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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Name: Fulgrim/Lorgar

Age: 15

Race: Werewolf

Powers and abilities: Can turn into a wolf cause he's a werewolf, albeit unwillingly sometimes. He always turns on the night of the full moon and on the night of the full moon, Lorgar is always in control. When a wolf, he can communicate telepathically. Wounds heal quickly unless attacked with silver

Personality: Fulgrim is a calm and collected individual who does not enjoy being around large groups of people. He is intelligent and a realist. While sometimes talkative and sociable, Fulgrim prefers being away from others, due to his "other self" and the spontaneous nature of his transformations at night and, rarely, in the day.

Lorgar: Lorgar is the wolf half of Fulgrim. He is reactionary and distrustful of people he does not know and is quick to anger. He does a lot based on instinct, as would be expected of a wolf. If properly punished or treated he can be tamed. He has a dangerously powerful and malicious mind.

Character flaw or weakness: When he comes in contact with silver, Fulgrim/Lorgar are seriously burned. When attacked with a silver weapon they are wounded even more seriously than normal and can not heal the wound quickly.

Romantic inclination: (Unsure what to put here, having a guess) Heterosexual

Short bio: Fulgrim was never human, nor had he ever wanted to be: the issue was he didn't want to have this other being, sharing his body with him. He loved running as a wolf, being in the wolf form, even scaring any passers by but he did so at the risk of being taken over by his 'other self', Lorgar and his fun escalated, from scaring travelers to attacking them. Thus Fulgrim has been forced to stay in his human form and be more responsible, less he start to become a target for humans and other creatures to hunt. Since then, Fulgrim has offered his services to travelers, guiding them to near towns and out of trouble. When he feels it is safe for him to do so, he travels around in his wolf form, but Lorgar is always willing to fight to control what he considers is rightfully his.


:(Has to be descritpion) Fulgrim is just over 6 foot tall, with a slightly athletic and lean build. His hair is almost jet black, his eyes a deep brown. He has tanned skin.

Wolf: He is a slightly larger than normal wolf (Think dire wolf from Game of Thrones) with white fur and deep blue eyes when he's calm, an angry yellow when he's agitated and a blood red when he's controlled by a blood-lust. (Ironically, I have a picture for the wolf but not for the human)

Baconhands said:
Name: Fulgrim/Lorgar
Age: 15

Race: Werewolf

Powers and abilities: Can turn into a wolf cause he's a werewolf, albeit unwillingly sometimes. He always turns on the night of the full moon and on the night of the full moon, Lorgar is always in control. When a wolf, he can communicate telepathically. Wounds heal quickly unless attacked with silver

Personality: Fulgrim is a calm and collected individual who does not enjoy being around large groups of people. He is intelligent and a realist. While sometimes talkative and sociable, Fulgrim prefers being away from others, due to his "other self" and the spontaneous nature of his transformations at night and, rarely, in the day.

Lorgar: Lorgar is the wolf half of Fulgrim. He is reactionary and distrustful of people he does not know and is quick to anger. He does a lot based on instinct, as would be expected of a wolf. If properly punished or treated he can be tamed. He has a dangerously powerful and malicious mind.

Character flaw or weakness: When he comes in contact with silver, Fulgrim/Lorgar are seriously burned. When attacked with a silver weapon they are wounded even more seriously than normal and can not heal the wound quickly.

Romantic inclination: (Unsure what to put here, having a guess) Heterosexual

Short bio: Fulgrim was never human, nor had he ever wanted to be: the issue was he didn't want to have this other being, sharing his body with him. He loved running as a wolf, being in the wolf form, even scaring any passers by but he did so at the risk of being taken over by his 'other self', Lorgar and his fun escalated, from scaring travelers to attacking them. Thus Fulgrim has been forced to stay in his human form and be more responsible, less he start to become a target for humans and other creatures to hunt. Since then, Fulgrim has offered his services to travelers, guiding them to near towns and out of trouble. When he feels it is safe for him to do so, he travels around in his wolf form, but Lorgar is always willing to fight to control what he considers is rightfully his.


:(Has to be descritpion) Fulgrim is just over 6 foot tall, with a slightly athletic and lean build. His hair is almost jet black, his eyes a deep brown. He has tanned skin.

