Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall


"Ah well, you see, it wasn't really a single mission that I've been on, I just haven't been to Magnolia in almost a year." He replied. "I'm not very good at dealing with social interaction, so I mostly tend to wander in search of jobs. I came back to Magnolia for the festival, but I've never attended before, so I was at a loss about what went on. I had no idea there was a tournament though. I'll have to check that out. Sounds like it could be fun." He said with a slight smile.

@Salt Lord @Colt556

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Ophelia Kaiser

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Heh, I've never been to the festival, either. I actually happen to be the new Guild Master here. I don't know how anything works. But I do know a few of the people. Here, why don't you go talk to Alfie? He seems pretty lonely."
Ophelia grinned and pointed to the chair Alfie was sitting on before pulling her arm back nervously. "Well, he's been sitting there since I fell asleep last night..." She quickly leaned close to Ryu and whispered in his ear, "I'd watch myself around him... he seems really nice, but... he doesn't do too much aside from sit and... not blink or breathe or... anything??? I don't know. Just be careful, okay?" She went back to standing up normally and looked up at Gilad, nodding to him. The girl hoped he knew what she was hinting at...

@Colt556 @Rhodus

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's head turned quickly at the sound of a knock at the door, hair flying about in a wild rebellious manner as she attempted to quickly tame it within her usual ponytail hairstyle, cat-like hair pieces adorning them at the top. Half of her body collapsed out the window to hang there as she stared down at Clair, hands waving about to get her attention. " I'm almost doooone! " The smaller girl called out, eyes quickly darting to catch Nami floating out the window holding a cupcake in which she grabbed for the exceed but alas, the slippery cat eluded her and flew down to hover in front of Clair. " Sora's been huffing about all morning~ " She coo'ed teasingly before taking a bite of the cupcake, not even remotely caring that icing was being smeared all over her face. A few moments later Sora jumped out the window and landed gracefully in front of Clair, obviously in a rush if she felt the need to skip the stairs and just use the second story window as a door. " Maybe if Nami wouldn't be such a painnnnn. " Both hands grasped the exceed's cheeks and tugged playfully, grinning as Nami fled and hid behind Clair. " You're not safe anywhere, you hear me? " A small hmph followed her words, eyes sparkling in delight as she looked past Clair and towards all the decorations. She'd been to every festival since she was little but the amazement and sheer joy it brought her never seemed to cease. Sora spun in circles, admiring the flow of her dress as it picked up and seemed to dance on its own, a cute smile being flashed as she finished twirling. " So where are we headed first, Clair? " She asked curiously, trying to remain still but finding it hard to do with the escalating excitement which was obvious as she rocked up onto her tiptoes and back, repeating the process over and over.

@Mr Swiftshots

Siegfried Seraphim - Entering Magnolia

Siegfried was on his way back towards Magnolia from his mission, blissfully unaware of the whole dragon crisis not that it matter much, it was long in the past. If he could recall the festival had started sometime today or another. Stopping for a brief moment to feel the breeze across his face being trapped within his hood, as he looked up noticing the sunlight piercing through parts of the trees and even saw a flock of birds overhead, chirping away blissfully in this bright cheery day. This very calming mood made him slightly tired even if he had just awoken not hours earlier to get back to his home, Fairy Tail. One had to wonder what the guild had been doing all this time, and as such he had no idea a new guild master was already appointed. Would they go over the top on the festivities? As Siegfried started walking again he realized something quite peculiar he'd never once been to any event Fairy Tail, or any other guild hosted before this would be his first. Once he got through the entrance towards Magnolia he was pretty much greeted with decorations of all type and although his facial expression didn't change much he was quite a bit excited. What would the first day hold? Should he return to the guild? Deep in his thought and passing houses his focus broke when he noticed two people and a cat. Siegfried couldn't place it, but at least one of them seemed familiar somehow. Deciding the best course of action would be to speak up if only a little he gave a slight nod and spoke. "Greetings."​

