Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Bolts said:
Eais Baole@Rhodus

The crowed was getting into it now. Cheer and merry was everywhere. Eais did not notice. She was playing what she felt was right and only focused on that. After a couple of minutes, the song started to fade as it came to an end. Everybody had kept quiet to honor the end of the song. Eais opened her eyes to a crowed staring up at Kim and her. Her face went red and hot. She looked to Kim. Unsure what to do now.
Kim stood up from the piano, she walked over to Eias and took her hand in hers. She raised it above their heads. " Thank you!" She yelled above the loud, mostly drunken cheers and whistles that they received. Even when Kim pulled Eias down form the stage the cheers persisted. She sat down next to Ryu. She raised her hand. " Hey Phil, can I get the ale?!" The ale, of corse was given to her, seemed like Kim had getting stuck on her mind.

WoodenZebra said:
"Okay" Momo said taking
Vex's hand,"Lets go.I'm sure my parents will like you" Momoki said starting to walk."So.How do you fight if you can't see anything.It must be interesting" Momo said

It was alot easier having a person lead him then an attitude filled brid. He smiled when she said her parents would like to meet. "Well most of the time Horus flys in the air and tells me were everything is. When he doesn't I have a power called the sixth sense but it is very destructive to my body. It allows me to see everything for a mile, and it is way more then what our minds can comprehend. I have to know what I am looking for and focus on that, ignoring everything else. One other thing I can do is see magic, and as long as to much hasn't been used I can make my way around."
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Eais stood off to the side of the stage while the next set was going up. She was still blushing. The Baole band would have been so proud to see her up there in lead. Kim had gone and gotten a drink which Eais did not do much. She found a spot near the back to sit at. Blowing bubbles that didn't do anything. They were just regular bubbles. She just wanted to hear the sounds of magnolia for a little while now.

@purplepanda288 @Rhodus
Mitchs98 said:
Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

No sooner than they had arrived were the results tallied. Bob stood and cleared his throat in front of the microphone to get everyones attention. "Without further delay, allow me to announce the top ten contestants for the Ms. Fiore contest as well as the new Ms. Fiore!" He spoke. "In first place, and the new Ms. Fiore, Maya Morne from Lamia Scale!" He announced, of course the crowd clapped but he quickly silenced them. "In second place, Mizuki Kohaku! And in third Cinla Agate, fourth Kelcia Zefara, fifth Taylor Fireheart, sixth Kimberly Lock, seventh Alfie Roderick, eigth Bizma, ninth Ophelia Kaiser, and tenth place Alicia Nefaras!" He continued, managing to get all of the names out in one go but otherwise out of breath.

With that he left the stage, the awards for each place would be given at the end of the festival for convience seeing as the event had went on a bit later than anticipated.


Alicia: Ms. Fiore Contest

Well, she guessed that made more sense now. Being tolerable to pain rather than enjoying it, that'd of just been weird otherwise. Though she felt bad when she mentioned experiencing a lot of pain in her life. "
Of course I'm going to worry about you, you're my best friend Mizuki." She told her. Though she smiled at what she said last, it made her feel good to have someone that cared for her so much after her parents died. "Good. It's a promise then." She replied.

No sooner than they arrived did Bob start announcing the winners, so they'd made it just in time. Alicia shifted so she still had one arm around Mizuki but could still see the stage. She frowned slightly when she hadn't won, she thought for sure she would. Oh well, it was just a contest she'd entered for fun. Nothing really lost. Though she smiled excitedly when it was announced that Mizuki had won 2nd. "
You won Mizuki! You got second place! I knew you'd get a good score!" She told her excitedly before giving her a congratulatory hug.

