Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kayzo said:

Grace: Cardio Cathedral

Grace listened to Masaki's plan with a bright smile on her face. He seemed to be the better planner out of the two of them, and she was very grateful about that. If someone left Grace in charge, she'd crash and burn everything. "That sounds like a plan man! Then after the contest we should grab some dinner then figure it out from there." She said, pulling him towards the shopping area. The short girl leaned into the taller boys side, her poofy hair things tickling his chin. "What are you looking to buy? I think I'm going to get a new coat. My last one got torn up in the dragon fight."

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Masaki Yamada: Kardia Cathedral

Masaki nodded to her as she agreed with his plan. He was glad that she liked it, but things were most likely about to change when things went underway. At the mentioning of going to grab dinner after the contest he nodded with a smile on his face, "Sure thing, I'll pay. Is there anywhere specific you'd like to go?" He asked curiously before looking down towards the girl who was now leaning into him. "I'm not sure. Probably some new books, I've read all of the ones in the guild at least three times now." He said with a chuckle before beginning to take Grace into the main streets of Magnolia. "I won't let you pay for your coat either, by the way. Pick the one you want and I'll get it" he said as he smiled towards her. He had earned enough money over the past few months to be able to afford all of these things, plus he had already payed off any rent for his apartment back in Crocus so he could afford to spend the cash a bit.
Valken - Millies Shadow

Valken glanced down to Millie then with a strange look on his face. It wasn't angry, or even disappointment, more a stern glare. A concerned, stern glare. "I told you to stay with the others Millie... it's not safe on your own...." He let the angry feeling go before sighing. "I know you're an S-Class like me but... I just don't want you to get hurt is all... " glancing away almost shyly and, was that, a blush under his eyes he was desperately trying to turn his head away so she couldn't see?


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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

"Siegfried Seraphim..."
He quietly repeated the name to himself, trying to recall if he had heard it somewhere. "I can't say I'm familiar with the name." His curiosity just continued to grow as the boy mentioned a request. Even with his position it was rare for someone to approach him with any kind of request other than permission to join Sabertooth. Once the boy finished speaking he gave a nod. "Indeed you would be correct, I am Gilad Arcturus." He unfolded his arms, letting them rest at his side. "So tell me, Mr. Seraphim, what request do you have for me?"


"Of course! But in all honesty, there isn't much to it. The swimsuit contest is literally what it sounds like, the battle is literally what it sounds like, and the parade is literally what it sounds like, but for the first two, the winner gets paid. I'm not going to be participating in any, however, so I'm afraid you'll have to rely on someone else when the events can actually begin." It had been a while since somebody had turned to Alfie for help, and he was glad there was somebody who needed it.
Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia City - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Siegfried kept his eyes on Gilad as he heard his name repeated, and then told him he wasn't familiar with it. That should be true enough, Siegfried was not one to boast of his accomplishments and suffice to say anyone that did know of him knew him under names that didn't truly exist. It seemed he was correct in his assumption, a slight nod was all that was needed, Gilad Arcturus. The problem with the request was asking someone like him. A decision not made lightly by Siegfried and yet it seemed miles apart in still asking of this request. "I'm not truly aware of what happened here of recently. To my surprise it seems a new guild master even has taken place." He took a moment to pause. What he was about to say Siegfried did not take lightly and the seriousness in his voice and eyes reaffirmed that. "My request as you may see is not so light. I've had to think this through vary carefully, but in light of recent events I make this request knowing my current limits. Mr. Arcturus, I humbly ask for your tutelage."

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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

Based on the boy's lead-in he was all but certain he was going to ask for details on what happened in his absence. A truly strange request as he could simply ask his own members for that. Needless to say he was surprised at the boy's request, although he was careful not to show it. He allowed a silence to linger between them for a few moments before once again crossing his arms over his chest as he closed his eyes. He remained like this for several long moments, finally letting out a deep breath and opening his eyes to gaze down on the boy. "Truly not what I was expecting. However, I must decline your request. I am not one to teach members of a rival guild. More than that, it would be insulting to your current guild to seek training from someone such as me. If you require aid in your studies I am more than certain your fellow guild members will help you."

Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia City - Fairy Tail Guildhall

One could be told he could already hear the results, the moment the 'request' was made. Siegfried knew he would be declined, and somehow he was relieved. "Good that was the answer I was looking for. Truth be told I would be insulted if you did take me on. But, as I said it wasn't a matter of affiliation. One has to wonder if there are other ways to do things." Still Siegfried wasn't likely the popular sort within his guild not likely had he know anyone, but then sighed. A book appeared in Siegfried's hand a strange symbol on the front cover, before flipping it open and looking into it. "Outside of your ... what did they call it Gravity Magic? Mr. Arcturus, there is little in the ways of me to learn from you. Sure, I could learn to discipline body and mind, but that can easily be done alone." As he continued to flip across the book he smiled slightly. "Now, I wish to tell you my real request. Well it's not a request more...a warning. Just keep your eyes and ears open Mr. Arcturus. Things are likely to start up lively again. Which reminds me. Will you be joining the bikini contest?" The expression on his face a slight grin, he was trying to hide it but it was obvious he was imagining Gilad in such a position, it was almost disturbing.

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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guildhall

He held his gaze on the boy, seeming to regain that impassive expression he had earlier. He was not one to enjoy being tested, especially by the likes of such a child. He also couldn't help but feel a level of arrogance coming from the boy in the way he seemed to think an experienced mage could offer nothing more than their magic. Much of this could be attributed to youthful ignorance but the fact that the lad seemed to think he could issue vague warnings further displeased him. He let out a small sigh at the thought of his time being wasted like this, he would have to make sure to question Master Kaiser about the boy later. For now he simply offered him a shake of his head. "Things never stay quiet for long in Fiore, that much is to be expected. As for the contest, as I had informed Master Kaiser the crowds do not gather to see someone such as myself on stage." He narrowed his eyes as he peered under the boys hood, bringing a hand to thoughtfully stroke his beard before continuing. "You, however... with a bit of effort that I am sure your guild mates will be happy to aid you with, I could see your participation delighting the crowd. Perhaps I will have to enlist their assistance...."

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Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia City - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Siegfried listened to his response on the contest before closing his book. "I suppose not, I'd garner I wouldn't have much appeal up on that stage either. Magic isn't everything, and even people that know many things remain ignorant. It's sort of fun, learning about new things. There's always some sort of trick to learn." Siegfried could feel him trying to peer under his hood. This Gilad person was a smart one, a man of caution, and yet he could feel the annoyance somewhat seep from him. "Confidence is good to have. Arrogance typically leads to defeat." Of course, his back turned away from Gilad. "I do not think I'll participate in this first days event. I shall leave that to the girls. I'm sure we will meet again, Gilad. Do try to lighten up a bit, yes?" A sense of delight in his voice, he walked off towards the bar of the guildhall. An interesting person, but why was he here? Perhaps, there was something going on more than he realized. That man didn't seem like the type to come out of the fun of it. As he sat down on the stool he just placed his head down, a light sigh escaping his lips.

Kelica - Festival Streets

Kelica watched Sabrina get overly excited for a fight, man, what was with these super strong mages and there love of books?! Kelica could read, she just got bored very easily and didn't have time or patience for it. She let go of the girls hand, facing Chris and pointing to the fist fight. "Now off you go Mister! " practically pushing him into the ring. As she did she scratched the top of her head, realising with a start her flower headband had fallen off without her knowledge, obviously in the bounding leaps of Chris's Draco form as she rode it into the Hall. She turned to Sabrina. "I seem to have lost my headband... I'm assuming it is in the Fairytail Guild Hall. Can you keep an eye on Chris and make sure he doesn't hit them all to badly? I'll be right back.... " And with that Kelica had turned on her heel and left running back the way the trio had come. She struggled in some parts to make her way through the crowd but eventually appeared at the Fairytail Hall once more. "Now where could you have gone... " she muttered, eyes to the ground. She was so focused on trying to find her headpiece, she ran pretty much full tilt into Lysander, flailing as she fell backwards.

