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Fantasy ~ FableWood

I think the only two people in the group that the girl won't know about is Leandra, since she only joined them just before they went to the library, and Eroen, as he joined them while they were at the library.
Kay, so far, I've read most of the tabs except for IC, Locations and Updates. The average length of IC posts seems to be alright, somewhere between Casual and Detailed. I'm thinking of playing something that doesn't talk at all; a dragon or something of the sort; or a witch character who relies on light magic, sealing spells, magic-storing amulets and a flying broomstick to bash the heck out of people.

Either ways, I have a busy week coming up so I will be looking back at this around, say, Tuesday and see if there's still open slots.
It'll be hard to have any character development if your character doesn't speak at all, just a fair warning. Communication is key to character developement. It's also key to making proper relationships. Lastly, we have made it so that dragons can communicate mentally with others so if you make a dragon then he or she should still be able to talk unless you make up a valid reason for why they wouldn't be able to do so.
Anything that can nod and shake its head can communicate. I used to have a character who doesn't talk at all though she does have hands and can make more complicated gestures than a dragon can. Sometimes, you'll just have to wing it. Now that I've noticed, you already have at least 2 dragons here so that's a no-go. There seems to be a lack of normal humans but I don't know the current updates yet so I'll make the decision between the Witch and a new normal human character afterwards, whichever fits the situation and balances the cast better.

Btw, the image for Falarion in the Lore tab is broken.
Oh. I thought when you mentioned they couldn't talk that you meant they wouldn't want to talk or would be struggling to do so lol. My bad. you're right though, there are plenty of other ways for characters to be able to communicate. ^^

And is it? Silver can look into that later when he's active again. ^^
Yeah, about that, that's actually rather funny. During the type-up, I changed it from "something that can't talk" to "something that doesn't talk" because I want to preserve the ability to utter responses to epic moments and we still have misunderstanding. I wonder what would be the right way to put it? Anyways, it's past midnight, I'm going to be off now so reply will be in...say, 7 hours.

Good night, folks.
Yeah, he retains his tail and ears while in human form.

Also, I never made Leandra laugh at Leia's remark, as I instead had Leandra politely respond to Arianne. She's very humble and such so she tries her bes tro not laught at someone so much as to laugh with them.
I did not say she was laughing, I meant a silent, girly chuckle - elusive yet still noticeable.

But if you wish that I shall fix it as well.
Oh, never mind then. I just misinterpreted Arianne's response to Leandra.

Okay, so I just reread the responses and Leandra never laughed, chuckled, or whatever to Arianne. She warmly smiled and then politely introduced herself to Arianne. So, no need to apologize for Leandra since she never made fun of Arianne or laughed at Leia's remark. ^^; @DawnAntalios @Azure Sky
Oh lord is this gonna turn into another sparrow moment? Cause I've had my suspicions about that little girl since she just magical appeared >.>
Oh no lol.

But yeah, I wasn't saying she couldn't be embarassed. Just maybe take out the bit about Leandra having laughed or chucked? *shrugs* Sorry, I can be picky sometimes with details around my characters.
Wait, what?

Nevermind, I understand what you mean now lol. But if Eroen likes kids so much, I think it'd be hard for him to strangle her despite anything bad she does, as his strong like for kids would mess eith him since Arianne doe slook like a kid after all.
All right, all right, let's not possibly spoil anything here, guys. Don't ruin any fun surprises or anything else. ^^;

Also, @DawnAntalios, your edit makes much more sense now. At least, to me it does. ^^ @Azure Sky Can you edit your last post to not include Leandra in the apologizing for Leia's teasing remark? She never teased Arianne anyhow and I'd rather not have our two characters clashing or something over such a misunderstanding when Leandra clearly never teased Arianne. ^^
Lioness075 said:
All right, all right, let's not possibly spoil anything here, guys. Don't ruin any fun surprises or anything else. ^^;
Also, @DawnAntalios, your edit makes much more sense now. At least, to me it does. ^^ @Azure Sky Can you edit your last post to not include Leandra in the apologizing for Leia's teasing remark? She never teased Arianne anyhow and I'd rather not have our two characters clashing or something over such a misunderstanding when Leandra clearly never teased Arianne. ^^
But I already eliminated Leandra from the post , 21 minutes ago xD
@Azure Sky Sorry, you never told me that you edited it so I didn't bother looking back at it to see if you had done so. ^^;

I also just had to go do a quick mission (if you hadn't already caught on, I'm out training wih my unit for the rest of this week and then next week and most of the following week as well). So I probably didn't see your edit before ai left to do the mission stuffs.

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