Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sora Marvell - Malnia

Sora's eyes narrowed, the dust in the air making it hard to see, but a smile tugged at her lips as she sensed Clair come up beside her. With this, they could do it, the unthinkable feat of killing a dragon, it was possible. A hand slowly reached out to grasp Clair's free hand, cupping it gently before giving it a solid strong squeeze, a light emitting from their enclosed hands. She was grateful her guild friend was here, seeing this through with her until the end, really she'd have it no other way. " Together then? " Sora chimed in, eyes flickering up to read the other girl's expression. Sora could feel the power radiating off of Clair but also flowing through her from the moment she had made physical contact. It felt like a breath of fresh air amidst the dense atmosphere around them, their magic and energy syncing into one as she concentrated every emotion and thought into this last and final attack, fueling it with more than just their magic. She knew Clair would tie an attack with hers so she initiated the unison raid.

Her unrestrained hand slowly spanned out to the side, palm facing outwards, preparing for the spell as she braced herself, feeling the air pick up as she flared her magic powers higher, the air beginning to rip at both of their clothes. The ground shuddered a bit in response as a ginormous blue magic circle began to circle beneath their feet. A vortex soon after became visible as it enveloped them and the dragon in a barrier of wind, leaving no room for any means of escape from Mylanth. " Secret Dragon Slayer Art, Shattering Light Sky Drill! " She chanted loudly, the light that curtained their hands now shining bright enough to blind someone if they were to look at it. Knees bent slightly, her arm moved counter clockwise to rest in front of her, palm pushing forward as an incredible magic blast spanned out wider and higher than the dragons width and height, shooting from her tiny frame to completely envelop and pummel through the huge beast. It continued
onward, striking the area behind it as well in a massive but overly destructive burst that once again shook and disfigured the already scarred area that seemed to not be getting a break. The beam continued to drill itself through the dragon, Sora feeling her magic quickly depleting as she held the attack, still mentally pushing herself to continue before the spell came to a finish, the radiant light slowly dying out.

It'd seem both of her legs had lost feeling, not able to support her any longer as she fell to her knees and waited for the dust to settle to see if they'd been victorious or not. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she tried to breathe, finding this painfully exhausting in itself.
Everything began to get hazy, the air making her nauseous, her figure feeling lighter than it normally did.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @anyone else
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Grace nodded at Masaki while in the dome. This fight was at an extreme stalemate. They couldn't hurt her, she couldn't hurt them. Why Sarah did such a stupid move was unknown to her, and like Masaki said, there was no winning until these bonds were broken. "Agreed. For now we need to stay mobile. We can't let her magic hurt us." The dome was quickly shattered, leaving the two exposed. She dashed to the side despite the immense pain searing in her body. However it suddenly stopped, her body feeling rejuvenated and warm. It seems that Sarah used a healing spell on her. "Cmon, break these bonds so we can settle this the real way!"

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
Masaki: Malnia Forest

Listening to Grace speak, he smiled to the girl. What they needed to do for the time being was to stay mobile until they can think of some kind of counter attack, or until the link is broken. Either way, Masaki was growing impatient. He couldn't fight like this, and he sure as hell wanted to make this woman pay for using Grace as a means of him to not attack. Unlike the other battle, their opponent wasn't a dragon, so this really was Masaki's time to shine. He just wanted to be rid of this stupid link. It was strange, he could feel all of the emotions that were housed within both Grace and the woman, who he didn't even know the name of yet. When the dome shattered, Masaki dashed to the opposite direction of Grace and kept his gaze on the woman. It appeared that she used some kind of healing spell on both Grace and himself. "What kind of sick game is she playing, toying with us like this..." He muttered under his breath. It was in that moment that he began to speak. "Drop the cheap acts and fight us properly." He said sternly, a hint of frustration in his voice. He couldn't carry on like this, and the fight would just drag if this link wasn't discarded soon. Unless of course, they used this to their advantage. Masaki chuckled quietly to himself as he got an idea. An incredibly risky one, but it would definitely work if the lady kept her link active.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16

