Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC


- Being a cute lil sleepy baby in Ferra's arms

Corra had literally been asleep for the entire mission, missed all the spectacular stuff, and was nestled against Ferra's chest. Her little body was so light she was easy to carry, though she was unknowingly out of any danger.

"N... o mister Squid... Corra wants to num num you..." She mumbled in her sleep.

"Aaaah!" She suddenly cried out, her eyes wide open. She stared up at Ferra with sleepy eyes.

"Oh hiya Ferra-human... Mister Squid bit Corra." She said, a frown on her pale face.

-=(John Star - Malnia - ???)=-

John stumbled around, his pants were heavy and wet from falling into the melted ice; it looked eerily like he had wet himself. The sounds of battle were still easy to hear, it was terrifying.

John had his arms crossed over his middle, the climate was wild currently; hot, cold- wait deadly- hot damn, baby.

He was confused as of what to do,
'Do snails ever wish they had legs...?' John rubbed his own arm comfortingly.

John tripped over a root, brick or rock, he face planted in the dirt; his arms still positioned on his middle.

John rolled over and sat up, he spat out dirt and (hopefully that was) a worm. He stuck his tongue out and coughed, "I'm
not an early bird."

John used his hands as support as he raised himself up, his heart was racing from the blind adrenaline rushes.

John thought
maybe he heard voices, but he wasn't sure, he hobbled towards them. "H- hello~?-" He cleared his throat from the awkward voice crack. "Hello?" He said in a deeper voice, attempting not to sound as scared as he felt.

@Mitchs98, @Or anyone else who would like to take pity on him.


Sarah Milkovich

She watched as most of the Wizards started to make their way towards the church. She started following them, soundlessly and unable to be seen of course. She still moved along the trees, not wanting to walk on the ground. She got near the church and climbed higher. On her wrist she drew the rune for merciless. She pulled her sleeve back down and it's almost like all emotions have left her body and all that was left was a cold, hard, shell. She kept moving along the trees with the group who was heading towards the church. She saw a girl that didn't seem very old or powerful but she knew not to underestimate an opponents magic. She kept following them, knowing that it would be suicide to try and fight a group of people at once.

@Kayzo @anyine that's there

Winter Chanel

She saw the dragon go up in the air and something starts to fall. She quickly made her way so she could catch who or what was falling. She finally caught what looked like a bunch of vines. She quickly untangled the vine to find a cat. She thinks it was the girls cat that was the dragon slayer. She didn't seem injured, just knocked out. She decided to keep the cat safe with her until the girl defeated the dragon for now, which wasn't going to be an easy task. She was hoping they were winning up there.

@Kyuubey @anybody that's there

Willow Costello

She was watching behind the trees. She didn't want to get in any of the people's way but she did stay hoping no one would really notice she was there. She figures she could project invisibility onto someone if they fell off the dragon or if there was an attack coming that could be hard to block. She just stayed were she was but she had a good view of the dragon. She just wanted to be able to help.

@anyone that's there​
Ferra: Malnia Forest

Ferra had, of course, hidden herself in the forest with Corra when the fighting began. She could of taken care of herself just fine, but she didn't want to leave Corra alone. After all as far as she knew she was a small child, yet she assumed she had magic to be wandering around alone. She arched a brow and looked down at her when Corra started speaking in her sleep, giggling in amusement she looked back over to the fight. It appeared they'd killed one dragon and they were after the other one now. Cool.

Shortly after Corra woke up. "Have a nice nap Corra? Sorry that Mr. Squid bit you, it was just a dream though." She told her, ruffling the girls hair and laughing softly at her expression. "You missed a lot, turns out it really was dragons causing the damage after all." She told her.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Malnia Forest
Ferra had, of course, hidden herself in the forest with Corra when the fighting began. She could of taken care of herself just fine, but she didn't want to leave Corra alone. After all as far as she knew she was a small child, yet she assumed she had magic to be wandering around alone. She arched a brow and looked down at her when Corra started speaking in her sleep, giggling in amusement she looked back over to the fight. It appeared they'd killed one dragon and they were after the other one now. Cool.

Shortly after Corra woke up. "Have a nice nap Corra? Sorry that Mr. Squid bit you, it was just a dream though." She told her, ruffling the girls hair and laughing softly at her expression. "You missed a lot, turns out it really was dragons causing the damage after all." She told her.

