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Fantasy ~ FableWood

PokemonGirl said:
I'm just kidding, I wouldn't actually leave after all the edits I've been through.
Glad to hear. :) Silver sometimes shows up again in an hour or two, if not then he will be back around 4 EST. Until then, be thinking of how you might want to introduce Rosy to us. It seems we have 3 new comers who are all trying to figure out how to get started. It's always a possibility for you three to meet each other and then we can pick you guys up before we go to the library. Just a thought ^_^
PokemonGirl said:
I'm so bad at this... LOL
@SilverFlight I swear I fixed it but if anything else is wrong I'm not doing this rp
You can do whatever you like, but if that's how you feel, then I am not sure you'd be very happy writing in FableWood.

But your profile is ok as far as I'm concerned.
I can't speak for Silver in this matter, but I can definitely say that you should go ahead and read the rules, settings, updates, etc. and whatnot before you even make a character sheet. It couldn't hurt to make a character sheet after reading up on everything and then posting it here. If Silver won't let you join now, then he'll just get in contact with you when we're open to let someone else join us. Also, Silver will critique your CS accordingly to make it work with our RP and such.
Just don't start posting in the RP itself until Silver personally approves of your character and tells you that you're good to go. ^^
Name: Arianne Lenn

Age: 10

Race: Human

Powers and abilities: Not much is known about Arianne, aside from being born in a noble family in Aerios. Some however could have sworn that the little girl is more than it meets the eye.

Personality: Arianne is a kind, sweet and obedient little girl. Being brought up by her father she had quickly learnt how to be polite and respectful towards others. Rarely sad or heartbroken the little adventurous girl always faces danger and trials if that means that she can help her friends and allies.

Character flaw or weakness: Quick to speak sometimes Arianne gets in trouble because of her sharp tongue, even if she tries to be respectful. Impatient and ambitious she often rushes to the help of her allies even if it means that she would endanger herself in the process. She can also get distracted whenever she sees a beautiful dress - although she tries her best not to tell this to anyone.

Romantic inclination: Heterosexual

Short bio:

Arianne was born as a member of the noble Lenn family in Aerios. Despite the other nobles looking down on her for being a girl instead of a proper boy heir for the family her father loved her more than anything in his life. When her mother died while the girl was very young her father dedicated his life to grant his daughter the best childhood he could.

He however could not predict the complications that would soon follow. Different political tasks needed his full attention and could not be with his beloved child constantly. The ever smiling girl did not blame her father and instead she read every book they had in their library.

The little scholar girl now reveres the so called Heroes of FableWood and when she had heard that the champions have arrived in her home she was overjoyed and hurried to meet them.

Or so the tales go...


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Vinter or "Vi"





Powers and abilities:

Vinter boosts morale high and doesn't succumb to desperation


“Cannons will sing 'em to sleep!”

Adventurous is the life of a pirate. Vinter's no exception. Prolonged exposure to treasure huntin' and being an outlaw tends to bring out the worst in most folk. But Vinter ain't no most folk. Every swashbuckler knows what's it like on the sea. They know it takes courage, that it takes a strong tummy and most importantly... an undeniable love for booty to call yourself a proper sea dog. Our Vinter is all that and more! To make it as a captain you need discipline, a foul mouth, a barrel full o' snark, and charisma! They don't make 'em like that anymore. Pity.

Character flaw or weakness:

Growing up without parents blurred Vinter's definition of 'affection' and 'empathy'. They do show...but rarely. It's also the killin' and the boarding that made Vinter one of the least squeamish fellers you've known. Gruesome deaths? Probably Vinter's doing.

Romantic inclination:

Vinter here doesn't care much for romancin'. But ain't nuttin' wrong with being flirty around them lovelies!

Short bio:

Vinter comes from Neverland! Straight from Hook's Crew! While unable to recall what was before, Vinter could tell you that together with Lucille, they won against Hook in a duel, earning their freedom.

While still dreaming about life as pirates, they worked together once more to establish themselves as swashbucklers. From there, Lucille and Vinter raised to the highest ranks and were able to lead their own crew.

Recently, Vinter vanished! Right before Caraboss started to stir up peace in Fablewood too!

But Vinter wouldn't just disappear like that!

'Twas only Lucille who truly knew the pirate's intentions. Vinter had an eye out for Caraboss. The swashbucklin' feller went off to start a little organization of sorts, successfully becoming the spy master of a small network of thieves, cutthroats, and diplomatic double agents!


Vinter sports a fine leather jacket that misses its own left sleeve and a pair of sturdy hide trousers, adorned with a golden design and leather boots. The rest of Vinter's body is decorated with blood-pumping red bandanas and trinkets. A necklace! By the name of "The Crocodile Smile" rests on the pirate's upper chest. All of that and on top of it, dark blue eyes, just to be sure.


And the outfit:


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Name: Ylylore " The magnificent " Empryean.

