Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Ophelia Kaiser

Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Then why not go without one? Now that I think about it, Alfie would be just fine being our crossdresser. But we do need a normal guy to show off some guns, and as far as I'm aware, no one else is going. Oh, and I already asked Gilad. He says he doesn't think people would like him,"
Ophelia stated, not seeming to care about the hand on her head. "And I've already entered. I have a swimsuit picked out and everything already. I even have a theme... mermaids."

Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guildhall

Siegfried smiled ever so slightly. "I've been beat.. I've never smiled once for over two years.." How was he going to get out of this? He'd just have to bargain. "I'll make you a deal, Ophelia." If anything, he'd show up he just wouldn't compete. "You let me out of this and if there ever is a contest where I don't need to have a bikini.. I'll enter." But, his eyes looked down when she said her theme was mermaids. "Mermaids..huh? You have my vote, Ophelia." Starting to think on it, he might could use a real drink right about now. She did just say she had Alfie, if anything, that meant it was another guy and he sounded like he'd willingly do it at that. Right now, he was home free. "When does this contest start anyway?"

@Salt Lord

"But you don't need to wear a bikini. Shorts would do just fine. But if you don't wanna enter, that's on you. Being at the parade will be enough." Ophelia grinned when she heard Siegfried would vote for her, but she wondered... was it because he liked mermaids or was it because she made him smile...? "Thanks! And for the starting time... it depends. Though I'm not sure what, it depends on something."
Siegfried Seraphim - Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

Siegfried sighed a bit in relief, he only had to show up for the parade? That was a simple enough task. "I don't intend to enter a swimsuit contest, but the tournament could be a fun watch. I'll be sure to at least show up, people wouldn't like seeing me in a outfit like that either." Well that was still a long way off anyway, he may even just head out on another job and skip the whole day altogether. Still there was no telling when it was going to start and that made it all the more interesting. "You're going to have a stiff competition. Good luck.. I might go take me a nap." Siegfried said whilst he yawned, it was a good way to pass the time. "And Ophelia you might.... no never mind, just have fun out there."

@Salt Lord
Lysander - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: First Floor

Lysander blinked as Kelica went off on a verbal spew, his face wearing an expression of complete bewilderment. This, along with the breakdown earlier, made him wonder if this girl was slightly mad, and if so, he would have to be extremely careful in regards to his words and actions around her. What he was able to get from her though, was that somehow she had met Lloyd, and was concerned for his well-being, as well as whether he was planning on attending the festival. The first one, he could answer at least. "Uh... yes, Lloyd's our Guild Master. I was not aware that he was injured in Malnia, I only returned from my mission after he returned from Malnia, so as far as I can tell his leg seemed to have healed, as he was walking normally on it. And no," he added with a slight laugh, a fond grin on his face. "Lloyd has yet to clean his office, and we all know he never would."

As for whether Lloyd would be attending the festival... Lysander's face fell, and there was a rather guilty and regretful look on his face. He had no idea whether Lloyd would be attending the festival. He had not spoken to the man before leaving, and this conversation with Kelica only hammered that point in. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea if he would be attending the festival," he said quietly. "I'm sure if he is we would find him somewhere in Magnolia. If you like, I could ask one of my guild members. They're attending the festival as well." Or at least, Ferra, Grace and Millie certainly were, he had overheard that much. Perhaps if he could find them, he would be able to answer Kelica's question.

Chris Lengheart (Chris Lengheart)

Chris managed to dodge the dragon and decided that if she was going out he may as well do so as well. Chris' body reverted to normal, however he instantly switched to his taurus form. The massive bull man came out with a terrifying moo as his massive arm came crash down towards the half dragon.


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu listened to Alfie's explanation, his expression becoming serious again "Murdered? How terrible. Do they know by who killed the guildmaster?" He asked. He followed Alfie's gaze over to where Ophelia was, and gave him a look of confusion. "You don't mean to say that she's the new guildmaster do you?" He said. He sighed and looked down. "Then I was so very disrespectful when I interrupted her conversation. I must apologize at once," He said decisively.