- Out of her cute lil mind

"The Rawr Rawrs were hurting every-humans?" She asked, tilting her head. Obviously 'Rawr Rawr' meant 'Dragon'.

"But but, but Corra was swimming in the ocean again. Corra come from ocean, so Corra swims in ocean lots!" She suddenly switched to talking about her dream and time in the ocean.

"Mister Squid bit Corra on the flippers!" She pointing to her hand, looking rather cross, "Corra usually bites Mister Squid and num num him. Corra likes squiddies. Taste good." She smiled and patted her belly.

"Ferra-human, why don't humans live in the oceans? Can they not eat fishes?"
[QUOTE="Chara Angel of Death]
- Out of her cute lil mind

"The Rawr Rawrs were hurting every-humans?" She asked, tilting her head. Obviously 'Rawr Rawr' meant 'Dragon'.

"But but, but Corra was swimming in the ocean again. Corra come from ocean, so Corra swims in ocean lots!" She suddenly switched to talking about her dream and time in the ocean.

"Mister Squid bit Corra on the flippers!" She pointing to her hand, looking rather cross, "Corra usually bites Mister Squid and num num him. Corra likes squiddies. Taste good." She smiled and patted her belly.

"Ferra-human, why don't humans live in the oceans? Can they not eat fishes?"

Ferra: Malnia Forest

Ferra listened to Corra's story with an amused smile on her face, she honestly found the kid to be adorably cute in a little kid kinda way. She nodded when she finished speaking, "Yeah. Humans eat fish, we can't breathe underwater though. Well..most of us. Though, it would be kinda neat to live in the ocean." She replied. Taking a bottle of water out of her bag she sipped on it before holding it out for Corra, "Are you thirsty?" She asked her. Right around then a gust of wind from the ongoing fight knocked the bottle out of her hand and into Corra, effectively spilling it all over her.
Mylanth - Skies above Malnia.

Mylanth roared in frustration as a sequence of extremely sharp objects lodged themselves into her wings. That actually hurt more than those pinpricks she felt earlier. She dropped slightly, then flapped her wings momentarily to regain her position, sharp spikes of pain erupting from her right wing. Her concentration had already been broken, and she was angry, very angry, far angrier than she had been previously.

At that moment, something began pulling her to the earth. She looked down and found purple hands grabbing at her left hind leg. They were powerful, and she had to struggle with her injured wing in an attempt to pull herself back up again. In anger and frustration, she roared and flapped vigorously, once again spikes of pain drifted up her wing. Somehow, she managed to pull herself back out of the purple hands, but both her wings were starting to ache from pain and exertion.

With a roar of rage, she launched her first attack. "Fire Dragon's Claw!" She roared, as all four feet ignited in flame. In all honesty, the flame would have been far more powerful if she had been able to build up the power for it, but as it was, her concentration had been broken during the build-up sequence. She launched herself higher into the air and brought all four feet together then began diving feet first, aiming her dive in Sora's direction in an attempt to severely burn and injure her physically.

Willow Costello

She saw the dragon start to dive near the girl. She quickly projected invisibility onto the girl. She gilded the invisibility on the girl easily. She knew now that the people would know she was there but she didn't care. She kept the invisibility on the girl hoping it would save her from the attack. She put two fingers to her head she knew the girls name was Sora so she said to her in her mind. "Even with the invisibility you can still attack but the dragon can't see you, you got this" she says to the girl seriously. Sora needed to defeat this dragon or they were all as good as dead.

@HuorSpinks @Kyuubey @anyone else that's there
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Malnia Village: Town Center

Since the opening salvo he had remained stationary, simply watching the battle unfold. It seemed the dragon was not use to fighting opponents so small and powerful as it spent most of it's time twisting and trying to dislodge the mages climbing atop it. Even so he had to remain alert as it fell upon him to ensure the safety of those attacking. As the Fairy Tail mage to his side spoke up and made her move he couldn't help but let out a small sigh. That was always the problem with the young, they overestimated their power and it cost them dearly. He made a mental note of chastising the young saint after this battle had been won.

