Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Alicia: Tournament Ring 2

Alicia's fear intensified she nearly had a heart attack when she saw him doing something with her beads, either he was trying to destroy them or quite possibly he actually intended on killing her this time. It seemed like him, at-least as far as she knew him. Intensify her fear than kill her with her own magic. She was shocked when the attack actually hit him instead, it looked strong enough to kill any normal being.

Despite him wanting to kill her she didn't want to kill him! She disliked fighting for the most part unless it was against bad people on a mission or friendly, which is why she joined the tournament. She didn't want to kill anyone. Pretty much immediately after he skid to a halt she ran over to him and knelt down beside him after collecting her beads.

"Please don't be dead! I didn't want to kill you!" She shouted frantically while shaking him roughly.
purplepanda288 said:
Aiden stands across from his opponent. Light purple eyes starring intently at Adrian. He didn't know if he should do the first move or stay back. Aiden's hand held single green key. What he did know for certain is that he need to figure it this guys magic. Though he did feel a large amount of magic come of the man.

Adrian stood there, analyzing his opponent. He had a key, he was likely a Celestial Wizard. But it didn't look anything like an ordinary key. Was that a Chinese symbol on it? He had to get to him before he could say the incantation.

Adrian disappeared into a mass of purple light, using Blink to reappear behind Aiden, hefting an arcane morning star and heater shield, attempting to hit Aiden's arm and make him drop his key in pain. Then he would perform a sweep kick to hopefully send him to the floor where Adrian would have him right where he wanted him.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Tournament Ring 2
Alicia's fear intensified she nearly had a heart attack when she saw him doing something with her beads, either he was trying to destroy them or quite possibly he actually intended on killing her this time. It seemed like him, at-least as far as she knew him. Intensify her fear than kill her with her own magic. She was shocked when the attack actually hit him instead, it looked strong enough to kill any normal being.

Despite him wanting to kill her she didn't want to kill him! She disliked fighting for the most part unless it was against bad people on a mission or friendly, which is why she joined the tournament. She didn't want to kill anyone. Pretty much immediately after he skid to a halt she ran over to him and knelt down beside him after collecting her beads.

"Please don't be dead! I didn't want to kill you!" She shouted frantically while shaking him roughly.
For the most part, Alfie's body had stayed unmoving. But when his gem expanded a bit of power, it used its own energy to move things a little, causing the body to look like it was breathing. He didn't want to add any more grief onto her soul than there already was. The point was to lessen it, and by making Alicia believe she was safe from him, he had hoped that would help. The gem even produced small sleeping sounds to help make it seem like the body was only knocked out--not completely dead. But still, maybe he shouldn't have magnified the attack that much. To everyone who was watching, it looked like the little girl hit him with a meteor. And from experience, Alfie can tell you that looking like you've been hit with a meteor does not have a good effect on those around you.

Bolts said:
Eias Baole - med room Eias sat up from her bed. A small winch from phantom pains was in her gut but she shrugged it off pretty quick. Grabbing her flute so Kim could hear better, and for Eias to feel more comfortable, she blew a bubble. It was a lot smaller than normal and when it popped it was not as loud. Louder than her voice but not on the normal scale. You remind me of my family too. I don't see them often now so I know how you feel. Have you tried going to see them? She let her arms slump back down to a resting position. Those lights drained a lot of strength from her. She was kinda glad Kim saw her as a friend rather than some enemy.
Kim's expression darkened. " I've looking for him for 3 years now. The contact that I have is out dated and doesn't go through. " Kim sat in silence for a while. She looked at Eias and her smiled came back. " I won't give up though."

Genon said:
Adrian stood there, analyzing his opponent. He had a key, he was likely a Celestial Wizard. But it didn't look anything like an ordinary key. Was that a Chinese symbol on it? He had to get to him before he could say the incantation.
Adrian disappeared into a mass of purple light, using Blink to reappear behind Aiden, hefting an arcane morning star and heater shield, attempting to hit Aiden's arm and make him drop his key in pain. Then he would perform a sweep kick to hopefully send him to the floor where Adrian would have him right where he wanted him.

Aiden saw this coming. before it would hit him he somehow managed to parry the strike with the key he held. His movement was fluid as he grabed onto Adrian's arm and purposely let him self fall. As he fell he kicked Adrian in the stomach area throwing him away from him.