Sarah Milkovich

She watches the boy carefully. "We'll do what you want but I'm not afraid to die, attack me, don't attack me. I really don't care but I was supposed to get hostages because your precious guilds would do anything to get you guys back, well Lamia Scale would, I'm not sure about Sabertooth. I'm willing to strike a deal. I will release the link and if I win, you guys are my hostages, if I loose then, it's up to you." She honestly wanted to fight them but she wasn't afraid to die, she just didn't want to. "Also if another Mage decides to interfere then the link goes back up. Those are my perimeters. Do you accept." She was true to her word, she would accept defeat but she wasn't sure if she could handle 2 mages, never mind 3. She needed to make this deal or she would just keep the link up and find her guild master.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari

Wherever the Fight With Lucian Is

Winter Chanel

The ground starts to shake beneath her and the temperature rises significantly. She grabs onto a near by tree that had a lower branch so she wouldn't fall. The ground seemed to stop shaking for the moment. She saw him go for the wizard who seemed to use some type of magic with arrows. She saw him go to knock out the Mage and her instincts took over. "Ice Geyser." She says putting her hands to the ground so it would come up right under the dark quild master. She looks up wondering if he would dodge it or not. She knew it was easy to dodge but maybe it would at least throw him off balance for a second. She sees a guy who seemed to pass out. 'These wizards are interesting.' She thinks to herself.

@Salt Lord @Goldencurls @Mitchs98 @WoodenZebra
Grace skidded to a halt at the girls rules. They seemed fair enough to her, and she was sure that no one would come to where they were right now. Nodded her head, she placed her hands on her hips and glanced over at Masaki. "Those rules are fair enough to me, but the final decision is up to Masaki." She said, smiling at him before turning her attention to Sarah. "Just get this bond off me..."

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16

~{Alfie: Fairy Tail - Malnia: I'M ALL FIRED UP}~

Directly after telling Lucian they needed to continue their battle, a wave of heat spread over them, making it drastically uncomfortable to do anything. Being the mysterious wizard he was, he defied the laws of Fairy Tail and kept his clothing on... but the same could not be said for his opponent. The old Guild Master had taken the top half of his suit of to reveal his surprisingly muscular muscles. Oh!!!???

Stunned, Alfie stood there with his mouth agape until Lucian decided to lunge at him with a punch. Before Alfie could react, lightning interrupted the old man's attack. But now the pink-haired wizard wanted action from up front, and upon remembering that his bow wasn't required to use his magic, he snapped the stick in half with a blow from the knee. Alfie twirled around at an attempt to hit Lucian with both sharp pieces of bow, and if that failed, a barrage of pink arrows was waiting to be fired at Lucian's back.

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Masaki: Malnia Forest

The boy nodded towards the female mage with a slight smile on his face. The terms were perfect. "Yes... Those terms are fine with me." He stood there quietly, his hands at his side as he began to channel magic in just his palms. When the link would come off, he would start his counter attack straight away. The Grimorìe Heart mage has had enough play time. A small chuckle escaped Masaki's mouth as he looked over towards Grace and then straight back at the woman. "Before we fight properly, I'd like to know your name. It's rude to not know the name of the person you're fighting.." He smiled toward the woman, but that smile soon turned into a stern, serious look. This woman was clearly of S-Class level, which was good. Since that meant Masaki would be fighting someone of equal ranking.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
Kelica - "New desert" Malina

Even on one knee, with her arms crossed before her face, she kept her magic on. She pushed as much as she could into the roots and vines to keep them alive and protected. But soon she had to pull the back part of the shield around to the front to keep it from blowing away, making an umbrella shape faced towards the blast. Watching fire coil and slide around them as it followed the sides of the shield. But even then it wasn't enough... it was to strong, there was no vegetation left to help, no forest, no animals, nothing...

Kelica for the first time heard silence. Not a single word, thought or feeling from her beloved forest. And like that her shield disintegrated into nothing. Her hands fell forward to land before her, so she was on all fours, in shock. "why... " she whispered. So quiet. But then, one voice. She turned to look behind her, looking to the lone tree Lloyd was leaning against. "Ah little one... We have stood for a very long time.. even before these dragon creatures... we grow, we seed and we die... just as we die we will seed and grow once more.. " the tree would give a reassuring smile if it could. Her green eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry... " She whispered again before she felt the burning heat off the dragon and the tree burst into flames and scorched to nothing.

Silence once more... even through tears she noticed a tiny moment of something rolling towards her. It stopped just as her side. She reached down and picked up the one tiny seed left from the forest, clenching her fist tightly around it to keep it safe. "I'll keep you safe... I promise..."

