Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Malnia Village: Church

"Oi! Isn't that a bit ha-" She was surprised that the man jumped so quickly into combat. Even if he had learned some things before she arrived he could have at least filled her in. Unfortunately she was interrupted as the man shot out an icy vortex towards the girl, blowing a hole clean through the opposite wall. Seeing as all hope of negotiation was clearly off the table she simply shrugged, a smirk forming on her lips. "Ah well, I'm better at this sort of thing anyways." She slammed her knuckles together, her fists erupting into flame as the man's breath attack dissipated. Standing amongst the icy path of destruction was the girl, entirely unharmed behind a barrier of dark-light energy. She knew the girl would retaliate and quickly began moving around for a flank. She was right on the money as the girl soon retaliated her own breath attack at Jaymes.

The cyclone of light was far larger and greater in power than what the Fairy Tail wizard had used. Even despite her moving around she was still caught in the fringe of the blast. That was all it took to send her flying back into one of the church's walls, a gasp of pain slipping past her lips as she fell to the floor. It was more than clear that this girl was on a completely different level than anything she had faced before. Even without the attack, the magic emanating from her was downright oppressing, it felt as if a weight had been placed on her shoulders. Even so she got to her feet, that same stupid grin still plastered on her face as she again reignited her fists. "Wouldn't have it any other way!" She quickly sprinted towards the girl, hoping to get in close before she was able to let off another one of those breath attacks. As she drew near she leapt into the air, looking to use momentum as she made a downward punch towards the girl, a ball of fire engulfing her right fist as she brought it down.

@Mr Swiftshots

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Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen wiped her mouth after finishing her spell , she couldn't spot the two wizards and so assumed themto be dead until of course the red haired woman stood up from a pile of rubble. Rodwen was supprised to see her so full of energy and practicly begging for a fight , was this woman crazy or just plain stupid ?

The woman sprinted towards Rodwen clearly trying to close the ground between them , she lept into the air and began to desend on Rodwen with her fist a blaze.Rodwen quickly turned and caught the woman's fist in her palm , a sharp burning sensation filled her palm breifly before she used another spell "palm attack of the light god". A beam of light shot out of her palm just like what happened to the preist just not as focused , this shot was wider and conical.

Jaymes - Malnia Church

Jaymes was stunned to see the woman completely unharmed by his attack. Her light barrier had protected her, and with little effort it seemed. Then the woman retaliated with a breath attack of her own, which was much much stronger than his own had been. As the light raced towards him, intent on obliterating both him and the girl, the girl jumped out of the way. Jaymes could didn't think, just reacted and called the power he had copied to the front. It was an incredibly dangerous move, as when he copied a power, he didn't gain instant mastery over it, but had to practice extensively with it to gain proficiency. Usually it took a couple days just to be able to summon the power at all. This time though, he was either very lucky or something else, as a sphere of white light with a blackish tint flared into life around him, just before the breath attack hit. The attack sent him flying away, and destroying the door to the church in an explosion. Fire burned against the walls that the light had touched, and black smoke began to trail up into the sky as people nearby screamed and ran for cover. Jaymes lowered the light barrier, breathing hard. He was on his back, some twenty feet from the flaming entrance of the church.

Getting to his feet was difficult. He hurt, and the light barrier hadn't protected him completely, part of his face was burnt and a good portion of his armor was scorched. But he couldn't just leave the girl in there to fight this crazy-strong woman alone. So Jaymes dashed into the church again, freezing the fires enough to enter the building. There he saw the girl fighting the woman her fists flaming as she soared towards the evil woman. "Ice Geyser!" Jaymes called out, thrusting his hands forward and sending a barrage if lethal ice crystals towards the woman. @Mr Swiftshots @Colt556
Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town

He continued to walk around the ruins of what was left of Malnia when he quickly turned to see that Grace had caught up to him. He had no clue where Momoki was but assumed that she was close by. Plus, he knew firsthand that she could handle herself, so he didn't need to show concern. "This place is a disaster zone... It's so unfortunate. They must have been terrifed.." He muttered to himself. The whole gravity of the situation hadn't hit him until now. People have died here. And lots of them too. Masaki's quiet thinking was stopped when Grace began to speak, apologising for her earlier actions. "What are you apologising for, exactly?" He let out a slight chuckle and smiled to Grace, patting her head even though he knew that it would probably annoy her. "You don't need to apologise to me, we have bigger things t-" his speech was interrupted by a loud blast of magic coming from the church, turning to look, he saw a blue pulse of magic that was undoubtedly ice tear through the walls, followed by a beam of light ripping through the other side shortly after. Masaki stared at that direction for a brief moment, his smile disappearing and his demeanour becoming a whole lot more serious. "Grace, we should probably check that out. And be prepared to fight, we might be walking into something undesirable." He let out a sigh before quickly rushing to the church and upon getting there, he saw two mages fighting a girl. He recognised the red-headed mage as Tanari, the girl he had spoken to who come out of the portal. But the ice mage? He didn't know who he was. The person they were fighting on the other hand didn't seem to be that much older than them, but a dead body was laying by her feet... Just what had happened here?