Before his opponent could do another attack he quickly cast a spell.
" Star robes, Snake form!" Aidens jeans and buttoned up shirt turned into a skin tight kimono.
Kelica - Tournament Ring

She felt she was defeated long before she had even started, her shoulders sagged. Feeling his hand in her shoulder, explaining to concede..

Something changed in the girl. In one moment she was certain she would loose. But something clicked and her shoulders straightened.


Her voice even changed, to something much sterner. She pushed herself up and stood tall, eyeing him with a fierce glare. "I have always been the weak one, the one running scared behind people. I will never become a B rank or even A-rank if I don't push my abilities. If you can overcome your Beast Form, I can learn to defend myself."

Her green eyes had a fierceness oddly similar to that of her mother. She turned from him and took afew pace's away, before facing back to him. Her necklace was glowing brightly, her hair starting to shimmer gently, lifting her hands so they where level with her hips. Fingers splayed and palms facing up.

"I'm ready.. "

Valken - Tournament Ring

Valken was grinning from ear to ear, expecting her to clutch her chest and squeel like some school girl. But then... she didn't.

His eyes widened as she simply discarded the clothing without a second thought. Well.. that was unexpected.... His cheeks flushed for a moment as he stared, I mean he was a full-blooded hetero male, so having her chest exposed like that... was she moving now? Did she say something? Why did they jiggle so much when she moved!!...

He was caught completely off guard as her foot connected with the side of his head, sending the guy with a crash into the ground, his daggers falling out of his fingers to slide against the ground away from him. In took him a full few seconds to groan out, head still swirling. But awake he did, pulling his knees under him and standing up slowly again. He looked to her, livid. If there was one thing that irritated him the most it was being caught off guard. He turned his head to the side, spitting out blood as he did before wiping the corner of his mouth. He barely even noticed her chest now. He wouldn't allow her another chance to land a hit.

He rolled suddenly to one of the daggers, staying crouched and low to the ground, he flung that dagger and aimed it straight for her head. He was still slightly dazed so it was likely it could be aimed at her shoulder.

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Sabrina---Battle Tournament

Sabrina was half expecting that type of move and was ready to counter it. She jumped up into the air a couple of seconds before the crystal shards rammed into the ground, morphed in her wings and started to circle in towards Masaki, this time to the right side. She threw both her explosive vials at him, one slightly to the left and one slightly to the right, and equipped her poison-based vials. Although these were still work in progress, they were still able to cause nausea and head pains a minute after coming in direct contact with them. She had made these a few days ago, by messing around with the DNA of a mysterious bacterium she had come across a year ago and was able to reproduce them in her portable mini lab. She had three of them in total, one for each hand and one for back up use. She threw her first vial at the ground where she expects Masaki will land and another at his chest, and continued to dodge and tank the shards, moving quickly towards him. She took a few shards to her body, some only grazing her and some embedding quite deep in her, but she was able to suppress the pain, for now at least.

Chris Lengheart(Getting ready for a quick match)

Chris saw the sudden spark in the girl's eyes as she back up a little. A smirk fell onto his face "Fine," he said as he suddenly changed to a new form. This form added a few inches to his already massive height, but clearly not as much as his taurus form would have given him. He was now wearing a set of grey shorts along with a tanktop of the same color Chris' normal skin became covered in a golden and white fur with a few black spots here and there. Hanging between his legs was a simple tail, obviously belonging to the feline family. His hair was a ice white as he grew a set of fangs. His legs were now a set of feline hind legs and his hands now had a set of claws that looked like they could easily tears Kelica apart. "Don't say I didn't warn you" Chris finally said with his voice much deeper, sounding almost like a hiss as he spoke.

Kelica - Tournament Ring

Kelica raised an eyebrow as he used a completely different form. She wondered how he had managed to learn this one, he looked similar to that of a leopard. Was he fast like one to? She looked at Frank to her shoulder, nodding quickly. The bird had leaped off a moment later, flapping fast as he launched himself high up into the sky. He circled a few times, before plummeting almost vertical gaining incredible speed. He spun, wings tucked in, looking almost like a missle, before thumping his wings out at the last second, talons out to try and do some serious, quick damage.

