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Alicia: Tournament Ring 2@Mitchs98[/URL]
Alicia's fear intensified she nearly had a heart attack when she saw him doing something with her beads, either he was trying to destroy them or quite possibly he actually intended on killing her this time. It seemed like him, at-least as far as she knew him. Intensify her fear than kill her with her own magic. She was shocked when the attack actually hit him instead, it looked strong enough to kill any normal being.
Despite him wanting to kill her she didn't want to kill him! She disliked fighting for the most part unless it was against bad people on a mission or friendly, which is why she joined the tournament. She didn't want to kill anyone. Pretty much immediately after he skid to a halt she ran over to him and knelt down beside him after collecting her beads.
"Please don't be dead! I didn't want to kill you!" She shouted frantically while shaking him roughly.