Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kayzo said:

Mizuki: Ms. Fiore backstage

Mizuki hissed quietly as she was hugged tighter, but made no effort to push back the girl. She didn't have the heart to do such a thing, not that she really had one in the first place. And though she thought that the certain curse that she placed on Alicia was extremely entertaining, she'd take it off for her sake. Besides, she did have many more hexes on the girl, though most of them were to keep track of where she was or what she was saying. Nothing to bad or borderline stalkish, right? "No Little One, I'll take it off of you. But you can't hug me while I do it, or I'll put it right back on." She warned, petting her head one last time before trying to pry herself from the little girls grasp.
(Mizuki = stalker confirmed)

Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Alicia was confused as to what Mizuki had against hugs, especially so much so to force herself out of one. Though in an effort to not make her mad futher she released her. "Okay. Thanks Mizuki!" She replied, back to her normal cheerful self. She was glad she was removing the hex, now she could have a conversation with Master Gilad without randomly striking an uncomfortable pose in front of him.

Though, before Mizuki had a chance to do anything she was called out to the stage.


@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @Zuka @Drakerus

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

Bob was stunned by Maya's performance, it was clearly an illusion judging by the fact the stage turned back to normal after she had left, but it was an amazing performance nonetheless. "A beautiful performance from a beautiful woman! That was Maya Morne from Lamia Scale everyone!" Bob announced, clapping wildly for her. "That'll be a tough act to follow for sure! Next up is Alicia Nefaras from Sabertooth!" He announced.


Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage > Stage > Backstage

Wish me luck! Not that I need it cause my bikini is clearly the best!" She told Maya jokingly before running off onstage. She couldn't exactly think of much to do, though she had to do something other than stand there and look cute, everyone else had did a act of some kind after all. Removing her lightning beads from her hair she held them out in her palm.

As she did they floated and expanded to be roughly the size of basketballs, slowly they started spinning, electricity arcing off around them as they did. Eventually it started crackling in the middle before the beads started zapping each other, making what looked like a form of firework as it did. All the while she simply smiled cutely at the crowd while the fireworks continued.

After a minute or two they stopped, the beads shrank back down, and she placed them in her hair. She waved and giggled childishly at the crowd before running off stage as the curtain closed, stopping in front of Mizuki. "
Well? What do you think? How did I do?" She asked her excitedly, a wide smile and expectant look on her face. The magic act she'd did wasn't nearly as good as the rest, but clearly her bikini was the best. Clearly.


Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

Bob simply stared as Alicia came on stage, trying to determine if she was actually the age she looked or just
really short. His thought process was cut off as sparks started raining down on him. Cowering under his desk he peeked up ever so often to make sure said desk didn't catch fire. He sighed with relief once Alicia's turn was over, resuming his seat. "Well. Ah..Alicia Nefaras from Sabertooth! A very original act indeed." He announced, slightly nervous. "Next up is Millie Tlaloc from Lamia Scale!" He declared.
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

The name 'Mizuki' pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused his attention back to the stage. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as she simply walked out, glared at the crowd, muttered how she hated everyone and walked backstage. He never, for even a moment, expected Sabertooth to take the crown in this competition and Mizuki was doing her best to ensure he was right. They would simply have to redeem themselves tomorrow, during the combat tournament. He turned his gaze to the crowd and noted that it had thinned somewhat as people came and went to enjoy other parts of the festival. A part of him was tempted to follow suit, however he still had contestants to see. He wasn't about to miss Master Kaiser or Alicia after all.

A strange noise drew his attention from the crowd, causing him to look skyward. Not more than a few feet above him was a boy repeatedly crying 'no' as he fell from the heavens. Almost as soon as he took note of the boy the two had collided, the boy falling to the ground beside him as he stumbled forward before regaining his balance. He quickly whipped around, his cape fluttering as he spun to face the boy that had landed on top of him. He strode a few steps forward, standing next to the lad as he was on the ground. His arms were folded over his chest, a cold glare bearing down on the lad as he got to his feet. He quickly took note of who, exactly, was the culprit as the boy got to his feet. Knowing who was responsible further fueled his discontent, his glare nearly rivaling Mizuki's at this point.

