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Fantasy ~ FableWood

@SilverFlight It was never entirely clear what ShadowWood did to people. From the description of it that I'd read before, it just sounded like it made them darker on the inside over time. Anyhow, she only ever used it to conceal herself from the pack or Bigby if they ever got close to her. It was her means of escape every time. She never stayed in there for long.

Also, @zCrookedz you should definitely heal Ward before the next fight unfolds. He needs it even if he won't admit to it.
SilverFlight said:
I think @Draki nailed it. A trip to the ShadowWood is perfect.
I did say the poison would work in hours though, make it a little more exciting. There can be a part of the ShadowWood on the mountain. It is very dangerous for FableWoodians as they start to vanish if they stay for too long.

@Lioness075 was that in her profile? Because the ShadowWood makes people disappear. She couldn't spend too long there.


Quincy is quite far from ward, Nyr and the others. Leo is with the group fighting the piper yes? We'll need him for the upcoming battle against Rumple.
Ok im with you guys. Im sorry i wasnt much help against pipper. I will try to be as much help as possible with Rumble.
Lioness075 said:
@SilverFlight It was never entirely clear what ShadowWood did to people. From the description of it that I'd read before, it just sounded like it made them darker on the inside over time. Anyhow, she only ever used it to conceal herself from the pack or Bigby if they ever got close to her. It was her means of escape every time. She never stayed in there for long.
Also, @zCrookedz you should definitely heal Ward before the next fight unfolds. He needs it even if he won't admit to it.
Agreed, i just wasnt sure if he was going to heal himself. I can heal him.
Sorry guys, Monday's and thursdays are really slow for me in the afternoons, I have to drive 2 hours so that I can work with the band for 4 :/ Not really worth it, but whatever it takes, I guess.
Lioness075 said:
@SilverFlight It was never entirely clear what ShadowWood did to people. From the description of it that I'd read before, it just sounded like it made them darker on the inside over time. Anyhow, she only ever used it to conceal herself from the pack or Bigby if they ever got close to her. It was her means of escape every time. She never stayed in there for long.
Also, @zCrookedz you should definitely heal Ward before the next fight unfolds. He needs it even if he won't admit to it.
"Few good creatures of FableWood dare to enter these places. They can feel themselves begin to fade the moment they set foot in them. There are always stories of poor folk who go in that never come out again."

- FableWood Overview

I thought that was fairly clear.


andujarprime said:
Sorry, family stuff. Holy cow came back to find progression O.o
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The story in theory should be progressed each day...unless the group decides we should slow or stop.
I guess lol. It surprised me as well to wake up this morning to little to no progression at all.
Yeah, I kinda passed out before posting anything. Lol And considering I don't work today I didn't make a 3am wake up for any other post xD but @Hel moved it forward a bit and I'll be posting in a few too

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Well, Luness is useless when it comes to using magic, so she won't be of much help with the portal itself. >.<
@andujarprime Since Malachai is in his human form, is he talking to everyone with his voice as opposed to his mind? Because you have it italicized like he's speaking with his mind, which would prevent Luness from hearing him. Mind you, I know she chose to not hear anyone speaking with their minds, but since Malachai's in his human form, I naturally assumed he wouldn't be speaking with his mind.
Yeah sorry. I thought in Italics was for speaking in general. xD I'll keep that in mind from now on..... O.o I see what I did there lol

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SilverFlight said:
((@Flutterby @Hel we can't leave Draki hanging here, she did mention she knew a cure. I'm also confused...the portal to Rumple's abode is open now right? We can go through? If not, then have Kallin help Nyr open it. Or vis versa, if I'm not back in time.))
I think the plan is to take her character with us while we go back to the dragons to regroup and decide how to deal with the poisoning and the eggs at the same time, but maybe I read it wrong
Flutterby said:
I think the plan is to take her character with us while we go back to the dragons to regroup and decide how to deal with the poisoning and the eggs at the same time, but maybe I read it wrong
She knows the cure :) Or part of it, it depends how you want to play this out, its your bit. xD
SilverFlight said:
She knows the cure :) Or part of it, it depends how you want to play this out, its your bit. xD
Yeah, he had asked her to climb on so that they could try to buy time from the one of the dragon healers. One day is a very short amount of time given travel must still occur, so Alex was trying to think of a temporary fix until Thea's solution could be utilized.

Also, no, the portal was tied to the piper's pipe. Kalin can see through it if he were to try, but I was leaving it up to you if they could actually reopen it. Sorry if that wasn't clear. And I wasn't leaving her behind, he asked Thea to climb on so that he could carry them back.

She may have suggested a solution, but shadow wood is far away as far as he knows, and the dragons are a 5 minute flight, so why wouldn't you check there first if there is a time crunch?
Hel said:
Yeah, he had asked her to climb on so that they could try to buy time from the one of the dragon healers. One day is a very short amount of time given travel must still occur, so Alex was trying to think of a temporary fix until Thea's solution could be utilized.
Also, no, the portal was tied to the piper's pipe. Kalin can see through it if he were to try, but I was leaving it up to you if they could actually reopen it. Sorry if that wasn't clear. And I wasn't leaving her behind, he asked Thea to climb on so that he could carry them back.

She may have suggested a solution, but shadow wood is far away as far as he knows, and the dragons are a 5 minute flight, so why wouldn't you check there first if there is a time crunch?
Ok! That all sounds logical. And this way Alex can go with everyone, because both Rumpel and this cure are in the ShadowWood that is closest to the mountains correct? The portal opening therefore would be the best way for him to get there too right?

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