Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Valken - Lamia Scale - Lloyds Office

Valken watched the information roll over the Guild Masters face, he reached out his arm and grasped his shoulder, telling him he understood and he was here for him. It was a pretty big gesture as Valken didn't touch people, and with his 'skills' he was fully aware of Lloyds background. After a moment he straightened once more. "I don't believe you have fathomed just how far reaching Mr Grays influence is, his Guild Members are literally everywhere, and are dotted all the way through the rank's of the Magic Council. Why do you think him and his associates 'escaped' so easily at Malina? No no.. we have to keep this quiet. If he gets wind we know his intentions he will only hasten his resolve and attack sooner..."

Valken put a hand to his chin, pacing the room to try and think. "I think... it would be wise if I contacted the other light Guild Masters, telling them the information I know, and organising a meeting, all three of you, to discuss a plan... but how to cover it up... a sudden meeting of high individuals is sure to draw attention... unless... " He grinned suddenly, loving when a good idea comea through. "The Magnolia Festival! Fairytail has recently appointed a new Fairytale Guild Master, it would not be unusal for you and Sir Arcturus to make a trip to greet them, and it would give you breadth to speak about these issues."

Looking up to him with a cheeky grin "It would be an honor if you allowed me to inform both Guild Masters of this crafty plan. " Slamming a fist into his hand.

@HuorSpinks - mentioned @Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office.

Lloyd sighed, his hand coming up to press against his forehead. Truly he should have expected this. The years had made him grow soft. Back when he first stepped foot on Fiore soil, he had been highly suspicious of any organized government force, believing them to be power hungry bastards who would step over those under them in order to achieve absolute power. Now though... he had yet to actually see any of this in Fiore's government but it shouldn't have surprised him that the power-hungry would of course be found in government positions. "You're right," he said finally. "We should keep this between ourselves for now. And the other Guild Masters may need to be contacted. We can only hope that they're not within the conspiracy... but I highly doubt Sabertooth's Master would be, for some reason." Yes, it would be best to speak to Arcturus at least... even though the man's presence made Lloyd feel extremely small. He could hide that, of course.

He sighed. "I have a mountain of paperwork to be completed before I head to the festival, and I can only make it on the final day. Since you've offered, it would be great if you could speak to Arcturus on my behalf. Tell him I'll need to speak to him personally regarding this; you may fill him in on the details since it was you who found out all this information." He managed to crack a smile. "This is worrying information, and I am extremely grateful for you for finding this."

Chris Lengheart (Somewhere behind Fairytail HQ)

"Yeah that's right, I use beast soul magic. Now, if anything goes wrong go and grab as many people as you can. I'm sure it might take a group to stop me if things go way out of hand." Chris said as he took a deep breath. He hated doing a full takeover, he always got that sense that things could always go wrong when he did so. Regardless, Chris hunched over and quickly transformed into a massive beast. The beast, despite the fact that he was on all fours, was the size of at least a medium horse. he obviously belonged to the reptile family due to the massive green scales the creature possessed. Chris' once brown hair turned to a silvery white and grew much longer, practically covering most of his back. Looking at his forehead, there were two massive horns looking like they belonged to a massive bovine instead of a reptile. Another noticeable feature was the fact that Chris now had a massive tail that looked like it could easily knock someone off his feet. He had two massive hind legs, which implied that the beast actually walked on all fours. However, his front legs were most along the lines of massive, black claws. However, his eyes were a deep, blood red. He stared at Kelica and only snarled at her while stepping forward. Since Kelica could understand him, the only words that were coming from the beast were "PREY!". The beast did look quite hungry however.