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
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Kyuubey said:
Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's head turned quickly at the sound of a knock at the door, hair flying about in a wild rebellious manner as she attempted to quickly tame it within her usual ponytail hairstyle, cat-like hair pieces adorning them at the top. Half of her body collapsed out the window to hang there as she stared down at Clair, hands waving about to get her attention. " I'm almost doooone! " The smaller girl called out, eyes quickly darting to catch Nami floating out the window holding a cupcake in which she grabbed for the exceed but alas, the slippery cat eluded her and flew down to hover in front of Clair. " Sora's been huffing about all morning~ " She coo'ed teasingly before taking a bite of the cupcake, not even remotely caring that icing was being smeared all over her face. A few moments later Sora jumped out the window and landed gracefully in front of Clair, obviously in a rush if she felt the need to skip the stairs and just use the second story window as a door. " Maybe if Nami wouldn't be such a painnnnn. " Both hands grasped the exceed's cheeks and tugged playfully, grinning as Nami fled and hid behind Clair. " You're not safe anywhere, you hear me? " A small hmph followed her words, eyes sparkling in delight as she looked past Clair and towards all the decorations. She'd been to every festival since she was little but the amazement and sheer joy it brought her never seemed to cease. Sora spun in circles, admiring the flow of her dress as it picked up and seemed to dance on its own, a cute smile being flashed as she finished twirling. " So where are we headed first, Clair? " She asked curiously, trying to remain still but finding it hard to do with the escalating excitement which was obvious as she rocked up onto her tiptoes and back, repeating the process over and over.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes : Fairytale / 4th Wizard Saint


Clair looked upwards towards the second story when she heard the window fly open , it was quite funny to see half the blue haired girl hanging outside the window with her arms going ninety. However it was even more entertaining to see Nami escape from the house with a cupcake. The exceed made quite a bold remark about Sera which Clair had no intention of dropping , shortly after Sora jumped down from the second story of the house and landed by the exceed , pulling at its face.

Clair turned to inspect the street leading directly towards the guild hall , it was by far the most decorated street due to the fact that was where the parade would be taking place how ever there were fewer stalls for that same reason. The town park would more than likely have a lot of fun activity's to take part in around now so she decided this would probably be best for the two. "what about the park , that should be fun or we could go to the guild hall and get something to eat first". Clair's train of thought was broken when someone spoke to her she turned to the man and smiled "hello , are you enjoying the festivities?"

@Kyuubey @Neferiti
@Salt Lord

After Adrian finished his delicious Italian food, he threw out the tin, washed his hands and decided he would talk to Alfie. The kid was seriously creepy honestly, with how he did nothing at all but sit there. He didn't even breathe! He sat down across from Alfie, asking him quietly so no-one else could hear, "Are you alright? Timeskip or not, you should at least enjoy the festival!"
Chris Lengheart(Guildhall)

Chris released his takeover as he held Kelica close. He's only read about these situations in books, but he assumed that what he read might actually work. Thinking quickly, Chris picked up Kelica and took her to a quiet area (Which was very hard to find in the crowded guildhall) before softly placing her down and looking her straight in the eyes. "Kelica, it's Chris. Whatever's happening isn't true. You're here, with me. Do you want another ride on my back?" Chris asked hoping that maybe by asking her questions she'd snap out of it.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: First Floor

"Erm... well..."
Lloyd scratched absentmindedly at his chin as he contemplated a reply to Isabelle's question. Wow, he really did need a shave. "Lots of paperwork," he admitted finally, giving a sheepish grin. "Anyway, I'll get all this done soon, and I am planning on attending the last day of the festival." In all honestly Lloyd very much preferred adventuring, long walks and exploration over being stuck in an office doing paperwork. Unfortunately though, Lloyd was the kind of person who liked to push his work to the last possible minute before finally sitting down to do them. Which, as Lloyd was starting to discover, might not be so wise a move in a Guild Master who needed to maintain a guild.

