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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Name: (formerly Miekael; a very bad man, cursed by a goddess- now bound to a little black shadow that has changed 'his' form to that of either a young woman or a beast) So, the original name has been forgotten; He just takes the name of the spirit; Murari Vallabha Minaksi (nickname: Mi)

Age: Miekael is 80 years old (cursed when he was 34); looks 18, lives as long as Murari lives (which is 300 years so far)

Race: Spirit/Human

Powers and abilities:(THE CURSE=) Sworn servitude to men (for being bad to women in the past life), Her beauty in true love becomes poisonous (whoever she falls in love with is sure to die), Becomes a beast (not upon whim right now) when the spirit is angered or so pleases, is deaf but has heightened other senses

Murari's powers (passed through the body=) Heightened senses (despite deaf; i.e. "unable to listen", while the beast is blind "unable to see"), has the most beautiful voice (voice of a spirit) but cannot hear that voice's beauty, incredible endurance and healing tears,


- must obey the command of men (follow orders, be a slave)

- if she falls in love, her mate will die.

- becomes a blind beast at the will of the spirit within her

- has heightened senses despite being deaf in her human form

- has mesmerizing beautiful voice

- incredible endurance/energy

- healing tears

Personality: Rather forlorn and removed, but defensive and forced to obey the whim of the curse; this creates a very deceitful person who constantly wishes to avoid the curse's consequences at any cost. A trickster, uses unfair advantages against people, but also twisted to obeying.

Character flaw or weakness: Must obey the whim of men, cannot hear (can sense), inherently distrustful and allegedly 'evil', cannot control the beast, cannot swim, extremely afraid of fire, cannot leave fablewood

Romantic inclination:
No romantic inclinations- is attracted to anything but cannot truly fall in love

Short bio:

In the past, Mikael was a horrible man; a warrior who burned the woods to hunt. He had three wives, all of which he treated unfairly, all he cared about was the hunt; and the warnings of Fablewood were ones he did not listen to, he wanted his trophies. The spirit's daughter he'd slain cursed him with Murari and the appearance of the girl he had murdered. Mi wanders the forest trying to find a way to break the curse.

Appearance: M

4'8, maybe 80 pounds, very lithe figure, soft pear shaped body.


This is the dark little magic bound to Mi's soul, consuming the soul more and more; some dark long-lost magic who finally found the host it needs. It is a curse gone rouge.


Mikael looks like this now, usually wearing a worn tribal mask over her face

The beast:

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TheHarlequinnCat said:
Name: (formerly Miekael; a very bad man, cursed by a goddess- now bound to a little black shadow that has changed 'his' form to that of either a young woman or a beast) So, the original name has been forgotten; He just takes the name of the spirit; Murari Vallabha Minaksi (nickname: Mi)
Age: Miekael is 80 years old (cursed when he was 34); looks 18, lives as long as Murari lives (which is 300 years so far)

Race: Spirit/Human

Powers and abilities:(THE CURSE=) Sworn servitude to men (for being bad to women in the past life), Her beauty in true love becomes poisonous (whoever she falls in love with is sure to die), Becomes a beast (not upon whim right now) when the spirit is angered or so pleases, is deaf but has heightened other senses

Murari's powers (passed through the body=) Heightened senses (despite deaf; i.e. "unable to listen", while the beast is blind "unable to see"), has the most beautiful voice (voice of a spirit) but cannot hear that voice's beauty, incredible endurance and healing tears,

Personality: Rather forlorn and removed, but defensive and forced to obey the whim of the curse; this creates a very deceitful person who constantly wishes to avoid the curse's consequences at any cost. A trickster, uses unfair advantages against people, but also twisted to obeying.

Character flaw or weakness: Must obey the whim of men, cannot hear (can sense), inherently distrustful and allegedly 'evil', cannot control the beast, cannot swim, extremely afraid of fire

Romantic inclination: No romantic inclinations- is attracted to anything but cannot truly fall in love

Short bio:

In the past, Mikael was a horrible man; a warrior who burned the woods to hunt. He had three wives, all of which he treated unfairly, all he cared about was the hunt; and the warnings of Fablewood were ones he did not listen to, he wanted his trophies. The goddess' daughter he'd slain cursed him with Murari and the appearance of the girl he had murdered; the beauty of a goddess, who can turn into a hideous beast, and the injustice that he had forced upon everyone. Mi wanders the forest trying to find a way to break the curse.

Appearance: M

4'8, maybe 80 pounds, very lithe figure, soft pear shaped body.


This is the dark little magic bound to Mi's soul, consuming the soul more and more; some dark long-lost magic who finally found the host it needs. It is a curse gone rouge.


