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Fantasy ~ FableWood

SilverFlight said:
Ok! That all sounds logical. And this way Alex can go with everyone, because both Rumpel and this cure are in the ShadowWood that is closest to the mountains correct? The portal opening therefore would be the best way for him to get there too right?
Yes yes. I apologize for the confusion!

He isn't in a very talkative mood, but I could have explained his thought processes better in the post, haha.
Yeah, always feel free to voice your character's thoughts in their posts. ^^ That way, even though the other chwracters won't understand what's going on, the rpers will. :)
Sssoooo just to be clear @SilverFlight, when I first read Kallins post he seemed to have been standing over Elena saying he never liked her. That's why I had Malachai fly past him as a way to save her without realizing it lol then I reread it and saw he was talking to the piper xD I was gonna change it but then said ef it. Battles aren't meant to be perfectly choreographed, especially with soon that just met the group lol. Sorry

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I swear I wasn't trying to squoosh him on purpose
andujarprime said:
Sssoooo just to be clear @SilverFlight, when I first read Kallins post he seemed to have been standing over Elena saying he never liked her. That's why I had Malachai fly past him as a way to save her without realizing it lol then I reread it and saw he was talking to the piper xD I was gonna change it but then said ef it. Battles aren't meant to be perfectly choreographed, especially with soon that just met the group lol. Sorry
Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

I swear I wasn't trying to squoosh him on purpose
I think that was perfect, don't change it. It shows Malachai's dedication to his task, and it gives Kallin a reason to complain. Character devo winwin xD

So I have Kallin open the portal when we are all ready to confront Rumpel yes? We go back to the clan now and recover...and find out Quincy's on the brink of death.

Guys I'm sorry this arc has moved a bit slowly. The beginning was intentional for those asking for a longer break before the arc started and for character development time. Once we got to the city and clan that was just bad pacing on mine and andujar's part, as well as poor time planing x.x so sorry if this has been boring for any of you, we'll try to speed things along a bit faster the rest of the way out, and for most of today I'll be on here.
It happens. ^^

@zCrookedz Unless it plans on squeezing into the cave where the portal is located, I don't believe so.

@SilverFlight Is it still raining or can we assume that it's now cloudy or sunny out?
Ok, I guess through my sporatic poating and reading i missed where the portal actually was. I thought we were standing by it in the cave we were just in :P
No, we're now onboard the Tenacity and back at the clan lol. We're regrouping and assessing the situation before blindly rushing in.
Nah, we've been doing lots of moving around. They went from the hatchery to this place by a 'cave'- I imagined it as a pretty tight fit just to walk through it! and then they headed back to the clan and stuff.

It's sometimes hard to keep up with all the moving :)


Lioness075 said:
No, we're now onboard the Tenacity and back at the clan lol. We're regrouping and assessing the situation before blindly rushing in.
How in the world do you type and respond so fast??

Nah, that's just the dramatic music playing in the background while I flourish my hands sporadically.
Hey just so everyone knows, Sleipnir gave me permission to bunny Ethan until she gets back from New Mexico, so I suppose I'll start doing that now. :)
@Hel that will do. I entrust Ethan unto you. Perhaps he will be useful by the time I return :P do just about anything with him.
@Hel Silverflight and I both agreed that it'd be best to wait until this arc was over to introduce my human. ^^ She doesn't exactly fit in with this kind of arc and I think having her show up and seeing a bunch of dragons every where might very well give her a heart attack lol.
Lioness075 said:
@Hel Silverflight and I both agreed that it'd be best to wait until this arc was over to introduce my human. ^^ She doesn't exactly fit in with this kind of arc and I think having her show up and seeing a bunch of dragons every where might very well give her a heart attack lol.
Makes sense, it's true. I was just wondering when we'd get to see her :)
Trust me, I'm very excited to introduce her myself, the timing just isn't right yet. ^^;
I think we can head out whenever, I made Alex, Quincy and them head back that way and don't really have enough to say to warrant another post except for: "They arrived at the ship! Yay!"

Well, obviously it would be a bit more than that but still. I'll be back in a bit, i gotsta cook some chicken before it goes bad.
Lol, well, Silver made it so we're not heading out until y'all are onboard so when you're done cooking your chicken, you should still probably make a post with you guys arriving and whatnot. Even if it's a short one. :P

@zCrookedz Having some internet problems over there? :P Double posting and all...

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