Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maestre - Magnolia

Lyra's eyes slipped down at the hoarse greeting from below, blinking quite rapidly. Well that was fast... She thought to herself, a sigh of relief being heard in response, happy to know the stranger was okay. It was her who had put him to sleep but from the looks of the scenario it was probably best that she had taken that course of action. " How're you feeling? " A hand moved to his forehead, remaining there to make sure he wasn't hot or anything. It'd seem nobody really knew who he was and that concerned her as well. He could be some crazed person and she was just sitting there letting him use her lap as a pillow, splendid. Her eyes scanned any visible areas to look for a guild mark but there didn't seem to be one, at least where she could see. " And what's your name? Would be nice to know the identity of the man whose head is on my thighs. " Laughing at her own words, they were laced with a teasing tone, not meant to be serious at all and she hoped he didn't take it that way.

Vex: Magnolia Streets

He smiled at her, "I am fine, I commanded my body to heal itself when I felt myself falling a sleep." He rubbed his hand over areas that had been wounded feeling his smooth flesh. "It seems that was the smartest thing I have done all day." His hand had moved from feeling his flesh to fell the fabric he was wear, it was covered in holes. He smiled jokingly at that fact. He then thought about her next question, "my name is VezieVarks Magona, I go by Vex, Varks, or vick." He would have got up but he didn't want to, he felt right on her lap. He was enjoying her company, he hadn't been so close to someone for as long as he could remember. "How about you, do you have a name?" Horus flopped up and hopped onto the girl's shoulder and rubbed his head against her showing his approval.

(Well it is 2 a.m. I might be up for another thirty minutes)
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Lyra Maelstre

" Well that's a neat trick. " She admitted upon hearing he had commanded his body to do something. Lyra wished she had that kind of control over her own emotions but alas, they were a rampant storm at times. Her eyes watched his hand, seemingly following every movement he made with it. It wasn't that she was exactly weary of him, she simply knew to watch out for herself or her teammate would probably scold her for being reckless. " Vezie.. Varks... Vexie! " And Vexie is what the white haired girl was going to stick with, it reminded her of a type of magic trick name and it also had a nice ring to it. A thoughtful hand was brought up to her face, finger hovering idly in the air beside it as she pondered his question for a moment. " Lyrical but I go by Lyra. " She was trying to speak louder but she always had difficulty doing so, silently hating the fact that her voice forever remained at a barely inaudible tone. A head tilt brought her to gaze upon the bird, a silly grin spreading. " I'm glad you're doing alright too. What's your name? " She asked the bird, peering at it curiously, childishly always awed by creatures of any sort.

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Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra found herself running through the streets, an apparent pout plastered to her face as she avoided slamming into people with a quick dash through the air. Her bare feet hardly touched the ground before she was off again, hair rippling quite rhythmically against the wind flowing through it. " HIBI-KUNNNNNNNNN! HIBIIIII-KUN! " The girl called out, well; it was so hushed it was anything but loud even if it was loud by her own personal standards. " My feet hurt, I require your back! " Lyra spoke as if he was within ears reach, actual annoyance crossing her features when she realized he wasn't just going to appear out of thin air. Her soft purple hues fell upon a scene she had almost ran past, a complete turn of her frame causing her direction to steer her towards it. What a scene.... Too much chaos, too much. She didn't want to get involved but between the boy on the ground, and the other with the bleeding eyes, well, that just wasn't festival scenery for kids.

Lyra appeared behind Vex and placed a delicate hand on his head, leaning in to whisper, " I'm sorry but please sleep. " A soft glow emitted from her hand as the sleep spell enacted itself upon him, not giving him any time to react, her arms lightly wrapping around the boy to catch him as he fell unconscious. " What is going on? " Her tone was velvety smooth, gentle, caring, all the aspects of a non-threatening person. It was then that she noticed it was one of her guildmates on the floor, and he appeared to have ticked off quite a few people from the looks of all their faces. " You all are guests here at the festival we're holding, so if you could, for the sake of the others trying to enjoy it... simply go on your way? Some people here need medical attention. " Her body quickly sunk to the ground, still grasping Vex, to lay his head snugly into her lap. " Someone please help his bird. I understand you're all angry but bloodshed is not necessary. " Diffuse the situation Lyra, just diffuse. Hibiki better show up soon or else she would have his head; on a golden platter. Golden.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari
(I don't actually know who's still there, so I'm tagging those that I think are xD )

@Wyatt @Genon

Hibiki Dreyar - Magnolia Streets.

After being alone in the forest meditating for a good hour or so, he realised that it was probably about time he rejoined the land of the living. And so he took his walk to the streets of Magnolia itself. Hibiki wasn't interested in the Ms. Fiore Contest, and so he didn't return to it, plus it was scheduled to end soon so there'd really be no point in going anyway. Looking around, the streets were filled with people from all over Fiore, clearly here the the festivities held annually here in Magnolia. The sight of children enjoying themselves made Hibiki feel happy as well. The Harvest Festival that was held by Fairy Tail was always something that Hibiki enjoyed, and the thought of anyone ruining it made his blood boil. Luckily, no one was like that, and everyone in the guild seemed to get along nicely. Not only that, but nothing bad had decided to surface. Which was good. But upon walking through the streets further, apparently that was all wrong, and Hibiki wasn't expecting it. In actuality, he was pretty furious. "For gods sake.." He huffed as he quickly used his lightning body spell to appear next to Lyra in an instant, the crackling of lightning magical energy emanating from his body when he got there.