"Mr. Auren Sol, it is good to see you at Magnolia's wonderful festival. That was quite the entrance you made." His voice was stern and cold, his tone and expression doing little to hide his emotions. He took quick side-glances at the crowd as those around were watching the spectacle. He focused his glare back on the boy, letting his arms drop before turning back to face the stage. "Enjoy the festival, Mr. Sol, for later I will be giving you a private lesson on the application of magic." His tone remained as cold as ever, the threat hidden in his words being painfully obvious as he continued to glare at the stage, awaiting the next contestant to step forth.


Auren Sol


As soon as Ren realized who he'd landed on he backpedaled in fear, tripped, and was back on the ground. He couldn't help but visibly shiver as his guildmaster regarded him with a cold glare. The calmness that the man showed sent more fear running down the boy's spine than if he had blown up, assertively scolding him.

"M-Master! I-i-it's so nice to see you! I uh, I missed the train so I used a portal to get here. You see I miscalculated the...the.. It was an accident I swear! Please, please, please, pleeeeaaase don't hurt me! I have so much to live for, you know!?" he said so quickly and nervously that it was difficult to understand his ramblings. When Gilad just turned back to the show, Ren's demeanor became downcast.

He was doomed...

The boy just stood up silently and turned to watch the show with a defeated expression on his face.
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Medics- Taking Kim out of the ambulance

The car stopped at the emergency entrance of the hospital. medical workers milled around Kim, a few pulled her out of the vehicle and told her into the building. A few other workers questioned the group that came with her. A young man was the first to speak. " What happened to her?" He had a clip board in hand and a pen at the ready to write down their response.

@Britt-21 @Genon
purplepanda288 said:
Medics- Taking Kim out of the ambulance

The car stopped at the emergency entrance of the hospital. medical workers milled around Kim, a few pulled her out of the vehicle and told her into the building. A few other workers questioned the group that came with her. A young man was the first to speak. " What happened to her?" He had a clip board in hand and a pen at the ready to write down their response.

@Britt-21 @Genon
"Well, we were in the audience of the Magnolia swimsuit contest, and after she did her act, she sat down with us. We spoke with her for about five minutes before she said, 'Another of the stars' completely out of context, complained of feeling lightheaded, got extremely warm, and passed out. We took her over to a bench and got her a wet towel to cool her off, and then she said that phrase again in her sleep and almost rolled off the bench. The purple spots began to develop from there. Also of note: she fell into a container of flux as a child, the discoloration might have something to do with that."
Genon said:
"Well, we were in the audience of the Magnolia swimsuit contest, and after she did her act, she sat down with us. We spoke with her for about five minutes before she said, 'Another of the stars' completely out of context, complained of feeling lightheaded, got extremely warm, and passed out. We took her over to a bench and got her a wet towel to cool her off, and then she said that phrase again in her sleep and almost rolled off the bench. The purple spots began to develop from there. Also of note: she fell into a container of flux as a child, the discoloration might have something to do with that."
The worker nodded. " This is serious then, thank you." He quickly wrote everything down quickly. " You should come in to the building, we'll call you when we have sometype of treatment. "

He walked away with his clipboard in hand.
Lavender sweat dropped slightly well that is one way to put what happened to miss Kim.. Though he did do it out of order. "We hope that the information given to you is efficient enough for you to help out our fellow guild mate" then she looked at Adrian. She was going to have a long chat with the man. Sure he gave the right info but it was so out of order. It bugged her very much. Then she looked back at the man who had been writing down the rest of the items before walking off once he finished talking. Lavender then followed as instructed "thank you kind sir."

@Genon @purplepanda288 @Rhodus @Salt Lord (sorry for lack of color when speaking, I'm on my phone)
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Kim lock, Mother- flux realm.