After a while it was soon announced she'd gotten tenth, it was far from first but it was better than last so she was happy with that. "
Awesome! I got tenth!" She spoke, just as enthusiastically as before. Though now, now her exhaustion was catching up to her. She just wanted to change and go to sleep at this point. Yawning she leaned against Mizuki. "Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to sleep alone.." She asked her. Which was for two reasons, one being the nightmares and the other being if Alfie went so far as to stalk and attack them in their sleep they'd be together to defend each other.
Mizuki patted Alicia's head gently as she stated that they were friends, best friends to be correct. It was nice to know she could call someone her friend even if they were very young. It's something she's never been able to do before. "Yes. A promise it is." She said, placing her on the ground as they arrived. It seemed that everyone was off doing their own little things and she belived that the contest was over and they missed who won the thing, not that she really cared. However the dark Mage was proven wrong when the announcer began to speak. When it was announced that she had placed second in the contest, Mizuki was genuinely surprised. There were much much better performances than hers yet she beat them all? I mean, she does have a pretty nice pair, but she wasn't showing them off to everyone. Maybe they were terrified of what she could and would do to them because of a bad score. Alicia seemed thrilled about it, so that was a good sign. "Yes, I got second place. I would gladly switch places with you however. Your performance was much...cuter than mine." She explained, scratching under her chin like a dog and sighing. When asked if the little one could sleep in the same room as Mizuki, she was a little skeptical. She had one bed, and if they both stayed in it then there would be too much touching. But then again, Alicia was scared out of her mind because of Alfie and was counting on Mizuki to protect her. Letting out a little sigh she nodded slightly and spoke. "I suppose so. If it makes you feel safe..."

Eighth place....like last year....not bad for someone who hates this stuff. Oh, well. I need the money. Bizma walked away, smiling calmly. She was excited for the tournament, even considering entering. She sighed a bit, then realized, she was still in her bikini. And boys were gawking at her! People.....staring.......scary......RUN! And she did, her face the color of a tomato.
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Magnolia

The emotions being held back from Lysander made Sora want to wrap her arms around him, simply just to comfort him. He seemed torn and unsure of himself when in reality, he should be anything but that. Perhaps experiences had made him less confident in himself and his abilities. A frown slipped onto her expression as she silently vowed to change that mindset of his, no matter what it took. The petite girl had enough confidence for the both of them and one day he'd stand proudly, she'd see to it personally, regardless if she got to stand by his side or not. As he turned away, Sora sighed softly and gazed out towards the festival, unsure if consoling him would hurt his pride. If he didn't want to be seen teary eyed then she'd respect that, after-all her own tears were not one she allowed to flow freely in the times they had ever dared to spill.

Her fingers idly hovered over the hand present on her shoulder, questioning whether the physical touch would be wanted though in the end she let her hand drop, eyes doing the same. " Maybe. " It was an automatic answer to his statement. Relief coursed through her since he had finally spoken, his reasons for turning away hopefully not entirely her fault but it'd be silly to ask. " Hey Lysander, when you doubt yourself, just remember that someone has faith in you. I hope that's enough to push you through it. " Her voice remained soft and gentle, eyes brimming with their own tears from the sincerity of the emotion behind them. If only she could be enough in the future, if only.

It was only a matter of time before someone approached them and it happened to be no other than Jaymes, another dragon slayer mage. He wasn't exactly quiet with his means of coming within earshot of them and she slid her hues over to peer at him curiously, listening to him calling out. Interrupting? Of course not, she wasn't physically so close to Lysander that if she concentrated she could probably hear his heart fluttering. Not interrupting at all. " Greetings Jaymes. " Her head tilted to the side at his inquiry, hair sliding into her view once again. Teach him her magic? Her thoughts went into a deeper place in her mind, the past flashing before her. Her magic was special, unique, a gift from Wendy. All the memories associated with her own learning of it were intense ones; sad, exhausting, enduring, full of hardship, painful, exciting, thrilling, and even with some loss. To share this with someone else almost seemed like a weird betrayal of the special-ness that it left her with after losing her grandmother. " I.... " Sora choked up, hair fluttering about as the wind picked up. " Just give me some time on my answer, I don't have one right now.. " Her words fell agonizingly slowly from her lips, void of emotion, her eyes almost sharing the emptiness.

There was too much scenery flashing in her head and even around her now, daring to pull her under. It happened quite suddenly, strands turning pink along with those empty eyes, attire changing drastically to emphasis the transformation. She looked sad but fierce at the same time as she gazed at Lysander, eyes offering an apology as her arms slipped around his frame and they disappeared from the rooftop in a split second. Sora wasn't teleporting, her movements were just so fast that one wouldn't be able to easily track them, and they soon brought her to stand before Maya. " Please take care of him. " Her arms didn't seem to want to let the man go but she forced herself to release her grip, fingertips lightly brushing against his hand as she disappeared from sight, knowing not to linger when Maya would possibly stop her. " I'll find you tomorrow. " Her words fell upon his ears after she'd left and appeared at home to crash face first onto her bed, the pink fading.