Mikael looks like this now, usually wearing a worn tribal mask over her face

The beast:

This is a really interesting profile...but I'm afraid I can't make heads or tails of your powers. can you re-write them to be a bit more clear? Also, you cannot be cursed by a goddess, there are no gods or goddesses in FableWood, this is crucial to the plot.
Name: Otto

Age: 16

Race: Werewolf

Powers and abilities: Like every Werewolf, Otto can shift from his Werewolf form to his Human form.

Personality: Fun. That is the best way to describe Otto. He love to have fun, and doesn't care what the adventure calls for as long as he has fun doing it.

Character flaw or weakness: Otto is what a lot of humans would consider ADHD. He has a hard time paying attention to long conversations and usually misses out on crucial elements of what was meant to be heard. He does not do it on purpose, he just really likes the way that butterfly flaps its wings.

Romantic inclination: He is Heterosexual, but doesn't pay much attention to romantics.

Short bio: Otto was abandond after his pack was killed by a witch that was a pawn to Caraboss on the borders of Fablewood. Though he was old enough to take care of himself he still was young and being left alone was dangerous. Luckly he ran into a couple of people making their way into the land of Oz and decided to join them. Ruby and Leo were great friends to Otto and he enjoyed being with them. Along their adventure he made even more friends, each different from the next. Finally after weeks of thier journey they arrived at the witch's castle. The plan to kill the witch went off without a hitch until she returned and possessed Ruby. Once she had Ruby, the witch used her powers to rip the humanity out of Otto and turn him into a being of darkness. Leo was able to escape and return with a new band of friends including humans. Finally they released Otto from the clutches of the witch and he returned to normal, kind of. He had been trapped as a werewolf for so long, some of his more beast like features merged over and he acquired ears and a tail. With the help of the Hero's of Fablewood, Ruby was defeated and Oz was saved from Caraboss. Once the hero's left, Otto helped restore Oz to its former glory and had The Wizard transport him to the Whispering Isles to catch up with the Hero's.



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SilverFlight said:
This is a really interesting profile...but I'm afraid I can't make heads or tails of your powers. can you re-write them to be a bit more clear? Also, you cannot be cursed by a goddess, there are no gods or goddesses in FableWood, this is crucial to the plot.
tried to fix it :)
If you read the rules then you'd be aware that vampires aren't allowed in this rp. Please read the rules and then redo your CS. Then Silver will be more willing to look over your CS and possibly accept you.
Lioness075 said:
If you read the rules then you'd be aware that vampires aren't allowed in this rp. Please read the rules and then redo your CS. Then Silver will be more willing to look over your CS and possibly accept you.
Wait, where do you see a vampire CS? I'm confused.


TheHarlequinnCat said:
tried to fix it :)
Cool, I think I understand now. I will accept your profile. Feel free to start whenever you want.

We are in a place called the Whispering Isles (in the locations tab, there are pictures :3 ) It is night time and we have just fended off an attempt on the king's life in his very throne room by a group of dark-clad mages calling themselves The Black Claw. We are in various places about castle Aerios in Aerios city, the capitol of the Isles.

Ward and Elena (and Otto) are in the kitchens, Leo and Nyr are in the gardens, I believe Quincy, Anya and Alex are still in the throne room?? Most everyone else has gone to bed. I will be doing a time jump soon to make it morning.
SilverFlight said:
Wait, where do you see a vampire CS? I'm confused.
Well, there was one here earlier. I told the person to just make a new one or modify their character, but now it's gone entirely. I hope I didn't scare them off. :S I just told 'em that their current CS wouldn't make full sense and such. Plus, they wanted their vampire to have the desire to feed and that would've been terribly annoying to deal with.

Name: Rosy Marles

Age: 13

Race: Dragon

Powers and abilities

Rosy has different abillites depending on her form. As a humanoid, she can transform into a dragon at will, and she can fly, but not very well. As a dragon, Rosy can breathe fire, fly extremely well, and transform back into a humanoid at will.

Personality: Rosy is VERY shy, but is yet not afraid to stand up for something if no one else does. She loves to talk but only if she knows the person she's talking to very well. Rosy is very paranoid and stressed out all the time, for fear of being killed by humans who don't accept her. In secret, all she wants is someone to accept her and love her for who she is.

Character flaw or weakness: Her visible tail and wings keep her from going out in public.

Romantic inclination: (IDK if that means crush or sexuality... She has no crush and she's bisexual so yeah)

Short bio: Rosy was sent into the streets as soon as she was born. Her parents didn't want her in the first place, so when they found out she was a dragon, they didn't even send her to an orphanage. When people ran away from her, she retreated to the forest, where she became shy and powerful, while she grew up thinking that all humans were bad.