"What the hell happened here? And why is there blood everywhere!?" He said, a stern tone in his voice to reflect the anger he held. "I cannot believe something so stupid was happening right on our doorstep." He sighed for a moment, his tone becoming miserable and no longer angry. "What if the tourists saw what happened? They'd only spread negative publicity about us around and there would be no Harvest Festival and I wouldn't be able to forgive anyone for that, guild members or not." Spoke Hibiki, clearly upset more than anything. "What if the children saw? They would be terrified!" His last sentence was spoken with annoyance in his tone, however as he did so he knelt down next to Lyra, and the man with his head in her lap. Noticing the blood on Lyra's clothing he nearly freaked, however contained himself. "Are you hurt?" He asked before continuing. "Also, what the hell happened here?"

Kayzo said:


Ms. Fiore Audience

Grace let out a relieved yet frustrated sigh as Valken left the area. He ruined a wonderful moment between the two and had put her back into a bad mood. First he takes the bed and now he takes away the kiss. She thought sourly, crossing her arms across her chest and staring down into the contest. "I'm sorry about that Masaki. Valken can be very annoying at times." She said, leaning into the taller boy and resting her head on his arm. This was the most physical touching she felt like doing right now, afraid that he might slip out of the shadows and ruin another moment. "We're pretty lucky though. From the way he was talking earlier it seemed he had more planned for us. I think Millie made him forget though." Although Grace was very angry with Valken at the moment, and rightfully so, she had to be very nice around him. She recalled from the previous night in the train that he'd ask Lloyd to promote her to A-Rank Mage, something she desperately wanted. B-Rank wasn't bad, but in a world of S-Rank wizards it was very embarrassing. "Don't bother chasing after him or Anything...."


Ms. Fiore Back Stage

Millie felt Valken's hands shaking in her own, which led to her giving him a questioning look. She could tell that he was getting nervous about something, presumably her comment about being alone. "Valken baby, I was just teasing. We don't have to do anything like what you're thinking yet, unless you want to. I just don't want to put you in a bad or uncomfortable position." She said with a sigh, giving his sweaty shaky hands a comforting squeeze. Millie didn't quite understand why he was so nervous around her. She had never been this close with a guy before yet she seemed to be doing just fine. All she was doing was giving him her all in hopes of making her man happy, yet Valken always seemed so anxious around her. Maybe he was just nervous about messing up? Or maybe he was having an affair!? No. That couldn't be the case! He's loyal to me, I know it! She thought, looking back up into his eyes. "Am I being to touchy? Should I lay off?"

@Zuka @LeSoraAmari
Masaki Yamada: Ms. Fiore Audience.

The red head smiled over to Grace when she began to speak. "You don't need to apologise for your friend, it didn't bother me that much anyway." He shrugged and his face turned sour, what he said was clearly a lie as it did bother him. The fact that this 'Valken' thought he could intrude on them like that, AND practically crush his shoulder left a sour taste in the boys mouth. First impressions were everything, and Valken didn't exactly deliver a good one. When Grace rested her head on his shoulder Masaki couldn't help but smile, the temptation to bring his arm around her and pull her into a hug was potent. And due to that, he decided to pluck up the confidence and do it. Bringing his arm around Grace, Masaki held her closer to him in a comfortable way. "I'm not going to go after him, I'm here with you." He said before continuing, "And you think he had things planned for us? What like?" He said, a slight laugh coming out of his mouth as he smiled. He felt so comfortable around Grace and to be honest, there was nowhere he'd rather be than with her, much like he was now.

(I'll post for Maya later today)
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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets

Ryu followed behind Kim as she dragged him along. The active expenditure of magic had ceased, but traces still lingered and that worried him. "Can you tell who was using the magic?" He asked Kim. "And do you know if it is a real fight or just sparring?" He hoped it would turn out to be the latter, but he had a sinking suspicion that it wouldn't be so simple.

Kim stopped in her tracks. They where to far away from the clusterfuck to actually do something. " Unless someone spares with excessive amounts of magic then it was a fight. And a large one at that. I can't tell who used the magic." Kims arms and the left side of her face turned purple. Her hair floated up while her body naturally absorbed the large amounts of flux in the city. Once there was no more her skin arm and face went back to their normal pale color. " Sorry about that, when mages fight like that it's hard not to absorb flux. "

Zuka said:
Valken - Miss Fiore Backstage - Please don't cry Millie
Millie pulled away slightly. That was normal. She was close to tears... that was normal. She didn't slap him... that was, not normal. Though not surprising. But.. did he still love her? He didn't expect that question.

His face was unreadable once more. He thought about her often while away in Crocus with Grace, he had lent her his scarf to disfuse the situation, but then refused to take it back. He had surprised her, kissed her and... that had felt good....he still thought of it when his mind was blank. He had watched the half naked girls on stage, but none had a bar on her in his mind. Did he?

