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Fantasy ~ FableWood

SilverFlight said:
@TheHappyPikachu those pictures rock, but you've shown me that you haven't read the rules properly, if at all. Please go over them again and redo your character profile.
Ok, I'm so sorry I was in the middle of homework and saw the open slot... I read them before but I guess I forgot... SORRY AGAIN!! I'll have to do it again later...don't have time now.@SilverFlight
Name: Leandra Forrester (In case you were wondering, yes, that is a Game of Thrones reference)

Nickname: Leandra lets her brother call her Lea (pronounced like Leah), and those who are very, very close to her. Otherwise she'll tell you to call her Leandra.

Age: 20

Race: Human

Powers and abilities: Leandra has the ability to heal others wounds, even extensive wounds that would otherwise kill the person inflicted by them. Helping herself is challenging though, as it usually brings her more pain, not less. It's best if someone else heals her, else she'll probably end up unconscious while attempting to do so.

There is one more hidden ability that Leandra has, but I have yet to reveal it.

Personality: Leandra is very bold and outgoing, a true extrovert. She takes pride in all of her accomplishments, but is humble enough to not go around boasting about them. She is also beyond loyal to her brother and anyone she considers a friend. She would go out of her way to help them anyway imaginable and is not afraid to confront someone when they're clearly upset. She won't stop bugging them until they finally tell her, or she begins to feel bad for pushing them too hard. She's also very empathetic and can tell by a person's body language and the way they're speaking how they're feeling in a moment. It's kind of a natural gift, and she uses it all the time to understand what her brother doesn't say out loud.

Character flaw or weakness:
Leandra can be too bold at times, being overly courageous and putting herself in an extremely risky and dangerous position. Her loyalty to her brother can also be faulty, as she'd rather herself be harmed than her brother, though this loyalty goes both ways. Leandra also can go over someone else's personal boundaries in trying to help them with their feelings, when it's most certainly not her place to do so.

Romantic inclination: Homosexual

Short bio: Leandra and her twin brother both grew up in a military family. At the age of thirteen, both of their parents were overseas for a war and the two were left home with a nanny. By the time their parents returned...they returned in coffins with American flags draped over them. The twins were both left with no other family members to turn to and so they became orphans. After spending years in foster care, the twins soon found themselves in what appeared to be the perfect home with two loving parents at the age of sixteen. Not too long after, the parents adopted the twins and they were overjoyed. Their joy was short-lived though. Not too long after the adoption paperwork was finalized, the parents switched gears. The husband attempted to assault Leandra alone one night and her brother, Manjano, came to her rescue at the last moment, which ended with both the husband and Manjano with black eyes, bruised bodies, and even a few lacerations. After that night, Manjano never left Leandra's side while they were home and every time the husband or wife got too drunk and tried to assault Leandra, Manjano would take the hits for her. Once the twins both turned eighteen years old, they packed what little provisions they had of their own and then ran away from home...and enlisted in the Army. After finishing training together, the two went active duty and stayed on a base for the first year of their military career, which mostly involved a ton of training. Leandra spent her time wisely and learned several different hand-to-hand combat styles along with medical expertise while Manjano focused on his marksmanship. The end result was that Leandra became a combat medic while Manjano became a sniper. Now, the twins are overseas in Iraq, where they have been sent to help quell the growing tensions, though neither believe the tensions ever stopped growing in Iraq.

Appearance: (Ignore the iceball she's controlling and just focus on the appearance aspect lol)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Jack.Frost.full.1355838.jpg.749107f9a2b280f55b1b4d94ac824538.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Jack.Frost.full.1355838.jpg.749107f9a2b280f55b1b4d94ac824538.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Details: Leandra's eyes are both an icy blue, and seem to have a slight glow to them, especially in dark lightings. Her hair is in fact white due to the fact that both her brother and herself are albinos. Despite being albinos, neither of the twins have ever suffered any side effects from it beyond the white hair and pale complexion. She also has several cut scars lining the underside of her right wrist from when she was with the abusive parents. Now that she's away from them and in the military, Leandra couldn't be any happier.

Other: Leandra has PTSD in association with anything remotely romantic, as the abusive parents made her ultimately fear getting close to any guys beyond her twin brother. She has never kissed a boy or been in a relationship of any kind. Manjano is the only boy that she truly and without a doubt trusts with her life and true self. Thus, Leandra has slowly found that she has a stronger attraction towards those of the same gender.

Leandra also is a phenomenal artist and loves to draw people when they're not aware that she's doing it. She loves to draw people in the moment. Thus, she always has a sketchbook handy in her backpack, which is her camouflaged assault pack from the military, and pencils to sketch with. She doesn't typically color any of her drawings.

On a side note, Leandra also has a British accent. Despite living in a military family, the twins weren't born until their parents were both in their thirties due to the busy military lifestyle. Their parents were born in England and then moved to America shortly after they were married. Not too long after moving to America, their parents both joined the military and then several years later, the twins were born.