Chris Lengheart(Street fight)

Chris smiled as he was pushed over to the street fight. It appeared that the current champion had just beat his next opponent. He was taking more challengers, but the real thing that interested Chris was the massive pile of jewels near him. Chris only smiled as he removed his jewel bag and dropped it onto the stack. He was going all out (thank god Kelica wasn't near, Chris was scared she may have fainted if she saw him gambling all of his money). The champion only smiled as Chris entered the ring and removed his shirt, revealing the massive figure underneath. "Alright, let's get this over with. My girlfriend and her friend are watching, try to not let your blood spill all over me." The champion began to laugh,"Girlfriend aye? Well I'll just have to talk to her once I knock you out. Maybe we're compatible?" And with that both got into a ready stance as Chris ran directly at the guy, looking ready for a good fight.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
Jaymes - Fairy Tail Guild Hall/Magnolia Streets

Jaymes didn't know what to do when Kelica went into her panic attack, and could only watch as her other friends calmed her down. When that had worked, and they had left, Jaymes went over to the bar, grabbed a mug of frothy beer, and headed out of the guild. He wandered a bit, enjoying the festivity. Several girls came up to him, wanting to talk about joining the guild, but Jaymes just smiled and made small chitchat, never promising anything. Finally he somehow wandered back to his apartment building. Not wanting to be inside, he walked into the small alleyway between the buildings and wall-jumped between the two buildings until he was standing upon the roof of his own building. There, he simply walked to the edge of the roof, sat down with his legs swinging over the edge, and watched the crowd. His hand holding the mug of beer glowed blue for an instant, chilling the beer once again.

Hunter - Fairy Tail Hall/Forest of Magnolia

It was obvious that the Fairy Tail master was a strange one, just like the one before. Hunter sat at the bar for a while, watching her witty banter with Gilad, but eventually he got bored and left the guild. Back on the streets, he wandered around. Getting bored of that too, he headed out of town. Finally after about an hour of walking, he emerged into the forested area, and breathed a sigh of relief. The noises of the city were overwhelming a bit, and the crowds were unsettling. But Hunter was free for a time now. There he found a shady area and laid down, watching the clouds in the sky as though the leaves of the trees. Gilad would be pissed the hell off if he knew Hunter had traded doing nothing at Fairy Tale for laying on the ground and doing nothing, but he wasn't worried. Soon the bikini contest would begin. That, Hunter had to witness.
Grace: Cardio Cathedral

Grace frowned slightly when Masaki explained that he would be the one buying her a coat. Sure, it was nice getting things for free, but there was a satisfaction of buying it herself that the Short girl loved. On top of that, she hated being pampered. There was just something about it that she hated a lot, and it made her feel bad. Plus if Masaki was buying, she'd have to bump down the quality of the coat for it to cost less. "No Masaki, I can buy the coat myself. I want to by the coat myself. I know you're just trying to be nice and all, but dinner is nice enough." She said, looking up at him and punching his cheek playfully. "Just let me do it."

Millie: Magnolia City

Millie gasped quietly when Valken gave her a stern look and a scolding. She didn't know that she wasn't supposed to stray away from the group, and that by doing so made Valken worry. Her eyes teared up and she stopped their walking, sniffling and turning to face him. "I'm so sorry Calken. I didn't know that I'd be such a burden. You should just...break up with me and find someone better." She said, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. She didn't realize that he was just worried about her and wasn't mad at all. "I'm so sorry Valken, I was just trying to make you happy..."