Kelica, meanwhile felt the plant as her wrist start to lengthen and thicken, coiling heavily up her arm, making a guantlet out of pure, living green vines. She waited to see how Frank would fair, gathering her magical energy into the plant on her left arm.

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@Kyuubey (Time for Sora to be useful :3)

Alicia: Tournament Ring 2 > Waiting Area

Alicia sighed, partially relieved that he was alright yet the negative emotions wanted to end him. It seemed she'd only knocked him out rather than killed him, which was good and helped her take her mind off of the emotions for a few seconds. A bit later the barrier dissipated and medics came in and carted Alfie away to be sought to. Meanwhile Alicia simply skulked over to the contestant waiting area and sat down waiting Masaki and Mizuki's fight. Or rather Masaki's fight and waiting on Mizuki's to get going.

She should feel happy, she'd won and beat up Alfie who'd threatened to kill her and Mizuki. But she didn't, all she felt was intense sadness and pain. Though..it seemed to of gotten ever so slightly better after that attack. Maybe she was right? Maybe..

Zuka said:
Valken - Tournament Ring
Valken was grinning from ear to ear, expecting her to clutch her chest and squeel like some school girl. But then... she didn't.

His eyes widened as she simply discarded the clothing without a second thought. Well.. that was unexpected.... His cheeks flushed for a moment as he stared, I mean he was a full-blooded hetero male, so having her chest exposed like that... was she moving now? Did she say something? Why did they jiggle so much when she moved!!...

He was caught completely off guard as her foot connected with the side of his head, sending the guy with a crash into the ground, his daggers falling out of his fingers to slide against the ground away from him. In took him a full few seconds to groan out, head still swirling. But awake he did, pulling his knees under him and standing up slowly again. He looked to her, livid. If there was one thing that irritated him the most it was being caught off guard. He turned his head to the side, spitting out blood as he did before wiping the corner of his mouth. He barely even noticed her chest now. He wouldn't allow her another chance to land a hit.

He rolled suddenly to one of the daggers, staying crouched and low to the ground, he flung that dagger and aimed it straight for her head. He was still slightly dazed so it was likely it could be aimed at her shoulder.

Sera: Tournament Ring 1

Sera couldn't help but grin as the kick connected, her 'distraction' obviously working. Which really wasn't a distraction but more so removing the annoyance that would of been half a sleeve getting in the way. If one boob was going to be exposed, might as well not be sigh and expose everything. She sure as hell wasn't letting something so minor cause her to lose so early, not in the least.

She didn't bother dodging the dagger seeing as this time she was able to see it coming, instead she brought her wing to in front of her as a shield. It pierced all the way through but the handle stopped it from going all the way through to her. She hissed slightly in pain as she ripped the dagger out, well she wouldn't be flying until that healed..oh well. "Thanks for the present." She told him with a slightly pained grin before sliding the dagger into her boot.

With that she dashed forwards before swinging her scythe down at his right shoulder. She wasn't aiming for a deep cut, infact she just wanted to injure him so he would only be able to use one dagger.
Momoki Asada:Fight ring

Momoki stood there for a second and let the misiles of magic come at her and there was an explosion.Once the smoke cleared up Momoki was gone. What happened was when the missles were at least five feet from her she used her explosion cards and the explosion happened. As the smoke came Momo sneaked behind Grace unnoticed and leg sweeped her to the ground,"Still mad huh?" Momo asked teasing for a sec. She usually didn't taunt during battles,but she was going to kick Graces ass anyways.

Alfie - Getting Rushed to Hospital -> Top of Fairy Tail Guild Hall

By the time Alicia was seated and probably thinking about what just went down, Alfie was already in the back of an ambulance. A few medics had been standing over him: one examining the burns on his body, the other wondering why the gem had remained unaffected by the blast. Both were speaking about the same thing, however, and that was why the pink-haired man amplified the attacks on himself in the first place. I'll let them figure things out, Alfie thought to himself before quickly pulling covers completely over his body. Before the medics could react, the wizard was gone, and after pulling the covers off of the cart, they found not a single remain.

