Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

@Rhodus[/URL] @Genon

Adrian seemed to be completely shocked. Not only that Alfie was entering the swimsuit competition with magical breasts, but that he pulled something that crazy off in the first place. After he took a moment to recover, he said, "That's...impressive. I have to ask, can you change the size at will? That could be handy for winning over the judges. Also, women have different body fat distribution than men. You might have breasts, but having the rest of the look is prudent."

Kelica and Valken - Magnolia streets

Kelica blinkes rapidly as the random guy threw a bag of coins at Chris's feet and was throwing insults around like he owned the place. Kelica grasped Chris's arm to get his attention. "we don't need the money, honestly. I know you could beat him in 5 seconds flat but Sora is literally right there!". She whispered to him.

Valken wasn't intimidated in the slightest. His eyes did follow in line with Kelica's, seeing Maya with that blue haired girl, who luckily was more interested in Lysander then them. He slowly detangled himself from Millie as he gestured to a slightly quieter side street. He looked down to Millie briefly. "This won't take long... then I'll buy you something nice baby? You know...other then yours truly."

As if to accentuate those words, Valken grasped his own shirt and lifted it up and over his head, giving Millie some eye candy. Now, Valken was tall, but he was also fairly muscular (not in Chris way but more then average). He unhooked his belt with daggers still attached, and even slipped his elbow length black gloves off. He very rarely stripped down like this, and while his figure was nice from a distance the most obvious thing was scars and old cuts all over his body. Most noticeably covering his arms from elbow to fingers similar to a self harmer. Only he wasn't. After all, no one becomes a professional in daggers in a day, and this the reason he almost always wore gloves and his scarf over his shirt.

He strode down into the side street, leaving his belongings in a pile beside the coin purse's, grin ever present. "Alright beast man, let's see you take me on.. "

He was excited. More so then he had been in months.

@Kayzo @me :P
Chris Lengheart(Streets)

"Don't worry so much Kelica, things won't get out of hand. I promise." Chris said as he pried his arm from Kelica's grasp and began to step up to the stranger. He then suddenly chuckled as he began walking,"Besides, if I don't shut him up, who will? This'll be over quick." he said as he walked over to the same side street the stranger had. He backed a few paces away from him and got into a ready stance,"Here, I'll even let you have the first strike. Like I said before, this'll be over quick."

Of corse she was late, she always was. Kimberly lock, more commonly known as Kim, was on her way to the festival. She deeply hope she hadn't missed any of the festivities. He long dark purple hair flowed and wrapped around its self as she ran towards the guild hall. Her small bag filing after her as she dodged groups of mages and people alike. " Excuse me!" She shouted as she moved past a group of small children. Once she reached the doors of the hall she leaned on to it and let it open. " Oh thank god I'm home now." She said as she literally collapsed on to one of the bar stools. Kim lifed her head up, she saw something that interested her. a swimsuit competition? And better yet 100,000 in prize money for the winner?! She had to sign up for it.
Genon said:
Adrian seemed to be completely shocked. Not only that Alfie was entering the swimsuit competition with magical breasts, but that he pulled something that crazy off in the first place. After he took a moment to recover, he said, "That's...impressive. I have to ask, can you change the size at will? That could be handy for winning over the judges. Also, women have different body fat distribution than men. You might have breasts, but having the rest of the look is prudent."
Alfie had expected Adrian's reaction, seeing as how he made himself breasts with ribbons, but he gladly accepted the advice. His mammies began glowing with that same kaleidoscope pattern and grew a slight bit bigger before going back to how it was... but bigger. "And I have a trick that will win me even more points. The appeal of the body really isn't the only thing they take into consideration if you can use your magic to pretty yourself up. And I don't mean by clothing, I mean by... I can't explain it very well. Just watch." Alfie's arm extended upward before releasing a hovering mandala over his hand. More of the same mandala formed throughout the floor, each spewing ribbons that snaked through the air before turning to the real deal, the leftover ribbon floating down over his unsuspecting guild mates. "I still haven't gotten everything worked out, but trust me when I say it'll be spectacular. Oh, and I have the rest of my body planned out as well."