Valken - Lamia Scale - Lloyds Office

Valken nodded, a grin still plastered on his face. "Sir Arcturus is straight as an arrow even if he is intimidating, don't worry I'll depart for their Guild Hall within the day, then head towards Fairytale. The journey should see me arrive their in time for the festival. I'll collect what information I can along the way and update you on the last day of the festival." He did another deep, theatrical bow. "An honor my Master, it's what I do. Glad my S-Class skills have come in handy." He straightened then. He turned towards the door, opening it but glancing over his shoulder to Lloyd with that cheeky grin back on it. "Oh... apparently me and Millie are dating now... I know I know, you loved her, but she's found a better man now.. " winking heavily then chuckling trying to lighten the mood after such a serious conversation. Quietly closing the door behind him and walking back down the stairs, adjusting the scarf around his neck.

@HuorSpinks @Lamia Scale guild hall

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

The sound of Clair's small giggle was refreshing, enjoying hearing the sound of someone happy, which was slightly rare from recent events. She reached a hand out, the other still holding Nami close, and rested it gently on Clair's upper arm to give it a reassuring squeeze. " You know it's okay to cry. Showing emotion doesn't make you weak, Clair, I've actually found that it's what makes a person stronger. " And that was true to the last word. Sora had always seen people overcome things that almost seemed impossible, not just based on their level of power or strength, but with emotion that rose up from the heart; which sounded slightly cheesy but it was hard to deny. At the question about food, Sora's hand would thoughtfully rise to her face, a finger resting at the side of her mouth. " Mmmm, how about you tell me your favorite and I'll make that since you're an honored guest! I got groceries yesterday so pick any dish you'd like. " A head tilt accompanied by a childish grin manifested itself on her features before she began to walk along the path again, knowing Clair wouldn't hesitate to follow.

Sora's house was a quaint two story more on the edge of town, next to the canal. She loved being by the water, it was calming to look at,
therapeutic really. Thankfully she could do S-Rank missions to help afford her own place, especially since Nami required her own room filled to the brim with a variety of plushies and random things. Sora blinked at a package that was left on her doorstep that she noticed as they arrived, curiosity slowly taking over. " Clair, could you get that for me? My hands are a little full. " She gave the other girl an apologetic look before entering her home and slipping her shoes off. " Just make yourself at home! " Sora then darted off to Nami's room, softly depositing the exceed in a bed swamped with pillows and taking the time to snugly tuck her in before skipping a few steps on her way down the stairs and landing gracefully at the bottom of them. " Alright, what am I cookin'? " She asked with an eagerness that graced her whole posture, hands excitedly clamped together.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Millie was extremely excited to go to the festival. The food, drinks and the fun all sounded great right now, especially winning the contest for Valken. This was the biggest thing on her mind, bringing glory to her guild as well as her man. She'd just have to buy the cutest swimsuit out there. Valken would be the luckiest guy in Fiore when this S-Class Mage was finished with him. Speaking of her boyfriend, the girl noticed him returning to their floor. Jumping in excitement Millie ran over to Valken, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "Valken sweetie, I thought you left me!" She said, bombarding his face with kisses. "Are you going to the Magnolia festival with us? If you don't I'll be very disappointed in you!"

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart (Somewhere behind Fairytail HQ)

"Yeah that's right, I use beast soul magic. Now, if anything goes wrong go and grab as many people as you can. I'm sure it might take a group to stop me if things go way out of hand." Chris said as he took a deep breath. He hated doing a full takeover, he always got that sense that things could always go wrong when he did so. Regardless, Chris hunched over and quickly transformed into a massive beast. The beast, despite the fact that he was on all fours, was the size of at least a medium horse. he obviously belonged to the reptile family due to the massive green scales the creature possessed. Chris' once brown hair turned to a silvery white and grew much longer, practically covering most of his back. Looking at his forehead, there were two massive horns looking like they belonged to a massive bovine instead of a reptile. Another noticeable feature was the fact that Chris now had a massive tail that looked like it could easily knock someone off his feet. He had two massive hind legs, which implied that the beast actually walked on all fours. However, his front legs were most along the lines of massive, black claws. However, his eyes were a deep, blood red. He stared at Kelica and only snarled at her while stepping forward. Since Kelica could understand him, the only words that were coming from the beast were "PREY!". The beast did look quite hungry however.

