Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clover: Mansion Foyer

Masaki entered the room to see the group of mages gathered in the foyer, preparing for the journey to Malnia. Which undoubtedly would be done via Lucian's teleportation magic. Masaki hurriedly made his way into one of the many corners in the room. Putting his hands in his pockets, he leant against the wall and waited for the time that everyone would be going. Raising his hand and quickly made an orb out of crystal. He decided that while waiting, he would play around with his techniques so that when the time came. He could be serious.

Clair Fernandes ; Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Clover Mansion foyer

Clair expected the others would liven up when they got to Malina but still they could be a bit more energetic so she understood where Lucian was coming from.Clair was listening to Lucian when suddenly the guy she had previously been looking at knocked him from his chair. Lucian identified him as John , Clair didn't know anybody by the name of John so then why did she feel his magic almost literally leaking out of him."have we met before?" Clair asked offering a hand to help him up.

-=(John Star - Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer)=-

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." The words quickly flew out of his mouth as he hit the floor, John was shocked that Mr. Lucian Gray didn't get angry. John understood that some people were kind, but Mr. Gray was sickenly nice.

John looked to his left, the unsettling girl,
'Clay, or whatever.', extended a hand towards him. John grinned and took her hand; a tingling sensation travelled quickly up his arm. John pulled his hand back; he glanced down at it to make sure he didn't just screw up his hand. He didn't.

"Uh, I'm not sure. Maybe?" John stretched his back,
'Why do I bruise so easily? Do I need more vitamins in my diet?' "Well, my name's John. What's yours?" John stuffed his hands into his pockets, slightly concerned that maybe his hand would explode.

@Mr Swiftshots
Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ - Clover - Mansion

A small yawn erupted from a pile of flour bags in the kitchen of the Fairy Tail HQ's, followed by two arms stretching out helplessly to plop onto one of the bags. " Namiiiii, I ate too many pastries. " Another soft groan escaped Sora's lips as she attempted to roll about and bring herself to a stand, hands sleepily sliding up to rub at her eyes. She blinked a few times before the entirety of the kitchen came into view, the blurriness subsiding as she searched for Nami. " Na-- " Sora began to speak but quickly squeaked instead as a small figure popped out a few feet from her. Jam and frosting was smeared all over the exceed's face and Sora couldn't help but erupt into a fit of giggles, picking up her best friend and grabbing a nearby cloth to wipe off Nami's face. " It's good to see those table-side manners pay off, " she said with a grin. " Let's go see what horrid trouble the rest of the guild has gotten themselves into. " It's always safe to assume Fairy Tail was not on their best behavior.

The two emerged from the kitchen and stared into the guild hall, standing there in an awkward silence. Wait, silence? That isn't right. A small spread of panic coursed through her petite frame before a slip of paper on the ground that resembled a job flyer was seen. She knelt down to pick it up, eyes skimming it to get the jist of what information it contained. Just then a small clatter caused her to dart around, swiveling in place to come face to face with a younger child. " Oh, hello there. " Must be one of the older member's kids she thought to herself, a warm smile spreading on her face. It slightly bothered her that she was the same height as someone probably five years younger than her. " Do you by any chance know where all the loud ones went? " She asked in a curious tone as the child cutely stared at her with big eyes, nodding. " Big house up the road, I think. " Sora seemed more confused now but she thanked the kid, a hand ruffling up his hair before she ran off to shove some things into her bunny backpack and headed out the front doors, emotion being drained from her face. " What... why? Why does this always happen when I'm sleeping. Nami, let's head to the sky and find this big house. " She wasn't even going to dwell on why Fairy Tail had been moved, she'd seen stranger things.

" You owe me a pastry for this. " Nami always blackmailed her. " Okay, okayyyyyy. " Frustration crept into her voice as Nami picked her up and rose up into the sky, Sora sighing in relief as she searched the rooftops and her eyes fell on the mansion. " I think that qualifies as the big house, let's go there. " Nami literally dive bombed towards the mansion but alas where she should've stopped at the doors, she instead went bursting through them and into the foyer. Sora's arms had quickly crossed in front of her face to defend herself from almost face planting into the door. The two remained hovering in the air after their almost destructive entrance, thankfully the doors happened to open instead of being annihilated by the small girl. Her eyes slowly opened and darted from person to person in the room, an awkward smile spreading on her face, cheeks slowly obtaining a red hue. A small scoff was heard from Nami as she dropped Sora, only for Sora to slow her fall by manipulating the air at her feet as she landed gracefully on the ground. The young exceed sprawled out atop Sora's head and stared at everyone in an uninterested manner before she dozed off to take a small nap. A hand was raised to rub at the side of her neck as if to try to distract herself. " So this is where you all went. At least I had the right place... " Her words trailed off before she grabbed the brim of her skirt with both hands and curtsied cutely. " It's a pleasure. " Mostly directed at those she hadn't seen before.