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[QUOTE="Salt Lord]

Alfie Roderick

A-Rank Wizard - Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Alfie nodded in agreement at what the two said about not dwelling on the past and having fun at the festival. As the wizard predicted it would, the swimsuit competition was mentioned, and he just so happened to have entered. Should he tell them...? "Actually, I've entered the contest. If girls can do it, why not guys? After all, I have a have a special trick up my sleeve..." Alfie threw one of his hands into the air as a pink ribbon circled and enclosed on his chest. After a second or two of magical kaleidoscope patterns shining from his bust, his shirt was completely replaced with a slim, hot pink bra, and within them, breasts that looked a little heavy (but acted like they should have anyway)... "Crossdressing with magic! What do you think? Anything I need to change?" And with that question, Alfie struck a generic anime girl pose (take your pick), his magical mammies moving with him.


Genon said:
Adrian seemed to be completely shocked. Not only that Alfie was entering the swimsuit competition with magical breasts, but that he pulled something that crazy off in the first place. After he took a moment to recover, he said, "That's...impressive. I have to ask, can you change the size at will? That could be handy for winning over the judges. Also, women have different body fat distribution than men. You might have breasts, but having the rest of the look is prudent."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


"Yes, That is indeed... Something," Ryu said, even more surprised than Adrian, as he had no prior experience with Alfie's magic. "But he is right. Females also have a different base facial structure than males as well," He added, trying to regain his composure. He wasn't too familiar with this magic, and so it put him at a loss.

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Valken - Magnolia Side Street

Valken stood a good few feet from him, and did his signature theatrical bow. "Ahh, but alas I am a gentlemen... ladies first..." Standing up tall, he casually flexed an arm, lengthening it out and in, his feet holding firm. The only noticeable difference in his stance was his feet spread just a fraction, giving him more steadiness on his feet.

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"No, no...the challenger should always strike first. It's only fair since you may end up getting beat mercilessly, I just want to give you the first shot so you can at least get one hit off of me." Chris said as he waited silently for his opponent to make a move. Chris only put both his arms behind his head as he waited for the man to hurry up and do something.


Pretty much as Chris said something, Valken was sprinting towards him. The guy was fast, unbelievably so. And he was heading straight for him, before twisting his body weight at the last minute and leaping onto the side wall. He took two steps, using his momentum to then charge off the wall and land behind Chris, grinning like a maniac. He threw his hand forward and touched the back of Chris's neck, his cold fingertips simply resting there.

"If I had used my daggers, you'd be dead right now.. " He said in a low voice before pulling back his fingers and throwing his shoulder and body weight forward trying to crash tackle Chris from behind.

Rhodus said:
"loadWebfont('Kalendra+Script');Yes, That is indeed... Something," Ryu said, even more surprised than Adrian, as he had no prior experience with Alfie's magic. "loadWebfont('Kalendra+Script');But he is right. Females also have a different base facial structure than males as well," He added, trying to regain his composure. He wasn't too familiar with this magic, and so it put him at a loss.
"Thank you," Alfie replied, lowering his head in a small bow, "But I think I'll wait until the actual contest comes before working the kinks out. After all, I've already revealed too much," he said, looking around at the mass of Fairy Tail members who had been amazed by the previous show of magical ribbons. With a snap of his fingers, all of the add-ons caused by has magic had vanished into tiny pink triangles, Alfie returning to his... guy form? "And even if I didn't mind showing too much, I sense a fight. A good one, at that. It's outside on the streets somewhere. Wanna come and see?"


Kim felt a tingle down her spine.

" Someone's about it to release some magic " she licked her lips. Kim stood from her seat and left the guild hall in search of the pending magic release. She leaped onto one of the roof top and walked from there. She followed her senses and stood above the fight. " Looks interesting to say the least let's see how much taint I get from this."she laid down on the shingled roof and relaxed as she watched the fight under her.
LeSoraAmari said:
Hibiki Dreyar: Fairy Tail Guild Hall - Outside.
Of course, Hibiki returned the hug. And after the two broke free from the hug he smiled towards Sera. "The mission was rather tricky. I tried to sort out those thugs without using my Satan Soul. However that didn't exactly work out." Hibiki let out an innocent chuckle before continuing, "Let's just say I dealt with them, but there is nothing left of their base of operations, absolutely nothing, it was hilarious!" He exclaimed, practically jumping on the spot. However, his mood went from being happy to curious at the mention of Master Cece. He shook his head. "I was just about to go and see her to turn in all of this cash, I planned to give it to the guild rather than keep it for myself." He paused for a moment, a brow raising as he looked at Sera. "... Is she alright?"