@Salt Lord

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Alfie Roderick

Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alfie shook his head, "Not yet. But they will." He then gave Ophelia another quick glance before looking back at Ryu. "Yes, she is. But really, I doubt you need to apologize. I'm sure she understands why you interrupted," the wizard reassured him, giving him a patient smile. "Besides, apologizing might be a waste of her time. After all, she needs all the time she can get to prepare for the swimsuit contest, and it seems she's already in a conversation. You wouldn't want to interrupt her twice, would you?"


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


Ryu sighed and nodded "Yes, I suppose you're right," He conceded, taking a seat at the bar. He ordered a drink from the bartender, then turned back to Alfie. "So what happened with the dragons and Grimoire Heart? We're the two conflicts related, or were they isolated instances?" He asked, his expression returning to seriousness. "Please tell me as much as you can about the two events,"

@Salt Lord

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Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Sabrina took the brunt on the attack with her shoulder and arm. Although it knocked the wind out of her and made her head ring like heck and forced her to drop to her knees. She counterattacked while Chris' arm was still down and charged and attempted to ram her horns into Chris.

Kelica - Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica turned back to face the man as her face fell. "Oh... well that's ok, I guess, I'm sure if he were here he would find me... " she said softly. Well, that is, she thought he would, but he said he would find her after the mission to help rebuild the forest to which he never did. Maybe... he'd forgotten about her? She was just a little Fairytail girl afterall, it did make sense. In charge of countless Other guild members, work to the teeth... she was probably just a random lost piece of paper on his desk. She shook her head. "Nevermind... " she mumbled, "I'm sorry I brought it up... I dropped my headband somewhere in this guild hall... if you see it, could you find me and tell me please? Thank you Lysander..." having a quick cutsy then leaving with a droop in her shoulders.

Now Kelica was quiet excitable, friendly and had an air of happiness around her. But lately her moods since Malnia had... changed. She was only half aware if it, but she seemed to go into fits of laughter to terror to anger in the blink of an eye. Anger even? Kelica would never even dream the notion once upon a time but there was something going on in the girl's head. Chris and Sabrina would have been mostly unaware cosidering how newly they had meet her. But something was breaking inside and it was starting to show. As she folded into the crowds, slipping through almost invisibly, she found herself back were she had come, except a much MUCH bigger crowd had formed. Kelica made her way to the centre getting out of her funk, blinking as she spotted a giant Taurus and half dragon woman.

Kelica recognised the two straight away. And boy was she seething now. She put her hands on her hips, and stepped straight into the ring, with a complete disregard for her safety. It wasn't she was arrogant, the thought had never crossed her mind. "Chris! Sabrina! This ends, right now!!"

Why was she so angry?! She felt it tingle all over her. In a rage she flung her arms out, her necklace glowing a deep green. Out of no where, there was almost an earthquake under their feet before thick, giant roots, burst forth from the ground and coiled around both their legs. It didn't stop there though, the roots tightened around their middle, their arms, all the way to their neck's. And they were strong. Like her anger was feeding her magic far beyond what she should have been capable. She was mildly terrifying.

This Kelica?

Perhaps she had gone mad.

@HuorSpinks @Isune @PeteTSs


Sasuke Haishen "3rd Wizard Saint"; Train to Magnolia

Sasuke felt the rumbling of the train, he always hated these things. But often wondered if his actual flight could ever be faster, glaring outside the window and gazing down to the side-track. Seeing every particle move faster than his eyes could follow. When Alicia asked what Sasuke would be getting up to at the festival, he raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes over towards Alicia with a look that said 'You should already know' and saying "I'm joining the tournament, I'm interested in seeing who will attend." he said bluntly, there wasn't much to it but that really.

Sasuke never understood the point of big celebrations or 'festivals' but as long as he got to fight, he could hardly care how much screaming there would be. That's aslong his opponent wasn't someone who liked using sound magic or something. Sasuke was sure to get pissed off quickly by that, he doubted that he would need magic in the tournament. But thought it should still be fun using his hands, who knows maybe he'd find someone he
could use his magic again.