Wolf: He is a slightly larger than normal wolf (Think dire wolf from Game of Thrones) with white fur and deep blue eyes when he's calm, an angry yellow when he's agitated and a blood red when he's controlled by a blood-lust. (Ironically, I have a picture for the wolf but not for the human)

Um, have you read the rules by chance? These types of werewolves aren't allowed...
Oh. You spoke with Silver? My bad. I had no idea. We have so many people joining and such right now, sorry.
Lioness075 said:
Oh. You spoke with Silver? My bad. I had no idea. We have so many people joining and such right now, sorry.
No problem! I can see why you put it and I probably would have done the same in your situation
Lioness075 said:
Um, have you read the rules by chance? These types of werewolves aren't allowed...
We spoke about that in a private chat Lioness. Please leave the CS review to me from now on.


Baconhands said:
Name: Fulgrim/Lorgar
Age: 15

Race: Werewolf

Powers and abilities: Can turn into a wolf cause he's a werewolf, albeit unwillingly sometimes. He always turns on the night of the full moon and on the night of the full moon, Lorgar is always in control. When a wolf, he can communicate telepathically. Wounds heal quickly unless attacked with silver

Personality: Fulgrim is a calm and collected individual who does not enjoy being around large groups of people. He is intelligent and a realist. While sometimes talkative and sociable, Fulgrim prefers being away from others, due to his "other self" and the spontaneous nature of his transformations at night and, rarely, in the day.

Lorgar: Lorgar is the wolf half of Fulgrim. He is reactionary and distrustful of people he does not know and is quick to anger. He does a lot based on instinct, as would be expected of a wolf. If properly punished or treated he can be tamed. He has a dangerously powerful and malicious mind.

Character flaw or weakness: When he comes in contact with silver, Fulgrim/Lorgar are seriously burned. When attacked with a silver weapon they are wounded even more seriously than normal and can not heal the wound quickly.

Romantic inclination: (Unsure what to put here, having a guess) Heterosexual

Short bio: Fulgrim was never human, nor had he ever wanted to be: the issue was he didn't want to have this other being, sharing his body with him. He loved running as a wolf, being in the wolf form, even scaring any passers by but he did so at the risk of being taken over by his 'other self', Lorgar and his fun escalated, from scaring travelers to attacking them. Thus Fulgrim has been forced to stay in his human form and be more responsible, less he start to become a target for humans and other creatures to hunt. Since then, Fulgrim has offered his services to travelers, guiding them to near towns and out of trouble. When he feels it is safe for him to do so, he travels around in his wolf form, but Lorgar is always willing to fight to control what he considers is rightfully his.


:(Has to be descritpion) Fulgrim is just over 6 foot tall, with a slightly athletic and lean build. His hair is almost jet black, his eyes a deep brown. He has tanned skin.

Wolf: He is a slightly larger than normal wolf (Think dire wolf from Game of Thrones) with white fur and deep blue eyes when he's calm, an angry yellow when he's agitated and a blood red when he's controlled by a blood-lust. (Ironically, I have a picture for the wolf but not for the human)

Accepted, provided you answer this:

How does your character feel about Caraboss and the darkness growing in FableWood, and why would you want to join the heroes?
SilverFlight said:
We spoke about that in a private chat Lioness. Please leave the CS review to me from now on.

Accepted, provided you answer this:

How does your character feel about Caraboss and the darkness growing in FableWood, and why would you want to join the heroes?
Fulgrim is a smart character; he knows that if the darkness gets out of hand his life is essentially gone. If he doesn't act, he feels that not only will he lose everything, everyone else that he has known will vanish; a horrible fate he'd rather avoid.
Baconhands said:
Fulgrim is a smart character; he knows that if the darkness gets out of hand his life is essentially gone. If he doesn't act, he feels that not only will he lose everything, everyone else that he has known will vanish; a horrible fate he'd rather avoid.
Cool, I will put the CS up. So, currently, the entire team is in a place called The Whispering Isles, it is a country floating above mainland FableWood and made of a large set of sky islands. Currently we are on one really big island, surrounded by steep cliffs and the only way in is to pass through a waterfall cave in the cliff face and be enchanted with a youth sell that will drain any magical powers and super strength. Basically, your character would turn between 6 and 12. The island contained a vast ruined city, in which we are all now, facing off Leo's old mentor, a soul corrupted by Caraboss and bound into guarding the relic we are after. Leia, Arianne and Quincy are in a deeper chamber getting the relic while Ward and everyone else is fighting the great bear guardian. Oh, and Kallin, Luness and Otto are on their way to the ruin.
Okay, interesting. You wouldn't mind if I lurked for a bit to get an idea on everyone's characters and what they're like?
Baconhands said:
Okay, interesting. You wouldn't mind if I lurked for a bit to get an idea on everyone's characters and what they're like?
Lurk away, you can have a lurking competition with @Aldur Forgehammer xD btw, welcome to FableWood.
SilverFlight said:
Lurk away, you can have a lurking competition with @Aldur Forgehammer xD btw, welcome to FableWood.
I am telling you, I cannot be defeated.
[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]It's undoubtedly I who will take the prize. Give up your hopes and dreams right now.

