Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart (Home sweet home)

Chris finally felt sleep as he closed his eyes and somehow managed to sleep. He yawned and occasionally turned ever so slightly in his sleep. Today really had been eventful. Chris went on a rampage in his beast soul, had gained control, and now had a girlfriend who he had just gone on a late night walk with. Today was a good day.

Kelica - Chris's house

Even how uncomfortable she felt in this room, her eyes slid closed and she fell asleep. Her dreams were vivid as they always were, but almost every night since Malina she had night terrors. And as much as she tried to tell herself they were dreams, they were actually just a recollection of events past. Almost every night she remembered being transported from Lucian Grey's Mansion to a forest quiet a far way away. She was dizzy and disorientated. But that wasn't the worst of it, it only took a moment for her to hear the screams of terror from the trees, the agony coursing like a black cloud around the forest (that only she could sense), the forest begging for help, for mercy, even as the dragons blast continued to burn through and destroy it. She took a shaky step or two, before her hands clawed at a half burnt tree to try and hold herself up. The smell of death as the animals had been burned alive. She threw up heavily, finally making it to the tree line, falling to her knees with tears streaming down her face. "How... why... would someone do this? The destruction...why?" her voice seeming hopeless as she looked to the huge red dragon standing triumphant not far away.

Stuck in her flashback, wet tears ran down her face to soak the pillow under her head.


Zephyr - Train to Magnolia

" Yeah yeah, Masaki. " He waved the boys words off with a dismissing gesture and brought his hands back to rest behind his head, acting as a secondary pillow. " I see, I see. I don't get why you'd even bother with a girl anyways but do tread lightly if you intend to get involved with one. " That's all he really had to say on the matter seeing as he wasn't the type to have ever been seen with a female companion or anything like that, he simply didn't desire the presence of one. Zephyr had Masaki, his missions, and other goals he dedicated time to achieving that didn't leave any room for such trivial matters. " The book... " He echoed Masaki's words before they finally clicked, attention returning to the boy. " The magic library, y'know, the big one? Have you not been there yet? " A curious look was given in his direction before he closed his eyes again, feeling the familiar tug of sleep trying to pull him under. " Try to get some sleep, alright? The book isn't going anywhere. " An arm had wrapped around Masaki's shoulders to tug him against him, the other hand ruffling his hair quite roughly before he let go. " I mean it. " The tone remained playful but there was a stern edge to it. He fidgeted around and got comfortable, the passing scenery out the window finally lulling him to sleep.

Chris Lengheart(House)

Chris' dreams were perfect fine. He only dreamed about being in a open field. All of his friends were there, he was happy. There didn't seem to be anything wrong. Some of his friends were throwing punches at one of another, but that's what you'd expect at two members of Fairytail. He only smiled as he watched the two nd laid back on the grass. There was nothing more that Chris wanted, this scene was perfect!

@Zuka ((I guess we just dream until we go on to the next day?))


Awkward Train

Grace let out a small sigh as she ate in silence. The awkwardness was so strong she could almost feel it hitting her body. She felt terrible for making things like this and really wanted to to make things better, but she didn't have the courage to do so. She continued to eat slowly, her thoughts and weaknesses bugging her. Suddenly Valken got up and explained that he was going to take a shower, and she quickly realized this was the last chance for the night to make it up to him. "Wait, Valken. I'm so sorry for my little fit. You know I didn't mean it, right?"

Kelica - Chris's Room

The night time came and went for Kelica and before she knew it, the sun stared to sneak into the room. She awoke with a start, breathing heavily and sweat pouring down the side of her face. She crawled out of bed, and walked straight into the bathroom, throwing cold water on her face to calm down. "The dragon is dead...it is... it's gone. Sora finished it off... " she stood up tall and walked back out into the living room. She noted Chris was still sleeping on the couch, without a shirt, and stared for quiet some time before blushing and walking into his kitchen. She threw a pan on the stovetop and melted some butter, frying up some eggs and bacon as she hummed softly. Breakfast was her favorite meal of the day.