Jaymes - Mansion - Foyer

Jaymes was in the corner, watching as the other slowly made their way over to the departure point. His attention was drawn to the girl that had just arrived. She had been carried by an exceed, and that really sparked his interest. He had a vague sense he had seen her at the guild before, but since he was usually out on missions, he couldn't be sure. Moving towards her, his armor sparkled in the light coming from the doorway, and he stopped right in front of her. "Hey there, are you here for the mission?" Jaymes asked the girl, then looked at the Exceed. "Wow, never seen one of those before. I remember reading about the one that the Dragon Slayers Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel had." Jaymes kinda says to himself, then rubs his chin with an armored hand. "Maybe I should find one..."

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Sora Marvell - Mansion Foyer

A moment passed before she ended her curtsy and dusted off her skirt as if it had somehow gotten dirty, eyes flickering up towards the tall man approaching her. She quite literally had to tilt her head upwards to peer at his face, blinking a bit at his words. " The mission? I suppose... I'm just here to lend a hand if needed, would be the safer thing to say. " She nodded matter-of-factly and had subconsciously lifted up onto her tippy toes, a small perk of hers she never realized she did to make herself feel more physically at someone's level. At the mention of Wendy, her eyes would lower themselves and she shifted uncomfortably before shaking off the momentary bout of sadness. " This is Nami. " The smaller girl sounded extremely proud of her best friend as a grin graced her expression. Nami's tail had moved to curl around her frame as if sheepishly trying to hide herself on Sora's head, though she was still fast asleep. " Grandma Wendy gave her to me. " She added in, cheerfully spinning around in place in a fluid motion before facing him again. " I don't think we've had the honor of being acquainted properly even though I've seen you around! I'm Sora Marvell. " She didn't hold out her hand though, she had a weird thing about casual physical contact, so she flicked her hand and waved instead. " So can you briefly explain why all these wonderful people are gathered here? " She scanned the room again, pausing on different faces in wonder.


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Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Clover Mansion foyer

Clair pulled her hand back quickly when John made contact , Clair's eyes and hand began to glow a bright yellow briefly before returning to normal.Clair had felt her magic surge from the second his' hand met her's 'what the hell was that'. Clair looked at her hand quickly and then back to John , he had also retracted his hand and was currently sheltering it from her "Clair , Clair Fernandes". Clair looked back to her hand in disbelief , there was no way that just happened.

-=(John Star - Clover Town - Mansion - Foyer)=-

Adrenaline was coursing through his veins at the moment; the power of stars. 'But I'm only affected by the night sky...' John looked around, finding a window and looking at the sky, he instantly tore his eyes away. 'I think I just burned my retinas! #%$@! Not night, not night!'

John rubbed at his eyes; green and red spots swimming in his vision. John looked at Clair (the best he could at the moment anyway),
'Did she feel the powerful sort of feeling too? She's looking at her hand? Is that a yes? Should I say something?'

John's wings fluttered nervously, a feather or two fell to the ground. John shifted his gaze to the wall, attempting to avoid Clair's.
'Maybe if I don't say anything, she won't say anything. That's how women work, right? . . . Probably.'

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes ; Fairy Tale / 4th Wizard Saint

Clover Mansion Foyer

Clair continued to look at her hand wondering if she was just straight up going crazy.This guy was definatly dangerous , had he purposly tryed to make her magic surge?

Clair looked down at John , he was aviding her gaze which made him even more sketchy. Clair looked over to the growing group of wizards and then back to John. 'Maybe im over thinking things' clair thought to herself ' this guy was clearly unneasy which probobly ment he didn't mean any harm. Clair simply smiled at him and spoke calmly trying to calm both him and herself "just what did you just do ?"

-=(John Star - Clover - Mansion - Foyer)=-

'I've seen carpets more interesting than this wall, though the paint is nicely applied and the decor definitely is very nice, but it could- Great, I'm a wall critic.'

John froze when he heard Clair speak up, he blinked a of couple times.
'Don't move. Their sight is based on movement.' Was the first thing that came to mind. Idiot, that's not even true for a T-Rex.

John looked at Clair,
'Think of something, quick!' . . . "I dunno." John said simply, shrugging his shoulders before changing his focus. He looked at the small crowd, pretending to look for someone; it seemed like a pretty good excuse.

