Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Sarah Milkovich

She smirked. She saw the things coming towards her. "Speed" she jumps up fast and high landing on a nearby tree. "Luminous Minutes" she says using her restore magic to make two orbs that were broken on the ground, usable again. She backflips of the tree landing on the ground with ease she gets behind them. "Infinite Sear" she watches as the two attacks combine. She knew this attack was almost impossible to escape but she felt it take a slight toll on her magic. She did t fight a dragon so she could still keep going.


[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla rushes over to sera sticks her arm out and says"Drink my blood it will restore you power as well as heal you, just don't drink to much because then i won't be able to help you in this fight ok"?

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Malnia New Desert
Lloyd turned quite red at Kelica referring to him as cool, and once again, his messy office. "I guess I really ought to get that cleared..." he mumbled to himself, a chastised look on his face. "Anyway, erm... would probably be best that you get to know your guild members before thinking of switching. A day is too early to get a feel of a guild. Not that I don't want you in my guild of course... but just get to know your guild members first." He shook his head. "No healing, especially not with you in such a condition. I don't want to have you collapsing because you overtaxed yourself again. I'm planning to simply check on the others. I'm thinking that they might have woken up by now."

With that, he gently guided Kelica onto his back, then grasped his bow and quiver with his right hand, drawing them both to his chest. Slowly, he pushed himself back up to a standing position with his free hand, taking a moment to steady his balance. It was a good thing Kelica was light enough for him to bear her weight with little difficulty, even if she was heavier than what he was used to carrying on his back. But he could manage that extra weight, as long as his movements were slower. And with that, he began to make his way towards the dragon. Once in a while, he had to reach out with his other hand to steady himself, but as he got used to walking again, it became easier to keep his balance on his slowly strengthening legs.

Finally, he reached the area where Ms Marvell and Clair were located. They were still unconscious, but alive at least, and lying on top of each other. Slowly, he crouched again, dropping his bow and quiver and using both hands to lift Ms Marvell off from Clair's body, and laying her comfortably on the ground beside Clair. The dragon's carcass lay some distance away. What made him frown though, was the fact that there were two figures directly against the dragon's body, and one of the figures was streaked with red. He glanced down at Ms Marvell and Clair, took about two seconds to decide that the red-streaked figure seemed to be in worse condition, and hasted towards the two figures.

Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass

As he neared them, he saw indeed that one of the figures looked to be in a horrible condition, while the other figure tried to help her. Both were women, but the white-haired one (or at least, he thought her hair was white; it was mainly red now due to the blood) had a Fairy Tail guild mark on her right cheek, indicating that she was from the same guild as Clair, Ms Marvell, and Kelica. He had met neither of the women before though."Erm... is everything all right," he asked finally. "Is there anything I can do to help?" The "I" rather than "we" was deliberate, as he was not quite sure if Kelica's energy levels had sufficiently recovered.

@HuorSpinks @Chara Angel of Death to make it easier for you when you're able to reply.)
Grace growled when the girl managed to dodge both of their attacks. She definetly was an S-class Mage, her power shown in her strength. She began to charge up another spell, but before she could fire it, Sarah fired a searing spear. The short girl tried to evade the spell, but it didn't work. The infinite spear forced its way through her shoulder, causing her to cry out loudly in pain and tumble to the floor. Fortunately the attack practically Plugged the wound to prevent bleeding, but that didn't stop the fact that there was a serious injury in her arm. Grace lay on the ground clutching her shoulder, rolled in in a ball.

@ScarlettRose16 @LeSoraAmari
Kelica - Dragon Meat Central

Kelica watched Sera raise an eyebrow to her and she gave a soft little half embarrassed smile. "Um hi! My name is Kelica... I joined Fairytale a day or two before this whole mission came into play, and your reputation proceeds you! I'd show you my symbol but it's currently on my ankle and I really can not be bothered taking these boots off.. " stretching her legs out and wiggling her toes to show her.

She blushed thinking it would look weird to Sera how Lloyd was carrying her like that on his back. "so...I entered the battle and used up most of magic protecting and healing Lloyd here..though I am fine now.. " getting more and more awkward as the seconds passed, sliding her legs down from his waist and standing on her two feet, taking back her weight. She unlooped her arms and her knees straightened once more. She walked around the side of the Guild Master then standing before Sera and doing a cutsy.