Kelica - Behind Fairytale Guild Hall

Kelica nodded and stood up as he agreed to fully transform. She took a deep breath in. What a test of her powers as well. She watched him change so drastically her eyes went huge. Almost similar to a dragon but with legs and claws like a..well... beast.. that made sense. It snarled and moved towards her, instinct told her to run but she calmed herself and stood her ground. Getting an assertiveness she had only shown once before, legs square with her shoulders and hands tensed. "I am NOT prey!" throwing her hands in the air towards him. "Now you listen here Mister! You WILL stay and you WILL sit! " granted she was acting like he was a dog, but knowing about Alphas and pack mentality she hoped her meer presence might get through. "Chris, you need to listen to me!!" If this didn't work it was plan B.

Valken - Lamia Scale - Millies Bodeh

Valkens mind still weighed heavily with the information he knew, but now Lloyd knew it ttooo he could relax and simply let the Guild Masters handle it. It was their job afterall? Why they got the big bucks? He doubted they even got paid but still.. and once again he was assaulted by an enthusiastic Millie against him. How did she do that?? He, the Master of seeing and knowing all, constantly being caught off guard by her. She wasn't quiet or subtle, and yet every bloody time! He half raised his arms once more in surprise. "I just needed to get something done.. " He explained quickly, one eye clenching as she kissed all over his cheek and face. Like a puppy dog. He tried to peel her away but her grip was tight! Where did she even get that strength from?! "I..um...yes I am going to the festival, but I need to do a mission first..." glancing to her as she would not let up her grip. He sighed and slumped, just letting her do as she pleased realising he couldn't escape. "I have to head over to Sabertooth Guild Hall first though... " suddenly realising that was a bad idea to say, glancing to Grace before looking away. "Super secret stuff."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart (Somewhere behind . Fairytail HQ)

Chris stopped his snarling to better listen to this girl. Did she really think she was the alpha? How dare she speak to him in such a manner. To make it worse, she was trying to command him like he was some mangy mutt. It was irritating to say the absolute least. Chris was the true alpha. He was willing to prove himself and knew just how to do it. The massive creature opened his jaw to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth. But it didn't look like he was planning on biting. Within a matter of seconds, a massive stream of fire shot out of the beast's mouth in a continuous stream. This would prove his true position of alpha.

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

The sound of Clair's small giggle was refreshing, enjoying hearing the sound of someone happy, which was slightly rare from recent events. She reached a hand out, the other still holding Nami close, and rested it gently on Clair's upper arm to give it a reassuring squeeze. " You know it's okay to cry. Showing emotion doesn't make you weak, Clair, I've actually found that it's what makes a person stronger. " And that was true to the last word. Sora had always seen people overcome things that almost seemed impossible, not just based on their level of power or strength, but with emotion that rose up from the heart; which sounded slightly cheesy but it was hard to deny. At the question about food, Sora's hand would thoughtfully rise to her face, a finger resting at the side of her mouth. " Mmmm, how about you tell me your favorite and I'll make that since you're an honored guest! I got groceries yesterday so pick any dish you'd like. " A head tilt accompanied by a childish grin manifested itself on her features before she began to walk along the path again, knowing Clair wouldn't hesitate to follow.

Sora's house was a quaint two story more on the edge of town, next to the canal. She loved being by the water, it was calming to look at,
therapeutic really. Thankfully she could do S-Rank missions to help afford her own place, especially since Nami required her own room filled to the brim with a variety of plushies and random things. Sora blinked at a package that was left on her doorstep that she noticed as they arrived, curiosity slowly taking over. " Clair, could you get that for me? My hands are a little full. " She gave the other girl an apologetic look before entering her home and slipping her shoes off. " Just make yourself at home! " Sora then darted off to Nami's room, softly depositing the exceed in a bed swamped with pillows and taking the time to snugly tuck her in before skipping a few steps on her way down the stairs and landing gracefully at the bottom of them. " Alright, what am I cookin'? " She asked with an eagerness that graced her whole posture, hands excitedly clamped together.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th wizard saint


Clair didn't make eye contact with Sora when she spoke about crying and how it wasn't a sign of weakness , Clair knew this was true yet no matter how bad things got she couldn't bring herself to cry. Clair however did tear up with laughter at times but that was different they were tears of joy not sadness.

