Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor

Lloyd nodded, a grin on his face. "That would be a great time for a catch-up, I think. I'm actually quite surprised that they were still holding the festival. I would have thought that they would have canceled it or postponed it at least, regarding what happened to Cece Tutin." He sighed, his face turning more somber. "I barely got to know her even thought I technically did have the chance to, since she dragged the entire guild hall, herself included, over to Malnia." He frowned, a cloud on his face as he suddenly recalled something. "I'm not quite sure how it happened myself, but I remember she got into a fight with someone in Malnia. I think some of the others went to watch the fight; I chose not to. I cannot help wondering if the two events were related." He shook his head. "You might want to talk to Ferra about it, she was there I believe."

"As for me though..." Lloyd looked a little unsure, more of Maya's reaction though, than the decision that he had already made. "I don't intend to visit the festival. I have a backlog of work that needed to be done while I went off gallivanting in Malnia." If he could even find it under the mess that his office was in. As much as he did want to visit the festival, he knew work had to come first, especially guild maintenance stuff. He could not keep putting them off. If he had known that the festival was upcoming he would not have gone to Malnia. Talk about rotten decisions. Fortunately though, the festival was an annual thing, so he might get the chance to go next year, provided he did not make any stupid decisions. "But I think some of the other guild members would love to go with you."

Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He raised his eyebrows and gave a small nod as the mug came to a halt before him. It would seem Mizuki has been doing some training of her own during his absence. He scooped it up with his left hand and took a quick swig before turning his attention back to the girl at his side. His face soured ever so slightly at the mention of Magnolia's festival. However, he was quick to hide his discontent as he gave the girl another quick pat on the head. "I think you'll do just fine. Be it fighting strength or being adorable, Sabertooth leads the charge on all fronts." He was quick to bring the Guild into this, knowing that spouting off the usual rhetoric was a fantastic way of masking of his thoughts on the subject.

Despite what the girl said he still very much doubted she was being entirely truthful. He cast a quick sidelong glance towards Mizuki, still suspecting the woman of some form of foul play in the entire affair. Nevertheless he continued on the charade, spinning the stool so that he could face the young girl directly. "How about you show us the results of your hard work." If the girl was being truthful then he would be able to see her strut her stuff, if not then he would be putting her on the spot and may very well get a confession out of her for it. Either way he would come out ahead. It was at that moment he noticed a small cough off the to the side.

Standing there was a young woman, seeming rather meek in his eyes. His expression immediately dropped any sort of softness it had while dealing with his guild members and instead adopted his usual sternness. He silently peered at the woman for several lingering moments, long enough to make someone feel more than a little uncomfortable. After letting the awkward silence linger he eventually spoke up. Like his expression his voice was stern and rather cold, far different than it had been just moments before. "Do you need something, Miss....?" He let the question linger in the air, fully expecting the woman to introduce herself and do so promptly.



@Leo Radomir
Lysander - Lamia Scale Guild Hall; First Floor

Lysander blinked at Ferra for a brief moment as his mind processed that he had been addressed directly. "N-nothing, sorry," he stammered, quickly looking away. He took some time to go into his default calm-mode, though his fingers were basically playing with each other in his lap. He did not mean to stare, really. He had just... gotten lost in his thoughts. How embarrassing. "Sorry, didn't mean to be rude," he mumbled, under his breath this time.

Once again, Valken saved him. Of course, he would love to go to the festival with them. "I'd love to come," he said quietly, addressing Valken directly. Checking out Grace's 'boyfriend' would give him a chance to attend the festival, though he did not quite think that unless he was addressed specifically, or if Grace chose to involve him, that this business was probably none of his. "But what if he decides not to attend though?" he asked, that thought occurring suddenly to him. He did not really know this Masaki guy, he had never even met him before, so he wondered why someone from Sabertooth would show up at a Fairy Tail festival. At least he had a stake in it; his parents had been from Fairy Tail originally and he was extremely curious to see this aspect of his family's past.

He did not say anything next to Grace's comment. Instead, he simply kept listening, still hoping that they would ultimately decide to head to the Fairy Tail Festival.

Cinla wasn't fazed at all then spoke up and said" Yes i'm here to join the guild i'm cinla was told you were the person i need to speak to", Cinla's eyes and body may not look it because their calm right now but she could hold her own and then some in a fight when she's serious. Cinla's still looking at the man seeing no need to fear him, she has dealt with many scary people and things in her life so far why should this be any different.