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Chris Lengheart(Restrained by roots)

Chris let out a surprised moo as roots began to tie him up. He quickly turned to Kelica once ge realized that this could only be her work. The minotaur sighed as he released the takeover, revealing a bleeding Chris. "Sorry Kelica, I didn't expect to get so carried away. Then again, if SOMEONE hadn't tried to stab me, we wouldn't be in this mess." Chris said as he only bowed his head. He was hoping that Kelica could forgive him, or at least heal him.


Alicia: Train to Magnolia

Alicia sighed, "I know that much. I meant today! I'm fairly certain everything isn't held on the same day you know." She replied. She might forget things at times..but she wasn't that forgetful c'mon seriously. She still just wished the train would move faster, she wanted to get to the festival already! Not that Sasuke was boring..well kinda, she just wanted to actually be able to attend it without missing everything. THough..they'd get there around two. She wasn't sure when the event started, however. Hopefully a bit later, she DID want to enter it after all. If it didn't..she guessed she'd enter next year.
Hibiki Dreyar: Magnolia, Streets>>>Outside of Guild Hall

The streets of Magnolia were filled with people from all over Fiore. It was that time of year, of course. Walking through the bustling crowds, Hibiki had his hands stuffed into his coat pockets as he walked back up to the guild hall, a big bag of cash to boot. For three weeks non-stop, the white haired mage had been doing missions. For the past week, he was out on a mission that revolved around a whole guild of bandits. Thus he was unable to help the other in Malnia, and hasn't seen anyone since he left to go on his mission. He wondered if everyone had thought he died or something, but pushed that thought aside as he realised how completely stupid that was. With a smile on his face, he continued walking up towards the guild hall. Upon arrival, he noticed Sera. And quickly made his way towards her. "Hey Sera." He said with a smile and a wave, standing there with the vampire. It was a pretty naff introduction, considering he hadn't been around for weeks. But, in truth he couldn't actually thing of what else to say, so a smile "hey" would have to do.

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Millie: Magnolia Street Fight

Millie smiled warmly as Valken held her close, his hand soothingly running through her hair. His grasp filled her body with a warm feeling, all her worries being washed away by his love (I made that sentence a lot worse, but I turned down the cheese for your viewing pleasure). "I'm sorry for worrying so much. I'm working on it." She said softly, nuzzling his chest with her head and sighing. She knew that she worried too much and she really hated it, but there was nothing that she could do about it.

Before Millie knew it Valken and her were apart of a ring surrounding two large, scary looking people who were duking it out in the middle for everyone's entertainment. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled close to him, watching the fight unfold in the middle. Fortunately enough if anyone got hurt too badly Millie could jump in and heal them but this didn't look like a fight to kill, more like a festive fight.
"Isn't this exciting?"

Grace: Magnolia Streets

Grace let out a little sigh and nodded as Masaki explained that he'd be paying for dinner. She expected him to say something like that and honestly didn't mind. Dinner shouldn't be too expensive for Masaki, and with the amount of money that they individually received from the whole Dragon scenario he should be able to afford it easily.
"That sounds good to me." She said calmly, scratching the back of her head and smiling. When asked if there was anywhere specific she wanted to go to, the short girl simply shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know a single thing about Magnolia or what touristy things there were to do, so she simply tilted her head back to stare up at him and said, "it's really up to you. I have no clue what's around here, and you seem much more acquainted with the area. Lead me somewhere fun."

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Kayzo said:

Grace: Magnolia Streets

Grace let out a little sigh and nodded as Masaki explained that he'd be paying for dinner. She expected him to say something like that and honestly didn't mind. Dinner shouldn't be too expensive for Masaki, and with the amount of money that they individually received from the whole Dragon scenario he should be able to afford it easily.
"That sounds good to me." She said calmly, scratching the back of her head and smiling. When asked if there was anywhere specific she wanted to go to, the short girl simply shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know a single thing about Magnolia or what touristy things there were to do, so she simply tilted her head back to stare up at him and said, "it's really up to you. I have no clue what's around here, and you seem much more acquainted with the area. Lead me somewhere fun."