Clair did however find comfort in Sora's words and actions but then again that wasn't anything new , Clair was never tense around Sora she felt she could be herself around her the same could have been said about Cece but well .....

When Sora took off down the path Clair followed suit , on the way to the girl's house she thought about what she wanted to eat , it was a hard decision to make Sora was the best cook in the guild all the food she cooked was amazing ! Clair subconsciously picked up the package as she thought about what to eat.

Once inside the house Sora told her to make herself at home and so she did , Clair quickly reequipped into something more Casual (erza's casual clothing , original right !) she stood with her arms behind her back and pressed against the wall opposite the stairs. When Sora reappeared Clair offered a smile and replied to her question almost immediately "Sora if you don't mind i'd just like some cake and tea". All that thinking for nothing , Clair wasn't really that hungry to start she really just came for the cake.


Sachiko - Margaret Town Outskirts

How long had it been since he'd been so close to a town? Probably longer than he cared to imagine, with all that was going on with himself. There was never going to be any excuses or answers. Sachiko began to take in his surroundings 'Margaret Town' from his current position he could see it quite clearly and didn't know what to make of it, in fact he'd heard rumors of a festival soon to take place in Magnolia. It already took so long to get here would he even make it? His mind drifted towards the old geezer of a fisherman that gave him directions to this place already, remembering how his directions were wrong the first six or so times...

Sachiko - Margaret Town Entrance

Suddenly, he snapped out of it. That was a fun time in itself, he got to explore caves and almost fall to his death. Though, he knew right now one must focus what is ahead of them, and that was the Town of Margaret. Sachiko jumped off his high-point landing with a slight thud on his feet, picking up a stone beside him the boy began to walk towards the town. It held up to all expectations he could have thought of himself, the closer he got the tinier he felt, and that.. made him slightly annoyed.

"I wonder where everyone is located?" A quiet remark under his breath as he got towards the entrance of the town he suddenly stopped.. dead in his tracks. This town wasn't what he was expecting weren't towns meant to be smaller? Not to mention the crap ton of water surrounding the place, it was like he needed a boat, and he knew that wouldn't be likely, right now for the moment. A thought crossed his mind.. maybe it was time to rest a bit. Placing one hand on the ground beside him he helped himself into a sitting position against the wall and leaned his head back.

Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her own residence )

Sora tried not to let her disappointment show but a barely audible huff was released, hands unclasping to give Clair an optimistic thumbs up, winking cutely. " Coming right up! " She chimed in, spinning around and heading off to the kitchen to whip up what Clair had asked for. There were a variety of cakes to choose from and it seemed like it was the hardest decision for the girl to make. " Mmm.. " A prolonged thoughtful mumble was heard as she pointed at each one, playing out an eenie meenie mo type game before she landed on one and decided to go with that. The sound of the tea kettle going off caused her to jump slightly, the noise being something that didn't cease to startle her. She hummed to herself, removing it off the burner and picking out a tea she found aromatically appealing, hoping Clair would enjoy it too. It was something to calm nerves really, but not a sleepy time type, and it was sweet which went well with the cake.

