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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

At first Nyr did not even notice Leo as he entered the library. Books lied scattered near the dread raven who was desperately searching for something in the ancient texts but to no avail. Her eyes were wide from fear and desperation and in her zealousness she threw books everywhere when she found nothing in them.

" No no no no... " she whispered to herself, throwing away yet an another text. Not now not yet, she can not be a liability right now.

Hearing the deep voice of the forest guardian made her jump and screech a bit. Her heart was pounding in surprise but she tried to act cool.

" Leo! What a pleasant surprise. " she said, trying to regain her composure " I hope you feel better? You were really heroic back there. "
Alexander watched her, and brought her hand to his lips, kissing it gently. 'Quincy, this isn't your fault. It was a battle, injuries happen in battle. Thank you for staying here with me.' He thought to her, forgetting that others find mental intrusions rude. He usually didn't listen to peoples minds because of that, but he seemed more in tune with Quincy's mind, he found it hard not to listen to hers. He also didn't like the bits he couldn't help but overhear. He didn't know what exactly she thought was her fault. But he could hear that much.
The kelpie jumped in surprise at his movement, having been caught up in her whirling thoughts and swept away. The pull on her hand brought her back to his presence, just in time for another sweet gesture. Her usually cool cheeks turned hot as soon as his lips brushed her hand, and she knew her ears were red. The only sign of surprise at his voice in her head was a few rapid blinks of her grayish eyes. 'I forgot you could do that.' She thought back, looking down at her lap. 'I shouldnt have jumped off. I got scared by the dragons, and left you to fend for yourself. You would be much less hurt if I had stayed. I was a coward, and I still am. But I wont abandon you again.' Her eyes stayed resolutely down, and she was grateful for the silent communication; her voice would have wavered out loud.
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'Don't worry, either way it's too late now. What's done is done, and being fixed. I don't blame you, and you shouldn't either.' He thought to her, watching her as he did. He liked that he could make her blush with a small kiss, it was nice, and the blush was cute on her cheeks and ears.

(Sorry, short post is short.)
((Daw! I'm dying of cuteness again. Alex and Quincy :3))

Alta looked surprised at Luness' question, then she threw back her head and laughed. A soft, weathered sound that had not been heard in a very long time. It was in no way mocking or cruel, but full of amusement. Her eyes still glittered with laughter as she spoke:

"I was den nurse to my pack, those pups weren't mine but I was mother enough to them. Indeed I wasn't blood to any of the wolves there...but they were my family. As your father's pack is yours now, or will be soon enough."

Achyls watched confused as the strange lion man rush past her. She remained fixed in the centre of the cold though, as if waiting for something to happen that was out of the ordinary.

After time, she found herself sat cross legged on the floor, anticipating something, anything.
Startled himself by Nyrs abruptness, Leo jumped a little when the girl accknowlaged his pressence. He looked around at the books scattered around her. "Not finding anything good to read i wager?" He could practicly feel her heart beat it was so loud, and the perfume of fear that lofted in the library was thick. Leo made his way over to Nyr and picked up a smaller book. Flipping through its contents he sat in a chair opposite Nyr "I heared your shreak from the garden. Is everything ok? You seem, different than before."
Quincy raised her eyes to his, analyzing his expression before allowing her own to relax. A whisper of a smile came to her lips, as a fainter blush spread across her face. 'Easier said than done. But for you, I will try.' She replied, glancing at the mage as he worked, frowning at the sight of his tattered wings. 'You haven't eaten yet, want something?' As she thought it, she absently reached up and rearranged his scarf, putting it back in its usual orderly state. It was more to comfort herself than to benefit him. She felt completely helpless, but if she was taking care of him, at least she had some purpose.
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Drops of sweat appeared on the dread raven's forehead as she tried to smile at Leo. He was so kind and understanding most of the time - but was also always seeking the truth. She could not tell this to him, not now when they were just through a long and tiresome siege.

" I am completely fine! " she lied, still trying to calm down her beating heart to no avail " I have never been better. You know these books... old fairy tales, nothing serious to read. I was searching for... "

She felt her right hand humming with the faint white light, making her mind fight the sensation again. Yelling internally she quickly hid her ominous hand, trying to guise the issue from the stalwart guardian.