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Masaki Yamada: Magnolia Streets

Masaki nodded to Grace when she clarified that the plan was good. In truth, if she had said that she was paying for dinner he would have had to resort to some extreme measures. If that was allowed to happen, Zephyr would torment him for weeks. Masaki chuckled and then began to think of a place for the two to go. Grace had stated that she had no clue with what was around Magnolia, and she was right by saying that he seemed to be more acquainted with things. After all, Magnolia used to be his home before he joined Sabertooth and moved to Crocus. Looking down at the Lamia Scale Mage he spoke, arms still linked with hers, "Well there is this really nice bakery we could go to, that isn't too far from here. And there is of course the Fairy Tail guild hall. And by the sounds of things, there seems to be people fighting." He sighed, "Ah, well that's Magnolia for you." He scratched his head as he spoke and chuckled slightly.

Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's eyes had almost bulged out of their sockets when she saw the dress, her free hand clutching it tightly to her chest, a hop to her step from the sheer levels of excitement she was trying her best to contain. " Thank you, Auntie Maya, it's beautiful! " The words fell right out of her mouth in a hurried manner as she dragged Maya along, glancing towards the faces of everyone they walked past. The tight grip on her hand was reassuring since she knew it was protective in nature, also used to it from when they had gone out when she was younger. " I'm going to wear it tomorrow for the second day of the festival! I'm going to look super cute, don't you think? " A grin shortly followed, eyes flickering up innocently to get Maya's approval. Nami had huffed at the ribbon but grabbed it pretty quickly and held it close before taking the time to wrap it around her tail, flicking it around in a pleased manner before gazing at Clair. " You've never seen her angry, have you? " Nami said in a hushed tone before her wings appeared and she hovered next to Clair, accompanying her as they walked towards a bunch of commotion. " Nami says you made her see weird things, I think that's why she's so standoffish. " Sora shrugged, not too entirely sure, but that would be her best guess. " Oh oh, look, there seems to be some people having a slap-fest! " She said in an intrigued manner to their small group, pointing with the hand holding Maya's, refusing to let it go as the smaller mage pulled Maya into the crowd to get a closer look.

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia

Smiling towards Sora as she expressed her happiness with the gift, Maya chuckled. "It was the prettiest dress in the shop, I think the shop keeper was quite scared for some reason. He let me have it for half price, it was wonderful! He's such a kind man.." Maya chuckled mischievously as she continued to let Sora drag her around. Many flashbacks of the past came flooding into the woman's head, and it made a smile form in her face. She felt so much better when she was around Sora, and to know that she was safe and also in safe hands pleased her. To know that people like Clair would do everything to protect the young dragon slayer pleased the Wizard Saint. When Sora asked Maya if she'd look beautiful, Maya nodded, "You'll look stunning, I'll even help you get ready if you want. It needs to be tied up on the back anyway, plus we need to catch up. So it's a good opportunity for that." She chuckled and then continued, a confused look on her face. "Weird things?" She said with a slight burst of laughter, "I have no idea what is meant by that, oh well." He decided to dismiss it, since she truly had no idea what Nami was going on about. But that was probably because she didn't remember. It was then that they appeared to have arrived at some kind of brawl, Maya sighed with a slight grin, it was pretty amusing to watch.

@Mr Swiftshots
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's eyes had almost bulged out of their sockets when she saw the dress, her free hand clutching it tightly to her chest, a hop to her step from the sheer levels of excitement she was trying her best to contain. " Thank you, Auntie Maya, it's beautiful! " The words fell right out of her mouth in a hurried manner as she dragged Maya along, glancing towards the faces of everyone they walked past. The tight grip on her hand was reassuring since she knew it was protective in nature, also used to it from when they had gone out when she was younger. " I'm going to wear it tomorrow for the second day of the festival! I'm going to look super cute, don't you think? " A grin shortly followed, eyes flickering up innocently to get Maya's approval. Nami had huffed at the ribbon but grabbed it pretty quickly and held it close before taking the time to wrap it around her tail, flicking it around in a pleased manner before gazing at Clair. " You've never seen her angry, have you? " Nami said in a hushed tone before her wings appeared and she hovered next to Clair, accompanying her as they walked towards a bunch of commotion. " Nami says you made her see weird things, I think that's why she's so standoffish. " Sora shrugged, not too entirely sure, but that would be her best guess. " Oh oh, look, there seems to be some people having a slap-fest! " She said in an intrigued manner to their small group, pointing with the hand holding Maya's, refusing to let it go as the smaller mage pulled Maya into the crowd to get a closer look.