It was a loaded question, he needed time to think but she was right there, watching him, waiting for an answer. He decided for the first time in his life to go with his gut, not his head.

"I don't want you to leave, Millie." He said in a serious tone. "You're the only person who hasn't palmed me off as some arrogant, annoying bug. Truthfully, I talk the talk, not walk the walk. I was always the lonely, funny guy. The people laughed at, the centre of the room but centre of nothing. No one ever took me seriously, just rolled their eyes, pushed me away. I was used to it... but you didn't. Even if it was a prank it was the first time someone wanted to touch me without freaking out about my scares, or my daggers....I work in the shadows, on my own. I lighten the room, then disappear. But you kept me in light... I.. really am sorry Millie."

He said with a sag in his shoulders.

LeSoraAmari said:
(I don't actually know who's still there, so I'm tagging those that I think are xD )
@Wyatt @Genon

Hibiki Dreyar - Magnolia Streets.

After being alone in the forest meditating for a good hour or so, he realised that it was probably about time he rejoined the land of the living. And so he took his walk to the streets of Magnolia itself. Hibiki wasn't interested in the Ms. Fiore Contest, and so he didn't return to it, plus it was scheduled to end soon so there'd really be no point in going anyway. Looking around, the streets were filled with people from all over Fiore, clearly here the the festivities held annually here in Magnolia. The sight of children enjoying themselves made Hibiki feel happy as well. The Harvest Festival that was held by Fairy Tail was always something that Hibiki enjoyed, and the thought of anyone ruining it made his blood boil. Luckily, no one was like that, and everyone in the guild seemed to get along nicely. Not only that, but nothing bad had decided to surface. Which was good. But upon walking through the streets further, apparently that was all wrong, and Hibiki wasn't expecting it. In actuality, he was pretty furious. "For gods sake.." He huffed as he quickly used his lightning body spell to appear next to Lyra in an instant, the crackling of lightning magical energy emanating from his body when he got there.

"What the hell happened here? And why is there blood everywhere!?" He said, a stern tone in his voice to reflect the anger he held. "I cannot believe something so stupid was happening right on our doorstep." He sighed for a moment, his tone becoming miserable and no longer angry. "What if the tourists saw what happened? They'd only spread negative publicity about us around and there would be no Harvest Festival and I wouldn't be able to forgive anyone for that, guild members or not." Spoke Hibiki, clearly upset more than anything. "What if the children saw? They would be terrified!" His last sentence was spoken with annoyance in his tone, however as he did so he knelt down next to Lyra, and the man with his head in her lap. Noticing the blood on Lyra's clothing he nearly freaked, however contained himself. "Are you hurt?" He asked before continuing. "Also, what the hell happened here?"

Masaki Yamada: Ms. Fiore Audience.

The red head smiled over to Grace when she began to speak. "You don't need to apologise for your friend, it didn't bother me that much anyway." He shrugged and his face turned sour, what he said was clearly a lie as it did bother him. The fact that this 'Valken' thought he could intrude on them like that, AND practically crush his shoulder left a sour taste in the boys mouth. First impressions were everything, and Valken didn't exactly deliver a good one. When Grace rested her head on his shoulder Masaki couldn't help but smile, the temptation to bring his arm around her and pull her into a hug was potent. And due to that, he decided to pluck up the confidence and do it. Bringing his arm around Grace, Masaki held her closer to him in a comfortable way. "I'm not going to go after him, I'm here with you." He said before continuing, "And you think he had things planned for us? What like?" He said, a slight laugh coming out of his mouth as he smiled. He felt so comfortable around Grace and to be honest, there was nowhere he'd rather be than with her, much like he was now.

(I'll post for Maya later today)
Millie didn't bother regarding anything Ferra just said to her, her focus 100 percent on the man on front of her. She was a little made at the little girl, but soon enough she'd forgive and forget. Most likely forget before forgive. Her saddened eyes drifted up to look at Valken's face, the lack of emotion quite terrifying. Maybe he really didn't love her all this time and everything he said or did was just to keep her from finding out. That did make sense considering that he left for Magnolia with Grace instead of herself, but every part of her hoped that this wasn't true. It had been a great deal of time before Valken spoke, making Millie fear the worst, but his words said otherwise. She had no idea how much she actually meant to him, even if their relationship was just a prank, and it filled her with hope.

"I don't want you to leave me either Valken. You've made my life better than it ever has been, and I can't thank you enough." She said with a sniffle, wiping the tears from her eyes once again. "So please Valken, take me back!"

Grace sighed happily as Masaki wrapped his arms around her and brought her into a much more comfortable position. Her body shifted around a bit to fit his frame more as well as snuggling up to him in the process. Only a few minutes ago she didn't want to do much touching, but look at her now, she couldn't get enough. When asked about what Valken had in store for them, the short girl had to stop and think for a minute. She actually had no clue what he would pull on them, but surely it would be something sneaky. "He'd do something stupid, like use the shadows to steal stuff from our rooms, or drop something on us, or pull your pants down. I really don't know, but be on the lookout. I'd like to see him try to come out of the shadows so I could stomp his stupid face." She said in a bit of an angry tone, stomping her foot against the ground before signing. "But don't worry, after th contest I'll tell Millie to keep him by her side. If anyone can control Valken it's her..."

Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre

" Well that's a neat trick. " She admitted upon hearing he had commanded his body to do something. Lyra wished she had that kind of control over her own emotions but alas, they were a rampant storm at times. Her eyes watched his hand, seemingly following every movement he made with it. It wasn't that she was exactly weary of him, she simply knew to watch out for herself or her teammate would probably scold her for being reckless. " Vezie.. Varks... Vexie! " And Vexie is what the white haired girl was going to stick with, it reminded her of a type of magic trick name and it also had a nice ring to it. A thoughtful hand was brought up to her face, finger hovering idly in the air beside it as she pondered his question for a moment. " Lyrical but I go by Lyra. " She was trying to speak louder but she always had difficulty doing so, silently hating the fact that her voice forever remained at a barely inaudible tone. A head tilt brought her to gaze upon the bird, a silly grin spreading. " I'm glad you're doing alright too. What's your name? " She asked the bird, peering at it curiously, childishly always awed by creatures of any sort.

LeSoraAmari said:
(I don't actually know who's still there, so I'm tagging those that I think are xD )
@Wyatt @Genon

Hibiki Dreyar - Magnolia Streets.

After being alone in the forest meditating for a good hour or so, he realised that it was probably about time he rejoined the land of the living. And so he took his walk to the streets of Magnolia itself. Hibiki wasn't interested in the Ms. Fiore Contest, and so he didn't return to it, plus it was scheduled to end soon so there'd really be no point in going anyway. Looking around, the streets were filled with people from all over Fiore, clearly here the the festivities held annually here in Magnolia. The sight of children enjoying themselves made Hibiki feel happy as well. The Harvest Festival that was held by Fairy Tail was always something that Hibiki enjoyed, and the thought of anyone ruining it made his blood boil. Luckily, no one was like that, and everyone in the guild seemed to get along nicely. Not only that, but nothing bad had decided to surface. Which was good. But upon walking through the streets further, apparently that was all wrong, and Hibiki wasn't expecting it. In actuality, he was pretty furious. "For gods sake.." He huffed as he quickly used his lightning body spell to appear next to Lyra in an instant, the crackling of lightning magical energy emanating from his body when he got there.

"What the hell happened here? And why is there blood everywhere!?" He said, a stern tone in his voice to reflect the anger he held. "I cannot believe something so stupid was happening right on our doorstep." He sighed for a moment, his tone becoming miserable and no longer angry. "What if the tourists saw what happened? They'd only spread negative publicity about us around and there would be no Harvest Festival and I wouldn't be able to forgive anyone for that, guild members or not." Spoke Hibiki, clearly upset more than anything. "What if the children saw? They would be terrified!" His last sentence was spoken with annoyance in his tone, however as he did so he knelt down next to Lyra, and the man with his head in her lap. Noticing the blood on Lyra's clothing he nearly freaked, however contained himself. "Are you hurt?" He asked before continuing. "Also, what the hell happened here?"

Masaki Yamada: Ms. Fiore Audience.

The red head smiled over to Grace when she began to speak. "You don't need to apologise for your friend, it didn't bother me that much anyway." He shrugged and his face turned sour, what he said was clearly a lie as it did bother him. The fact that this 'Valken' thought he could intrude on them like that, AND practically crush his shoulder left a sour taste in the boys mouth. First impressions were everything, and Valken didn't exactly deliver a good one. When Grace rested her head on his shoulder Masaki couldn't help but smile, the temptation to bring his arm around her and pull her into a hug was potent. And due to that, he decided to pluck up the confidence and do it. Bringing his arm around Grace, Masaki held her closer to him in a comfortable way. "I'm not going to go after him, I'm here with you." He said before continuing, "And you think he had things planned for us? What like?" He said, a slight laugh coming out of his mouth as he smiled. He felt so comfortable around Grace and to be honest, there was nowhere he'd rather be than with her, much like he was now.

(I'll post for Maya later today)
Vex: Magnolia Streets

"Thats a pretty name, and I am sure it is fitting." He was calling her beautiful, even if he couldn't see her he felt that she must have been. "The bird is Horus, he is my seeing eye bird. He helps me get around, although sometimes he has tamper tantrums." When the new man appeared Vex didn't bother turning his head to look at since it would do no good. "A man, I think his name was Alfie, he began shooting arrows at random. He hurt both me and my bird, nearly killing Horus. He also hurt a little girl and he wanted to kill a women. He for some reason fell down and I wanted to permanently end him but I fell unconscious. I think Lyra came about that time."
Eias Baole- magnolia streets

She made it a few meters away from everybody when her song came to an end. She opened her eyes slowly to part with the bliss nicely. As she opened, there was two less people and the rest didn't look any better or worse. O-oh... She said in a very quiet and disappointed voice. Different cultures means different coping styles if that's what they were doing.