Humanoid form: (without whatever summon dragon is..)

Dragon Form: View media item 2014 (note she is a very small dragon, about two feet tall)
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Wait, never said what? I never even implied you said anything in particular. *confused*
Well, that took a turn I was not expecting. Anyhow, I'm sure Silver will approve of your CS, if not then he'll just ask for you to tweak a few things here and there. ^^
Name: Eroan Starlight

Age: 300

Race: high elf, anti-mage

Powers and abilities:

Biological immortality- the ability to stay young forever. Kyle will always be at his physical prime and he is immune to age-based powers. He also has no need to eat, drink or sleep.

#Supernatural phisiology (elven physiology with anti-mage attributes)- as an elf, Eroan's physical capabilities outclass those of a human, being capable of far greater and longer physical exertions, immune to diseases, seeing futher than a human could (also seeing way better than a human in the dark), hearing three times better than an average human, healing almost two times faster than humans and enduring great physical pain for long periods. After his anti-mage training his levels of strength, durability and reaction speed rose to great levels (at the very least above human levels). His running speed is just slightly higher than that of a peak human.

#Magic resistance- Because of his anti-mage training Eroan is resistant to magic, reducing the effect of it (and the damage) by half.

#Mana burner- Eroan can burn slowly and by touch the esoteric energy known as mana which every creature capable of using magic possesses. The armor parts used to cover his entire right arm as well as his left forearm & shoulder (as seen in the image bellow) is used as some kind of seal. Eroan does not want to accidentally burn the mana out of every creature capable of using magic that he encounters. He can deactivate or reactivate the seal whenever he wants (and by that I mean that he needs to take off his armor or put it back on).

>>Other abilities (not supernatural):

  • Very skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Remarkable swordsmanship- Eroan is an expert swordsman and he uses a double-edged sword of medium length made from carbon steel.
  • Pretty good survival skills.

Personality: Eroan is a man with pretty high moral values, has a strong will and is generally calm. Nevertheless, he becomes a chaotic force of nature when angered, even if it is very difficult to anger him. He is very analytic especially during a fight. Despite his simingly serious appearance he actually has a sense of humor and likes to tease people for two reasons: because it's fun and because he gets to understand them better.

Character flaw or weakness:
He cannot heal vital injuries or regenerate lost limbs and while his physical capabilities are indeed higher than those of most people he is nowhere near invincible, invulnerabe or unkillable. Arrows and other weapons can kill him if he is hit in the right spot.

Also, while his magic resistance is indeed high it does not make him impervious to it.

Romantic inclination: heterosexual

Short bio: As a high elf who trained in the ways of anti-magic Eroan was an extremely peculiar, but nonetheless useful force for his people. Because since childhood he was trained far from home by some sort of elven monk, Eroan had differerent ways of viewing things than the other high elves. This fact along with some other certain events gradually made Eroan drift apart from his people. Now he wonders alone from place to place, helping innocent people in need.

He has mixed feelings about humans and decides to only help those who gain his respect. As for the darkness taking over his land, he belives that some aspects of his world deserve to be engulfed by it, while he does whatever he can to protect the aspects of his wolrd which do not deserve this sort of dire fate.


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PokemonGirl said:
Name: Rosy Marles

Age: 13

Race: Dragon

Powers and abilities:

Can transform into a full dragon at will

Can fly in both forms

Can breathe fire as a dragon

(Maybe she'll get some more later?)

Personality: Rosy is VERY shy, but is yet not afraid to stand up for something if no one else does. Her she loves to talk but only if she knows the person she's talking to very well. Rosy is very paranoid and stressed out all the time, for fear of being killed by humans who don't accept her. In secret, all she wants is someone to accept her and love her for who she is.

Character flaw or weakness: Her visible tail and wings keep her from going out in public

Romantic inclination: (IDK if that means crush or sexuality... She has no crush and she's bisexual so yeah)

Short bio: (to be revealed?)


Humanoid form: (without whatever summon dragon is..)

Dragon Form: View media item 2014 (note she is a very small dragon, about two feet tall)
I like your character, but there isn't enough information here. Please write every element in full sentences, at least 3 for the powers, personality and bio sections. You have to give me something for the bio. We've had dragons like your character before, nobody in FableWood would think its that weird ^^


[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
Name: Eroan Starlight
Age: 300

Race: high elf, anti-mage

Powers and abilities:

Biological immortality- the ability to stay young forever. Kyle will always be at his physical prime and he is immune to age-based powers. He also has no need to eat, drink or sleep.