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
-=(John Star - Malnia - In the Air)=-

Is it possible to be air sick if you're an angel? Yes. Yes, it is. Flying but not being able to see was horrible. And, he was fairly sure that he could be put on the ground now; Sora was talking to... Maybe, Clair?

John wriggled in the exceed's grasp, getting sick of this; in more ways than one. He sighed and just let Nami hold him.

Small gusts of wind rippled through his clothes, making him feel quite cold. He felt like a helpless child (not saying he isn't close to that, though), being picked up and carried around.

He wondered what the area looked like; everyone sounded grim about it, perhaps it
was pretty bad. He couldn't even tell what sort of magic they were dealing with besides fire. Maybe, water too, though ice could've been involved.

May you please put me down?" John said, attempting to look at where he assumed Nami's face was. He was trembling from many things; adrenaline, the excitement of flying again and the fear of flying on the 'Exceed Express'.

'Wait, what if I just try to fly by myself? That'd be cool. Let's do that.' John began wriggling and flapping his wings deperatly, trying to gain wind underneath them.

John froze when he
something going on nearby, sounds of fighting and strong usage of elements. Maybe illegal magic battles were the cause of the destroyed town.

Do you hear that too?"

Malnia Church

Cinla got to the church and seeing a fight taking place and sighed and said"And now a angel of death just when i thought i couldn't meet anymore annoying or shifty chars recently, the star goddess must really hate my guts for something i did, but i don't see a dragon anywhere and i don't really want to help them but if i don't and then it goes even more south no money, please have mercy on me star goddess".
Malnia Village: Church

She let out a scream of pain as the black-light washed over her, sending her rocketing back into another of the Church's walls. The force of the blow was far greater than last time, having taken it directly at point blank range. A large crater formed around where she had impacted the wall before falling to the floor before. She lay there, gasping for air as pain coursed through every inch of her body. After taking a few moments to deal with the shock she slowly got to her feet again, watching Jaymes get off an attack of his own. "I'm not going to be outdone that easily..." Regaining her composure she extended her arms and clasped her hands together, aiming directly at the woman. Fire burst into life around her fists as she quickly called out "Incineration!" A cyclone of fire shot out from her clasped fists towards the girl, instantly incinerating everything along it's path. This wasn't an opponent she could afford to hold back against, but she was confident that with her full force attack from the flank and Jaymes' attack from the front they could at least overwhelm the girl's defenses.

@Mr Swiftshots

LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town
He continued to walk around the ruins of what was left of Malnia when he quickly turned to see that Grace had caught up to him. He had no clue where Momoki was but assumed that she was close by. Plus, he knew firsthand that she could handle herself, so he didn't need to show concern. "This place is a disaster zone... It's so unfortunate. They must have been terrifed.." He muttered to himself. The whole gravity of the situation hadn't hit him until now. People have died here. And lots of them too. Masaki's quiet thinking was stopped when Grace began to speak, apologising for her earlier actions. "What are you apologising for, exactly?" He let out a slight chuckle and smiled to Grace, patting her head even though he knew that it would probably annoy her. "You don't need to apologise to me, we have bigger things t-" his speech was interrupted by a loud blast of magic coming from the church, turning to look, he saw a blue pulse of magic that was undoubtedly ice tear through the walls, followed by a beam of light ripping through the other side shortly after. Masaki stared at that direction for a brief moment, his smile disappearing and his demeanour becoming a whole lot more serious. "Grace, we should probably check that out. And be prepared to fight, we might be walking into something undesirable." He let out a sigh before quickly rushing to the church and upon getting there, he saw two mages fighting a girl. He recognised the red-headed mage as Tanari, the girl he had spoken to who come out of the portal. But the ice mage? He didn't know who he was. The person they were fighting on the other hand didn't seem to be that much older than them, but a dead body was laying by her feet... Just what had happened here?