Great, Maya was going to worry, Lysander was going to think she was unstable, and Jaymes probably had no clue why she'd reacted that way to such a simple question. Her small fingers curled about one of the many pillows beside her as she tugged it closer and held onto it tightly. There was something dark in her childhood and remembering it just wasn't something she was capable of, anytime it was even remotely brought up all she could register from it was the emotions that had shaken her. That was her own doing though as she'd deposited the memory into a memory days book so she'd never have to remember that day ever again unless she wanted to. Experiencing so much in a singular day was mentally taxing, exhausting, yet... as she slid her eyes to a close to drift off to sleep, Lysander floated to the front of her thoughts and vanquished the negative ones. Maybe she needed him just as much as it might seem he needed her.

@HuorSpinks @femjapanriceball

Contest Announcer Bob: Ms. Fiore Contest

No sooner than they had arrived were the results tallied. Bob stood and cleared his throat in front of the microphone to get everyones attention. "Without further delay, allow me to announce the top ten contestants for the Ms. Fiore contest as well as the new Ms. Fiore!" He spoke. "In first place, and the new Ms. Fiore, Maya Morne from Lamia Scale!" He announced, of course the crowd clapped but he quickly silenced them. "In second place, Mizuki Kohaku! And in third Cinla Agate, fourth Kelcia Zefara, fifth Taylor Fireheart, sixth Kimberly Lock, seventh Alfie Roderick, eigth Bizma, ninth Ophelia Kaiser, and tenth place Alicia Nefaras!" He continued, managing to get all of the names out in one go but otherwise out of breath.

With that he left the stage, the awards for each place would be given at the end of the festival for convience seeing as the event had went on a bit later than anticipated.

Maya Morne- 5th Wizard Saint AND THE NEW MS.FIORE HAH BYE ERZA'S LEGACY~~~~~

Maya wanted to hug Millie quite fiercely. The girl looked like she was about to unleash a river full of tears. What had happened, had Valken upset her? The thought angered Maya but she dismissed it as soon as Sora appeared in front of her, Lysander in her arms. Wasn't the man meant to carry the woman? Maya looked at Sora with evident concern on her face as the blue haired dragon slayer took off yet again. "Lysander, what the hell is happening?" She said rather sternly. "She looked upset, you better not have upset her otherwise I'll beat your hide into next year." Maya's anger was slowly building up, however she was relatively calm this time. She sighed, calming down completely as she continued. "Never mind, I'll just go and find her later. I'll make her tell me everything." She chuckled slightly, and then Bob the announcer called out the results of the competition.

Upon realising she had won Maya couldn't help but chuckle, proceeding to run over to Millie and give the girl a crushing hug. "Sweetie we won! THE BIKINI BABES HAVE COME OUT VICTORIOUS!" Maya practically screamed, her voice could've probably been heard throughout the streets too. With that she stopped herself from crushing Millie any further and then grabbed Lysander's hand, following the aura of Sora's magic. "We need to find Sora as soon as possible. And on the way, tell me what has happened and why she brought you to me in such a hurry." Her tone was stern yet it held a certain kindness to it, Maya resolved herself to get to the bottom of whatever was going on.


Clair Fernandes : Fairy Tail / 4th Wizard Saint

Magnolia park

Clair stood off to the side trying to process the information Bob had just announced , she honestly had no idea how to feel right now let alone how to think. So she lost , this was great news ! She was finally free from the endless cycle Sora had trapped her in , no more wizard weekly shots , no more seeing herself in bar calendars and no more obligation to enter the competition again.This truly was great news however ! Clair had just lost to an old woman ! Maya must of been what fifty , fifty two? Clair pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed "oh well , this loss was more beneficial than the win i'm sure". With that Clair took off towards the park.

Once at the park Clair browsed several stalls managing to entertain herself . Clair had always loved browsing the festival stalls , mainly due to the fact that most sold cakes of all different shapes and sizes. "wait a minute ! I am getting fat , that's why that old hag beat me!" the sudden outburst made the stall-keeper jump while simultaneously making anyone within the vicinity look towards Clair. "I should of listened to that dalm cat and stopped when i was ahead !"