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Magnolia Streets
Masaki nodded to Grace when she clarified that the plan was good. In truth, if she had said that she was paying for dinner he would have had to resort to some extreme measures. If that was allowed to happen, Zephyr would torment him for weeks. Masaki chuckled and then began to think of a place for the two to go. Grace had stated that she had no clue with what was around Magnolia, and she was right by saying that he seemed to be more acquainted with things. After all, Magnolia used to be his home before he joined Sabertooth and moved to Crocus. Looking down at the Lamia Scale Mage he spoke, arms still linked with hers, "Well there is this really nice bakery we could go to, that isn't too far from here. And there is of course the Fairy Tail guild hall. And by the sounds of things, there seems to be people fighting." He sighed, "Ah, well that's Magnolia for you." He scratched his head as he spoke and chuckled slightly.

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia

Smiling towards Sora as she expressed her happiness with the gift, Maya chuckled. "It was the prettiest dress in the shop, I think the shop keeper was quite scared for some reason. He let me have it for half price, it was wonderful! He's such a kind man.." Maya chuckled mischievously as she continued to let Sora drag her around. Many flashbacks of the past came flooding into the woman's head, and it made a smile form in her face. She felt so much better when she was around Sora, and to know that she was safe and also in safe hands pleased her. To know that people like Clair would do everything to protect the young dragon slayer pleased the Wizard Saint. When Sora asked Maya if she'd look beautiful, Maya nodded, "You'll look stunning, I'll even help you get ready if you want. It needs to be tied up on the back anyway, plus we need to catch up. So it's a good opportunity for that." She chuckled and then continued, a confused look on her face. "Weird things?" She said with a slight burst of laughter, "I have no idea what is meant by that, oh well." He decided to dismiss it, since she truly had no idea what Nami was going on about. But that was probably because she didn't remember. It was then that they appeared to have arrived at some kind of brawl, Maya sighed with a slight grin, it was pretty amusing to watch.

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia street brawl

Clair smiled as she watched Sora and Maya talk , the two were clearly quite close and enjoyed each others company. Clair looked back at Nami when she spoke "I seen her fight once before when i was younger but i can't say i have seen her angry , why is she really that bad?". Clair overheard the conversation about how Maya had acquired the dress and her smile dropped , she quickly turned back to Nami and spoke quietly to her "she's kidding right ?". Clair honestly didn't know what to make of the wizard saint at this stage , was she nice or a monster !

Clair followed quickly behind the two when they turned to a street brawl. It wasn't like Sora to be interested in such things , normally Sora would be the one trying to pull her away from the street brawl. Clair watched the fight carefully with a grin , the fight seemed to be quite an eventful one. "say Nami whats she like when she's mad?"