Two plates of cake were deposited on the table, cups of steaming hot tea being brought in shortly after. It was in this time that she motioned for Clair to take a seat, slowly following suit, legs stretching out in an exhausted manner. " So, what do you think about the upcoming festival? " She inquired while pushing a fork over to Clair so she could actually eat the cake like a civilized person; Nami not knowing how to utilize a fork properly, though it was amusing to watch. Both hands reached to clasp the mug of tea, bringing it up to her lips to blow on it to try to cool it. The rising steam from the cup brought her back to the first time she'd been harnessing her powers when she was younger and had ended up sending things flying whenever she tried to blow on them to cool them. The thoughts brought a rather misplaced smile to tug at her lips before she gazed over at Clair.

@Mr Swiftshots
Millie- Absorbing Valken

Millie squealed in excitement when Valken said that he was going to the festival. She gave his lips a quick peck before throwing her face into his chest. "Oh this is wonderful! I have a surprise for you when we get there, and I'm really happy to show it to you." She said, her voice muffled by his chest. "You'll be a really lucky guy, I can tell you that." When he explained that he needed to head out towards Sabertooth's Guildhall, a small frown appeared on the mages face. He really was going on a secret mission, and that might mean that they'd be separated for a long time. Sure, going to the festival with the girls would be a blast, but it wouldn't be the same with her boyfriend. "A secret mission at the festival? Doesn't that mean we won't see each other that much?" Millie asked, her eyes welling up with tears. If Valken didn't play his cards right, he'd have an upset girl to take care of.

Grace- Lamia Scale Guildhall

Grace hadn't been paying too much attention to the two's (heh, used every form of to) conversation. Sure it was nice to see Millie so happy, but she couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that Valken didn't feel the same way. In fact, she wasn't even sure if Millie truly loved him, but was just tricked into thinking she did. Either way it was a bad situation for the two of them, and would end very badly or turn out to be a happy ending. She was about to begin talking to Ferra when Valken said something about going to Sabertooth. This was the perfect opportunity to see Masaki again, and if she was lucky it would only be Valken seeing him which meant the teasing would tone down a bit. However Millie looked like she was about to cry, so the short girl didn't bother to step in and ask yet.

Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki was quite frustrated when Gilad declined Cinla into Sabertooth. That girl was going to be her new test dummy, freeing Alicia from the "torment" she gives. But now Alicia had to stay the dummy. She actually felt somewhat bad for the girl, but it had to be her. Maybe it was better Cinla didn't get accepted? She was quite the bitch and Mizuki wanted no bitches in this guild. "I should've kept fighting her. I brought the girl no pain, and that's no good. It's a real shame..."

@Mitchs98 @Zuka

Zephyr - Sabertooth HQ

Zephyr had stepped back into the guild hall to see the end of the 'fight', which hardly could be called that as he surveyed Gilad walk circles around the girl in a nonchalant manner that was utterly befitting of their guild master. He had fluidly stepped out of the girl's way as she walked out looking like she was about to start water working, definitely wanting to avoid that. Both hands slipped into his pockets before he made his way directly towards Gilad whom had sat himself back down in his normal spot at the bar, a place nobody dared to occupy. The seat might not have Gilad's name on it but in their minds it might as well. Mizuki's words caught his attention and he slid his gaze over to meet hers but he refrained from making any comments, knowing they would just get him in trouble with someone somehow like they usually seemed to. She seemed to be in a bitter mood and it'd be a nuisance to stir her up, not something he wanted to have to deal with at the moment. He eyed Masaki somewhere off on the other side of the guild hall and flashed him a rather mischievous smile before finding himself next to Gilad. He brushed some hair out of his eyes, other hand remaining in his pocket, as he took no time to speak up; he knew Gilad disliked when people just lingered. " Master Gilad, do I have permission to head to Magnolia a few days early for the festival? " He had his personal reasons for wanting to go which he didn't feel the need to disclose but he would if it was asked of him.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki - Sabertooth Guildhall.

