him to harvest your organs or anything." She nudged him gently and continued their little adventure. Not before long they found themselves in the hallway outside of what was reasonably an office. Grace was a little nervous about snooping around the host's personal things, but it could uncover some truths behind the mysterious man as well as the dragons. "Let's go."

Clover: Mansion Hallway

"Of course I'll be careful." He said with a slight chuckle as he spoke to the Lamia Scale mage. "Besides, I'll just have to tread carefully and not ask too much. Quite simple, really.." He then turned to face the door of the office. In truth, Masaki was as equally anxious as he was worried. Lucian was still pretty much a stranger an they knew nothing about him. He had hoped that they would find something that can hint them towards the magic he used, as that information would be very handy. He chuckled slightly, what if Lucian really wasn't anything else, and was simply just a well-off citizen... No, Masaki just couldn't believe that. Not one bit. "Hopefully this doesn't result to violence... But, should it do, I'm prepared." He spoke with a little bit more seriousness in his tone as he quickly turned the door to the office and entered it. "Close the door on your way in" He said to Grace, with a kind tone.

Clover: Mansion- Lucian's Office

"I don't really know where to start... This is one huge office.." He stood beside the desk and turned to look at Grace. "I guess we could look for anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps a journal or something would be a good find... I'm not sure." He sighed and scratched his head, this was probably the most unintelligent thing Masaki had ever done. He laughed slightly before looking at all the paperwork on the desk. There was a lot of information on dragons... A lot. Perhaps he had been researching them? Masaki kept looking around, rummaging through the drawers in the mans desk.

Dakota - Mansion - Mansion Entrance/Dinning Room

When the dude with strange wings replied with a sarcastic remark, Dakota chose to simply ignore him and watched as the young girl did some kind of strange magic to her clothes, allowing her to hover above the ground. Arching an eyebrow, as her enchanted shoes seems to flip her upside down. "Well um, alright then." Was all he said trying to suppress the smile at the silly woman. "Maybe there is food in the dinning room." And without further ado he turned and headed towards the dinning room. When he entered, he noticed three others there, yet no food. Yet a shirtless fellow was covered in...something. "What exactly is going on here?" Dakota asked, looking from Jaymes to the others in the room.


Jaymes - Mansion - Dinning Room

"Whoever heard of having to knock before entering a kitchen." Jaymes said, trying in vain to get the dough off. Apparently it was rather sticky as when he tried to pull some off it, it stuck to his hand instead. When the girl mentioned the oddity concerning their mission, Jaymes agreed. "Doesn't make much sense at all. But it is true there could be the chance whatever caused the damage is still there." When a man with light brown hair entered the room and demanded what was happening, Jaymes shrugged. "Apparently you are supposed to knock before entering the kitchen here." was the simple response. Still trying in vain to remove any of the dough from his body, Jaymes growled and an instant later the dough was frozen solid. After that, the ice exploded into a fine mist that quickly evaporated into nothingness, leaving Jaymes as he was before he entered the kitchen. "Something that worries me though is Mr. Gray himself. The portal in the library yesterday was very strange. The magic itself felt wrong to me. I don't really know how to explain it though." Jaymes said, taking a seat closer to Lloyd, and ignoring Dakota. @HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Goldencurls @TheMADQ
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LeSoraAmari said:
Clover: Mansion Hallway
"Of course I'll be careful." He said with a slight chuckle as he spoke to the Lamia Scale mage. "Besides, I'll just have to tread carefully and not ask too much. Quite simple, really.." He then turned to face the door of the office. In truth, Masaki was as equally anxious as he was worried. Lucian was still pretty much a stranger an they knew nothing about him. He had hoped that they would find something that can hint them towards the magic he used, as that information would be very handy. He chuckled slightly, what if Lucian really wasn't anything else, and was simply just a well-off citizen... No, Masaki just couldn't believe that. Not one bit. "Hopefully this doesn't result to violence... But, should it do, I'm prepared." He spoke with a little bit more seriousness in his tone as he quickly turned the door to the office and entered it. "Close the door on your way in" He said to Grace, with a kind tone.

Clover: Mansion- Lucian's Office

"I don't really know where to start... This is one huge office.." He stood beside the desk and turned to look at Grace. "I guess we could look for anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps a journal or something would be a good find... I'm not sure." He sighed and scratched his head, this was probably the most unintelligent thing Masaki had ever done. He laughed slightly before looking at all the paperwork on the desk. There was a lot of information on dragons... A lot. Perhaps he had been researching them? Masaki kept looking around, rummaging through the drawers in the mans desk.

Grace- Hallway->Office

"I'll be ready to fight too. I can place some explosive magic at the door incase anyone comes in, but that could also cause some trouble. What do you think?" Grace asked, following Masaki into the office and closing the door, locking it behind them. She began to search around the office, looking through the bookshelves and reading the titles. Stuff about dragons and other creatures. That's not too weird, right? She began to move away from the bookshelves and walked towards a large cabinet. It was big enough to fit someone inside, but did have much space due to the coats that occupied it. "Here's a hiding spot, if necessary." She said, glancing back at Masaki.


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