It took a moment before she realized she had blatantly walked up to a group of strangers whom had a fight not too long ago. Her eyes shifted back and forth and nervousness set it. A fight can be fun if it's in good health. Where it's just to have fun and you can show off your skill.

No one seemed to be paying attention to her. She took a step back before turning around with an embarrassed red face. She walked away, hoping to put that experience behind her. She should check out more things in magnolia. Like the guild hall or other attractions. She even heard about a friendly fight. That could be fun. It would definitely give her some from of inspiration.
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Kayzo said:
Mizuki looked surprised as Alicia cuddled up to the dark Mage, her many arms trying to put a little space between them, but failing to do so. There was no way she could push her away at a time like this and risk hurting her feelings. She looked even more surprised and annoyed when she nuzzled her cheek, Mizuki closing both of her eyes and waiting for her to finish up. No ones touched her face like that in such a long time that it felt strange against her soft cheeks. "I'm only looking out for you. No need for thanks." However Alicia wasn't done yet, and what she said next really room the cake. When Alicia told Mizuki that she loved her, the shadowy lady's face grew a look of great surprise. Not like her resting face, but an actual shocked expression, eyes wide and face blushing. Not once in her life has anyone told Mizuki that they loved her, the words foreign to her. Yet it felt extremely nice to know that someone geniunely did care for her in this world. "I...love you too..." She said, cringing as she spoke those words. It seemed that Alicia had fallen asleep and hopefully hadn't heard those words, but no one could tell. Gently picking her up, she used all six arms to comfortably carry her away towards the room she was renting out. Mizuki thought it'd be best for Alicia to sleep in an actual bed, and it would give her a chance to change out of the swimsuit.
The walk wasn't far, only taking a couple of minutes by gliding there. Mizuki used one hand to open the door before walking into the nearly pitch black room, laying Alicia on the bed and covering her up.
"Sleep tight." She said before walking into the bathroom to change into her normal attire.

@Mitchs98 )last post, I'm about to pass out.)
Alicia: Mizuki's Room

Alicia had actually heard her say she loved her back, evidence of the fact in the form of a small smile on her face. She slept the entire walk to the room, whining slightly when she was pulled from Mizuki and placed on the bed, she was very comfortable using Mizuki as a pillow after all. At first she slept peacefully despite the death threat, dreaming of what seemed to be her birthday with Mizuki baking her an actual edible cake. She knew it was a dream due to the act Mizuki was actually outwardly showing she was happy.

Her good dream soon turned into a nightmare as eventually Alfie appeared out of seemingly no where. First he killed Mizuki, but only due to the fact she had used herself to shield from his attacks. She always seemed to forget the girl could cast barriers around herself and others. Of course, he didn't stop there. Once Mizuki was dead he came for her. She tried to run but failed and got shot with several arrows, one in the leg and two in her back.

She cried out in pain and slumped onto the ground, she tried to crawl away but it didn't exactly work. In the end he killed her with multiple arrows. At that point Alicia woke up with tears streaming down her face. She didn't care about herself so much as she did Mizuki. She knew if she stayed near Mizuki that Alfie would kill her too if she saw her. Wiping her eyes she slowly got out of bed as silently as she could. She'd make a quick stop at the contest to change and then leave, she couldn't endanger Mizuki.

She opened the door slowly, just enough for her to slip her small frame past, and then exited onto the streets. It shouldn't be too hard to find the contest, at-least she thought so.


@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @PeteTSs @Isune @Mr Swiftshots @Salt Lord

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

First electricity, now water. People were determined to kill Bob somehow. Nonetheless he clapped for Ophelia. "A wonderful performance by Ophelia! Next up is the reigning champion Clair Fernandez!" He announced.
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Bikini Contest

He spared another glance at the lad as he passed a drink to Kelica. He still wasn't sure how to feel about such a young girl drinking, especially not the quantity she was downing. Even so he continued to hold his tongue, instead choosing to focus his attention back on the girl. She was showing the tell-tale signs of intoxication. If she kept going at her current pace she'd be out cold soon enough. However, what truly caught his attention was what she said in response to his remark on the tournament. He couldn't help but cock a brow as he peered down at her. It was readily apparent to him that she had grossly misinterpreted what he had said. He allowed it to sink in for a few moments before letting out a small chuckle, shaking his head from side to side. "You misunderstood, Miss Kelica. I am not forgoing participation because I am weak. I am forgoing participation because it would be unfair for a Guild Master to enter a tournament."


Sabrina---Ms. Fiore Contest

Sabrina had never drunken before, as it was always water or juice. Smiling and looking over at the rest of the room, she noticed that Kelica had become drunk. Oh boy... She thought, shaking her head. From her two years worth of travel, she never really understood why being drunk is so great. All she could think about is the fact that being drunk just makes you sloppy and screws up your capability of thinking straight. "Hey, Chris. Do you think we should take Kelica to somewhere less crowded now that she's drunk?"

@Isune @Zuka

Auren Sol

Ren was a bit startled at the flash of light but in the end, he found it fascinating rather than scary. After all, he was used to bright lights. The boy then gave a bright smile as he came up with something witty to say.