Mizuki quickly conjured up a shield to block against the sudden flurry of punches and kicks, charging up a beam from behind the cover. She planned to fire it the moment Cinla broke through the barrier. However she was not quick enough and a few punches connected with her body, causing the dark Mage to stumble back. Her arms shot back out again, hoping to grab the girl, drain her energy, and release a painful and beautiful combo on the poor girl. Unfortunately in Mizuki's case this would not happen. Gilad had decided that he'd seen enough, and was now stepping in, wanting to face Cinla himself. This put her in a bit of a foul mood, seeing that she wanted to hurt her opponent some more, but she wasn't one to defy her guildmaster's orders; especially after everything he had done for her. Instead she bowed her head and walked back, taking a seat beside Alicia. "If I won, I was going to remove that hex from you, but it seems that it's going to last a little longer..."

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
Kayzo said:
Millie- Absorbing Valken

Millie squealed in excitement when Valken said that he was going to the festival. She gave his lips a quick peck before throwing her face into his chest. "Oh this is wonderful! I have a surprise for you when we get there, and I'm really happy to show it to you." She said, her voice muffled by his chest. "You'll be a really lucky guy, I can tell you that." When he explained that he needed to head out towards Sabertooth's Guildhall, a small frown appeared on the mages face. He really was going on a secret mission, and that might mean that they'd be separated for a long time. Sure, going to the festival with the girls would be a blast, but it wouldn't be the same with her boyfriend. "A secret mission at the festival? Doesn't that mean we won't see each other that much?" Millie asked, her eyes welling up with tears. If Valken didn't play his cards right, he'd have an upset girl to take care of.

Grace- Lamia Scale Guildhall

Grace hadn't been paying too much attention to the two's (heh, used every form of to) conversation. Sure it was nice to see Millie so happy, but she couldn't help but feel guilty knowing that Valken didn't feel the same way. In fact, she wasn't even sure if Millie truly loved him, but was just tricked into thinking she did. Either way it was a bad situation for the two of them, and would end very badly or turn out to be a happy ending. She was about to begin talking to Ferra when Valken said something about going to Sabertooth. This was the perfect opportunity to see Masaki again, and if she was lucky it would only be Valken seeing him which meant the teasing would tone down a bit. However Millie looked like she was about to cry, so the short girl didn't bother to step in and ask yet.

Mizuki- Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki was quite frustrated when Gilad declined Cinla into Sabertooth. That girl was going to be her new test dummy, freeing Alicia from the "torment" she gives. But now Alicia had to stay the dummy. She actually felt somewhat bad for the girl, but it had to be her. Maybe it was better Cinla didn't get accepted? She was quite the bitch and Mizuki wanted no bitches in this guild. "I should've kept fighting her. I brought the girl no pain, and that's no good. It's a real shame..."

@Mitchs98 @Zuka
Alicia: Sabertooth HQ

Alicia sulked slightly at the fact Mizuki was going to remove the hex from her, pending her beating Cinla. Gilad just HAD to step in. Although, this was a once in a lifetime chance, so she could deal with the hex a little while longer. "You tottally woulda won. That girl was just flashy, nothing more." She told her. She nodded when Masaki came over speaking to them, but her eyes were firmly glued to the fight. Which, in the end, was a let down. Cinla wasn't even strong enough to make Gilad break a sweat. It was kinda depressing, really.

Despite how she'd treated Mizuki she felt bad for her, it was clear how much she wanted to join Sabertooth. But what Gilad said was right, she was a bit too thick headed in the aspect of suicidally rushing to join, at-least she thought so. Once everything was said and done Mizuki spoke up again.

Alicia shook her head, "
We both know you would've been in trouble if you had've kept fighting after Gilad said not to." She replied. "Besides, she might enter the small tournament thingy in Magnolia for the festival. You could always join it and kick her butt." She added.
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

As he made himself comfortable upon his stool he took the glass he had neglected and quickly downed it. He wasn't one for causing others pain, but one did not become strong without it. That girl was taught a necessary lesson that would surely save her life one day. He wasn't given any opportunity to dwell on it as Zephyr quickly made his way over and asked for permission to visit Magnolia. It was times like this that he debated if he should be more relaxed, the fact that they felt the need to ask for permission over things like this was a bit troublesome to him. However, discipline was important and there were far worse habits they could fall into. Nevertheless the man's request for approval wasn't what truly bugged him, the fact that he was heading to Magnolia's festival was. After letting the question linger in the air for a few moments he simply waved his hand dismissively. "I do not mind."