"It is a pleasure to meet you... " It was a weird time and place to introduce herself, but how else was she supposed to do it. She green eyes did get a serious look though, noticing the cuts and bruises on her body.."If you would like I can try and heal those? I can't heal magic, however, so you will still need to rest.." Blocking her ears out from the disagreement she knew would no doubt come from Lloyd.

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
Masaki Yamada: Malnia Forest

Sarah had evaded the attacks. "Dammit!" He cursed under his breath. Masaki kept his gaze fixed onto the mage, watching her every move. It was then that she began to attack. Masaki stayed calm and collected when she launched her infinite spear attack, he knew that it couldn't be avoided and stressing out about it surely wouldn't help the matter. In an instant, the crystal orbs around Masaki began to spin violently and each one expanded to create a shield like construct which managed to block the majority of the attacks. However, one of them shattered and one of the many spears cut through his left arm. The red headed mage winced slightly at the pain and quickly ripped off part of his shirt to bind the wound. When the five remaining orbs returned back to normal Masaki noticed that Grace was wounded badly by the attack. He quickly made his way over towards the girl. "Just keep pressure on the wound, unfortunately I won't be any help with healing you, so you'll just have to keep pressure on the wound until we can get you help..." Masaki then placed his hand on her face, smiling at her reassuringly. "Sit out of this fight for now, it's okay.." Quickly he stood up and smiled at her once more, and then made his distance from Grace and clasped his hands together as the five orbs around him were sent flying towards Sarah at a formidable speed. Each one broke apart and turned into shards that were sent into an omnidirectional assault. "Let's hurry up and get this over with." He said sternly with a tone of annoyance. Masaki didn't really want this fight to drag out any longer than it already has. She hurt Grace. She would pay. Also, his magic was beginning to wane, so he had to end this fight quickly.

@Kayzo @ScarlettRose16
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Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass

"I see," Lloyd said finally, nodding at Sera's words. He was not too happy about leaving Sera in this state, but he was not about to force people to accept help. Unless they were from his own guild, of course. Plus, it seemed that from afar it had looked worse than it did now. After all, the mage was now sitting upright, so he reasoned that she would probably be able to recover herself. It was what got her in this state though, that confused him. From what he was aware off, the dragon was dead. Unless there were some other fights going on in the vicinity. Which reminded him, he really ought to start looking for his own guild.

"If you don't mind me asking," he said finally, sounded rather awkward, "What did get you into such a state in the first place? It wasn't the dragon, was it?" Here, he eyed the dragon a little doubtfully. He did not remember this mage being part of that fight.

He felt Kelica wriggling about on his back, so he bent his knees slightly to allow her easier access to the ground. Much to his relief, she was able to stand on her own two feet this time. It seemed that she had recovered some of her energy, though Lloyd was still doubtful that healing Sera would not drain her of energy again. "Are you sure you're up to that?" he asked, turning to Kelica. "A few moments ago you were barely able to stand on your own." Sera did need healing and Kelica was able to provide it, that he did not deny. Ultimately, the decision would rest with Sera and Kelica; it was not his decision to make. Still though, he had to voice his concern.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
Cinla then remembered a spell can help sera and said" very well then, i'm going to start my mana regain spell since i'm starting to feel the effects of launching the s class multi summon circle", Cinla kneels down and presses her hand into the ground and then a gold circle quickly starts to form around her and sera.

After a few minutes the circle is complete and energy began to quickly flow back into cinla. Cinla then said"
Please excuse my bad manner's i'm cinla a guildless but i meet sera back at the mansion and i agree in this case it doesn't pay to be stubborn.

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- Mending herself

Corra continued to cry out in pain, though as she continued, it seemed to slowly melt away. Her tears and dribble were all over her chin, but the wounds were quickly mending themselves.

She panted, no longer feeling the burning pain. All she'd need is to clean her mouth and she'd be okay.

"Ferra-human! Corra feel better!" She said with a smile on her face, "Much better!"

HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass
"I see," Lloyd said finally, nodding at Sera's words. He was not too happy about leaving Sera in this state, but he was not about to force people to accept help. Unless they were from his own guild, of course. Plus, it seemed that from afar it had looked worse than it did now. After all, the mage was now sitting upright, so he reasoned that she would probably be able to recover herself. It was what got her in this state though, that confused him. From what he was aware off, the dragon was dead. Unless there were some other fights going on in the vicinity. Which reminded him, he really ought to start looking for his own guild.

"If you don't mind me asking," he said finally, sounded rather awkward, "What did get you into such a state in the first place? It wasn't the dragon, was it?" Here, he eyed the dragon a little doubtfully. He did not remember this mage being part of that fight.