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Lloyd - Lamia Scale Guild Hall: First Floor

Lloyd hesitated for a brief moment, before finally nodding. "All right," he said, with a slight smile. "I should be done in two days time. We can catch the first train from here to Magnolia in the morning of the third day, so we can still spend almost an entire day at the festival at least." He only hoped that it would enough time to talk to the people he needed to talk to. Kelica, for one, along with Arcturus and the new Fairy Tail Guild Master if possible. And that they were not too distracted by the festivities. If not, he supposed he could spend an extra day at Magnolia, just in case.

Speaking of which, he had better get his paperwork done by today. On the second day, he was going to need to see someone. Fortunately, that person was in Margaret Town so the travel time would be almost non-existent. He sighed. He was not looking forward to spreading the news he had just heard to that person.

But for now, the completion of his paperwork. "Guess I had better get started," he sighed. "I'll see you later then," he said, nodding to the Celestial mage before making his way to the kitchen to get a snack and yet more coffee before getting started on the last of his paperwork.

Lysander - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: First Floor

Lysander yelped as he was suddenly knocked to the ground from behind. Usually, he was a good deal more observant than this, it just so happened that he was distracted by the liveliness of the Fairy Tail Guild that he had not been paying attention to what was behind him. He just happened to get his guard down for a few moments...

The momentum sent him flying forward a few inches before landing right on his face on the floor. The rest of his body followed about a second later, with a loud thump. He groaned, before rolling onto his back and then pushing himself into a sitting position with both his hands. He quickly looked around for the source of the blow, and was quite stunned to find that it was the same girl from earlier, the one who seemed to be having a breakdown about something, before recovering in the company of her friends, and then leaving the Guild Hall with them. Well, she was back, and apparently, she had been the one to send him flying, because she was also on the floor as well.

"W-what happened?" Lysander stuttered finally, staring straight t the girl. This had been so unexpected that it was going to take him more than a minute to recover his usual calmness.

~Isabelle Dragneel~

"Okay." She was hoping she didn't have to ride the train, she hated her motion sickness. She looks to a fireplace that is unlit. A flame appears in her hand and she throws it to the fireplace, making it light up. She saw the warmth radiate and looked at the bar. She figured she could cook something up for herself, she was a good cook. She figured she would get something later. Not knowing what to do, she just started walking around the guild, thinking. It's really funny how memory works. Some things she can remember as clear as day and other things, it's like your in the dark and there is no way out.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora was nodding happily to Clair's plan as she spoke, fully agreeing that the park was probably their best bet of where to go. The mention of food though was another enticing thing. " Food or festivi-- " The small girl suddenly stopped speaking, falling completely silent for a few moments as Maya's voice was picked up over the wind coming towards them. Separate reactions were both given from Nami and Sora, seeing as the two had quite different experiences with the older woman. Nami's face went white, cupcake dropping to the floor, as her entire body went frigid in fear. The exceed lowered herself to the ground, wings disappearing as she clutched Clair's leg quite tightly. " Oh no... she's here... " Nami groaned, hiding behind the red head. Sora on the other hand swiveled around in a fluid motion, gaze locking on Maya's approaching figure, eyes going wide as if the most amazing thing in the world was happening before her. It only seemed like a small moment of hesitance before her entire frame was flying through the air to collide with Maya's, the words " Auntie Mayaaaaaaaaaaa! " being exclaimed. Tears formed in her eyes as her arms wrapped themselves into a loving embrace around her neck, figure hanging on for dear life, whilst her hair draped across Maya's shoulders. Sora remained silent for a few minutes, making sure not to loosen her grip as if she feared Maya would simply disappear if she did. It always felt like she was a small child again whenever she finally got to see Maya, but she was family to her and she'd always looked up to her as a role model.