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Kelica - Fairytale HQ - Bar

Kelica watched her spin around on the stool. Whatever funk the girl was in she seemed to be over it. And that made Kelica glad. She grinned and leaned into her ear to whisper, like it was some big secret. "I have forest magic, I can talk to animals and plants, tell them to grow and heal as well." leaning back before putting her wrist out and showing Naomi a rose wrapped snuggly around her wrist like one might wear a bracelet. "This is Petal.. " the red rose seeming to turn slowly and face Naomi, smiling? Almost? It looked happy regardless. "In the last dragon mission this flower got cast against the ground from a broken vase, so I saved her and she's stayed with me ever since....you can talk to her if you like, plants and animals are always listening."
Valken - Lamia Scale HQ - Bar

Valken raised an eyebrow and looked down to Lysander with the question if this Masaki would go. "So? Who needs an excuse? I'm going regardless because it looks like a lot of fun. And if I can tease Grace about her boyfriend then so be it." He looked up from him and closed his eyes taking a soft sigh as he did, leaning his head back gently.

"I want to have a closer look at this Fairytale guild, if their powers are anything to be believed and if they helped our guild with the dragon mission as much as I've heard, then I want to know more.. ".

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo[/size]
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Mizuki- Sabertooth Bar

Mizuki could sense Gilad's uneasiness towards the Magnolia Festival and the group going, and She couldn't exactly figure out why he disliked the idea so much. Maybe it was because of the rivalry between Fairy Taile and Sabertooth, or maybe he disliked festive fun like her? Whatever the reason was, it really seemed to bother him. As curious as she was, the Dark Mage knew not to ask him right now, seeing as it might annoy him.

Mizuki giggled when Gilad asked poor Alicia to show off her dance. She figured that the girl would break soon and confess to the Guildmaster that she put a hex on her and that it was all her fault, so the spooky woman decided to step in.
"I'm sorry Gilad, but the little one can't show you the dances yet. It's very secret and won't be revealed until the festival." She explained, leaning over the counter and resting her head on her hand. Next thing she knew there was weak looking lady coming their way. Her name was Cirin and Mizuki already didn't like her. There was something about her that didn't strike well with Mizuki, and a small bit of her wanted Gilad to let her join. She'd replace Alicia on her hex list, and she could have a more "friendly" relationship with her. "I like her. Consider her please."

@Colt556 @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Cinla blinked as she was talked about, and plays it off like she didn't catch on 'It's clear that something fishy is about the women she doesn't know me yet she says she likes me i don't like women like her, maybe i should have my beasts make her into a lunch time snack at some point'.

Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He raised his eyebrows and gave a small nod as the mug came to a halt before him. It would seem Mizuki has been doing some training of her own during his absence. He scooped it up with his left hand and took a quick swig before turning his attention back to the girl at his side. His face soured ever so slightly at the mention of Magnolia's festival. However, he was quick to hide his discontent as he gave the girl another quick pat on the head. "I think you'll do just fine. Be it fighting strength or being adorable, Sabertooth leads the charge on all fronts." He was quick to bring the Guild into this, knowing that spouting off the usual rhetoric was a fantastic way of masking of his thoughts on the subject.

Despite what the girl said he still very much doubted she was being entirely truthful. He cast a quick sidelong glance towards Mizuki, still suspecting the woman of some form of foul play in the entire affair. Nevertheless he continued on the charade, spinning the stool so that he could face the young girl directly. "How about you show us the results of your hard work." If the girl was being truthful then he would be able to see her strut her stuff, if not then he would be putting her on the spot and may very well get a confession out of her for it. Either way he would come out ahead. It was at that moment he noticed a small cough off the to the side.

Standing there was a young woman, seeming rather meek in his eyes. His expression immediately dropped any sort of softness it had while dealing with his guild members and instead adopted his usual sternness. He silently peered at the woman for several lingering moments, long enough to make someone feel more than a little uncomfortable. After letting the awkward silence linger he eventually spoke up. Like his expression his voice was stern and rather cold, far different than it had been just moments before. "Do you need something, Miss....?" He let the question linger in the air, fully expecting the woman to introduce herself and do so promptly.


HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Lamia Scale Guild Hall; First Floor
Lysander blinked at Ferra for a brief moment as his mind processed that he had been addressed directly. "N-nothing, sorry," he stammered, quickly looking away. He took some time to go into his default calm-mode, though his fingers were basically playing with each other in his lap. He did not mean to stare, really. He had just... gotten lost in his thoughts. How embarrassing. "Sorry, didn't mean to be rude," he mumbled, under his breath this time.