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Nami glanced at Clair and with a ghost-like expression, the ears on her hoodie drooping quite noticeably. " I doubt she's kidding about that... " The small exceed mumbled to the red head, basically speaking directly into her ear as to avoid Maya hearing them though it'd be hard to over all the commotion they'd seemingly surrounded themselves with. " All I can say is that when she's mad, she's terrifying. There's a reason people are afraid to get on her bad side. " Nami eyed the ribbon on her tail after speaking, almost wondering if this were some sort of peace-treaty like gift or maybe even blackmail. " I would love that Auntie Maya, I never feel like I get enough time with you. " Sora spoke in a soft tone, slightly disheartened as she thought about the four years they'd gone without seeing one another, though she fully understood it was necessary due to Maya's status. As they approached within the front of the crowd, Sora's eyes would skim over the two fighting before glancing over at Kelica. Of course it'd be Fairy Tail, of friggin' course, she thought to herself as she released Maya's hand reluctantly and stomped up to the three, eyes flashing as the scolding lecture bubbled to the surface. " Really? Can't you guys just wait until the tournament tomorrow? Go get ready for the bikini contest being held today or something. We have a specific day for fighting for a reason and I'd appreciate if you held all of your fighting spirit in until then. " The words were loud and demanding enough to stifle the noises of the crowd around them into an eerie silence, possibly because they were astounded it was coming from someone rather tiny. Sora hated when others fought for no reason, and clearly Kelica herself was rather upset or angry for whatever reason and this surely wasn't helping the situation. " Now scatter! " She exclaimed to everyone else staring at the scene as if dumbfounded, smiling rather cutely though in an intimidating manner as she watched them all suddenly run off in different directions.

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @Zuka @Isune @PeteTSs
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Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

Powerful roots suddenly bursted out of the ground and started to entangle Sabrina. "What the- Oh shi- it's Kelica!" Sabrina exclaimed as she noticed an enraged Kelica a couple of meters away from the two. She immediately morphed back to normal, all battered up and bruised, one side of her face inflamed, and tried to explain. "Oh, uh, hey Kelica! Uh, we w-were just having a f-friendly warm-up fight, t-to get warmed up for the tournament tomorrow, nothing too o-o-overboard right Chris?"

"Please don't kill us," she added quietly. "Please?"

@Isune @Zuka
Kelica - Magnolia Streets

With hands still out stretched and fingers splayed, the roots only tightened harder around them, lifting the now humans off the ground, before slamming them hard into the ground (Think Hulk in the Avengers). She looked to Sora with an apologizing look. "I left Sabrina to babysit Chris... sorry for the commotion." Kelica turned to look to them like a stern mother would. "Not as sorry as you both will be when I heal you... "

It wasn't exactly far from truth, Kelicas method of healing involved energizing and multipling the cells around a wound, causing it to heal naturally just much faster. And multiplying the pain as she did.

"Right you first... " walking to Sabrina, letting the roots untangle around her, she knelt beside the girl and put her hands over the bruises on her head, and shoulders. Chris really did a number on her, her hand glowing green before the girls neck and shoulder popped, the burns stung like acid and cuts felt like daggers in them. In a moment she was fine. Then Kelica came over to Chris. She knelt down next to him with a strange look in her eyes. She pressed her hand in his arm and the bite marks, her hands glowing before the marks return then reknitted again, like the nerve were over sensative then. She dropped her hands down over his chest then his stomach. This...would be trickier. "Chris I... " she said softly. "This will hurt..." it was a fair warning. She pushed her hand down onto his stomach the spots burning and itching. As she worked, she kept her eyes with Chris. "Sorry I yelled at you... "

@Isune @PeteTSs @Kyuubey
Lysander - Fairy Tail Guild Hall: First Floor

Lysander felt like the worse person in the world as he watched Kelica curtsy and depart, her mood a complete 360 from earlier. "I will," he said quietly to her back as she departed. There was this air of disappointment around her and something more than he could place. Perhaps... there was something wrong with her after all, something not quite right about the head. But Lysander had never studied mental illnesses before so he had no idea what the issue was. And as for the cause... that confused Lysander even further. Obviously, something had happened between Kelica and Lloyd during the Malnia mission... something romantic? She had been so excited when she had found out he was from the same guild as Lloyd. His face turned bright red at the thought.

This was completely out of character for Lloyd. He would never pursue a romantic relationship with someone so much younger than him. Lysander was not even sure if Lloyd even contemplated romance. Back when he was not Guild Master, Lysander remembered that Lloyd spent very little time at the guild; he was off either exploring or doing missions. If it had been someone, like say, Valken, he might have suspected a few girlfriends on the sly that no one knew about. Yet Lloyd... the guy was as aromantic as they came. It was weird even contemplating Lloyd and romance in the same sentence.