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Thea Song

Age: 19

Race: Siren

Powers and abilities:

Control over sound waves- Thea can control sound waves using her voice, also meaning her vocal range is absolutely ginormous seeing as she has a 6 octave vocal range.

Heightened hearing- Thea can hear from very far distances, around a Mile hearing range making it quite easy for her to tell when something or someone is coming (Or to eavesdrop...)

Flawless voice- Thea's voice is amazing almost entrancing, sometimes to the point of when she's singing people almost feel like floating towards her, much like in the medieval fables of Sirens singing there songs to sailors passing by and there voice being so entrancing they turn there boat towards the sirens and crash.


Thea is childish, childish to the point that she is almost considered crazy. The scheming teen is loved to pieces by her friends and is known to be silly. She is unpredictable, with a love for pranks and is one of the biggest teases on the face of this planet.

Sarcasm is the brunettes specialty and her sly smirks are enough to get people to slap her, though, once you peel back the crazy girl made from years of loneliness she is actually insecure and scared, using her sly personality to cover her lack of self confidence.

The way she grew up makes her strive for perfection and her fear of loneliness makes her latch onto people like they are the only thing there to tether her to earth. She is also kind and generous, standing up for people who don't know how to use there own voice, even though her open minded comments are commonly ignored. Even though she is kind and caring, tenacious and loyal, she is really just a broken girl desperately looking for a hand to pull her up.

Character flaw or weakness:

Seeing as Thea has super hearing, she is also very pitch sensitive, sometimes pitches past certain points making her fall to the floor covering her ears, she is also incredibly ticklish (Not huge but still useful information for fellow teases)

Romantic inclination:


Short bio:

Thea grew up alone and abandoned, after being tossed away from her families cottage at age 6. She was very isolated for long periods of time, rarely getting the ability to talk, sometimes not talking to anyone for so long that she forgot words she had known her whole life, when she turned twelve she settled down in a small village, picking up maid work and acting as a serving wench at taverns. Eventually one day at work she was attacked by one of the people she was working for, in a desperate attempt to flee she ran away from the village, leaving her few belongings and has been wandering ever since.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/b7d680a630fa2c44352c7f9018239edd.jpg.20896f4b4628917315fccaf1329f5ea7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/b7d680a630fa2c44352c7f9018239edd.jpg.20896f4b4628917315fccaf1329f5ea7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Draki Awesome character, approved, and I think I have a really good entrance for you. I'll message you the details.
That's fine... I asked earlier if it had been, but got no response and then someone else posted so I went ahead and posted this anyway. Thanks though :)
We get busy and sometimes overlook things. At least you have the CS ready for the future! ^^
DemiDragon666 said:
That's fine... I asked earlier if it had been, but got no response and then someone else posted so I went ahead and posted this anyway. Thanks though :)
You did? man I'm sorry, the notifications have been really terrible lately. I never get notified when people post things in the sign up anymore.

I've just been checking the page myself periodically
I sometimes don't get notified in my other active rp, and I don't always get notified if someone even tags me in this one. >.< Hopefully they get this all under control eventually.
xD It's fine, really. There's billions of other RP's out there to keep me busy, and I'm always in the mood for creating a new character. I do have it ready, too :)

And yeah, I hate it when stuff like that happens... it really sucks :/ I hope the whole notification thing gets fixed. Well, let me know if ya need another person XP
Name: Xander Catastrophe

Age: 20

Race: Ex-Angel

Basic Abilities: High-Intelligence, Unrivaled-Skill with the Ceremonial Mace, Abnormal Reaction Speed/Agility

Powers: The Holy Divinity; Xander can summon anything within the Holy Bible upon iteration of biblical segments.

Personality: Xander Catastrophe is a stoic, quiet person, who is highly religious in the aspect of Christianity. He does not become attached to easy, often preferring to distance himself from the overall population however, upon attachment, his love for those he cares about is stronger than any other, he would go through the depths of hell for the ones he loves.

Character flaw or weakness:
Demons.. He will not.. Cannot stop fighting until all the demonic beings in the vicinity are vanquished. Even if on his death-bed Xander will vanquish evil.

Romantic inclination: Straight

Short bio: Xander Catastrophe once upon-a-time was an Angel in Heaven. During the war between Heaven, and Hell he had slain hundreds, thousands of demons who tried to slander Heaven's domain.. Years later after Hell had taken over the divination in the sky, God, was imprisoned in the fiery pits of Hell, while the Angels were tortured, raped, and killed by Lucifer himself.

Xander was forced out of Heaven before its destruction, by his father Samael Catastrophe, who had given him one order: "Avenge Heaven.. Resurrect God."