She took a deep breath in and wiped her tears away once more. She finally heard Lloyd talk to her and glanced over to him. "heh..." She didn't really know what to say, physically she was fine. Mentally... well she was drained. And his leg looked completely wrecked. She watched him fire the tornado arrow and crawled closer to him her eyes squinting against the wind followed a moment later by the dragon slayer. Now the forest was gone she felt useless...but then she happened to glance down to petal, the flower that was wrapped securely against her wrist. You could see the cogs working in her mind even as she stared down to Lloyds leg. "do you remember when I helped Petal here to grow from the smashed vase, I wonder... " already moving a hand over the broken bone before he responded "I've never tried this on a human, but it can't be that different to an animal right? " whispering nervously more to herself.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots

Sarah Milkovich

"Sarah Milkovich. And I already know your names. What are your terms, if you win." She asks just before she brings then link down. She kind of liked her odds and he seemed powerful so it wouldn't be a boring fight for her. She had her teal orb in her hand behind her back, she could tell by the way they were standing they were going to launch and attack as soon as she dectivates the link. She had her stele in her hand also. Her invisibility rune was on her wrist. She knew she could only use that defense a few times, but it was a good defense.

@Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
"If we win you can screw off. How about that?" Grace suggested, her hand becoming engulfed in a purple flame. If the bond was still on, Masaki and Sarah would feel intense excitement, anger, and eagerness. She was filled with a new-found passion and was bloodthirsty. I don't plan on holding anything back!" She thought, preparing herself a hellstorm spell. This poor dark Mage wouldn't be shown any mercy in this fight. "But let's hurry and get this bond off!"

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16
@ScarlettRose16 @WoodenZebra @Salt Lord

Lucian: West of Malnia Church

Lucians' expression was unchanged as 5 lightning bolts hit him, dodged out of the way of the rest, merely offering an annoyd grunt in reply. Singe marks and blisters adorned his chest from the lightning strikes, but really they were simply more wounds to add to the canvas. Shortly after that John launched an attack that he simply side-stepped and watched as he fell over with a raised brow, looking from his opponents to John with a semi-shocked expression.

No matter, one less idiot to deal with. Soon after that Winter joined the fray, attacking him with a pillar of ice. Garnering a cut on his chest he moved out of the way before the pillar could knock him down. Shortly after that Alfie came at him with..twigs. Sharp pointy twigs..Lucians one true weakness!.. Not. Sighing and dropping down low Lucian delivered a sweep kick to the bows heels in a fluid circular motion, effectively knocking him over.

"Sticks, Ice, and Lightning..I'd say Ms. Momoki is the only one with common sense when it comes to fighting a fire mage." He stated simply. Stretching his arms to the side in a wide arc he paused momentarily before his palms were engulfed in black fire, "I've had enough stalling, if you don't mind." He told them, clearing his throat. "Black Fire Flare!" He shouted, the fire on his palms roaring to life as he swung his arms and clapped his hands together, black fire flowing out around him in a shockwave-esque wall. The ice immediately beside him melting in an instant, if they didn't dodge the blow would surely incapacitate them or heavily wound them.

Winter Chanel

She saw the black fire melt her ice without a second thought. "Well crap" she says seeing the magic come towards her. She acts quickly. She goes up a tree. Some people would think it was stupid but it's what she did. She gets to the top and was seeing that the fire could probably burn the tree down in a matter of a second. She thinks for a second. "Devil's Rage" she says launching what would look like an ice dragons roar. She releases a large purple blizzard of cold air, ice and snow from ther mouth, directing it towards the guild master. The blizzard inflicts great damage upon those it contacts, causing everyone unable to resist it to be sent flying away with great force, as well as leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake, heavily damaging the area it passes through. That was only the possibilities of what it could do. It is equivalent to a dragon roar basically. She was hoping that the other mages weren't near the master of the dark guild.

@WoodenZebra @Salt Lord @Mitchs98


~{Alfie: Fairy Tail - Malnia: Vs. Lucian}~

Alfie was effectively knocked over by Lucian's swift hits, but retaliated by flipping back up with matched grace. Not one of the attacks had seemed to phase him, and things were seeming desperate. Especially when Lucian had insulted all but Momoki, and even more so when he unleashed a black, fiery, powerful wall of magic that would be their demise if not avoided.

