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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr tried to soothe Achyls, putting her hand comfortingly on her shoulder. She was about to say something when she felt the power again. She quickly removed her hand from her shoulder and took a step backwards. Trying to still see the princess she found a spot comfortable and shady and the power receded. But she felt that the more she resisted it the harder it became. Still she listened intently what the princess had to say.
Achyls rolled her eyes, obviously pained in her presence. Upon feeling Nyr's reaction, she knew she had to be civil. She closed her eyes and forced an apology.

"I am sorry...please, what is it we must do?" she asked, quietly, almost a whisper. Her cheeks felt hot and nose was stinging. She did not want to show emotion here. Achyls straightened up, back still turned to the Princess, fearing for her future from the events of the past.
Quincy remained respectfully quiet, noting the salve was for pain and keeping that back in their mind; she didnt trust that he would use it when he needed too. She followed along as if it was her down duty, keeping a companionable silence. The air in the hall was tense, mostly out of anxiousness, but there seemed to be some kind of situation between the unfamiliar girl who had been saved during the battle and the princess, which of course drew in Ward, which would draw in Elena and the rest. The corner of her mouth twitched, a motion akin to a nervous flick of an equine ear.

((Game day, will be back later))
((Sorry sorry, being an adult with an adult job can get in the way of my inner creativness sometimes.))

Leo followed Nyr into the large hall and saw the rest of his company seated around. He tried to find Banba and the new girl he had met earlier but they were no where to be seen. He chalked Banba's absence to the fact that the guards would have to find the slippery little lizard before they could tell her where to meet. He eyed the room and saw the door at the back of the grand hall begin to open slowly. He took a few steps forward and hesitated. Shaking his head slightly he continued on until he was in front of everyone but quickly made a few steps to the side as to not stand in the center. That place belonged to the fair madden that approached through the now open door.

Princess Briar stepped out of the door frame in a very simple, yet elegant dress. She had since returned her armor to Trindle for repair and was now in something less formal, but still beautiful for a princess. Her eyes carried weariness with them, along side the sadness that was obvious from the past few days. Although when she looked at her hero's, it was hard to notice such things behind her stern and determined Princess demeanor. She seemingly glided across the floor and stopped a few feet from the group. She held out her arms and began "Welcome, my champions. I can not even begin to tell you all how much you mean to Branbern and all its inhabitants this evening. Each and everyone of you showed dedication and power ,the likes of which i have never seen, that can only be possibly through your combined efforts and friendships. We live to see this day thanks to all of your efforts." She beamed down at each and every one of them as she spoke. But after her words ended, her expression changed to a more worrisome one "However, i have received my final reports from the scouts on the accounts of the castle and the toll the battle took on it. Branbern is no longer fit to be your safe haven." She struggled to force the words out. "The damage was so extensive that the castle will take a long time to rebuild to the point that will be safe once again. Time that our human friends can not spend in possible danger should another attack come. That is why it is with a heavy heart i have arranged for you all to be relocated to a neighboring country that is in dire need of your assistance" She could feel their protest before she had even finished the sentence. "I am aware of your intentions and how you all want to help, but the best thing right now is to make sure that the humans stay safe and are well looked after. Leaving Branbern will through Caraboss off your trail for a time and that is time you can use to help the people of fablewood as much as you can." She was firm and absolute in her decision. She took a breathe and then returned her smile to them. "I am sure some of you have seen the portal in the garden. I have arranged for it to be left open until you all are on the other side safely. After that, your guide will lead you to your next destination." She turned and placed a hand on Leo's arm.

Leo was nearly completely separated from the world during the princess's speech. It wasn't until she touched his arm that he snapped back to reality and looked down at her with a shaky smile. He stepped forward and peered around the room at the other.
"We are going to be traveling to a part of Fablewood that i spent many years adventuring in during my younger days. Once we are through the portal, we are to find the castles Wizard. He will be able to help us before we set up on the next leg of the journey. I wish we had more time to fully rest up and make preperations, but we are in dire need to get Ward moving to counteract the poison he has been afflicted with. Take a few min to get food and your gear and meet in the garden within the hour. Content with the information Leo presented, Briar began to head for the entrance to the hall. She opened the door revealing several servants with plates of food for them to grab quick energy from before heading for the garden. Leo wasted no time and headed for the doors as well. As he exited the grand hall, he saw the dwarf Trindle exiting the hallway leading to the infirmary. The dwarf grabbed a large bag from beside a pillar and made a b-line straight for Leo. He tossed the bag to him and continued on his way towards his forge "Try not to break them." Leo opened the bag and smiled. As he continued on towards the portal, he applied the new pieces of armor to his forearms, thighs and ankles. As well as his new dual axes in their respective homes on his belt and his sword behind his back. when he finally arrived at the portal, he breathed in and waited for the other.