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
Grace frowned slightly as she felt Masaki's hand pay her head, and she was very tempted to swat it away. However she refrained herself and let him continue on. As long as it didn't mess up her hair, she would be ok with it. "Well, I feel like I embarrassed you by overacting to the situation. I was just really flustered, and I'm sorry that you had to get dragged into it." She said with a sigh, crossing her arms as they walked. She knew that it wasn't that big of a deal, but she couldn't help but feel bad for him, which was actually quite strange. She normally didn't feel bad for other people, but for some strange reason Masaki was different. However, there was no time to ponder in thought and feelings as it seemed that there was a fight going on, and Masaki wanted to check it out. Grace followed him down to the church and recognized Tanari fighting some other mages. "We should help her.."


Ivalice: Malnia

Overhead Malnia a massive shadow circles, causing the denizens to run and scream in terror, "IT'S BACK! RUN!" was shouted amongst other things. Ivalice roared loudly, a streak of blue shooting through-out the sky, before promptly landing in front of Masaki and Grace, forming a dragon sized barrier between the church and a massive dust cloud. Once the dust cleared a massive blue dragon with slightly torn dark blue wings sat in front of the pair, it's eyes narrowed into slits glaring at them. It chuffed and roared at them. "Pitiful humans. You thought you stood a chance? Pity." Ivalice spoke in a low booming voice.

With that it took a swipe at them with its massive claws, giving them no warning.
Rodwen jumped back from the ice attack but it kept comming for her nomater what kind of movement she made , upon realising this she stopped her retreat and prepaired to take it head on. Unfortunatly the red head was still alive and kicking , she had decided to attack Clair from the side with a strong flame attact. Ice and fire two polar opposites , Rodwen sighed drawing the ice further back until she reached the pulpit.The fire and ice attacks were both just secondsa away from impact.

Rodwen slide over the pulpit and took cover behind it , she fortified it with her light sheild and braced for impact. The pulpit crumbled and burt to ash but rodwen stood unharmed but her sheild however was almost completly destroyed, It would take her some time to repair it internaly.

Rodwen raised both her hands in the air and a small orb of light began to form between them. "I must applaud you for making it this far not many people have delt that much dammage to my sheild"

@Colt556 @Arvis90

Sarah Milkovich

She was jumping from tree to tree. She started hearing the voices of the light guilds. She took out her stele and draws a couple runes on her arm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d66eb3ebae3b4e42d17232cca42057fa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d66eb3ebae3b4e42d17232cca42057fa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.fe485b67487359a8b0d47fc98a98ba0b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.fe485b67487359a8b0d47fc98a98ba0b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She drew the rune for invisibility.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.8c03ae428e657f5bf58f155951131ef8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.8c03ae428e657f5bf58f155951131ef8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Then the tune for soundless. This made it so every move she made she couldn't be heard.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.71909e46a2ef4d59d27098975eac0a98.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.71909e46a2ef4d59d27098975eac0a98.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This gave her perfect balance.

These were runes she has permanent she just had to trace them to activate them. She observes for about a minute before she goes and finds her guild master. She goes for a little while before finding him in a completely different location. "What do you want me to do?" She asks deactivating her invisibility runs with her stele. She still stays in the trees.

She looks around her and some of the fires were still burning. She could see the smoke. That's when she hears a crash in the distance



Winter Chanel

She talked to the villagers and they said they saw these huge creatures with wings and they were breathing different elements, fire, ice, and a couple different things. She finished talking to them and she left the village. She walked away from the village and back to the forest. There were different claw marks on the trees and more burn marks. She continued walking and she saw a map come into her mind. She used it to move around and check different areas for clues.


Willow Costello

She still stands looking around her and I seemed like most of the Wizards had dispersed. She sets up a telepathy. "If anybody finds anything, just put two fingers to your forehead and talk normally to let everybody know, if someone finds a clue I'll mark it on the map and everybody will know where that is" she says to everybody in their heads. She did enjoy her magic she really wasn't good at tracking things but she could help behind the scenes. She hears a big crash.