The stall-keeper looked at Clair completely confused , he had just been asked for a chocolate fudge cake and then this ! What even was this? What did she mean by 'I should of listened to that cat' "excuse me miss , do you still want the cake?"

Clair turned back to face the man slamming her hands down hard on the wooden surface "do i look fat to you?"

The stall-keeper flinched at the loud noise and shook his head from side to side quickly "n.n.no miss you look great!"

Clair slammed her hands down even harder this time "Why are you lying to me!"

The poor man didn't know how to react , if this wasn't resolved soon his poor stall would be destroyed ! "i. i haven't lied to you"

Clair exhaled sharply staring the man down "Am. I. Fat"

The man could feel the sweat running down his brow as a lump formed in his throat , did this girl want to be called fat despite the fact she was not ? "y...y....yes~"

After a long silence Clair smacked the man hard across the face knocking him out instantly "How dare you!"

Lysander - Streets of Magnolia

Lysander followed in Maya's wake looking utterly miserable and crestfallen. There was not much he could do other than that anyway; his hand was currently grasped tightly in Maya's own. And, he was extremely worried too, after seeing Sora's reaction to the request that strange man had, to teach him her magic. She had even gone into dragon force mode. And for some reason, she had transported him right to Maya's vivicnity, surrounded by girls in bikinis that he had barely even noticed. Sora's parting words still echoed in his mind, her request to Maya to take care of him, and that she would look for him again. The man's request seemed to have hit a sore spot with her (which was pretty much an understatement, he had to admit) and had triggered a reaction out of her. And she had seemed so confident in him earlier. He still remembered those words; that she believed in him, and to remember that the next time he doubted himself. That had been an immense comfort to him, and in turn he wanted to be of comfort to her. Though he was not sure if he was capable of helping with an issue that seemed so vast.

"I don't know..." Lysander said, miserably, in response to Maya's questioning. Deep in his mind he knew that it probably was not him that had upset Sora, but... he could not help feeling guilty. He had been there, and there had been nothing he could do to salvage the situation; it had all happened so fast. Not that there was anything he could do anyway. "We were talking on the roof of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall when this man showed up asking Sora to teach him her magic. And she just... got really upset. Took me to you and then left. I... I'm not sure where she is now. I'm sorry..." He was apologizing to Sora for being unable to be of comfort to her, to Maya for not being able to comfort Sora, and still he felt immensely worried and guilty.

The fact that Maya had won the Bikini Competition for Lamia Scale did not seem to matter so much now, in the wake of Sora's reaction. Maybe later he could congratulate Maya. But later... after they found Sora.

@LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey
Kayzo said:
Mizuki patted Alicia's head gently as she stated that they were friends, best friends to be correct. It was nice to know she could call someone her friend even if they were very young. It's something she's never been able to do before. "Yes. A promise it is." She said, placing her on the ground as they arrived. It seemed that everyone was off doing their own little things and she belived that the contest was over and they missed who won the thing, not that she really cared. However the dark Mage was proven wrong when the announcer began to speak. When it was announced that she had placed second in the contest, Mizuki was genuinely surprised. There were much much better performances than hers yet she beat them all? I mean, she does have a pretty nice pair, but she wasn't showing them off to everyone. Maybe they were terrified of what she could and would do to them because of a bad score. Alicia seemed thrilled about it, so that was a good sign. "Yes, I got second place. I would gladly switch places with you however. Your performance was much...cuter than mine." She explained, scratching under her chin like a dog and sighing. When asked if the little one could sleep in the same room as Mizuki, she was a little skeptical. She had one bed, and if they both stayed in it then there would be too much touching. But then again, Alicia was scared out of her mind because of Alfie and was counting on Mizuki to protect her. Letting out a little sigh she nodded slightly and spoke. "I suppose so. If it makes you feel safe..."
Alicia: Ms. Fiore Contest

Alicia nodded, "It would..thank you Mizuki." She replied. She was a bit bummed for scoring so low, but it wasn't that big of a deal. After the announcement was over she ran off back behind the stage and quickly changed back into her normal attire, afterwards she followed Mizuki back to her room. She'd entered the tournament after all, so she needed some rest.