@Mr Swiftshots


Sora Marvell - Mansion Foyer

Sora's eyes locked with the boy whom was thankfully the same height as her; John. He looked... well, like he was looking for something though not something in particular. A teasing grin was flashed in his direction before she turned her introductory wave to Jaymes into a 'one moment please' sign, skipping off towards the boy.

" Oh there you are! I was looking all over for you. " She exclaimed in a playful yet serious tone, casually spinning in dance-like circles around John. " See, I brought you lunch to pay you back for your kindness the other day! " A subtle wink followed her words as she pulled her backpack out and plopped it on the ground, hands sliding into it to rummage around for one of the bentos she had packed. Nami was stirring awake to watch this spectacle with a bemused stare, silently upset that one of the precious bento boxes get offered to John. " Don't be shy about it, I made it just for you. " Oh man was this awkward, but she couldn't help but react and try to help him. She held the lunch out to him, it being wrapped in a yellow bow, and simply waited for him to take it.

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Clair sighed when he continued to ....watch the wall , Clair waited for a reply patiantly then he shrugged and said 'i dunno'. 'i dunno' really thats all he had to say , Clair face palmed when he turned to look at the crowd, did he think she was stupid?

"Listen john , right. Just tell me what you did i promise i wont get mad". Clair stood yet again waiting for a response , mabey he was right in thinking she was stupid she was clearly getting nowhere with him.

When Sora came over to grete the man and give him a bento , Clair was taken aback why was Sora giving him a bento and when exactly had she arrived ? Clair looked back to john with a look of confusion , she then gave Sora the same look " Sora do you know this guy?"

@Goldencurls @Kyuubey

Sora Marvell - Mansion Foyer

Without waiting for a reaction from John she simply pushed the box into his hands with a small smile before turning to Clair, greeting her cheerfully. " Oh Clair, I don't entirely know him, I just randomly got some help with where to find really great pastries from him. You know how much Nami and I love pastries! " She rambled on, grinning wholeheartedly. " Do you want a bento too? " Sora inquired, teasingly nudging her elbow into Clair's side. " It hassss a slice of cake in it that I made! " She made sure to chime in that last part. Yes, wonderful tactic, Clair could never turn down cake. " I was just asking the wonderful gentleman in armor over there, whose name I haven't acquired yet, what we are all doing here. " A finger pointed at Jaymes while a cute and innocent smile remained on her face, eyelashes fluttering for a dramatic effect. She wasn't scared of Clair like everyone else who knew her seemed to be, since the two usually got along. " Was this guy bothering you? " She tilted her head and frowned a bit, cheeks still vibrantly red with a plastered blush.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair watched as Sora pushed the bento into his hands , if John had infact helped Sora out Clair woud let this slide.Clair returned Sora's smile and laughed when she mentianed how much she and Nami loved pastries, there was quite a few times over the years where Clair had caught Sora sneeking into the guild kitchen during the night.Clairs eyes sparkled at the mention of cake , Sora was one hell of a cook ane an even better baker ! Clair quickly coughed tp cover her excitment " well it would be rude not to accept it ".

When Sora pointed to Jaymes Clair couldnt help but laugh at her , " his name is Jaymes , he's in our guild and he's also an ice dragonslayer". Clair placed her hand over her mouth so that only Sora could hear her " and i hear he's single...." Clair couldn't help but tease Sora she made it to easy for her. When she asked about John Clair shoke her head " no , i was just having a cassual chat with him...."


Sora Marvell - Mansion Foyer

Clair was always so fun to be around, even when she did poke fun at her for things like boys. She fumbled around in her bag and pulled out another bento, though this one was entwined in a red bow, holding it out with a hand to Clair, her own laugh melodically filling the room as she noticed the other girl's eyes light up. " You can't fool me by trying to be polite, you'd devour all the cakes I made if you could! " Sora took a step back, almost startled, as her ponytails went flying in the air to land back against her small frame. " S-Single?!? " She stammered loud enough for anyone to hear, all the colour in her face being drained before her cheeks lit up. " N-No, Clair, nooooo. " A loud groan of embarrassment filled the air. " You know I think boys are weirdddd, and they're all super tall and stuff... and I h-haven't found anyone I'm fond of like that! " She was flailing awkwardly in front of Clair now, unaware of the fact that her conversation was probably easily overheard by the group of mages in the foyer. Her cheeks hurt from how flustered she was, hands being brought up to rub them. " Ouch... As long as he wasn't being mean.. " A soft murmur was all she could manage at this point. " W-Why is everyone here? " Change of subject, smooth. She could definitely play this off, though she was interested in the fact that Jaymes was a dragon slayer like herself, just not interested in him.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Clair took the bento from her and smiled before making it disapear , it was safer in her pocket dimension than in her hands.Clair laughed at how Sora reacted to the information she was cherry red and flailing around , it was quite a sight to see but poor Nami must of been feeling rather sick around now with all the sudden movements.The information Clair had given was of course true though many girls in the guild had asked him out but all of them had been ruthlessly shot down , Clair couldn't care less about the topic but everyone else seemed to be talking about it.