Usually he would busy himself with important tasks at this time of year so that he did not have to deal with the talk of the festival. Unfortunately the stars did not align this year and he was left with little to do. He was sure there would be more and more talk of Magnolia, Fairy Tail, and the festival in the coming days. As he just mentioned to the young girl, strength came in many forms and he would simply have to endure his disdain for a while longer. With Mizuki now socializing with her guildmates he took it upon himself to refill his glass. He held up his hand and within moments a bottle of liquor was pulled to it. He quickly filled the glass and took another sip of it. Perhaps he would get lucky and obtain a lead to investigate.

Kelica - Behind Fairytale Guild

Kelica kept her arms up, watching intently as he stopped snarling. Did... did it work? He opened his mouth showing the row's of teeth, she took a sharp breath inwards, and not a moment later he spewed a stream of fire towards. It was only lucky her hands were already up, she quickly crossed them before her face. A green circle sprung up at her feet, her necklace glowing brightly. The ground started to shake and within seconds tree roots exploded up from the ground, curling around her in a doom shape. It wiggled, groaned and creaked as the tree roots thickened and tightened, and as the fire hit the outer roots started to burn. But as the roots were still alive, the simply grew thicker, and more numerous, healing faster then they were burning.

"Wow... this feels....fimilar.. " she hissed out as she poured her magic into the roots to keep it strong.

Valken - Lamia Scale - Millies black hole of love

Poor Valken. He went to say something before Millie had taken her chance to steal a quick kiss from his lip's, his cheeks instantly blushing a deep red. "ahhh... " Lucky for him she had buried her face into his chest and couldn't see his face. He coughed hiding the blush as best he could. "Surprise?" He asked with an eyebrow raised, now this DID intrigue him. He could never read the girl, despite her being so open and obvious, perhaps it was simply because he tried to overthink her every movement and she was much to fluid for that. "Well.. no not exactly I mean.. I'll still be there I just need to do afew things inbetween the festival.." watching her eyes start to whell up. He inside cursed, thinking fast. He glanced down to his Scarf, unlooping it from his neck and drapping it around hers with a strangely gently fashion. Grinning down to her making his voice slightly deeper and smoother as he did. "How about you wear my scarf then babe? And it will remind you of me while I'm away..." Reaching up to brush the whelling tear from one of her eyes, carcassing her cheek as he did. "Now no being sad.. "

What a strange twist of events, and though he hated to admit it, he didn't half mind Millie's affection. For all his talk he had never been this close and personal with anyone. And, dare he say it, it didn't half feel bad either.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @LS peeps
Chris Lengheart

Chris stopped spraying fire as he instead began to tear into the roots with his massive horns. He charged directly into the roots and tore open a hole with his horns as he thrased about, trying to make the opening large enough to get through or shot fire from. Every now and then Chris would let out a petrifying roar as he continued his assault.

Bizma//Fairy Tail//S-Class//Magnolia

Finally, Bizma got bored of just sitting around waiting for someone to come. So, still avoiding the more-walked-on roads, she decided to visit some of her friends. She reached Sora's house and knocked on the door.

".....M-miss Sora, are you there?" She asked quietly, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She knew that she would get a catch-up from Sora (hopefully); she disliked being left in the dark.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Alfie - Behind Fairy Tail Guild Hall

A volley of sturdy strings of light shot down above if front of Kelica's barrier of roots, each arrow so dense Chris found himself tearing through nothing. Then one more shot down, wrapping and immobilizing the beast as the previous strings tore into the brick walls, keeping Chris hanging in the air. Alfie fluttered down before him, giving him a half-hearted smile, starting a sentence, "I don't mean to stop the fun, but..." he looked at Kelica through her roots and then back at Chris. "Who's idea was this?" He had hoped to stop the fight before any of the higher-ranking wizards had to get involved. There really was no need for this mess...