The roar of the dragon brought his attention back fully on the ruby beast as it seemed to be getting it's footing in the battle. He could tell by the flow of magic that the dragon seemed to give up on the idea of defense and was opting to take a more offensive approach to the conflict. As if right on cue fire erupted around the dragon's feet as it began barreling down towards the young dragon slayer below. The axe that he had been resting his hands on simply vanished into nothingness as he held his arms out before him. At this moment the fire around the dragon's feet winked out of existence, however this was not enough to make good on his promise. Even without the magical properties the dragon was still plenty powerful enough to kill the young girl should it hit it's mark.

He closed his eyes, focusing his magic outward through his outstretched arms. His face scrunched up in exertion and with a loud grunt he brought his arms down quickly. The dragon's trajectory changed wildly as a sudden and powerful gravitational forced pulled it sharply to the ground a short distance away from the young dragon slayer. The massive impact kicked up a huge cloud of dust and debris, appearing almost as if a bomb had gone off. He let out a sharp breath that he had been holding, taking deep gulps of air as he let his arms rest at his sides. Unlike with the ice dragon the gravitational forces did not linger, allowing the ruby red creature to freely regain it's composure after impact. The sheer size and power of the beast made manipulating it in such ways far more taxing than the puppet the others had fought earlier. As such he would have to be content with simply ensuring the attack missed it's mark.

As his breathing returned to normal he opened his eyes to survey the battlefield. The only thing he was slightly worried about at this junction was the fate of Lamia Scale's Guild Master. However, he quickly dismissed this worry knowing that if the man was fit for his title he would be fine. It was very rare that someone was appointed the position of guild master without the magical prowess to back it up, and he was confidant that Lloyd Kirby was not one of these cases. At this point he turned his attention to the mage by his side, finally addressing her. "Perhaps you should enter the fray in a more direct manner. We shouldn't put it all on the shoulders of Ms. Sora Marvell after all."



@Mr Swiftshots
Dakota - Malnia Church

Dakota was busy with the young man, healing his heavy wounds and restoring his magic power was not an easy task. Luckily, his healing ability wasn't actually healing. An angel's healing was described as the ultimate form of healing magic, yet this was an assumption made by the mortals themselves. Angels had the power of Rejection, or the ability to reject fate. What he was doing now was rejecting the wounds the man had taken, making them as if they never were. He however couldn't bring back the dead, nor could he recreate certain things, such as magic power. He watched as the man's state returned to normal, just as his armor returned to its original radiate luster. After pouring his power into the guy for several minutes, Dakota finally had to stop, or he would weaken himself beyond what would be safe in any situation.

Jaymes - Destroyed Church/Town Center

Jaymes awoke with a start as he looked up into the eyes of a dude he didn't recognize. He looked around disoriented, and noticed the evil God Slayer was fighting against Sera and someone else. The God Slayer looked like she was having a hard time. Jaymes got up, and looked around, not sure what to do, then he heard the roar of a dragon and remembered that one was out there fighting against the other mages. Without a word, he dashed off. When he emerged outside, he saw the devastation that had been wrought by the fight, and saw the others fighting, many looked hurt and exhausted. The Ice Dragon looked moderately injured too, but it was the Fire Dragon that was the next threat. Enraged by the state at which they were in, blue light erupted around Jaymes, an ice bow materialized in his hand as he looked at the approaching dragon. "Dragon Slayers Secret Art: Dragon Bane Destruction Barrage!" Jaymes shouted, and released a barrage of icy bolts from his bow, shooting up towards the flame dragon. Each bolt was charged with Dragon Slayer Magic. However, he knew the dragon would destroy the bolts, so he dashed to a different location a short ways away, "Roar of the Ice Dragon!" Jaymes called out, releasing a raging vortex of lethal ice towards the flame dragon. Hopefully one of the attacks would land since they were coming in from different directions.

@all the people fighting dragons[/divide]
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Kelica - Edge of the forest near the town

Kelica had been warped the last of mages, figuring it must have been her severe lack of magic power compared to the others. Her eyes blinked slowly and painfully opening, hearing roaring, crashing and devastation around her. As her green eyes tried to focus in on what was going on, she felt the overwhelming agony of the forest. The death and fear of the creatures, the marks on the trees, the burnt ground. She took a shaky step forward before dropping to her knees her fingernails scrapping at the bark of a nearby tree as she tried to hold herself up. She groaned, tears whelling up at the corners of her eyes and she fell violently ill. Heaving the last of her breakfast up before willing herself to stand, the pale looking girl hobbled through the overgrowth and trees. She came to the edge of the forest, clinging desperate to keep her upright and she looked high in the sky to the overlooming red dragon.