"Actually, what you said was," he paused to clear his throat,"Don't expect ta be seein' me again aft'r this, cabin boy!" he mimicked, butchering the accent so badly it was hilarious.

"And, i didn't expect to see you again but, here we are. Besides, I have been known to irritate people without trying so...yeah, you're stuck with me I guess." he said gesturing with his arms to the situation.
Yuna :Mangolia Streets (Sorta... She's jumping bulidings.)

Well that was intresting. I'm going to go back to the biniki contest. At least i got some sounds in.

Yuna goes to leave and starts is running across the building tops to get back faster. Along the way she blares some music, some random artist she found in a store the other day, Vex something.

Although his lyrics kinda suck the sound is good. I wonder if he's in town today; I'd like to ask him where he got the idea.

All of a sudden she stops to see a large gap between buildings. Since Yuna can be very lazy, she uses her unquie abilty with the speed of her music to make it her speed. she runs back and the runs forward to make the jump.

YESSSS im going to mak-

All of a sudden her headphones burn out causing her to drop at the half way point and fall directly on top of no other then the person she was listening to, VEX MANGOA.


Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Mizuki's RoomAlicia had actually heard her say she loved her back, evidence of the fact in the form of a small smile on her face. She slept the entire walk to the room, whining slightly when she was pulled from Mizuki and placed on the bed, she was very comfortable using Mizuki as a pillow after all. At first she slept peacefully despite the death threat, dreaming of what seemed to be her birthday with Mizuki baking her an actual edible cake. She knew it was a dream due to the act Mizuki was actually outwardly showing she was happy.

Her good dream soon turned into a nightmare as eventually Alfie appeared out of seemingly no where. First he killed Mizuki, but only due to the fact she had used herself to shield from his attacks. She always seemed to forget the girl could cast barriers around herself and others. Of course, he didn't stop there. Once Mizuki was dead he came for her. She tried to run but failed and got shot with several arrows, one in the leg and two in her back.

She cried out in pain and slumped onto the ground, she tried to crawl away but it didn't exactly work. In the end he killed her with multiple arrows. At that point Alicia woke up with tears streaming down her face. She didn't care about herself so much as she did Mizuki. She knew if she stayed near Mizuki that Alfie would kill her too if she saw her. Wiping her eyes she slowly got out of bed as silently as she could. She'd make a quick stop at the contest to change and then leave, she couldn't endanger Mizuki.

She opened the door slowly, just enough for her to slip her small frame past, and then exited onto the streets. It shouldn't be too hard to find the contest, at-least she thought so.


@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Zuka @PeteTSs @Isune @Mr Swiftshots @Salt Lord

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

First electricity, now water. People were determined to kill Bob somehow. Nonetheless he clapped for Ophelia. "A wonderful performance by Ophelia! Next up is the reigning champion Clair Fernandez!" He announced.

Clair Fernandes : Fairy tail / 4th wizard saint

Clair jumped out of her skin when her name was called by bob , this was it her life was surely over.If Clair won the competition she would need to do the dalm wizard weekly shoot again but if she lost the competition ....well she would have lost to an old woman. This truly was the worst position she had ever found herself in.

Clair exhaled sharply before turning on her heel , she then made her way on stage with a smile. Clair took center stage still fully dressed in her casual clothing which confused the audience to begin with however all was made clear shortly after.Clair raised her hands in the air ,arched her back and started reequipping.Shortly after doing so she stood boldly in her legendary swimsuit striking quite an exotic pose that showed off her figure perfectly. This was by far the most gutsy move she had ever made in the competition in fact she could hardly believe she had it in her. For her final move Clair bent over , puffed up her chest and winked at Bob ,trying to make up the fact that he had been brutally attacked by the audience."thank you very much for your time!".

With that Clair reequipped back into her casual wear and exited.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_18-23-33.jpeg.4c64f04f9a8ad18bd310d24736d45091.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-28_18-23-33.jpeg.4c64f04f9a8ad18bd310d24736d45091.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Chris Lengheart(Slowly trying to drag Kelica away from the bar)

Chris nodded at Sabrina, it'd probably be best if they took her home. At this point, Chris was honestly starting to doubt that Kelica would win. She was his girlfriend, and he supported her all the way but with all the participants it seemed Kelica's chance was disappearing. He walked over to Kelica and put an arm around her shoulder,"Come on Kelica, how about we take you home so you can lay down. I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I just let you sit out here drunk."

@PeteTSs @Zuka @Colt556 ((Basically cutting ya'll conversation short xD ))
Kelica - Miss Fiore Contest Bar

Kelica's cheeks were rosy but she was still holding herself up well. The girl could hold her liquor it seemed, especially when it came to ale. She noticed Gilad continually watch her, maybe he assumed she was younger then she was? "I'm 21years old!" She declared suddenly, and with no real context; that's what ale does to you however.

When she heard Gilad mention she had misunderstood, her whole body seemed to turn to face him.

Her face paled.

Guild Master?

Another one?

That was two she had spoken to without any prior knowledge. She realised how awkward she had sounded earlier, the flood of questions, the hug...