Either way, he needed to do two things now. He needed to find Kelica's headband. And then he needed to find one of his guild members to find out if Lloyd was attending the festival after all. Perhaps then, Kelica could feel better. The hairband was a relatively easy matter. All he had to do was go to the area where Kelica had been when she... broke down and sure enough, there the hairband was. He did have to crawl under a table to get it though. and he ended up bumping his head hard on the roof of the table when he accidentally jerked his head back after managing to grasp the hairband. Rather clumsily, he backed out butt first from under the table, grumbling under his breath, before kneeling outside the table and rubbing at his head. Then, he tucked the hairband under his poncho so he would not loose it, grabbed his hat from where he had placed it on the table, placed it on his head and made his way out of the Guild Hall.

Lysander - Streets of Magnolia

Finding a guild member of his, as it turned out, ended up being pretty easy as well. After leaving the guild hall and taking a turn, he found himself in the middle of what seemed like a stampede... people just evacuating the area. He frowned. This was extremely weird. He squeezed his way through the crowd and soon found the source of it. A growth of roots around two people he had never met before, Kelica standing there, with a look of absolute rage on her face. Valken and Millie were there too, and so was Maya, in the company of two people he had never meet before too; a young girl who stood apart from the two people constrained by the roots, anger on her face as well, and another woman and an exceed. His face brightened, then fell somewhat as he realised now that he was not sure who to approach. And he still needed to give Kelica her hairband, but there was no way he was going to pass it to her now.

It would have to be Maya then. She was the second-in-charge of the Guild anyway, when Lloyd was not around, so if anyone knew what was up with Lloyd it would be her. Maya was also a guild member anyway, which was why none of his characteristic shyness showed. He had been in the guild for 14 years. That should be enough time for him to at least be familiar with his own guild. "Maya," he exclaimed, making his way to her."Excuse me," he said, when he was near enough for her to hear him. He removed his hat. "Maya. Sorry to interrupt, but... do you know if Lloyd would be attending the festival?"

@Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots @Isune @PeteTSs
Chris Lengheart(Pissed off in streets of Magnolia)

Chris let out a shout of pain as his chest wounds were healed. It felt like he was being impaled over and over again with no end in sight. Once the wound finally healed Chris let out a sigh of relief as he stared at Sabrina with the "I'm going to kill you look" as he silently stood up and looked at Kelica,"Why are you apologizing. I was the one who joined the street fight in the first place. And it was Sabrina who thought it'd be a good idea to use magic. I should be the one who apologizes. On the bright side, I got us some more jewels." he said in a hoarse voice as he reached to his jewel pouch and opened it, revealing that it was practically filled to the brim with jewels. Chris quickly closed it before any spilled out and smiled slightly as he put his hand on his chest and tried to take away the pain, he'd take a deep breath in...and a deep breath out.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Valken - Magnolia Streets

Valken was grinning from ear to ear. At the Lamia Scale Guild Hall, all that was usually there was the girls, plus a shy Lysander and a Lloyd hiding in his office or outside. Valken only ever occasionally got a fight like this if Grace happened to be up to it, but she had been so distracted by Masaki recently he couldn't remember the last time he did that. He was just about to loosen his coin purse and raise the stakes, but a girl arrived and restrained them. "Aw man... " he mumbled, though looked to the right as Maya appeared with a little blue haired girl. And what'da'ya know? Lysander had joined the party as well. Looked like almost a full gang now. Except for Lloyd. Man he was missing out, and secretly Valken was feeling envious of Fairytail. The random fights, bickering, over the topness. And the girls. He made a surprised whistle, as it lived to it's reputation. It would be fun to stay, but terrible for his work (him needing to be at the fringes and shadows.)

@Kayzo @erryone, to many to tag

Sabrina---Streets of Magnolia

A wave of searing pain soared through her face, all the way down to her sides. Her ears started ringing. It felt like that one time she spit acid on herself a few years back. Speaking of which, where did the crowd go? She swore there was one hell of a crowd a few seconds ago. Then she noticed a short little girl standing in the middle of the deserted street. She gave the girl a quizzical look.


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