Alfie stood high on the top of the Guild Hall, checking something off in a book. He stopped and contemplated why he needed a checklist for only three tasks before ripping out the page and writing what he really wanted to write.
Grace: Fight Club

Grace watched as the smoke began to slowly clear out of the arena. Though she didn't see the missiles hit Momoki directly, she heand the explosions and saw the bright flashes. However when the smoke was cleared up Momoki was nowhere to be seen. Either she blew the girl into oblivion, or she was... "Oomph!" Before she knew it Grace was on her back looking up at her opponent. She was teasing her when she was down, and that was an all time low. "A-as if I was mad!" She pouted, summoning an exotics ring underneath Momoki's feet. When it exploded it sent the short girl flying back a few feet away for her attacker, this move apart of her plan. Quickly she rolled into her feet and fired more missiles at her.

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Momoki Asada: Fighting ring

Momo just palmed slapped herself as Grace sent more missiles at her. Momo couldn't keep this up forever. She needed to take off her backpack,but not yet. Momoki took out summoned lighting which is opponet sinking . Momo sent it at Grace know ing would hit her just as she got hit by the missiles. Momo got up,'That's gonna leave a mark' She thought.

Vex: Tournament Setting

Vex finally stop sending power into the small plant that wasn't even an inch long. He was breathing hard with his powers being well over taxed. He veins stopped glowing green as his power was no longer being used. He snuck out another seed from his clothing that was next to him. Then he grew it into a sort of vine that he formed into a hallow ball. He place the tree inside of it and the vines sort of grabbed in gentile and suspended it inside so that it would be safe from harm. It then closed into a perfect sphere and was a hard wood that was several inches thick. Vex sat back exhausted, the only way for him to feel better was to sit back and relax while he recovered from the amount of energy. Horus land on his shoulder and told him what he had observed from the barrier and was telling him everything he could about Momo's fight. "I know you will win, I believe in you." He whispered under his breath.

William: Mongolia Streets

William was sitting on the edge of a path way watching people walk up or down it. He was lost but he didn't know where to go, he had been alone for two years now with no where else to go. He no else to rely on and he was far to shy to talk to anyone else. He got up from where was sitting and began to walk down the road, he made sure to stay out of the way of others. He didn't want to run the chance of having someone stop to talk to him or be violent for what ever reason.
Chris Lengheart(About to eat a bird)

Chris watched as the bird tried to stab its talon's into his thick fur. He only let out a hiss as he swatted the troublesome thing away with the back of his hand. The massive werecat only turned its petrifying glace over to Kelica as it came charging on all fours at break-neck speeds. But instead of pouncing with his claws, pushed off the ground and came flying at Kelica with some kind of drill kick (basically imagine cammy's spiral arrow).

Lysander - Competition Grounds

Lysander paused as the man threw up a card to protect himself from the bullet, only to have the bullet explode in a mass of sticky mud, trapping the man's foot. Yet it still did not stop the man from flinging out two more cards in his direction, which he managed to dodge once again, sliding calmly, almost stylishly, to the right. The cards seemed to have the same effect as the other two cards previously thrown, for they landed sliced deep into the ground a few inches from his left foot. It was fortunate that none of the other man's attacks had hit him yet, as his agility was quite strong. It had to be anyway, as a gun mage who specialized in long distance attacks, because he knew full well that the moment any of those attacks hit, it would not be long before he was downed. The downside of focusing so much on agility was the decrease in focus on constitution.

The man's foot was trapped in a patch of mud, and Lysander knew that it would not be long before the man freed himself from it. He loaded yet another bullet into his revolver and quickly fired it, in the direction of the man's head, while the man was distracted. "Guns Magic: Sunlight Shot." And a huge flash of light exploded around the man, in the hopes of blinding him temporarily at least.

Mitchs98 said:
@Kyuubey (Time for Sora to be useful :3)
Alicia: Tournament Ring 2 > Waiting Area

Alicia sighed, partially relieved that he was alright yet the negative emotions wanted to end him. It seemed she'd only knocked him out rather than killed him, which was good and helped her take her mind off of the emotions for a few seconds. A bit later the barrier dissipated and medics came in and carted Alfie away to be sought to. Meanwhile Alicia simply skulked over to the contestant waiting area and sat down waiting Masaki and Mizuki's fight. Or rather Masaki's fight and waiting on Mizuki's to get going.