Kim stood up from the large rose. " Why am I still here, I need to get back into my physical body. " She looked at mother, anger started to rise on her. " What else do you need of me?!" She stomped her foot. The rose started to wilt due to her elevated emotional state.

" dear, I'm keeping you here till you figure out the meaning of the song. Another of the stars...above the savior..below the surface. Think dear, I know I raised you better than this."

Kim yelled out in frustration. " I don't get it!"

Medical workers- treating Kim.

The doctors hooked up Kim to the vital machine. Taking her out of her clothes and into a hospital garment.
purplepanda288 said:
Medics- Taking Kim out of the ambulance

The car stopped at the emergency entrance of the hospital. medical workers milled around Kim, a few pulled her out of the vehicle and told her into the building. A few other workers questioned the group that came with her. A young man was the first to speak. " What happened to her?" He had a clip board in hand and a pen at the ready to write down their response.

@Britt-21 @Britt-21 @Genon @purplepanda288 @Rhodus
Kelica - Forest behind Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica smiled back to Hibiki. She knew Chris was a hot head at times, but down in his heart he was a kind soul. He just got treated badly because people were intimidated by his beast transformations, and Kelica had been the only one to not be scared. I mean, the Taurus form made her blush like a high school girl, and the Draco form was comfortable to snuggle against or ride on. Kelica gave a sympathic look to Hibiki, he just needed time to calm down. She stood up slowly, putting her hand on his wide shoulder, before pulling herself in close to his side. "We just have to hang around till someone is announced as a winner, then we can go home, ok?" She said softly in his ear on her tip toes. She knew what he was thinking purely by his body language.

@Isune @LeSoraAmari @PeteTSs
Millie- Ms. Fiore Stage

Millie gasped loudly as her name was called, the girl not nearly prepared. Everyone else had such stunning and beautiful presentations using their magic to make it special and Millie didn't have anything cool like that. So now all she had to work with was her body, putting her at a great disadvantage. Looking over to Maya, she gave the girl and quick hug and said, "wish me luck Maya honey! Before walking out onto the stage.

Millie walked out onto the stage, a warm golden area emitting off her beautiful body. Her hips swayed as she walked forward, her arms held back slightly as she walked to give her chest more attention. When she reached the middle of the stage she struck a quick pose, one hand on her hip and the other hand behind her head.
"Hello there lovelies!" She called out, giggling slightly and doing a quick spin before bending over, giving the crowd a good view of her homabalongs, ya know, her big boogaloos, humongous jigglags. "I love you all!" Millie said seductivley, staring Valken straight in the eye and blowing him a kiss. Once that was done she turned around gracefully and began to walk back inside, her hips swaying hypnotically.
Valken - Miss Fiore Contest

Valken watched the goings on around the stands with a bored little yawn, Chris roared at the blue haired girl, about some flying cat thing, the guy with the blue haired girl went off to help the roaring man. In the distance a girl passed out and was rushed away with her closest friends and... why did that pink mage look awefully like the first contestant? Maybe they we're siblings. His dark purple eyes drew to the back of the room where Master Gilad got, toppled by some boy. It really was strange here in Fairytail.... just when you thought it would be normal. Lamia Scale was much more subdued, it was mostly intense conversations. He was really only here for Lysander and Millie. He wasn't surprised about Maya's performance. And then... they called on Millie next. This made him sit up and put his feet on the ground, grin huge. "That's my girl!"

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Kyuubey @Colt556 @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari
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Chris Lengheart(Behind Fairytail Guildhall)

Chris was seemingly tamed by Kelica as she put her hand on his shoulder and brought herself closer to him. As she whispered in his ear he nodded,"Fine, but after the winner is announced I'm heading straight home. With or without you, and remember I'm the one with the key." he said in a joking tone as he pulled out the keys himself and dangled them in front of Kelica for a moment before stuffing them back into his pocket. He then shifted to his Draco form as he tossed Kelica onto his back, "Sabrina hurry up and get on, me and Kelica want to see who won."