@femjapanriceball @Wyatt @Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Britt\-21

Day 2 of Festival: Harvest Festival Brawl

After everything was said and done the long first day of the festival came to a close in preperation of the festival. Several members of Fairy Tail worked through-out the night, setting up the magical rings for the matches as well as making safe zones for citizens to view from. The hall was outfitted with television lacrima giving a full view of each of the rings.

Each ring was big enough to give the fighters a comfortable space to fight in. They are completely closed off and pretty much unbreakable until a victor is decided by means of forfeit or KO. As of now everyone has made their way to the scene to either view it or participate. The matches start soon, give or take ten minutes.
Amon Takeshi

Location: Tournament rest area

Amon had gone into the rest area for the tournament as soon as it was called. He held his baby daughter in a hanging cloth on his chest, who was fast asleep. His raven sat upon his shoulder, acting as a second set of eyes for the dear child. He sat down quietly, gently stroking his daughter's chin. He'd have to leave her when his matches started, but he trusted Tarron to watch her. She loved the child just as he.

He began to gently hum as he had seen his child begin to stir, lifting another arm to gently rock her.​

Kim lock- Ryu's house

For some reason...

Kim woke up on a strange couch. It was soft yet rough, something she couldn't quite place. Her eyes fluttered open. She wasn't at her flat. She was in someone's house. She stood up, a starnge burn at the back of her throat started. She stood up, as she did she looked at the clock. Crap the tournament started in less than ten minutes. She ran out of the house and ran out into the street. Thanks to the amount of lacrama visions and safe zones made were making Kim absorb copious amounts of flux and taint out of the air.
Eais Baole - fighting area

Eais rose early as always since she has lived a life of traveling. She made her way to the tournament. She did tell herself she wanted to experience the festival anyway. Entering her name in and sat back. There were some powerful looking people. Eais was going to try her best. It was a friendly fight anyway. No harm done. She knew she wasn't the strongest by any means.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Festival Tournament


Ryu had gotten up early to try to compensate for the inevitability of him getting lost. He did get lost a few times, but despite that he managed to arrive a little over a half an hour early. He had found a relatively good spot, and had picked up some Ramen on the way there as his breakfast. As he watched the final preparations for the tournament area below, he couldn't help but feel the impulse to join. He'd been wrestling with the impulse ever since he'd heard that there was to be a tournament. On one hand, he really did want to participate, as he hadn't had a good fight in a long while. However, every time he felt the urge to join, he would hear the voice of his master scolding him for enjoying fighting. And so, here he was, waiting for the tournament to begin. It wouldn't hurt to just watch the tournament, right?


Auren Sol

Ren was waiting to enter the ring for his match. He was very excited to test his skill against someone who was probably stronger than him. Maybe he would even win!

Probably not... But hey, it'll be fun!

In truth, he was also a bit nervous. He didn't want his guild mates to be disappointed in him if he did poorly. Especially Master Gilad. The boy was still dreading the inevitable confrontation with him for the accident that had occurred yesterday. Maybe he'd lighten up once he saw that Ren had recruited someone for the guild. He didn't exactly know how strong Conway was as a magician but he had a feeling his magic was pretty unique at least. Hopefully the sailor would be watching his matches or even participating. Ren had this inexplicable urge to impress him for some reason. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and began checking over all his preparations for the battle. he hoped his trategy would work out in the firt match at least.
Kim lock- contestant seating area.

Kim, now in her signature red dress, arrived at the contestant area. She somehow was on time for the event. Which to her was a miracle and an impossible feat in its self. Kim sat down, as she did she crossed her legs careful not show her unmentionables.
@Salt Lord

Adrian had been unable to find Alfie the day before, and so he had dedicated most of his time since arriving at the arena to finding that pink-haired bastard. He hadn't known if Alfie had actually signed up for the competition, so he checked rest of the arena first before finally coming across Alfie at the contestant seating area.