@Zuka @Isune
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her residence )

Sora blinked at the sound of a knock at the door. Now who could that beeeee? She waved a hand about as she put her tea down, thoughts going rather frantic as she bolted up out of her chair. " Coming! " Her small voice called out, sing song-like as she skipped over to the door and threw it open, leaning forward and up onto her tippy toes to come face to face with Bizma. " Oh, Bizma, how nice to see you! You're back already? Do you want to come in? Do you want cake? There's tea too! Oh and Clair is also here! " She rambled on and on before taking a deep breath and resting her wide hues on Bizma to stare, awaiting an answer, hands subconsciously resting on her hips. Bizma was always so quiet and cute, Sora thought, it was fun being around her though.


Zephyr - Sabertooth HQ

Zephyr took the time to usher a quick, " Thank you " before he walked off, not wanting to bother Gilad further whom seemed to be in his own thoughts. It didn't take long to gather everything he'd need to take with him, seeing as he didn't tend to take much at all thanks to his magic, which gave him the luxury of travelling light. His tousled hair splayed about as he spun around quickly to wave towards Masaki on his way out, the wave being a notion towards a secret gesture he'd taught him, hoping he'd catch it and knew what would shortly follow in a bit. He grinned to himself as he disappeared out of view, a lollipop quickly finding its way into his mouth per usual.

@LeSoraAmari @Colt556
Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint


Clair watched as Sora gave her a thumbs up and a wink but she couldn't help but feel she had disappointed the girl in someway by refusing the meal. Sora then spun and took to the kitchen with surprising speed , Clair followed suit but at a more relaxed pace. Clair stood in the door frame of the room a look of awe plastered on her face , eyes sparkling . Sora had so many different types of cake , too many types of cake to chose from , one could only stand in awe of such a sight !

Sora began to play a game of eenie meenei to decide which cake to go with , a wise decision in Clair's opinion as she herself wouldn't have been able to chose. Clair turned her attention to the kettle as it came to a boil , laughing quietly to herself when the girl jumped.Sora then went about making a sweet tea and its aroma quickly spread throughout the kitchen , Clair thought it to be quite appealing and actually relaxing.The scene reminded Clair of her mother due to the fact whenever Clair went home to visit she did the exact same and she two also jumped when the kettle came to a boil.

Clair moved to the seat Sora had placed her dish of cake at , she sat with one leg over the other and ate the cake elegantly with the fork provided to her. Clair forced a smile at the mention of the festival , she still had mixed feelings on the matter but she wasn't as against it as before "i don't know , i haven't really asked about it in detail but i'm sure it will be just as good as years past ,however i can't say as i have never met the new master , she apparently joined when i was away is that true?". Clair was awaiting a response when someone knocked on the door she smiled when Sora got and simply continued with her cake and tea while Sora got the door.

Chris Lengheart

Despite the fact that Chris was restrained, Chris had a meltdown as he roared and shot fire from his mouth as he twisted around in a desperste attempt to get free. The beast was obviously infuriated as he continued his roaring and fire breathing.

@Salt Lord @Zuka
Millie- Lamia Scale Guildhall

Millie's heart melted at Valken's careful touch, his hand gently against her cheek. His scarf was was so warm and comfortable, almost as warm as the smile on her face. Her arms wrapped around his waist and her grip loosened up greatly. "Thank you Valken, I promise I'll never take it off." She said, softly hugging him and sighing. "I'll give you a time and date for the surprise, just to make sure you'll be there." With that her grip on him ceased to exist, and she took a step back from her lover. "I'll let you get on with your mission now. Stay safe for me, please."


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