" I hope you feel fine. " she said, trying to take his attention elsewhere " You were really heroic during the siege. If not for you we would have died for sure! "

In the meantime a gust of strange wind entered the palace, bathed in moonlight even though it was still sunny outside. The wind took the shape of a girl with the glowing moon as her eyes and flew across the hall, searching for her target. She then noticed a strange, raven like girl sitting in the middle of the hall and she playfully flew around her, laughing and mischievously playing with her hand. Then the entity eyed the girl curiously.
Leo watched near. Her heart beat irregular, the slight tremble, beads of sweat, even ablind man could tell there was something wrong. he stiffened as he closed the book and layed it on a small end table. He sat his elbows on his knees and looked over Nyr. "I know that you and I are not as close in bond as some of the others. For that i blame myself. But i do want everyone to feel that they can rely on me when they need help. Now.....more than ever." He hopped that she would feel the senserity of his words, and would reveal her thoughts to him.
Nyr sighed as she felt the light from her hand dim and could breathe normally. It pained her that Leo blamed himself in a matter like this but she knew it was at least partially true that they were not so close. She respected the guardian very much... but was unsure whether she wanted to reveal everything she knew.

" It is not because of the lack of trust, Leo. " she said finally after finding the right words. " I respect you and I trust you - I would follow you wherever you would lead me and trust every single word you say - be it a secret or a command, it matters not. " she paused for a bit. She wanted to tell him... but how could she?

Sighing heavily she looked at the lion, sadly.

" I wanted to spare everything from you - all of you. " she said quietly even though they were alone " I have had some... issues lately. "

She leaned closer to him and grabbed his hands.

" I can tell you if you really wish to know... but you have to promise me to keep this as a secret... from everyone. " She looked very serious.
Achyls stared at the entity, confusion and trepidation mixing into a cacophony of strangeness inside her. She stood up and drew back from the illusion, but all it did was follow her wherever she went.

"Who are you?" she questioned assertively, taking a frightful step towards the entity. Her heart was racing, wondering what this ghost-like being could possibly be.
Leo listend to her words and smiled at her. "I will tell no soul as long as that is your wish my friend." He ment it. If there was one thing Leo prided himself above all else, it was that he was a Guardian of his word, and would keep any promise till the day he died.

((sorry for the short post. :( ))
With a heavy heart Nyr looked at Leo.

" I... " she started but her voice died away. " I have an affliction. I always had, but now that my father reassured me who I am and the darkness has awakened it got more complicated. "

She looked at him with sad eyes.

" As much as I deny it I am a creature of darkness. There is nothing I can do about it, this is my heritage. But I also embrace the glory of Mother Moon, her soothing, revitalizing light. However, since darkness and light are sworn enemies it makes everything - especially the healing - difficult. "

She opened the book before her.

" Every time I heal, every time I close a wound pain immeasurable burns my body from within. The greater the heal the more painful the effect is since the darkness battles with the light constantly. " she paused for a moment " I know the risks and for my allies I would do anything - when I meant that I would sacrifice my own being I was literal. "

" Curious... " said the wind creature-girl as she observed Achyls " You are a creature of darkness - yet light burns bright within you. You are different... but you are not the one I was meant to find. " she looked around.

" Tell me, dark-light creature: where do I find the one who burns her souls to soothe others? "
The witch looked at the girl, stunned.

"Nyr? I do not know. I heard screaming and came here, to find...you," Achyls stated, staring intently at the wind-girl.

"What are you?"

From the looks of her, she was otherworldly, and shone with a moonlit glow. She was fascinating, but not to be trusted. Achyls got to her feet and stared down the girl whose mischievous actions were now troubling her.
" That is exactly what I wish to know. " the wind creature said " I am salvation. I am grace. I am peace. Yet I am none of the above. " she said then looking at Achyls it took her form to look more human like.

" I was called her - a distress call. I feared the worst... I only knew that I need to come. " she looked at her more closely " Are you an ally of the one I was told to find? A friend maybe? "
Leo slowly sat bakwards as Nyr revealed her troubles to him. The more she told, the more he understood and began to sympathise with her. When she finally finished he sat and contemplated her words. Finally he lifted himself from the seat and walked over to a larger shelf. He looked around for a few minuets until he reached and grabbed a large book and began to flip through the pages. He found what he was looking for and walked over to the table, placing the book infront of Nyr. On the page, a very lean and savage; spotted version of Leo sat in a frammed picture with the word "Panthera" across the top. He starred down at the page "I am not sure what you know about the Panthera's of Fablewood. They are a savage, cruel, and bloodthirsty race. They live in small tribes that are constantly at war with each other. The only reason i am not among their ranks, is cause at a young age my master took me from my mothers bossom and purged my races darkness from my heart." He sat back down in the chair and turned back to Nyr "Many of us, are creatures of darkness that have had to overcome that part of our lives. It can make alot of our lives difficult" He looked around and grabbed a book on the history of the elves and their healing techniques. "This problem you are having with the healing destroying you, we can figure out a way to keep anymore damage to comming to you. We just need to find a solution in this library." He flipped through the pages, eyeing each page heavily looking for any answer he could find.[/color]
Nyr was surprised how determined Leo was and how eager he was to help her. But she knew that the old warrior also had burdens of his own.