Xander is a well defined, and overall handsome young-man. He possesses a medium length head of greyish blonde hair, and is rather tall standing at an astonishing 6'1. Xander also carries a ceremonial mace (half mace - half staff) to smite evil, and the original holy bible.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/628cbc93dc1fbd8e1324822910c1f04e.jpg.82608006b6a61b0546de5dbb947394b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/628cbc93dc1fbd8e1324822910c1f04e.jpg.82608006b6a61b0546de5dbb947394b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Xander Catastrophe]
Name: Xander Catastrophe
Age: 20

Race: Ex-Angel

Basic Abilities: High-Intelligence, Unrivaled-Skill with the Ceremonial Mace, Abnormal Reaction Speed/Agility

Powers: The Holy Divinity; Xander can summon anything within the Holy Bible upon iteration of biblical segments.

Personality: Xander Catastrophe is a stoic, quiet person, who is highly religious in the aspect of Christianity. He does not become attached to easy, often preferring to distance himself from the overall population however, upon attachment, his love for those he cares about is stronger than any other, he would go through the depths of hell for the ones he loves.

Character flaw or weakness: Demons.. He will not.. Cannot stop fighting until all the demonic beings in the vicinity are vanquished. Even if on his death-bed Xander will vanquish evil.

Romantic inclination: Straight

Short bio: Xander Catastrophe once upon-a-time was an Angel in Heaven. During the war between Heaven, and Hell he had slain hundreds, thousands of demons who tried to slander Heaven's domain.. Years later after Hell had taken over the divination in the sky, God, was imprisoned in the fiery pits of Hell, while the Angels were tortured, raped, and killed by Lucifer himself.

Xander was forced out of Heaven before its destruction, by his father Samael Catastrophe, who had given him one order: "Avenge Heaven.. Resurrect God."

Appearance: Xander is a well defined, and overall handsome young-man. He possesses a medium length head of greyish blonde hair, and is rather tall standing at an astonishing 6'1. Xander also carries a ceremonial mace (half mace - half staff) to smite evil, and the original holy bible.

View attachment 135906

Good profile, but it shows me you did not read the rules. I am also not able to accept new characters right at this time, but I would be happy to put your name on the wait list of you like.

SilverFlight said:
Good profile, but it shows me you did not read the rules. I am also not able to accept new characters right at this time, but I would be happy to put your name on the wait list of you like.
I'm an ex-angel. But sure.
Angels aren't supposed to exist in the human world or FableWood so that's why he's saying it's not allowed. This is mentioned in the rules. If you want to make a human then just make him a human.
(I'm making this on a phone so it might be a bit short. I read the rules but I'm not exactly sure whether a Phoenix, though this one's not immortal, is allowed.)

Name: Sotyolos (means white flame)

Age: Unknown. From the way he tends to call others 'young ones', he is most likely very ancient. He appears to be 20 in his human form.

Race: Phoenix (white fire). Sotyolos is NOT immortal, but instead ages very, very slowly, that it almost seems like he doesn't age at all.

Powers and abilities:

-Fire manipulation, rather simple. This is one of Sotyolos' most important abilities as it allows him to lower his fire's temperature to get close to things without completely burning or melting them with his heat unintentionally as he is made of white fire.

-Fast regeneration of wounds.

-Extremely fast and agile. This is most likely his most useful ability since it allows him to avoid being hit as he does not have much endurance.

Personality: Sotyolos is very patient and it is very noticeable that time seems to travel rather fast for him. He is very knowledgable of Fablewood and is very intelligent, like all other Phoenix. Although he is mostly kind, he is also a bit cruel, burning creatures that threaten to kill the residents of Fablewood or those who provoke him alive or at least leaving them with some very painful burns. He is quite curious and loves reading.

Character flaw or weakness:

-Weak to water. Though small drops will merely sting him while he is in his Phoenix form, large amount of water will greatly harm him and can possibly kill him.

-Not as powerful without his speed and has low endurance.

-Very easy to spot when in Phoenix form.

Romantic inclination: Hetero-sexual

Short bio: Sotyolos is among the oldest residents of Fablewood and spends of of his time in the Whispering Isles where he has his library, a collection of books of which he always tries to add more to. He is well known since whenever he flies in Phoenix form, his white fire is intensely bright, making him visible from miles away. He has been searching for humans as soon as he had learned of the strange devices they often carried with them to Fablewood. His library is nearly always open of one can find and reach it.

Appearance: (just imagine the second and third ones with white fire instead of blue and red/orange)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.75a52a41bea1a93d73440a370873700c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.75a52a41bea1a93d73440a370873700c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.4a0cccec5c7c8dd0518583402beb59de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.4a0cccec5c7c8dd0518583402beb59de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.2b33e50f060e386c9514f17d46cb9948.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.2b33e50f060e386c9514f17d46cb9948.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.e844144ea30c7fec1281cf830916d9f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59978" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.e844144ea30c7fec1281cf830916d9f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.d360f6ddcf88d8e67772300e7959c620.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.d360f6ddcf88d8e67772300e7959c620.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Verdas I like the profile. Accepted, the only thing: this phoenix's library can't be the one I mentioned in the thread. That is a very special library with very special rules :)

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