"I ah...didn't realise... I'm sorry..." She finally whispered, almost trembling. She heard Chris tell the barmaid no more, and to be fair she didn't mind. She'd made enough of a fool of herself without the alcohol affecting her. She was always so momentary. Impulsive. And once again she'd put herself in a pickle. She felt Chris's arm around her, pulling her gently off the seat. Making a quick cutsy to Gilad though still unnerved. "Thank you for your time Sir Arcturus... maybe I'll see you in the stands at the tournament tomorrow?"

@Isune @PeteTSs @Colt556
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Lysander - On top of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander tensed immediately the moment Sora asked if everything was all right He had been so caught up in that beautiful moment with Sora that he had not been paying attention to his surroundings like he usually did. Yet with his arm around Sora, the sensation of having her running her fingers through his hair... he could barely think, much less, see anything going on in his surroundings. Her hands were so gentle, it reminded him of back when he was much younger, and as a result he had ended up bowing his head, relaxing completely, like a small child, really.

And when she touched his cheeks and told him that she believed in him, while wearing that wide, beautiful smile... he felt as if his heart would burst. He could not even believe in himself sometimes and yet here was someone he had met barely a few hours ago telling him she believed in him, He just... could not comprehend it. His mind went blank, his jaw dropped and he pretty much just stared speechlessly at Sora. He just... felt this insatiable urge to cry. Many times he had been told to believe in himself yet this was one of the very few times someone had told him they believed in him. He had to turn away then, to take a deep breath and squeeze his eyes shut because he knew that the moment he opened them, they would be full of tears again. And... she had called him brave for daring to show his face to the world. He had never really thought of it like that. If he could be brave... just by being himself... could that even be possible? To not hide? He just... did not know. His eyes had burned behind his closed eyelids and he just... did not know.

"Erm... maybe we should go down and check?" He suggested, quickly glancing around to see if there had been anything he missed. He did not see anything amiss, but he had probably missed out on seeing what it was that had started Sora. The mood had been spoilt and he was disappointed about that, but relieved at the same time. Because he did not want Sora to see him cry and he knew that if that line of conversation continued, he would break down in tears sooner or later. As it was, he had to blink his eyes a few times to get rid of that wateriness in them. He did not stand up just yet though he remained tense and ready to follow Sora.

It was then that he saw a figure approaching. He waited to see if the figure was aiming for them and sure enough, it was. By that time, it was closer enough for Lysander to recognize him as the mage that he had spoken to much earlier in the day, when he first approached the Fairy Tail Guild hall for permission to visit it. The one that had told him that the second and third floor were off limites. He frowned slightly. So much had happened since that time... it felt like it had happened days ago instead of a few hours ago.

Lysander remained silent as the other mage addressed Sora, not him. Perhaps they were in the same guild, as he seemed quite familiar with her, though probably not as close as she and Hibiki had been.

@Kyuubey @Arvis90
Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Streets"Thats a pretty name, and I am sure it is fitting." He was calling her beautiful, even if he couldn't see her he felt that she must have been. "The bird is Horus, he is my seeing eye bird. He helps me get around, although sometimes he has tamper tantrums." When the new man appeared Vex didn't bother turning his head to look at since it would do no good. "A man, I think his name was Alfie, he began shooting arrows at random. He hurt both me and my bird, nearly killing Horus. He also hurt a little girl and he wanted to kill a women. He for some reason fell down and I wanted to permanently end him but I fell unconscious. I think Lyra came about that time."


"Oh God," Adrian said as the true horror of his actions came to him. "I had no idea that Alfie could be so heartless." Adrian's fists clenched, and he shook with anger and guilt. "I showed up when the fight was reaching its conclusion, and it looked like the woman was trying to kill him. That gem she was handling? It's his soul. Alfie is a friend of mine, so I jumped in to try and help him, or rather make sure that the woman didn't kill him by shattering it." His look switched to that of determination, and he said, "This isn't like Alfie at all, and I'm going to get to the bottom of his personality shift if it kills me."
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Chris Lengheart(Slowly taking Kelica home)

Chris let out a sigh as Kelica shouted her age. He wrapped his arm around her and slowly began to lead her home, assuming Sabrina would follow suit. "I don't have to carry you home, right?" Chris said with humor in his tone. He only could hope that she'd make it home alright. Frankly, Chris was starting to feel like Kelica's personal steed these past few days. But, Chris could only blame himself since he was the one who always asked Kelica if she wanted him to carry her. Oh well.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
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"Oh God," Adrian said as the true horror of his actions came to him. "I had no idea that Alfie could be so heartless." Adrian's fists clenched, and he shook with anger and guilt. "I showed up when the fight was reaching its conclusion, and it looked like the woman was trying to kill him. That gem she was handling? It's his soul. Alfie is a friend of mine, so I jumped in to try and help him, or rather make sure that the woman didn't kill him by shattering it." His look switched to that of determination, and he said, "This isn't like Alfie at all, and I'm going to get to the bottom of his personality shift if it kills me."
Vex: Magnolia Streets

"Well don't blame yourself, I don't really understand what..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence as someone fell on him. Horus quickly made an escape to make sure he wasn't crushed. She had landed on his stomach and caused him to lose his breath. After he regained his breath he started to speak to the person. "Hello there, have a nice trip?"