So they were real... and they did destroy everything in their wake.

She wept openly for the forest. Though she ran a finger under her eyes to brush the tears partially away, she stumbled closer to the scene where the dragon battle was happening. What could she do? She was so weak and fragile as she was, the overwhelming fear of the forest making every step agony, to the point she simply fell to her knees once more, in the open. "why... why would they do this..." her knecklace starting a low green glimmer.

Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Malnia Forest
Ferra listened to Corra's story with an amused smile on her face, she honestly found the kid to be adorably cute in a little kid kinda way. She nodded when she finished speaking, "Yeah. Humans eat fish, we can't breathe underwater though. Well..most of us. Though, it would be kinda neat to live in the ocean." She replied. Taking a bottle of water out of her bag she sipped on it before holding it out for Corra, "Are you thirsty?" She asked her. Right around then a gust of wind from the ongoing fight knocked the bottle out of her hand and into Corra, effectively spilling it all over her.

- Big surprise!

"Oh. Ferra-human and other humans can't live in ocean. Okay." She said, tapping her chin lightly. She felt sad they couldn't, they wouldn't be able to play with her in the coral reefs or eat fish with her! When she was offered water, she seemed confused when Ferra began drinking from a bottle. She yelped when the water suddenly came down on her, fear taking her for a second just when her body transformed into a large, white, fluffy seal. She slipped out of Ferra's arms, but just as she hit the floor, she turned back.

But she wasn't little Corra anymore.

She looked just about an adult now.

"Oww... Corra hurt.." She moaned.

Sora Marvell - Malnia

Sora tilted her head at the voice creeping into her mind, a small mental thanks being quickly ushered back, it was the polite thing to do when someone went out of their way to be of assistance. All of their efforts combined were seeming to start to tire out the dragon, even if only a bit, but any progress was welcomed. At the sight of Mylanth being gravity slammed into the ground below, Sora's figure reappeared behind Jaymes quite silently, her voice making her presence become known to the man. " Roar of the Sky Dragon! " A forced unison raid spiraled her attack to entwine with the other slayers ice roar, the speed and destructive power of it substantially increasing as the elements danced with one another to apply a direct and effective hit onto their target.

The girl would be gone if Jaymes bothered to look behind him, not wanting to remain still. She figured she'd kick the dragon while it was down, quite literally, as she appeared above the dragon and focused energy into her feet, flipping midair. " Sky Dragon's Claw! " Her voice rang out as she brought her leg down, a slicing wind erupting downwards with her foot following as a slamming force upon the dragon's body. The ground below it would crater further inwards from the impact as she kicked off of it to land a bit
away, pink hair flaring about. Those fierce pink eyes gazed about to gauge everyone's physical state, hovering onto Gilad for a moment. The man was making good on the promise he'd given, this gaining a personal respect for him that extended out of the natural one people had for those with power. Lloyd was also an immense help and smart really, able to follow up on every attack in a perfect synchronization, this synergy something she could only admire. Clair was usually the only person who worked so well with her, but this whole situation, as dire and intense as it was, was making her feel extremely honored to get to work with such incredible people from different guilds.

Sora took to the sky again, feeling more comfortable and agile in the air as opposed to the ground, as she noticed the girl, Winter, holding Nami. A huge wave of relief
traveled down her entire body, a small sigh being released into the air, extremely grateful. Normally she'd jump up and down but that was hardly appropriate for a battlefield, so she refrained, but mentally she was overjoyed. Both hues fell back onto the dragon, locking themselves there and preparing for whatever may happen next, her concentration now fully where it should be with the knowledge of Nami being safe. It was going to take something big to take the dragon down, Sora thinking she was up to the task but she'd have to wait until the dragon was more beaten up, not wanting to disburse all of her energy in a futile attempt big bang attack if there was any chance of survival.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots @Arvis90 @ScarlettRose16

@anyone else I may have forgotten
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Tanari Varos - Malnia Village: Church

She had been propped up against the ruined wall of the church, slowly recovering her magic power as the winged mage fought the God Slayer. Lucky for her Lucian seemed to be occupied elsewhere and the arrival of that winged mage saved her life. She was startled by the sudden arrival of another winged individual. What was it with people and wings? Bunch of special snowflakes. She was about to speak up when the man began to heal her, restoring her magic power and cleansing away her wounds. Not about to look a gift horse in the mouth she remained silent, letting the man do his thing.