The pink-clad wizard threw away the shards of bow as they vanished out of existence and tethered the blind angel to his hand with his binding spell. He couldn't worry about the other two, seeing as they knew what was going on, making John his first priority. The angel was rapidly pulled into Alfie's arms, and when he was finally secure, he gracefully jumped more than a few feet into the air.
"Sagitta Luminis: Propel!" A sky-blue arrow shot up from under the two and dissipated before it hit. They shot up hundreds of feet into the sky, which was now more than enough to come over the wall.

"Sagitta Luminis: Trapeze!" Pink ribbons extended down from the sky to form a sort of swing in which the two safely landed on. "Please, stay up here." It was more of a command than a plead, which was usual from Alfie in the heat of battle. He jumped down and the bow formed in his hands again. He had hoped Lucian didn't know he was about to land on him... until a great blast of purple ice slammed into both him and his opponent. Alfie skid across the ground and stopped hundreds of feet away from where he should have landed, and the trapeze holding John disappeared.

@Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16 @Goldencurls
Momoki was flattered at what Lucian said to her.Then she started thinking.If water isn't effective on him and Lighting is she'll just have to use other cards.Momoki took out three more cards,"Thunderbolts fate" Momoki said aiming the cards at Lucian automatically shocking him.If this didn't knock him out she'll have to use plan B.Momoki then had a blast of cold air go over her.This wasn't uncomfortable for her.After all she had to be able to fight in all conditions,so the air didn't seem to faze her,but really she just shivered a little.After that she saw a attack by Lucian coming straight for her.All Momoki could do that's not blocking it was dodging it.Lucky for her she still had her purse on.Momoki took off her purse and dropped it just as the Balls of firey death came at her.The added wait of Momoki's purse which is so heavy that it can't be shown helped the explosion look even more real.After the smoke cleared she was gone.

#Where's Momoki

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @ScarlettRose16
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-=(John Star - Whatever's Left of Malnia - I'm Surprised He Isn't Dead Yet)=-

Wind whistled in his ears as he went up, it was so fast the air pressure made his ears pop. He could hear
Pinky's voice, though now that he was still the pink-haired mage's voice still sounded like it was being blown away by the wind.

John probably should've been embarrassed being carried similar of a princess, but, he was
long past having and dignity. Plus, he was a princess.

He heard Pinky say something along the lines of "Stay" John tried to reply, all that came out was a groan and a sob mixed together. Attractive.

All of a sudden the sound of shattered ice tore through the air, and ironically, so did John. He flailed and screamed, like the child he is, as he plummeted to the ground.

His wings barely picked up any air, nothing would seem to really break the fall. Except, you know, his neck.

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @WoodenZebra @ScarlettRose16
Mylanth - Three Kilometers Southwards from Malnia

Mylanth had been laughing maniacally as the heat within her grew stronger and stronger. Soon, she would be as hot as the sun. This was an extremely rare spell because of the huge damage it would do to the surroundings and if let continue, could possibly destroy their whole planet. No one nearby within a 10 kilometer radius would be able to survive such great heat, not even mages, she was sure. Soon, everyone would be dead and she would get to nurse her great triumph while her eyes and body healed over time.

Her eyes, unfortunately, cleared just in time to see a gigantic tornado slam into her. A great tornado about 1 kilometer wide in diameter, one rated an F5. She had no idea where it came from; all she knew was that it swept her up as if she was a mere ant in a dust storm. Perhaps if she had been aware of it coming she could have escaped somehow yet now it was too late. She screeched as she spun about in the air, hardly able to make head of tail where she was, or in what direction she should go in order to escape it. Even if she could though; the great tornado wretched at her wings, rendering them useless, unable to flap them in order to escape. This lasted for a few minutes before she felt herself being flung out of the tornado and dumped on the ground.

She struggled weakly. She was extremely giddy, and her head was spinning. and she barely knew which direction was up and down. She had only just managed to get her bearings and was slowly moving in an upright position when a great beam of light shone right into her, enveloping her whole. She screeched in pain, unable to struggle, feeling as if the light was slowly tearing her apart from the inside. Ripping her apart in three thousand different directions. And then... she knew no more. The pain reached a crescendo, the greatest she ever felt... and then she shut down. It was a final mercy for a great dragon who had required the energy of two Guild Masters in order to contain her.

As if in slow motion, the great dragon collapsed, hitting the ground limb by limb. Her great frame hit the ground last, sending up a shockwave, sending dust, ruined grasses, trees and debris flying in all directions. And there it remained.