Valken - Train to Magnolia

Valken blinked and turned back as she apologised. He grinned at the little fit, was so very very close to making a joke about the little part, but bit his lip and nodded. "Don't stress, what's done is done, besides a bed is a bed, I'd prefer a smaller one over the bare ground any day. Fear not young lady, your secret is safe with me." giving a quick two finger salute before heading straight to the shower.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia ( Her Residence )

Sora began to roll along the blankets and steamroll the pillows as she waited impatiently, coming to a halting stop by Clair's feet to gaze up at her with a childish smile. " Sit, Clair! You don't have to stand there all awkwardly. " Wiggling back a bit she'd lay on her tummy, fingers interlocking to rest under her chin to hold it up, feet kicked up with her ankles crossed in a comfortable manner. " So let's talk and pass the time until Bizma gets back, shall we? " A small suggestion but one she knew Clair would be up for seeing as the two actually talked quite a bit. " I'm thinking of getting new outfits tomorrow for the festival, it could be fun. Would you like to join me and grab something too? We'll get lunch too. " Sora inquired in a cheerful tone, biting her lip at the end of the sentence as if in anticipation for Clair's answer, dearly hoping it'd be a yes. The red head could be quiet at times but Sora always made it her duty to drag Clair out of her shell and accompany her to as many places as possible. They'd become quite close ever since she'd ranked into S-Class and asked Clair if they could form a team together, which to Sora's delight had been accepted. Hopefully Bizma came down soon so she could jump in the bath and change into her sleepwear to get super comfy! Or maybe she drowned in the tub.... Sora's face paled at the thought of a dead body in her tub, eyes wide. " BIZMA, ARE YOU ALIVE? " Sora hollered loud enough so that her voice could be heard in the bathroom.

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Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

Given what the dark mage was capable of the Lamia Scale girl got off light. He simply shook his head and let out an amused huff of air as he took the drink, bringing it to his lips and downing half of it in one go. He gently set the mug down atop the bar's counter, staring at it silently for several moments as she asked how much he was going to drink. After mulling it over he let out a sigh and quickly took another large swig of the alcohol. "I'm going to drink until I either pass out or we run out. Things are going to be getting busy again and I'm not about to let this chance slip past." He flashed the dark mage a smile before downing the rest of the drink, slamming the empty mug down onto the counter with a bit more force than was unnecessary. He nudged the empty glass forward, awaiting the inevitable re-fill. "If you get tired of playing barmaid I'm more than capable of handling the drinks myself." He gave a small nod of affirmation to his own comment. He knew he'd have to prepare for the conference, but that was all the more reason he wanted to drink himself unconscious as he likely wouldn't get another chance for a long while.

Chris Lengheart(Early morning, house)

Chris was snoring until he was awoken by the sound of melting butter followed by the wonderful aroma of bacon and eggs. It was strong enough to wake Chris up as he rubbed his eyes for a moment. He let out a yawn as he got up and picked up the tank top he wore last night and took a whiff from it before putting it back on. It wasn't really dirty, he had only worn it for a while. He took a seat at the counter as he looked at Kelica sheepishly,"So, you can cook. I thought you wanted me to cook you every meal. Oh well, looks like I get a break today, just don't burn down my house." Chris said as he followed it up with another yawn.

Kelica - Chris's kitchen

Kelica glanced over her shoulder as he had awoken, having a warm smile. "Breakfast. I can cook breakfast, but that is all. Pancakes, omletes, bacon, sausages, pastries, scrolls, crusty bread, oats... I can make it all. I love breakfast... but don't try and make me make a salad or dinner." Shaking her head and giggling.


Chris only rolled his eyes at what Kelica said,"Can we just focus on breakfast? The most I had to eat yesterday was a slice of cake and a ocean of alcohol to wash it down. Oh, and that small dinner I made." Ken then rubbed his stomach slightly at the thought of not really eating much at all yesterday. To normal people, that would be enough. However, for someone with as large of a body such as him, Chris needed all the food he could get.