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari @PeteTSs

-Ryu Miyamoto-


Ryu waited patiently towards the back of the group as the doctors attended to Kim. He watched through the gaps between the others as they hooked Kim up to various machines. He was a little suspicious when Alfie turned away from the others, but dismissed it as nothing more than anxiety.


Kim lock- exiting the flux realm

" Looks like your time is up dear. We'll continue this another time." Mother waved her hand motioning Kim to fall off the rise that she stood on.

Kim nodded, she jumped off the rose. As she hit the ground everything went black. The heart monitor started to go crazy. Kims plus went from a normal beat to a unnaturaly fast beat. Medics rushed around trying to stop her heart rate.

Kim opened her eyes, the purple stains dissipating from her skin. Leaving it the same pale color that is was before. Breathing heavily she yelled out form the pain in her head.

@Britt-21 @Rhodus @Genon

Sabrina---Fairy Tail Courtyard

Sabrina scooped up the falcon and placed him on the grass. "Okay!" she said as she hopped on Chris' back next to Kelica. Sabrina then grabbed her bag and hugged it tightly. She was going to show Kelica all of her deepest, darkest memories...but she really needed someone to talk to about it. She hung on tightly and gave Chris a pat on the back. "I'm ready! Lets go!"

@Zuka @Isune
Kelica - Forest behind Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica could never get used to that, as he tossed her like a ragdoll uptop his back, gripping the fur on the back of his head gently but mostly using her thighs to keep her straight up. She watched Sabrina hoop onto Chris's back, wondering if two people might be to much...

Frank squarked as he was moved from the comfortable lap, ruffling his feathers in an irritated manner. Then with a large gust of his wings he lifted himself into the sky, flying fast right into the upper air drafts, circling around afew times before spiralling back down to them. He would have no problems catching up with Chris as he was one of the fastest birds around.

Kelica reached behind and squeezed Sabrina's hand. "Don't worry, I'll still come over later tonight for a chat.. I wouldn't mind one either..." She said with a half smile.

@Isune @PeteTSs

~Isabelle Dragneel~

His hand on her back was a really nice gesture but it wasn't helping at all. She just wanted for the train to stop moving and she would be okay. She felt almost a wave of relief. Before it comes crashing down on her harder. She grabbed the bag out of his hand. She throws up everything she had in her system. She pulls back closing up the bag. She puts her head against the bad of the seat. She was breathing fast since it typically help slightly. "I'm...sorry" she chokes out she puts her head back down her head, spinning. She just felt plain pathetic. This happened all the time, it just felt terrible when it did. She curled back into her ball.

Chris Lengheart(Behind Fairytail guildhall)

Chris felt the tap on his back as he backed up a little bit before beginning to charge through the forest. However, instead of being a slight blur like he normally would be without people on his back, but was still moving surprisingly fast. He only seemed to be gaining speed. Eventually, the beast seemed to slow down as it made it back to the Miss Fiore contest. Chris lowered his body as he waited for the girls to jump off, either that or he'd throw them off if they didn't get off.

@PeteTSs @Zuka

Lysander - Ms Fiore Competition Audience

Lysander had to smile at Hibiki's statements. Hibiki's friendliness was really putting him at ease, and he was starting to very much enjoy their conversation. "I've been to the Guild Hall before actually," he replied, though he was wearing a confused frown on his face. Were they not in the guild hall currently? His eyes roamed around to be sure of their location before he continued. "I did hear though, that the second and third floor were off-limits for non-guild members." His face turned bright red at Hibiki's teasing comments on their plan for milkshakes, and he quickly looked down at his lap to hide it, though he could not help his widening smile at that.