((Leo is going through the portal last. Everyone else make a portal jump in a post and then once everyone is done ill post the new area.))
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When servants brought in more food, Ashley was very happy. She hasn't really gotten the chance to a full-course meal in a while and it didn't help that she was very hungry. However, most of the nutrients from the food would go to her baby, which she preferred because she wanted to have a healthy child, above anything else. Hopefully there were good nannies in the Castle because Mommy will probably be busy out adventuring so she could provide for her child once she is born. "The Princess is very generous. Thankfully we'll have the chance to rest. But right now...I'm not so sure..." Ashley expressed doubt on resting, considering she had a bad dream earlier today.
(Whoa, howsabout we go now? We're all waiting here to go :P plus Ward would only have 12 hours left to find a cure for the poison if we wait another day. ))
When the others had gotten to eating, she took Briar to one side. Achyls finally looked at the Princess, disgusted. Her eyes had a dark shadow to them.

"You cannot expect us to give up all we have known?!" she snapped, concerned about leaving everything behind, even for a short while. "What are you to dictate what is safe? You do not live how we do,". She was obviously getting riled up, the mere sight of Briar was intimidating and angering her.

"I know what you royals have done...tearing families apart," she whispered, glaring like death at the Princess.

Alexander was fine with the silence, as they walked. As they entered the hall, he remained quiet through the whole of their speeches. It seemed they were off again, he really didn't like all of these portals, though he did have to agree with the princess that Branburn was no longer safe in it's current condition. After all was said and done, Alexander simply turned to quincy and said, "Well... we have until tomorrow before leaving on another journey... through another blasted portal... What should we do until then?" As he spoke, he succumbed to the temptation of the food- he was quite hungry between the battle and the healing. In a fairly short amount of time, Alexander had consumed nearly half of one of the trays of food. He forced himself to stop there, however, knowing that others will want food too.

Anya listened to all that was said and sighed a little, a bit sad that their time at Branburn had come to an end for reasons that were so far from pleasant. She really wished that they were leaving sooner, though, as she was well rested and eager to get something- anything accomplished.
Briar looked at Achyls calmly, but beyond her serene expression there was a cold stare. Briar had given everything she had ever loved to save FableWood. August, her dear friend was dead, Fior she had nearly lost forever and now she had to send Ward, a true friend and loyal guardian away. This newcomer had crossed a line.

"We?" Briar asked. The usual warmth in her tone was gone.

"I do not know you, nor do I expect anything from you, let alone for you to understand the decisions I make. You group yourself with these brave heroes yet you know nothing about them. So before you judge me, or my actions perhaps you should ask them for yourself."

((I'm a little confused @SkywardSocks are you staring down the princess or eating with Ashley? Just so you know you cannot control Briar, that's godmodding, Crooked had special permission.))

Ward remained silent, but his disapproving stare was message enough. "Princess Briar, please show us to the portal."

Briar nodded and lead the way. The gardens were beautiful, bathed in golden twilight. Even from a distance Ward could hear the rough roar of the whirlwind. When they reached it however he was even more in awe. The tower of wind rose well into the clouds, oddly enough even if one stood just before it there wasn't a hint of a gust. The wind was contained in the vast pillar vortex. Ward swallowed nervously, but it was nothing compared to the sheer terror etched on Leia's face.
(( sorry, Crooked said I had to ))

(( I'll edit my post ))

Achyls scoffed at Briar's remark, but begrudgingly followed, staying near to the back of the group. She had no desire to leave Branburn, but for the safety of herself and the company, she followed orders. At the sight of the vortex, her hands started to shake, it truly was a monumental fete of arcane engineering. She forced a stern expression, though feared the outcome of this expedition. Achyls looked around for Nyr, hoping to find comfort beside a friend.
Elena frowned deeply, unsure of what to say. She could offer to help rebuild, or try to persuade briar that they are needed here, but thinking about that family she helped, she realized it would only be selfish. And leaving, she would like to do so as soon as possible for wards sake and for her own sanity. Down time would be the best cure for her slowly gathering exhaustion, but time was of the essence. She nodded in agreement with Ward and followed the princess to the gardens. She looked in awe at the wind vortex and with concern to Ward and the others. Sighing, she figured now was the time to ask Briar.

"Princess briar.." She bowed her head in polite and respectful recognition.

"Before we take our leave, I wish to ask you. I would like to stay in Fablewood when all is over. I will do my best to serve you or anyone else of whom you request, if you allow me to. Nothing awaits me at my home, but here I might have someone- or I mean something to call me own."