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia Streets

"Hello Millie, darling." She said in response to the younger woman's greeting. However, the whole referring to Sora as a little kid ticked her off. And by the looks of things, Sora was annoyed too. "Millie this is Sora, and she isn't a little kid. She is a beautiful woman." She said, bluntly and with a tone of displeasure. "Sora, that woman over there is Millie. She's such a dear." She said with a complete shift of personality as she continued, "And that guy over there is Valken, he is a perv. And is probably going to end up checking out all you Fairy Tail babes in the not too far away future." Raising a hand to her mouth, she chuckled slightly before turning to see Lysander. The woman was quite obviously ticked off, and undoubtedly rather angry. "You came alone?" She asked, rather sternly. "That just isn't on, are the others pushing you away?" She sighed, putting her hands in front of her. "Lloud was meant to send you all off in a big group. With recent events, it just isn't safe." She crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the ground before smiling once more and letting go of Sora's hand as she reached out to hold Lysanders. "In that case, you can stick with us. No one is going to be left out. Not on my watch. And I most certainly won't tolerate sadness. So Lysander, smile dear." Maya clicked her fingers and chuckled once more before looking to Sora and sending a smile her way.

That was when it clicked. Did Lysander and Sora like each other? Maya gave them both quick glances before chuckling yet again. How amusing. How cute. She had brought love together.
Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

Sera sighed heavily at his question, so she was right, he didn't know. She shook her head slowly, "No. She isn't.." She replied. "During the mission in Malnia, or after, I'm not sure..Either way.. When we came back to the guild hall Master Cece was..dead or rather murdered.Th..they're not sure who did it yet, the Council is still looking into it." She explained as best she could given the fact she had to recall the subject. She grew silent after that, trying to compose herself. Despite it being quite a while it was still a touchy subject for her, something she didn't want to talk about. Though, Hibiki needed to know.
Lysander - Streets of Magnolia

Lysander actually thought Maya was terrifying when angry, but he was not about to admit that, right in front of Maya. Besides, he knew that despite how scary Maya seemed at times, she cared deeply for the Guild and it's members, and that was extremely reassuring to him. Hence, it was with quite a bit of honesty that he nodded at Sora's glowing description of Maya, glancing over at Maya as he did so. His cheeks were still rather red, and for a guy, that was embarrassing. He wished he did not blush so much, especially not in front of Sora. She probably thought he was socially inept or something, and this bothered him more than it usually did (which was already rather a lot to begin with). He could not even begin to explain why Sora's acceptance of him mattered so much.

"I would love to," he said quietly, reaching out tentatively to place his hand in the hand she offered to him. His words were calmer than he had expected, though inside he was in a whirlwind of thoughts. He indeed did want to spend time with this young woman, to get to know her and her family history, her personality, likes. Was this what chemistry felt like? When one somehow managed to click with another person? He could not help wondering if it could lead to something more. But... that was still too early to tell. He wondered if she was just as attracted to him as he was to her, or was she just being polite? Well, now was the time to find out, though he very much hopped it was the former.