But then again, being surrounded by crowds of people, lots of noise, shouting... that was an extremely easy way to put Lloyd ill at ease. Back when he was younger, he used to be overwhelmed easily by loud noises and people, though he managed to get used to all that, enough to the point where it no longer cropped up as an issue. And it was a good thing too; he probably would not survive long leading a Guild if he still could not bear loud noises by young people, a regular occurrence in a guild hall. And it probably was a very good thing that he was not in Fairy Tail. He actually did not mind not attending the festival, and anyway, he would be attending the last day of it. He just... rather not be doing paperwork, that was all.

He gazed, rather curiously, at Isabelle. "I'm surprised to find you here, to be honest. I thought you had gone with the others to the festival. You're not planning on attending it?"


"I was planning on attending but I got the dates mixed up I thought it started tomorrow. Come on Master the work can wait for now, come to the festival today!" She says excitedly not wanting to leave the master Beijing and she wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Please Master?" She pleads. She really didn't want to travel alone though she does do it all the time.

@HuorSpinks (sry for the short posts)



Magnolia Festival

Millie removed her forehead from him and returned to her normal standing position. There was a small frown on her face as Valken explained that he had been cold, and she couldn't help but feel as if it was her fault. She had taken the scarf from him before he left, so the S-classy Mage surely was the one to blame. Her smooth hands pressed up against his cheeks for a brief moment before she took the scarf off her own neck and began to wrapping it around his. "I'm so sorry for making you so cold. I'll never take it from you again." She said softly, resting her head against his chest and continued to listen. It was nice to know that Grace managed to find her friend at long last, and hoped that the girl felt the same feelings that she did when around Valken. However when the swimsuit contest was brought up, Millie got a little nervous. It was supposed to be his surprise, and now he knew about it. "Yes, I know about that contest. Why do you ask?" She asked innocently, trying to play dumb with him.


Cardio Cathedral

Grace sighed quietly and nodded as Masaki explained the situation in his guild. It seemed that Sabertooth really was as strict as they seemed, and the short girl really was glad to be in Lamia Scale. Change and potential was good and all, but she liked to roll at her own pace and not have curses placed on her left and right. "Ah, I see. I feel kinda bad for you. The worst thing we have in the guild is Millie, and she's the nicest person you'll ever meet." She explained, shrugging slightly and linking her arm with his.

As for what we do, I'm not really sure... There's that swimsuit contest we can go watch, and I know Millie's joining that. Or we could roam the streets, eat, and shop or something. I really don't know what there is to do here."

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Mitchs98 said:
@HuorSpinks @Isune @Zuka
Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

Sera grinned at Jaymes' joke about the swimsuit, though only slightly. He did have a point, that'd be typical and predictable. Maybe she should take his advice and wear a blue one, revealing was a given as per her usual attire. Though before she could answer him literally everything happened at once. Some random guy asked if the guild hall was open and then Chris came barreling through with Kelcia on his back. She didn't bother following them, she didn't want the headache right now. Sure she enjoyed the antics, but that didn't make them any less annoying at times.

She turned to Lysander and passed him a flyer, "
Just in-case your interested." She told him simply with a shrug.

@Lana Valentine

Ferra: Magnolia Festival

Ferra stuck her tongue out childishly at the crowd members, which didn't really make anything better, though she only giggled at their reactions. She grinned and laughed at Cinla, "Y-ep. Glad you guys are having fun, cause I know I am." She replied. She was glad the two were so nice, and getting along well at that! It was a good thing Lloyd accepted them, mainly cause now Lamia Scale had two more chances to win both the bikini contest and the tournament.
@Leo Radomir

Lana pulled down upon her right eye and stuck her tongue out at the crowd of people watching Cinla who had mocked Ferra before laughing a little. "I'm really glad that this place is so much fun though," taking a bite of her cotton candy as Cinla approached them, Lana nodded. "Yeah it looks like you've got a huge chance to win at the Bikini contest too," Lana assumed this, after all if they were cheering Cinla on and desiring her now then they'd probably vote for her too.