Lysander only knew that it was Maya's turn from Sora's enthusiasm. He turned eagerly to the stage however, and as Maya appeared and did her performance, his grin grew, and his applauding was much louder than it usually was. He could not bring himself to shout encouraging things the way Sora was, due to his fears of everyone staring at him, so his support was more subdued, though just as enthusiastic. He had a proud grin on his face. Personally, he thought Maya's performance was the best so far, and no one else could come up with something better, perhaps Lamia Scale would win the competition. He did hope Millie would come up with something just as good, or better, so that Lamia Scale had a better chance of winning. And yes, that was his competitive streak coming out.

What happened next though, confused him utterly. Just after Maya left the stage, he heard shouting. Directed in their direction. One of Kelica's friends, the shape-shifter guy. He had cake in his hair and on his shirt, and he was shouting at Sora, and Nami was curled up in a ball on Sora's lap, with Sora's arms wrapped around her protectively. A frown grew on his face when he realised it was the guy who had shouted that awful cow pun during Kelica's turn. He could only assume that Nami had thrown something, probably the cake, at the shape-shifter, and the shape-shifter was now shouting at Sora for it. Lysander was quite an observant person however, so his assumption was probably correct. When the shape-shifter stormed out, Lysander turned to Sora, and was very much alarmed to see tears forming in her eyes. A crying female. He had no idea how to act around that, especially since it was Sora. His instinct was to immediately comfort her, but he was not sure what to do to be of any comfort.

He watched as Hibiki drew Sora into a hug, wishing that he had the courage to do just that as well. When Hibiki then turned his attention to him and Valken, Lysander nodded, a rather grave expression on his face. "Same to you. I hope things get resolved soon," he said quietly. "At least, before the tournament starts." As for whether Lysander himself would join the tournament... he was not so sure. He was only an A-class mage, and compared to all the feats of strength displayed before him in the Fairy Tail guild, he felt rather mediocre. Perhaps it would be better for Lamia Scale if he did not join in, he did not want to humiliate his guild.

After Hibiki left, with the invitation for Sora to follow him, Lysander turned to Sora rather hesitantly. Gently, he allowed their hands to touch; she did not seem to mind that at least. "Do you and Nami want to follow him?" he asked quietly. "I can go with you if you like. Or would you prefer for me to stay here? That guy from earlier... I don't think he would react positively if he was confronted by a crowd of people."

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Zuka
Auren Sol

Ren had soon gotten bored of just standing around. He had no interest in watching the contestants of the Miss Fibre contest since, well, he just wasn't into it., in more ways than one mind you. He decided to walk around the area, searching for anyone that might humor him for a while. Unfortunately most of the audience seemed to be caught up in watching the show or socializing so they likely wouldn't want to be bothered by his company. After a while, he finally saw an individual who appeared to be in a bit of a darker mood. The young woman had this look about her that suggested she rarely smiled, if at all. Well, that was about to change with a little of his charm. Putting on a warm smile, he approached her casually.

"Good evening! I couldn't help but notice that you appeared to be a bit under the weather. If you'd humor me, I can show you a little magic trick that's sure to put a smile on your face!" he said enthusiastically

(He's talking to Mizuki)


Sabrina---Ms. Fiore Constest

"Thanks Kelica...I really appreciate it." Sabrina said. She jumped off of Chris once he stopped and turned around and waited for Kelica to disembark. Meanwhile, she once again held her bag tightly in her arms. It was quite a ride, being on Chris' back, although it was quite fun and relaxing. Boy oh boy is Kelica a lucky girl.

@Isune @Zuka
The entire time Alicia was performing, Mizuki had her eyes trained on the judge with intense eyes. She seemed to be staring into his soul with an evil look as if she was threatening him. If Alicia didn't win, that Judge would be in for a world of hurt. Soon the short girls time ended and she returned to the dark Mage, who looked down at her with a look lacking most evil. "That went wonderful Alicia. Truly the best one there." She said, taking a small step back. She was actually lying and thought that Maya's performance was the best, or the ribbon girl, however she didn't dare say so. "You blew everyone out of the water."