He felt Kelica wriggling about on his back, so he bent his knees slightly to allow her easier access to the ground. Much to his relief, she was able to stand on her own two feet this time. It seemed that she had recovered some of her energy, though Lloyd was still doubtful that healing Sera would not drain her of energy again. "Are you sure you're up to that?" he asked, turning to Kelica. "A few moments ago you were barely able to stand on your own." Sera did need healing and Kelica was able to provide it, that he did not deny. Ultimately, the decision would rest with Sera and Kelica; it was not his decision to make. Still though, he had to voice his concern.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
@Mitchs98[/URL] @HuorSpinks
Sera: Malnia Dragon Carcass

Sera nodded slowly when Kelica finished speaking, "Nice to meet ya Kelica. I'm Sera, though you already knew that I guess." She told her, grinning and chuckling briefly. She sighed when Kelica offered to heal her after what she'd told her she already done. "Like Lloyd said, if you're up to it I won't refuse your help if its in the form of magical healing." She replied. As long as she wasn't offering her her blood, it didn't matter to her if she healed her otherwise so long as she was up to it, she did need it after all.

She then addressed Lloyds question of what happened, "
Light God Slayer in the church..area. Church is kinda gone. She suddenly got stronger after saying something or other I dunno. Bitch was almost out when it suddenly happened, her strength is immense. Pains me to say her thumping me in the forehead was what got me in this state. Luckily a big scaly dragon broke my..fall? I dunno what to call it." She explained before shrugging. "That red headed chick is still fighting her along with Jaymes and some random guy." She added.

Thanks Cinla. And it's not being stubborn, call it weird or whatever you want, I don't drink from friends unless I'm in the verge of death." She told her before sighing.

Grace did as Masaki instructed, her hand pressing tightly around the wound. Bleeding out would be a terrible way to go, and she didn't plan on dying today. Her attention was taken off of her wound when Masaki gently placed his hands on her head, a small smiling forming in her lips as he talked. "don't worry Masaki, I'll be fine. Just beat her ass for me." She said, and just like that he was off. The short girl was worried about him, seeing that she wouldn't be there to help, but she knew deep down that he could handle himself. Only moments after Ferra came rushing to her side, and her heart dropped. As great as it was to see them, their presence wouldn't help. "Ferra, do not interfere. She'll place a bond on us!"

(Rushed post. Sorry.)

@LeSoraAmari @ScarlettRose16 @Mitchs98

Sarah Milkovich

She got her Body Link magic ready as she saw another Mage appear. "I would get out of here" she says to the girl known as Ferra. She waited for the girl to leave before she would launch another attack, she was starting to feel really weak, she could launch at most four more attacks but that was about it, she knew she could still defend herself with her runes since they didn't use a ton of magic.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98

- Helping!

Corra squealed out in surprise when she was grabbed and rushed into the forest. What was wrong with Ferra-human? It sounded really serious! Would everything be okay?

"Ferra--" She stopped when she saw the injured Grace. It was serious! She had to help! Though she was angered as the girl threatened Ferra.

She pulled the blade from the girl's arm, laying a kiss on the bloody wound, which would begin to glow and start mending immediately.

"Do not... Threaten... Ferra!" She yelled in anger, suddenly turning into her adult form.

Near her, water suddenly burst from the ground and launched at Sarah to promote a deadly attack with it's speeding current.

@Everyone in the current area

(Yay for ground water)

Sarah Milkovich

The link instantly went back up between the three of them again. She transformed into both of them quickly setting up the body link, she let the attack hit her head on. She did at last minute put on her pain proof rune, which it blocked the pain from an attack but she didn't spread it onto the other two, which meant they would feel the full force of the attack. She could only use that runs once and that was the perfect time to do it, hoping it would take them out. "You foolish girl" she says will a demonic laugh.

@Chara Angel of Death @Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Kayzo said:
Grace did as Masaki instructed, her hand pressing tightly around the wound. Bleeding out would be a terrible way to go, and she didn't plan on dying today. Her attention was taken off of her wound when Masaki gently placed his hands on her head, a small smiling forming in her lips as he talked. "don't worry Masaki, I'll be fine. Just beat her ass for me." She said, and just like that he was off. The short girl was worried about him, seeing that she wouldn't be there to help, but she knew deep down that he could handle himself. Only moments after Ferra came rushing to her side, and her heart dropped. As great as it was to see them, their presence wouldn't help. "Ferra, do not interfere. She'll place a bond on us!"
(Rushed post. Sorry.)