Speaking of Maya being scary... it looked like he was going to be experiencing that first hand. He gulped, backing away slightly, pulling his hand out of Sora's with an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I didn't know you all were planning to go as a group. I left before that because I went on a mission." He felt an immense sense of relief, and it probably showed on his face as he witnessed the anger leave Maya's face, even going so far as to grasp his hand, which he allowed. "I would be glad to," he said finally, as a shy smile drifted onto his face in a tentative response to Maya's instructions to smile.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora couldn't help but smile happily at Maya's protective nature as she spoke to the mage she introduced to her as Millie. The definition of Valken caused a soft laugh to escape her lips, almost nervously, any previous thought of joining the famous bikini contest being thrown out the window at that new development. " Wonderful meeting you, Millie! " She spoke up, a charming smile being flashed in unison to her words. A small reassuring squeeze was given to Lysander's hand as it slipped into hers to occupy it, an inaudible sharp inhale followed to compose herself. It wasn't long before she went stiff, sharing the same feeling he was towards Maya's quick change in emotion, the atmosphere feeling heavy. It wasn't a joke when Maya got serious and everyone felt what the woman was feeling whether they liked it or not. It was still hard to get accustomed to even after all this time being in one another's lives. She noticed Valken and Chris had slipped off somewhere and a small groan was heard but she decided to just let the 'boys be boys'. Part of her also wanted to remain where she was for a few reasons so Sora wouldn't be playing her notorious role of the party pooper today.

Sora just looked at him when he pulled his hand back, the apologetic look being met with a small smile tugging at her lips to tell him she understood and wasn't bothered by it. The warmth from his hand that remained slowly dissipated, only being felt at the fingertips before those too went cold, eyes flickering to the side to gaze at Clair and Nami. " Let's head over to the bikini contest, shall we? We need to get you enrolled Clair! " She silently hoped Maya wouldn't try to drag her into it because she wasn't the type of person to take no for an answer and Sora was a huge sucker to going along with anything Maya wished for her. " You don't have to stand way over there you two... " Sora skipped over to them and snatched Nami out of the air before she could fly off as she grinned at Clair and darted back over to Maya and Lysander.

Nami was held before her with outstretched arms, a very amused look on the exceed's face as she blinked rapidly out from under her hoodie. " This is Nami, she's my best friend. And Nami, this is Lysander, he's a new friend. " The introductions were made in a cheerful tone before she released the exceed whom went about hovering in front of Lysander's face, staring at him for an uncomfortable amount of time before she spoke. "
How is he attractive? He doesn't look like a pastry! " The stare intensified as she tried to imagine him as a baked good, huffing when the image didn't appeal to her. Sora tugged on Nami's tail and her eyes went wide at the sudden pull of her tail, sighing heavily. " Hello new friend. " She mumbled, still trying to picture it. An embarrassed look crossed Sora's features as she mouthed 'sorry' to Lysander and hesitantly turned to Maya. " Ready to go? " Sora felt the longer they stood there, the more crazy things might become or she might make an utter fool out of herself in the process if she hadn't managed to already. She mentally made a note to make time to be able to spend some quality time with Lysander later, if he'd want that of course, though it'd be hard to escape Maya especially if she felt there was nobody watching over them.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots @Zuka
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora couldn't help but smile happily at Maya's protective nature as she spoke to the mage she introduced to her as Millie. The definition of Valken caused a soft laugh to escape her lips, almost nervously, any previous thought of joining the famous bikini contest being thrown out the window at that new development. " Wonderful meeting you, Millie! " She spoke up, a charming smile being flashed in unison to her words. A small reassuring squeeze was given to Lysander's hand as it slipped into hers to occupy it, an inaudible sharp inhale followed to compose herself. It wasn't long before she went stiff, sharing the same feeling he was towards Maya's quick change in emotion, the atmosphere feeling heavy. It wasn't a joke when Maya got serious and everyone felt what the woman was feeling whether they liked it or not. It was still hard to get accustomed to even after all this time being in one another's lives. She noticed Valken and Chris had slipped off somewhere and a small groan was heard but she decided to just let the 'boys be boys'. Part of her also wanted to remain where she was for a few reasons so Sora wouldn't be playing her notorious role of the party pooper today.

Sora just looked at him when he pulled his hand back, the apologetic look being met with a small smile tugging at her lips to tell him she understood and wasn't bothered by it. The warmth from his hand that remained slowly dissipated, only being felt at the fingertips before those too went cold, eyes flickering to the side to gaze at Clair and Nami. " Let's head over to the bikini contest, shall we? We need to get you enrolled Clair! " She silently hoped Maya wouldn't try to drag her into it because she wasn't the type of person to take no for an answer and Sora was a huge sucker to going along with anything Maya wished for her. " You don't have to stand way over there you two... " Sora skipped over to them and snatched Nami out of the air before she could fly off as she grinned at Clair and darted back over to Maya and Lysander.