She finally released her grip and slid down to her feet, remaining on her tip toes directly in front of Maya, eyes remaining fixated upwards to gaze at her face to look for any changes; four years was a long time after all. " I missed you dearly! I really can't believe you're here. " Sora's smile remained plastered there and only seeming to grow wider to the point her cheeks were starting to ache. " Oh, oh, you know Clair, right? We're on a team together. And this is Maya, she's my Auntie! " Sora motioned towards the red head while glancing down at Nami to give her a weird look before gazing back up at Clair with a proud gleam in her eyes. She was so caught up in the moment that she'd almost forgotten anyone else existed. " We're already so late... we need to head into the heart of the town! Let's walk and talk, shall we? " Speaking up again, she'd start to skip off, but not before slipping her small hand into Maya's and literally tugging the woman off towards the festivities.

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Kayzo said:
Grace: Cardio Cathedral
Grace frowned slightly when Masaki explained that he would be the one buying her a coat. Sure, it was nice getting things for free, but there was a satisfaction of buying it herself that the Short girl loved. On top of that, she hated being pampered. There was just something about it that she hated a lot, and it made her feel bad. Plus if Masaki was buying, she'd have to bump down the quality of the coat for it to cost less. "No Masaki, I can buy the coat myself. I want to by the coat myself. I know you're just trying to be nice and all, but dinner is nice enough." She said, looking up at him and punching his cheek playfully. "Just let me do it."

@LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia

Maya placed the bag of gifts on the floor as she caught the flying Sora, who had tears forming in her eyes and a happy gaze glued on her face to accompany, and hugged her tightly. Maya couldn't help but chuckle as she hugged the girl who was hugging her tightly around her neck. When Sora broke free from the hug and stood in front of her, Maya pat her head. "It's been so long, but I'm glad you're well. Oh how much I missed you, Sora" She smiled at the blue haired girl and put her hands on her shoulders, "Oh yes! I bought you and Nami gifts." She said before quickly rummaging through the bag and handing Sora the very expensive and pretty white and blue Lolita dress, and quickly going over to Nami and handing her the pink bow, petting the exceed as she did so. Maya chuckled as she made her way back over to Sora, "I still don't know why Nami is so scared of me, what did I do to her?" She sighed and smiled. Then, Sora began to introduce Clair to Maya and vice versa. With a nod, she spoke, "Mrs. Fernandez has been looking after you?" Maya sighed with relief before continuing, "I am eternally greatful, thank you Clair." She said with a bow of her head before turning back to Sora and nodding, before slowly being dragged away by the girl. Maya held the girls hand relatively tightly, but it was something Sora would have been used to by now. The woman couldn't help but smile. Finally, she was reunited with Sora, and it felt like a dream come true.

@Mr Swiftshots

Masaki Yamada: Kardia Cathedral

Masaki sighed and then scratched his head when Grace refused his offer of buying the coat for her. He shrugged and then smiled, "Ah well, can't blame for for offering though." He said, a chuckle escaping his mouth as he did so. It was then that Grace punched his cheek playfully, and in response, Masaki poked her forehead. "Fine I won't buy it for you, but I'll be paying for dinner and that's something you won't be allowed to argue with." With that he began to walk away from the cathedral and towards the main streets, still linking arms with Grace as he did so. "Is there anywhere specific you would like to go?" he asked curiously as the two walked.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu nodded and bowed slightly in gratitude. "Thank you. I'll make sure to see if I can find any participants for the events who can tell me more. And even if there isn't much to it, the festival is still a time to have fun, right?" He said, giving a soft smile. "So do you think you could fill me in on what's been happening here at the guild? There must be something interesting that's happened. I meanmean, it is Fairy Tail that we're talking about," He added, his smile widening ever so slightly.