Kelica - Chris's kitchen

Kelica rolled her eyes back. "Hold your horses Hulk Man..." throwing in some sausages, hash browns, tomato's, mushrooms, toast, baked beans, and steak. Then piling a plate to the brim, it was like a tower, pushing it over to him with a grin. "If you're still hungry I can make pancakes with berries, whipped cream, maple sryup and chocolate." nodding happily when she dished out the same for her only, one plate not a tower.



Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki's brow arched a bit when Gilad mentioned drinking until they were out or he was out. He seemed to have a strong alcohol resistance so the most likely outcome was no more alcohol by the end of the night. "What if the others want some of the alcohol?" She asked, quickly scrapping that idea. "Never mind. None of them work as hard as you. All of it should go to you." She said, taking his mug and filling it back up. When it was filled up perfectly she slid it back to him and replied to his comment about switching. Mizuki honestly didn't mind doing this at all, and found it quite enjoyable. "No, I'll be your "barmaid". It gives me purpose in my useless life..."



Train to Magnolia

Grace huffed and stood up, relieved that Valken wasn't mad or sad, and was actually keeping this little thing a secret from the other guild members. Feeling slightly better, she emptied her plate and grabbed her bag, taking it into the smaller room. She figured that it's the least she could do for Valken after snapping at him like that. Besides, she wasn't going to take up the entire kingsized bed with her small body. Changing into her night clothes, Grave crawled into bed and slowly drifted off to sleep, excited about seeing Masaki when she woke up.



Sabertooth Guildhall

Mizuki's brow arched a bit when Gilad mentioned drinking until they were out or he was out. He seemed to have a strong alcohol resistance so the most likely outcome was no more alcohol by the end of the night. "What if the others want some of the alcohol?" She asked, quickly scrapping that idea. "Never mind. None of them work as hard as you. All of it should go to you." She said, taking his mug and filling it back up. When it was filled up perfectly she slid it back to him and replied to his comment about switching. Mizuki honestly didn't mind doing this at all, and found it quite enjoyable. "No, I'll be your "barmaid". It gives me purpose in my useless life..."



Train to Magnolia

Grace huffed and stood up, relieved that Valken wasn't mad or sad, and was actually keeping this little thing a secret from the other guild members. Feeling slightly better, she emptied her plate and grabbed her bag, taking it into the smaller room. She figured that it's the least she could do for Valken after snapping at him like that. Besides, she wasn't going to take up the entire kingsized bed with her small body. Changing into her night clothes, Grave crawled into bed and slowly drifted off to sleep, excited about seeing Masaki when she woke up.

Chris Lengheart(House)

Chris rubbed his hands together as he looked at the delicious plate set before him. He grabbed a fork and dug right in. After what seemed like a few minutes, Chris had already ingested about a third of the plate as he slowed down a bit, but still stuffed his face like crazy. After a few more minutes, Chris seemed to calm down as he finished his plate. He rubbed his stomach and let out a small belch before grabbing his plate and putting it into the sink. He then turned over to Kelica and smiled as he walked over to the couch before throwing himself onto it,"Since you cooked, you're doing dishes."

Valken - Train to Magnolia

Valken took a warm shower, running his hands down the various scares over his chest, back, hips. The many times as a kid he didn't dodge out of time when he got into trouble. The pain was worth it though, he could read people like book, judge their movements and glide around them even before using the shadows. He was fast, and slippery. His effortless movements through the crowds at Crocus showed that. Once clean, he stepped out and put his pants back on, simply carrying his shirt and belt with daggers attatched over an arm.

He silently opened the door to the smaller room with still wringing wet hair, seeing in the pitch darkness Grace fast asleep under the blankets. He had a strangely friendly smile on his face. In truth he was proud of all his Guild Mates though he would never say it. Grace proved today and that she could concede, apologize and calm down, finally getting control on her emotions. He was proud of her for that. He made a mental note to tell Lloyd that her mentality might just be finally ready to be promoted to A-class. Her abilities were strong enough but her hot-headed stopped her thinking clearly.

He closed the door silently, going into the King bedroom, hanging his shirt and belt daggers on the chair next to his bed. He slipped under the covers and fell into a light and restless sleep.