Clair wipped a tear from her eye after the scene had ended and smilled down a Sora "we're going on a dragon hunt , the rewards 1 billion jewls. Thre are several memeber from other guilds present too as im sure you've discovered"


Sora Marvell - Mansion Foyer

Sora's whole persona changed from cutesy to rather serious at the mention of a dragon. She'd heard plenty of stories about dragons from granny Wendy, some being good and the others... not so much. A trickling feeling ran down her spine before it portrayed itself to just a shudder. The money wasn't an issue for her seeing as she went on dangerous missions that gave her plenty to live off of, it was the dragon 'hunt' itself that didn't sit right with her. " If you need my help at any point Clair, then let me know. " It was well known within the guild that Sora preferred using her abilities in a supportive role to her allies, rather then taking the offensive stance, though in the regard of being on the assailant side she was quite fearsome. " We'll be fine, I'm sure. " The girl sounded a bit more mature now as she smiled up at Clair. Nami stretched and slowly descended onto the ground, yawning loudly. " Hello, Clair. " She said with a sleepy nod, bunny ears flopping about. " Anyone you think I should be weary of or keep my eyes on? " Sora had dropped her voice to a barely audible one, inquiring this from Clair as she personally knew not to trust easily. Nami motioned to be picked up and Sora obliged happily, kneeling down to wrap her small arms around the exceed and nuzzle her body against her chest snugly.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Clair greated the drowsy exceed with a smile "hello Nami how are you ?". Clair had never seen the two seperated it was cute and heartwarming.The way Sora kept Nami close to her chest was quite frankly adorable despite the serious mood she was in , Clair knodded in agrement with what Sora had said "why don't you stick with me when we then". Sora was definatly a major asset in any battle her supportive abilitys were unmatched by anyone in the guild , she was also a dragonslayerwhich ment she was invaluble in this fight.When Sora asked if she should look out for anyone Clair imidiatly thought of john but held back remembering Sora had been helped by him "i think most can be trusted , but i wouldn't go testing that thery"

@Kyuubey (sorry for short reply im kinda busy)
-=(John Star - Clover - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John blinked, 'What just happened?' John looked at the bento; it was yellow. That was all he could tell from the packaged thing.

John shook his head, he watched the two chat. He lowered his voice, "I've never really even
eaten anything besides apples, sandwiches, water and hot chocolate." 'First I'm a wall critic, now, a pastry critic. Is there nothing I can't do?' A small voice in the back of his head piped up, 'You sure as hell don't know how to not be single.'

With wide eyes John watched- Whatever
that thing was- wake up from slumber. Sad thing is, the first thing that came to mind when seeing this strange creature, 'I bet Ferra would eat it.'

John was glad that he didn't have to continue the topic with Clair but now he had some package, he turned it over in his hands. He should probably introduce himself to the generous or mistaken stranger, "Is this thing a bomb?"

#Not being able to pick up social cues 2016

@Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
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Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Clover ~ Foyer

The young girl walked into the Foyer area with to backpacks on her back, one somewhat filled and the other seeming to be completely stuffed to the brim with what it appeared to be.. food. She didn't appear to be in the slightest nervous but rather excited for this possible death filled adventure. Whilst waiting on on the side for more people to arrive, Naomi caught her eyes on someone playing with a glowing orb of some sorts. I wonder if thats edible..? Finding herself slowly drawn to the man, but most importantly, the orb.​

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Clover: Mansion Foyer

@Defective Kitten

The Sabertooth mage stood there quietly, the orb levitating above the palm of his left hand as he held it still. Eventually, he dropped his hand to his side and stuffed both his hands in his pockets, making the amethyst crystal orb levitate around his body. And eventually dispersing into dozens of crystal shards. Masaki chuckled happily at this, and then with a wave of his hand formed the orb again. It was in that instant that he noticed a strange girl watching him. Or the orb? In truth he couldn't tell. Masaki quickly looked over at the girl, he hadn't met her before but he had seen her around with the other Fairy Tail mages so he assumed she was one of them. The red head sent a welcoming smile the girls way and then carried on playing around with his orb.