She should feel happy, she'd won and beat up Alfie who'd threatened to kill her and Mizuki. But she didn't, all she felt was intense sadness and pain. Though..it seemed to of gotten ever so slightly better after that attack. Maybe she was right? Maybe..

Sera: Tournament Ring 1

Sera couldn't help but grin as the kick connected, her 'distraction' obviously working. Which really wasn't a distraction but more so removing the annoyance that would of been half a sleeve getting in the way. If one boob was going to be exposed, might as well not be sigh and expose everything. She sure as hell wasn't letting something so minor cause her to lose so early, not in the least.

She didn't bother dodging the dagger seeing as this time she was able to see it coming, instead she brought her wing to in front of her as a shield. It pierced all the way through but the handle stopped it from going all the way through to her. She hissed slightly in pain as she ripped the dagger out, well she wouldn't be flying until that healed..oh well. "Thanks for the present." She told him with a slightly pained grin before sliding the dagger into her boot.

With that she dashed forwards before swinging her scythe down at his right shoulder. She wasn't aiming for a deep cut, infact she just wanted to injure him so he would only be able to use one dagger.
Valken - Tournament Arena

The dagger connected, though not in the way he had intended, making a grunt as his displeasure. Then she took it all for herself! Watching her slide it into the back of her boot, she'd only have it for a few moments. When she came charging at him, his face lit up as he got an idea. He threw his hand forward, catching the scythe blade in the palm of his hand, hissing as it cut into him and blood dripped down onto the ground. It was only slightly painful though, seeing as he was very much used to the sting of a metal blade. Now that she was once again in close to him, he reached his arm forward and between her legs, brushing past her thigh and the back of her knee as he did, grinning widely up to her. It almost felt like he was going to touch her inappropriately, but instead he clasped the hilt of his dagger in the back of her boot, reefing it back between her legs and swinging up in an arc above him. He kept crouched, his centre of gravity low to the ground as he did all this.

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Kelica - Tourney Arena

Kelica watched as Frank was basically swatted away with minimal damage dealt to Chris, heart clenching as she felt terrible for hurting the little guy so. The bird crashing into ground with a weak flap of it's wings. She didn't have long to feel bad, however, Chris was charging at her now. She would never be able to dodge in time, so she pulled a tendril vine from the guantlet, reefing it, unwravelling a long piece like a lasso. She spun the vine high above her head before throwing it at him, much in the same way she had when Alfie and her had rodeo'd through the streets of Magnolia.

She pulled out a second tendril as this was happening, this time quickly weaving a very strong and durable Javelin, the tip being coated in spiky thorns rather then a blade. She wrapped her hand around it, fist clenched, ready to throw when he got to close.

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Chris Lengheart(Tourney)

Chris saw the javelin and quickly went into multiple front hand springs, noticing that he was already too close to Kelica as he suddenly flipped over her. He held his claws to her throat with a almost villainous smirk. He then gripped the hand that held the javelin, squeezing the hand tight. Chris leaned in close to Kelica as his claws pressed up more against her throat,"I warned you. You had a chance to surrender...but you didn't." he said his voice a deep growl. Although, it almost seemed like the werecat was taking over slightly.

Kelica - Tournament Arena

Kelica regretted making the Javelin the second it was made, because not only did she miss the lasso idea, he was to close for it to work effectively. The claw around her throat made her give out a pained gasp, green eyes huge before one clenched down. His grip equally hard on the javelin. She could feel him almost lifting her feet off the ground from the hold, her free hand reaching up to try and eleviate the pressure around her neck. With the lasso discarded to the side, she flicked her wrist, causing it to flick back, and it wriggled before suddenly sliding like a serpent, coiling around his feet. It wrapped around his feet fast, then yanked to try and topple him over and release his hold.

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Chris Lengheart(Tourney)

Bad move...on Kelica's part. As the lasso tied around the unsuspecting werecat's leg, he pressed farther. He honestly didn't want to hurt Kelica, but winning by submission seemed to be his only route. But as Chris toppled over, his razor-sharp claws tore into Kelica's throat and sliced at an angle as he fell over. Chris quickly threw himself back up...only to see what he had done. Half of him wanted to finish the job...she did look quite tasty like that-no, Chris wasn't a werecat. He needed to snap out of it! He quickly released his takeover as he ran over to try and help Kelica in any way possible.