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Jaymes - Malnia Church

Jaymes kept his attention focused on the woman as she tried in vain to avoid his Ice Geyser. Wherever the woman jumped or moved, Jaymes kept up the barrage of ice crystals. He saw a vortex of fire racing towards the woman from the other side of the room, and noticed the girl had survived the point-blank attack she had received. Apparently she was strong, but Jaymes had no delusions. They were gonna have a hard time beating this woman. Finally the woman stopped running away, and instead ducked behind something. A light glow betrayed the presence of her magic, but Jaymes didn't let up, the ice magic blasted away at the her barrier even as the the fire from the girl raged against her too. When Jaymes finally ended the attack, he saw the woman stand up, he barrier badly damaged. But the woman didn't seem all that upset over it. Instead she formed a ball of light between her hands. Not wanting to wait for whatever it was she was gonna do, Jaymes lifted his hands, one hand flat palm up, the other a fist above it. "Ice Make: Hammer!" Jaymes called, and a giant, and very dense ice hammer materialized above the woman. Jaymes brought his fist down into his open hand, and the hammer followed suit, racing downward to smash the woman flat.

@Mr Swiftshots @Colt556
Masaki Yamada: Malnia

@Kayzo @mitch98

Before he could respond to Grace's request on helping Tanari, the two had something of their own to deal with. And this... Seemed to be much...much worse. Before he could enter the church, a huge beast landed before him, it was blue and had streaks of black in its scales. The beast held a malicious magical energy. And Masaki knew that this was the real deal. An actual dragon. In an instant it launched it's assault, swiping it's claws towards them at an incredible speed. The S-Class mage jumped up to evade the attack and put both of his palms in front of him, pointing towards the dragon. "Crystal Formation: Amethyst Chains!". In an instant, spiked amethyst chains ripped out of the ground and began to wrap around the dragons claws in the hopes that it would slow the beasts attack down so that Grace could evade it too. Masaki guided the chains with his hands and the chains emanated a bright purple glow. Upon landing, Masaki quickly generated six purple orbs of crystal that began to circle his body. He knew that he'd have to get serious from the very start. He just hoped Grace would too.
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Malnia Village: Church

She clicked her tongue in frustration as the girl emerged unharmed from their joint attack. As if to mock them the girl congratulated their power, this only further agitated her as she once again ignited her fists. "Then we'll just have to impress you further!" She noticed the giant ice hammer materialize above the girl, a fire seemingly being lit in her eyes as she saw the opportunity laid before her. Not about to waste this chance she once again wreathed her fists in flame and quickly bolted towards the girl. Whether the girl dodged Jaymes' attack or avoided it, she was going to make sure she shattered that shield. She had mostly figured out what this girl was capable of, realizing that she was pretty much the same as them. An elementalist of sorts. While she used fire and the Fairy Tail mage used ice, this girl seemed to use light itself. But regardless the overall limitations of her magic were likely the same as theirs. Knowing what counter-attack the girl would probably use she channeled her magic, knowing this would be a real quick exchange whether she succeeded or not.

@Mr Swiftshots

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Rodwen kiernan: Malina church

Rodwen smiled when the two decided to continue there attacks , the fight was proving to be quite intresting the two wizard were definatly strong but were they strong enough? When both attacks began to near her she clapped her hands together and a blinding light filled the ara shatering the hammer and overpowering the flames. Multiple beams of light shot off in diferant directions completly obliterating anything they came in contact with. One such beam grased the cheek of the red head and another hit the dragonslyer's chestplate. Imediatly after this attack Rodwen's body began to glow with light."if thiscontinues much longer i might need to get a little serious"

@Colt556 @Arvis90
Grace stared up at the beast in utter shock. Never in her life has she seen such a dangerous and scary looking beast. The dragon sent shivers down her spine not because it used ice magic, but because of how scary it was. She would've been clobbered by its massive claws if it wasn't for Masaki, who had slowed down its movement speed. Using this opportunity, she crawled away on all fours and ran to the S-class mages side, where should stood up and faced the dragon. "We can do this. We can do this." She repeated out loud, looking at Masaki for reassurance before sparking a flame in her hand. Seeing that the dragon had been slowed by the magical chains, Grace used this opportunity to place explosive traps under him, the same ones that were in Lucian's office. If the dragon didn't move quickly, the rings would explode underneath it. "Explosions cause fire, which should be good against ice. Hopefully"

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98
Jaymes - Malnia Church

Jaymes didn't get a chance to react this time as the woman clapped her hands, sending radiant light blasting outwards, blinding him. A moment later he was hit with something that sent him flying backwards with enormous force. A second later he hit the far wall, leaving a sizable crater. He shouted in pain on impact then fell to the ground ten feet below. Hitting the ground dazed him for a moment. But his senses returned when the woman said she might end up getting serious. This really pissed Jaymes off, and the area around him froze instantly as a blue aura surrounded him. He got to his feet and then rushed forward his fists glowing blue. "Savage Claw of the Ice Dragon!" Jaymes said, and surged forward. His left fist caught the woman in the stomach, then immediately after his right fist slammed into her cheek, sending her flying away from him.