Age: 45

Race: Wizard/mage

Powers and abilities: Ylylore is a very skilled wizard and also a learned man. Yly is a genius at performing rituals and was even called a prodigy in his youth. Other than rituals, Ylylore is even a master enchanter if given the right ingredients. Even though he is a strong wizard, his knowledge of offensive or even defensive magic is negligible. He instead of standing and fighting prefers to either flee or summon someone to fight for him. Ylylore is also good with a sword but he rarely ever uses one. Ylylore also has some control over the elements but he can't even break a huge bolder.

Personality: Under Ylylore's kind looking blue eyes lies a greedy old man who would prefer a chest full riches over the even truest of friendships. As ylylore always says, " It is just good business ". They say that with age comes pride and Quirky old Ylylore has a ego that surpasses most mountains in size. Ylylore is short tempered and has a habit of making a fuss over the smallest of things. This has more often than not cause him to get into big troubles. Ylylore is a smart man with good oratory skills. This makes him a good negotiator. He is rumored to have fooled a king into trading 2 chests filled with diamonds for just a rock. Even though Ylylore has soo many negative points about his character, he is still a stubborn aged man who will stand for what he believes. This believe can at times be good, like the time when he fought rock golem just to protect a village that offered him aid or when he enchanted a knight's equipment who later fought and won a rebellion against the Tyrannic king. ( trying to not give too specifics )

Ylylore lives by the words, " Money’s only something you need in case you don’t die tomorrow. "

Character flaw or weakness: Ylylore's biggest flaw is his short temper and his avarice. This makes him easy to manipulate and a subject to others control. " The highest bid gets it all ". Other than this Ylylore even though a very powerful mage lacks training or knowledge of any type of offensive or even defensive spells and so is mostly very vulnerable.

Romantic inclination: Heterosexual. Though Ylylore would any day prefer a mana crystal instead of love.

Short bio: Ylyore was born into the respected mage family of the Empryeans. They were known not just for their talents in wizardry but because the family had wizards that didn't had mastered different schools of magic and so as a whole the Empryean house had the knowledge of every type of magic. Since he was little Ylylore was a fast learning and showed great interest in magic. It wasn't long before he received the title of Empryea's young prodigy. He would spend days at stretch just reading through the various books which were many. All were in the family library whose shelf seemed never ending maybe because of a spell. Though Ylylore studied every school of magic, he felt attracted to enchantment and rituals more than the rest. By the age of 18 he had already mastered everything he could from his home and had so begun his journey. He went through the winter wilds, the fire caves, various castles, cities, palaces and even the reached at the glacier peak. During his journey his fame grew, his knowledge and pride did too. By the age of 39 he was a well known wizard, often praised for his work and sometimes even cursed for his high prices. Ylylore spent the rest of years moving from cities to cities, meeting different nobility and royalty. Who he would offer his services to and charging a fortune as he always did.

@divyansh Cool, accepted. I have some questions:

1. can you spell his name phonetically? I really can't guess how to pronounce it ^^'

2. Why/how will he join the heroes of FableWood? I don't think anyone here right now can afford to pay him :3

1. take the first y silent and Ly-lore. Simple :D

2. Well it is not just about cash you know. If I am not wrong the power of imagination is quite valuable. A smart man could sure know how to make profit out of that. :D
divyansh said:
1. take the first y silent and Ly-lore. Simple :D

2. Well it is not just about cash you know. If I am not wrong the power of imagination is quite valuable. A smart man could sure know how to make profit out of that. :D
Fantastic. So, we have just headed out to the Isle of springs to a. find a spring that will help Luness confront the demon taint she had put into her and b. to find the first piece of an ancient artifact that will help us defeat Caraboss, the evil arch-baddie of the story.

Ylyore can be waiting for us at the cave entrance to the spring isle. Its surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs, the only way in is through a short cave with a waterfall at the end of it.
I think we're full for now, though that's ultimately Silver's decision to make. If anything, you can go ahead and make a CS after you read the rules, overview, settings/locations (basically scroll to the bottom to better understand where the group is now), and the updates for a SparkNotes version of what all has transpired in this RP leading up to current events.

It'd also be a great idea to think up a truly original character. Like, we've already got two ravens, two dragons, a werecat, a werewolf, two mages, a forest guardian, and a kelpie. We've also got quite the array of humans, one being a pirate FableWoodian while the rest are from the Real World. I'd strongly suggest you either make a human for originality and allow him/her to eventually obtain a power that is unique and not like any of the other human's powers or make up an original FableWoodian or even take some kind of Disney character and make them your own. Or bring some legend to life or something. Please don't bring a Disney princess or prince to the RP unless you plan on making them combat-ready though lol. Our characters see a lot of combat so while your character may not have ever seen combat in their life to some degree, please don't make them some prissy person who can't get their hands dirty or something. That'd just end up being detrimental to any possible character development for your character...unless you planned on having them eventually accepting that they'd have to get their hands dirty at some point.
GamerXZ said:
Hi, are you guys still accepting?
Thanks Lune, but I'll take it from here xD

We are technically full, but I think we may have just had someone leave, so please make a CS (however you like, i.e. Lioness' suggestions are just that) that follows the rules and I will review it.

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