@Kayzo @Chara Angel of Death @Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
Ferra: Malnia Wasteland

Ferra was confused, she didn't understand what Grace meant by a Sarah putting a bond between them. "I'm not interfering, last I checked you were out of the fight anyway." She told her. "I'm just glad you're alive, I thought you were dead." She added, moving out of the way for Corra to help Grace. Still completely oblivious to the sensory link between her, Masaki, and Grace, Ferra joined in on the attack with Corra.

Morphing her hand into a small gun made out of wood reminiscent of the fight with John she rapidly fired crystal bullets at Sarah. "
No one hurts Grace like that! You'll pay you jerk!" She shouted at her, her normally cheerful face contorted into sheer anger.

- Still helping!

Corra saw that the attack did nothing, though the water remained still in the air, ready for another command. Though before launching another one she read pain off the other humans in the area. Getting some sense of what was happening she stopped Ferra's bullets with the water.

"Ferra no, you're hurting them!" She spoke with surprisingly good english.

"She made it so we hurt them when we hurt her..." And so Corra actually showed she was intelligent that day...

"Evil human!"
Grace let out a groan of frustration as the bond was placed on her arm. She tried to warn the girls but it seems that they didn't listen. Before she could scold the girls Ferra was up in arms, firing wooden bullets at Sarah. Her teeth clenched tightly as she prepared for the immense pain that would be dealt out to her already painful body, but it never came. Corra's voice rang out, seeming to understand what was happening. "You can't hurt her, you'll just end up hurting me and Masaki!" She explained, clenching her shoulder tightly. Extra pain was the last thing she needed, and Grace prayed that Sarah would just give up...

@Chara Angel of Death @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
Kelica - Lump of Dragon Meat

Kelica heard the concern from Lloyd even without looking at him, she looked down to feet. She felt so useless with no forest or animals nearby to call upon, her only usefullyness is her ability to do a sort of heal spell (though unlike normal heal spells she only hastens the healing process and it intensifies the pain while she does it). She didn't think twice about doing it on Lloyd because they needed his skill up and running faster, but Sera seemed fine other then tired and she didn't want to hurt her unnecessarily.

She closed her eyes and sighed softly, before opening them with her normal genuine smile. Even before she explained her idea, she bent down to the woman and slipped an arm around her waist, whilst also slinging her arm over her shoulders. "In hindsight I think my healing will do more harm then good, but I can help you stand..." she didn't even wait for a response but tensed and straightened her legs to haul her up to her feet, so she could have a better view of the surroundings. Kelica then looked to Lloyd seriously. "now that you have rested, your leg is healed and I'm not weighing you down, you need to go find this God Slayer and help the others.....or find your Guild Members. I'll be here for Sera and when she is ready we will join in the fight.. " Her personality almost completely flipped, her tone serious and almost commanding. Though after a moment her smile broke through again and she blushed. "I mean... if you want to.. "

The situation seemed grim. The bond on her and Masaki prevented anyone from hurting Sarah, but gave her free reign to hurt anyone present. This almost brought the girl to tears. She didn't want a scratch on Ferra or Corra, the thought of them in pain a terrible thing. With her free hand she gently gripped her leg, squeezing it gently to try and say back off. Fortunately, before the situation could escalate, the bond was suddenly broken and Sarah was replaced with Council Knights. This was such a relief to see, the fight finally over. At Kilburn's order, a few members rushed over to Grace and began to mend her. The spear disappeared as her shoulder became engulfed in a warm, green light. Before she knew it the wound was fixed and the pain gone. Pushing herself to her feet, she gave Ferra a quick hug of thanks before rushing towards Masaki, leaping onto him and giving him a big hug. "We're alive!"

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98
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-=(John Star - Malnia Desert - ???)=-

John continued to lay on his stomach, which, now was empty and rumbling. He drew circles in the dirt, he bent his legs in the air, the moved back and forth.

His left hand propped his face up, his jaw was beginning to get sore from the action. The littlest tufts of grass left over from the dragons, was torn out, from John.

The frog laid in pieces next to his elbow, he was
still considering to eat it. 'Anyway, frog's supposed to taste like chicken right?'

He lowered his arms and felt for the frog, a smile found his face when he gripped it. But, a small dog had the frog too. It seemed that the dog hid underground; he could tell because the dog sent off cool waves and smelled like earth.