Once again, Valken saved him. Of course, he would love to go to the festival with them. "I'd love to come," he said quietly, addressing Valken directly. Checking out Grace's 'boyfriend' would give him a chance to attend the festival, though he did not quite think that unless he was addressed specifically, or if Grace chose to involve him, that this business was probably none of his. "But what if he decides not to attend though?" he asked, that thought occurring suddenly to him. He did not really know this Masaki guy, he had never even met him before, so he wondered why someone from Sabertooth would show up at a Fairy Tail festival. At least he had a stake in it; his parents had been from Fairy Tail originally and he was extremely curious to see this aspect of his family's past.

He did not say anything next to Grace's comment. Instead, he simply kept listening, still hoping that they would ultimately decide to head to the Fairy Tail Festival.

@Mitchs98 @Zuka @Kayzo

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra grinned evilly when Millie asked if her and Valken were dating. "Of course you are! You guys have been going out for like two weeks? How could you forget! Poor Valken. You should hug him to apologize." She replied in a serious tone, her grin exchanged for a more serious expression. She glanced over to Lysander and shrugged. "I was just asking cause I thought there was something on my face..." She mumbled before sighing. Wow Lysander was jumpy.
Millie- Lamia Scale Guildhall

Millie frowned slightly when Ferra said that Valkem and her had been in a relationship for two weeks now. "We have been? I must be a terrible girlfriend." She said sadly, turning around and pulling her boyfriend into a big, tight hug. "I'm sorry for being such a terrible girlfriend! Please please please forgive me!" She whimpered, rubbing her cheek against his before giving it a kiss. "Can I make it up to you?"

(Short post. I'm sick and exhausted.)

@Zuka @Mitchs98
Jaymes heard the raging ice attack before he saw it, and immediately channeled his power, "Ice Make: Barrier", Jaymes called out, creating a barrier of ice around the people they were trying to protect. He wasn't affected by the intense cold, but they would be if he hadn't used the barrier. The monster was slammed and thrashed by Winter's magic, but again it got up, though with quite a bit of difficulty. Apparently he had been right, it was a demon. Looking around, he saw some ice from Winter's attack, and he quickly ran over and grabbed the medium sized chunk. He couldn't use Devil Slayer Magic unless he copied it from Winter. If he did, he would lose the God Slayer magic, and he hadn't finished perfecting it yet. So instead, he would use the ice that contained the Devil Slayer magic instead. He could control ice, so in theory the ice properties of Winter's magic should still respond to him. Concentrating, he envisioned a sword, and sent his magic into the ice. The ice took shape to his imagination, and a sword formed, as deadly as any steel blade.

And with that the fight continued. Jaymes attacked the demon with the sword, slashing and parrying blows, wounding the demon numerous times until finally an opening presented itself, and Jaymes stabbed the monster though the chest. He felt the magic in the sword pulse and the demon shrieked horribly before the light in its eyes faded. Jaymes pulled the sword out of the monster, and turned to Winter. "There are more coming. You wanna stay and greet them or try and get these people out of here?" Jaymes asked. He wanted an honest answer, because either way, they would have to fight for survival.

Valken - Lamia Scale HQ - Millies bodeh

Valken had his head tilted back, staring half dazed at the ceiling and watching a stray piece of his hair fall into his eyes. Elbows still resting heavily on the bar behind him. He took a breath in about to blow said hair strand away from his face when a noise of someone seemingly rushing towards him made his head lift forward, eyebrow raised. Annnd there it was, Millie all up in his grill. He should have expected it from the comment from earlier, but alas he was caught off guard, arms half raised in the air in surprise. "wait Millie-..! " Luckily even sitting on the stool he was a good head over the girl, so her boob's didn't suffocate him. Though the cheek rub and kiss caught him even more by surprise his eyes huge. I mean it wasn't unpleasant but..Looking over her shoulder and noticing an intensely evil look from Ferra. He narrowed his eyes and mouthed "I'll get you back for that one... "

Now what to do? He couldn't tell her the truth otherwise he'd be seeing her tears for weeks, and he couldn't melt into the shadows for the same reason. Thinking fast he grasped her chin gently and tilted it up and away from him, grinning to her. "Ahhh babe you always make me laugh.. " twisting his way down and under her arms, standing at his full height, flicking his hair back. "well I'll leave you girls to it... " turning away with a furious look towards Ferra before hastily hurrying towards the staircase and the second level. Now to disappear till this ALL blows over....