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her, and upon turning she saw someone standing there, a male. Obviously this was a problem seeing that she was still in her swimsuit, something she didn't want anyone seeing up close. Mizuki summoned her four shadowy limbs which began to cover up the majority of her body. What the man wanted she didn't know, but it better be good. "I don't need you to cheer me up. I'm perfectly happy." She said in her signature gloomy and monotone voice, casting a mean look at him.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98
Drakerus said:
Auren Sol

Ren had soon gotten bored of just standing around. He had no interest in watching the contestants of the Miss Fibre contest since, well, he just wasn't into it., in more ways than one mind you. He decided to walk around the area, searching for anyone that might humor him for a while. Unfortunately most of the audience seemed to be caught up in watching the show or socializing so they likely wouldn't want to be bothered by his company. After a while, he finally saw an individual who appeared to be in a bit of a darker mood. The young woman had this look about her that suggested she rarely smiled, if at all. Well, that was about to change with a little of his charm. Putting on a warm smile, he approached her casually.

"Good evening! I couldn't help but notice that you appeared to be a bit under the weather. If you'd humor me, I can show you a little magic trick that's sure to put a smile on your face!" he said enthusiastically

(He's talking to Mizuki)

Kayzo said:
The entire time Alicia was performing, Mizuki had her eyes trained on the judge with intense eyes. She seemed to be staring into his soul with an evil look as if she was threatening him. If Alicia didn't win, that Judge would be in for a world of hurt. Soon the short girls time ended and she returned to the dark Mage, who looked down at her with a look lacking most evil. "That went wonderful Alicia. Truly the best one there." She said, taking a small step back. She was actually lying and thought that Maya's performance was the best, or the ribbon girl, however she didn't dare say so. "You blew everyone out of the water."

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her, and upon turning she saw someone standing there, a male. Obviously this was a problem seeing that she was still in her swimsuit, something she didn't want anyone seeing up close. Mizuki summoned her four shadowy limbs which began to cover up the majority of her body. What the man wanted she didn't know, but it better be good. "I don't need you to cheer me up. I'm perfectly happy." She said in her signature gloomy and monotone voice, casting a mean look at him.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Backstage

Alicia smiled happily at Mizuki's words. "Yay! I'm sure I didn't do better than you though. You were all cool and confident, you didn't even need a nagic act!" She told her excitedly, she wanted to hug her but remembered that she didn't like hugs for some reason. She hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings when Auren had walked up, so when he walked up and started talking she let out a small squeak of surprise and ran behind Mizuki startled by his sudden and loud appearance.

She peeked out from behind her slightly as the conversation unfolded, walking out from her altogether as she realized he wasn't a threat. She couldn't help but giggle at Mizuki's reaction, she knew she was far from happy, especially after the guy had saw her in her bikini. She didn't understand it but for some reason Mizuki disliked it, meanwhile Alicia was perfectly comfortable with people seeing her in hers.

Aww, c'mon Mizuki I wanna see what he can do. It can't be that bad. Please?" She asked her. "If it is you can keep all of the jewels from the mission when we go later." She added.
Mizuki looked down at Alicia as she begged to see whatever the guy could do. She was quite curious herself to know what magic he may have that's so important. Hopefully it didn't hurt her little friend. "Fine. But I'm not paying you. And if this hurts me in any way you're a dead man." She warned, glaring at him. "Now hurry up."

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
Auren Sol

With a big smile, Ren took out a piece of paper and a wand of sorts from his pockets. He then began to quickly draw a Sigil on the paper by creating lines made from his his own mana via the wand. After about a minute, he put the wand back in his pocket and presented the completed drawing to Mizuki.

"Ok. I want you to put your hand on the symbol I've drawn. Once you've done that you that you have to picture an object in your mind." he explained enthusiastically. The Sigil he'd drawn was supposed to be a Mirage sigil. Capable of manifesting a single illusionary object or setting depending on how big the Sigil is. Unfortunately, he failed to notice the single seemingly insignificant mistake he'd made in the drawing. One that would completely change the effect of the Sigil once he activated it.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
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