#Supernatural phisiology (elven physiology with anti-mage attributes)- as an elf, Eroan's physical capabilities outclass those of a human, being capable of far greater and longer physical exertions, immune to diseases, seeing futher than a human could (also seeing way better than a human in the dark), hearing three times better than an average human, healing rapidly and completely after injuries that would prove fatal to humans and enduring great physical pain for long periods. After his anti-mage training his levels of strength, durability and reaction speed rose to great levels (to the point where he could punch holes through walls, survive falling from great heights and casually dodge arrows). His running speed is just slightly higher than that of a peak human.

#Magic resistance- Because of his anti-mage training Eroan is resistant to magic, reducing the effect of it (and the damage) by half.

#Mana burner- Eroan can burn slowly and by touch the esoteric energy known as mana which every creature capable of using magic possesses. The armor parts used to cover his entire right arm as well as his left forearm & shoulder (as seen in the image bellow) is used as some kind of seal. Eroan does not want to accidentally burn the mana out of every creature capable of using magic that he encounters. He can deactivate or reactivate the seal whenever he wants (and by that I mean that he needs to take off his armor or put it back on).

>>Other abilities (not supernatural):

  • Very skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Remarkable swordsmanship- Eroan is an expert swordsman and he uses a double-edged sword of medium length made from carbon steel.
  • Pretty good survival skills.

Personality: Eroan is a man with high moral values, has a strong will and is generally calm. Nevertheless, he becomes a chaotic force of nature when angered, even if it is very difficult to anger him. He is very analytic especially during a fight. Despite his simingly serious appearance he actually has a sense of humor and likes to tease people for two reasons: because it's fun and because he gets to understand them better.

Character flaw or weakness:
He cannot heal vital injuries or regenerate lost limbs and while his physical capabilities are indeed higher than those of most people he is nowhere near invincible, invulnerabe or unkillable. Arrows and other weapons can kill him if he is hit in the right spot.

Also, while his magic resistance is indeed high it does not make him impervious to it.

Romantic inclination: heterosexual

Short bio: As a high elf who trained in the ways of anti-magic Eroan was an extremely peculiar, but nonetheless useful force for his people. Because since childhood he was trained far from home by some sort of elven monk, Eroan had differerent ways of viewing things than the other high elves. This fact along with some other certain events gradually made Eroan drift apart from his people. Now he wonders alone from place to place, helping innocent people in need.



Cool character. He is too powerful. Tone down the rapid healing (Maybe slightly accelerated healing, I need the monsters you fight to last longer than 5 seconds xD ) and I'll accept it if you answer a. why he would be involved with the real-worlders in FableWood and b. how he feels about the evil taking his land over.

This could be an interesting character because we have a back mage (cursed with chaos magic) and a kelpie who's had past...emotional dealings with elves.
SilverFlight said:
I like your character, but there isn't enough information here. Please write every element in full sentences, at least 3 for the powers, personality and bio sections. You have to give me something for the bio. We've had dragons like your character before, nobody in FableWood would think its that weird ^^

Cool character. He is too powerful. Tone down the rapid healing (Maybe slightly accelerated healing, I need the monsters you fight to last longer than 5 seconds xD ) and I'll accept it if you answer a. why he would be involved with the real-worlders in FableWood and b. how he feels about the evil taking his land over.

This could be an interesting character because we have a back mage (cursed with chaos magic) and a kelpie who's had past...emotional dealings with elves.
Ok I will work on him in a minute.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Ok I will work on him in a minute.

Tag me when you're done, I don't get notifications for the signup page anymore, its annoying as heck.
Azure Sky] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3029-silverflight/ said:
@SilverFlight[/URL] Done (I think).
Reading it again; you need to take out "to the point where he could punch holes through walls, survive falling from great heights and casually dodge arrows"

that is again, too powerful. Other than that, accepted. Though your character will be the most powerful of the group. I will be checking to make sure you're not going too OP okay?

The updates section is up to date, ask if you have any questions, and welcome aboard!
SilverFlight said:
Reading it again; you need to take out "to the point where he could punch holes through walls, survive falling from great heights and casually dodge arrows"
that is again, too powerful. Other than that, accepted. Though your character will be the most powerful of the group. I will be checking to make sure you're not going too OP okay?

The updates section is up to date, ask if you have any questions, and welcome aboard!
Pffft /flex

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SilverFlight said:
Almost there, just put your powers and abilities into full sentences, I made everyone else do it. Then, it looks good ^^
I'm so bad at this... LOL

@SilverFlight I swear I fixed it but if anything else is wrong I'm not doing this rp
zCrookedz said:
Come now @PokemonGirl, you can't be upset for someone wanting things a particular way. Specially when it is YOU trying to join HIS RP. :)
I'm just kidding, I wouldn't actually leave after all the edits I've been through.

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