She looked at Ferra rubbing her chin and then finishing off the cotton candy. "I may not do to good today but, I will do amazing tomorrow at the tournament I bet," She seemed far more pumped at the idea of representing Lamia scale there and helping them come out on top over the other two guilds and especially Fairy Tail since this was their home turf.
Lana Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20955-leo-radomir/ said:
@Leo Radomir[/URL]
Lana pulled down upon her right eye and stuck her tongue out at the crowd of people watching Cinla who had mocked Ferra before laughing a little. "I'm really glad that this place is so much fun though," taking a bite of her cotton candy as Cinla approached them, Lana nodded. "Yeah it looks like you've got a huge chance to win at the Bikini contest too," Lana assumed this, after all if they were cheering Cinla on and desiring her now then they'd probably vote for her too.

She looked at Ferra rubbing her chin and then finishing off the cotton candy. "I may not do to good today but, I will do amazing tomorrow at the tournament I bet," She seemed far more pumped at the idea of representing Lamia scale there and helping them come out on top over the other two guilds and especially Fairy Tail since this was their home turf.
cinla playfully ambushes lana and grops her for a minute or then pulls way and says" It's not about size and looks alone hun, a women needs to know how to draw a guys attention and you being you would get the moe or cute emo rating from so many guys so have a little more faith in your self, now i have some money i'll treat you to some clothes, last of all i don't know about great chance today fortune smiles on me but i plan to do my best no matter what i do even if that means having to play a little dirty".
Lysander - Magnolia: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

So this was Fairy Tail. Lysander's eyes were wide in amazement as he took in the sights, standing where he was at the entrance of the guild hall, looking in. That was, of course, after he managed to jump out of the way of the gigantic creature barreling in their direction into the guild hall with what seemed like a girl on it's back. Lysander had heard much about the destructiveness of Fairy Tail from his parents and grand mother and it was hilarious to know that the rumours were true. And apparently, he was not the only one. Though he did not see anybody from his guild, there were at least one Sabertooth mage within the guild hall; the guild master of all people. Lysander was surprised to see him there. He had heard much of Master Arcturus and his power levels so it was a surprise to him to find him attending the Fantasia Festival. This also made him wonder if Lloyd was also present. A brief flicker of regret showed on Lysander's face then. He was not even sure if Lloyd was attending the festival because he had not even spoken to the man before he left. The awkwardness between them was every bit his fault, he knew that. Perhaps, he could try initiating a conversation with him again, because it was getting awfully lonely.

The noise within the guild hall soon brought him out of his reflections and he stepped in again. He remembered the other man saying that the second and third floor were out of bounds, so he stepped forward, slowly making his way through the socializing area. Various mages were talking. One girl seemed to be having a mental breakdown; that was not so good, but she seemed to be in the company of friends so perhaps she would be fine soon. The noise levels were immense. It was all so lively, active. Even Lamia Scale at it's noisiest was not as noisy as this. Lysander wondered what it was like being in a guild this noisy, so lively, active. But then, even with all it's activity Fairy Tail did not have Lloyd, and Lysander was quite sure he would follow the man to the grave if need be. But how different his character would be if he had joined Fairy Tail... he could not even imagine.

He looked down at the flier he had taken from the other mage at the door, he had not even been aware he had taken it, he had just reached out and took it from her as she had offered it to him. A bikini contest... why would he even join such a thing? How embarrassing. He turned a bit red and stuck the flyer into his pocket. Then, he continued wandering around, poking his way around the guild hall. "This is pretty awesome," Lysander marveled aloud, not even aware that he had spoken aloud or that people could possibly hear him.