@Salt Lord @Genon

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Kelica - Fairytale Guild Hall

Kelica must have skidded back a few feet from the impact, she was the least observant person in the world thus such force behind the push. She came to a kneel and scratched her head painfully, opening one eye to peer to the guy. "S... Sorry... I was looking for my headband you see and... well... I must have bumped you... " making a shy sort of laugh. She spotted his hat which had landed next to her and grasped it, handing it back as a peace offering. "My name is Kelica, by the way... " Though as he reached out for it, as she assumed he would, she spotted the Guild Mark on the back of his hand. Eyes zooming in on it, once his grip was firm on the hat, she scuttled forward and rather forcefully took that hand, dragging it to her face. "Where have I see this mark before.... " she whispered softly.

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora was nodding happily to Clair's plan as she spoke, fully agreeing that the park was probably their best bet of where to go. The mention of food though was another enticing thing. " Food or festivi-- " The small girl suddenly stopped speaking, falling completely silent for a few moments as Maya's voice was picked up over the wind coming towards them. Separate reactions were both given from Nami and Sora, seeing as the two had quite different experiences with the older woman. Nami's face went white, cupcake dropping to the floor, as her entire body went frigid in fear. The exceed lowered herself to the ground, wings disappearing as she clutched Clair's leg quite tightly. " Oh no... she's here... " Nami groaned, hiding behind the red head. Sora on the other hand swiveled around in a fluid motion, gaze locking on Maya's approaching figure, eyes going wide as if the most amazing thing in the world was happening before her. It only seemed like a small moment of hesitance before her entire frame was flying through the air to collide with Maya's, the words " Auntie Mayaaaaaaaaaaa! " being exclaimed. Tears formed in her eyes as her arms wrapped themselves into a loving embrace around her neck, figure hanging on for dear life, whilst her hair draped across Maya's shoulders. Sora remained silent for a few minutes, making sure not to loosen her grip as if she feared Maya would simply disappear if she did. It always felt like she was a small child again whenever she finally got to see Maya, but she was family to her and she'd always looked up to her as a role model.

She finally released her grip and slid down to her feet, remaining on her tip toes directly in front of Maya, eyes remaining fixated upwards to gaze at her face to look for any changes; four years was a long time after all. " I missed you dearly! I really can't believe you're here. " Sora's smile remained plastered there and only seeming to grow wider to the point her cheeks were starting to ache. " Oh, oh, you know Clair, right? We're on a team together. And this is Maya, she's my Auntie! " Sora motioned towards the red head while glancing down at Nami to give her a weird look before gazing back up at Clair with a proud gleam in her eyes. She was so caught up in the moment that she'd almost forgotten anyone else existed. " We're already so late... we need to head into the heart of the town! Let's walk and talk, shall we? " Speaking up again, she'd start to skip off, but not before slipping her small hand into Maya's and literally tugging the woman off towards the festivities.

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia
Maya placed the bag of gifts on the floor as she caught the flying Sora, who had tears forming in her eyes and a happy gaze glued on her face to accompany, and hugged her tightly. Maya couldn't help but chuckle as she hugged the girl who was hugging her tightly around her neck. When Sora broke free from the hug and stood in front of her, Maya pat her head. "It's been so long, but I'm glad you're well. Oh how much I missed you, Sora" She smiled at the blue haired girl and put her hands on her shoulders, "Oh yes! I bought you and Nami gifts." She said before quickly rummaging through the bag and handing Sora the very expensive and pretty white and blue Lolita dress, and quickly going over to Nami and handing her the pink bow, petting the exceed as she did so. Maya chuckled as she made her way back over to Sora, "I still don't know why Nami is so scared of me, what did I do to her?" She sighed and smiled. Then, Sora began to introduce Clair to Maya and vice versa. With a nod, she spoke, "Mrs. Fernandez has been looking after you?" Maya sighed with relief before continuing, "I am eternally greatful, thank you Clair." She said with a bow of her head before turning back to Sora and nodding, before slowly being dragged away by the girl. Maya held the girls hand relatively tightly, but it was something Sora would have been used to by now. The woman couldn't help but smile. Finally, she was reunited with Sora, and it felt like a dream come true.