@Mr Swiftshots @Colt556
Malnia Village: Church

The sudden burst of light caused her to screw her eyes shut and raise her arm in a vain to shield them from the blinding light. Her flames were extinguished by the burst and she felt something graze past her cheek, leaving a searing pain in it's wake. Worried about a potential follow-up she quickly hopped back a few paces to gain some distance. She rapidly blinked her eyes in an attempt to regain her vision as she was a sitting duck without it, however the sound of the ice mage using another spell and charging forward alleviated her fear somewhat. If the girl was preoccupied with him she couldn't exactly afford to come after her. As her eyesight slowly came back she looked around the church. She wasn't even sure what she was looking for but at the rate they were going this fight wasn't going to end in their victory. Something had to change for that to happen. The question was what? She looked out through the main entrance, the thought of getting help from the other mages quickly entering her mind.

That thought was discarded as quickly as it came upon seeing the hulking form of a dragon down the street. "Well shit..." Seeing the beast she immediately regretted doubting the ice mage earlier, but then what's done is done. The bigger issue now was that there was no way they were getting reinforcements with that thing around. She let out a sigh as she looked back at the ice mage attacking the girl. She was all for a good fight but it was perfectly clear this was way out of their league. Well running wasn't an option, and losing sure as hell wasn't an option, so that left only one thing to do. She again made her way around to flank the girl as she was preoccupied with Jaymes. Based on their past attacks it seemed pretty clear the girl wasn't very good at omnidirectional defense so if they could just land their attacks without her avoiding them they might stand a chance.

@Mr Swiftshots

Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen was suprised to see the dragon slayer rise so quickly after her attack , his armour was not to be taken lightly as it still remaind intact.The area around him froze over in an instant and he then surged towsrds Rodwen. His left fist caught her in the stomach, then immediately after his right fist slammed into her cheek, sending her flying away from him.

Rodwen fliched from the sheer force he had put into the attack , she spun in the air and landed perfictly on her feet ready to attack. The red head seemed to be flanking her where as the dragonslayer hadn't moved an inch. The light surronding Rodwen began to glow a little brighter "light gods barrage". With that rodwen completly vanished from sight befor appearing infront of the dragonslayer , she hit him with an upper cut sending him flying into the air where she hit him repeatedly from mutiple directions. It looked as if there was six of her hitting him at once but in reality they were all just after images. She finished with a powerfull punch to the chest which sent him flying into the red head girl below. Rodwen landed in the centre of the church where she began to dust off the dirt on her clothes.

@Colt556 @Arvis90

Ivalice: Malnia Town Center

Ivalice roared as the chains wrapped around his claws, clearly Masaki didn't understand the concept of dragons flying, nor their strength. At-least Ivalice thought so. With a powerful flap of his wings he ascended above the ground, his stomach taking a few blows from the explosive traps laid out by Grace but ultimately saved for a few burns his hide was un-harmed. "Did you really think that would be enough?" He asked them condescendingly, chuckling lowly as he strained and broke the chains. With that he roared at them, breathing a thick stream of ice, aiming to encase them altogether.
Jaymes - Malnia Church

Jaymes felt a slight sense of relief when the woman sailed away from him, but it was short lived when the woman stopped flying away and then vanished. A moment later, she reappeared in front of him and next thing he knew, he was blasted into the air and then hit for half a dozen directions at once continuously for several moments before he was slammed downward. He collided with the girl on the ground, and together they slide backwards several feet. Jaymes groaned, his entire body hurt pretty badly and his vision was flickering between red and black. He fought to stay conscious. He could sense the Ice Dragon outside the church, and a thought came to him. Ice from the dragon would rejuvenate him, but he was in no position to get up and get some to eat.

@Mr Swiftshots @Colt556

Naomi [Fairy Tail]

Malnia Village - Outside of Church

Once Naomi came to her senses after being teleported to Malnia, the big shadow that seemed to circle the area of the village caught her attention enough for her to follow. The beast that created the large shadow was none other but a dragon, a speaking one too. Although the dragon wasn't alone, it encountered two guide mages, one of which she recognized for his crystals. Keeping her distance she couldn't help but shutter when the massive beast suddenly attacked, the boy creating crystal chains that seemed to holding it down ever so slightly up until the dragon broke them without much struggle.