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Second Floor
Lloyd nodded, a grin on his face. "That would be a great time for a catch-up, I think. I'm actually quite surprised that they were still holding the festival. I would have thought that they would have canceled it or postponed it at least, regarding what happened to Cece Tutin." He sighed, his face turning more somber. "I barely got to know her even thought I technically did have the chance to, since she dragged the entire guild hall, herself included, over to Malnia." He frowned, a cloud on his face as he suddenly recalled something. "I'm not quite sure how it happened myself, but I remember she got into a fight with someone in Malnia. I think some of the others went to watch the fight; I chose not to. I cannot help wondering if the two events were related." He shook his head. "You might want to talk to Ferra about it, she was there I believe."

"As for me though..." Lloyd looked a little unsure, more of Maya's reaction though, than the decision that he had already made. "I don't intend to visit the festival. I have a backlog of work that needed to be done while I went off gallivanting in Malnia." If he could even find it under the mess that his office was in. As much as he did want to visit the festival, he knew work had to come first, especially guild maintenance stuff. He could not keep putting them off. If he had known that the festival was upcoming he would not have gone to Malnia. Talk about rotten decisions. Fortunately though, the festival was an annual thing, so he might get the chance to go next year, provided he did not make any stupid decisions. "But I think some of the other guild members would love to go with you."

Maya Morne- Lamia Scale Guildhall, Second Floor

Maya nodded to Lloyd, "The whole situation has brought about many questions. But unfortunately, no one has the answers to them." She said in a more serious tone before turning to face Lloyd directly. "Although the topic itself is extremely morbid, the whole thing is quite intriguing." She smiled, "Not the death itself, but the mystery of who's the culprit is the interesting thing." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I mean, she was a guild master at her age. She was a very strong mage, so whoever is behind it is undoubtedly strong. But to murder her so brutally..." She shook her head, "Anyway, onto cheerier things." She chuckled as she glanced towards Millie and co before turning back to Lloyd. Turns out, he wasn't going to go to the Fantasia Festival. Maya smiled and nodded, "That's no a problem, I wouldn't mind going with everyone on your behalf." The woman then proceeded to look over the balcony once more, noticing Valkan coming up to the second layer. "While in Magnolia, is there anything specific you'd like me to do?" Maya turned to Lloyd as she waited for a response, both of them being in the guild for so long. Her loyalty to the guild master has always been unwavering, it was the same with the previous master and it seemed to carry on over to Lloyd. After all, they had known each other for quite some time now.
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Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

After the girl revealed her intentions he simply held his gaze on her, letting the silence linger once again. Sabertooth wasn't like Fairy Tail or Lamia Scale, they didn't just accept anyone and everyone who walked through the door. He got to his feet as he folded his arms over his chest, staring down at the woman before him. "Sabertooth is not a place for the weak. If you wish to join our ranks you will have to prove yourself worthy." At this he looked over his shoulder towards Mizuki before continuing. "Mizuki, I want you to give her an evaluation. If she passes mark her. If she doesn't, throw her out." Many would-be recruits often mistake what it is he meant by weak. In their minds it was all about their ability to fight. He never fully understood why they held such an assumption, after all if combat was the only requirement there wouldn't be so many weak mages such as Alicia.

Regardless, the girl would have her chance to prove herself. He knew Mizuki, he knew she wouldn't wouldn't hold back even with her earlier recommendation. It would be interesting to see what the newcomer was capable of. With his orders issued he sat back down upon the stool, spinning it to once again face the bar. Until proven otherwise this woman wasn't worth anymore of his time and he had his drink and banter to enjoy.



@Leo Radomir
Misusing- Sabertooth Bar

Mizuki's face "lit up" when Gilad instructed her to test Cilan on her strength and willpower. Testing people was one of her favorite things to do as it allowed her to go all out, as well as hurt people! "Yes Gilad, I'll try not to hurt her too much." She said, serving him up one last drink before leaving the bar and standing in front of Cinla. She eyed the new comer up and down before finally speaking. "Would you like to be cursed first and fight later, or fight now and curse later?"

