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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Sorry Leo. Can't give u a dragon scale :/ dragons are pretty resistant when it comes to magic....at least thir scales are xD ur facked

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Good God, you'd think I went and survived the zombie apocalypse with how you all are reacting. xD

(Cue sarcastic response) Also, @SilverFlight, thank you oh so much for sending the darkness-tainted Luness to an object tainted by the very person who originally tainted her. So much tainting. All the tainting.
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Also, I'm going to leave it up to you, @DawnAntalios, to take control of the book, as Luness approaches it and such.

So, in case any of you miss the note I added to the song I put in my latest post...Replace the lyrics 'brother bear' with 'everyone'. Also, ignore the upbeat part, as Luness hasn't reached that part in her story just yet.
@Flutterby Honestly, I really don't care who goes after her. It could be anyone and I'll have her react accordingly to whoever appears. I'm not going to tell someone to not interact with my character. ^^
@Lioness075 I was just checking, in case you had top-secret plans with someone

Not sure if I will or not, it would be a little out of character for Quincy, but so is just standing while people have a life-or-death argument in front of her *shrugs*
Well, I actually thought all of that up on the spot so I didn't really plan anything out with anyone in particular and right now, the focus is on Nyr, not Luness.

And yeah, it probably would be a bit out of character for Quincy to want to check on Luness lol. Maybe she should focus on helping Malachai protect the bowl of stew. xD


Lol This RP is one of the most fun, interesting, dramatic RP's iv'e ever had the pleasure of participating in. xD you guys are hilarious.
Honestly, it won't be the same if Silver isn't controlling Kallin himself so I'd rather wait for him to return. >.>
Well then, you have quite a holiday ahead of you, if he has no internet where he went he only arrives back on Sunday.

Your call :3

We can wait obviously, I just proposed that as an option.
I mean, I'd love to not have to wait and just move on, but it really wouldn't be the same and with such an emotional scene unfolding, it wouldn't be that great of a scene if one of us took over Silver's characters and tried our best to be them in the moment.
I do understand that. The question is how do we solve this issue then?

If you want you can imprison Nyr then in a cell and weaken the tome so that she would be weak and powerless until Silver comes back. That way you need not to pause because of this side arc adn can progress.
Hmm, well, I don't want to play as Kallin for the scene with Luness on the deck though. Even if we resolve the Nyr scene, we'll still be kinda stuck with Luness. I dunno, I'm not too keen about playing as someone else's character, as I fear not giving them proper justice and whatnot. >.< Plus, Kallin put most of his power into that strike at Nyr. Considering how incredibly powerful he is during the day and that the grimoire has now been damaged, Nyr probably should already be weakened. Also, Leo is still holding her arm so if Kallin did imprison her then he'd be imprisoning Leo as well.
If thats what it take then by all means, Leo would go to whatever lengths for Nyr. Or any of the other team mates as well. However, Kallin did provide the means for Nyr to return for a moment to hit the book. What if Malachi or Alexander where to scortch the book now? As for Luness, I can apreciate a good scene between 2 characters that have a click, but Anya and Ethan are trying their hardest to help, and it might be good for Luness to achieve a little bonding with the others in the group other than Kallin. Just my suggestion ^^ feel free to ignor me if you wish.

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075
Well, then we could have one of the dragons burn the book. ^^ And at this point in time, considering how long Luness has had the darkness inside of her, it'd actually be best if she was restrained or something cause there's probably not a whole lot of good that any talking will do to persuade her otherwise. Though, restraining Luness will put her in a frenzy. But yeah, I'm not trying to push the other characters away from interacting with Luness. She's just a bit difficult to communicate with right now and whatnot.
SilverFlight said:
@Shimakage Thunder Three months?! It hasn't been that long dear. Is this a magic baby?
Well, I am sure time passes quite a bit throughout all these adventures. Otherwise, she'd probably still be pregnant <.<
It's only been a few days. Adventures don't tend to last longer than three days each. A lot can happen in one day. Perhaps being in FableWood ages humans faster? xD I dunno.

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