@Zuka @Isune @PeteTSs @Arvis90
Kayzo said:


Magnolia Festival

Millie removed her forehead from him and returned to her normal standing position. There was a small frown on her face as Valken explained that he had been cold, and she couldn't help but feel as if it was her fault. She had taken the scarf from him before he left, so the S-classy Mage surely was the one to blame. Her smooth hands pressed up against his cheeks for a brief moment before she took the scarf off her own neck and began to wrapping it around his. "I'm so sorry for making you so cold. I'll never take it from you again." She said softly, resting her head against his chest and continued to listen. It was nice to know that Grace managed to find her friend at long last, and hoped that the girl felt the same feelings that she did when around Valken. However when the swimsuit contest was brought up, Millie got a little nervous. It was supposed to be his surprise, and now he knew about it. "Yes, I know about that contest. Why do you ask?" She asked innocently, trying to play dumb with him.


Cardio Cathedral

Grace sighed quietly and nodded as Masaki explained the situation in his guild. It seemed that Sabertooth really was as strict as they seemed, and the short girl really was glad to be in Lamia Scale. Change and potential was good and all, but she liked to roll at her own pace and not have curses placed on her left and right. "Ah, I see. I feel kinda bad for you. The worst thing we have in the guild is Millie, and she's the nicest person you'll ever meet." She explained, shrugging slightly and linking her arm with his.

As for what we do, I'm not really sure... There's that swimsuit contest we can go watch, and I know Millie's joining that. Or we could roam the streets, eat, and shop or something. I really don't know what there is to do here."

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Masaki Yamada: Kardia Cathedral

Masaki smiled and shook his head. "You shouldn't feel bad for me, I like it there. Even though it's tough sometimes it's still my home, and we're a family." He chuckled, "It was my fathers decision for me to join there you know, I would've joined Fairy Tail if my mother had her way." He looked at Grace dead in the eye as she spoke about what they were to do, "Well.. How about we roam Magnolia? Maybe potentially buy something since I know you will want to go shop. Uhm, and then when the contest starts we'll go and watch it. I'm sure you will want to support your guildmates after all." He smiled down to her as she linked arms with him.

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia. Destination: Secret.

During her time in the bustling city, Maya was investigating much like she said Lloyd would. She had written a letter to Lloud stating that she managed to find nothing out, and that everything seemed safe for now. Walking through the streets, she wore a very flashy black cape that covered her face and his her identity. But more importantly, it stopped her hair from flowing all over the place, it was very winsy after all. Maya sighed as she lowered the hood in her cape, standing outside of a dress shop. Walking in, the bell rang which signified that a customer had arrived. The shop keeper rushed over the the front of the desk and smiled Maya's way, the woman returned a smile and looked around. "Ah, that's pretty cute. She'll like that." Said Maya as she chuckled. It was a blue and white lolita dress, the blue was a sky blue and the white was soft. She also picked out a pink boy as well. Buying the goods, she nodded to the shop keeper and payed him the necessary amount before taking the goods and leaving. Heading to a certain place. A house. Not too far away from the guild hall but then not in plain site either. Walking the path, Sora would hear a very familiar voice calling out. "Oh my, the difference four years can do to a person." She chuckled as she approached the group. Sora was there with Clair Fernandez, a Wizard Saint just like her, and then some random guy, probably a mage from Fairy Tail.

@Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey @Neferiti
Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica took a shaky breath inwards, she felt Chris transform back into his human self and carry her away to somewhere quiet, for Fairytail. When he set her down and looked straight at her eyes the screaming of the trees dimmed down and eventually stopped in her ears. Her vacant eyes seemed to come too once more as she looked to him, reaching to up to feel her wet cheek. "What... happened?" She whispered. All she could remember was talking about Stall food, then the screaming trees started. She shuddered uncomfortably, wrapping her arms around him and pressing the side of her face flush with his chest. She heard the steady beat of his strong heart which helped to calm her to. "I'm sorry... " She eventually mumbled.

@Isune @PeteTSs
Valken - Edge of Magnolia

Valken lifted an eyebrow when she frowned, but as she went to lift the scarf he gasped her wrist, actually stopping it in it's place. He was strong, and unyielding, though his grip was soft, and he forced her hand back down to keep the scarf around her own neck. "Uh uh, I gave that to you as a gift...The cold doesn't bother me really..." watching her snuggle up to his chest, he let his fingers run through her hair. "No reason, I just thought you'd wanna know about the contest. It's probably a good thing if you don't go in it though... gotta give the other ladies fighting chance.." Grinning down to her.