Ferra: Lamia Scale HQ

By the time the second exam, or technically third? was over Ferra was covered in mud and water. She'd protected her bag of food though, so that was a plus! She was glad to have three new guild members, in Ferra's book that just meant three new friends! Getting up silently she opted to get a shower and change, lucky for her her room had a small bathroom in it so she didn't have to wait on anyone else that was likely splattered in mud. Once she was done and changed into striped pink PJ's she decided she'd bake the three new members a cake!

Walking into the kitchen she grinned and hummed to herself, setting about to make a chocolate cake for them. A large cake, large enough for everyone to get a small piece each. Despite it being for the others there was no way she was going to make a cake without being able to have some herself, Ferra simply did not work that way.
Gilad Arcturus - Crocus City: Sabertooth Guildhall

He simply waved his hand dismissively as she asked about running out of alcohol. "I'll make sure to get a shipment in soon enough. Until then they'll just have to visit an actual pub." Although she was damned right it should all go to him, Guild Master privilege and all. Once his mug had been refilled he took a quick ship, going much slower than the previous one. He cocked a brow at her remark about being a barmaid, setting his mug back atop the counter as he looked at her. "If your life is 'useless' then perhaps I'll have to find you something worthy of your talents." He flashed the girl a grin, knowing he could find a way to occupy her time to the point that she wished her life actually was useless. No member of his guild was going to have a useless life, not as long as he was around to put them to work.

Kelica - Chris's kitchen

Kelica finished her plate almost in time with his, even though his portion was much larger. She put her plate into the sink and started to effortlessly clean the dishes. She hummed a soft delicate tune as she it, it sounded oddly like a soft bird call. Once they were clean and dry, she wandered over and rather suddenly straddled Chris's hips while he was lying on his back, one hand to her lip's in thought. "So I was thinking what to do today... I think some shopping is in order, or we could take another mission?"

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Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Lamia Scale Training Grounds

Maya listened to Lloyd contently and without blinking an eye, taking absolutely everything in. Being granted his permission, she smiled and then answered his question. "Once or twice, although the lacrima always ends up being rendered useless after my use. That's good though, it means I can't be followed.." She chuckled slightly as the man continued to speak, nodding in response she too said her piece. "Alright. Make sure you tell them to meet me when they reach Magnolia. Oh, and do tell them to be careful on the way there." She smiled once more before looking at Lloyd contently. "You best get started on your paperwork then, and do be sure to congratulate the new members properly for me." She then started to walk off, shouting to Lloyd as she approached the guild, "See you soon, Lloyd~"

With that she quickly headed to her quarters and dispelled the barrier she had placed on the lacrima before putting it in the centre of the room. She then proceeded to look through the book and copy the ruins exactly as she drew them around the lacrima. After pouring some of her magical power into the ball a bright blue light erupted in a circular formation as the ruins glowed vibrantly. "First times the charm." She said with a chuckle before stepping into the portal. As it closed before her, the ruins vanished and the lacrima shattered into several pieces, rendering the circle unable for usage.

Magnolia: Outskirts

A bright light could be seen on the outskirts of the town, covered by a few trees. And out came Maya. Brushing herself down, she sighed slightly. "Teleportation really is a magnificent thing... Now.." With that, she began to walk into the bustling town. Gaining a few looks from the citizens as she walked, she couldn't help but chuckle. "Flashy and sudden, my entrances are fab." She said as she continued walking.


Masaki Yamada: Train to Magnolia

Continuing to read the book, Masaki flicked through the pages effortlessly as he carried on reading its contents. He was definitely greatful to Zephyr for this find, it was a good book. And held so much more information than the one back in his archives in the guild. Masaki stopped reading for a moment as he looked towards the man, a slight smile on his face. "You don't know why I've bothered? Man, you'll know when you see her for yourself." He chuckled slightly, "I'm going to make you two meet each other after all." He said, a slight grin on his face. It was in that moment that the man pulled him in close and ruffled his hair roughly, Masaki sighed in response and began to rub his head. Zephyr then told him to get some sleep, which made him sigh even more. Closing the book and marking where he left off, he uttered the words, "Fine, I'll speak to you when I wake up." And then turned on his side, getting comfortable in his position before falling asleep instantly. He was very tired, purely because he hadn't had a good nights sleep in days. He was excited to see the guild his mother was from, but he was also excited to see Grace. It had been a while since the two last met, after all.