Nami was held before her with outstretched arms, a very amused look on the exceed's face as she blinked rapidly out from under her hoodie. " This is Nami, she's my best friend. And Nami, this is Lysander, he's a new friend. " The introductions were made in a cheerful tone before she released the exceed whom went about hovering in front of Lysander's face, staring at him for an uncomfortable amount of time before she spoke. "
How is he attractive? He doesn't look like a pastry! " The stare intensified as she tried to imagine him as a baked good, huffing when the image didn't appeal to her. Sora tugged on Nami's tail and her eyes went wide at the sudden pull of her tail, sighing heavily. " Hello new friend. " She mumbled, still trying to picture it. An embarrassed look crossed Sora's features as she mouthed 'sorry' to Lysander and hesitantly turned to Maya. " Ready to go? " Sora felt the longer they stood there, the more crazy things might become or she might make an utter fool out of herself in the process if she hadn't managed to already. She mentally made a note to make time to be able to spend some quality time with Lysander later, if he'd want that of course, though it'd be hard to escape Maya especially if she felt there was nobody watching over them.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots @Zuka
HuorSpinks said:
Lysander - Streets of Magnolia
Lysander actually thought Maya was terrifying when angry, but he was not about to admit that, right in front of Maya. Besides, he knew that despite how scary Maya seemed at times, she cared deeply for the Guild and it's members, and that was extremely reassuring to him. Hence, it was with quite a bit of honesty that he nodded at Sora's glowing description of Maya, glancing over at Maya as he did so. His cheeks were still rather red, and for a guy, that was embarrassing. He wished he did not blush so much, especially not in front of Sora. She probably thought he was socially inept or something, and this bothered him more than it usually did (which was already rather a lot to begin with). He could not even begin to explain why Sora's acceptance of him mattered so much.

"I would love to," he said quietly, reaching out tentatively to place his hand in the hand she offered to him. His words were calmer than he had expected, though inside he was in a whirlwind of thoughts. He indeed did want to spend time with this young woman, to get to know her and her family history, her personality, likes. Was this what chemistry felt like? When one somehow managed to click with another person? He could not help wondering if it could lead to something more. But... that was still too early to tell. He wondered if she was just as attracted to him as he was to her, or was she just being polite? Well, now was the time to find out, though he very much hopped it was the former.

Speaking of Maya being scary... it looked like he was going to be experiencing that first hand. He gulped, backing away slightly, pulling his hand out of Sora's with an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I didn't know you all were planning to go as a group. I left before that because I went on a mission." He felt an immense sense of relief, and it probably showed on his face as he witnessed the anger leave Maya's face, even going so far as to grasp his hand, which he allowed. "I would be glad to," he said finally, as a shy smile drifted onto his face in a tentative response to Maya's instructions to smile.

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @Kayzo
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia Streets

Maya couldn't help but chuck at Lysanders response. "It's fine, you're here now and you're unharmed. That's all that matters." She sighed, "If you knew why I was so paranoid, you'd understand why I'm acting like this. However, that's a conversation you'll need to have with Lloyd." She paused for a moment and turned her full attention back to Sora, sending the blue haired girl a smile and resting a hand in her head. "Yes, I'm ready to go. I actually plan on entering the contest myself." She put hand up to her mouth and chuckled, a look of firey determination formed on the Saints face. "I'm thinking of entering it myself, since it would be totally unfair for me to enter the tournament I may as well enter something. Besides, I can't let all these young girls take the glory now can I" she chuckled before patting down her gown before continuing. "Now, I need to find people willing to join The Bikini Babes. Oh Millie darling!" She called out to the woman, "Let's go enter ourselves into the contest and show those girls how it's done." She turned back to Sora before continuing. "Between you and me, I might end up cheating just to win." She whispered into the girls ear, a mischievous chuckle forming. "Now then, let's get a move on."

Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQSera sighed heavily at his question, so she was right, he didn't know. She shook her head slowly, "No. She isn't.." She replied. "During the mission in Malnia, or after, I'm not sure..Either way.. When we came back to the guild hall Master Cece was..dead or rather murdered.Th..they're not sure who did it yet, the Council is still looking into it." She explained as best she could given the fact she had to recall the subject. She grew silent after that, trying to compose herself. Despite it being quite a while it was still a touchy subject for her, something she didn't want to talk about. Though, Hibiki needed to know.
Hibiki Dreyar: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

What was said next, made the mage drop the large coin bag he had in his hand, the coins flying everywhere upon hitting the ground. His eyes wide with displeasure, "Master Cece, dead?" Those words sent a shiver down his spine. Such a kind and strong young girl, murdered in her own guild. The home of their family. It was disgraceful. Hibiki clenched his fist as tears began to form in Hibiki's eyes but he held them back, a few sparks of lightning crackling from his fists to accompany, and noticing the hurt tone in Sera's voice, he stopped clenching his fists and pulled her into a hug. "You don't have to say anything else. If you need to, just let it all out." He broke free from the hug and looked at Sera, a look of determination in his eyes, "We will get whoever killed our Master back, it's the Fairy Tail way." Hibiki shook his head and sighed sadly, "I miss the funeral didn't I? Dammit..." After that he looked up at the guild hall before turning back to look at Sera. "Who's the new master, then?"
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Millie: Magnolia Streets

Millie blushed in embarrassment when Maya explained that the blue-haired girl was not a little kid, and was actually Sora Marvell. In all honesty she didn't even know that Sora existed up until this point, but she definetly recognized the last name. Fortunately Maya didn't beat her up and Sora didn't seem to hold any grudges, so she did her best to calm down before responding. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Marvell." She said to the Fairy Tail girl, bowing her head in courtesy. Millie could her Valken and Chris taunting and one-upping each other, but when her head rose up, they were nowhere to be seen. This threw her into a panicked mode, the S-Class wizard tossing her gaze around in an attempt to find her hubby. Maya's voice called out to her, asking her to join the Bikini Contest, which Millie was totally down for. However, she had to find Valken! "I'll join you Maya, but Valken is gone! I can't leave without him!" She said in a distressed voice, running up to the group and placing her hands firmly on the Wizard Saints shoulders. "You need to help me!"

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Lysander - Streets of Magnolia

"Uh... hello Nami,"
Lysander said finally, staring in quiet fascination at the Exceed while the Exceed stared at him in return. He had never met an Exceed before, though he had heard of them. He blinked then, rather taken aback when Nami proclaimed him unattractive because he did not look like a pastry. He did not even know how to respond to that. Looking like a pastry brought associations to a certain kind of look, a look that he was personally glad that he did not spot. In the end, all he could do was shrug helplessly at the Exceed, before turning to Sora. He smiled slightly then at her mouthed apology. He was not even angry. Just a little confused. And somewhat envious. It must be a wonderful feeling to have a constant loyal companion; he had never experienced that kind of companionship before. If anything, he was like a bad luck charm; bad things tended to happen to people he grew close to. Just look at what happened to his parents and his grandmother.

Lysander also could not help wondering if Maya's paranoia was due to the recent murder of Fairy Tail's guild master. Yet that was something he definitely did not dare to bring up, especially not in front of so many Fairy Tail members. In a way, he could see her point, but surely those more influential than him, like the other guild masters, were at greater risk than he was; he somewhat insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Really, the only thing significant about him was his linage. If anything, Lloyd was at greater risk than he was. But he only nodded at Maya's words and moved to stand by her side. He had just been invited to join them, and if they were going off somewhere, he had better follow them.

It was only at Millie's panic that he realized that Valken was nowhere to be seen. He had been with Millie previously, but that had been before he had been introduced to Sora, and after that, he had pretty much lost track of everything except Sora. In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly. "Sorry Millie," he said, rather sheepishly. "I have no idea where he went. I think the others might know more."