(Short post. I'm in school)

@Leo Radomir @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Kayzo said:
Misusing- Sabertooth Bar

Mizuki's face "lit up" when Gilad instructed her to test Cilan on her strength and willpower. Testing people was one of her favorite things to do as it allowed her to go all out, as well as hurt people! "Yes Gilad, I'll try not to hurt her too much." She said, serving him up one last drink before leaving the bar and standing in front of Cinla. She eyed the new comer up and down before finally speaking. "Would you like to be cursed first and fight later, or fight now and curse later?"

(Short post. I'm in school)

@Leo Radomir @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Cinla grinned and said"let's see if you can me mizuki and fight now i don't want to have to deal with this later don't worry about holding back either i sure as hell won't be holding back for you".
Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki laughed darkly as the boy challenged her. He was trying to act so tough around her despite the fact that she was an S-class dark mage. "You think you're so tough, I'm eager to see how you fight." She said, pulling him away towards the middle of the guildhall and stretching her arms. She stood about 10 feet away from Kane, her body glowing with a dark aura. "I'll let you have the first hit."

@Leo Radomir

(My post will get better. I'm sorry.)
Kayzo said:
Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki laughed darkly as the boy challenged her. He was trying to act so tough around her despite the fact that she was an S-class dark mage. "You think you're so tough, I'm eager to see how you fight." She said, pulling him away towards the middle of the guildhall and stretching her arms. She stood about 10 feet away from Kane, her body glowing with a dark aura. "I'll let you have the first hit."

@Leo Radomir

(My post will get better. I'm sorry.)
Cinla unfazed by the taunt and show of power, and turned on a small potion of her aura and said" Like i'm dumb enough to just rush in", cinla quickly began to move her hands a circle quickly starts to form around cinla feet waiting for the cocky dark mage thinks she has this in the bag and cinla is going to enjoy beating the crap out of her.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki laughed darkly as the boy challenged her. He was trying to act so tough around her despite the fact that she was an S-class dark mage. "You think you're so tough, I'm eager to see how you fight." She said, pulling him away towards the middle of the guildhall and stretching her arms. She stood about 10 feet away from Kane, her body glowing with a dark aura. "I'll let you have the first hit."

@Leo Radomir

(My post will get better. I'm sorry.)
mine is kind ugh as well low creative juice

Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki rubbed her hands together as the Mage stated she wouldn't attack first. The girl seemed smart, but that doesn't always mean powerful. "That is such a shame, I was really looking forward to seeing what type of magic you would be using." The moment she finished talking, three sudden shadow swipes came hurling at Cincla. Think of them as large sword slashes that looks as black as shadows but made of dark energy. The slashes were going at a fast speed, very hard to dodge if Cinla wasn't paying attention. Behind the three slashes came a deep booming sound, followed by a large blast coming from Mizuki. If this combo managed to hit her opponent, then she'd be in for some serious pain. "Please let me hurt you!"

@Leo Radomir

Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia, once it was clear Gilad was ignoring her for some reason, which was probably to save herself from anymore embarrasment, walked over to a table away from him and sat down. She sighed with relief as she could move her limbs freely again. She watched intently as Mizuki fought Cinla, of course she expected Mizuki to win, but Cinla could surprise the both of them. "
You got this Mizuki!" She cheered excitedly.


@Kayzo @Zuka @ScarlettRose16

Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

Ferra grinned at the scene between Millie and Valken. She grinned further at what Valken mouthed to her. "Love you too." She mouthed back, her evil grin still present. She liked teasing Millie, bonus points if it affects someone else in the process. Once Valken retreated Ferra stood and walked over to Millie. "It's okay Millie, I'm sure he still loves you. I'll help you come up with a present or something for him okay?" She told her, her evil grin exchanged for a genuine smile.
Ophelia - Fairy Tail, Malnia - Destroyed Forest

"I say both!" A countless number of sparkling blue watery bullets shot from seemingly nowhere and rained down onto the battlefield, perfectly hitting around anyone who wasn't a demon, and even more perfectly hitting whatever was a demon. The majority of the monsters were blasted into the ground and even splattered upon it. The actual ground was filled with small holes of steaming hot water. Finally, the culprit of it all fluttered down, steel cutlasses in both of her hands.