She said with a quiet voice, careful with her words yet meaningful.

"Forgive me for being selfish."
Luness begrudgingly followed after the group after Briar and Leo finished explaining everything. The group had been oh so helpful in explaining things to Luness...not.

Sighing, she remained on all fours and padded after the group to the gardens, subconsciously wondering where Alta had wandered off to. Upon seeing the vortex, Luness' heart skipped a beat and she immediately took a step backwards. There was no way that Luness was willingly climbing into that massive wind, death trap.

Narrowing her eyes, Luness wondered if now would be a good time to excuse herself to check on Falarion. She really wasn't looking forward to any adventure through that thing.
Briar smiled fondly at Elena, though her expression betrayed sadness too.

"Elena, it fills me with joy to know you have found a place here. The spell we used to bring you here however was binding only until the threat to FableWood was done. I cannot truly say what will happen after we overcome this evil."

Ward's heart lifted as Elena made her request, but upon hearing Briar's reply he was a little crestfallen, still, there was hope. The spell had never been cast before, so perhaps it would not send the humans back? There was just no way of knowing. Regardless they had a rather much taller, windier problem at the moment.

"The whirlwind will not harm you. Step into it and you will be taken to a far away land, there at least the evil that attacked us here has not touched in a long time."

Ward held Elena's hand a little more tightly. He nodded to her, ready to jump.

Leia backed away. "T-there's just no way...I can't do this!" her one solid fear, to be thrown up uncontrolled into the air and left to fall to who knows where. Leia couldn't bring herself to do it.

"There's another way right? Please tell me this isn't the only way!"

@KattRai @Shimakage Thunder

((I really have to go soon, Crooked, could you handle the description of the new location? I'll pick it up tomorrow with y'all))
(( This is still while eating the feast, sorry for the delay ))

Nyr barely touched her food, her head was flooding. She needed to meditate before they were to set off so she apologized.

" I have to... retreat for a moment. I will be ready when we are ready to go. " she said and pushing her plate away she hurried out of the room and from the castle. She ran to a shady spot outside and sat down. The air around her shifted unsteadily as she closed her eyes to face her inner demons.

She saw the strange white figure standing in front of her in her mind. They eyed each other and then they clashed together. Their forces met in a cascade of shadow and light, battling like there was no tomorrow. She felt her power waning, but so did the other one fade. They both stopped and collapsed at the ground - they have managed to make an equilibrium, a balance for now.

She opened her eyes and knew that the peace was temporarily restored. She now felt thirsty and hungry, only now feeling the lack of sustenance after all this. She wanted to stand up but her legs disobeyed her and she fell down at the ground. Without the power to walk she just leaned down, hoping to regain some strength.

" At least... I will not be... a threat to us all... " she said as the pain lulled her into sleep.
Elena was first pleased to know briar had no personal qualms with her request, though it broke her heart to know the Princess couldn't keep her here. She looked to everyone with a saddened expression and fought back a few tears, shaking her head. Her grip on Wards hand tightened.

"Thank you. I hope I can stay but I suppose it's out of my own control." She replied. Her tone was distant and polite, and her attention was drawn back to the whirl wind portal. It wasn't so scary anymore. Earth was worse than anything here. She held wards hand tight and jumped into the portal.
Ashley just sighed. But it was more of her child that she was worried about. The Whirl Wind Portal didn't really frighten her all that much. Quietly, she walked in through the portal. With her eyes closed. Hopefully no arm would come to her or any of the sort. It would be horrible for it to happen now. Hopefully soon, a cure could be found for Ward's condition otherwise, things would look bad.

(Pretty sure she isn't the last one to jump through.)
Luness watched as everyone began to enter the whirlwind and silently cursed at herself before closing her eyes and sprinting into the portal, figuring that it'd be easier to deal with if she couldn't see what was happening.
Mary had been outside near the gardens resting from the battle. Ever absent-minded, she had been braiding grass blades and flower stems together passing her time. As she was resting and fiddling around, she noticed her friends beginning to assemble inside the gardens. She followed them, listening and was excited to learn that their next adventure lie at the other side of the whirlwind portal that she had seen earlier. She watched as a few others entered the portal, and when her turn came she skipped towards the portal and jumped right in.
Banba had forgotten all about her companionship with Leo, chasing the birds this way and that. When she spotted some odd fruit, she b lined to it, picking off the bush and sniffing it. She stared at it suspiciously. It was as big as an apple, purple in colour and felt very moist. then, all at once, she shove the entire fruit into her mouth, chewing a few times but swallowing it mostly unchewed. Banba sat a few moments longer, staring in front of her, into the leaves of the bush. With one shiver, starting with her head and ending at the tips of her toes, her scales stood on end before falling back into place.