@Kayzo @Zuka
LeSoraAmari said:
Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint: Magnolia Streets
Maya couldn't help but chuck at Lysanders response. "It's fine, you're here now and you're unharmed. That's all that matters." She sighed, "If you knew why I was so paranoid, you'd understand why I'm acting like this. However, that's a conversation you'll need to have with Lloyd." She paused for a moment and turned her full attention back to Sora, sending the blue haired girl a smile and resting a hand in her head. "Yes, I'm ready to go. I actually plan on entering the contest myself." She put hand up to her mouth and chuckled, a look of firey determination formed on the Saints face. "I'm thinking of entering it myself, since it would be totally unfair for me to enter the tournament I may as well enter something. Besides, I can't let all these young girls take the glory now can I" she chuckled before patting down her gown before continuing. "Now, I need to find people willing to join The Bikini Babes. Oh Millie darling!" She called out to the woman, "Let's go enter ourselves into the contest and show those girls how it's done." She turned back to Sora before continuing. "Between you and me, I might end up cheating just to win." She whispered into the girls ear, a mischievous chuckle forming. "Now then, let's get a move on."

Hibiki Dreyar: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

What was said next, made the mage drop the large coin bag he had in his hand, the coins flying everywhere upon hitting the ground. His eyes wide with displeasure, "Master Cece, dead?" Those words sent a shiver down his spine. Such a kind and strong young girl, murdered in her own guild. The home of their family. It was disgraceful. Hibiki clenched his fist as tears began to form in Hibiki's eyes but he held them back, a few sparks of lightning crackling from his fists to accompany, and noticing the hurt tone in Sera's voice, he stopped clenching his fists and pulled her into a hug. "You don't have to say anything else. If you need to, just let it all out." He broke free from the hug and looked at Sera, a look of determination in his eyes, "We will get whoever killed our Master back, it's the Fairy Tail way." Hibiki shook his head and sighed sadly, "I miss the funeral didn't I? Dammit..." After that he looked up at the guild hall before turning back to look at Sera. "Who's the new master, then?"
@Salt Lord (mentioned)

Sera: Outside Fairy Tail HQ

Sera shook her head, mostly to herself when he hugged her. She nodded before grinning faintly after he was done speaking. "You're damn right we will. I'm done crying, it'd only bring everyone else down again after things are finally returning to normal." She replied. "Master Ophelia is the new master. She's just as random as Cece was. Heh..Honestly she reminds me of her a lot." She added. At first, she disliked the girl because of how much she reminded her of Cece. But in the end she was kind of glad, she wasn't Cece nor could she ever replace her, but in a way it was as if she never left.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild


" Yeah, I noticed it too" Ryu said, trying to hide how badly he wanted to see the fight. "I suppose we should at least check it out then," He stood up and paid for this drink. He really did enjoy watching fights such as these, but he knew it was unfitting of a student of the Kasai Uzuken-ryu to take pride in those sorts of things, so he kept it to himself. He hoped the others didn't notice how interested he was in the fight.


@Salt Lord

"Eh, I'm always willing to watch two people beat the snot out of each other for dumb reasons. If I didn't know any better, I might jump in too. Let's go," Adrian said two his two companions as he forked over the money for his beer and walked out of the bar with the Alfie and Ryu in tow.

(OOC: We were all going to walk to the street fight anyway, so we might as well just send ourselves there. Forgive me if I'm overstepping my boundaries by making Alfie and Ryu walk out. I just don't want the next three posts to be us walking ten feet.)
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Sora Marvell - Magnolia

Sora's eyes had gone wide at Maya's last comment, no sign of disbelief on her features. Maya after-all enjoyed to win, and well, if she had to cheat to do it the wizard saint probably wasn't above such a thing. Both hands flew up to catch Maya's as it rested on her head, hues slipping up to look at her lovingly, smile only continuing to spread as the glow on her cheeks finally began to die down from all the flustered and random emotions that had surprised her. The sky dragon slayer was grateful to be surrounded by such lovely people and was more thankful to be given such wonderful reasons to smile. " I'd rather watch and join the other tournament tomorrow, Auntie, since I stand more of a chance and that way I can cheer you on today and tomorrow you can cheer me on! " This sound logic had to be good enough to let her escape the embarrassment of having to stand next to all the women who had well.. more shaped frames, at least compared to her more childish one. Then again, certain people did have different tastes which was also a frightening thought. The idea of standing up there exposed like that in front of Lysander caused another blush to replace the previous one and she sunk into her own little world of shyness, one pretty rare for her.