"So, Alfie..." Adrian began, his eyes narrowed and his face one of anger and some concern. "What the hell happened to you yesterday? That wasn't like you, and both of us know it. I demand an explanation."
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Chris Lengheart(sitting in participant area)

After Chris told Kelica no to going off with Sabrina, the night was "relatively" calm. But now, Chris was a bit on edge. He wanted to win, boy did he...but he knew that some S rank would swoop in and knock Chris out in a single blow. The S ranks always won, but regardless he would give it his all! Who knows, maybe the cycle would be broken.
Momoki Asada: Magic Tournament:

Momo was with Vex. She was just starring at him and thinking. She knew he didn't know it,so she did it,"You might wanna stay here Vex. I'm in the tournment and I'm going soon so...Rute for me" Momo said excitedly. She loved kicking someone elses ass. It was fun.

WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada: Magic Tournament:

Momo was with Vex. She was just starring at him and thinking. She knew he didn't know it,so she did it,"You might wanna stay here Vex. I'm in the tournment and I'm going soon so...Rute for me" Momo said excitedly. She loved kicking someone elses ass. It was fun.

He grabbed her hand, "your not needed yet are you?" It was luck that he found luck. "I need helo with something because I would have to see in order to do it." His free hand was wondering over the holes of his scarf. Horus flew off of his shoulder and was flying around in the sky.
Momoki Asada: Magic Tournament:

"O-okay" Momoki responded wondering what Vex would do. He was a mysterious person who Momo had met only one day ago. By a bump at that. Momoki didn't know what she was getting herself into,but she agreed like an idiot anyways. Well done Momoki. Well done. @Wyatt
WoodenZebra said:
Momoki Asada: Magic Tournament:
"O-okay" Momoki responded wondering what Vex would do. He was a mysterious person who Momo had met only one day ago. By a bump at that. Momoki didn't know what she was getting herself into,but she agreed like an idiot anyways. Well done Momoki. Well done. @Wyatt
"Well I was hoping you could helo me mend my clothing. It is difficult for me." He happened to be wearing a small bag that had a long strap that went over his shoulder and held the bag at his waist. He reached into the bag collecting a few needles and thread that matched his clothing. "I can try if you don't want to."
Valken - Corner of the Battle Tournament Waiting Area

Valken was leaning his back against the very corner of the room, he had been there rather early, watching other contestants arrived, settle in, talk to one another. He had his arms crossed, knee bent and foot resting lazily against the wall. He did a soft yawn, before a smug little grin floated onto his face.

He was tired because he hardly slept. And he hardly slept because of Millie.

It was hard to focus on the contest when things we're still so fresh in his mind. He had crept out of bed early to come here, he knew she would be safely within arms reach of Maya, at least he had told her so.

He still worried about her safety, especially considering just how many people wanted him dead, but while Maya was near he doubted they would try anything on her. And, if they did hurt her, well...his face darkened as he looked to the ceiling. Let's just say death would probably be better for what he was capable of.

He looked back down, purple eyes flicking about the room, searching for Lysander maybe. He didn't think anyone else from Lamia Scale was in it. At least no one he remembers from the guild before he left for Crocus. Which falls to him to win the tournament for Lamia Scale and Lloyd.

Peace of cake.


@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
"Easy.I could probably make you at least five sets of the clothes your wearing in about five minutes." Momoki said grabbing the needle and thread."Wanna race and find out" .Momoki didn't want to sew all the clothes herself so she just made a game about it.Easy enough.

Kelica - Crashing the Tournament Waiting Area

So Kelica had slept pretty darn heavily last night and in a fluster had awoken alone. Again. "Running running running running!" Her hair a mess, Frank the falcon flapping solidly beside her, with a sideways glance. Her head didn't hurt though so that was a plus. She focused on moving through the increasing crowds, filling the tournament stands, finally pushing her way to a gate. It had high officials baring the entrance, but in a flurry she whizzed straight past them, to which they only stood and gawked. She made her way through the mages, till she saw Chris and dashed up to him, leaping and throwing her arms around his neck. "Hey Chris?! I thought you where going into the contest?" She literally had no idea where she was, the falcon skirting the roof before landing onto her shoulder. Starting to preen it's feathers.

Eais Baole - contestant seating area

Watching the other contestants make their way around, it seemed like a few knew one another already. While people watching, she saw a flash of red run by to the sign up sheet. Once they slowed down enough, Eias recognized Kim. She had such a great time last night with her and was happy to see her come and participate in the fight. She blew a bubble towards her.

Hey Kim!

Glad to see you here! I'm gonna cheer you on!

She gave a wave to her trying to catch her attention.

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