Soon enough he was finished and she slowly got to her feet, opening and closing her hands and moving around a bit to make sure everything was back the way it was. With a content smile she looked down at the man who had turned his attention to Jaymes. "No idea who you are, but thanks." She turned her attention to the god slayer fighting the winged Fairy Tail mage, a grin forming on her lips. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have to get in on Round Two." She slammed her knuckles together, her fists erupting into flame as she charged out of the barrier that had shielded them.

She quickly took note of where the fight had progressed while she was taking a breather. With the God Slayer going moving to attack the two downed mages she figured it was her time to shine. She slid to a stop and held her arms out in front of her, interlacing her fingers as she aimed her fist towards the girl. The fire around her fists grew in intensity as she channeled her magic. "Incineration!" She called out as a massive cyclone of fire shout out from her enclosed fists towards the God Slayer. With the damage the girl had sustained and being unaware of her revival she hoped this attack would actually hit it's mark, as none of her other attacks seemed to be able to.

@Mr Swiftshots


Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Ok this was seriously getting out of hand , where were all these dalm wizards coming from ! Rodwen blocked a few of the winged girls punches before her other arm began to feel heavy , the girls punches delt a resonable amount of damge due to the gash on her lower stomach and burns along her chest and stomach. When the attack finished Rodwen stood with one eye closed and her arms by her side , she went to lift her arm but failed in doing so. It was shortly after she felt a searing pain hit her in the back , she fell to her knees and screamed in pain. Burning to death was for blasphemers not messengers of the gods !

Rodwen attempted to stand but her legs were unresponsive things were looking dire for her. Why did that dalmed angel guy have to but into her affairs , people die all the time so why now ? Rodwen turned her head to look at him , he was behind a barrier of light watching the scene unfold "dalmed angel you shall fallto the depths of hell for your sins here today". Rodwen began sucking in the light in the room starting with the mans barrier. As she ate she slowly began to gain power over her limbs again , she was still slugish but at least she could move now. She stood firmly her body burned , bruised and cut not to mention the affects the poisin was having internally. "You all have caused me harm today , in harming me you harm the light god. I will not allow you to escape with your lives" Clair's expression was blank and she spoke againin monotone just like before.
(Just to progress since I haven't posted in awhile.)

Grace: Outside of the church

After her little hug with Masaki, it seemed that she was completely wrong. Another dragon had come down from the sky, one much bigger and much stronger than the last. One that Grace knew she couldn't beat, and that even trying to engage would end up with her dead. So as much as she wanted to stay, she took the advice of the Sabertooth Guildmaster and began to head towards the church. She wasn't sure if Masaki would be coming yet, but the B-class went ahead first. She went around to the side of the church, not noticing the person following her. "I wish these dragons would die sooner so we can get our money..." She said out loud, slumping against the wall.

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Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair looked over at the sabertooth master after he took the dragon down to earth , this was the power of the second wizard saint. Clair zoned out for a moment thinking about the gap in power between herself and this man. However she snapped out of it when he spoke to her , he wanted her to get into the battle in a more direct manner. "Y.yeh sure i cant let Sora have all the fun can i" she spoke quietly to herself not intending for the guildmaster to hear her.

Clair requiped into her slayer armour calling forth a beutiful red spear to accompany it. She looked once more at the man to make sure he was alright before bolting off in the direction of the dragon. Clair used her spear to gain some height , she landed easily on the dragons back. Clair ran along the dragons back thrusting the spear several times into the unarmoured areas Sora had so generously donated.

Clair wasn'tsure when the dragon would rise but she sure as hell was persistant on staying on the dragons back.