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Kyuubey
Lloyd - Ruins of Malnia Forest

Lloyd was not even aware of his surroundings, his eyes covered by his right arm. He was barely able to move; his body ached with exhaustion and he could barely move anything. His right leg was buzzing with pain; pain he had almost gotten used to. All the same, he figured that he should get his leg checked at least. He knew it was broken. It just... took too much energy to even move a limb; energy he was no longer sure he had. And then... the oppressive heat faded. A cool breeze slowly drifted in his direction, stirring up his sweat-soaked hair. A small breeze, yet it felt heavenly compared to that great heat from earlier. He hardly dared hope that this mean that the dragon was dead. Because if it wasn't... he was in no position to contribute to the fight any longer. A great crash some distance away, the earth around him shuddering with the impact... and then nothing. Wind, A breeze. Peace.

He forced his arm back down to the ground so he could take a look at his surroundings, and also because he heard a female voice asking him something. Something about a plant being healed and that she had never tried this before on a human. For a few moments he had to squeeze his eyes shut against the sunlight as sparkles played about his eyelids, but soon he managed to open them again, to look in Kelica's direction as she bent over him.

"Is... Is the dragon dead?" he asked her, his voice weak, shaky, somewhat breathy, lined with pain and exhaustion. Hope flared in him; perhaps she would be able to heal his leg. Perhaps not heal, but at least reduce the pain somewhat. She looked as exhausted as he felt, and he did not want her to collapse in the process of healing him. "Perhaps... just reducing the pain a little would be enough," he mumbled finally. "At least, until we both recover."

Kelica - Malina battle zone edge

Kelica kept her hand over his leg, before lifting her face and looking over to the prone dragon. She closed her eyes, her necklace glowing softly before she opened them again. "I.. believe so, she is not moving and I feel... cold around her." She grinned down to him "you certainly did a number on her? For a guy with a such a messy office, you have a certain attention to detail when it comes to your arrows..."

She moved her right fist over her bag and placed the last forest seed into one of the pockets on her belt, making her hands free. She cracked her knuckles and closed her eyes as she rested her palms with a feather touch on the break in his leg. Another green circle sprouted around them both once more, but this one made a soft humm noise. Her hair started to agitate as she used her power to pinpoint the original break spot. It was hard, there was cartilage broken, tendons torn and blood vessels broken but she found the bone split and took a deep breath in.

"Alright, I'm not a healer as such, what I do is simply ask your muscles and bones, tendons and blood vessels to fix themselves alittle faster. Like giving a plant a fertiliser." figuring he wouldn't really care how it was done, just that it was. "Guardian Magic: Cell Regeneration". Pouring her energy that felt like it started in her chest and was amplified through the necklace, down her arms to make her fingers and palm tingle. At first there was nothing but slowly he might have felt his muscles and tendons flexing, the pain sight started to throb as blood was pumped to it.

She opened her eyes and stared to him with a serious look. "This will hurt... get ready.. " She clenched her eyes and gritted her teeth. Then she forced her palm down re-breaking the bone and forcing it back into place. She tried to block her ears out from the sound he would surely make, before flooding the area with magic causing the bone to reattach, muscles to rethread each other and nerves to reconnect. Like she was making months of recovery in a few minutes. She gasped out and shook with the effort, sweat dripping down the side of her face. He was much larger then the average squirrel or bird she had healed, or flower, and the humans body composition was far more complex. But with every mission she went on and time she spent with these mages the more she learnt about her powers and how to push them even further.

"Just... a little... more... " finally clearing up the bruising on the surface. His leg was as good as new. If anything it was strengthen. She shook and trembled before falling to a heap beside him.

Though she had a stupid grin on her face. "One Kelica... Zero Dragon... "

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Masaki: Malnia Forest

Sorted. The link had been broken and the terms were laid out in the air like cards on a table. Theoretically, Masaki and Grace had the advantage, there were two of them and only one of Sarah. However, Grace was a B-Class, which meant that Sarah could make quick work of her if she really wanted to. However, Sarah has the Arc of Time Lost Magic, and that was what bugged the red headed mage the most. It's abilities were tricky, and it could disintegrate magic by speeding up it's time, or stop it by rewinding time, making it as if it was never formed. Masaki quickly looked over to Grace and noticed her building up her magic, clearly she was going to start off with a rather explosive attack. He chuckled slightly and nodded to Grace before turning back to look at Sarah. "Well then.. Let's start.." With that, Masaki almost instantly got into his incredible state of concentration, a calm demeanour accompanied with a stern smile plastered on his face. He planned on defeating this girl, after all. He did promise that he'd make her pay. The S-Class began to build up purple magic in his arms, hands, and feet. He'd wait for Grace to attack first before doing anything.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
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Clair fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint

Malina town

Clair felt all her power being transfered to Sora , she was happy to be of use to her friend.Sora was there for Clair all the time in the guild , not everybody got along with Clair the same way as Sora did as most were afraid of her and wanted nothing to do with her buSora was differant she never once cowared away from Clair. Infact many 's the time Sora gave out to Clair and at this point Clair expected Sora lectured her more time than the master did. Clair let all her remaining magic flow into the attack along with her emotions.

Clair felt the raw power of the attack erupt from Sora and to be honest it was amazing , Sora normally took a supportive role on missions but here she was in an offensive role emmiting this kind of power. Clair felt her clothes begin to rip and she felt her skin begin to cut to , like a peaper cut but with wind instead of paper.

Once the attack had finished Clair fell to the ground her whole body numb , this of course didnt stop her from laughing "Sora , you did it , you slaw a dragon" she continued laughing for a while before she passed out.

Rodwen Kiernan : Malina church

Rodwen glared at the vampire when she spoke , it was true there was three of them and only one of herself but she was not a normal wizard no she was chosen by a god! Rodwen was about to attacm when a massive firery blast exploded in the far distance. The shock wave completly destroyed any evidence a church ever existing here. The poor church was finally put out of its misery. Rodwen flew back a few meters before managing to correct herself skidding quickly and roughly to a stop.

"What have i done to deserve this ? , have i made you mad ?" Rodwen said quietly looking towards the sun , which was covered by a layer of dust. She looked back to the group that was now a fair distance away from her and sighed "i shall repent for my sins by erasing the wizard that are gathered here today"

Rodwen's body began to glow brightly with the same light as before but this light was a lot more intense. The dust and debris around her spread out clearing the area around her. This also happened with the sun which shot a bright beam directly at her. Rodwens cuts and burns healed immediately and turned to light flying away fom her body , a pair of angelic wings made of light appeard on her back and a halo appeard over her head. "Godslayer mode activated" rodwen vanished and appeared infront of Sera.

"You will burn in hell" Rodwen flicked the girl in the head and sent her flying at an incredible speed dirsctly towards the diwned fire dragon. As she flew the grond below her cracked and split making easy to to see where she went and had come from.

Rodwen then turned to fece both the angel and the red head "repent sjnners and i shall spare your insignificant lives"

@Colt556 @Arvis90 @Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir @ anybody who wants to join or i forgot to tag
ScarlettRose16 said:

Winter Chanel

She saw the black fire melt her ice without a second thought. "Well crap" she says seeing the magic come towards her. She acts quickly. She goes up a tree. Some people would think it was stupid but it's what she did. She gets to the top and was seeing that the fire could probably burn the tree down in a matter of a second. She thinks for a second. "Devil's Rage" she says launching what would look like an ice dragons roar. She releases a large purple blizzard of cold air, ice and snow from ther mouth, directing it towards the guild master. The blizzard inflicts great damage upon those it contacts, causing everyone unable to resist it to be sent flying away with great force, as well as leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake, heavily damaging the area it passes through. That was only the possibilities of what it could do. It is equivalent to a dragon roar basically. She was hoping that the other mages weren't near the master of the dark guild.

@WoodenZebra @Salt Lord @Mitchs98

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki was flattered at what Lucian said to her.Then she started thinking.If water isn't effective on him and Lighting is she'll just have to use other cards.Momoki took out three more cards,"Thunderbolts fate" Momoki said aiming the cards at Lucian automatically shocking him.If this didn't knock him out she'll have to use plan B.Momoki then had a blast of cold air go over her.This wasn't uncomfortable for her.After all she had to be able to fight in all conditions,so the air didn't seem to faze her,but really she just shivered a little.After that she saw a attack by Lucian coming straight for her.All Momoki could do that's not blocking it was dodging it.Lucky for her she still had her purse on.Momoki took off her purse and dropped it just as the Balls of firey death came at her.The added wait of Momoki's purse which is so heavy that it can't be shown helped the explosion look even more real.After the smoke cleared she was gone.
#Where's Momoki

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @ScarlettRose16
Lucian: Slightly more east of Malnia Church

Lucian had expected his attack to hit, however it did not. But some stroke of luck it missed everyone, but it did disintegrate the tree Winter climbed up. But not before he and Alfie were hit by ice. Skidding and tumbling roughly fifty feet on top of being shocked Lucian managed to stop himself with one knee. Breathing heavily from the electricity he stood shakily before wiping chunks of ice off of his form. He looked and a ways off lay Alfie, also covered in ice. Then he looked back to Winter. A more sarcastic person would offer a thumbs up for knocking their own ally out of the fight, Lucian was not a sarcastic person.