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Clover ~ Foyer

Naomi slowly crept over to the man, noticing her that he flashed a smile before scurrying back to the seat that she sat previous before trying to creep over to him again. Eventually she'd gotten close enough to touch one of the shards, it bounced off her fingers like bubbles. Her eyes lit up and she couldn't help but show some sort of amusement in her expression. Of corse she hadn't taken notice that the guy might've seen her touch one since her attention was on the crystals, grasping into one with her hands.


(Last post bc I have practice, I'll be back in about 2 hours)

Sora Marvell - Mansion Foyer

Nami huffed at Clair from the safety of Sora's arms. " I'm hungry. " She murmured, tummy grumbling in unison as if to verify her words. " You're always hungry.. " A soft sigh escaped Sora's lips as she held onto the exceed and reached back to blindly shuffle her hand around in her pack and pull out the bag of pastries she had saved for Nami. " Here you go, fatty. " Jokingly she stuffed the bag into Nami's hands to watch her start devouring them. Sora sometimes wondered if the small exceed even took time to breathe between bites, but she was too adorable to ever really be aggravated with. " That's good to know, and of course I'll stick by you. We're a good team! " Grinning in Clair's direction she'd hear the boy she'd given the bento to speak up. Her gaze slid over to rest on his at the mention of it perhaps being a bomb. A bomb? Who would put a bomb in good food? That was just blasphemy!

" Oh yes, indeed. Most certainly a bomb, you'll go boom in about five minutes if you hold onto it. " She said in a calm and collective tone, almost believable. " And then, you'll turn into a spoooooky ghost. " Her eyes went wide with a dramatized fear before she burst into laughter. " It's a lunch box, with food, the kind that doesn't blow you up. " Was there a kind that even blew you up? Who knows.

The bag Nami had been holding onto fell to the ground with a small thud, a pastry slightly sticking out of her mouth as she stared off at the crystals the boy was playing with, visually enticed. " Sowuh ashyyynee.. " Speaking with a full mouth the small exceed squirmed around in Sora's arms, her excitement intensifying over the shiny things.

@Mr Swiftshots @Goldencurls @LeSoraAmari
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-=(John Star - Clover - Mansion - Foyer)=-

John's breath hitched when Sora confirmed that it was indeed a bomb, 'Is she trying to kill me?! Is she trying to kill everyone?! I never went to the bathro-'

John let out a breath when Sora continued, he looked at the package curiously. "Thanks." John took off his knapsack and peered inside; some clothing, a dairy- journal. It's a journal. And a meat bun sat inside comfortably. John looked at the bento then at his knapsack, he repeated this process a few times.

John shrugged and slid it in, the bento stuck out of the bag; it's vibrant yellow color making the knapsack surprisingly look more appealing to him.
'Knapsack and bento critic too? Hope not. I'd rather be a bed critic.'

John swung the knapsack back over his shoulder; he shifted his weight as he got used to the added item in his knapsack.

John looked at the strange creature Sora was holding; it was eating like the animal it was. When something had caught the little thing's eye it began to shift around in it's holder's arms. "What
is it?" John nodded towards Nami.

@Chara Angel of Death @HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Zuka @WoodenZebra @Isune @Zylvia @Aeri Rosevier @Leo Radomir

Lucian: Clover Mansion Foyer

After everyone had assembled Lucian rose and cleared his throat. When that didn't work he clapped his hands together, making a rather loud booming noise, which effectively got everyones attention. "Well. Now that everyone is finally here, it is time for you to depart." He told them. "You will be transported to directly outside of Malnia, you will have four hours to look around before the spell will automatically transport you back here." He explained. "Without further interruption, I bid you all good luck" He finished before kneeling and placing his palm to the smaller rune below him. "Transportation: Malnia!" He shouted. Very briefly a blinding blue light would fill the room before transporting everyone to directly outside of the ruined city of Malnia.

Once everyone was gone Lucian stood once more and straightened his suit, a amused smirk on his face. "And so it begins...In roughly an hour Rowden should start the plan and the dragons will descend and rip them all to shreds..its a shame that such youth had to be wasted for choosing the path of Light." Lucian mused to himself as he walked to his office.

"Ah well..If any survive I'm sure they'll make wonderful forced recruits...I suppose I should get going myself. I just need one thin-" Lucian stopped, absolutely stunned by the state of his office. Very briefly he displayed anger, his fist clenched and his teeth grit into a grimace before sighing and composing himself. "I suppose I'll just go now then.." He muttered, waving his hands and creating a portal to the forests of Malnia where he'd lie patiently in wait.

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