" You are too kind, Leo. " she said as she walked up to him, sitting down beside him " But I am not blind either. I see that you are troubled as well... my burdens are mine for a reason: it is a plight I must bear. Believe me that I did not regret anything I have done - and I do not wish to take my issue this seriously when you have your own to fight. "

She looked in his wise eyes.

" I have sworn to protect you - to protect all of us, and I am well aware of the risks. Know that you have my undying faith in you. "

Her hands started to glow with soothing white light as she channeled a bit of her power to him and she hissed silently
Luness blinked in surprise at Alta's reaction and then jumped to her feet when Alta began laughing, having rarely heard such a noise from someone before.

Furrowing her brows and frowning slightly, Luness said, "I don't understand what's so funny."

Hearing the mention of family again and her pack, Luness cocked her head to the side and then said, "They're my pack now and they loyally follow me without question."

Pausing, Luness then uncertainly added, "Does that mean they're my family as well?"

Leo smiled as she talked. To hear such words come from one of his team members made his heart swell. Once he felt her energy touch him, he returned her gesture to her and felt his own energy touch the part of her that was being torn apart by her own abilities. "I am eternaly greatful to you for everything you have done for this group. The burden you bear I will gladly bear along with you, along with any other burden the others have or my own." He flipped a few more pages and skimmed through the pages before shutting the book and stroking his main under his jaw line. "My own healing abilities can help releave the strees you put on yourself when healing is needed. I might be able to heal the parts of you that are harmed as well, however i have never done healing on a spiritual level. Infact, it may even require another who is touched by Mother Moon aswell as yourself. The forest spirits power might not meld with light energy like the moons." He continued to stroke his mane as he pondered his thoughts.
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Alone, Ashley settled in for a nice long nap. God, why did pregnancy have to take such a toll on you, she thought. As she went into a bedroom to go take a nap, she fell asleep almost immediately. She would begin having nightmares about losing her baby...about an hour later, she woke up screaming at the top of her lungs.
Elena did not go to bed that night. Though she should have and she should also have been reassured by what Leo and Ward said about her fear. And she was for a moment. The more she thought about it though, she less she could ignore the lesson she got from it. They needed to be ready. Something horrible felt close... But she wasn't Anya. She couldn't be sure.

Instead of resting up or visiting the others, she worked hard on exercising her powers and repairing the city more. She helped the family the saw lift up their collapsed house before. It pained her, thinking about how that scenario played out.

She left her hide out from behind the rubble as she watched the two families and their children passing by, children happy, parents somber.

She approached and smiled at them shyly, and they stopped meaningfully in front of a large demolished building. They looked to Elena with widened eyes and nervous smiles as well, thanking her for her help, while Elena shook her head and said she didn't do enough.

The winged 14 or 15 year old son of one family came up to her and scowled.

"Then why didn't you do enough?" He asked with a blunt tone Elena feared.

"I thought you were all strong enough, but now our homes gone."

Elena remember vaguely apologizing to the adults embarrassment and lifting the house, fixing it for them and leading them through to gather belongings and making sure her repair job was good.

Now she was continuing her work, but sitting down and reflecting.
"I suppose you could say that," Achyls mumbled, shivering. The chill the girl gave off was staggeringly cold. She took a few steps back as if to not show weakness in her face.

"Though, as I said before, I know not where she is, so you may be on your way," she commanded, hostility creeping up on her. She could not believe a word of it. To her, salvation took many shapes, but never spoke, never showed its face. Her white eyes flashed black as she said this, the fear and anger culminating, but she didn't understand why.
Nyr's eyes widened in surprise.

" You may be right... " she said, looking at him " But why don't we ask Mother Moon herself personally? " she said, smiling at the leonine figure " Of course only when all this is over and we have the time to breathe... I am sure that Mother will be delighted to welcome a wise, honorable guardian like you! She respects one thing above all: being trustworthy. You have never betrayed your word, have always been beside us and never lied. She would be honored to meet you. "

She quickly realized how overzealous this idea was and shook her head as she blushed in shame.

" Of course only if you want it too, that is. I don't want to push you into anything. "

The creature was taken by surprise by the sudden hostile voice of Achyls and did not move.

" You seem to be angry with me. But why? " she asked suddenly, her windy image twisting around in the air while she spoke " Do... you need help as well, dark-light creature? Does your soul also require mending? "

She stepped closer to her as she tried to sense her pain.
Leo had heard Nyr talk about Mother Moon before, but had never met the spirit himself. It wasnt until she began to talk about trust worthiness that Leo stiffened a bit more. He stood once again as Nyr finished and returned once again to the bookshelves. He turned back to her with a smile his one good eye squinted at her "Possibly, when we have a bit more free time it would be a good chance for you to visit The Moon. I will be happy to acompany you if you would like me too. " Leo looked up and down the shelves before returning empty handed.

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