The dog growled angrily,
'Poor thing, owner's are probably dead.' But any pity he had for the dog vanished when it bit his hand.

"Ow!" John scrambled to his feet as he heard the dog running off. The frog wasn't important anymore, he was going to eat the

He tried to follow the dog; the dog made small yips and worried barks as it was pursued. He stumbled and tripped here and there, but, his chasing skills were getting better.

Suddenly he collided with someone, the impact left him on his behind. He sighed,
'Great, now I can't eat the dog.'

Lloyd - Near Dragon Carcass

For a moment, Lloyd stared at Kelica, a stunned and rather confused look on his face. He was not quite expecting that tone of voice, and towards him. It just was not something he expected out of Kelica. Then, when she smiled and blushed, his own smile returned. "Good idea," he said finally. "Once everything is over, I will come and find you again. After all, I did promise to help you bring the forest back." Without waiting for an answer, he turned and hurried off, back in the direction of the town square. For someone to get an S-class mage in such a state, that had to be a pretty powerful individual.

Lloyd - Town Square Ruins

As he approached the town square, he found the place buzzing with activity. The magic council soldiers had finally arrived. They seemed to be everywhere; healing the wounded, taking eyewitness accounts. It took all his self control not to sag with relief. It ws all over, and they could all go home. He heard something about Grimorie Heart that made him frown; apparently they were responsible for all the stuff that had happened that day. This confused him; he had been so busy battling dragons that he had not even noticed any Dark Guild activity. He would have to find out more information, hopefully from his Guild Members.

Which reminded him that he needed to seek them out. He needed to find out if his Guild Members were all right, and in good shape at least. He had lost track of every single one of them during the Dragon fight, and he hoped that they were not seriously injured. Some guilt flared up in him then; he wondered if he had not been doing as good a job as a Guild Master should in looking after his members. First things first, he would need to find them. He was not even sure where to look, but the ruins of the town square was a good place to start. The forest ruins too, he would have to check that place later. And then after he found his guild members and ascertained that they were safe, he would have to track down Kelica and make good his promise to help her regrow the forest.

But first, he basked in this great sense of relief. It was all over.


~{Alfie - Fairy Tail; Malnia - Far From the Action}~

Many minutes have passed since Alfie had been knocked unconscious. Finally waking up, he managed to muster the strength to raise his head and see what was happening. Someone from the Grand Council had come to sort out this mess. It was about time... but now he doubted there would be any reward for this. Not from Lucian, at least. He let his head fall back to the ground and fell back asleep.


A golden mist washed over the battlefield, but the only person it truly engulfed was Rowden... And when it went away, she was gone as well.

@Mr Swiftshots
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He was about to launch another attack when a whole ton of soldiers from the Council arrived, General Kilburn at their lead. Masaki smiled as he went out of his concentrated state and returned to his usual demeanour. Still calm, but you could tell that he wasn't so focused on fighting right now. In a rush, a few of the meanders made their way towards Masaki and began to heal the wounds that were inflicted upon him, reducing the wound down to nothing and getting rid of any blood that was present. He smiled, "Thank God that's over..." He said quietly to himself as he watched Kilburn shackle Sarah in chains. He was then pounced on by a fully healed Grace, evidently happy with the outcome of this fight. He chuckled and smiled at the girl before hugging her back and saying, "Yes... We are." He then pulled himself away from the hug and continued, "You did well... You managed to fight an S-Class Mage without too much trouble. I'll let Master Lloyd know how well you did, I'm sure you'll like that." He smiled again as he stood there and watched the Council do their thing. The mage then turned over to Ferra and Corra, and sending a kind smile their way.

Grace returned Masaki's smile and took a step away from him. It was so nice that he'd put in a good word for her, and she really respected that. "Thank you Masaki, even though you did most of the work. Hopefully after this event I'll become an A rank Mage." She said, smiling brightly up at him before turning to watch the council members. They seemed to have everything under control. The dark guild members were captured, the dragons were dead, and there was a newly made desert to build on. All in all it turned out to be an enjoyable experienced.

Suddenly a thought popped up into her head; she still had Lucian's notebook stored in her bag. If only she had time to go through it then maybe she could've prevented some of the damage caused by the dragons or Lucian himself. But it didn't matter now, he was captured and out of their lives for good. When Ferra teased her about giving the two privacy, Grace rolled her eyes at the girl but got the message.
"Hey, before we go back to the other group can we talk? There's something I need to say..."

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