Masaki: Outside of The Church

When Ivalice fell, Grace was quick to hug him. Masaki chuckled slightly, he was both happy that the group had finally managed to do it... And happy that Grace managed to survive. Eventually, Grace began to head off towards the church, as the group were told to do so by Gilad. The red headed mage quickly glanced over at the other dragon fighting the other mages and then quickly made his way towards Grace. Catching up, he saw Grace slumped up against the church wall. He went over to her with a smile on his face, he was quick to acknowledge a strange presence in the air. But couldn't pinpoint it's location. He just knew someone was there. However, for the time being he paid no mind to it and looked over at Grace. "Sorry for the delay..." He chuckled, "So, have you noticed anything going on around here?" After that, it began to hit him that Momoki practically vanished, just where on earth was she? He'd be sure to look for her soon.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
@Colt556[/URL] @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @Arvis90

Sera: Malnia Disintegrated Church

Sera tsked as she stood up after being thrown into Cinla, she hadn't expected Rodwen to be able to move so fast still. She braced for impact of her palm attack, only to have it fall short a few inches from her. Dashing forward she started throwing punches at her, some missed some didn't, then Tanari came in and punched her in the back. Sera was, more or less, certain they'd won. There was no point in Rodwen trying to fight them with her blood in her system. But of course, she stood up anyway. Sera glanced over to Tanari, then to Rodwen, before laughing. "Hate to tell ya, but uh. It's two against one, three if that angel guy helps." She told her. "Just give up already!" She shouted before swinging downwards at Rodwens' head with the blunt of her scythe.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Malnia Forest
Ferra let out a squeak of surprise and ultimately landed flat on her butt when Corra turned into a seal then into a..adult? What...the hell. "Umm...Corra..what the heck just happened?.." She asked her, highly confused, crawling over on her knees and poking her cheek to make sure it was real and not an illusion. It, infact, was real. "Something you uh..wanna tell me?" She asked, a highly confused expression on her face. She knew Corra wasn't human, or at-least not that intelligent, but..still.


@Colt556 @Mr Swiftshots @Leo Radomir @Arvis90

Sera: Malnia Disintegrated Church

Sera tsked as she stood up after being thrown into Cinla, she hadn't expected Rodwen to be able to move so fast still. She braced for impact of her palm attack, only to have it fall short a few inches from her. Dashing forward she started throwing punches at her, some missed some didn't, then Tanari came in and punched her in the back. Sera was, more or less, certain they'd won. There was no point in Rodwen trying to fight them with her blood in her system. But of course, she stood up anyway. Sera glanced over to Tanari, then to Rodwen, before laughing. "Hate to tell ya, but uh. It's two against one, three if that angel guy helps." She told her. "Just give up already!" She shouted before swinging downwards at Rodwens' head with the blunt of her scythe.

- More talking!

Corra rubbed her eye and got off her bottom just as Ferra popped the question.

"Oh?" Corra asked, tilting her head. She got a good look at her arms and legs, and especially chest. It seems the cloak had grown with her too, still retaining the long sleeves and long dress-like part.

"Oh! Corra big again!" She said, smiling widely as she got up. She was a little taller than Ferra.

"Corra bigger than Ferra-human now! Wow wow wow!" She seemed extremely entertained by this development, "Oh yeah, Corra's a Selkie!"
[QUOTE="Chara Angel of Death]
- More talking!

Corra rubbed her eye and got off her bottom just as Ferra popped the question.

"Oh?" Corra asked, tilting her head. She got a good look at her arms and legs, and especially chest. It seems the cloak had grown with her too, still retaining the long sleeves and long dress-like part.

"Oh! Corra big again!" She said, smiling widely as she got up. She was a little taller than Ferra.

"Corra bigger than Ferra-human now! Wow wow wow!" She seemed extremely entertained by this development, "Oh yeah, Corra's a Selkie!"