Running up to the two with a rather large firearm, she released purple flames on the ice streaming aiming for the two, but of corse with goggles on because safety first. The firearm was a magic flamethrower, melts more than just normal ice with the fuel being her own magic energy of corse. The ice was denser then normal ice, causing her to run out of breath by the end of it. With her fire and the ice combining, a thick mist was released but once it cleared she simply looked back at the two. "Hello!" She greeted, heavy breathed but a cheerful smile on her face. That attack was definitely risky and more energy consuming than she anticipated but rather.. fun.​


Masaki Yamada: Malnia Town Centre

The young mage kept his gaze on the dragon seemingly without flinching or blinking an eye, he was beginning to focus on the situation before him and concentrate on the beast before him. Quickly turning to Grace, he sent her a calm and reassuring smile before turning back to face the dragon, but directing his speech to Grace. "Try and stay calm... Think about yourself, please don't worry about me. I can handle myself." His tone was incredibly stern and his demeanour matched. However, he sent one more smile Grace's way before turning back to look at the dragon. The chains were torn apart effortlessly, but that was to be expected. He had only hoped to stall it so Grace could evade its slash and Masaki was glad that it worked. Now he could actually use his magic properly. When the dragon took off and into the sky, Masaki raised an arm to cover his face from the debris and dirt that the gale from it taking flight picked up. A moment crossed his mind where he thought he was incredibly foolish for actually standing up to the beast. But he had no choice. Besides, he couldn't turn back now... That wasn't the Sabertooth way. Masaki got quite annoyed with what the dragon said to him, in response, he quickly pointed his palm towards the dragon and sent all of the orbs it's way, jumping away from it's large attack, he quickly clapped his hands together as each orb shattered into dozens of crystal shards each. And launched themselves towards the dragon aiming for it's wings. It was then that he decided to speak to the beast. "Don't talk down at me. I'm more intelligent than you seem to think!" After that he sent more crystal shards it's way and acknowledged the other mage present, smiling at her and nodding before focusing on the beast and keeping his calm demeanour even now. Masaki knew that his attacks my not do all that much damage to the dragon, especially with the spells he is using now. But as long as he bought time for other people to arrive then he'd continue doing what he was doing.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten
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Malnia Village: Church

As she ran she kept her gaze locked on the girl. However soon enough the girl seemed to vanish before her very eyes causing her to skid to a stop and quickly look around for her. As quickly as she vanished the girl again appeared in front of Jaymes and began her brutal assault before knocking him in her direction. She let out a yelp as the man collided with her and they went sailing into the wall. With a groan she looked over at the girl and then down at the man resting on top of her. He had taken far more damage than she had and it was clear he wasn't in the best of shape because of it. So much for the vaunted Fairy Tail... She unceremoniously shoved the man off her with a grunt, letting him flop to the floor beside her as she used the wall to steady herself while she got to her feet. There was only one thing left to do as she confidently strode towards the girl. After narrowing the distance she looked the girl firmly in the eye, standing in silence for several lingering moments. Without warning she raised her arm and pointed behind the girl. "Look! Aliens!" She held her pose, her gaze still firmly locked on the girl who merely stared back with a blank expression. As the silence lingered she slowly lowered her arm, her expression falling along with it. "Yeah... I didn't think that'd work..."

She cast a quick glance over her shoulder at the ice mage before turning her attention back to the girl before her. With her plan ending in utter failure there was only thing left to do.. again.. "Well then, time for Plan C." Her entire body burst into flame as she charged toward the girl again. As powerful as she may be, as potent as her magic might be, there was nothing in this world that could withstand the flames of a determined fire mage. If this girl relied on her light then all she had to do was drown it out with her own light. As she charged forward she continued to pour magic power into her fire, determined to break through at all costs.

@Mr Swiftshots

Grace brought up her arms as if they would protect her from the dragons beam of icy death, but the sudden flash of purple flames melted the beam away. She slowly brought down her arms and glanced over at the new Mage who had saved her life. She gave Naomi a thankful smile before turning her full attention back to the dragon. Masaki had already launched his attack at the dragon, so she figured it was her turn. Lighting a purple flame in her hand, she summoned three magic missiles at Ivalice. The attacks were locked onto the dragon, and would follow it around until it connect with him. Unless of course he did some type of evasive maneuver to cause them to loose sight of its target. Once those three were off she began to prepare another batch.

@Defective Kitten @LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98

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