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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Wierd. I was just giving my daughter bath and she yells "I'm a meraid!!!" And I was like or a kelpie, I wonder if someone should tag @Flutterby O.o

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zCrookedz said:
very cool, did you participate?
I did indeed, with the rest of the National Honor Society of my high school. As always, it was massive amounts of fun, but extremely exhausting, especially since I ended up walking 4 hours straight in the middle of the night because everyone else fell asleep.. so my post will be pretty lame xD

andujarprime said:
Wierd. I was just giving my daughter bath and she yells "I'm a meraid!!!" And I was like or a kelpie, I wonder if someone should tag @Flutterby O.o
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I realized after like three hours there that I hadnt mentioned it and my phone was already almost dead and it was so heartbreaking, but luckily this isnt a bad time to jump back in
Flutterby said:
I did indeed, with the rest of the National Honor Society of my high school. As always, it was massive amounts of fun, but extremely exhausting, especially since I ended up walking 4 hours straight in the middle of the night because everyone else fell asleep.. so my post will be pretty lame xD
Good for you!!
@Flutterby Only two cloths have been claimed including the one Quincy took, so she wouldn't be claiming the last one.
Oh yeah, you're right. Never mind. I forgot that Hatter and Leo claimed one as well.
Four in total. Therefore, all have been claimed at this point.
I wish everyone was on the same timezone as us, or at least closer to it, because now I know that at around 1:00am Silver's gonna get back on and move the plot along, and Alex and Anya will just be standing around like dufuses!
It happens to the best of us. I missed basically everything that happened in Oz while zCrookedz at least helped me keep Luness interacting a bit and such. It can be highly frustrating at times and it annoyed me to know every time I didn't have wifi while overseas, Luness was bumbling around until zCrookedz would get her to do something lol.
Hel and I are in the same place so Ethan's just gonna end up standing there, dragged around by the hand doing nothing too! :P
Same here Eastern time ftw lol and I've got one of the runes T_T and there's no work for me tomorrow. So I won't be up at 3:30 to answer lol

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I'm EST, but I have no plans for tomorrow so I doubt staying up will be too much of an issue for me. :P
Lol I have some Dr. Appointments to go to, and the gym. Nothing terribly important that I need to be co.pletely awake for :)

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hmm maybe I'll just stay up all night too... Hmmm... Is it worth it for an RP??

Yes, yes it is.

Maybe. We'll see. I still have lemon bars to bake before I'm done, anyway.
Basically lol. Every time you get a night's full rest, you wake up to find someone has been captured or mortally wounded upon you deciding that sleep was a grand idea. xD
@SwiftThunder Sorry, but the last glyph cloth was claimed by Quincy. All out now sadly. Don't worry though, you can join Luness in beating down all of the enemies that will attempt to attack the heroes in the ring! :D

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