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Sabrina---Fairy Tail Guild Building

Sabrina rushed over to Kelica when she heard her calmed down. "Kelica! What happened to you? Are you okay? Do you need anything to feel better?" Sabrina said, frantically. She did not want to lose one of her only friends. "Chris! Do you know what happened to her? Is she going to be alright?" Sabrina started to pace around Kelica in quick little steps.

@Zuka @Isune
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Chris Lengheart(Guildhall)

Chris let out a sigh of relief as Kelica calmed down and placed her face into his chest. He hugged her close, and smiled as he eventually let go of her. He picked up Kelica bridal style once again and held her close. "Yes, she's much better now, never do that again Kelica. We're here for you." Chris said as he looked over at Sabrina.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Lana Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20955-leo-radomir/ said:
@Leo Radomir[/URL]
Lana pulled down upon her right eye and stuck her tongue out at the crowd of people watching Cinla who had mocked Ferra before laughing a little. "I'm really glad that this place is so much fun though," taking a bite of her cotton candy as Cinla approached them, Lana nodded. "Yeah it looks like you've got a huge chance to win at the Bikini contest too," Lana assumed this, after all if they were cheering Cinla on and desiring her now then they'd probably vote for her too.

She looked at Ferra rubbing her chin and then finishing off the cotton candy. "I may not do to good today but, I will do amazing tomorrow at the tournament I bet," She seemed far more pumped at the idea of representing Lamia scale there and helping them come out on top over the other two guilds and especially Fairy Tail since this was their home turf.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]cinla playfully ambushes lana and grops her for a minute or then pulls way and says" It's not about size and looks alone hun, a women needs to know how to draw a guys attention and you being you would get the moe or cute emo rating from so many guys so have a little more faith in your self, now i have some money i'll treat you to some clothes, last of all i don't know about great chance today fortune smiles on me but i plan to do my best no matter what i do even if that means having to play a little dirty".

Ferra: Magnolia Festival

Ferra grinned, "You guys definetely both stand a good chance at winning for sure, in both the contest and the tournament." She told them. "Like I said though, not even gunna bother entering the tournament. It'd probably cost me more than I'd win, if I even won." She added. She laughed when Cinla came over groping Lana. She subconciously wondered if they'd became more than just friends over the past week..probably not. She nodded in agreement with Cinla, "Yeah Cinla is right, you stand just as much chance to win as anyone else. Well, except for me, I know I won't win but still." She assured her.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magnolia Festival

Ferra grinned, "You guys definetely both stand a good chance at winning for sure, in both the contest and the tournament." She told them. "Like I said though, not even gunna bother entering the tournament. It'd probably cost me more than I'd win, if I even won." She added. She laughed when Cinla came over groping Lana. She subconciously wondered if they'd became more than just friends over the past week..probably not. She nodded in agreement with Cinla, "Yeah Cinla is right, you stand just as much chance to win as anyone else. Well, except for me, I know I won't win but still." She assured her.
@Leo Radomir

Lana's face burst into a tomato red shade as she cast a glare at Cinla, "Geez warn someone before grabbing those," She wanted to get even more angry but, didn't want to cause a scene. She closed her eyes huffing slightly before looking at Ferra, "I'm sure you have just as much of chance to Win, anyway if I'm going to enter this contest I need an actual bikini," Lana said before turning to Cinla and casting a slightly pleading look, "So um, spot a girl a few jewels to get one maybe?" She said this while beginning to head towards a direction wondering if there was a place nearby to get a good one.
Lana Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20955-leo-radomir/ said:
@Leo Radomir[/URL]
Lana's face burst into a tomato red shade as she cast a glare at Cinla, "Geez warn someone before grabbing those," She wanted to get even more angry but, didn't want to cause a scene. She closed her eyes huffing slightly before looking at Ferra, "I'm sure you have just as much of chance to Win, anyway if I'm going to enter this contest I need an actual bikini," Lana said before turning to Cinla and casting a slightly pleading look, "So um, spot a girl a few jewels to get one maybe?" She said this while beginning to head towards a direction wondering if there was a place nearby to get a good one.
Cinla grinned and said playfully" Sure i'll help watching that reaction was priceless and well worth it, i got to admit you really are more innocent than you look and i was told i had anger issues, guys also like the innocent girl from time to time so maybe you work that angle as for me i know how to get one with out paying so it save me some bob".