"I'm really sorry for being so late! I didn't even get to tell you who I am, did I?"
She gave a small laugh and looked both Winter and Jaymes (mainly Jaymes) straight in the eyes, a serious expression on her face. "I'm Ophelia Kaiser, the replacement to Fairy Tail's Guild Master. For you, Jaymes McGarrett, I'm Ophelia: the replacement to your Guild Master." She stabbed both of her blades into the ground and a chain of geysers erupted into a few oncoming demons. "I know this is all really out of nowhere, and I know I'm not the same little girl as she was, but I'll try to be the best little girl I can be, 'kay?" With a grin and a twirl, both of her swords were pointed heroically at the sky, glyphs hovering at the end of each one. "Now, who's ready to protect the weak?"

@Arvis90 @ScarlettRose16
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Kayzo said:

Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki rubbed her hands together as the Mage stated she wouldn't attack first. The girl seemed smart, but that doesn't always mean powerful. "That is such a shame, I was really looking forward to seeing what type of magic you would be using." The moment she finished talking, three sudden shadow swipes came hurling at Cincla. Think of them as large sword slashes that looks as black as shadows but made of dark energy. The slashes were going at a fast speed, very hard to dodge if Cinla wasn't paying attention. Behind the three slashes came a deep booming sound, followed by a large blast coming from Mizuki. If this combo managed to hit her opponent, then she'd be in for some serious pain. "Please let me hurt you!"

@Leo Radomir
Cinla gracefully dodges and flips in the air as the second attack goes to hit after she lands on the ground a golden shell springs from the ground and protects cinla it made some cracks in the barrier, cinla's ears rang for a minute then she schock it off and said" Star mana chains activate release stage two power level eat to your hearts content", Several lightning fast chains came from different angles which would make it harder to dodge the chaining pulsing with thick spirit energy. Cinla then smirked and said" clearly you know how to use you powers but i'm just getting started so please cry lots for me".
Jaymes - Destroyed Forest

Jaymes didn't get a chance to hear Winter's response before what seemed like rain fell from the sky. But it was very strange rain, as it seemed to act more like bullets, mowing down several demons that had jumped out of the trees. A moment later, a young woman jumped out into the battle field, twin swords in her hands. She was a young one, something that didn't really faze Jaymes, since he knew many young wizards that had impressive power. However, when she twirled around and addressed him, then stated that she had been chosen as the next Guild Master, Jaymes didn't know what to think. He had never seen her before in the guild, so how had she gotten the title? And how did she know his name? Finally, why was she here in the middle of nowhere? It didn't make any sense to Jaymes at all.

However, he didn't have time to ask any of these questions. He saw a demon jump out of the trees, aiming for the people cowering behind his ice shield. Jaymes dashed away from the young girl and jumped into the air, flowing into a spinning side kick. Talon of the Ice Dragon! Jaymes called out, his offending foot glowing blue just before it struck the head of the descending demon. It shrieked as it was blasted away into the tree with a thud. Jaymes continued the spinning motion for a moment as he grew closer to a tree, there he kicked off and launched himself at the fallen demon, the ice sword with demons slaying magic ready to strike. The demon stood up from where it had fallen just in time to be bisected by Jaymes. Demon ichor splattered Jaymes, but he quickly froze it solid and made it shatter into nothing. "How many of these damn things are there? They're like a pack of monkeys!" Jaymes called out.

@Salt Lord @ScarlettRose16
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She wasn't even fazed by the small girl. She did think it was impressive that she was a guild master. She looked at the group of people, it would be cold but it's better than dying. "Ice-Make Dome" she says creating a dome over the people that were there. She turned back to the demon. "Ice Devils Zeroth Long Sword." She calls out as a couple demons approaches her. She covers her right fist with her left Palm and separates them, creating an ethereal sword between her two hands, the delivers a swift cut to three of the demons, encasing them in solid ice, than shattering it. This attack was not always easy for her to pull off. She had to take a couple seconds to regain herself. She backs up slightly. She then runs forward to another demon. She calls out, "Ice-Make hammer" she says bringing it down on another demon. They seemed to just keep coming.

She breathes heavily. She saw how Jaymes was using her magic and she could use his also if she needed to. She apparently wasn't paying attention, a blow from one of the targets, throwing her back and she hits the ice dome, crying out slightly, she sees the dome crack slightly. She lands on the ground. Man that actually hurt. 'You have 5 seconds to get up' she says in her head. '1...2...3' she counts in her head. '4...5' she says and she pushes herself up and she regains her balance and turn towards the demon, pure hatred on her face, she was pissed. "How dare you, attack innocent, defenseless people!" She practically yells. She was talking about the town people who had fear on their faces. Her ice turned colder, harsher.

@Arvis90 @Salt Lord

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