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@Genon[/URL] @anyone I missed

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

Bob smiled nervously at Clair as she made her gesture before clearing his throat as she exited. The display of magic wasn't as flashy as others, but it was interesting nonetheless. Regardless he clapped, "Once again the reigning champion Clair Fernandez! Next up is Taylor Fireheart!" He announced.
Mitchs98 said:
@Kayzo @Genon @anyone I missed
Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

Bob smiled nervously at Clair as she made her gesture before clearing his throat as she exited. The display of magic wasn't as flashy as others, but it was interesting nonetheless. Regardless he clapped, "Once again the reigning champion Clair Fernandez! Next up is Taylor Fireheart!" He announced.
"Taylor" was ecstatic and a little nervous. This was her big day, her chance to be accepted by the general public! She walked in front of the curtains with a spring in her step. She decided she was going to use every tool at her disposal to get the gold. First, four doppelgangers appeared, two to her left and two to her right as each struck a rather sexy pose. Each of them was in a different costume along with their bikinis. There was one with angel wings and a halo, one with devil horns and a tail, another with a witch's steeple hat and a grimoire, a wand, and glasses, and the fourth wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. The one in the center, "Taylor" herself, was wearing a top hat and a stereotypical magician's wand (the kind that comes with cheap IRL magic kits, not Fairy Tail ones). She waved the wand in an intricate pattern as hundreds of roses flew towards the crowd, landing mostly in the laps of men. All of the doppelgangers and Taylor struck a second sexy pose, each one holding a different one, and then the four doppelgangers disappeared along with all the roses as "Taylor" stepped behind the curtain as she blew a kiss to the crowd.
Genon said:
"Taylor" was ecstatic and a little nervous. This was her big day, her chance to be accepted by the general public! She walked in front of the curtains with a spring in her step. She decided she was going to use every tool at her disposal to get the gold. First, four doppelgangers appeared, two to her left and two to her right as each struck a rather sexy pose. Each of them was in a different costume along with their bikinis. There was one with angel wings and a halo, one with devil horns and a tail, another with a witch's steeple hat and a grimoire, a wand, and glasses, and the fourth wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. The one in the center, "Taylor" herself, was wearing a top hat and a stereotypical magician's wand (the kind that comes with cheap IRL magic kits, not Fairy Tail ones). She waved the wand in an intricate pattern as hundreds of roses flew towards the crowd, landing mostly in the laps of men. All of the doppelgangers and Taylor struck a second sexy pose, each one holding a different one, and then the four doppelgangers disappeared along with all the roses as "Taylor" stepped behind the curtain as she blew a kiss to the crowd.
@Kayzo @WoodenZebra @anyone I missed

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

So far so good Bob. Only three people left.. He thought to himself before sighing. "An excellent performance, an interesting touch with the dopplegangers!" He spoke. "Next up is Momoki Asada from Fairy Tail!"
Wyatt said:
Vex: Magnolia Streets"Well don't blame yourself, I don't really understand what..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence as someone fell on him. Horus quickly made an escape to make sure he wasn't crushed. She had landed on his stomach and caused him to lose his breath. After he regained his breath he started to speak to the person. "Hello there, have a nice trip?"

@Wyatt @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey [/i]
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Momo went onto stage her brests looking huge. She nodded to herself and started. First Momoki pulled out the heaven and wind cards making windsedge surrounding her in a tornado of wind. She jumped into it spinning and spinning until she reached the top of the tornado and it disappeared. Once it did Momo put her index and middle on her left eye like and arrow going left which was the way she was spinning. Momo spun very fast until she landed on the ground gracfuly and winked at Masaki. She then used icical card making a bunch of large icicles land on the stage. Momo started jumping off of them one by one. As she did this the icicles turned into blue sparkles staying threwout the perfarmance. She then used the sexy lady card making a lot of sexy girls appear with huge brests and form a heart. She also used summoned lightning with prayers fountin and sun strength making three big hearts around the sexy lady one holding Momo in the middle.After that Momo used Explosion cards making a bunch of fireworks when they exploded which together made the Fairy Tail guild mark. Momoki then made the peace sign and this time winked at the crowd. She was done.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim stopped in her tracks. They where to far away from the clusterfuck to actually do something. " Unless someone spares with excessive amounts of magic then it was a fight. And a large one at that. I can't tell who used the magic." Kims arms and the left side of her face turned purple. Her hair floated up while her body naturally absorbed the large amounts of flux in the city. Once there was no more her skin arm and face went back to their normal pale color. " Sorry about that, when mages fight like that it's hard not to absorb flux. "


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets


Ryu smiled softly and shook his head slowly, "No, no, it's quite alright miss Kim." He replied. "Feel free to take as much time as you'd like. I have no more obligations today, that I don't," He said reassuringly. He really didn't mind doing whatever Kim wanted since, as he'd mentioned, he had no further obligations that day. As such, he was free to do as he pleased, which currently was to stay with miss Kim and assist her with whatever she might need, as well as keep an eye out for any further episodes she might have with her flux.

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