Though, he did notice Momoki had dissapeared, he found it odd. No matter, there were no longer any trees for her to hide behind, she would be found eventually. Without even moving from his spot he steadied himself and arced five fingers out to Winter. "Five Finger Black Fire Beam!" He shouted, black fire once more emerging from his finger tips before converging into one fist sized beam. This one had less power in it, if it hit it would surely knock her out and severely burn her instead of kill.

@Colt556[/URL] @Arvis90 @Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir @ anybody who wants to join or i forgot to tag
@Kyuubey @Colt556 @anyone else near the dragon @Leo Radomir

Sera: Malnia No Church

Sera stabbed her scythe into the ground and wrapped her wings around her face like a dome when the explosiom happened, skidding a few feet from the sheer force. She righted herself and glared at Rodwen just in time to see the light beam shoot down from the sky. Whatever it was, Sera recognized it as not good. Sure enough, it wasn't. Merely getting thumped in the forehead sent her flying and into the corpse of the dead fire dragon. She heard several cracking sounds as several bones in her back cracked, causing her to cough up blood and wretch in pain. She was sure the force of the blow cracked her skull too but she couldn't be too sure.

She tried to stand, by try was the operative word. She raised an inch off of the ground before falling back down. "Damn..you.." She wheezed. All she could do was watch with blurry vision at that point.
Cinla rushes over to sera sticks her arm out and says"Drink my blood it will restore you power as well as heal you, just don't drink to much because then i won't be able to help you in this fight ok"?
Lloyd - Malnia Forest Ruins

Lloyd closed his eyes, smiling in sheer relief when he heard that the dragon was dead. More so when Kelica commented that he had done a number on it, though he had to wince slightly when she mentioned the state of his office. He would have to ask her if she had seen it before, and when, because he had absolutely no recollection of meeting prior to this mission. Truth be told, he had not been expecting his attack to have much damage on the dragon, but apparently he had stunned it enough to allow Ms Marvell her final move in. The dragon was dead. The battle was over. They could all rest for the time being.

He opened his eyes again at the sound of humming in the air, and found himself once again within a green circle. Kelica was , saying something, explaining what she was planning to do, with both her palms resting gently on his broken leg, her touch so light that he could barely feel it. There was this weird sensation in his leg, of his muscles and tendons shifting, accompanied by the pain of his leg throbbing. He winced slightly, then tensed. At Kelica's warning of pain, he nodded once, then pressed the back of his right hand against his mouth, in an attempt to prevent any sound from escaping.

And then, she pressed down, hard, on his leg. His back arched and he cried out in pain, the sound mostly muffled by the back of his hand. He felt as if the muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments were moving on their own accord, and through it all, there was this constant buzzing ache, sometimes a sharp pain. He bit down hard on his own skin in an effort to not scream or whimper. No other sound escaped his mouth fortunately. His eyes were squeezed shut and he instinctively tensed, his left hand clutching, his fingers digging into the ground. And then slowly, the pain faded from his leg. He opened his eyes, removed his hand from his mouth and saw Kelica collapsed in a heap beside him. He could move his right leg again. It no longer hurt. Slowly, he lifted it from the ground and it looked and felt whole again, as if it had never been broken. As good as new. The back of his hand, however, contained deep grooves of teeth marks, where he had bitten down on his skin in an effort to muffle his pained cries.

"Thank you," he said quietly, grinning in her direction in relief and gratitude. He really owed her one. And he would see to it that someday, he would be able to repay back what she had done for him. There was not much to say after that, they both rested from their exertions. He would have to think of what to do next after this. Find his guild members. Locate Lucian. Check if there were any more dragons (he so hoped not, if fighting this one dragon was enough to drain him...). But for now, he was simply contented to rest and regain his energy. He closed his eyes and slipped off into a dreamless sleep.


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