@Zuka ((Hopefully, that isn't too much?))
Kelica - Tourney Arena

(Too much? We are just getting started... > :) ....)

Kelica was struggling and starting too see stars from the hold, her eyelids closing down. She would have passed out except the pressure eleviated, causing her to take a sharp breath inwards to fill her lungs once more. She dropped to her knees, clutching at her throat with her un-guantlet hand, she could breath now but her throat stung. She pulled her hand away, seeing blood.

Chris had really just choked her and cut her-?

She was silent for a moment.

Time seemed to stand still, a weird green circle starting to appear around her. Her eyes suddenly were clouding over, almost colourless. She didn't even notice Chris transform back to normal, and rush to her. Instead she had this rage burning within her. You see, she was always a lovely soul, but her mother was a strict, aggressive, stern woman, and in a moment she seemed to turn into her. She was losing control over her emotions, like a raging inferno inside her heart.

She was always so weak.

So pathetic.

No more.

She was drawing magical energy from somewhere though it was unclear where that was. She pulled her hand away from her throat and stood up, turning slowly to him. Her expression was the most terrifying, because she was simply void of emotion.

She flicked her wrist suddenly, there was a rumble underground and a shake before giant roots burst forth from the ground, coming at him from all angles. Within seconds they had engulfed him, tightening like a boa constrictor, leaving only his head free. She raised her hand so he too lifted off the ground, suspended in a root restraining hold. Her fingers mostly open but as she closed them the hold only tightened, crushing him further.

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Zuka said:
Valken - Tournament Arena

The dagger connected, though not in the way he had intended, making a grunt as his displeasure. Then she took it all for herself! Watching her slide it into the back of her boot, she'd only have it for a few moments. When she came charging at him, his face lit up as he got an idea. He threw his hand forward, catching the scythe blade in the palm of his hand, hissing as it cut into him and blood dripped down onto the ground. It was only slightly painful though, seeing as he was very much used to the sting of a metal blade. Now that she was once again in close to him, he reached his arm forward and between her legs, brushing past her thigh and the back of her knee as he did, grinning widely up to her. It almost felt like he was going to touch her inappropriately, but instead he clasped the hilt of his dagger in the back of her boot, reefing it back between her legs and swinging up in an arc above him. He kept crouched, his centre of gravity low to the ground as he did all this.

Sera: Tournament Ring 1

Sera hadn't expected him to be crazy enough to block her scythe with his hands, and all only to get his knife back. Of course she got a moderate cut on her stomach and arm from the arcing strike he made, but he'd gave her an advantage by allowing himself to get cut. She guessed he didn't know as much about her as she thought. While he grinned she offered an oddly happy smile.

Pulling back her scythe from the deep gash now in Valkens hand she licked a bit of the blood dripping from it, more of a taunt than anything. "Bloodletting." She stated simply, causing the wound to start bleeding more heavily than it was. It, of course, slowly and constantly drained her magic to keep active but she didn't have any other things worthwhile to use it in currently.

Probably shouldn't of done that, I bet that's what you're thinking, right?" She asked him sarcastically before slicing at his midsection, really she was only aiming to cut him up now that his hand was wounded.
Valken - Tournament Arena

Valken watched the girl lick the blood from her scythe with an eyebrow raised. It seemed all the rumours were true and she really was a vampire. Hearing her whisper that fraze, he glanced down to his palm now bleeding profusely. When she striked out he rolled back and out of the way. He cursed as he ripped the only glove left on, his arm, quickly wrapping it around his palm and tightening it like a bandage. Though it still seeped through. The match was closing down, he would need to end it fast if that bleeding was anything to go by. He glanced at his pocket, maybe it was time for his secret weapon?

He put his hand in his pocket with a deadly serious look on his face, before throwing his hand out.

Confetti suddenly exploded before her in a flurry of colour.

"Surprise!" He grinned.

It was more then an unusual distraction, the confetti covered the air in thousands of tiny objects, the objects now flooding the ground in shadows. He was there and in an instance he was gone, melting into the ground and darkness, looking for all the world like he had juat vanished.


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