Sasuke Haishen, Rivera

Thinking about it for a while before eventually letting out a slight nod he responded "Alright, I'll join then...Maybe then you'll get to see my magic." he said with pride painted all over his smug face. He bopped his head side to side and remained in a sitting posture as he continued to slightly hover through the air alongside Alicia. He didn't care less that their mission was folly, Sasuke wasn't expecting that much of a fight in the first place, so when finding out the 'monster' was weaker than originally thought..It wasn't really able to disappoint Sasuke more than he already was.

@Mitchs98 (Sorry, this is the best I can come up with right now xD )

Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia City

Siegfried nodded towards the Clair when asked if he was enjoying the festival, truth be told he wasn't really but not a big reason to make a scene, until he heard someone call out towards the group, a woman. A mere glance but not enough to reveal his own face he could tell it was directed towards one of the girls, and so he left it at that. There was no point in him being in that conversation it was likely going to be friends catching up. There was nobody for him to catch up with anyway so Siegfried walked off. Today was a bikini contest? He wondered what was tomorrow, maybe something a bit more interesting. Even with his body moving elsewhere it didn't stop his mind from wandering, imagining the guys in fairy tail in bikini outfits trying to compete, an amusing thought until he came upon himself.. it made his blood go cold, yet he wondered if he'd actually look good like that.

Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia City - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

After a few minutes of dawdling he came across the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. Not much had changed Fairy Tail was Fairy Tail. All he needed to do was collect on his previous mission, but as he walked inside something caught his attention one person he'd never seen before some girl and the other his thoughts turned to who the strong looking man might be ... wasn't he the saber kitten guild leader or something along those lines? That gave himself an idea. His voice turned towards Gilad. "When you conclude your business here, I'd have a word with you." There was confidence in his voice, but nary a hint of arrogance. His eyes gazed to Ophelia as well and then looked away from her. Did they get a new worker? Or perhaps, was it possibly a new guild master? Those were after all the only two people who caught his attention ignoring the third wheel.

@Salt Lord @Colt556 @Rhodus

Alfie slightly jumped at the sudden sound of Adrian's voice, and then her noticed Adrian was sitting right in front of him. Had being locked in though really rendered him that... useless? To not even notice someone sitting in front of you...? And then came the breathing. Alfie finally began to function like a normal human being, and there was a flurry of blinks before he could actually respond, returning Adrian's whisper. "Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't even realized I was sitting here... I mean, I'll certainly be at the parade, but the fight tomorrow might not be worth it... Uh, what was I doing that whole time...?" If he wanted to appear normal while thinking, he needed to know what he was doing wrong.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild


"Ah, Alright. I'll do that. Thank you very much for your help," He said, bowing slightly. He glanced over at the man who had spoken to Gilad. He didn't mind that he was being ignored, if anything, he preferred not being noticed. He decided to just leave the three of them to their business, and go talk to the person the young girl had pointed out. What did she say his name was? Alf- something or other? He approached the individual seated at the bar. It appeared that he wasn't alone anymore. Just one person wouldn't make too much of a difference, right? "Excuse me," He said, his softspoken voice struggling to rise above the ambient din of the Guild Hall. "I was told you might be able to fill me in on what's been going on here at the guild?"

@Salt Lord @Colt556 @Neferiti @Genon


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