It took a few minutes before she seemed to be aware of her surroundings again, realizing she was staring at Lysander again before Millie's pleas for help fell upon her ears to snap her out of her rather locked attention. It wasn't her fault she found him so intriguing though!" Millie, they went that way. " She pointed down the side street with an un-humored look, already knowing what was going on and wanting no part in it; at least not today of all days. " Hey Auntie, how about you go help Millie and Lysander, Clair, Nami, and I head over to where the contest is being held and you meet us there. I'll keep him safe if you're worried about him. " Her tone was a tad bit more serious, but not by much, just enough to reassure the woman. Sora did excel at a support role and wouldn't dare let a single thing happen to anyone in her own guild or anyone she deemed a friend be hurt. Nami flicked her tail in front of her to stare once again at the bow, still fascinated with it and finding it quite pretty. She remained occupied with this as she listened to all the conversations going on around her though they mostly went into one ear and out the other seeing as she was currently daydreaming about a huge platter of pastries.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
Kelica - Nearby the group of mages

Kelica watched Chris leave down a side street with, whoever that guy was. She turned and saw Sora and Lysander with some others so she stepped over. That girl around Valkens arms was panicing, and as Kelica approached she made a soft smile. "Um..Valken? Is that his name? He and Chris just went down that side street, he seemed intent to beat Chris hand to hand, even mentioned no magic... I wonder if he knows that that is Chris's speciality?" She pondered. "Regardless, Chris said it wouldn't take long..."

Kelica looked from the girl, to the woman in the very flowy gown. She was breathtaking really, something about her just stole the limelight. "Um hello, my name is Kelica." She figured if Sora was so close to these mages, then they were good. She also noticed the Lamia Scale mark on the three, indicating they were from the same guild as Lysander. The same guild as Lloyd. She took a soft sigh.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Mr Swiftshots
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Rhodus said:
" loadWebfont('Comfortaa');Yeah, I noticed it too" Ryu said, trying to hide how badly he wanted to see the fight. "loadWebfont('Comfortaa');I suppose we should at least check it out then," He stood up and paid for this drink. He really did enjoy watching fights such as these, but he knew it was unfitting of a student of the Kasai Uzuken-ryu to take pride in those sorts of things, so he kept it to himself. He hoped the others didn't notice how interested he was in the fight.
Genon said:
"Eh, I'm always willing to watch two people beat the snot out of each other for dumb reasons. If I didn't know any better, I might jump in too. Let's go," Adrian said two his two companions as he forked over the money for his beer and walked out of the bar with the Alfie and Ryu in tow.
Alfie Roderick

A Rank - Streets of Magnolia - Ryu, Adrian, Kelica

Alfie held his arm out signaling his new pals to stop upon finding that the ones who were fighting were now not there. However, Kelica and a few whom he didn't recognize were in their place, but talking rather than battling. "Excuse me, Kelica," he said rather suddenly, "But would you happen to know where Chris and his opponent went? I tried to lead these two to a good fight before the contest began, but it's hard when there's no one around to watch fight," the wizard stated, looking over Kelica's shoulder at the other mages there.

@Genon @Rhodus @Zuka
Kim frowned, not even a drop of taint was expelled. That to say the least was disappointing. She stood up and jumped off the buildings roof. Her hair flowed behind her as she landed right in front of Alifie. She stretched out her arms " Ugh what does a girl have to do to get some taint around here?!" She looked at the Mage she landed infront of. Her brown eyes looking at his pink hair. " Nice hair pinkie."

@Salt Lord
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Kelica - Magnolia Streets

Kelica turned as she heard Alfie with two guys in tow, seemed everyone was interested in Chris's fight with, that Valken guy. "Oh Chris? Well he was fighting Sabrina, to which you'll be proud and I stopped. But then this other guy came over to challenge him. They are fisty battling in that side street. " pointing in that shady direction.

Kelica now watched another girl land infront of Alfie. Her eyes narrowed rather defensively when she called him a carrot. "I'd watch that tongue of yours if I were you..."

@Genon @Salt Lord @purplepanda288 @Rhodus

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