Ok you two, take it to the OOC :P
Name: Aelin of the water


Race: water fairy

Powers and abilities: Aelin is clever and knows how to find her way around the land without getting in too much trouble. Being a water fairy, she can both fly and swim underwater for long periods of time. She flies very fast, which comes in handy when she has to flee from some hostile creatures.

Aelin can use her water magic to heal others, or to harm them, though her offensive magic is not very strong at all... not that she would ever admit that, though. Her magic allows her to make wooden weapons as hard as steel, which comes in handy since there aren't many people who would be able to make a weapon her size. She often carries a small sword with her, just in case... even though she would do no damage to a human or any other giant.

She she can sense water from miles away and knows a lot about the vegetation that grows around the land.

Personality: Aelin loves to be with others, being alone makes her uncomfortable and vulnerable. She's brave, sometimes foolishly so, loyal and incredibly stubborn. And also a bit selfish, but she would never abandon a wounded friend.

Aelin likes to crack jokes all the time, sometimes at expense of others, which is why she might come across as rude... but she never intentionally offends someone. She's lighthearted and tries to keep everyone around her happy, even when there's a bad situation ahead of them.

Though if you upset her, it's likely that she'll hold a grudge and stay mad for a long while.

Character flaw or weakness: Aelin is extremely sensitive. Her heart is big, and she's quick to get attached to even the darkest creatures, this sometimes gets her feelings hurt. She's also bad at dealing with critique or taunting, she's likely to cry if you say something bad about her.

She grows weaker the farther she's away from water, and the sun burns her delicate skin easily.

Romantic inclination: Everything! Aelin's open to love ;)

Short bio: Aelin was born along with a few other fairies in a little pond. She learned to swim, fly and use her magic along with her family. After she turned 14, she and her group disbanded. All of them went their own way and Aelin decided to explore the nearest forest. She sayed therefor three years, studying the plants and exploring the depths of the rivers. Now that she's seventeen, she feels like looking for something different in her life; an adventure. So she gathered a few of her favorite berries and went on her way, looking for someone to make her friend.


Aelin is about as tall as the breadth of a hand. Her body is frail and delicate, but her wings are strong and can hold her airborne even amidst a storm. Her hair reaches down to the tips of her feet, white and delicate as new snow. She sometimes braids it to fall over her shoulder, that way it doesn't bother her on journeys. Her eyes are a dark shade of blue, the same coor as the pond she was born in, contoured by long lashes and her lips are pink as water lillies.

Her skin is pale and after she has spend a long time underwater, it has a blueish glow to it. Same goes for her wings, they're a pale blue with pretty patterns outlined in black.

Every now and then she makes new tunics of braided grass and flowers to wear.
Meril Almas

Name: Meril Juvelas Almas

Age: 15 but everyone assumes she is older. Mainly because she's 5'11"

Race: Human

Powers and abilities: Crystallokinesis, create, shape and control magic crystals. Right now she can only make small crystals, but they are durable. Her max amount is 8 small crystals for now.

Personality: Meril is a very easy going girl who doesn't really rebel against change. She takes on situations as they come not really focusing on the problem, but rather the solution. She is a analytical girl, she thinks about things differently from others. She likes to have fun, her favorite things are to act, sing and dance. She is a preformer and is a good one. She can play any personality with ease. She is outgoing and nice, but also stern and serious at times. Meril is a charming mysterious girl, who is innocent and expressive. She's naive, but usually pretends to know everything. Sometimes she appear to seem stuck up or pretentious, however, she is not and cares deeply for others. On occasion acting more like a overprotective mother hen than a 15 year old girl.

Character flaw or weakness: She is scatterbrained at times and gets lost very easily. A total spaz, she forgets items and important pieces of information. She plays it off like it was unimportant to hide her mistake.

Romantic inclination: Heterosexual

Short bio: Meril grew up in a happy home. Her mother was a famous archeologist and her father was a doctor.Meril was the middle child with one older brother and a younger sister. Although being the dreaded middle child, she was never really ignored. Her parents listened to her and did everything they could for her and her siblings. She was encouraged to peruse her intrest of acting and was sent to a prestigious fine arts academy.

She entered the world of FableWood after finishing, oddly enough, a play on the Arabian Nights. Irony, it's weird.


Original Appearance:


Current Appearance:


Whichever makes you question why is she 15.
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