@Mr Swiftshots

Masaki Yamada: Kardia Cathedral

Masaki sighed and then scratched his head when Grace refused his offer of buying the coat for her. He shrugged and then smiled, "Ah well, can't blame for for offering though." He said, a chuckle escaping his mouth as he did so. It was then that Grace punched his cheek playfully, and in response, Masaki poked her forehead. "Fine I won't buy it for you, but I'll be paying for dinner and that's something you won't be allowed to argue with." With that he began to walk away from the cathedral and towards the main streets, still linking arms with Grace as he did so. "Is there anywhere specific you would like to go?" he asked curiously as the two walked.
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair looked down at the exceed when she heard the splatter of the cupcake hitting the floor , what a terrible fate said cupcake had met. If the exceed hadn't so suddenly grabbed at her leg she would have dropped to her knees right there and then to morn the loss.Clare looked back between Sora and the exceed a few times before speaking quietly to the exceed "Auntie Maya , does she mean the wizard saint Maya?"

Shortly after asking the question Sora had introduced her to Maya and vice-versa. The wizard saint thanked Clair for looking after Sora to which Clair replied "no , no to be honest it's her that's been looking after me , well when she's not forcing me to do things against my own will and getting me in trouble that is ". Clair laughed at the way Sora pulled Maya off before they could finish talking , once Sora got like that there was no stopping her.

Clair went to follow after the two when she remembered the exceed was.....well attached to her leg. Clair looked down at the exceed and smiled "come on Nami she's not that bad is she ? I'll tell you what you can stay by my side until she leaves , would that make you feel better?"

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
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Valken - Festival Streets

There is was. The sound he was hoping to avoid, the sound of her whimpering, sad hiccups and tears down her face. The blush on his face instantly disappeared. If Maya found out he'd brought Millie to tears he'd regret the day he was born. He cursed under his breath, his mind racing. What was he meant to do? A man can only pretend knowing relationships so far....then, bingo, an idea.

When she turned, he put his hands on her arms, keeping her still in a strong hold. Not painful, just leaving her no room to move away. "I'm not going anywhere without you." He still sounded stern, but then a grin lightened up his face. "Now stop crying Baby... " one hand sliding up to wipe the tears off of a cheek, before grasping her chin and tilting her head up towards him. He wasn't really sure about the next bit, but he let his heart take over for once. He leaned in closing the gap, putting his lips to hers in a sudden kiss.

Millie, always the one to surprise Valken, even with himself.

Chris Lengheart(Street fight -insert Guile theme here-)

After a few minutes of a bloody street fight, Chris came out victorious. He had a few slight bruises on his bare chest and a small bit of blood on his lip. The "champion" on the other hand, was a bloody mess. There was a constant stream of blood pouring down from his nose and it almost looked like it was pushed inward after a devastating punch. He had multiple bruises and cuts along his body as it was obvious that the man was out cold. Chris let out a fierce shout (it almost seemed like he was enjoying himself),"Hell yeah! Who's next!? I'm on a roll today!" Chris then walked over to the pile of jewels and tossed them all into his jewel bag, filling it up to the brim. At this rate, he'd leave rich!

@Zuka ((If you really want to have your character get beat down by Chris)) @PeteTSs

Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina thought about going in and having a fight with Chris for the heck of it, but that'd be quite bad if she got too bruised up to successfully fight tomorrow. But this could also be a crucial way to actually experience how Chris fights, and get a slight advantage over himseeing how powerful he is...oh what ever, I'll go and have a small fight with him for the fun of it... "Hey Chris! Wanna have a brawl?" Sabrina shouted with a slight grin on her face.

Chris Lengheart(Game over...for other guy who will never appear in RP again)

"You too, huh? Fine, magic or no magic? I'll let you pick since you challenged me." Chris said as he leaned up against a wall and let his breathing calm down a bit. He was still a bit tired from the previous fight, but hopefully he'd be in better condition for the fight with Sabrina.


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