"That was not hot." She murmured, rubbing her nose. A branch snapped behind her and she turned, seeing a hound dog in a waistcoat.

"You're way too hard to track." He said in a low, slow drawl of a voice. "But the princess wishes to meet with you, if they haven't already left." Before he was finished his sentence, Banba was in the bush, hissing at the dog.

"I will not be washed!" She shrieked, lips pulled back from teeth. "The water is not for me!"

"No. Portal. The heroes are headed through one." But banba was gone, over the hedges and through the garden, and for the first time she noticed a cyclone. Gaining speed and loudness of giggling, she barreled through the group and straight into the whirlwind, making it poof out from the movement.
Quincy was glad to see Alexander eating with his usual appetite, devouring almost a whole tray in the time it took her to find something she wanted. She was still wearing the light breastplate, and had decided to keep it on; it didnt hinder her but would protect her most vital organs. Her bow and quiver hadny left her, so she had no need to collect her things. She munched contentedly on little cakes and other sweets, breaking it up with bits of meat. With Alexander beside her in better condition and a new quest before them, she was able to ignore the glares from across the great hall, coming from Tharon and a few other familiar elvish faces. She was glad to be leaving Branburn while the elves remained- she wouldnt sleep well with an armed Tharon so nearby. As the others began to leave, she looked to Alexander. 'Time to go.' She thought to him, finding it much easier than speaking. When he was ready, she went to the garden, looking at the windy portal doubtfully before preparing herself for the jump.

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Nyr's eyes popped open as she wake from her painful slumber.

" It is time. " she whispered a she stood up and headed to the place where they needed to meet. Seeing that most of her allies were gone already she knew that she will be the next to enter the whirlwind to be transported to their destination. She looked around, spotting Leo contemplating on something. Despite her better judgement she left him alone to think about everything he needed to and faced the mystical gateway.

" May Mother Moon guide us all. " she muttered to herself as she took a step forward. Soon enough the roaring winds consumed her body as she saw the beautiful city of Branbern vanish from her sight. Closing her eyes she surrendered herself to the gale winds, allowing them to carry her towards her destination. Wherever they needed to go she was ready and the alien power within her slept dormant... for now.
Leia opened her eyes. She was lying on hard stone, which was funny, because the garden was carpeted in thick grass. Suddenly she realized there wasn't any garden, but high walls..and they were made almost entirely of a beautiful green crystal. Ward was looking over her with a worried expression. He wore his usual brown sleeveless long coat, the one with the gold trim. There was no sign of any sort of wind, let alone the torrent that had been in front of her what seemed like moments before.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You fell unconscious when in the whirlwind, are you feeling alright?" She sat up and rubbed her head groggily. So she had jumped then? That seemed unlike her.

The portal had not been nearly as violent as it looked, Ward likened it nearly to flying. They were set down gently in the entry courtyard of a great palace made of the same green stone, which seemed for now to be deserted. The crystal filtered the fading sunlight, making nearly everything appear green, but the carvings were so intricate and beautiful he found himself captured by their beauty for quite a few moments. With the greatest show of will Ward was able to tear his gaze away. Cautious of the stone's effect on him.

The walls were lined with quaint green trees in pots and stretching down the center of the courtyard was a green velvet carpet, which lead straight to a high gilded door.

"They certainly like the colour green here." Leia said as Ward helped her to her feet. She wandered over to a section of all that dipped elegantly, offering her a view beyond the courtyard and she gasped at what she saw. It wasn't just a palace but a city! An entire city made of greed stone. She checked the large double doors that would lead to it only to find they had been bolted fast. There was no going into the city this way.

Ward made rounds to check on all his friends who had come through now, making sure they were unhurt and mostly unshaken. Once he was sure they were in good condition he turned to Leo. "I couldn't help but notice you seemed to know more about this place than the rest of us...why is that?"


((I'll just set it up so people can start exploring a little until we get there))
When Ashley exited the portal, the grass broke her fall. She sighed as she got up and found herself surrounded by grass and stone before rejoining her companions. Seeing that they were in a totally different place, Ashley was a bit anxious. For the most part, she was holding her back, despite carrying a Quiver full of arrows and a fairly large bow. She sighed as she looked around. "This place is so...Pretty." She said in a soft spoken voice before looking down at her belly, holding it. "You'd really appreciate it, wouldn't you, sweetie? Because Mommy really does." She mused, talking to her little one.

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