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Sabertooth Guild Hall

Black steps out of a portal, just coming back from a mission. As usual he goes unnoticed, mainly because he wasn't been much active lately. He usually comes and goes. He walks over to the bar and nods to his fellow guild members. What's up? He looks towards Mizuki, hey can I get a mug of wine please? He asked nicely as he smelled like he's been fighting Mountain Vulcans. He had a somewhat tired expression in his eyes. @Kayzo
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Lloyd - Lamia Scale Training Grounds

"Take care, Maya,"
Lloyd responded, with his own smile and wave, though she was, by then, probably too far to have seen it. It was already quite late. Seemed that he was not going to get any work done after all, what with the sudden appearance of three new recruits who wanted to join their guild. Not that he was complaining, of course. It was always good to have new people. New blood, growth. He only hoped that the three new members would fit in, start making friends, and move their way up. And perhaps in time they would get to mentor new members.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Entrance

That was probably too far in the future. For now though, he still had yet to give them their guild marks. As he stepped into the guild hall, with the purpose of looking for a toilet to clean off some of the mud stains on his shirt, he saw a shadow outside his door. Apparently, someone wanted to speak to him. He looked down at his shirt, shrugged, and headed up to his office.

Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: Lloyd's Office

Once he got there, he saw that it was Lana, and that she had already cleaned herself and waiting to receive her guild mark. He could not help feeling quite touched by her enthusiasm, and directed a grin in her direction. "Come on in," he said, opening the door for her and stepping in after here. "Erm... mind the mess." The others had yet to arrive but since Lana was already waiting, it seemed fair to give her her mark first.

He already knew what he was looking for, and it was fortunate that it was kept safety in a great wooden box. The box tended to change position depending on where he needed to place stuff, but it was noticeable enough to be easy to find. He opened the box and pulled out the Guild Seal with both hands, gently. He stared at it for a few seconds, gathering himself together. It felt like eons ago, that he stood in this very office, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt to bare his right upper arm, to receive his own guild mark. He had given many guild marks before even before reaching Guild Master status, yet each time a new member wished to join the guild, he was brought back to that angry young man again receiving his guild mark for the first time. It was an extremely nostalgic experience.

He looked back up at Lana. "Where would you like your mark placed, and what colour would you like it to be?"

@Lana Valentine @LeSoraAmari
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Lana- Lamia Scale Guild Hall 2nd floor - Outside Lloyd's Office

Lana smiled to herself and began to rock back and forth against the wall. For some reason she was proud to have made it into the guild though she still wasn't quite sure what to do. She began to think of the possible future while she hummed happily to herself.

As Lloyd came back up the stairs her smile grew a bit wider, "Oh yeah I just figured you'd want to get it over with quick," She replied and follows him into his office.

Lana - Inside Lloyd's office - In shock O.o

The office was a disaster area in terms of cleanliness and she shivered slightly wondering how long it had been since someone organized the stuff inside. She coughed hearing Lloyd's question and needed a few seconds to think before gesturing to her neck, "I'd like it to be blue and right about here," She said placing her index and middle finger upon her neck just above the end of her length of hair.



Roku - Sabertooth Guildhall - Sitting with them in mild annoyance

Roku waved in her hands in front of Gilad and Mizuki's face while taking a seat beside them. "Hello old guild member returning from missions and desiring a drink," She huffed afterward closing her eyes and shaking her head. "You'd think I was just background noise or decoration," She said while still holding onto the completed mission forms.

Cinla Lamia Scale Guild Hall 2nd floor - Insides Lloyd's Office

Cinla looks around and sighs gently at the mess and and said to her self mostly" Something tells me maya is good at hand to hand combat as well, i might of had a slight chance against her when she's not powered up but that dam field of her's is something else it's near impossible to do ranged attacks not to mention her speed".

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