Ferra: Malnia Forest

Ferra stood up a bit after Corra did, still not understanding how, as Corra put it, she was 'big again'. "I..see. Cool." She told her when she said she was taller than her now. "What exactlt is a Selkie though?" She asked, still heavily confused on how exactly she grew. Was it one of those 'just add water' situations, like for instant ramen, only..instant growth? She still couldn't get past the fact mere minutes ago she was smaller than her and was being held by her, and now she was bigger than her after turning into a seal.
Lloyd - Malnia Forest Ruins

Lloyd heaved a sigh of relief when the fires around the dragon's legs winked out of existence. It had been getting unbearably hot on the dragon; his shirt was already half-covered with sweat. Perhaps he should have taken off his jacket before jumping on the dragon... but his relief was short-lived as the next thing he knew, the dragon, and he himself with it, was free-falling all the way to the ground at an extremely fast rate. as if the dragon was being pulled down by an extremely powerful force. Once again, he held on for dear life, but the final impact of the dragon hitting the ground was so great that he ended up loosing his grip on the dragon and down onto the ruined grass beside the dragon. The impact flung him a few feet in the air and before he could right himself, he hit the ground. Unfortunately for him, he hit the ground knee first, and there was a sickening crack as an extremely sharp pain shot through his entire right leg.

He gritted his teeth, refusing to cry out from the pain, instead forcing himself into a sitting position to gauge where he was, abet a bit slowly as he could barely even move his right leg. He was a few feet from the dragon and there was no way he was going to be able to get back on the dragon, not with his leg in this state. In addition, it did not seem likely that the dragon would be flying again; or at least for very far so it probably would not matter that he was earthbound. His leg refused to support him so he pretty much had to crawl to a ruined tree a good distance away from the dragon, biting on his lip the entire time so as not to cry out each time movement caused that sharp pain to spike up his leg again. It was definitely broken. There were many other ruined trees in the vicinity, so he assumed that he must have crawled into what used to be a forest. Either way, it would provide him good cover from the dragon.

He pushed himself upright against the tree, standing on his good leg and leaning his back against the tree for support. Fortunately for him, he had not lost grip of his bow and he still had a good many arrows with him. He was facing the dragon head on now, and before the dragon could attack him he whipped out an arrow and sent it speedily through the air, channeling his magic through the arrow to increase it's speed and strength. Hence, it was with the strength of a thousand arrows that he sent six arrows right through to the dragon's eyes, three into it's right eye and three into it's left, in quick succession. He was pretty much running on guess work, however, and much like he had guessed that the wings were a dragon's weak point, he was hoping that the eyes would be one as well. His first guess had proven to be correct, as his arrows had damaged the dragon's ability to fly, and hopefully he would be lucky again.

@Colt556 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Grace glanced up at Masaki with a questionable look. She couldn't tell if his question was serious or not, a small grin forming on her face. "Besides the fact that there are dragons flying around and killing everything, nothing much." She said sarcastically, leaning back against the wall and yawning. "But if you're being serious, I haven't noticed anything off. Why do you ask? Do you sense something?" The girl did have the feeling of being watched, but she was really on edge right now, afraid that a dragon might come from the sky and attack them at any moment.

Mylanth - Malnia Town

Mylanth let out a surprised shriek as the fires around her feet vanished, as if into nothingness. The next thing she knew, something pulled her down hard into the ground so hard that it sent shock waves though her entire body. And then... pain everywhere. Pain erupted from her body, her back, almost everywhere, she could not even tell which specific areas were causing the pain. This made her very, very angry. It was sheer anger and adrenaline that pushed her to her feet upright, slowly. She attempted to flap her wings to propel her back up into the air but her right wing still ached, as if some sharp objects were lodged into it and it ached to to even use it too much.

It was time for her next move; Fire Dragon's Iron Fist. She tensed and concentrated in an attempt to build up power but the next thing she knew, her eyes exploded. Sparkles, then darkness. She shrieked in range and anger and the blasts immediately issued from her mouth; she was too furious to even think straight. Six blasts in total, aimed in six different directions. She could not even see where she was aiming or the amount of damage she was dealing, or if she even was, due to her lack of sight.

@Colt556 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots

Sarah Milkovich

She watched the girl very closely, she finally got alone but when she was about to attack, she heard a rustling in the bushes. "I guess transformation magic would do me good, but should I do one from Sabertooth, or Lamia Scale, decisions decisions. She saw a girl named Ferra and she was in the Lamia Scale guild. She traveled a little bit backwards and went out of invisibility and transformed into the small girl. 'She has some interesting thoughts' she thinks to herself. She skipped out to where Masaki and Grace were. "Hey guys" she says smiling. She better tone it down a bit or this is not going to go very well. She just kept smiling and was holding a bag of random foods and munching on it. She was just taking one step at a time so this wouldn't go terrible for her.


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